The part where the song says "your words have never left me" and then Lana's VOs of "I love you, Lex" and "I believe in you." GAAAAAHHHHH. Just had to add that.
the way he wraps his arms around her! And they're both survivors! Your voiceovers are PERFECT!! This ship is PERFECT. WOW. I love your use of black and white as well! Dude. You are the greatest. THEIR FIRST REAL KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. *SCREAMS* I'M SORRY, I'M DYING RIGHT NOW LMAO. OH MY GOD. You did not end it there!! That's perfect, but now I'm sad ;___; In the best way!! That scene is flawless, she looks so hurt and almost like
"FINALLY!" And, what shits me to tears is that Lana and Clark were never meant to end up together, so bringing them back together post season six annoyed me. They should have been way more creative in their approach to having that feud between Clark and Lex, rather than have Lana serve as a wedge between them, especially when the two did get together, it was like "whoa, I didn't SEE that coming, but it makes perfect sense if you REALLY think about it." Their chemistry was insane, and you-
(Part 3) I love your lyric matching...and everything about this was so epic. The way you matched the dream in 5x09 "Lexmas" with his voiceover about it in 5x11 "Lockdown", the interesting parallel with both of them being murderers (in a way, even if Lana wasn't really herself when that happened) and feeling horrified by the whole "blood on their hands" feeling with the perfect voiceover, the "snap me in two" match with when he hit her, the end with the fire going out & Lex's sincere "I'm sorry!" much I adore you showing so many shots of Lana where she is a WOMAN and not the high school cheerleader. 1:23 --- what a beautiful shot of her, I don't even remember that one, but that one was thing you and I loved about what happened to her with Lex. Lex loved the woman she was, the woman she wanted to be but was afraid to express, and Clark loved the made up vision of her in his mind, a teenage princess. So the scenes you choose for her are womanly, and stunning. The dynamic...
she wants him to come back...Ugh. Ashley. This is a masterpiece. I don't know. This is the greatest thing you've ever done. I can't say anything else. How are you this talented? How did I luck out by getting to be friends with you? I thank the stars every day. I love you so much, you have no idea...THANK YOUUU!!!!!!! *CLINGS TO YOU* *SOBS*
next to her, like he's always with her and supporting her in some way. Hehe, Wither :D I knewwww you were gonna do that lol!! Flawless flawlessness!! "Looks like we've been abandoned" "Story of my life"!! Awww! I love this, the way they connect through Clark's douchebaggery!! I love the quotes showing how Lana supported Lex - He put his faith in her, and vice versa, and that's what I love about them!!
(9) "theres an end and a beginning" That is one of my favorite parallels its so perfect and with that line even more so!! I love Lana laying in Lexs arms its just the most perfect shot ever its like my Cangel family shot I just ugh I would end every video with it if I could just like HERE HAVE SOME PERFECTION TO CRY OVER BEFORE YOU GOO
(6) "The fire that was starting to spark" OMG I love that you used young Lexana for those scenes because they so showed their spark from early on, those feelings, that heat between them was always there!! And then the slap it hurts!! That scene is soo powerful in videos and so painful but its like you have to use it but it hurts and not in the good way. Lana your face is too gorgeous. Its not fair. I love all the hand holding im such a sucker for that!
really demonstrated that, even through scenes that weren't necessarily considered big moments for them, there's still that stare, and that presence of 'could be something more here'. As always, the colouring is amazing, and your editing is flawless as hell, like I can't believe how epic this is. Your love for the ship really comes through, and ugh... the voiceovers are my favourite FAVOURITEST part, haha that's not even a word, but omg. It tells a story, and it also matches the song, and *dead*
(Part 2) I mean WOW this is SO emotional. It's funny, how much I realize I ship these two. I was such a Clana fan and still am and I'm not sure if anyone else in the world ships both Clana & Lexana - they're such competing ships. But I think I really see the greatness about both and don't just see it from an outside perspective. Somehow I *feel* it. This video... you did SUCH an amazing job. It made me feel like I idk, almost wanted to cry or something. The way you used voiceovers was SO unique!
(2) First off this song is just so freaking gorgeous I cant get over it! " I love you, I have always loved you" with "before I ever knew you" OMG That part *sobs* it was so perfect. He has always loved, respected, admired her. Thats why he always wanted her to be happy, and when what she wanted was clark he wanted them to be happy, but when clark no longer made her happy he didnt want that for her. It wasn't about him it was about her.
