I watch all your videos. My favorite is the black quilted crossbody Chanel replica. The *luxrul* bag will be on my list. Thanks for everything. Good luck to everyone.
Your intro 🤣 the lighting looked good. I sear you are the nylon bag queen! They keep saying it's going to rain and it doesn't! 😒 cute bag tho & happy late Thanksgiving! nice meeting btw haha 😄
I really like this bag!!! I also love the Prada bag and this is a much better option assuming the price point is less. It looks like it’s a nice thickness of the nylon and the strap looks super substantial. I can’t wait to hear your review after you use it. 🩷
I watch all your videos. My favorite is the black quilted crossbody Chanel replica. The *luxrul* bag will be on my list. Thanks for everything. Good luck to everyone.
Your intro 🤣 the lighting looked good. I sear you are the nylon bag queen! They keep saying it's going to rain and it doesn't! 😒 cute bag tho & happy late Thanksgiving! nice meeting btw haha 😄
After this meeting 😂
I don’t know how I missed this video. I love your “for science” series ❤
I have a few Baggu bags and they are very nice. The shape of yours is so chic. Thanks for sharing! Peace and love..Suz What ☮️💛
Hi MJ! My daughter loves science I will tell her about your friend’s channel. Cute little bag and looks like a good size. Tfs 😊
0:51 you look really pretty despite not feeling well.
I really like this bag!!! I also love the Prada bag and this is a much better option assuming the price point is less. It looks like it’s a nice thickness of the nylon and the strap looks super substantial. I can’t wait to hear your review after you use it. 🩷