
  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @shanenolan5625
    @shanenolan5625 Рік тому +37

    What is she talking about ?. He wasn't rude , and she went ballistic. Is a ridiculous overreaction.

    • @Black_Pudzianowski
      @Black_Pudzianowski Рік тому

      She's only allowed to do that because she's a Woman.

    • @glecservices3114
      @glecservices3114 Рік тому +2

      It’s Called having respect

    • @yourmum8382
      @yourmum8382 Рік тому +4

      He’s lucky she never smoked him herself

    • @shanenolan5625
      @shanenolan5625 Рік тому +1

      @glecservices3114 Oh, she is respectful to you ? Respect is earned. And it's not the same thing as good manners or civil discourse. . She hasn't a leg to stand on , neither do you I'm afraid.

    • @glecservices3114
      @glecservices3114 Рік тому +2

      @@shanenolan5625 your right respect Is earned you can’t go round calling women bro but expect them to be feminine, make it make sense, can’t expect respect going around calling people out of there name on big big social media platform for the world to see common sense will tell you that

  • @DayOneOutOfOne
    @DayOneOutOfOne Рік тому

    Auntie is off her rocker. She needs to go to the home. We're not african here we're not doing that. She needs to mind her manners like an elder would and should. He didn't say anything derogatory

  • @Abrahamyisrael
    @Abrahamyisrael Рік тому +3

    Aunty has lost a lot of rating in my eyes. I’m seeing through her

    • @christopherlewis2194
      @christopherlewis2194 Рік тому +1

      Exactly she's a single mother old chick with a man for 35 years and she ain't marry him she ain't no different

  • @batboy.
    @batboy. Рік тому +2

    If auntie called him its kool gal every time he be passed.

  • @bleadzeking1
    @bleadzeking1 Рік тому

    She has issues am sorry I call girls that are my friends bro or bruv, it has nothing to do with their gender, if your just a friend that I won't shag, regardless of your gender I call you bro or bruv but she's overreacting

  • @nexis8406
    @nexis8406 Рік тому +2

    Y is it that u must respect everyone else's sensitive little feelings yet when it comes to your own thoughts or feeling or culture no one respects you? Now I fully agree respect your elders and he was wrong there but y couldnt he apologize and it be done.

  • @yourmum8382
    @yourmum8382 Рік тому

    How many body’s you doh

  • @alexlue1611
    @alexlue1611 Рік тому +25

    If a man said that he would smoke a woman with the same fury directed at KR he would be arrested if she lodged a complaint.
    She is insincere and the only reason she is involved in this apology session is that she realizes that she uttered a death threat on camera.

    • @mynameischyna
      @mynameischyna  Рік тому +3

      Alex could have spoken any language but he spoke facts!

    • @Black_Pudzianowski
      @Black_Pudzianowski Рік тому +12

      Basically, Women have to stop being allowed to make threats to Men.

  • @eon001
    @eon001 Рік тому +9

    Being an elder doesn't mean you have a free pass to be rude. Everyone deserves a base level of respect. You want to cross boundaries and take jabs at other races don't expect to be respected.

  • @hspringer6823
    @hspringer6823 Рік тому +9

    The crazy part she didn't even apologize to him or them talking about hurting them threating them

  • @ktrap868
    @ktrap868 Рік тому +12

    I understand it's King's vernacular and he doesn't do it on purpose to offend but it just doesn't sound right. It's a respect thing as an elder and I'm sure he can understand that. Still I think auntie needs to take it down a notch.
    I also respect that all parties took the time to speak and move on. Bless!

    • @Black_Pudzianowski
      @Black_Pudzianowski Рік тому +1

      Aunty is part of the problem of emasculating Men especially Black Men & this Woman is pretending she meant something else other than threats to King Richez.

  • @ktrap868
    @ktrap868 Рік тому +13

    I think we needed Sa Ra here. A voice of reason and a great co-host for Pearl. Noone does it better. I remember how that girl made an asinine comment and Pearl, Chyna & Sa Ra lauged. Sa Ra then proceeds to calmly explain to her how her logic is flawed and she took it on.

  • @BlackFighterz
    @BlackFighterz Рік тому +6

    You know what's rude threats of violence.