Holy crap, Ashley! This was epic. There are a few couples on smallville that I can't specifically remember certain scenes of, which make it hard to vid them personally, and Lexana is one of them- even though, they're one of my favourite ships on the show, as you know. They made so much sense, and when they got together, Lana became a much more interesting character, and got that edge to her that I loved whenever it'd get the spotlight, and seeing Lex be in, and be loved... *dead* it was like -
(4) "I'm not going to abandon Lex" another favorite!!! ASLKEJFL sorry these quotes tho!!! awww "theres distance and theres silence" Lanas face for the line silence is so painful ;__; Your words have never left me!! THAT IS STILL MY FAVORITE PART AKLSLDFJKASDK "I love you" "I believe in you" *cries on the floor* her love and support meant everything to him!!! She was the only person to not give up on him, to truly love him
Anyway, OMG! I could write for like 40 years about how great this was, holy crap. This was unbelievable. We need to watch like 4 seasons together, pronto. I love your levels and that you have the capacity to love characters and people who have "the darker side" and to show how beautiful and romantic that side truly is. Your rhythm, fluidity, song choice, it was sooooooo moving and I cannot tell you what a treasure this is. All my love, sweetie. This pairing is so lucky to have you!
OMG thank you x a million!!! I totally was thinking about you throughtout this! I was like 'Oh she's so gonna get this." lol so you're right to think that! I love the way they came together after being abandoned by so many people (in particular Clark.) I mostly wanted to show the way they understood, supported, & challenged each other so I'm soooo happy you felt that come through! Gah I can't thank you enough. Your comments have made my day! I love you sooooo much!!!
everything!! AAHHH!! I love the way your editing is kind of beatsy, but also just...fluid and beautiful? It reminds me of ALL of Fran's vids, so you know it's stunning to me!! "Lana Lang seduced by the dark side?" Hehe :D I am just smiling and crying, you have no idea :D NICODEMUSSSSSSSSSSS. ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?? Yup, the fire was starting to spark alright lmao. The Phantom scene ;____; STOP IT RIGHT NOW, WOMAN. BUT CRIMSON
(Part 4) So many others too, the "driving me mad" match when Lex was pretty much going insane, I love that scene where Lana saves him a lot. Actually I think the most Lex-centric episodes like that one (Memoria) are some of my most favorite episodes of the series, and I like pretty much everything about the episode haha. I liked your choices for "New York", really getting to the meaning of the song about how far away the singer's love is- these countries across the oceans from where Lex is haha.
I need to watch this a couple more times, because there's so much, but I just had to rush in and say how much I loved it. and four minutes? OMG. You should be applauded just on that, firstly, haha. But yes, love how it tells their story through the voice overs, and you didn't have to incorporate the shitty parts the writers threw in to ruin the epicness of these two. It was flawless, honestly. Loved it! :D
such an amazing video! i completely loved it! So many great parts, but my favorite has to be 3:31 - 3:34 "an end and a beginning" so perfect! Thumbs Up!
Aaaww I inspired you? Seriously? Wow I'm so flattered right now!!! Thank you (keep saying that but I really mean it lol) I'm sure you'll rock this song!! :DD I can't wait!
Aaaaww wow Emily!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm kind of speechless right now!! It really means a lot that you commented and everything you said got me choked up!!! I love that you can ship both Clana and Lexana! You are a rarity, but that's really great! Gah just thanks so much again. I can't thank you enough!!! *hugs* :D
Thank you so much!!! Yeah, I never like the idea of anything being destined. It's true that Lex was the villain in the comics, but I think the show would have been a million times better if they gave him a redemption story. But unfortunately they couldn't be all original like that! lol thanks again!!! :)
(8) AGHHHHHHHHHH THE AIRPORT HUG OMG OMG DEAD FAVORITE HUG IN THE WORLD!! AND FRAGILE KIISSSS YOURE KILLING ME THIS WHOLE VIDEO I CANT EVEN FORM ANYMORE THOUGHTS NOW I WANT TO TRY AND OK OK Its so hard because its all so perfect and it hurts so my brain is like FRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ DEAD "I miss it all from the love to the lightening" *cries* They had it all!! They were so perfect ;___;
I swear, I'm also the Lex to your Lana lol. I love you. I've always loved you. And I can always feel you through whatever you make. ESPECIALLY when you make it to me - That sounds conceited, but I can almost feel you thinking about me? Maybe it sounds weird, but I always feel like that :) And this is BEAUTIFUL. Where do I even begin?!?!?! I love the first "instead of in New York" with Lana in Paris getting some life experiences - I love that there's a huge poster of Lex
Aaaww wow thank you soooo much sweetie!! You floored me with your comments! *hugs you* I think even Clark thinks of Lex as his soulmate. Remember in s9 Upgrade when Zod was asking him if he ever had a friend who was like the opposite side of the same soul? And he said "Once. A long time ago." *cries* I died in that scene because Clark admitted Lex was his soulmate! hehe I just wish the writers wouldn't have crapped on them for the sake of the comics. lol
(Part 4 of my comment this time) them." explains why I really do like Clark, Lana, and Lex all as characters, I think. Clark's vulnerable because he's so afraid of how his relationships might change if his closest friends and lovers found out the truth about his powers and him being an alien. He's sweet and innocent but still kind of is fragile and in need of being saved in that whole "needing acceptance" way. He's also so different and that's a struggle he has to constantly deal with, along
Eep thanks sweetie!!! Gah I've been obsessed with this song ever since Bumcrackmosh's Chair video to it (apparently I just make LL vids to songs she uses for CB. lol she should sue me or something lol) I love Snow Patrol. I think Snow Patrol + Mumford & Sons are the two best bands at building a song from soft to intense to soft again. I LOVE it. hehe xD thanks again hun!
but anywho, I also completely agree about the beauty of Lexana's darkness! As well as their light. I love that balance! And haha yeah I didn't have any inspiration then it just struck out of nowhere! lol thanks again my love!
