  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @xOblivionAbyssx
    @xOblivionAbyssx Рік тому +117

    That was such a cool Okita summer figurine

  • @NinjaKirbyz1
    @NinjaKirbyz1 Рік тому +78

    Just started watching and saw him pull out the greek vase.
    Myst, no, Achilles is on the banner next door AND he's permanent 💀

    • @Animedian99
      @Animedian99 Рік тому +18

      I saw this comment and thought "Man, must suck for that poor person who ends up summoning achilles on okita banner." Little did I know I would be that person.

    • @Tatian4191
      @Tatian4191 Рік тому

      @@Animedian99I’ve gotten both of my Drakes off rate up while she was on a different banner. I feel you.

    • @NinjaKirbyz1
      @NinjaKirbyz1 Рік тому

      @@Animedian99 Not the tempting fate trope💀

    • @reirnz
      @reirnz Рік тому

      @@Animedian99I was that person… i got sanzang right after

  • @julilanche
    @julilanche Рік тому +82

    I got both Okitan and Anastasia in the first multi! I think this was the luckiest I've ever been in this game. Now I can safely save for Izumo in november

    • @pikaszablak7933
      @pikaszablak7933 Рік тому +2

      Me too. Makes me feel better about going to the dentist later today.

    • @Rik_K1
      @Rik_K1 Рік тому +1

      20ticks and 150sq I only got 2 Charlotte and event CEs rip💀💀

    • @betulla96
      @betulla96 Рік тому +3

      Good luck, fellow Izumo enjoyer

    • @SuperAmaton
      @SuperAmaton Рік тому +2

      No stacy, but Okitan and one Craft Essence! That has to be enough, rest goes into Kama

    • @julilanche
      @julilanche Рік тому +1

      @@betulla96 thanks. Good luck tô u too if u're going to roll her too

  • @evernix7542
    @evernix7542 Рік тому +17

    "Most people will skip this intro"
    Me repeating the intro with Just the two of us in the backgound: Then this is a date!

  • @xFGOkitan
    @xFGOkitan Рік тому +30

    I got np6 okitan and np2 ana in only 7 multis! My previous luck for regular okitan was horrible so at least this is a bit of a redemption arc.

    • @MystFGO
      @MystFGO  Рік тому +33

      Ahhh hell nawwwwwwwwwww

    • @thegamerfe8751
      @thegamerfe8751 Рік тому +13

      Yo dude, I never do this, but give proof or 🧢

    • @Enstoc
      @Enstoc Рік тому +4

      Cap stack 🧢🧢

    • @xFGOkitan
      @xFGOkitan Рік тому

      @@MystFGO cant send in the proof here so I replied to your original twitter post for this video. Also typo, shoudlve been 8 multis

    • @justindalton8701
      @justindalton8701 Рік тому

      huh my luck was used from the previous banners I wanted the 4 star and yes got the 5 star Tammie and drake /:, in this banner I got 5 star spooked 3 times so ill take it?

  • @panzani6385
    @panzani6385 Рік тому +28

    Who would have thought that Anastasia was the last one to come

  • @MrUltrastar01
    @MrUltrastar01 Рік тому +13

    Nice job on getting Summer Alter Okita. I also got her this morning. Now I’m just waiting for Summer Kama

  • @Pollnareph
    @Pollnareph Рік тому +4

    It's always wonderful to see someone to go all out for their favs. Big congrats on getting her!

  • @hazeal1339
    @hazeal1339 Рік тому +3

    I was watching the video and rolling and got okita as you pulled her

  • @TheMonadnockShootist
    @TheMonadnockShootist Рік тому +14

    Got two Ana’s on my first multi, and Okita on my second!! It was a good morning!

  • @kwaitefuni9152
    @kwaitefuni9152 Рік тому +12

    Myst using catalysts again?
    Holy, such dedication!

  • @thetoptier700
    @thetoptier700 Рік тому +2

    Congrats on the NP2! Like you. Summer Okitan was my most anticipated Servant of the year. So far, with everything I had saved up, I managed to get her NP4, so I hope for similar luck on your end.