  • @MaxPowerRP
    @MaxPowerRP Рік тому +20

    Alright, so I rarely ever try to tell the on-camera "talent" how they should or shouldn't act or think. Besides, being a moderator for both Aunty, KR and Pearl I am also aware that I'm a hand-picked representative and help set the tone in the community. A certain level of professionalism and distance is needed to do it well in the long-run, which includes not working against the hosts even if I may sometimes personally disagree. I know my place.
    However, since everyone is getting their 2 pence in, I might as well do so as well. I'm not a moderator here after all 😅
    Re the case of Aunty v KR:
    In all honesty, this starts way earlier than this. I don't know why Esther keeps getting invited back. Well, ofc I do, the drama. However, it's a high risk high reward type strategy. It worked alright on the Tate podcast, it backfired on this one. Aunty has a longstanding beef with her and has clearly said that she doesn't want to have anything to do with her. Respectfully, I don't understand why Pearl would insist on having Aunty on, IF she was intent on having Esther on as well. Maybe there's some behind the scenes info that we don't know...
    Based on that, Aunty was clearly already frustrated with the whole situation. As an avid Aunty fan and supporter, I could already see some micro-indications of that in their reaction stream just before the actual podcast. Most likely because of that, I'd have to agree with Doug's sentiment that Aunty was probably a bit too hyped up and ready for war right off the bat on the podcast. With Esther there discretely and indirectly poking her and provoking her further, things escalated quickly, and more importantly the tense and frustrated atmosphere on the podcast as a whole followed suit.
    Example: Pearl desperately trying to shut down the arguments and mainly Aunty and Esther ignoring her and continuing. I'd expect that from Esther, not from Aunty in all honesty. Clearly the frustration levels were up there 😬
    As far as the whole "bro-zaster" with KR, nothing really happened on the show as far as I remember. However, Aunty is right that she has previously expressed to KR that she doesn't like being called "bro"/"bruv". Regardless of what anyone may think of it, it's quite easy to understand, isn't it?. As men we feel disrespected if our gf/wife calls us bro, so why wouldn't women feel disrespected if we call them bro? KR definitely has to take the L for apparently not having realized that Aunty was serious about not wanting to be called bro. I mean, bringing it up to Tee as an example of how he calls other people bro as well was just shooting himself in the foot, so I fully believe it had gone over his head. 😂
    With that said, the solution is meeting somewhere in the middle. While KR really should do his best to stop calling people bro if they tell him they don't like it, it's also abundantly clear that he says it every 5 words without thinking. We can dislike it and say he SHOULDN'T do so all we want, but it's quite unrealistic imho to expect him to completely change it on the spot. He's only human, it's going to slip out every now and then, at least for a while as he gets used to it. It's just as easy to understand really, and I do think a little leeway has to be given. Especially when he has now apologized and explained that it's automatic thing and not at all intended as a disrespect or an insult.
    Finally, while the "respect your elders" aspect is very relevant in many cultures around the world, that can take form in many different shapes and degrees. The whole "calling all your elders Aunty and Uncle" is actually not as set in stone as you may think. Let's be honest, no matter how many times KR says he's Nigerian, he comes off as British to me at least. 😂
    Point being, people are raised in different cultures and with a different set of norms. Imho, it's not reasonable to declare war on them all because of where they grew up in that sense. I think it's a slippery slope to assign your own cultural values and norms to people that may not share them, and based on that conclude that the person in question was being disrespectful on purpose. Not to say you're not allowed to dislike their mannerisms and norms, but that's not them insulting you on purpose.
    Re the case of Tee v KR:
    I actually liked Tee's appearance up until that point in the show. She had spoken a decent amount - too many guests to be able to talk more - and made some good rational points. I don't think anyone would have any issues with her up until that point.
    However, just as KR said, the one and only issue was that she got emotional and just went from 0 to 100 on a moment's notice with insults, (what everyone agreed sounded like) threats and finally walking off the show. I'm sorry, but there's just no justifying or defending that behavior in my eyes. Nothing major happened to set it off. In fact, it sounded like she went off because KR called her "bro", which now apparently it wasn't. So what even set her off..? Even the "bro"-theory was unjustifiable, because unlike in Aunty's situation, she only really mentioned it to KR well into her meltdown.
    If you have such an issue with another person's behavior, then the least you can do is let them know before you start having a go at them.
    Regardless, we can ultimately only know our own intents and control our own actions and thoughts, that's why we have to take accountability for those parts. Her behavior that night was completely on her. Just because everyone and everything around you doesn't go exactly they way you'd want it to doesn't justify you throwing a hissy fit. That L is yours.
    And as far as the completely unwarranted and unjustifiable insults and threats towards both KR and Pearl, you were all speaking English, we could all understand what was being said. You cannot argue that where you're from a clear threat means something else. We do not know you like that, so clearly we're going to hear your threats and take them as... 🥁...threats. It's not reasonable to start insulting and threatening people regardless of how upset you are. That's on you and nobody else. There's absolutely no justification.
    As for Pearl, she is the host of the show so she moderates it. None of you have the final word, she does. It was a tense situation that was quickly escalating out of control and she tried to put an end to it by changing the topic. Again, completely unjustifiable to react the way you did just because you didn't get what they wanted. You know who else hasn't gotten what they wanted? Everyone. Join the club.
    Finally, as far as KR's behavior that was mentioned. Again, not that it justifies what happened next, but let's explore it. Listen, KR is flawed just like the rest of us. Was it incredibly unnecessary to laugh when you said the whole "bro" thing? Yes! 100%! It was like throwing gasoline onto the fire. However, the fire was already lit, You were already about to leave because you suddenly got so upset, and now you just told us that was not it after all. Confusing...
    He shouldn't have escalated things further by laughing at that time, but let's be clear, you were clearly already losing control. You have to take accountability and control yourself. Nobody else will.
    With that said. I fully agree that imho KR can come across quite bullish sometimes. Different people respond differently to the different tones, and for what it's worth KR has been getting a lot better trying to gauge it and adapt his tone on his own podcast. He's still new to it tho, and sometimes he still gets it wrong and increases the risk of the person getting defensive or upset. It's a work in progress.
    However, it's hard to make that relevant here because you didn't even try to address it before you blew up. You were fairly calm and collected up until that moment. So how was he supposed to know that you were about to blow up, or at least clarify that you were misunderstanding how he was talking to people? He couldn't. We're not mindreaders, you have to actually communicate. Instead you did what you did... 🤷‍♂
    Such a shame, Tee. You were doing so well up until then. As adults you have to be able to have discipline and control, otherwise it's like sitting next to piece of sweating dynamite that can go off at any time if you rub it the wrong way. How can anyone have a real debate like that?

