@@oyen6587 A Christian? Well! If you don't mind, the quite a very simple question that prompts it to arise is: Show us Muslims one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in any version of a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say, "I'm God?" or "Worship Me?" Or where does he say, "I'm God and worship Me?" Let's see it! NOTE: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That's what 'truth' is all about actually!
Alhamdulillah dilahirkan sebagai seorang yang beragama Islam. Alhamdulillah kita hidup didalm negara yang penuh dengan toleransi agama.walau ape pon agama kamu kita tetap bersahabat❤️
Syukur agama ku kristian terbukti d malaysia umatnya saling menghormati..walaupun bukan sebangsa dan bukan se kaum. Syukur juga ramai yang masuk agama kriatian tampa paksaan dan bukan masuk kristian kerana jodoh tetapi mereka adalah pilihan tuhan.amin.🙏🥰
Salam dari saya Kelantan darul Naim,_ saya hanya pilih penganut agama Islam, Islam itu agama yg benar, syukur alhamdulillah saya dilahirkan sebagai Islam, atau muslim. 👋😁🤲👍👍👍
Sy bca² d ruangan kmen ni bnyk orng psoal agama dn kpcyaan msing² jgn mcm ni. agama islam ke Kristian ke kta msti sling mnghormat antara stu sma lain.islam itu kan indah lebih baik kta doakan yg trbaik untuk saudara kta smua semoga Allah buka pintu hati nya dpt msuk islam😊
Alhamdulillah, Islam selalu utamakan kasih sayang kepada siapapun tanpa kecuali, krn tiap tindakan slalu didahului dgn Bismillahirrahmanirrahim 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🥰🥰🥰
Halleluya puji Tuhan🙏🙏❤❤saya dilahirkan dari keluarga kristian dan membesar dari keluarga kristian,tidak lama lagi saya akan di baptis menjadi kristian katolik🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤btw salam toleransi dan salam damai bagi saudara saudara saya yang beragama kristian dan non kristian😊😊🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖
@@MDasyatHebatMat sorry tapi saya percaya bahawa Yesus adalah Tuhan dan sang penyelamat saya😊😊💖saya juga telah mengakui bahawa "Aku percaya akan Allah bapa yang maha kuasa,pencipta langit dan bumi dan akan Yesus Kristus puteranya yang tunggal Tuhan kita,dikandung dari Roh Kudus dilahirkan oleh perawan Maria,yang menderita sengsara dalam pemerintahan pontius pilatus,disalibkan,wafat dan dimakamkan,yang turun ke tempat penantian pada hari ketiga dia bangkit dari antara orang mati,yang naik ke syurga,duduk disebelah kanan Allah Bapa yang maha kuasa,dari situ dia akan datang mengadili orang hidup dan mati,aku percaya akan Roh Kudus,Gereja Katolik yang Kudus,persekutuan para Kudus,pengampunan dosa,kebangkitan badan,kehidupan kekal,Amen🙏🙏💖💖" Salam damai wahai saudara saudaraku yang beragama kristian dan non kristian😊😊🙏🙏💖💖
Bertuah dilahirkan dalam keluarga Buddhism, dan sebagai rakyat malaysia dan saya pilih agama ni sebagai kepercayaan saya sebab banyak keajaiban berlaku dalam hidup saya . Tapi harap semua orang hormat agama dan kepercayaan orang tanpa kata2 hasut
@@MatMon-fj4fd The Christian prayer: Almighty GOD the creator of the Universe### we make this prayer through JESUS CHRIST our Lord Jesus Christ 100% human body with flesh and blood The 2.4 billion Christians all around the world 🌎 are not fools, You get 72 hoors in jannah which the Christian heaven no, So not the same after life, lets come on to the 72 pure virgin hore in jannah we know that you gets them congratulations , some says their mom , wives, sisters daughters etc don't get what they received in jannah , But DR Zakir Naik says (UA-cam) Whatever men gets women also gets equal he answered to a lady , Thanks to Dr, Zakir Naik so if you believe that women also gets #### invite all the family ladies explain and discuss about jannah , for men it's call houries okay, for the women what is the name call not hoor I think , The worlds date is control by the Christian calendar no one can runs off of this date and the year start from the birth of Jesus no one can Hide from it, The North, South, East, West the largest CROSS in the Universe which shows us the direction , Thanks to the All powerful and everliving GOD the King and the Universe creator of heaven and 🌎 We make this prayer through JESUS CHRIST our Lord Amen 🙏❤️
@@Lostlosers03 1. ⓂFACT: WHERE DOES ALLAH (THE ALL-MIGHTY) SAY, "I'M GOD AND WORSHIP ME?" ◾Allah (The All-Mighty) Himself says: "Indeed, I am Allah. There is no god except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Taha 20:14] 'All praise be to Allah (The Creator) Alone, Lord of the entire universe' 🏴QUESTION: ◾Here! Show and prove it evidently to us Muslims (as a whole) one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say: "I'm God and worship Me?" Well then, let's see/hear it! Note: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually!
Taoisme pilihan nenek moyang saya,apa pun agamamu: jagalah keharmonian,berbuat amal kebaikan,tidak berdendam,saling menghormati, saling membantu tanpa kira agama,tidak berbuat perbuatan jahat dan jenayah,akhir kata harus berbaik hati.menurut saya semua ajaran agama hanya untuk kedamaian,keharmonian,ringankan beban dalam kehidupan,yang berkelakuan jahat itu hanyalah individu itu sendiri, tidak berkaitan dengan AGAMA.🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾❣️❣️I ❣️ Malaysia.