  • @zachnight1714
    @zachnight1714 Рік тому +2

    I used this video as my catalyst and got Okitan in one multi, thank you mr. Myst also cool figures

  • @AHbllf
    @AHbllf 10 місяців тому

    Just found your channel - and here's my summer story. I'm f2p. I had about 600 sq saved up and I really wanted Ana Archer b/c she cute af, and my archer field is very underwhelming (4 star Illya is the only non 3 star). Very first roll, very first summon - Okita. "Okay, I'll take it!" I continue to burn sq because...I really want that Ana. I end up eventually rolling 6 Charolettes, 2 Okitas. I'm nearly out of sq, so of course the gacha has decided to clown on me. On one roll, I got 2 Okitas one after the other in the same roll. I get a roll where I get three 5 start CEs and five 4 star CEs, including black bible. I burn all my sq and all my tickets. In the end...4 Okitas, 6 Charolettes, and ZERO Anastasias. I really shouldn't complain - in general, it was a great result. But the gacha knew. It knew! And it gate kept me!

  • @noidontyesidont709
    @noidontyesidont709 Рік тому +1

    i haven't seen any of your video since i graduated uni (1+ yr). then i looked at the thumbnail, and you look more handsome this day dude.

  • @Werewolfman2000
    @Werewolfman2000 Рік тому +2

    Good job man! I wanted to save for Kama personally so I only went for the CE, one of each copy. I ended up getting Okita and Charlotte

  • @Kj_Crunch
    @Kj_Crunch Рік тому +3

    After going to pity without a single 6* on Koyan, I am glad to say that best girl Okitan came home on the second multi, but not before I got spooked by Rama on the first multi.

  • @nicoleperrone5208
    @nicoleperrone5208 Рік тому +4

    Loveee the okita Alter fig. I have the same summer queens okita figure 😂 she’s so cute

  • @luckywizard_
    @luckywizard_ Рік тому +6

    What CE would you guys recommend for her if you lack a skadi? I was lucky enough to get an NP2 copy so I was wondering if magical girl of sapphire would be enough

    • @xavier5268
      @xavier5268 Рік тому +3

      Traces of Christmas might be good too

    • @eugeliceistruecanon1678
      @eugeliceistruecanon1678 Рік тому

      Black Grail can work, with support Skadi and self Castoria + any charger(preferably Oberon). Magical girl of Sapphire can work, but I'm not sure it'll be enough damage output on nodes like 90+. Traces of Christmas really great if you have it

    • @xFGOkitan
      @xFGOkitan Рік тому +2

      Traces of Christmas for sure. Its 10% Quick up, 10% np gain up. and 50% battery. As long as you played the Christmas Nightingale event you should have it

  • @Strawhat-yk5yk
    @Strawhat-yk5yk Рік тому

    I agree with you 100%, she was one of my most wanted servants too, and I'm so happy to say I got her 2 times, back to back in one multi. I went in 5 more multis after that but didn't get any more copies of her, so I called it there so I could save something for Avenger Kama. Congrats on your 2 copies and good luck with the rest.

  • @FreshGreenTea
    @FreshGreenTea Рік тому

    I feel like this banner is extremely generous considering how easily a lot of people got rate up. I did 450 quartz and 30 tickets and got np3 Okita, np7 Ana, and np2 Corday

  • @felipeantelo3492
    @felipeantelo3492 Місяць тому

    NP8 needed came just for us to get more Okita Alter rolling content
    (I’m sorry about it Myst, but I’ll be loving the content 😅)

  • @AshleythetigerUK
    @AshleythetigerUK Рік тому +2

    Congrats on NP2 Okita, Charlotte and Anastasia, some very nice rolls.
    Alas nothing but Ce's on my end, hah a MLB BG would be quite nice, still need 4 copies iirc.

  • @reidmoore8754
    @reidmoore8754 Рік тому

    One my second ten summon I got Charlotte, Ana, and Okita all at once. That was one of my most cracked 10 summons I think I have ever done! Now I got plenty of SQ for part 2

  • @TheEdFather
    @TheEdFather Рік тому

    I pulled on my alt, which actually has Skadi and needs a Quick Looper - I got her on my first multi. She even did the silver card turned gold act.

  • @SARGEHALO666v2
    @SARGEHALO666v2 Рік тому +1

    210SQ (out of the 1700SQ I had ready) got me this: NP1 Summer Okitan, a spooky Galatea, NP2 Charlotte summer and NP1 Anastasia SO GODDAMN HOT summer. Very good results for me. Now I can hopefully get at least NP2 summer Kama plus the other two summer 4-star SRs. Good luck to everyone else still rolling.

