@@tcz7742 It's a Xmas recess and it has been taken every year since the country came into existence. Stephen Harper took them and Peter Peckerhead will take them if he becomes PM. Have you thought about reading up on how our government works? So you don't look so stupid?
@SherriFlemming Yes, whoever the Liberals pick for their new leader will be the new PM. That's how our system works. That's one of the things that the airheads who follow Peter Peckerhead don't seem to understand. If Trudeau steps down, that won't be the end of the government. The Liberals will just pick a new leader and carry on.
A real ostrich? Or just a "believer" that she's meddling in matters she has taken on herself and that she has a right to do so. On what basis do you think she's so smart? She's a fecking idiot and her goal is to split Alberta away from Canada 🇨🇦. Booooring! We did this already with Quebec. Albertans are Canadians first. They'd better start watching her every move. If they're not Canadians first, get out of my Canada. Join your redneck hunters and fishers in Idaho. Or some other state with people of that ilk.
@@ZenCorvus how the hell do you know about Ontario politics? Do you live in Ontario? It amazes me that so many comments are in support of her. I guess they must be the greedy brainless people who voted for her.
@@samuelo5052 Yes, yes, we know you lefties are in full panic mode over Danielle Smith. A smart, well-informed, common sense leader from a center right party is a threat to not only your influence politically but your very existence. People like to see clarity and honesty in a politician. Someone who actually answers a question and doesn't dance around the question. Danielle has plenty of support and will be premier of Alberta for multiple terms.
Cool heads prevail. Proud to have a premier that thinks strategic, plans effectively and respects the needs of the economy and it's people. Thank you Danielle Smith.
She is so in control of her province and the issues that face it. I am proud to say I am an Albertan. It’s so nice to see that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is now part of ALBERTA‘s future. Thank you Premier Danielle Smith for your service,your wisdom and your commitment to Alberta,and its people!
@@SherriFlemming Danielle? She's a woman. Her name is spelled Danielle, Is pronounced Danielle. Imagine that you are so knowledgeable that you can't even spell her name correctly.
@@joannehelm4432 I suspect that he has a special role. Look out for him as she tries to take our CPP investments and have them moved and put her on to investments. With Harper as the front man to give her pension theft credibility. Why else is Harper playing second fiddle to the radio talk show hostess premier?
Way to raise the bar on the public discussion space. An interview free of stalling, side stepping of questions and hollow rhetoric. We need more discussion and political members like Danielle Smith.
Can you imagine, a reporter asking a good question and then a "politician" answering quickly, fully, and without ums and uhs for every three words of 4.
@@chrisnjoni wake up! She represents Big Oil. And that's all. She's trying to get our CPP pensions investments. And she's made Alberta Health Services disappear and nothing to replace it. She wants to deny funding of social issues to save our tax dollars on more important issues that will give Big Oil everything they want. Education is being grossly limited and she wants to put our CPP investments at risk. I'm not so stupid as to put my pension benefits in the hands of a radio talk show host. Don't be mass manipulated by her lies. And if you can, ask her about the tar sands spills that have been covered up for about 2 to 3 years by Alberta goverment employees? The indigenous people in Canada seem to be the only people in our country that care about the environment. The federal environment department is now investigating the tailing pond spills. That's how she's helping Alberta. Covering up for Big Oil. And why are we paying for her to go to humpty's inauguration? She's becoming more and more intrusive. A monster greedy for money and POWER? I think someone is pulling her strings. Likely a person or corporation that is in the oil business. She's a shill and a lobbyist for the likes of Imperial Oil, for example. They were involved with the recent new tailing pond disaster. That company has a long history of pollution in Alberta. An entire Calgary neighborhood was developed on land left completely ruined by them. The community was near the Aylph CPR land in Calgary just off the Blackfoot Trail. It was a long time ago. The houses developed after Imperial Oil moved off the site had to be removed and the entire property had to be cleaned up. They left the site uninhabitable and walked away. I believe some reparation was made by Imperial. That was a long time ago and I cannot remember the community's name. But that was about 1964 and at that time Calgary was taken over by