@@oyen6587 Here! Just to remind you that you still haven't answered that quite a very simple question yet concerning the alleged divinity of Jesus, the son of Mary: Show us Muslims one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in any version of a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say, "I'm God?" or "Worship Me?" Or where does he say, "I'm God and worship Me?" Let's see it! NOTE: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That's what 'truth' is all about actually!
@@oyen6587 ⓂFACT: IBN AL-QAYYIM'S POEM TO CHRISTIANS بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرّحْمَنِ الرّحِيم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful قصيدة : أعباد المسيح في نقض النصرانية Poem - “Oh Worshippers of Christ!” A poetic refutation of Christianity By: Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah - An Islamic Scholar who died in 1350 CE. ⬛Ibn Al-Qayyim's Poem To Christians ua-cam.com/video/FNGGaY50ey8/v-deo.html ▪أعباد المسيح لنا سؤال … نريد جوابه ممن وعاه Oh Worshippers of Christ! We’d like your most wise to answer our question. ▪إذا مات الإله بصنع قوم … أماتوه فما هذا الإله If our God was murdered by some people’s actions, then what sort of God is this? ▪وهل أرضاه ما نالوه منه … فبشراهم إذاً نالوا رضاه And we wonder. Was he pleased by what they did to him? If so then blessed are they, for they must have achieved his pleasure. ▪وإن سخط الذي فعلوه فيه … فقوّتهم إذاً أوهت قِواه But if he wasn’t pleased with them, then this must mean they overpowered him. ▪وهل بقي الوجود بلا إله … سميع يستجيب لمن دعاه So was the present entity left without a God, an All-Hearing being who can hear prayers? ▪وهل خلتِ الطباق السبع لما … ثوى تحت التراب وقد علاه And were the Heavens vacated, when he was placed under the earth and the dirt was above him? ▪وهل خلت العوالم من إلهٍ … يدبرها وقد سُمرَت يداه And was the Universe left without a God to manage it while his hands were being nailed down? ▪وكيف تخلت الأملاك عنه … بنصرهم وقد سمعوا بكاه And why didn’t the Angels help him when they heard him cry out (in pain)? ▪وكيف أطاقت الخشبات حمل الإله … الحق شد على قفاه And how could any wooden beam holdup a True God, while He is being fastened to it? ▪وكيف دنا الحديد إليه حتى … يخالطه ويلحقه أذاه And could any iron ever be brought to Him so that it would be driven inside Him and cause Him pain? ▪وكيف تمكنت أيدي عداه … وطالت حيث قد صفعوا قفاه And how could ever His enemies’ hands ever reach Him, so that they could whip him from behind? ▪وهل عاد المسيح إلى حياة … أم المحيي له ربّ سواه And did this Christ revive himself or was there another god that brought him to life? ▪ويا عجباً لقبر ضم رباً … وأعْجَبَ منه بطن قد حواه And how strange is it. That a grave could be enclosed on a god. And even stranger is the womb that enclosed him (before.) ▪أقام هناك تسعا من شهور … لدى الظلمات من حيضٍ غِذَ Which he remained inside for nine whole months, in utter darkness being fed by blood. ▪وشق الفرج مولودا صغيرا … ضعيفا فاتحا للثدى فاه Then he emerged from the womb as a small child, completely helpless reaching out to be fed. ▪ويأكل ثم يشرب ثم يأتي … بلازم ذاك هل هذا إله Thus, he ate, drank, and after he answered the call which comes naturally. So is this really a god? ▪تعالى الله عن إفك النصارى … سيسأل كلهم عما افتراه High Exalted is Allah above the lies of the Christians. Each of whom will be asked about their fabrications. ▪أعباد الصليب لأي معنى … يعظّم أو يقبّح من رماه Oh Cross worshippers, for what reason is someone exalted (for accepting this) and blameworthy for rejecting it? ▪وهل تقضى العقول بغير كسر … وإحراق له ولمن بغاه And is it not logical that we should break and burn (what humiliated Christ) and the one that made it? ▪إذا ركَبَ الإله عليه كرها … وقد شدت لتسمير يداه Since (you claim) that God was forcefully crucified upon it, with his hands nailed to it. ▪فذاك المركب الملعون حقا … فدسه لا تبسه إذا تراه For truly what a cursed cross to carry? Which one should discard instead of kissing when glanced upon. ▪يهان عليه رب الخلق طرّا … وتعبده فإنك من عداه For (you claim) the Creator was abused upon it. Yet you appear to worship it, so are you one of His enemies? ▪فإن عظّمته من أجل أن قد … حوى رب العباد وقد علاه If you exalt it (i.e. the Cross) because it carried the Lord of all that exists, ▪وقد فقد الصليب فإن رأينا … له شكلا تذكرنا سنا then why don’t you also prostrate and exalt the graves? ▪فهلا للقبور سجدت طُرّا … لضم القبر ربَّك في حشاه For it was the grave that held your (so-called) god in it. ▪فيا عبد المسيح أفق فهذا … بدايته وهذا منتهاه 🔲Oh worshippers of Christ, Wake up! For this is what the matter is all about.
Realitinya..asal agama adalah dari satu tuhan iaitu Allah swt dan ISLAM adalah agama pilihannya yang utama.kesemua utusan Allah adalah terdiri daripada para nabi serta rasul terpilih oleh sebab itu agama islam akan menguasai dunia jadi bersyukurlah apabila dilahirkan seorang muslim sejati,agama yang dibawa oleh utusan Allah yang terakhir iaitu baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Tapi knapa yg lebih unggul kebanyakan org non-muslim seandainya Islam agama yg paling unggul knapa umatnya biasa2 aja ..seharusnya muslim lebih unggul karena mereka adalah agama pilihan ALLAH....
