If I was the intelligent designer I would change the physiology of the human piriformis muscle and move it away from the sciatic nerve. In four legged animals the piriformis is a running muscle. It pulls the hind leg up and out and back. When it relaxes, gravity brings the leg back down and stretches the muscle. In humans, the pelvis has tilted back 90’ and the sacrum has become the weight-bearing foundation stone for the vertebral column. Piriformis is used as a stabilising guy-rope for that foundation stone. But physiologically it is still a running muscle and it needs to pull and then be stretched continuously. Instead, it just gets tighter and tighter. It can become horribly painful. Also, it sits right on top of the sciatic nerve and can send excruciating pain down the leg. It makes no sense whatsoever with the idea of intelligent design but it fits perfectly with the haphazard mishmash of adaptations that emerge from evolution.
@@kenwelch198 To stretch the right piriformis: Sit upright on the floor with the left leg out straight. Cross the right leg over the left leg with the right knee bent so the outside of the right ankle is against the outside of the left thigh, about halfway up. Using both hands, gently pull the right knee towards the left shoulder. Use breathing to allow the piriformis to relax on every exhalation while maintaining the pressure with the hands. Swap over and do the other side. Golden guidelines: little and often; gentle and accurate; allow it to loosen rather than force it to stretch; feel what’s happening from the inside. Good luck. 😊❤️
I agree about several points! The knee deterioration is one I am suffering through currently. I am turning 70 this year and the pain in my knees is absolutely agonizing. I also suffer from serious dental problems, much due to a facial injury I experienced 7 years ago. Being a senior and living on social security I am not eligible for dental, hearing, or eye care due to our current Medicaid program. Several of my teeth have broken off and I have become, pretty much, a recluse and avoid many social situations due to embarrassment. Many of my front teeth are so loose, I can’t bite into most foods which makes eating very difficult, stressful , and painful. Also, as a mom with a physically and intellectually disabled son, if I were to be the Master of Design, elimination of all forms of disability would be top on my list!!! I have spent almost 44 years watching my son suffer through many surgeries, casts, pain, and suffering ….absolutely barbaric!!! This is the ultimate cruelty….what the hell??!!!! You covered a lot of really good points, Seth!!!
But Christians are having so much fun now being able to enforce that "hurt like a mother" thing to secure "God's punishment" on women and girls not only because of Adam/Disobedience/theSnake/theApple but because she must Pay For Her Fun.
I’d certain make SA impossible, it’s not present in all species. And if God didn’t want us to have sex outside of reproduction, he could have done that, as many animals have seasons of fertility. But humans have & crave sex for non reproductive, or social purposes. Why? Heck, childbirth alone demonstrates an illogical design. If god did create the world, he clearly should have put in some more thought & re-design on that last day, instead of resting.
If I could design myself (first, children would grow out of the ground - no childbirth, cramps, stretch marks or wider hips) I would have diamond hard skin but still be flexible, no germs could get through my immune system. I would always be fit, no exercise or diet necessary, I wouldn't age... I would have wings and gills. And when I had enough of life, I would just float up to the night sky and become a star. No pain or death. Edit 2: solar powered ? No sunburn or cancer? Great idea!
I would be comprised of zero point energy powered nanobots that could shape shift, (including clothing) and generate gravity manipulating fields. My brain would be a quantum computer. and I would have laser beams for eyes and wear a really neat cape
All I know is if I was the intelligent designer (and that comes with a very generous usage of the term "intelligent") and I was designing humans, I would not run one of the waste-processing plants through a popular recreation area. I also would not include vestigial stuff, and I especially would not make it easy to choke on your own spit. There is undoubtedly plenty more I could come up with, but those things immediately jump out to me. Also, the choking-on-spit thing is my strongest evidence of there never being an intelligent designer.
Why did god create male and female of pretty much everything except his most important creation? Why did he create a man if he never intended to create a woman? Why could he just poof an entire universe, all plants and all animals into existence but he needed Adam's rib to create Eve? Why did god need Adam to tell him he wanted a woman? Why did god create a man who cannot procreate at all? If he created a woman at least she could have babies.... Why does the entire creation myth sound like a *man* explaining why you should obey *him*?
From one of DarkMatter2525's early videos: "There's a lightning storm headed our way, but not to worry. As we all know, lightning only strikes rapists. And if you are a rapist, running away won't help you, since the lightning will simply follow you."
While child birth is very important as i myself went through hell in child birth, BUT I have something more important if I am the designer ‼️‼️‼️I will never let any baby be born with any disability or complications,they are just way too innocent to suffer like that‼️‼️‼️I wish I can change it 😢
Again, our fault. Eve sinned and Adam followed suit. We brought death and suffering into the world. In fact there was no pain in childbirth before sin.
• Put a cap or threshold on pain • Scrap childbirth altogether and just poof people into existence with a minimum amount of knowledge • Fix the body (too many anatomical failures to list). •Make Earth more habitable (Love how we have free will and have to rely on other humans to build houses) •Make death… more of an opt-in type of thing. Basically life would be like an extremely fleshed out open world video game.
I haven’t gotten all the way through your podcast yet, but the one thing I would do is make it so we don’t have to breathe air. Life would be so much better if we didn’t have to breathe.
Seth, that was funny! You made me laugh so hard when you told the story about your mom getting so upset and saying 'Sh*t!' My Mom's favorite cuss word too! She rarely cussed. Lol
Talking about the large, flightless birds. All I could think was an old poem from when I was a kid ( approaching 50 years since I heard it ). Little birdy flying high, dropped a message from the sky, as I wiped it from my eye I thanked the lord that cows can't fly. As for memory ( definitely for names ) I need to put a mirror in my wallet opposite my licence just so I can compare the two to work out who I am.
Rabbits that have to eat their own poop in order to survive, sea cucumbers that explode their guts out at predators, ducks with ballistic corkscrew penises... yeah, I've got some notes.
What's interesting is just how many of these issues Christians try to dance around by using the fall as a catch-all for everything wrong with design. Ignoring how we not only have no access to the "pre-fall" creation which was supposedly perfect, and thus can't use it as any sort of proof of God's brilliance... but it also leads us to the uncomfortable conclusion that God personally designed all diseases, every unpleasant aspect of the human body and just how easily things can go drastically wrong with pretty much any part of it... God personally designed predators like shrikes to sadistically gore their victims on thorns, personally designed prey as being largely helpless in the face of predators, personally designed parasites and viruses... all because one guy like ten thousand years ago ate a piece of fruit that God didn't want him to eat. (but felt obligated to plant in the garden with him, just to fuck with him apparently) Oh and he also encoded homosexual tendencies into a whole bunch of animals other than humans despite supposedly hating homosexuality. He personally chose the location of the prostate where women can only really get at it with their fingers. (hooray.) According to Romans he personally designed STDs as a punishment for sin, but then didn't bother to design them in such a way that they can't spread in other ways- oops, sorry that some of your kids got HIV through no fault of their own. And then when pressed on this a lot of christians will weakly say that it was actually satan who did all those things... y'know, with God still looking over his shoulder the whole time and signing off on all that since he's the one actually in charge of everything. My dad's a pastor and of course my mom is very devout, but she really couldn't answer me when I asked her point blank if satan is more powerful than God. Since she kept using the devil as an excuse for everything bad that's ever happened, while still maintaining God's overall sovereignty. it's just a really silly worldview. and I'm embarrassed that I held it for like twenty years.