  • @pjmcnelis4788
    @pjmcnelis4788 Рік тому +3

    I managed NP3 Okitan, but somehow only ended up with one charlotte and no Ana's, I really wanted Ana too, oh well, maybe Ill have leftovers from the Second banner to roll for her, or maybe a lucky single will give me a copy

  • @tsuki1910
    @tsuki1910 Рік тому

    I may have overplayed my luck for this banner. I was able to get Tamamo Lancer and np2 Squirtoria between 1-3 multis for the pre-release banners earlier this week. Now, It took me 481 sq and 10 tickets to get one of each summer 6 servants. Good luck to Myst getting np6 Okitan alter!

  • @HoudiniJr
    @HoudiniJr Рік тому

    I feel like that vase is absolutely magical at this point.

  • @renflare2570
    @renflare2570 Рік тому

    Got my Okitan In my 14th ticket after doing 3 kitasean rituals,It hasnt failed me yet when it comes to My target servants,Plus Ana and Corday so i got all of the exclusive banner servants

  • @deynyel1089
    @deynyel1089 Рік тому

    Saw those Black Grails and yup, can confirm I am mad.

  • @charlotte_cavatica
    @charlotte_cavatica Рік тому

    As someone with four copies each of Kaleidoscope and The Black Grail, I am indeed saying, "It should've been me!"

  • @mobius_knot9494
    @mobius_knot9494 Рік тому

    Got np8 Okitan in about 360 quartz right after maintenance before I went to work. One hell of a dopamine hit to get me through the day.

  • @bobtheblasta7178
    @bobtheblasta7178 Рік тому

    I had 3 ten shots left after squirotia drained me down to 90 sq from 450 for 1 copy, 1st ten shot got Charlotte, second ten shot i got spooked by Vritra and was like ok cool at least its new then Okita came as the last card of the second multi! Saving this last one for a hope and a prayer on the Kama banner but I think my luck is used but

  • @roniwewo1192
    @roniwewo1192 Рік тому +1

    I finally got both Summera Okita alter and Summer Anas at 300SQ
    (OzyDIO literally spooked me in first multi and I was like: "Bruh."

  • @Tatian4191
    @Tatian4191 Рік тому

    Thanks for the unintentional catalyst; she came home on monthly tickets!

  • @Lenvyathan
    @Lenvyathan Рік тому +1

    Congrats on NP2 already, I'm patiently waiting for Caenis and hoping I won't get screwed by the split rate-up.

  • @PlatinumKrown
    @PlatinumKrown Рік тому

    Spent 270 sq on this banner, got 3 Okita alter Saber, 1 Charlotte summer, and 0 Ana archer. I wanted Anastasia the most. Might need to dip into my cash before the event ends. But I do have a great quick saber now, which is good because my Skadi is already built.

  • @l.s.herrera1411
    @l.s.herrera1411 Рік тому

    I see this right after drawing her, man of culture indeed

  • @DiamondFlame45
    @DiamondFlame45 Рік тому +1

    Thanks Myst! I was able to NP2 Okita, NP3 Charlotte, but no Ana! Honestly, I think Ana is the hardest to get so far.

  • @skeiththecursedwave7861
    @skeiththecursedwave7861 11 місяців тому

    Got each of them with Daily roll, I'm glad

  • @siyahpaper
    @siyahpaper Рік тому

    Spent way more than I wanted on the first banner. but I wanted all the servants, and I got NP2 Okita alter, NP6 Charlotte and a spook tiddy monk before my first anastasia

  • @ShuzenShirou
    @ShuzenShirou Рік тому

    literally got okitan while myst show his catalyst😂

  • @AnomalyAlter
    @AnomalyAlter Рік тому

    After getting shafted for several hundred quarts on all the summer banners that just passed I got Okita Salter on my 7th pull
    Here's hoping for NP2

  • @final909
    @final909 Рік тому +1

    I spend all my SQ and I only got Summer Anastasia and Charlotte but I will NOT give up till I get Summer Okita Alter!
    (UPDATE) After so many paid SQ I finally got summer Okita Alter!