    • @yokxng1225
      @yokxng1225 Рік тому +2

      Max, well said.

    • @ktrap868
      @ktrap868 Рік тому +1

      @Max Power I don't normally read long posts as most people just waffle but you didn't at all here. You hit the nail on the head. Well said pal. Big up!

    • @MaxPowerRP
      @MaxPowerRP Рік тому +3

      @@ktrap868 I know a lot of people are not even going to bother, which is fine, but to make some topics justice you have to make it long form to get the point across properly. Thanks for reading my novel tho 😂

    • @erickrodriguez2753
      @erickrodriguez2753 Рік тому +3

      Lmaoo nah UA-cam needs character limits on comments, bro wrote an essay analyzing this. It ain’t that deep my boy.

    • @MaxPowerRP
      @MaxPowerRP Рік тому +3

      @@erickrodriguez2753 True, but then why are we all here to begin with? Drama is engaging unfortunately🤣

  • @TheDoBetterPodcast
    @TheDoBetterPodcast Рік тому +5

    I love KR N Auntie. But he needs to correct that bruh thing. That one on the bottom left is full of shit. She overreacted. Then proceeded to cause a scene. Was told to leave and kept coming back. It was about attention. And she's immature af and too old to behave that way. She on damage control now

  • @9etherking707
    @9etherking707 Рік тому +4

    Even in her explanation, she's still telling KR that her people said he's lucky they weren't there. Enough with this chick man! Some teenaged gas bag behaviour.

  • @Thatiswhatitismadefor
    @Thatiswhatitismadefor 6 днів тому +1

    It is weird calling a female a bro.