@@Joszmoff unggul didunia tapi tidak di akhirat,muslim sejati tidak terlihat biasa dimata tuhannya,dan islam bukan dilihat kepada keunggulan tapi sejauh mana amalan penganutnya.hanya tuhannya saja yang boleh menentukan keikhlasan penganutnya
@@Joszmoff orang islam juga ada yang berbuat dosa kecil ataupun besar ada juga orang islam ke neraka,agama lain jugapun sama tidak terkecuali,setiap manusia tidak sempurna.
puji tuhan saya lahir sebagai kristen. saya suka jadi orang kristen karna agama kristen mengajarkan kebaikan dan kebenaran, semoga tuhan yesus memberkati kalian semua. GBU hallleyuahhhh.......
Lebih baik tidak beragama, bikin diskriminasi dan kekacauan saja, terutama yg beragama ISLAM, lebih baik jadi agnostik, tidak beragama, yg penting percaya ada yg lebih berkuasa yg telah menciptakan alam semesta ini
Menang dapat apa??Pahala?? Kalah dapat apa?? Dosa?? Persetan dengan Rangking,record!!!janji jiwa kita tenang,badan sehat, kesihatan baik.yg lain go on lah....bla...bla...
hello sekarang ini ramai yang masuk islam.islam naik ke no 1.menguasai dunia 🤲🏻🤲🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻💚💚dari 2018.aku yang muslim ni pun mereka kata bukan islam 😬😬 waalaikumusalam
tidak berAGAMA itu pilihan,berAGAMA pula adalah kewajiban...satu²nya AGAMA yg diredhai pula adalah ISLAM..the way of life... Surah Al Ikhlas Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani Qul huwallāhu aḥad Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): (Tuhanku) ialah Allah Yang Maha Esa, Allāhuṣ-ṣamad Allah Yang menjadi tumpuan sekalian makhluk untuk memohon sebarang hajat, Lam yalid wa lam yūlad Ia tiada beranak, dan Ia pula tidak diperanakkan, Wa lam yakul lahū kufuwan aḥad Dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang serupa denganNya.
Masih ramai lagi yang Allah tidak memberi hidayah memeluk islam dalam dunia ni tugas menyampaikan dakwah islam bukan hanya golongan tabligh sahaja tetapi seluruh umat islam.Agama islam itu agama dari nabi Adam iaitu manusia pertama dunia.
Joys kingdooms Joys kingdoms ⓂFACT: IBN AL-QAYYIM'S POEM TO CHRISTIANS بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرّحْمَنِ الرّحِيم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful قصيدة : أعباد المسيح في نقض النصرانية Poem - “Oh Worshippers of Christ!” A poetic refutation of Christianity By: Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah - An Islamic Scholar who died in 1350 CE. ⬛Ibn Al-Qayyim's Poem To Christians ua-cam.com/video/FNGGaY50ey8/v-deo.html ▪أعباد المسيح لنا سؤال … نريد جوابه ممن وعاه Oh Worshippers of Christ! We’d like your most wise to answer our question. ▪إذا مات الإله بصنع قوم … أماتوه فما هذا الإله If our God was murdered by some people’s actions, then what sort of God is this? ▪وهل أرضاه ما نالوه منه … فبشراهم إذاً نالوا رضاه And we wonder. Was he pleased by what they did to him? If so then blessed are they, for they must have achieved his pleasure. ▪وإن سخط الذي فعلوه فيه … فقوّتهم إذاً أوهت قِواه But if he wasn’t pleased with them, then this must mean they overpowered him. ▪وهل بقي الوجود بلا إله … سميع يستجيب لمن دعاه So was the present entity left without a God, an All-Hearing being who can hear prayers? ▪وهل خلتِ الطباق السبع لما … ثوى تحت التراب وقد علاه And were the Heavens vacated, when he was placed under the earth and the dirt was above him? ▪وهل خلت العوالم من إلهٍ … يدبرها وقد سُمرَت يداه And was the Universe left without a God to manage it while his hands were being nailed down? ▪وكيف تخلت الأملاك عنه … بنصرهم وقد سمعوا بكاه And why didn’t the Angels help him when they heard him cry out (in pain)? ▪وكيف أطاقت الخشبات حمل الإله … الحق شد على قفاه And how could any wooden beam holdup a True God, while He is being fastened to it? ▪وكيف دنا الحديد إليه حتى … يخالطه ويلحقه أذاه And could any iron ever be brought to Him so that it would be driven inside Him and cause Him pain? ▪وكيف تمكنت أيدي عداه … وطالت حيث قد صفعوا قفاه And how could ever His enemies’ hands ever reach Him, so that they could whip him from behind? ▪وهل عاد المسيح إلى حياة … أم المحيي له ربّ سواه And did this Christ revive himself or was there another god that brought him to life? ▪ويا عجباً لقبر ضم رباً … وأعْجَبَ منه بطن قد حواه And how strange is it. That a grave could be enclosed on a god. And even stranger is the womb that enclosed him (before.) ▪أقام هناك تسعا من شهور … لدى الظلمات من حيضٍ غِذَ Which he remained inside for nine whole months, in utter darkness being fed by blood. ▪وشق الفرج مولودا صغيرا … ضعيفا فاتحا للثدى فاه Then he emerged from the womb as a small child, completely helpless reaching out to be fed. ▪ويأكل ثم يشرب ثم يأتي … بلازم ذاك هل هذا إله Thus, he ate, drank, and after he answered the call which comes naturally. So is this really a god? ▪تعالى الله عن إفك النصارى … سيسأل كلهم عما افتراه High Exalted is Allah above the lies of the Christians. Each of whom will be asked about their fabrications. ▪أعباد الصليب لأي معنى … يعظّم أو يقبّح من رماه Oh Cross worshippers, for what reason is someone exalted (for accepting this) and blameworthy for rejecting it? ▪وهل تقضى العقول بغير كسر … وإحراق له ولمن بغاه And is it not logical that we should break and burn (what humiliated Christ) and the one that made it? ▪إذا ركَبَ الإله عليه كرها … وقد شدت لتسمير يداه Since (you claim) that God was forcefully crucified upon it, with his hands nailed to it. ▪فذاك المركب الملعون حقا … فدسه لا تبسه إذا تراه For truly what a cursed cross to carry? Which one should discard instead of kissing when glanced upon. ▪يهان عليه رب الخلق طرّا … وتعبده فإنك من عداه For (you claim) the Creator was abused upon it. Yet you appear to worship it, so are you one of His enemies? ▪فإن عظّمته من أجل أن قد … حوى رب العباد وقد علاه If you exalt it (i.e. the Cross) because it carried the Lord of all that exists, ▪وقد فقد الصليب فإن رأينا … له شكلا تذكرنا سنا then why don’t you also prostrate and exalt the graves? ▪فهلا للقبور سجدت طُرّا … لضم القبر ربَّك في حشاه For it was the grave that held your (so-called) god in it. ▪فيا عبد المسيح أفق فهذا … بدايته وهذا منتهاه 🔲Oh worshippers of Christ, Wake up! For this is what the matter is all about.