  • @EmporerEmblem
    @EmporerEmblem Рік тому

    All I wanted from this banner was Anastasia, hit my limit with no Anastasias, NP2 Corday, and NP1 Okita, hopefully daily pulls will be kind

  • @thewhyzer
    @thewhyzer Рік тому

    You were really tempting fate to give you an Achilles spook after that vase intro :)

  • @artsinistorm9835
    @artsinistorm9835 Рік тому

    Thank you i also got her NP2 ! and at the same time you got the first copy i got mine XD

  • @demon-x3250
    @demon-x3250 Рік тому

    Man, ive spent like 40+ tickets and around 300+ sq to get okitan. In that time i got two copies of anastasia, a nightingale spook, a copy of beowulf, and a whole bunch of ce's. I got so many rolls of just filled with ce's that i just skipped through losing hope until okitan finally appeared, boy what a good feeling it was. Now all thats left for me is okitan alter ego and ive aquired all okitas.

  • @phoenix.236
    @phoenix.236 Рік тому

    I got okita with a rainbow first multi and 2 summer Charlotte with gold rings with her at the same time. I've never been that lucky before tbh. Saving my last sq for S.Kama now and Clownman.

  • @darksephy7777
    @darksephy7777 Рік тому

    Watched the video, rolled, got her in the 3rd multi, just like what happened in the last banners with koyan and Oberon. So from now on, my catalyst is def Myst channel. Thank you a lot sir. 😍😂

  • @DragonSword35d
    @DragonSword35d Рік тому

    If I manage to grab Kama, I might kick a few sq towards the Majin. I already lost all my tickets and a good dose of my sq trying to get Artoria Archer. I knew I should’ve done that.

  • @igornogas6250
    @igornogas6250 Рік тому

    when a saw the first Black Grail, i almost got mad, because I just rolled 360 sq + 120 tickets, and didn't got a single bg or Kscope, but then realized: I SPENT ALL OF IT, IN THE SURPRISE SUMMER BANNERS, WITH ONLY SUMMER CES... so yeah... it's on me :(
    wanted 2 Lamba to get her to np3, thinking I would still have some stuff at the end to save for Saber Astolfo... 240 pulls to get TWO copies of Lambda (and THREE Artoria Ruler, and one JINAKO), and now I'm totally broke :)

  • @brynhildrbunny
    @brynhildrbunny Рік тому

    got both okitalter and the black grail in the first 10 tickets! currently saving up for charlemagne but okita is an all time fave so im glad im not missing out

  • @sorashizen5130
    @sorashizen5130 Рік тому

    Its amazing how she can BG loop even if you dont have your own skadi

  • @ashuraisdedge
    @ashuraisdedge Рік тому +2

    I spent all my f2p sq, got shafted as usual

  • @giacomobalducci387
    @giacomobalducci387 Рік тому

    Welp, just rolled a single multi because why not and I got 3 4* CE, the event 5* CE, Lan Ling, Anastasia and Okitan. I'd say my whole luck has run out for 3 month or so after this

  • @michaelloyola4082
    @michaelloyola4082 Рік тому

    Don't have resources for funny button but I had 1 ticket and got Okitan summer on the first ticket summon, my legit first time experience of getting SSR in 1 ticket. Also got Charlotte. If I got Ana instead of Carmilla spook, that would have been bingo in less than 10 singles...

  • @guilhermegaspar752
    @guilhermegaspar752 Рік тому

    I manage to get my spook streak going in this banner but at least i got corday... and D'eon
    Thanks for the video

  • @SmoothAsFelt
    @SmoothAsFelt Рік тому

    My first multi I got spooked by sanzaang and Chiron, and then Okitan came in the next multi. Could have had NP2 but just happy to get one of my favorite characters at all

  • @aat1a5
    @aat1a5 Рік тому

    Got her 2 days ago, with a single, in just a multi and about 9 tickets, amazing considering I got Okita in the Start Dash too.
    I kinda feel like like I'm a Master of Sabers ngl, just like Myst is the Master of Casters, 'cause most of my 4 and 5☆ are Sabers.
    When it's about them, I'm pretty lucky, but whenever it's about Lancers, I'm probably the most unlucky person on Earth (I've been playing for almost 2 years, and I still don't have ANY 5☆ Lancer, not even non-limited)

    • @aat1a5
      @aat1a5 Рік тому

      And those figurines are AMAZING!
      Wish I had one too ngl, the Okitan one is HUGE, and I absolutely love it!