If I were the designer, we wouldn't have back problems or flat feet and I wouldn't have had hemiplegic migraine attacks for 35 years that frequently caused me to go unconscious because the pain was too great to handle. Cancer would never exist. Seizures also wouldn't happen.
No Seth, If I were creator I'd either increase intelligence, logic, and reasoning or make it extremely more difficult to have children. Because I care more about the kids. Sex yes, kids no.
The brain would automatically unlock reproductive key if intelligence was high enough, but if not, reproduction couldn't be unlocked. But then again, if intelligence were that high humans would probably not choose to have kids. Oh dear, the conundrums I have to deal with.
@@yetufekci1 Sex is fun, let's keep it, but give each person manual control over their ability to reproduce. Like choosing to release sperm with the semen, or choosing to release an egg.
I would do away with disease of any and all kinds. (I am okay with pain as it is our warning system, “do not touch fire”). Everyone I know has some form of illness, physical, mental, minor, serious, let’s get rid of that.
When my knees got bad I noticed excess hair growth emanating from my nostrils, eyebrows and ears. Is that coincidental or commensurate? How about when my feet flattened out and went from size 10 men's to size 12 and yet, contrary to the old adage of similarity, my penis stayed the same size. In my 20's my height was 6' 1/2", I am now 5' 11 1/2", going from desirable to dwarfism. This is BS!
@@paintedwings74 Oh, to be able to afford new knees. That sounds awesome and I'm only a little jealous. Just curious, do they work as well or better? I'm assuming the lack of nerves is a bonus.
@@LesActive They're so much better than bone-on-bone pain, and function for me is excellent. I've had issues with scar tissue forming months after surgery, but that's uncommon. There is some sensation loss on the front of the knee, and the bones no longer hurt, but you can still have sore knees and swelling--it's just soft-tissue pain, rather than bone pain, and in comparison, it's irrelevant. My case is complicated by the reason I had to have them replaced in the first place--my genetics suck, so I had to have my knees replaced at age 42. The outcome is variable from person to person, but if you make a concerted effort to follow all the physical therapist's directions, you're likely to have a good outcome. I have a friend in Oregon whose local health care system had absolutely no follow-up care, and her recovery was much more frustrating than mine. I live in a city that's a major medical hub, with research and teaching hospitals, so I had as much after-care as anyone could wish for. If you have an interest in getting new knees, I'd say it's 100% worth it, and suggest you do what it takes to get good quality physical therapy and after-care. Beavers integrate iron into their teeth so they can chew down trees. Why can't we put extra iron into our bone-ends, or maybe silicon into our collagen, so our knees never collapse?
@@paintedwings74 Thank you for going into detail, I appreciate it! Very interesting. I'm not quite ready for such a procedure but it's good to read someone's personal experience with it. Nice to find kind people in the comment section. Cheers!
@@LesActive Good luck with your evolutionary kludge of a body! I don't think it's fair that, even as we're getting shorter, the floor gets further away year over year. Have a spiffy springtime!
Both men and women would have complete control of their sex organs. The organs would form out of/in the pelvis only if the person wanted them to and egg and sperm would only be released if the person wants them to be.
"God," he [Epicurus] says, "either wants to eliminate bad things and cannot, or can but does not want to, or neither wishes to nor can, or both wants to and can. If he wants to and cannot, then he is weak and this does not apply to god. If he can but does not want to, then he is spiteful which is equally foreign to god’'s nature. If he neither wants to nor can, he is both weak and spiteful, and so not a god. If he wants to and can, which is the only thing fitting for a god, where then do bad things come from? Or why does he not eliminate them?" _Lactantius, On the Anger of God, 13.19_ Moral of the story: "God" was early man's attempt at rationalizing what he could not otherwise understand. Yet per human nature. Upon creating the construct it invariably morphed from one supposedly obviating our ignorance = to one employed to cater to our "wants" as well..... 🤔
If I were the Intelligent Designer I would make it so that carbon based life forms would not need to eat the flesh of other carbon based life forms in order to survive.
What about the cossawary, one of the most aggressive flightless birds? The last thing you want is for one of those to be able to reach you in the tree you climbed in to get away from. Lemme guess, you'd make it less aggressive.
As a parent, there is plenty of pain and hard work for quite a while after the birth. Lots a difficulty available, and the only settings are hard, insane and nightmare and you don’t get to choose. And I have spinal problems. If we have a designer, can we start a class action lawsuit?
Redesign of the eye without a blind spot, with rods and cones facing the correct direction, and a reflective surface on the backside of the rods and cones (like cats) to improve low light vision.
JW would say the reason we get sick, grow old and die is because of inherited sin (eyes, knees, etc) But things like that windpipe and eating out of the same hole we breathe out of. Or that nerve that goes from the eye to the brain but takes that strange trip, those things are much harder for the creationists to explain.
There's also the recurrent laryngeal nerves (rlns for short), which go from you brain, wrap around the valves of your heart, then go up to your vocal cords. Oh, and humans aren't the only animal who has this, horses and other four legged animals do, as well. And the giraffe. Yeah. Their rlns can be *15 feet* long. And, like... the nerves connect the brain and the vocal cords, so why the fuck does it travel down to the heart at all?? If you're wondering why I know all this: Thanks to issues with my heart (that have been fixed), my left laryngeal nerve was squeezed, and long story short, I've had a voice that can barely go higher than a whisper for nearly 30 years...
I saw some African wild dogs tear a wart hog to pieces in seconds 😳😳 they literally ate him alive😢...it was painful to watch...what kind of gawd made that...
Totally agree that if it is design it is shitty design. I'm in the process of losing all my lower incisors, I can move all of them with my fingers, one is actually almost out of the gums... All this because my lower jaw is too narrow and the bone is too thin, so all my life those incisors were overlapping and on shaky ground. Now I'm facing a necessary 10,000$ dental procedure that I can't afford.... thanks, god.
@ii.gondolkodo3169 If humans are the product of natural evolution, we are incredibly well made. But if we're the product of an omnipotent God who would want our worship for his magnificence then we're not so well designed.