(Part 5) i could just go on and on... I kind of already have. I didn't read any of the comments first so this was just off the top of my head but I'm sure there were tons of other things I might have been reminded of and agreed with had I read xSandy5219x's comments for instance and oh whoops look at that, Smallvillevids told you all about her Lexana contest; I shouldn't have bothered you with it too. Oh well. I'm sorry lol. :P Anyway... keep up the amazing vidding! And just know I adored this.
(3) OMG LIKE SPIKES SPEECH "When I say I love you, it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me." alksjdflaksjdfl;kjasf cRIES "She might be the one person who could learn to love you. I would wait forever for that" That is one of my favorite quotes I love all the beautiful quotes you used! Followed by "Looks like we've been abandoned" "story of my life" YOURE HURTING ME
You're so welcome. I was like Jack, after I commented I just *had* to watch this again. Ah I would so love to vid this epic song, after seeing so many epic vids to this song. I just saw one last week that was the first I ever saw using this song for a non-romantic ship (they did it for Rumplestiltskin & his son on Once Upon a Time and DAMN that blew me away it was so perfect- you might have seen it because the vidder is also an epic Smallville vidder, YaliWeasleyVids). Actually I think I realize
(5) ahhh I love when the beat picks up!! "Lana Lang seduced by the dark side" ahaha I love that line! YES BECAUSE SHE LIKES LEXS COOKIES BETTER THEN YOURS!! awww the "person I dont trust in myself" I love these two both so much individually it hurts and then together its like it hurts so much i can no longer feel pain because im in the endstages of DEATH!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE KILLING ME
(1) So at the end of this video I literally just burst into tears and started shaking the screen going "WWWWWHHHY" My brother was like shutup you freak lol BUT IT WAS SO PERFECT ALL MY LEXANA FEELS!! OMG THESE TWO MY OTP OF OTPS I JUST CANT THE FEELS THEY GIVE ME HURT SO GOOD ;_________;
Eep thank you sooooo much for all your amazing comments! Gah I was really hoping you'd like this so I'm so glad you did! The cleaning her face is in s3 Resurrection and the tucking her hair back is in s5 Reckoning :)
(10) "The fire that is starting to go out" I hate you!!!!!! OMG that scene and his "I'm sorry Lana" BREAK MY FREAKING HEART WITH THIS I CANT I JUST CANT I 'm going to go jump off a bridge now.
I am so mad at you for bringing up my feels and making me cry. It's gonna get very aggressive in here okay - I fucking love you for making this. It's been a while since I watched a Lexana vid. #CUDDLEATTACK.
(Part 11 of my comment this time) she treated Lex, and for the sides of her we sometimes got to see only when she was around Lex. I think I was attached to Clana too much the first time I watched the show to really feel active shipping feelings for Lexana,but I felt passionately for both characters while watching their scenes just the same, so I was fairly close to shipping them. And in retrospect, when I allow myself to not feel just pure loyalty to Clana but relate to a Lexana shipper like you
(Part 10 of my comment this time) because you can ship it from both sides." And I did I think appreciate Lex's character so much that I really wanted him to be saved by Lana in the back of my mind, I wanted her to appreciate him, I wanted him to be happy. I loved the moments of good in Lex when he did things with Lana, the way he loved her. And I loved Lana too, and so while I shipped her more with Clark for my own complicated reasons, I too could really love her even more as a character for how
(7) "theres nowhere else I belong" OMG that is so hauntingly true. Lex has no place in the world other then with Lana. He has no one other then her that loves her or cares what happens to him. CLARK YOU DONT COUNT CAUSE YOURE A DOUCHEBAG and so with her he has meaning, he could actually create a life with her. OMG OMG him cleaning her face off aslkdjfldk WHAT EP IS THAT FROM?! and the one after of him tucking her hair back?! *cries* what?! how do I not know so. perfect. wahahahaaaa
(Part 12 of my comment this time) by idk, watching an AMAZING Lexana video like this, for example... I can really see all the wonderful things about them as a ship. If this wasn't a show about a comic book mythology where Lex Luthor was destined to become very evil and possibly completely "unloving", I could see a happy ending for these two, and a very different playing out of events. Lana could have kept Lex good forever, Lex could have made her happy, and these actors had the chemistry etc. ;)
(Part 3 of my comment this time) and attached that vid to the message and her description also has some of that request and her own explanations for her own shipping tendencies in there. The part of my explanation that went: "I also tend to like characters who are not rough on the outside, sweet and innocent & maybe vulnerable for a different reason- like they're too fragile or something, too unappreciated/overlooked. But being vulnerable/needing someone for some reason or another draws me to
(Part 6 of my comment this time) that category. Lex is also not a bad boy in the beginning. He is somewhat "damaged" from the death of his mother & brother, like Lana is damaged by the death of her parents, & damaged by his father's treatment, by the meteor shower making him bald & traumatizing him a bit. I fell hard for pretty much every character on Smallville for one reason or another, but like Pete for instance doesn't have the same kind of depth to make you love him quite as much. You know?