@@namieangel220 1. ⓂFACT: WHERE DOES ALLAH (THE ALL-MIGHTY) SAY, "I'M GOD AND WORSHIP ME?" ◾Allah (The All-Mighty) Himself says: "Indeed, I am Allah. There is no god except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." [Noble Qur'an, Surah Taha 20:14] 'All praise be to Allah (The Creator) Alone, Lord of the entire universe' 🏴QUESTION: ◾Here! Show and prove it evidently to us Muslims (as a whole) one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say: "I'm God and worship Me?" Well then, let's see/hear it! Note: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually!
Segala puji bagi Allah... Tiada tuhan selain Allah Nabi Muhammad utusan Allah...
alhamdulillah syukur dilahirkan sebagai Islam..
Alhamdulillah nikmat paling besar ialah nikmat iman
Saya bersyukur sbab di lahirkan sebagai christian😇
A Christian? Well! If you don't mind, the quite a very simple question that prompts it to arise is:
Show us Muslims one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in any version of a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say,
"I'm God?" or "Worship Me?" Or where does he say, "I'm God and worship Me?"
Let's see it!
NOTE: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That's what 'truth' is all about actually!
@@MDasyatHebatMat padu bro👍👍👍
Alhamdulillah dilahirkan sebagai seorang yang beragama Islam. Alhamdulillah kita hidup didalm negara yang penuh dengan toleransi agama.walau ape pon agama kamu kita tetap bersahabat❤️
Ye bang salam dari toleransi
Hormatilah semua agama di dunia ini,sy yakin dan percaya Tuhan itu adil.
Islam is the best world Islam siapa orang Islam like! 👇Terima kasih alhandulillah
Setiap org pasti menganggap agamanya terbaik dan sekarang terbesar saat ini adalah agama kristen.
Alhamdulilah syukur dilahirkan sebagai islam❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah SWT
Apa-2 pun agama kita yang penting lakukanlah kehidupan kita dengan kebaikan
Alhamdulillah membesar dan dididik dalam ISLAM🥰♥️
Al-Fatihah amin
Islam love allah
Alhamdulilah syukur lah dilahirkan sebagai islam😇😇😊😊😊
Syukur agama ku kristian terbukti d malaysia umatnya saling menghormati..walaupun bukan sebangsa dan bukan se kaum. Syukur juga ramai yang masuk agama kriatian tampa paksaan dan bukan masuk kristian kerana jodoh tetapi mereka adalah pilihan tuhan.amin.🙏🥰
Kenapa bonda Maria tidak menuhankan anaknya?
@@Theology313kau terlalu bodoh untuk memahami kristian.
Islam agamaku 🕋🕌☪️
Hasbunallahu wani’mal Wakil
( حَسْبُنَا اللَهُوَنِعْمَالْوَكِيلُ)
"Cukuplah Allah menjadi penolong kami dan Allah adalah sebaik baik PELINDUNG🤲🏻❤️🤲🏻
Salam dari saya Kelantan darul Naim,_ saya hanya pilih penganut agama Islam, Islam itu agama yg benar, syukur alhamdulillah saya dilahirkan sebagai Islam, atau muslim. 👋😁🤲👍👍👍
Ya agamamu benar tapi boong
Alhamdullilah, Islam adalah Agama yg Benar.❤️👍🏽
@@Amatabul77 are you crazy????
@@Amatabul77 ya ahli neraka
@@Amatabul77 buktikan...???!apa yg boong???mak loe???
Alhamdulillah...Allahuakhbar...Islam Agamaku...Takbir
Saya suka content channel ni....info padat dan mudah faham
Terima kasih kerana suka
Bersyukur sekali kami dr keluarga Islam dan keluarga kami adalah islam
Sy bca² d ruangan kmen ni bnyk orng psoal agama dn kpcyaan msing² jgn mcm ni. agama islam ke Kristian ke kta msti sling mnghormat antara stu sma lain.islam itu kan indah lebih baik kta doakan yg trbaik untuk saudara kta smua semoga Allah buka pintu hati nya dpt msuk islam😊
Betul tu
In shaa Allah Islam bakal menjadi majoriti pengikutnya smpi msa nti... aamiin
Saya Islam Allahuakbar
Puji Tuhan pergilah dan jadikan lah seluruh bangsa menjadi murid ku.