Just to clarify, there is pain yes, and discomfort during childbirth. However there really shouldn't be any screaming because if you are panicking, that makes childbirth more difficult. If you feel like screaming, there may be something wrong. Birth coaches and doulas teach you ways to focus your mind to help you relax and go through the stages of labor to get to the point where you can get baby out. Movies and TV depictions of childbirth being this chaotic experience can be so misleading. However I agree with Seth, that calling pain during childbirth a punishment for all women is misogyny, blaming women for the insecurities of men in patriarchal cultures of biblical times.
Women do not scream during the very painful childbirth process because they are panicking. They are screaming because the very painful process of childbirth is very painful.
Me again. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, parts of my jaw had to be broken out. I still have the pieces at home. Oh, on the sun. Elephants don’t get cancer. They’re in the sun. And big.
My first thought is that I would make humans and the food we eat able to survive in a wider range of conditions (ie hot and cold and less dependent on water) or just make more of the planet habitable by humans (less desert and tundra and more tropic- like conditions).
The funny thing is, almost all of the ideas you've listed off as improvements, though they appear convenient, would cause more problems for the animal. Every tissue in an animal costs energy and nutrients; to lose useless parts like eyes gives an animal more resources to survive and leave offspring. For an eagle to have night-vision would be a waste of resources, since the bird is successful already in its diurnal lifestyle. Think of the Mars Rover as a wild animal. Every bit of "tissue" adds weight, which makes it hella less likely that it will be successfully launched, deployed, and landed without damage. So you make compromises; instead of being super-rugged for all terrain and decades of use, you make it as strong as possible for the weight, you lose longevity, and you carefully prepare it to accomplish specific tasks as perfectly and completely as possible within that short lifespan. At any rate--I love this stuff, obviously, and yes, my home is full of skulls and invertebrates and other weird things. The fact that Nature has evolved all of these imperfect, kludged together, spandrel-filled adaptations for survival is evidence for the superiority of NOT having a designer! We humans have babies with HUGE brains, which is one of our greatest survival skills. We *should* be born after TWO YEARS of pregnancy, and be able to walk shortly after birth, but that would, of course, kill mothers, because no 2 year-old skull could pass through the birth canal. Instead, we birth babies one or two years early, small enough to not kill the mother. Our pelvis has the bipedal need to support all the internal organs, yet that super-strong pelvic floor has to relax enough to let the compromised-small, HUGE head out the birth canal. IT SUCKS. But it actually works most of the time, how crazy is that?
If I were the designer I wouldn't fill the camera full of goo and limit its seeing range to wavelengths of light that easily pass through water. That only makes sense for animals that need to see underwater.
Childbirth: How about laying eggs and letting the eggs incubate safely outside the body! And if I’m designed to be human, why am I handicapped since 55 because of osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis and bursitis? How about a titanium skeleton to begin with and tendons and muscles made of tissue that can’t wear out? And a better placement for the sciatic nerve? How about a better design overall and wheels instead of feet? That would give us more speed. And I had to be knocked out for hours for dental surgery to remove my very badly impacted wisdom teeth. 43 years and I still remember the pain and the stitches in my mouth. Obviously we evolved and are still evolving. More and more young people are not developing wisdom teeth! We’re evolving away from that gene at last.
IF I was the saviopur. I wouled have made quite a few appearances around the world. with attendant miracles, in capitols around the world. You know, so people know it happaned.
Oh Seth! I can't tell you how much I relate stuff about the knees and of course the... whatcha call it... er... ah... oh yeah, 'memory' and such. I'm also an Aussie and if I were an intelligent designer, I'd make it compulsory for you to come out here, at least every couple of years man. Fuckit come and live here. Id love too be your neighbour and you're friend. I'd better shut up or I'm gonna cry. Tell Natalie we have nothing against cold feet. 😘
Excellent talk. The world and us are in such shape that words "intelligent" in ID and "loving" as loving god have 0% to convince me as being true. Most living things demand water for survival and yet 99% of it is undrinkable.
Hey do you have any advice for someone wanting to do a great podcast like yours? Not religious but voice betterment and the rest of things needed to make a great podcast like content selection, research, etc
I would have women have a period only twice a year like other mammals. They would be painless. And no menopause, just never menstruating again. No cancer or other debilitating diseases. I like your idea of eating whatever you want and shedding the excess fat without getting overweight.
If I was the designer I would have a book written that would have silly descusting stories in it that would be like a magnet to the willing people to follow like sheep. This way I would be surround with interesting people who can carry a real conversation and not grovel all frikin day long about nothing.😊
If he was so powerful and all knowing he would of known that we wouldn't need these useless parts in the future and wouldn't give them to us in the 1st place.
@@RaceFanDana The appendix, wisdom teeth, our pinky toe has become useless, muscles in our ears that we used to be able to move around, that little thing in the corner of the eyes by the nose (i 4got what it's called) that used to be our 3rd eye lid kinda like lizards have. other vestigial parts that we used to have during our evolutionary development that have pops up once in a while, like baby's being born with tails that can still move around.
@@davidsmith-uw2ci I repeat, there is nothing whatsoever "vestigial" in the human body. Nobody "evolved" "The embryonic tail usually grows into the coccyx or the tailbone. The tailbone is a bone located at the end of the spine, below the sacrum. Sometimes, however, the embryonic tail doesn't disappear and the baby is born with it." It is not a "vestigial" tail, it's a birth defect.
Late for the show, but, if I were the intelligent designer there would only be one language - for everyone. Greetings from Sweden and thank you for a great show, Seth.
Maybe with enough rectal ozone you would be prepped for a colonoscopy. There are thousands of things I would change if I were the designer! Natural disasters for starters.
People love my smile. I work a cash register, so I see many different people every day. They often tell me how much they love my smile. I HAVE NO TEETH.
The dental lab tech was not lying… people would bring cakes, and order us pizza for fixing their teeth. I work a plaster and acrylic bench right now… I’m working towards tooth setting. ~final thought~Everyone, young and old come in… from people getting in car wrecks to getting kicked In the face by a horse, to drugs and hygiene, and genetics.don’t be ashamed to improve your quality of life folks. You deserve it!
I would have designed the human eye with the retinal blood supply on the back rather than the front where the slightest bleed can lead to blindness, genius!
Well, let's see, carte blanche to just change it all. Fine, start with breathing through the skin, including under water, the lungs are for speaking and backup air exchange. No humorous, unstubbable toes, do away with telomeres and the need for them, children come from a small egg but can eat regular food immediately, eliminate greed hate and bigotry, preload reading math physics and chemistry, no birth defects, better quality orgasms without exchanging gametes, no plumbing problems, can live a healthy life on nothing but chicken nuggets, immune to poison and radiation, as a first prototype, probably good enough.
Fix our retina. Replaceable teeth. Fix the spine (improve for the upright stance). Get rid of the various allergies and food intolerances people have (i.e., lactose and gluten). Generate vitamin C.