(Part 7 of my comment this time) I think i particularly got attached, however, to Clark, Lex, Lana, Chloe, Oliver, & in season 10 Tess though. Every character for their own reasons... um Lana idk why exactly, but just how she treated Whitney and Clark and all of her scenes from the start made me love her. She was so kind and had some character searching very early on that made me instantly feel attached to her depth, vulnerability, struggles. And I also can't help but be drawn to Kristin Kreuk's
Eep thank you, love! Gah your comments make me so happy!! And you know any time you need help remembering LL scenes you can ask me! hehe and gah it's true. One of the things I love about them is all the damn eyesex from the very beginning! lol CHEMISTRY! haha and I agree that it was lame using Lana to drive a bigger wedge between Clex. And somehow everyone blames her. Grr. Stupid writers. lol anywho, thanks again so much!! :DD
Aaaww thank YOU for your comment! I completely agree. Smallville should have stuck with what made it original rather than ruining everything to mold with the comics! Let Lex and Lana be happy! You're going to end it with Clois anyway, so why not? lol xD
(Part 8 of my comment this time) beauty too I think lol, I have some shallowness to me perhaps. Other characters like Lois, Martha, Jonathan, and Jimmy I liked a lot but didn't fall for quite as hard. I still liked them a lot though too. They had enough depth and kindness and likability to them that I truly did enjoy every single ship on Smallville pretty much. Because that's where I started to explain the next aspect of why I ship who I do in the comments of that other video,which I'll re-post
(Part 5 of my comment this time) with feeling guilty for being a part of that meteor shower that like killed Lana's parents and everything else. He's also just someone I fell for because he's so kind and good and I do tend to like crush on on that kind of character; they're the kind of guy I hope to find someday if you know what I mean lol. I know men like that can exist, my dad & younger brother are great guys who I've had as examples my entire life. But of course Lex and Lana are also fitting
...between the three of them, Clark/Lex/Lana is so strong, and oddly enough I think the soulmates in this triangle (nobody throw a pie at me please) are Clark and Lex and Lana keeps confusing their bond (hey, romance will do that to you, trust me) but Lana needed to end up with Lex, Lois with Clark, everyone knows this. But I love that you don't completely delete Clark from the equation as he needs to be there in the end, just in a more Lexmas way instead of a big, stupid, dumb jerk way, lol.
Did you see the new Lexana AU reunion contest Smallvillevids is hosting? /watch?v=40p7OWkw4OE I instantly thought of you, and that was before I had any idea that you'd just made a new Lexana video haha. I think it's because Lexana was one of your OTPs in that birthday collab you just hosted for yourself or whatever, you & Lexana are more linked as of recent in my mind. Anyway, you might want to check that out for her. ;) She'd adore it if you entered. ~~~ And um... ah... I love this so much! :P
(Part 13 of my comment this time) - and by the way... feel FREE to delete all of these insanely long comments abut me and my character-liking tendencies/shipping preferences and not your video if you want. I'm sorry for taking up the whole page by writing a novel lol. :P
(Part 2 of my comment this time) why I ship who I ship. I just posted a really long reply on this video, look here: youtube DOTcom/all_comments?threaded=1&v=0FitwQ3HayQ Because hey the vidder sent me a message specifically asking me why I ship who I ship after seeing my recently re-posted with a pitch shift "While the Candle Still Burns" vid about what may be my 3 top OTPs ever... ;) She thought she might kind of be able to guess what made me ship who I shipped but she wanted me to explain more
The part where the song says "your words have never left me" and then Lana's VOs of "I love you, Lex" and "I believe in you." GAAAAAHHHHH. Just had to add that.