  • @TootXB
    @TootXB Рік тому +4

    This video did not help the girl's case really.

  • @MaxPowerRP
    @MaxPowerRP Рік тому +7

    Is there more to this? We need these shows on youtube, I try to stay as far away from IG as I can 🙈
    Glad to see it was somewhat discussed and worked out at least👏

  • @themeatspot5020
    @themeatspot5020 Рік тому +3

    I feel for king richez to be trying to talk logical, it won't land with them

  • @thelasthellfish6719
    @thelasthellfish6719 Рік тому +4

    How delusional can she be??? Just a day before went apesh*t threatening everyone on set just 'cause she couldn't handle a conversation like a decent human being, then, all of the sudden, tells this guy she ain't bothered at all getting called a "bro" despite her behavior.
    Also, I really find it funny how she keeps yellin' : - let me speak, let me finish, but she doesn't let anyone else finish their own sentences

  • @shan681
    @shan681 Рік тому +2

    AHA!!!! that woman was a Muslim!!! now it all makes sense. i was wondering why the hell would she get insulted by the word Bro? and here she is going on blabbering god damn bloody nonsense about being called bro???

  • @DayOneOutOfOne
    @DayOneOutOfOne Рік тому +1

    Talk with respect! Im not these other girls😅 damn

  • @A-RJ
    @A-RJ Рік тому +2

    I don’t agree with her carrying like she’s a gangster making threats but tbf she say she wanted to say something next after the other girl spoke.

  • @doublepromo8240
    @doublepromo8240 Рік тому +6

    I wish I could find the specific response, but maybe 2-3 months ago I said on one of King Richez' videos that he should STOP calling women bro and bruv all the time because how can you complain that women are masculine yet you continue to address them as bro and bruv? His response to my comment was "so what?" I knew that this would come back to haunt him one of these days. If he can go to the gym every day and condition his body, he can work on conditioning what he says and how he addresses people. I said something similar on the F&F shows about Myron and Chris always saying "ni@@a" and letting all the chicks of almost any ethnicity say it. It brings the value of their show even lower.

    • @dopeymomasboy
      @dopeymomasboy Рік тому +3

      ppl in general need to stop calling everyone bro or bruv. its a culture issue. even between each other theres issues when someone calls another bro

    • @TheDoBetterPodcast
      @TheDoBetterPodcast Рік тому +1

      Good observation. I've said the same thing too about fresh n fit

    • @doublepromo8240
      @doublepromo8240 Рік тому +1

      @@dopeymomasboy My daughter (she was 22 at the time) and I had a disagreement once and she called me "son" - I didn't even have to respond to her because the look on my face let her know she knew better than to ever call me that again.

    • @christopherlewis2194
      @christopherlewis2194 Рік тому

      So that is okay for her to threaten to shoot him SMFH

    • @doublepromo8240
      @doublepromo8240 Рік тому

      @@christopherlewis2194 Huh? It's never okay for anyone to threaten to shoot anyone.

  • @MrCletus1968
    @MrCletus1968 Рік тому +3

    That's disrespectful to call any woman bro of age. Respect your elder.

    • @flyguy1827
      @flyguy1827 Рік тому +1

      Tell your elder to control her temper

    • @Freshina
      @Freshina Рік тому +2

      Tell your elder to stop behaving like an emotional baby then

  • @BadJuJu93
    @BadJuJu93 Рік тому +2

    I also don't believe none of this shit that crazy ass girl was saying

  • @elmyrone3569
    @elmyrone3569 Рік тому +4

    She has to learn to control her temper.
    You can't go off like that all the time.
    King Richez did nothing wrong.

    • @yourmum8382
      @yourmum8382 Рік тому

      Why she’s not these other girls she’s from the ghetto she’s not the one fam 😂

  • @DayOneOutOfOne
    @DayOneOutOfOne Рік тому +1

    I pray for him. She really tried it with humiliation but anyone can see.

  • @loveg1463
    @loveg1463 9 місяців тому

    Jenny is too much man, just making noise. . I call my sister bruv & she's a woman. And Jenny was implying that Jamaicans were better than Africans when was having a shouting match with Esther.