Puji Tuhan Yesus Saya bangga ada Juru selamat yg kekal Dunia dan akhirat.
Dia pernah bertemu Tuhan itu sebap dia megata
Amin Alluuya .
Alhamdulillah, Islam selalu utamakan kasih sayang kepada siapapun tanpa kecuali, krn tiap tindakan slalu didahului dgn Bismillahirrahmanirrahim 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🥰🥰🥰
Alhamdulillah 1 agama tanpa pecahan manjadi no 2 terbanyak penganutnya..bangga dgn agama saya semoga allah lindungi semua hamba2 nya amin 🤲🏻
Halleluya puji Tuhan🙏🙏❤❤saya dilahirkan dari keluarga kristian dan membesar dari keluarga kristian,tidak lama lagi saya akan di baptis menjadi kristian katolik🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤btw salam toleransi dan salam damai bagi saudara saudara saya yang beragama kristian dan non kristian😊😊🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖
Don't you want to come to the fold of ISLAM, the 'only' real true religion on earth?
@@MDasyatHebatMat Tak kene tempat lah mat kau tanya . Cuba kalau soalan tu dia tanya blik kt kau , jawapan kau apa? Nk tau gak cara jawap nya camne
@@MDasyatHebatMat hormat agama lain simple tk payah persoalkan keyakinan org lain, sbab nabi kmu pun hormat agama lain.
@@MDasyatHebatMat sorry tapi saya percaya bahawa Yesus adalah Tuhan dan sang penyelamat saya😊😊💖saya juga telah mengakui bahawa "Aku percaya akan Allah bapa yang maha kuasa,pencipta langit dan bumi dan akan Yesus Kristus puteranya yang tunggal Tuhan kita,dikandung dari Roh Kudus dilahirkan oleh perawan Maria,yang menderita sengsara dalam pemerintahan pontius pilatus,disalibkan,wafat dan dimakamkan,yang turun ke tempat penantian pada hari ketiga dia bangkit dari antara orang mati,yang naik ke syurga,duduk disebelah kanan Allah Bapa yang maha kuasa,dari situ dia akan datang mengadili orang hidup dan mati,aku percaya akan Roh Kudus,Gereja Katolik yang Kudus,persekutuan para Kudus,pengampunan dosa,kebangkitan badan,kehidupan kekal,Amen🙏🙏💖💖"
Salam damai wahai saudara saudaraku yang beragama kristian dan non kristian😊😊🙏🙏💖💖
@@Kimnannz thank you brother,mgbu😊🙏🙏💖💖
Allamdulilah, aku. Dilahirkan sebagai orang islam
Ya allah الله
Menarik content mcm ni.. teruskan bro
Terima kasih
Bertuah dilahirkan dalam keluarga Buddhism, dan sebagai rakyat malaysia dan saya pilih agama ni sebagai kepercayaan saya sebab banyak keajaiban berlaku dalam hidup saya . Tapi harap semua orang hormat agama dan kepercayaan orang tanpa kata2 hasut
Sama sama
Praise the GOD Almighty sy dilahikan sebagai Kristen dalam nama YESUS KRISTUS AMEN 💕
@@MatMon-fj4fd The Christian prayer: Almighty GOD the creator of the Universe### we make this prayer through JESUS CHRIST our Lord Jesus Christ 100% human body with flesh and blood The 2.4 billion Christians all around the world 🌎 are not fools, You get 72 hoors in jannah which the Christian heaven no, So not the same after life, lets come on to the 72 pure virgin hore in jannah we know that you gets them congratulations , some says their mom , wives, sisters daughters etc don't get what they received in jannah , But DR Zakir Naik says (UA-cam) Whatever men gets women also gets equal he answered to a lady , Thanks to Dr, Zakir Naik so if you believe that women also gets #### invite all the family ladies explain and discuss about jannah , for men it's call houries okay, for the women what is the name call not hoor I think , The worlds date is control by the Christian calendar no one can runs off of this date and the year start from the birth of Jesus no one can
Hide from it, The North, South, East, West the largest CROSS in the Universe which shows us the direction , Thanks to the All powerful and everliving GOD the King and the Universe creator of heaven and 🌎 We make this prayer through JESUS CHRIST our Lord Amen 🙏❤️
@@MatMon-fj4fdjangan kacau agama org kalau org x kacau agama kau, simple
◾Allah (The All-Mighty) Himself says:
"Indeed, I am Allah. There is no god except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance."
[Noble Qur'an, Surah Taha 20:14]
'All praise be to Allah (The Creator) Alone, Lord of the entire universe'
◾Here! Show and prove it evidently to us Muslims (as a whole) one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say:
"I'm God and worship Me?"
Well then, let's see/hear it!
Note: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually!
Surah Al Nasr ayat 2
Alhamdulillah Islam agama sagat just Dan ramai orang Yang menyukai Islam bersyukur
Taoisme pilihan nenek moyang saya,apa pun agamamu: jagalah keharmonian,berbuat amal kebaikan,tidak berdendam,saling menghormati, saling membantu tanpa kira agama,tidak berbuat perbuatan jahat dan jenayah,akhir kata harus berbaik hati.menurut saya semua ajaran agama hanya untuk kedamaian,keharmonian,ringankan beban dalam kehidupan,yang berkelakuan jahat itu hanyalah individu itu sendiri, tidak berkaitan dengan AGAMA.🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾❣️❣️I ❣️ Malaysia.
Hallelujah Amen life and life after life in heaven ✝️AMEN✝️Hallelujah
Untung aku agama Islam dan keluarga tiada kecuali pun.