Great subject Seth! I have enjoyed for years asking relious folks if they were god and making design decisions and you had say a little higher IQ than the average human would you make some of the seemingly dough head mistakes that an all powerful and imminently intelligent god made. One of my favorite examples for women is menstruation. Immensely inconvenient and for many very uncomfortable. That is the best method he could come up with!
God doesn't seem all that intelligent. He must have forgotten that it only took him 2 days to create all ocean life, birds, bugs, cattle and primates when he enlisted Noah to help save them all. Or maybe he's just lazy and didn't want to remake them. He must not be that smart because his plan to snuff out evil by destroying everything was a great big failure. Come to think of it, he seemed to be caught off guard in his disapproval of human behavior. Doesn't sound like he's that all-knowing.
Help me with the Hebrew here please... I was going through the Tanakh and translating lines from Hebrew and one of the ones I tossed in the mix was the simple line in Exodus 22:18. I was doing 22:17 the famous witch one, but the next was so simple in words I figured why not, and the translation made my jaw drop. Exodus 22:18 כל־שכב עם־בהמה מוֹת יומת Anyone/all = כל Lays down = שכב With = עם Animal = בהמה מ֥וֹת = death Will be killed = יומת Thus the line reads: Anyone who lies with a dead animal shall be put to death. Wait, huh? A distinction is made for only dead animals? It has to be since there is a reference already to killing the person, thus the word dead has to be an adjective for the animal, no? So I looked further Lev 20:15 ואיש אשר יתן שכבתו בבהמה מות יומת ואת־הבהמה תהרגו If a man has carnal relations with a beast, he shall be put to death; and you shall kill the beast. And a man who lays on an animal shall be put to death, and the animal shall be killed. Here, the translation doesn't provide "dead animal" but again these two words appear "beast dead" in both lines בהמה מות בבהמה מות And still in the line are 3 references to death (kill man, kill beast and dead beast).. but it doesn't make sense killing a dead animal? So, please help me understand how this extra "dead" reference is dropped/used in these lines. It just seems kinda funky to think there might have been no prohibition against having relations with live animals... 😳...then I think, oh right, shephards....🤣
@@ThinkingNow many of the responses have indicated that it is in fact an adverb and not an adjective. So, you appear to be right on target. However, knowing how the truth gets warped around this set of books, I'm looking further to ensure such sentence structure is consistent. Chances are, though, it will be.
This is excellent and funny too. Personally, after years of engaging in discussions with religious/spiritual poeople of various levels of intensity, from the “i think there is something that created this” ones up to the full catholic treatment ones, i gave up arguing with them. They always have that joker card under their sleeve ready to use it in any emergency and come up with any magical answer to whatever facts that you can provide, is exhausting and sad also, not to mention worrying in some cases.
@TheThinkingAtheist You do realise that our eyes actually do adjust focus in real time do you? The reason we need reading glasses at age 50 is, because we are not able to flex the lenses as well as we used to, when we were younger. Now the replacable parts are an awesome idea, replace my old lenses with newer ones so I do not need reading glasses any more. 😁 p.s. Not having allergies to be able to get cats in my life would also be a very positive 'upgrade'
If I was the intelligent designer I would change the physiology of the human piriformis muscle and move it away from the sciatic nerve.
In four legged animals the piriformis is a running muscle. It pulls the hind leg up and out and back. When it relaxes, gravity brings the leg back down and stretches the muscle.
In humans, the pelvis has tilted back 90’ and the sacrum has become the weight-bearing foundation stone for the vertebral column. Piriformis is used as a stabilising guy-rope for that foundation stone. But physiologically it is still a running muscle and it needs to pull and then be stretched continuously. Instead, it just gets tighter and tighter. It can become horribly painful. Also, it sits right on top of the sciatic nerve and can send excruciating pain down the leg.
It makes no sense whatsoever with the idea of intelligent design but it fits perfectly with the haphazard mishmash of adaptations that emerge from evolution.
My son just left the Dr office suffering from sciatic nerve pain. There's gotta be a better way to design the nervous system.
Thank U for this....
@@kenwelch198 To stretch the right piriformis: Sit upright on the floor with the left leg out straight. Cross the right leg over the left leg with the right knee bent so the outside of the right ankle is against the outside of the left thigh, about halfway up. Using both hands, gently pull the right knee towards the left shoulder. Use breathing to allow the piriformis to relax on every exhalation while maintaining the pressure with the hands. Swap over and do the other side.
Golden guidelines: little and often; gentle and accurate; allow it to loosen rather than force it to stretch; feel what’s happening from the inside. Good luck. 😊❤️
@@BoneySkylord thanks I'll pass it along to my son. Your method is different from the ones he's been trying.
@@BoneySkylord pull my right knee up to my left shoulder while I'm sitting on the floor with my left leg straight out, I don't think so 🤔
I agree about several points! The knee deterioration is one I am suffering through currently. I am turning 70 this year and the pain in my knees is absolutely agonizing. I also suffer from serious dental problems, much due to a facial injury I experienced 7 years ago. Being a senior and living on social security I am not eligible for dental, hearing, or eye care due to our current Medicaid program. Several of my teeth have broken off and I have become, pretty much, a recluse and avoid many social situations due to embarrassment. Many of my front teeth are so loose, I can’t bite into most foods which makes eating very difficult, stressful , and painful. Also, as a mom with a physically and intellectually disabled son, if I were to be the Master of Design, elimination of all forms of disability would be top on my list!!! I have spent almost 44 years watching my son suffer through many surgeries, casts, pain, and suffering ….absolutely barbaric!!! This is the ultimate cruelty….what the hell??!!!! You covered a lot of really good points, Seth!!!
I think conscious control over our fertility, with an automatic shutoff in the presence of alcohol and other psychoactives, would be very handy.
But Christians are having so much fun now being able to enforce that "hurt like a mother" thing to secure "God's punishment" on women and girls not only because of Adam/Disobedience/theSnake/theApple but because she must Pay For Her Fun.
Brewers Droop is out there!
I’d certain make SA impossible, it’s not present in all species. And if God didn’t want us to have sex outside of reproduction, he could have done that, as many animals have seasons of fertility. But humans have & crave sex for non reproductive, or social purposes. Why? Heck, childbirth alone demonstrates an illogical design.
If god did create the world, he clearly should have put in some more thought & re-design on that last day, instead of resting.
If I could design myself (first, children would grow out of the ground - no childbirth, cramps, stretch marks or wider hips)
I would have diamond hard skin but still be flexible, no germs could get through my immune system. I would always be fit, no exercise or diet necessary, I wouldn't age... I would have wings and gills. And when I had enough of life, I would just float up to the night sky and become a star. No pain or death.
Edit 2: solar powered ? No sunburn or cancer? Great idea!
I am HERE for this! 💯% 🔥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥳
So basically a kind of flying turtle...with four elephants on your back?
@@QueenBoadicea I just hope Susan is on duty that day...