loudmouth Americans with fat guts and a language that was hard to understand. They set up their own society and "took over" the Petroleum Club downtown. Hard people to like. Everyone wanted to belong and a lot of ass licking was done. Not the Canadian way at the time. Lots of booze was drunk and fat cigars smoked. The heyday of oil. Didn't need to endear themselves to Calgarians; the expression "you'all" became a real annoyance. It wasn't sour grapes on my part; I had, through no fault of my own, entrée into that world but didn't get into it at all. Unpleasant memories! Why do the rank and file of Albertans not know about what's going on. She's just introduced a law that grossly limits our rights to ask for release of documents from the Alberta government. That was why the Freedom of Information Act was passed! To stop the "hide the weenie" that so many governments were doing at the time.To give you or me the right to ask questions about certain issues. That right has been taken away from us. By the current government. What are they going to do that they don't want the electorate to know about? I've probably bored you silly by this lengthy comment. Our family is moving out of Alberta in 2 months. We need our pensions to stay with CPP. Why do most people believe everything a politician says? Lack of interest? Lack of knowledge? It's mass manipulation and we don't realize it. I'm hoping people will wake up before they lose their CPP. And lose more and more freedoms as this government takes over all aspects of our lives, including health matters like cross gender issues. Those rights belong to parents of the person involved. If the parents raise suspicions, the court will assign someone in a parens patriae position. Can you imagine our health issues being dictated by government? That's why I say Wake up! I am not affiliated with any political parties. My background in nursing says a lot about my interest in people getting help when they need it. When I was 38 I went to law school in Edmonton and then joined the federal Department of Justice as a drug prosecutor for 5 years. I was then called to Ottawa to help to draft the new drug laws. I completed my 20 years in the criminal law section as a policy analyst using my past experience working as a nurse in psychiatry and my drug legal experience. That is perhaps why people are so important to me. I'm of a different generation and the lack of kindness and compassion of the 50's is gone! I don't like it but am no longer able to do the work I used to do. So I write about my concerns so that people will know what's going on. We must turn to other things. More pleasant things, like wishing readers a Happy Holiday Season. And we have to be strong and deal with our problems in the best way we can. Many many good wishes to all. Bless you 🙏
Danielle Smith is thee best Canadian Premier's I've ever seen! Alberta is very lucky to have her and one day I would hope she would join Ottawa and move to becoming the Prime Minister of Canada! In the next Federal Election I'll be voting for the 1st time and my vote will be going towards Pierre Poilievre!
This is just another one of hundreds of bots folks. Now that the print media has mostly banned posting the trolls and bots that used to infest the comment pages of Canadian media are now here instead.
@@modestacattaruzza7400 I agree that Danielle Smith is the best Alberta premier since Peter Lougheed. The way she's going she may even eclipse him. She gains more support every day. Not just from Albertans but right across Canada. You know that's true because you obviously read comment threads.
Danielle is a respectable Very intelligent lady. Great interview, it will workout for the U.S. & our great friends in Canada. Canadian citizens will make it right with their vote.
i cannot express enough that the only security i feel in this country at this time is because i live in Alberta and only since i heard Ms Smith give her views on discrimination, and the "medical" pharmakia thingies she was referring to, before that i had not felt secure since the moment i realized the entire planet had come to a grinding halt. Thank God for her, when i hear complaints about her i get fiercly defensive, and im not the type who cares when peoples opinions differ from my thoughts, and i say"shes f-ing busy ok?! do you not know what they put her through from Ottawa, the hoops they want her to jump through, the woman is in court all the time, there is only one of her, the financial crisis and housing is nation wide, its not just here and i dont remember her campaigning about tax cuts ffs!" she might have i dont remember, i didnt pay any attention to her campaign, i have to listen to this all over again now thank you
@@henrydu3339 C'mon! Who is going to remove JT and liberals? No, that was the wrong question. The right question is - WHY do "we the people" have to wait till the next election? And you know the answer - "we the people" have absolutely NO power here in Canada.