Islam akan memerintah dunia
Tidak mgkn, sampai kiamat jg tidak akan mgkn
Sampe kiamat pun itu tidak akan pernah terjadi..
insyaalah islam akan bangkit!
Proud to be Kristian#Katolik
nice content Raz..sememang Islam adlah Agama yg menjadi petunjuk utk semua umat manusia d akhir zaman..
Itu kata awak bagi kata saya tidak
Terima kasih
Here! Just to remind you that you still haven't answered that quite a very simple question yet concerning the alleged divinity of Jesus, the son of Mary:
Show us Muslims one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in any version of a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say,
"I'm God?" or "Worship Me?" Or where does he say, "I'm God and worship Me?"
Let's see it!
NOTE: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That's what 'truth' is all about actually!
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرّحْمَنِ الرّحِيم
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
قصيدة : أعباد المسيح في نقض النصرانية
Poem - “Oh Worshippers of Christ!”
A poetic refutation of Christianity
By: Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah - An Islamic Scholar who died in 1350 CE.
⬛Ibn Al-Qayyim's Poem To Christians
▪أعباد المسيح لنا سؤال … نريد جوابه ممن وعاه
Oh Worshippers of Christ! We’d like your most wise to answer our question.
▪إذا مات الإله بصنع قوم … أماتوه فما هذا الإله
If our God was murdered by some people’s actions, then what sort of God is this?
▪وهل أرضاه ما نالوه منه … فبشراهم إذاً نالوا رضاه
And we wonder. Was he pleased by what they did to him? If so then blessed are they, for they must have achieved his pleasure.
▪وإن سخط الذي فعلوه فيه … فقوّتهم إذاً أوهت قِواه
But if he wasn’t pleased with them, then this must mean they overpowered him.
▪وهل بقي الوجود بلا إله … سميع يستجيب لمن دعاه
So was the present entity left without a God, an All-Hearing being who can hear prayers?
▪وهل خلتِ الطباق السبع لما … ثوى تحت التراب وقد علاه
And were the Heavens vacated, when he was placed under the earth and the dirt was above him?
▪وهل خلت العوالم من إلهٍ … يدبرها وقد سُمرَت يداه
And was the Universe left without a God to manage it while his hands were being nailed down?
▪وكيف تخلت الأملاك عنه … بنصرهم وقد سمعوا بكاه
And why didn’t the Angels help him when they heard him cry out (in pain)?
▪وكيف أطاقت الخشبات حمل الإله … الحق شد على قفاه
And how could any wooden beam holdup a True God, while He is being fastened to it?
▪وكيف دنا الحديد إليه حتى … يخالطه ويلحقه أذاه
And could any iron ever be brought to Him so that it would be driven inside Him and cause Him pain?
▪وكيف تمكنت أيدي عداه … وطالت حيث قد صفعوا قفاه
And how could ever His enemies’ hands ever reach Him, so that they could whip him from behind?
▪وهل عاد المسيح إلى حياة … أم المحيي له ربّ سواه
And did this Christ revive himself or was there another god that brought him to life?
▪ويا عجباً لقبر ضم رباً … وأعْجَبَ منه بطن قد حواه
And how strange is it. That a grave could be enclosed on a god. And even stranger is the womb that enclosed him (before.)
▪أقام هناك تسعا من شهور … لدى الظلمات من حيضٍ غِذَ
Which he remained inside for nine whole months, in utter darkness being fed by blood.
▪وشق الفرج مولودا صغيرا … ضعيفا فاتحا للثدى فاه
Then he emerged from the womb as a small child, completely helpless reaching out to be fed.
▪ويأكل ثم يشرب ثم يأتي … بلازم ذاك هل هذا إله
Thus, he ate, drank, and after he answered the call which comes naturally. So is this really a god?
▪تعالى الله عن إفك النصارى … سيسأل كلهم عما افتراه
High Exalted is Allah above the lies of the Christians. Each of whom will be asked about their fabrications.
▪أعباد الصليب لأي معنى … يعظّم أو يقبّح من رماه
Oh Cross worshippers, for what reason is someone exalted (for accepting this) and blameworthy for rejecting it?
▪وهل تقضى العقول بغير كسر … وإحراق له ولمن بغاه
And is it not logical that we should break and burn (what humiliated Christ) and the one that made it?
▪إذا ركَبَ الإله عليه كرها … وقد شدت لتسمير يداه
Since (you claim) that God was forcefully crucified upon it, with his hands nailed to it.
▪فذاك المركب الملعون حقا … فدسه لا تبسه إذا تراه
For truly what a cursed cross to carry? Which one should discard instead of kissing when glanced upon.
▪يهان عليه رب الخلق طرّا … وتعبده فإنك من عداه
For (you claim) the Creator was abused upon it. Yet you appear to worship it, so are you one of His enemies?
▪فإن عظّمته من أجل أن قد … حوى رب العباد وقد علاه
If you exalt it (i.e. the Cross) because it carried the Lord of all that exists,
▪وقد فقد الصليب فإن رأينا … له شكلا تذكرنا سنا
then why don’t you also prostrate and exalt the graves?
▪فهلا للقبور سجدت طُرّا … لضم القبر ربَّك في حشاه
For it was the grave that held your (so-called) god in it.
▪فيا عبد المسيح أفق فهذا … بدايته وهذا منتهاه
🔲Oh worshippers of Christ, Wake up! For this is what the matter is all about.