Cindy, I like the way you think. I want wings and gills too!
I would be comprised of zero point energy powered nanobots that could shape shift, (including clothing) and generate gravity manipulating fields.
My brain would be a quantum computer. and I would have laser beams for eyes and wear a really neat cape
This is a great idea and a great thread. I fully intend to keep coming back to the comments here to see what other people would change. 😃
What a great call from David the dentures man. I love the fact his work directly improves people’s lives.
If I was the Intelligent Designer, I would deny Kent Hovind's friend request.
What about banana man😅?
@@tradergirljam Banana Man and Kent can go kick rocks. LOL!
I think his "invisible friend" has already.
High five! ✋
All I know is if I was the intelligent designer (and that comes with a very generous usage of the term "intelligent") and I was designing humans, I would not run one of the waste-processing plants through a popular recreation area. I also would not include vestigial stuff, and I especially would not make it easy to choke on your own spit.
There is undoubtedly plenty more I could come up with, but those things immediately jump out to me.
Also, the choking-on-spit thing is my strongest evidence of there never being an intelligent designer.
A medieval rabbi said, "If I had been present at the creation, I could have made a few helpful suggestions."
Why did god create male and female of pretty much everything except his most important creation?
Why did he create a man if he never intended to create a woman?
Why could he just poof an entire universe, all plants and all animals into existence but he needed Adam's rib to create Eve?
Why did god need Adam to tell him he wanted a woman?
Why did god create a man who cannot procreate at all? If he created a woman at least she could have babies....
Why does the entire creation myth sound like a *man* explaining why you should obey *him*?
"I would not run one of the waste-processing plants through a popular recreation area."
nearly spat my drink at this one
There is nothing vestigial in the human body.
@@RaceFanDana I see someone here has never had their appendix or wisdom teeth removed.
If I were the intelligent designer, I would decide that humans were a bad idea and discard it.
If I was intelligent designer I wouldn't want my creation to grovel at my feet
If I were the intelligent designer, I wouldn't run our liquid waste disposal systems through our recreational facilities 😂
DeGrasse said something similar. It was more to the effect of "putting the entertainment center in the dumpster".
haha, no comment....
I guess god has a fetish q:
Just be thankful you don't have a cloaca
"Recreation" is a secondary function, the primary functions are reproduction and waste elimination. Amazing design that God came up with.
From one of DarkMatter2525's early videos: "There's a lightning storm headed our way, but not to worry. As we all know, lightning only strikes rapists. And if you are a rapist, running away won't help you, since the lightning will simply follow you."
If I was the Intelligent Designer my creations would be perfect in every way and reflect their perfection back to me.
We were perfect before sin
@@RaceFanDana 🤮🤮
@@adamc1966 Maybe you should see a doctor?
@@RaceFanDana Maybe you should quit watching athiest videos...
While child birth is very important as i myself went through hell in child birth, BUT I have something more important if I am the designer ‼️‼️‼️I will never let any baby be born with any disability or complications,they are just way too innocent to suffer like that‼️‼️‼️I wish I can change it 😢
Again, our fault. Eve sinned and Adam followed suit. We brought death and suffering into the world. In fact there was no pain in childbirth before sin.
@@RaceFanDanaGood one😅
• Put a cap or threshold on pain
• Scrap childbirth altogether and just poof people into existence with a minimum amount of knowledge
• Fix the body (too many anatomical failures to list).
•Make Earth more habitable (Love how we have free will and have to rely on other humans to build houses)
•Make death… more of an opt-in type of thing.
Basically life would be like an extremely fleshed out open world video game.
I haven’t gotten all the way through your podcast yet, but the one thing I would do is make it so we don’t have to breathe air. Life would be so much better if we didn’t have to breathe.
Flowers lovers would want you dead i can bet that💀💀
God had to keep accommodating his own design.
@@rizdekd3912 its not accomodating the design, its survival
@@santiagoarroyob What is survival? Survival of what? The natural world? Who designed the natural world?
Seth, that was funny! You made me laugh so hard when you told the story about your mom getting so upset and saying 'Sh*t!' My Mom's favorite cuss word too! She rarely cussed. Lol
Talking about the large, flightless birds. All I could think was an old poem from when I was a kid ( approaching 50 years since I heard it ).
Little birdy flying high, dropped a message from the sky, as I wiped it from my eye I thanked the lord that cows can't fly.
As for memory ( definitely for names ) I need to put a mirror in my wallet opposite my licence just so I can compare the two to work out who I am.
I'd make carbonated soda a health food and give housepets the ability to talk.
Wouldn’t it be great to understand what a dog is trying to say when they’re upset with you? 🦮
Rabbits that have to eat their own poop in order to survive, sea cucumbers that explode their guts out at predators, ducks with ballistic corkscrew penises... yeah, I've got some notes.
What's interesting is just how many of these issues Christians try to dance around by using the fall as a catch-all for everything wrong with design. Ignoring how we not only have no access to the "pre-fall" creation which was supposedly perfect, and thus can't use it as any sort of proof of God's brilliance... but it also leads us to the uncomfortable conclusion that God personally designed all diseases, every unpleasant aspect of the human body and just how easily things can go drastically wrong with pretty much any part of it... God personally designed predators like shrikes to sadistically gore their victims on thorns, personally designed prey as being largely helpless in the face of predators, personally designed parasites and viruses... all because one guy like ten thousand years ago ate a piece of fruit that God didn't want him to eat. (but felt obligated to plant in the garden with him, just to fuck with him apparently)
Oh and he also encoded homosexual tendencies into a whole bunch of animals other than humans despite supposedly hating homosexuality. He personally chose the location of the prostate where women can only really get at it with their fingers. (hooray.) According to Romans he personally designed STDs as a punishment for sin, but then didn't bother to design them in such a way that they can't spread in other ways- oops, sorry that some of your kids got HIV through no fault of their own.
And then when pressed on this a lot of christians will weakly say that it was actually satan who did all those things... y'know, with God still looking over his shoulder the whole time and signing off on all that since he's the one actually in charge of everything. My dad's a pastor and of course my mom is very devout, but she really couldn't answer me when I asked her point blank if satan is more powerful than God. Since she kept using the devil as an excuse for everything bad that's ever happened, while still maintaining God's overall sovereignty.
it's just a really silly worldview. and I'm embarrassed that I held it for like twenty years.
If I were the designer, we wouldn't have back problems or flat feet and I wouldn't have had hemiplegic migraine attacks for 35 years that frequently caused me to go unconscious because the pain was too great to handle. Cancer would never exist. Seizures also wouldn't happen.
And babies would grow on trees.
If the man was created prior to the woman, why was Adam given a penis? "hey!" said the creator, "this way he can pee standing up!"
maybe so we could make a biblical argument for masturbation as predating marriage lmao
Anger box on wheels that needs to be a bumper sticker!