the way he wraps his arms around her! And they're both survivors! Your voiceovers are PERFECT!! This ship is PERFECT. WOW. I love your use of black and white as well! Dude. You are the greatest. THEIR FIRST REAL KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. *SCREAMS* I'M SORRY, I'M DYING RIGHT NOW LMAO. OH MY GOD. You did not end it there!! That's perfect, but now I'm sad ;___; In the best way!! That scene is flawless, she looks so hurt and almost like
"FINALLY!" And, what shits me to tears is that Lana and Clark were never meant to end up together, so bringing them back together post season six annoyed me. They should have been way more creative in their approach to having that feud between Clark and Lex, rather than have Lana serve as a wedge between them, especially when the two did get together, it was like "whoa, I didn't SEE that coming, but it makes perfect sense if you REALLY think about it." Their chemistry was insane, and you-
(Part 3) I love your lyric matching...and everything about this was so epic. The way you matched the dream in 5x09 "Lexmas" with his voiceover about it in 5x11 "Lockdown", the interesting parallel with both of them being murderers (in a way, even if Lana wasn't really herself when that happened) and feeling horrified by the whole "blood on their hands" feeling with the perfect voiceover, the "snap me in two" match with when he hit her, the end with the fire going out & Lex's sincere "I'm sorry!" much I adore you showing so many shots of Lana where she is a WOMAN and not the high school cheerleader. 1:23 --- what a beautiful shot of her, I don't even remember that one, but that one was thing you and I loved about what happened to her with Lex. Lex loved the woman she was, the woman she wanted to be but was afraid to express, and Clark loved the made up vision of her in his mind, a teenage princess. So the scenes you choose for her are womanly, and stunning. The dynamic...
she wants him to come back...Ugh. Ashley. This is a masterpiece. I don't know. This is the greatest thing you've ever done. I can't say anything else. How are you this talented? How did I luck out by getting to be friends with you? I thank the stars every day. I love you so much, you have no idea...THANK YOUUU!!!!!!! *CLINGS TO YOU* *SOBS*
next to her, like he's always with her and supporting her in some way. Hehe, Wither :D I knewwww you were gonna do that lol!! Flawless flawlessness!! "Looks like we've been abandoned" "Story of my life"!! Awww! I love this, the way they connect through Clark's douchebaggery!! I love the quotes showing how Lana supported Lex - He put his faith in her, and vice versa, and that's what I love about them!!
This is so great and omg lexanna to this song is just so amazing. :)
(9) "theres an end and a beginning" That is one of my favorite parallels its so perfect and with that line even more so!! I love Lana laying in Lexs arms its just the most perfect shot ever its like my Cangel family shot I just ugh I would end every video with it if I could just like HERE HAVE SOME PERFECTION TO CRY OVER BEFORE YOU GOO
(6) "The fire that was starting to spark" OMG I love that you used young Lexana for those scenes because they so showed their spark from early on, those feelings, that heat between them was always there!! And then the slap it hurts!! That scene is soo powerful in videos and so painful but its like you have to use it but it hurts and not in the good way. Lana your face is too gorgeous. Its not fair. I love all the hand holding im such a sucker for that!
really demonstrated that, even through scenes that weren't necessarily considered big moments for them, there's still that stare, and that presence of 'could be something more here'. As always, the colouring is amazing, and your editing is flawless as hell, like I can't believe how epic this is. Your love for the ship really comes through, and ugh... the voiceovers are my favourite FAVOURITEST part, haha that's not even a word, but omg. It tells a story, and it also matches the song, and *dead*
(Part 2) I mean WOW this is SO emotional. It's funny, how much I realize I ship these two. I was such a Clana fan and still am and I'm not sure if anyone else in the world ships both Clana & Lexana - they're such competing ships. But I think I really see the greatness about both and don't just see it from an outside perspective. Somehow I *feel* it. This video... you did SUCH an amazing job. It made me feel like I idk, almost wanted to cry or something. The way you used voiceovers was SO unique!
(2) First off this song is just so freaking gorgeous I cant get over it! " I love you, I have always loved you" with "before I ever knew you" OMG That part *sobs* it was so perfect. He has always loved, respected, admired her. Thats why he always wanted her to be happy, and when what she wanted was clark he wanted them to be happy, but when clark no longer made her happy he didnt want that for her. It wasn't about him it was about her.
Holy crap, Ashley! This was epic. There are a few couples on smallville that I can't specifically remember certain scenes of, which make it hard to vid them personally, and Lexana is one of them- even though, they're one of my favourite ships on the show, as you know. They made so much sense, and when they got together, Lana became a much more interesting character, and got that edge to her that I loved whenever it'd get the spotlight, and seeing Lex be in, and be loved... *dead* it was like -
(4) "I'm not going to abandon Lex" another favorite!!! ASLKEJFL sorry these quotes tho!!! awww "theres distance and theres silence" Lanas face for the line silence is so painful ;__; Your words have never left me!! THAT IS STILL MY FAVORITE PART AKLSLDFJKASDK "I love you" "I believe in you" *cries on the floor* her love and support meant everything to him!!! She was the only person to not give up on him, to truly love him
TOO MANY FEELINGS. This was beautiful. Like. GAH! From the first scene you chose I just got shivers and then the VOICEOVERS. I'm dead.