  • @ericknava713006
    @ericknava713006 Рік тому +4

    King Richez was right.

  • @t1nna885
    @t1nna885 Рік тому +1

    i hear what aunt is saying but richez says it unintentially, its like someone say 'umm' when talking and calling someone bro isnt disrespectful objectively, its not like calling someone a bitch. kr is getting a lot of slack but it clearly isnt said on purpose

  • @davidchung2203
    @davidchung2203 Рік тому +3

    He said bro to everyone 😂

  • @DayOneOutOfOne
    @DayOneOutOfOne Рік тому

    Im not a fan of king riches but damn hes a better person than me

  • @themeatspot5020
    @themeatspot5020 Рік тому +1

    She's getting the world respect mixed up with ego

  • @QuinnLondonborn
    @QuinnLondonborn Рік тому +1

    My son in law calls his elders, Aunty and Uncle, its his culture. So respectful 🙏. He calls my mum Nanny..

  • @DayOneOutOfOne
    @DayOneOutOfOne Рік тому

    He was respectful

  • @iammaximus614
    @iammaximus614 Рік тому +2

    …. Respect, to All elders

  • @BadJuJu93
    @BadJuJu93 Рік тому +2

    I understand both sides, Auntie sees it as disrespect because she isn't a bro, she's a lady. But at the same time (speaking from experience) if bro is part of your vocabulary heavily, it is really hard to catch yourself, it just comes out.

  • @TootXB
    @TootXB Рік тому

    Its great that this girl has such principles. She needs to relax a bit though and learn about how to communicate with different types of people.

  • @QuinnLondonborn
    @QuinnLondonborn Рік тому +1

    Respect to the ladies here.🙏

  • @Joxman2k
    @Joxman2k Рік тому

    Some people just need to calm down. And they need to get over themselves and this apparent need to be respected at all costs. That being said I understand her frustration over what was happening. There needs to be a fair way to communicate amongst each other instead of talking over everybody else. I dont think anybody meant to disrespect each other, but it happened that people got their feelings hurt.
    Ultimately it comes down to the host to manage the conversation. I love Pearl and she does a good job, but managing different personalities who talk over each other and talk loud like Ester does can be difficult. Peral needed to take control of the situation and the one girl flipped the fuck out. She needs to apologise for her behavior too. Hers was the most extreme. You are the only one responsible for your behavior and letting yourself get too frustrated is bad. She should have left sooner before she flipped out. If she doesnt see that then she doesnt need to be in a conversation above two again.
    The whole situation is fraught with hurt feelings. Grow up people and get over it. Apologise and let people apologize to you and move the fuck on.

  • @hilaryb8212
    @hilaryb8212 Рік тому +2

    She's right. I'm a 90s baby I always had more guy friends then my girl friends and my guy friends never called me bro because I'm straight and I'm a female I wasn't a tomboy, I wasn't trying to be one of the guys, I only became friends with them because the majority of girls start to much drama/bullshit. Just because I won't put up with that doesn't make me less of a girl/young lady so don't call me bro. I only call 1 man bro in my life and that's my blood brother. My guy friends I grew up with r like my bros but I don't even call them that I call them by there first name. #oldschool #justsaying

  • @themeatspot5020
    @themeatspot5020 Рік тому

    You was DEFINITELY triggered by the word bro tho loool

  • @themeatspot5020
    @themeatspot5020 Рік тому +2

    You DONT have to respect your elders, that's some toxic shit, respect people accordingly

  • @Radiatron18
    @Radiatron18 Рік тому +6

    These young men need to learn how to talk again all these bros, bruvs, rea tho, and calling your self a g or king is a sign of unintelligence and immaturity

  • @glecservices3114
    @glecservices3114 Рік тому +4

    It’s serious tho you cant disrespect and undermine people’s feelings doesn’t matter what platform you have you have to have emotional intelligence when deal with people especially when you run a online show both Aunty and tee was right, this is a growing moment for king richies

    • @thrilla72
      @thrilla72 Рік тому +3

      Tee wasn't right, she could have told him before in a calm fashion that she didn't appreciate what he was saying. I think she was not happy with the comments on single mothers.