No Seth, If I were creator I'd either increase intelligence, logic, and reasoning or make it extremely more difficult to have children. Because I care more about the kids. Sex yes, kids no.
The brain would automatically unlock reproductive key if intelligence was high enough, but if not, reproduction couldn't be unlocked. But then again, if intelligence were that high humans would probably not choose to have kids. Oh dear, the conundrums I have to deal with.
Children like toads do it. External eggs, external fertilization
... You have proposed the ultimate oxymoron : any substantial increase in logic and critical reasoning would result in universal atheism ! ...
@@yetufekci1 Sex is fun, let's keep it, but give each person manual control over their ability to reproduce. Like choosing to release sperm with the semen, or choosing to release an egg.
@@yetufekci1 That might work if George Carlin was the creator !
I would do away with disease of any and all kinds. (I am okay with pain as it is our warning system, “do not touch fire”). Everyone I know has some form of illness, physical, mental, minor, serious, let’s get rid of that.
Yeah but maybe instead pain could alert us and then auto-snooze itself for a while. Pop back up to remind us and snooze again.
When my knees got bad I noticed excess hair growth emanating from my nostrils, eyebrows and ears. Is that coincidental or commensurate? How about when my feet flattened out and went from size 10 men's to size 12 and yet, contrary to the old adage of similarity, my penis stayed the same size. In my 20's my height was 6' 1/2", I am now 5' 11 1/2", going from desirable to dwarfism. This is BS!
I totally get where you're coming from. My knees are titanium and plastic, and when they were installed, I regained over 1/2" of height!
@@paintedwings74 Oh, to be able to afford new knees. That sounds awesome and I'm only a little jealous. Just curious, do they work as well or better? I'm assuming the lack of nerves is a bonus.
@@LesActive They're so much better than bone-on-bone pain, and function for me is excellent. I've had issues with scar tissue forming months after surgery, but that's uncommon. There is some sensation loss on the front of the knee, and the bones no longer hurt, but you can still have sore knees and swelling--it's just soft-tissue pain, rather than bone pain, and in comparison, it's irrelevant. My case is complicated by the reason I had to have them replaced in the first place--my genetics suck, so I had to have my knees replaced at age 42.
The outcome is variable from person to person, but if you make a concerted effort to follow all the physical therapist's directions, you're likely to have a good outcome. I have a friend in Oregon whose local health care system had absolutely no follow-up care, and her recovery was much more frustrating than mine. I live in a city that's a major medical hub, with research and teaching hospitals, so I had as much after-care as anyone could wish for. If you have an interest in getting new knees, I'd say it's 100% worth it, and suggest you do what it takes to get good quality physical therapy and after-care.
Beavers integrate iron into their teeth so they can chew down trees. Why can't we put extra iron into our bone-ends, or maybe silicon into our collagen, so our knees never collapse?
@@paintedwings74 Thank you for going into detail, I appreciate it! Very interesting. I'm not quite ready for such a procedure but it's good to read someone's personal experience with it. Nice to find kind people in the comment section. Cheers!
@@LesActive Good luck with your evolutionary kludge of a body! I don't think it's fair that, even as we're getting shorter, the floor gets further away year over year. Have a spiffy springtime!
Both men and women would have complete control of their sex organs. The organs would form out of/in the pelvis only if the person wanted them to and egg and sperm would only be released if the person wants them to be.
"God," he [Epicurus] says, "either wants to eliminate bad things and cannot,
or can but does not want to,
or neither wishes to nor can,
or both wants to and can.
If he wants to and cannot, then he is weak and this does not apply to god.
If he can but does not want to, then he is spiteful which is equally foreign to god’'s nature.
If he neither wants to nor can, he is both weak and spiteful, and so not a god.
If he wants to and can, which is the only thing fitting for a god, where then do bad things come from? Or why does he not eliminate them?"
_Lactantius, On the Anger of God, 13.19_
Moral of the story: "God" was early man's attempt at rationalizing what he could not otherwise understand. Yet per human nature. Upon creating the construct it invariably morphed from one supposedly obviating our ignorance = to one employed to cater to our "wants" as well..... 🤔
I've I were the Great Designer, The Ice Capades would NEVER even be a concept.
If I were the Intelligent Designer I would make it so that carbon based life forms would not need to eat the flesh of other carbon based life forms in order to survive.
What about the cossawary, one of the most aggressive flightless birds? The last thing you want is for one of those to be able to reach you in the tree you climbed in to get away from. Lemme guess, you'd make it less aggressive.
As a parent, there is plenty of pain and hard work for quite a while after the birth. Lots a difficulty available, and the only settings are hard, insane and nightmare and you don’t get to choose.
And I have spinal problems. If we have a designer, can we start a class action lawsuit?
Redesign of the eye without a blind spot, with rods and cones facing the correct direction, and a reflective surface on the backside of the rods and cones (like cats) to improve low light vision.
The creation playing the "Creator" is the epitome of entitlement. ;) Thanks for the object lesson, Seth.
If I were to design the perfect body, it would be one that I could shape shift into any shape any texture any color I wanted.
This is a question that you put to all the Schools of Design out there.
I would design the brain to turn off consciousness while performing undesirable tasks.
"Seal flavoured kelp"... Genius...
Too bad that the full set of dentures with anchors like you described costs about $30-45K and most insurance doesn't cover it.
I think Elves in Lord of the Rings represent how Tolkien would design humans (though I doubt he’d have admitted it as a devout Catholic).
JW would say the reason we get sick, grow old and die is because of inherited sin (eyes, knees, etc)
But things like that windpipe and eating out of the same hole we breathe out of. Or that nerve that goes from the eye to the brain but takes that strange trip, those things are much harder for the creationists to explain.
There's also the recurrent laryngeal nerves (rlns for short), which go from you brain, wrap around the valves of your heart, then go up to your vocal cords. Oh, and humans aren't the only animal who has this, horses and other four legged animals do, as well. And the giraffe. Yeah. Their rlns can be *15 feet* long. And, like... the nerves connect the brain and the vocal cords, so why the fuck does it travel down to the heart at all??
If you're wondering why I know all this: Thanks to issues with my heart (that have been fixed), my left laryngeal nerve was squeezed, and long story short, I've had a voice that can barely go higher than a whisper for nearly 30 years...
Here’s a short thought experiment.
I saw some African wild dogs tear a wart hog to pieces in seconds 😳😳 they literally ate him alive😢...it was painful to watch...what kind of gawd made that...
Totally agree that if it is design it is shitty design. I'm in the process of losing all my lower incisors, I can move all of them with my fingers, one is actually almost out of the gums... All this because my lower jaw is too narrow and the bone is too thin, so all my life those incisors were overlapping and on shaky ground. Now I'm facing a necessary 10,000$ dental procedure that I can't afford.... thanks, god.