Anyway, OMG! I could write for like 40 years about how great this was, holy crap. This was unbelievable. We need to watch like 4 seasons together, pronto. I love your levels and that you have the capacity to love characters and people who have "the darker side" and to show how beautiful and romantic that side truly is. Your rhythm, fluidity, song choice, it was sooooooo moving and I cannot tell you what a treasure this is. All my love, sweetie. This pairing is so lucky to have you!
OMG thank you x a million!!! I totally was thinking about you throughtout this! I was like 'Oh she's so gonna get this." lol so you're right to think that! I love the way they came together after being abandoned by so many people (in particular Clark.) I mostly wanted to show the way they understood, supported, & challenged each other so I'm soooo happy you felt that come through! Gah I can't thank you enough. Your comments have made my day! I love you sooooo much!!!
everything!! AAHHH!! I love the way your editing is kind of beatsy, but also just...fluid and beautiful? It reminds me of ALL of Fran's vids, so you know it's stunning to me!! "Lana Lang seduced by the dark side?" Hehe :D I am just smiling and crying, you have no idea :D NICODEMUSSSSSSSSSSS. ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?? Yup, the fire was starting to spark alright lmao. The Phantom scene ;____; STOP IT RIGHT NOW, WOMAN. BUT CRIMSON
(Part 4) So many others too, the "driving me mad" match when Lex was pretty much going insane, I love that scene where Lana saves him a lot. Actually I think the most Lex-centric episodes like that one (Memoria) are some of my most favorite episodes of the series, and I like pretty much everything about the episode haha. I liked your choices for "New York", really getting to the meaning of the song about how far away the singer's love is- these countries across the oceans from where Lex is haha.
I need to watch this a couple more times, because there's so much, but I just had to rush in and say how much I loved it. and four minutes? OMG. You should be applauded just on that, firstly, haha. But yes, love how it tells their story through the voice overs, and you didn't have to incorporate the shitty parts the writers threw in to ruin the epicness of these two. It was flawless, honestly. Loved it! :D
I can't stop watching this! I've literally had it open in a tab for 12 hours straight lol. Thank you SO much!!! *Clings to you*
Oh My. This is way the fans LOVED them so. Thank you for the video :) If only the writers/network had really gone and stuck with them...
such an amazing video! i completely loved it! So many great parts, but my favorite has to be 3:31 - 3:34 "an end and a beginning" so perfect! Thumbs Up!
Aaaww I inspired you? Seriously? Wow I'm so flattered right now!!! Thank you (keep saying that but I really mean it lol) I'm sure you'll rock this song!! :DD I can't wait!
Aaaaww wow Emily!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm kind of speechless right now!! It really means a lot that you commented and everything you said got me choked up!!! I love that you can ship both Clana and Lexana! You are a rarity, but that's really great! Gah just thanks so much again. I can't thank you enough!!! *hugs* :D
Thank you so much!!! Yeah, I never like the idea of anything being destined. It's true that Lex was the villain in the comics, but I think the show would have been a million times better if they gave him a redemption story. But unfortunately they couldn't be all original like that! lol thanks again!!! :)
(8) AGHHHHHHHHHH THE AIRPORT HUG OMG OMG DEAD FAVORITE HUG IN THE WORLD!! AND FRAGILE KIISSSS YOURE KILLING ME THIS WHOLE VIDEO I CANT EVEN FORM ANYMORE THOUGHTS NOW I WANT TO TRY AND OK OK Its so hard because its all so perfect and it hurts so my brain is like FRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ DEAD "I miss it all from the love to the lightening" *cries* They had it all!! They were so perfect ;___;
And aaaww an Ashley vid gets a special reaction? I LOVE YOU! Thank you again!!! Gah :)
I swear, I'm also the Lex to your Lana lol. I love you. I've always loved you. And I can always feel you through whatever you make. ESPECIALLY when you make it to me - That sounds conceited, but I can almost feel you thinking about me? Maybe it sounds weird, but I always feel like that :) And this is BEAUTIFUL. Where do I even begin?!?!?! I love the first "instead of in New York" with Lana in Paris getting some life experiences - I love that there's a huge poster of Lex
Aaaww wow thank you soooo much sweetie!! You floored me with your comments! *hugs you* I think even Clark thinks of Lex as his soulmate. Remember in s9 Upgrade when Zod was asking him if he ever had a friend who was like the opposite side of the same soul? And he said "Once. A long time ago." *cries* I died in that scene because Clark admitted Lex was his soulmate! hehe I just wish the writers wouldn't have crapped on them for the sake of the comics. lol
lol aaaww thanks hun! Seriously!!! I made myself cry with this a couple times! :')
(Part 4 of my comment this time) them." explains why I really do like Clark, Lana, and Lex all as characters, I think. Clark's vulnerable because he's so afraid of how his relationships might change if his closest friends and lovers found out the truth about his powers and him being an alien. He's sweet and innocent but still kind of is fragile and in need of being saved in that whole "needing acceptance" way. He's also so different and that's a struggle he has to constantly deal with, along
Thank you so much!! He says "You mean a lot more to me than you know" :)
Eep thanks sweetie!!! Gah I've been obsessed with this song ever since Bumcrackmosh's Chair video to it (apparently I just make LL vids to songs she uses for CB. lol she should sue me or something lol) I love Snow Patrol. I think Snow Patrol + Mumford & Sons are the two best bands at building a song from soft to intense to soft again. I LOVE it. hehe xD thanks again hun!