  • @azrael631
    @azrael631 Рік тому +1

    I just wanted to get Anastasia and spent at best 90-120. In the end spent all my quartz(around 600) only to get np7 Charlotte and np3 Okitan. Wheres my Duchess, game?

    • @azrael631
      @azrael631 Рік тому

      Also i thought this banner did not have 3* CE 'cause i got 1 5* MLB and 2 4* MLB and only 3 copies of 3*(I even remember that i mlbed 4* before getting a single copy of 3*) and i think that one of them is from quest

  • @CrimsonHiroX07
    @CrimsonHiroX07 Рік тому

    I swear your videos are my best catalysts for summoning. Summer Okita in a single 11 roll.

  • @hex8881
    @hex8881 Рік тому

    This banner is weirdly lucky for me, did 3 multis and got Okita, Arjuna, and Okita back to back each multi.
    Must be reparations for making me reach pity for NP1 Koyanskaya

  • @cielremnant
    @cielremnant Рік тому

    I got her to NP2 and anastasia as bonus, didnt expect to take more SQ for corday tho....

  • @riv7797
    @riv7797 Рік тому

    I use Myst's videos as my main catalysts and this time it didn't fail. I mostly rolled on this banner just for the ces, but I ended up with Okita and Corday. No ces though. Next week will be the real deal though

  • @pascalrautenberg4245
    @pascalrautenberg4245 Рік тому

    Just got the notification did a multi and got her THAANNK YOUU🔥🔥🔥my most wanted servant as well okita Nr1 waifu

  • @glaive120
    @glaive120 Рік тому +1

    wow he's got the perfect catalysts to summon Summer Okita Alter. Imagine throwing Okita Alter and Summer Okita into a summoning circle lol.

  • @seirine
    @seirine Рік тому

    wow congrats, took me 900 gems, to get the first copy
    got spook by Europa, Mordred et got multiple 4* saber
    At least i have the other two 4* NP5 and 2 LMB 5* CE

  • @rokkabrave
    @rokkabrave Рік тому

    when I saw his post I thought he meant Ana then I remembered it was okitan lmao

  • @erzal3373
    @erzal3373 Рік тому

    Got Okitan at 6 pulls.. I swear I always get 5* that I dont want with less than 10 pulls whenever I pull on a whim, while still suffering for not getting Meluko and Castoria.

  • @MarvelousAdmirer445
    @MarvelousAdmirer445 Рік тому

    *Me when I roll for Charlotte but I end up with Okitan on my first multi be like:*
    Suffering from Success

  • @shadmansakib6284
    @shadmansakib6284 Рік тому

    I got NP2 ANASTASIA instead. Yes, the Caster one :)
    Now I am become Myst... Master of Casters

  • @chrisona29
    @chrisona29 Рік тому

    I got spooked by an Alteria in my first 10-pull but I got all summer units after 30-pulls 😍 Now to save all-in for Melusine’s return on December 😤

  • @KiritsuguAlter
    @KiritsuguAlter Рік тому

    Got her in 19 tickets,gonna wait for tmr for new tickets and try and get Anastasia

  • @khilafologi1866
    @khilafologi1866 Рік тому

    Excuse me, did you put the wrong thumbnail? Dont you mean NP6 Anastasia🤭?

  • @pelirrojo9384
    @pelirrojo9384 Рік тому

    Well I got her from a ticket and a napoleon spook. This banner knows I want summer kama

  • @vollied4865
    @vollied4865 Рік тому

    Congrats on getting okita
    I'm happy I got Charlotte in only 50rolls

  • @HeyImGreenArrow
    @HeyImGreenArrow Рік тому +1

    The fart sound made me laugh so hard 😂

  • @justtosmash9551
    @justtosmash9551 Рік тому

    I've been searching about okita alter and I hear she's a big deal!! I just started playing and got her with my FIRST EVER 11X SUMMON!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @cardcaptor_morbius
    @cardcaptor_morbius Рік тому

    Currently saving my Quartz for Kama but I decided to do a single 11 roll on this banner to try and get the Summer CEs. In typical fashion, it looks like the FGO desire detector was in full force as I now have Okita Alter Saber, Charlotte Castor and ... no Summer CEs ... from a single 11 roll.