That's just GAWD diversifying the work force 6000 years later.
Thank yourself. Sin brought death and illness to the world.
@@kerianhalcon3557 Job creation.
@II. Gondolkodó Bingo : )
@ii.gondolkodo3169 If humans are the product of natural evolution, we are incredibly well made. But if we're the product of an omnipotent God who would want our worship for his magnificence then we're not so well designed.
Just to clarify, there is pain yes, and discomfort during childbirth. However there really shouldn't be any screaming because if you are panicking, that makes childbirth more difficult. If you feel like screaming, there may be something wrong. Birth coaches and doulas teach you ways to focus your mind to help you relax and go through the stages of labor to get to the point where you can get baby out. Movies and TV depictions of childbirth being this chaotic experience can be so misleading. However I agree with Seth, that calling pain during childbirth a punishment for all women is misogyny, blaming women for the insecurities of men in patriarchal cultures of biblical times.
Women do not scream during the very painful childbirth process because they are panicking. They are screaming because the very painful process of childbirth is very painful.
Gives a whole new meaning to parcel post delivery.
Me again. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, parts of my jaw had to be broken out. I still have the pieces at home.
Oh, on the sun. Elephants don’t get cancer. They’re in the sun. And big.
My first thought is that I would make humans and the food we eat able to survive in a wider range of conditions (ie hot and cold and less dependent on water) or just make more of the planet habitable by humans (less desert and tundra and more tropic- like conditions).
Reducing/stopping deforestation would be a good start.
Don’t mess with balls Seth. Inside the body they can’t be kicked for sure but can’t be sucked either. Fait trade.
That seems to me a small price to pay for the fact that they would be unkickable.
I would design all surface creatures to absorb energy through photosynthesis so creatures wouldn't need to kill anything to survive.
There was a time when that happened and there was so much oxygen in the atmosphere that it became toxic, corrosive, and flammable.
I can make my case against Intelligent Design is just two words: Kidney Stones!
perfectly healthy prime years till the end. The end would just suddenly happen one day after a certain age.
Yup, just completely change the aging curve to bias youthfulness. Maybe also add an extra hundred or two hundred years.
Based on the similarity of their voices, I think Todd Friel is Seth's evil twin.
I would design the teeth to where they would regenerate and heal instead of having all the pain they cause.
Haha the memory part yea intelligently design us to not forget things so quickly 😂
Now, that would be a really Intelligent Designer! And a lovable one!
The funny thing is, almost all of the ideas you've listed off as improvements, though they appear convenient, would cause more problems for the animal. Every tissue in an animal costs energy and nutrients; to lose useless parts like eyes gives an animal more resources to survive and leave offspring. For an eagle to have night-vision would be a waste of resources, since the bird is successful already in its diurnal lifestyle.
Think of the Mars Rover as a wild animal. Every bit of "tissue" adds weight, which makes it hella less likely that it will be successfully launched, deployed, and landed without damage. So you make compromises; instead of being super-rugged for all terrain and decades of use, you make it as strong as possible for the weight, you lose longevity, and you carefully prepare it to accomplish specific tasks as perfectly and completely as possible within that short lifespan.
At any rate--I love this stuff, obviously, and yes, my home is full of skulls and invertebrates and other weird things.
The fact that Nature has evolved all of these imperfect, kludged together, spandrel-filled adaptations for survival is evidence for the superiority of NOT having a designer!
We humans have babies with HUGE brains, which is one of our greatest survival skills. We *should* be born after TWO YEARS of pregnancy, and be able to walk shortly after birth, but that would, of course, kill mothers, because no 2 year-old skull could pass through the birth canal. Instead, we birth babies one or two years early, small enough to not kill the mother. Our pelvis has the bipedal need to support all the internal organs, yet that super-strong pelvic floor has to relax enough to let the compromised-small, HUGE head out the birth canal.
IT SUCKS. But it actually works most of the time, how crazy is that?
If I were the designer I wouldn't fill the camera full of goo and limit its seeing range to wavelengths of light that easily pass through water. That only makes sense for animals that need to see underwater.
Childbirth: How about laying eggs and letting the eggs incubate safely outside the body! And if I’m designed to be human, why am I handicapped since 55 because of osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis and bursitis? How about a titanium skeleton to begin with and tendons and muscles made of tissue that can’t wear out? And a better placement for the sciatic nerve? How about a better design overall and wheels instead of feet? That would give us more speed. And I had to be knocked out for hours for dental surgery to remove my very badly impacted wisdom teeth. 43 years and I still remember the pain and the stitches in my mouth. Obviously we evolved and are still evolving. More and more young people are not developing wisdom teeth! We’re evolving away from that gene at last.
48:36. I love the Australian accent too... as long as it's not Ken Ham speaking lol
This is so great, love the prostate cage😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
IF I was the saviopur. I wouled have made quite a few appearances around the world. with attendant miracles, in capitols around the world.
You know, so people know it happaned.
Bilateral osteoarthritis was the diagnosis at my checkup last fall 😓 hips
ah seth, childbirth, some lovely things about that, talking about what you got wrong could get me killed.
Oh Seth! I can't tell you how much I relate stuff about the knees and of course the... whatcha call it... er... ah... oh yeah, 'memory' and such.
I'm also an Aussie and if I were an intelligent designer, I'd make it compulsory for you to come out here, at least every couple of years man. Fuckit come and live here. Id love too be your neighbour and you're friend. I'd better shut up or I'm gonna cry. Tell Natalie we have nothing against cold feet. 😘
I requested this topic because we ALL could breathe into existence a UTOPIAN cosmos, minus the suffering.
I would make hearing adjustable so you could really tune the world out!
Excellent talk.
The world and us are in such shape that words "intelligent" in ID and "loving" as loving god have 0% to convince me as being true.
Most living things demand water for survival and yet 99% of it is undrinkable.
Hey do you have any advice for someone wanting to do a great podcast like yours? Not religious but voice betterment and the rest of things needed to make a great podcast like content selection, research, etc
I would have women have a period only twice a year like other mammals. They would be painless. And no menopause, just never menstruating again. No cancer or other debilitating diseases. I like your idea of eating whatever you want and shedding the excess fat without getting overweight.
If I was the Intelligent Designer I'd have flubbed it at the maths stage, and there'd just be self-eliminating clouds of quarks. Everywhere. For ever.
I never admit to remembering a name... if you do, EVERYONE expects it... 🤣👍🇦🇺
If I was the designer I would have a book written that would have silly descusting stories in it that would be like a magnet to the willing people to follow like sheep. This way I would be surround with interesting people who can carry a real conversation and not grovel all frikin day long about nothing.😊
I’m 60 and my knees are totally fine. Probably good genetics partially, but mostly lifetime weight training very likely.
I would design a pancreas that never fails!
Shit I missed you!! 😢 faaaaack I would have driven down to Calgary listen!