but anywho, I also completely agree about the beauty of Lexana's darkness! As well as their light. I love that balance! And haha yeah I didn't have any inspiration then it just struck out of nowhere! lol thanks again my love!
(Part 5) i could just go on and on... I kind of already have. I didn't read any of the comments first so this was just off the top of my head but I'm sure there were tons of other things I might have been reminded of and agreed with had I read xSandy5219x's comments for instance and oh whoops look at that, Smallvillevids told you all about her Lexana contest; I shouldn't have bothered you with it too. Oh well. I'm sorry lol. :P Anyway... keep up the amazing vidding! And just know I adored this.
(3) OMG LIKE SPIKES SPEECH "When I say I love you, it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me." alksjdflaksjdfl;kjasf cRIES "She might be the one person who could learn to love you. I would wait forever for that" That is one of my favorite quotes I love all the beautiful quotes you used! Followed by "Looks like we've been abandoned" "story of my life" YOURE HURTING ME
You're so welcome. I was like Jack, after I commented I just *had* to watch this again. Ah I would so love to vid this epic song, after seeing so many epic vids to this song. I just saw one last week that was the first I ever saw using this song for a non-romantic ship (they did it for Rumplestiltskin & his son on Once Upon a Time and DAMN that blew me away it was so perfect- you might have seen it because the vidder is also an epic Smallville vidder, YaliWeasleyVids). Actually I think I realize
(5) ahhh I love when the beat picks up!! "Lana Lang seduced by the dark side" ahaha I love that line! YES BECAUSE SHE LIKES LEXS COOKIES BETTER THEN YOURS!! awww the "person I dont trust in myself" I love these two both so much individually it hurts and then together its like it hurts so much i can no longer feel pain because im in the endstages of DEATH!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE KILLING ME
(1) So at the end of this video I literally just burst into tears and started shaking the screen going "WWWWWHHHY" My brother was like shutup you freak lol BUT IT WAS SO PERFECT ALL MY LEXANA FEELS!! OMG THESE TWO MY OTP OF OTPS I JUST CANT THE FEELS THEY GIVE ME HURT SO GOOD ;_________;
Eep thank you sooooo much for all your amazing comments! Gah I was really hoping you'd like this so I'm so glad you did! The cleaning her face is in s3 Resurrection and the tucking her hair back is in s5 Reckoning :)
(10) "The fire that is starting to go out" I hate you!!!!!! OMG that scene and his "I'm sorry Lana" BREAK MY FREAKING HEART WITH THIS I CANT I JUST CANT I 'm going to go jump off a bridge now.
I am so mad at you for bringing up my feels and making me cry. It's gonna get very aggressive in here okay - I fucking love you for making this. It's been a while since I watched a Lexana vid. #CUDDLEATTACK.
Aaaww really? *blushes* that makes me so happy! You have no idea!!! *clings back*
Eep thank you soooo much, hun!!!! It means a lot!!! :DD
(Part 11 of my comment this time) she treated Lex, and for the sides of her we sometimes got to see only when she was around Lex. I think I was attached to Clana too much the first time I watched the show to really feel active shipping feelings for Lexana,but I felt passionately for both characters while watching their scenes just the same, so I was fairly close to shipping them. And in retrospect, when I allow myself to not feel just pure loyalty to Clana but relate to a Lexana shipper like you
(Part 10 of my comment this time) because you can ship it from both sides." And I did I think appreciate Lex's character so much that I really wanted him to be saved by Lana in the back of my mind, I wanted her to appreciate him, I wanted him to be happy. I loved the moments of good in Lex when he did things with Lana, the way he loved her. And I loved Lana too, and so while I shipped her more with Clark for my own complicated reasons, I too could really love her even more as a character for how
(7) "theres nowhere else I belong" OMG that is so hauntingly true. Lex has no place in the world other then with Lana. He has no one other then her that loves her or cares what happens to him. CLARK YOU DONT COUNT CAUSE YOURE A DOUCHEBAG and so with her he has meaning, he could actually create a life with her. OMG OMG him cleaning her face off aslkdjfldk WHAT EP IS THAT FROM?! and the one after of him tucking her hair back?! *cries* what?! how do I not know so. perfect. wahahahaaaa
(Part 12 of my comment this time) by idk, watching an AMAZING Lexana video like this, for example... I can really see all the wonderful things about them as a ship. If this wasn't a show about a comic book mythology where Lex Luthor was destined to become very evil and possibly completely "unloving", I could see a happy ending for these two, and a very different playing out of events. Lana could have kept Lex good forever, Lex could have made her happy, and these actors had the chemistry etc. ;)
(Part 3 of my comment this time) and attached that vid to the message and her description also has some of that request and her own explanations for her own shipping tendencies in there. The part of my explanation that went: "I also tend to like characters who are not rough on the outside, sweet and innocent & maybe vulnerable for a different reason- like they're too fragile or something, too unappreciated/overlooked. But being vulnerable/needing someone for some reason or another draws me to
what is this episode at 2:02 please?