Seluruh umat halu kw 😂
Kristen lah petunjuk jalan keselamatan bagi umat manusi
Alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrat Allah. Di lahirkan sebagai seorang penganut Agama islam
Aku pilih Islam 🕋🕌💟😊
By the way saya dilahirkan sebagai keluarga ISLAM ❤❤❤❤❤
Ya Allah selamatkan 🇲🇾
Terimakasih infonya
Pembuktian nya nanti di akhir zaman,siapa yg akan datang, alloh atau TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS❤❤
Islam ☪️️☪️️❤❤❤☪️☪️❤❤❤
Semoga kita terus saling hormat menghormati dan harus diterapkan ke anak cucu
Pergilah ke seluruh bangasa bangsa dan jadilah Murit ku, puji Tuhan 😢, sampai di genapi
Saya sangat bersyukur jadi orang islam
Segala puji hya utk allah
syukur lah islam ada banyak orang 😢😢😢😢 syukur kepada allah
Semoga Islam nombor 1Amin
Alhamdulillah.. lahir sebagai org islam
Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi
Realitinya..asal agama adalah dari satu tuhan iaitu Allah swt dan ISLAM adalah agama pilihannya yang utama.kesemua utusan Allah adalah terdiri daripada para nabi serta rasul terpilih oleh sebab itu agama islam akan menguasai dunia jadi bersyukurlah apabila dilahirkan seorang muslim sejati,agama yang dibawa oleh utusan Allah yang terakhir iaitu baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Tapi knapa yg lebih unggul kebanyakan org non-muslim seandainya Islam agama yg paling unggul knapa umatnya biasa2 aja ..seharusnya muslim lebih unggul karena mereka adalah agama pilihan ALLAH....
@@Joszmoff unggul didunia tapi tidak di akhirat,muslim sejati tidak terlihat biasa dimata tuhannya,dan islam bukan dilihat kepada keunggulan tapi sejauh mana amalan penganutnya.hanya tuhannya saja yang boleh menentukan keikhlasan penganutnya
@@pujanggapertiwi75 jawaban yg sudah kuduga 😀😀😀...kaya udah pernah ke akhirat aja jd tau semuanya😀😀😀..ngelessnya boleh juga 👍👍
@@Joszmoff orang islam juga ada yang berbuat dosa kecil ataupun besar ada juga orang islam ke neraka,agama lain jugapun sama tidak terkecuali,setiap manusia tidak sempurna.
@@pujanggapertiwi75 tumben jadi bijak 😀😀😀👍👍👍
Ya allah aku bershukur kpd mu dilahirkan sebagai islam
puji tuhan saya lahir sebagai kristen. saya suka jadi orang kristen karna agama kristen mengajarkan kebaikan dan kebenaran, semoga tuhan yesus memberkati kalian semua. GBU hallleyuahhhh.......
Bener BG saya juga bersyukur
Agama kok kristen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Kenapa orang kristian minum arak dan tak tutup aurat walhal dalam kitabnya dilarang minum arak dan wajib tutup aurat?
@@ainajoe5874ingat brader minum arak Tu pilihan ..agama mana yg suruh minum arak
@@joshuakana657 sorry to say tapi mostly depa minum arak 😅.
Lebih baik tidak beragama, bikin diskriminasi dan kekacauan saja, terutama yg beragama ISLAM, lebih baik jadi agnostik, tidak beragama, yg penting percaya ada yg lebih berkuasa yg telah menciptakan alam semesta ini
terima kasih Allah kerana saya dilayir kan sebagai islam dan ahli kuluarga saya juga islam❤❤❤❤
Salam Toleransi Kpada Smua Agama
salam dari lombok indonesia🇮🇩🇲🇾
Konten bagus..lanjut bang
Alhamdulillah saya islam
Terimakasih info terbaik
Sama sama
Puji syukur lahir dari agama kriten terbesar pertama di dunia 🙏
Sayah bersukur karna menganut agama kristen
Alhamdulilah sugak
00:35 Christianity
01:05 Islam
01:38 Hinduism
02:00 Buddhism
02:25 Shintoism
02:50 Sikhism
03:10 Judaism
03:30 Taoism
03:55 Muism
04:20 Cao Daism
Aku orang malaysia aku muslim maksudnya islam
Islam lagi bagus agama betul
Islam adalah agama yang tak curang
Alhamdulillah dapat lahir di dalam agam Islam
Puji tuhan
Menang dapat apa??Pahala?? Kalah dapat apa?? Dosa?? Persetan dengan Rangking,record!!!janji jiwa kita tenang,badan sehat, kesihatan baik.yg lain go on lah....bla...bla...
Sultan salahuddin ☪️💪💪
hello sekarang ini ramai yang masuk islam.islam naik ke no 1.menguasai dunia 🤲🏻🤲🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻💚💚dari 2018.aku yang muslim ni pun mereka kata bukan islam 😬😬 waalaikumusalam
tidak berAGAMA itu pilihan,berAGAMA pula adalah kewajiban...satu²nya AGAMA yg diredhai pula adalah ISLAM..the way of life...
Surah Al Ikhlas
Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani
Qul huwallāhu aḥad
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): (Tuhanku) ialah Allah Yang Maha Esa,
Allah Yang menjadi tumpuan sekalian makhluk untuk memohon sebarang hajat,
Lam yalid wa lam yūlad
Ia tiada beranak, dan Ia pula tidak diperanakkan,
Wa lam yakul lahū kufuwan aḥad
Dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang serupa denganNya.
Di ridhoi ?? Yg ngomong siapa ? Emang loe ada dengar dan lihat sendiri ALLAH SWT ada ngomong sama loe 😂😂😂
Kami dilahirkan sebagai agama kristian yesus yang baik tidak ada lagi yang lain sebagai yesus ☺😊😀😇🏰
Masih ramai lagi yang Allah tidak memberi hidayah memeluk islam dalam dunia ni tugas menyampaikan dakwah islam bukan hanya golongan tabligh sahaja tetapi seluruh umat islam.Agama islam itu agama dari nabi Adam iaitu manusia pertama dunia.