If he was so powerful and all knowing he would of known that we wouldn't need these useless parts in the future and wouldn't give them to us in the 1st place.
What useless parts would those be?
@@RaceFanDana The appendix, wisdom teeth, our pinky toe has become useless, muscles in our ears that we used to be able to move around, that little thing in the corner of the eyes by the nose (i 4got what it's called) that used to be our 3rd eye lid kinda like lizards have. other vestigial parts that we used to have during our evolutionary development that have pops up once in a while, like baby's being born with tails that can still move around.
@@davidsmith-uw2ci I repeat, there is nothing whatsoever "vestigial" in the human body.
Nobody "evolved"
"The embryonic tail usually grows into the coccyx or the tailbone. The tailbone is a bone located at the end of the spine, below the sacrum. Sometimes, however, the embryonic tail doesn't disappear and the baby is born with it."
It is not a "vestigial" tail, it's a birth defect.
Honestly, I would just remove the need to eat. How much of the worlds ills would be non-issues if we didn't have to eat to live?
"We are so intelligently made. God was a wonderful designer."
"Then how did the human body pass QA [quality assurance] testing?"
Late for the show, but, if I were the intelligent designer there would only be one language - for everyone.
Greetings from Sweden and thank you for a great show, Seth.
Maybe with enough rectal ozone you would be prepped for a colonoscopy. There are thousands of things I would change if I were the designer! Natural disasters for starters.
Taking ozone internally is harmful and potentially fatal.
People love my smile. I work a cash register, so I see many different people every day. They often tell me how much they love my smile. I HAVE NO TEETH.
I wouldn't have designed autoimmune health problems.
That being any health problem caused by the body attacking itself for no good reason.
You said it for me! Thank you.
Imagine the SIZE of an Ostrich's bird plop 💩landing on your car. Haha
The dental lab tech was not lying… people would bring cakes, and order us pizza for fixing their teeth. I work a plaster and acrylic bench right now… I’m working towards tooth setting. ~final thought~Everyone, young and old come in… from people getting in car wrecks to getting kicked In the face by a horse, to drugs and hygiene, and genetics.don’t be ashamed to improve your quality of life folks. You deserve it!
I would have designed the human eye with the retinal blood supply on the back rather than the front where the slightest bleed can lead to blindness, genius!
Not sure about the "balls" idea. How would they be "tickled" if they were hidden away.... 🤔😂
When properly stimulated they'd descend for some loving attention, you know, a friendly tickle or lick.
@John Thomson Now that's good design... 👍🏼 👌
@Lureeality 🎶🎵 and me now... 😄
Well, let's see, carte blanche to just change it all. Fine, start with breathing through the skin, including under water, the lungs are for speaking and backup air exchange. No humorous, unstubbable toes, do away with telomeres and the need for them, children come from a small egg but can eat regular food immediately, eliminate greed hate and bigotry, preload reading math physics and chemistry, no birth defects, better quality orgasms without exchanging gametes, no plumbing problems, can live a healthy life on nothing but chicken nuggets, immune to poison and radiation, as a first prototype, probably good enough.
Fix our retina. Replaceable teeth. Fix the spine (improve for the upright stance). Get rid of the various allergies and food intolerances people have (i.e., lactose and gluten). Generate vitamin C.
Great subject Seth! I have enjoyed for years asking relious folks if they were god and making design decisions and you had say a little higher IQ than the average human would you make some of the seemingly dough head mistakes that an all powerful and imminently intelligent god made. One of my favorite examples for women is menstruation. Immensely inconvenient and for many very uncomfortable. That is the best method he could come up with!
As an endurance athlete...avion respiratory system please 🤙
God doesn't seem all that intelligent. He must have forgotten that it only took him 2 days to create all ocean life, birds, bugs, cattle and primates when he enlisted Noah to help save them all. Or maybe he's just lazy and didn't want to remake them. He must not be that smart because his plan to snuff out evil by destroying everything was a great big failure. Come to think of it, he seemed to be caught off guard in his disapproval of human behavior. Doesn't sound like he's that all-knowing.
I think these are good questions to bring up as we test the proven theory of Intelligent Design.
Help me with the Hebrew here please...
I was going through the Tanakh and translating lines from Hebrew and one of the ones I tossed in the mix was the simple line in Exodus 22:18. I was doing 22:17 the famous witch one, but the next was so simple in words I figured why not, and the translation made my jaw drop.
Exodus 22:18
כל־שכב עם־בהמה מוֹת יומת
Anyone/all = כל
Lays down = שכב
With = עם
Animal = בהמה
מ֥וֹת = death
Will be killed = יומת
Thus the line reads: Anyone who lies with a dead animal shall be put to death.
Wait, huh? A distinction is made for only dead animals? It has to be since there is a reference already to killing the person, thus the word dead has to be an adjective for the animal, no?
So I looked further
Lev 20:15
ואיש אשר יתן שכבתו בבהמה מות יומת ואת־הבהמה תהרגו
If a man has carnal relations with a beast, he shall be put to death; and you shall kill the beast.
And a man who lays on an animal shall be put to death, and the animal shall be killed.
Here, the translation doesn't provide "dead animal" but again these two words appear "beast dead" in both lines
בהמה מות
בבהמה מות
And still in the line are 3 references to death (kill man, kill beast and dead beast).. but it doesn't make sense killing a dead animal?
So, please help me understand how this extra "dead" reference is dropped/used in these lines. It just seems kinda funky to think there might have been no prohibition against having relations with live animals... 😳...then I think, oh right, shephards....🤣
@@ThinkingNow many of the responses have indicated that it is in fact an adverb and not an adjective. So, you appear to be right on target. However, knowing how the truth gets warped around this set of books, I'm looking further to ensure such sentence structure is consistent. Chances are, though, it will be.
This is excellent and funny too. Personally, after years of engaging in discussions with religious/spiritual poeople of various levels of intensity, from the “i think there is something that created this” ones up to the full catholic treatment ones, i gave up arguing with them. They always have that joker card under their sleeve ready to use it in any emergency and come up with any magical answer to whatever facts that you can provide, is exhausting and sad also, not to mention worrying in some cases.
And at least once a year there's a special Design section in the Sunday _New York Times._
@TheThinkingAtheist You do realise that our eyes actually do adjust focus in real time do you? The reason we need reading glasses at age 50 is, because we are not able to flex the lenses as well as we used to, when we were younger. Now the replacable parts are an awesome idea, replace my old lenses with newer ones so I do not need reading glasses any more. 😁
p.s. Not having allergies to be able to get cats in my life would also be a very positive 'upgrade'
Gwyneth spends too much time in the "multiverse".
I just had both knees replaced in January. Recovery is a lot of work. I’m doing great but yeah, bad design.
... Imagine an Airliner in a bird strike situation - with a flock of Ostrich ! ...