+TheDarkQueen It's the season 6 finale. 6x22: Phantom
Thank you😊
(Part 6 of my comment this time) that category. Lex is also not a bad boy in the beginning. He is somewhat "damaged" from the death of his mother & brother, like Lana is damaged by the death of her parents, & damaged by his father's treatment, by the meteor shower making him bald & traumatizing him a bit. I fell hard for pretty much every character on Smallville for one reason or another, but like Pete for instance doesn't have the same kind of depth to make you love him quite as much. You know?
(Part 7 of my comment this time) I think i particularly got attached, however, to Clark, Lex, Lana, Chloe, Oliver, & in season 10 Tess though. Every character for their own reasons... um Lana idk why exactly, but just how she treated Whitney and Clark and all of her scenes from the start made me love her. She was so kind and had some character searching very early on that made me instantly feel attached to her depth, vulnerability, struggles. And I also can't help but be drawn to Kristin Kreuk's
Eep thank you, love! Gah your comments make me so happy!! And you know any time you need help remembering LL scenes you can ask me! hehe and gah it's true. One of the things I love about them is all the damn eyesex from the very beginning! lol CHEMISTRY! haha and I agree that it was lame using Lana to drive a bigger wedge between Clex. And somehow everyone blames her. Grr. Stupid writers. lol anywho, thanks again so much!! :DD
Aaaww thank YOU for your comment! I completely agree. Smallville should have stuck with what made it original rather than ruining everything to mold with the comics! Let Lex and Lana be happy! You're going to end it with Clois anyway, so why not? lol xD
Thank you!!
(Part 8 of my comment this time) beauty too I think lol, I have some shallowness to me perhaps. Other characters like Lois, Martha, Jonathan, and Jimmy I liked a lot but didn't fall for quite as hard. I still liked them a lot though too. They had enough depth and kindness and likability to them that I truly did enjoy every single ship on Smallville pretty much. Because that's where I started to explain the next aspect of why I ship who I do in the comments of that other video,which I'll re-post
Eep thank you so much! :)
(Part 5 of my comment this time) with feeling guilty for being a part of that meteor shower that like killed Lana's parents and everything else. He's also just someone I fell for because he's so kind and good and I do tend to like crush on on that kind of character; they're the kind of guy I hope to find someday if you know what I mean lol. I know men like that can exist, my dad & younger brother are great guys who I've had as examples my entire life. But of course Lex and Lana are also fitting
...between the three of them, Clark/Lex/Lana is so strong, and oddly enough I think the soulmates in this triangle (nobody throw a pie at me please) are Clark and Lex and Lana keeps confusing their bond (hey, romance will do that to you, trust me) but Lana needed to end up with Lex, Lois with Clark, everyone knows this. But I love that you don't completely delete Clark from the equation as he needs to be there in the end, just in a more Lexmas way instead of a big, stupid, dumb jerk way, lol.
Did you see the new Lexana AU reunion contest Smallvillevids is hosting? /watch?v=40p7OWkw4OE I instantly thought of you, and that was before I had any idea that you'd just made a new Lexana video haha. I think it's because Lexana was one of your OTPs in that birthday collab you just hosted for yourself or whatever, you & Lexana are more linked as of recent in my mind. Anyway, you might want to check that out for her. ;) She'd adore it if you entered.
And um... ah... I love this so much! :P
Aaaww thanks sugar!!!
*cries* me toooooo!!!!!
Aaaww yaaaaaaay I love our incestuous marriage!
(Part 13 of my comment this time) - and by the way... feel FREE to delete all of these insanely long comments abut me and my character-liking tendencies/shipping preferences and not your video if you want. I'm sorry for taking up the whole page by writing a novel lol. :P
(Part 2 of my comment this time) why I ship who I ship. I just posted a really long reply on this video, look here: youtube DOTcom/all_comments?threaded=1&v=0FitwQ3HayQ
Because hey the vidder sent me a message specifically asking me why I ship who I ship after seeing my recently re-posted with a pitch shift "While the Candle Still Burns" vid about what may be my 3 top OTPs ever... ;) She thought she might kind of be able to guess what made me ship who I shipped but she wanted me to explain more