  • @WyxlanLonestarX
    @WyxlanLonestarX Рік тому

    I've only gotten Anastasia during my rolls. Here's hoping I can get Okitan Saber before the event ends.

  • @B4ss88
    @B4ss88 Рік тому

    I wanted any of the 4 stars so ended doing like two and a half multi for Summer Annastasia. For part two probably will do the monthly tickets and a couple of singles for Sei

  • @Hirenlight01
    @Hirenlight01 Рік тому

    Did eight rolls on my main. I can say with certainty that Charlotte love me. NP4 before I got a copy of Alter. I didn't get Ana but I'm now saving for the second half. Good luck to anyone else going for big numbers.

  • @wannabewallaby3248
    @wannabewallaby3248 Рік тому

    went to pity for okitan so my wallets kinda hurting but ig this is only fair since i got mad lucky on melu, morgan, koyan, and oberon. wish i could say i won’t be spending this much in one go again but I’ll probably end up impulse swiping on the next character i simp for 😭
    Good luck to everyone in their pulls tho, dont spend money you aren’t willing to lose lol

  • @JustHeal
    @JustHeal Рік тому

    I have been playing for a while but there's some things i don't understand, resetting the game does something? or is it just like the ritual thing with the catalyst?

    • @sorashizen5130
      @sorashizen5130 Рік тому

      It's just a ritual, it has no actual effect

  • @sleepynero620
    @sleepynero620 Рік тому

    I don't know if i should be happy or not, but i got okitan in the first multi, and then i kept going for another copies, but damn rng says otherwise and i got back to back to back to back to back minrolls

  • @Crawkdawgmusashi
    @Crawkdawgmusashi Рік тому

    Damn that’s an awesome okita alter figure

  • @skyboy884
    @skyboy884 Рік тому

    GL with the summons Myst!
    I managed to get NP4 Okitan myself
    Hopefully will get the last copy from GSSR

  • @christianvannucci6455
    @christianvannucci6455 Рік тому

    I'm still salty that I spent 320+ SQ on Archuria's banner and I got only a Nightingale spook and a Martha copy. Now I'm broke and at this point I figured that Archer Anastasia would have been a fine substitute for my ST Archer needs... Fml

  • @greyfox25446
    @greyfox25446 Рік тому

    340 quartz and only a single Anastasia glad you were able to get her my guy!

  • @kidawesome5577
    @kidawesome5577 Рік тому

    I didn't get her until I got a rainbow. Even np5 Anastasia. 4 packs

  • @terminatort9254
    @terminatort9254 Рік тому

    Myst: Time to roll for NP6 Summer Okita.
    Me: Good luck! Enjoy getting NP10 Summer Anastasia!

  • @randomguy5339
    @randomguy5339 Рік тому

    I got spooked by the weird lady with the rainbow sword(don't remember how to spell her name) two pulls before I actually got okita alter.

  • @faromon3
    @faromon3 Рік тому

    I suffer. Dioscuri spooked in one multi, then Europa and Achilles double spooked in another.
    And then pity. orz

    • @sorashizen5130
      @sorashizen5130 Рік тому

      Wow that's quite an LB 5 banner xD

    • @faromon3
      @faromon3 Рік тому

      @@sorashizen5130 Right? Isn't Achilles on the guys' banner? WHY IS HE HEEERRREEE

  • @BlackPhoenix331
    @BlackPhoenix331 Рік тому

    Took me around 40 tickets for Anastasia but only a yolo multi for Okitan

  • @jinuaga
    @jinuaga Рік тому

    Got okita and Charlotte on the first multi saving the rest for kama

  • @belphy205
    @belphy205 Рік тому

    I wanted Charlotte the most. Got NP5 Ana before I got Charlotte. Got NP2 Charlotte though so that’s ok

  • @Chronopie
    @Chronopie Рік тому

    NP1 Okitan, NP2 Charlotte and Anastasia, 150 SQ. Putting the rest aside for Kama and Sei.

  • @bluefang162
    @bluefang162 Рік тому

    I was rolling for Corday and I somehow got Okitan instead. I'm not mad. Just extremely confused how that even happened.