Go Islam pentunjuk akhir zaman Allahhu akbar
Amin siapa Islam ucap la amin
Berdasar kn komen dlm ni..byk yg berbalah.. saya nasihat kn..hormati lh agama org lain. Simple je..
Joys kingdooms Joys kingdoms
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرّحْمَنِ الرّحِيم
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
قصيدة : أعباد المسيح في نقض النصرانية
Poem - “Oh Worshippers of Christ!”
A poetic refutation of Christianity
By: Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah - An Islamic Scholar who died in 1350 CE.
⬛Ibn Al-Qayyim's Poem To Christians
▪أعباد المسيح لنا سؤال … نريد جوابه ممن وعاه
Oh Worshippers of Christ! We’d like your most wise to answer our question.
▪إذا مات الإله بصنع قوم … أماتوه فما هذا الإله
If our God was murdered by some people’s actions, then what sort of God is this?
▪وهل أرضاه ما نالوه منه … فبشراهم إذاً نالوا رضاه
And we wonder. Was he pleased by what they did to him? If so then blessed are they, for they must have achieved his pleasure.
▪وإن سخط الذي فعلوه فيه … فقوّتهم إذاً أوهت قِواه
But if he wasn’t pleased with them, then this must mean they overpowered him.
▪وهل بقي الوجود بلا إله … سميع يستجيب لمن دعاه
So was the present entity left without a God, an All-Hearing being who can hear prayers?
▪وهل خلتِ الطباق السبع لما … ثوى تحت التراب وقد علاه
And were the Heavens vacated, when he was placed under the earth and the dirt was above him?
▪وهل خلت العوالم من إلهٍ … يدبرها وقد سُمرَت يداه
And was the Universe left without a God to manage it while his hands were being nailed down?
▪وكيف تخلت الأملاك عنه … بنصرهم وقد سمعوا بكاه
And why didn’t the Angels help him when they heard him cry out (in pain)?
▪وكيف أطاقت الخشبات حمل الإله … الحق شد على قفاه
And how could any wooden beam holdup a True God, while He is being fastened to it?
▪وكيف دنا الحديد إليه حتى … يخالطه ويلحقه أذاه
And could any iron ever be brought to Him so that it would be driven inside Him and cause Him pain?
▪وكيف تمكنت أيدي عداه … وطالت حيث قد صفعوا قفاه
And how could ever His enemies’ hands ever reach Him, so that they could whip him from behind?
▪وهل عاد المسيح إلى حياة … أم المحيي له ربّ سواه
And did this Christ revive himself or was there another god that brought him to life?
▪ويا عجباً لقبر ضم رباً … وأعْجَبَ منه بطن قد حواه
And how strange is it. That a grave could be enclosed on a god. And even stranger is the womb that enclosed him (before.)
▪أقام هناك تسعا من شهور … لدى الظلمات من حيضٍ غِذَ
Which he remained inside for nine whole months, in utter darkness being fed by blood.
▪وشق الفرج مولودا صغيرا … ضعيفا فاتحا للثدى فاه
Then he emerged from the womb as a small child, completely helpless reaching out to be fed.
▪ويأكل ثم يشرب ثم يأتي … بلازم ذاك هل هذا إله
Thus, he ate, drank, and after he answered the call which comes naturally. So is this really a god?
▪تعالى الله عن إفك النصارى … سيسأل كلهم عما افتراه
High Exalted is Allah above the lies of the Christians. Each of whom will be asked about their fabrications.
▪أعباد الصليب لأي معنى … يعظّم أو يقبّح من رماه
Oh Cross worshippers, for what reason is someone exalted (for accepting this) and blameworthy for rejecting it?
▪وهل تقضى العقول بغير كسر … وإحراق له ولمن بغاه
And is it not logical that we should break and burn (what humiliated Christ) and the one that made it?
▪إذا ركَبَ الإله عليه كرها … وقد شدت لتسمير يداه
Since (you claim) that God was forcefully crucified upon it, with his hands nailed to it.
▪فذاك المركب الملعون حقا … فدسه لا تبسه إذا تراه
For truly what a cursed cross to carry? Which one should discard instead of kissing when glanced upon.
▪يهان عليه رب الخلق طرّا … وتعبده فإنك من عداه
For (you claim) the Creator was abused upon it. Yet you appear to worship it, so are you one of His enemies?
▪فإن عظّمته من أجل أن قد … حوى رب العباد وقد علاه
If you exalt it (i.e. the Cross) because it carried the Lord of all that exists,
▪وقد فقد الصليب فإن رأينا … له شكلا تذكرنا سنا
then why don’t you also prostrate and exalt the graves?
▪فهلا للقبور سجدت طُرّا … لضم القبر ربَّك في حشاه
For it was the grave that held your (so-called) god in it.
▪فيا عبد المسيح أفق فهذا … بدايته وهذا منتهاه
🔲Oh worshippers of Christ, Wake up! For this is what the matter is all about.
Yes,betul tuh.
◾Allah (The All-Mighty) Himself says:
"Indeed, I am Allah. There is no god except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance."
[Noble Qur'an, Surah Taha 20:14]
'All praise be to Allah (The Creator) Alone, Lord of the entire universe'
◾Here! Show and prove it evidently to us Muslims (as a whole) one single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in a complete Bible where does Jesus (the son of Mary) himself say:
"I'm God and worship Me?"
Well then, let's see/hear it!
Note: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually!
Agama yg paling benar dan penuh berkat dan nyata Tuhannya adalah penganut Kristen. MANTAP