How much does she pay you to give a positive comment? What knowledge do you personally have that would support your claims? She is a dreadful leader, thinks only what's good for Alberta while the other provinces can go to hell. She's has collected a MAGA of her own by promising them they will have the most profitable lives for supporters. Her base includes fascists with far right politics, farmers complaining that the available health care of having to be take miles away is not good enough. My question is "what health care"? And then there are the rednecks. Mostly too far to the right. Many of these people, some in gangs, like the Oath Keepers and others like the mob at the January 6 attack on Capital hill, believe what they do or say or want is all right and she patronizes them, drafting unconstitutional laws so that her supporters think she's doing what they want. She's taken a page from Hitler's "how-to game plan. I don't trust her or her puppet masters and we're leaving Alberta for the province with an NDP government, British Columbia. At least people matter there. Have a close look at the powers she has given herself and the freedoms she has taken from Albertans. Open your eyes 👀 and see what's happening. Big oil has her as a lobbyist and she does everything to help them by arranging for her 'green employees' to ignore the overflowing tailing ponds. The federal government became involved and are now investigating. That's what you get when you elect a radio talk show host to do the job of Premier. First thing she did was to order that the charge against someone she knew in the Coutts border travesty be canceled? That didn't happen because politicians do not interfere in law enforcement issues like that. I guess she sees her job gives her power writ large.
@@DoR_méduzah are you a Canadian first or an Albertan first? You are supporting a woman that is doing her best to tear up our country. WHY? She cares not a whit about Albertans. She is Missy Big Oil, the worst patriot our country has. People who support her would have voted for humpty in the US election. Dumb and greedy! Now they want to destroy Canada 🇨🇦. It sickens me; she's not the premier of Alberta, she's a fanatical lobbyist for BIG OIL.
Why does it take Trump to say a few words about terrorists coming through the Northern boarder for us to do our job? What about former members of Iran's revolutionary guard living in Toronto.? This Federal government is a catastrophe. Danilele Smith for PM!
His eye to north and our northern border and northwest passage is the economic future security that makes taking Greenland and canada important gives him control of trade routes Panama and northwest passage and everything in between us theirs to develop profit and control trade keep the empire alive even in a cut off USA it's one large country from Russia to Panama who's going to stand up and stop him
@ sure ok , but Northern Canada is well part of Canada. Maybe cut a deal with Trump but sorry but we are a sovereign country and have no desire to to be a part of USA.🇨🇦🇨🇦
@@brendacooke5432Control of the Arctic, will Ultimately go to the Country that can bring the Most GUNS to bear. That's NOT Canada, hasn't been for a Long time.
@@karmical7 She is trying to pull Canada apart. Is that good for the whole country. She doesn't give a shite for Canada. And perhaps she should take stupid people 🤪 with her and move to a place where her lies will impress other stupid people.
@@LZed-g4k Could you please tell me what Mr PP will do if he gets in? I know he's good at gossiping and name calling, like a child in the schoolyard but how's he going to fix things?
Thank goodness for Danielle Smith. Also mentioned here is Stephen Harper, who was one of Canada's greatest Prime Ministers, and who I've missed so much throughout the destruction of this country under the present communist regime led by "feminist" Justin Trudeau.
What is your sex? What do you have against feminists? How do you define feminism? Whoever you are, you would not be alive without a female person. No amount of sperm can make a human being without an egg. I have had enough about your attitudes.your mother must have had a hard life as a woman and mother. You men are losing this argument. Why not just shut up?
What a strong leader is Danielle Smith. Both Danielle and Pierre are going to be a strong force once the election process has been clarified and the Conservatives have taken there rightful place as the Government for Canada. As Danielle Smith mentioned, Alberta, can not move forward until stability has been achieved by the Conservatives government [ once in power ] which in turn will help with the prosperity for all Canadians.
The premiers are meeting to discuss the border but i thought the border was federal business not provincial and so it is Trudeau who is responsible for our borders and he screwed things up as usual .
When our oil comes back online NO equalization payments to Quebec who denied a pipeline east and no payments to Rotario who voted Lieberal who broke Alberta same as the Maritime provinces who voted Lieberal
Premier Daniel Smith,are you aware that what’s been on the net that, Punjabi will be CANADA’S FIRST LANGUAGE! WE will not stand aside for this! Our language’s are,”ENGLISH” & “FRENCH”! And this is CANADA, we are a Commonwealth Country! Thank-you
Premier Daniel Smith, we need a point person to compete with China. Canada has the energy, the US has the capital and Mexico has the manpower. An Alaska to Mexico commodity transport corridor alignment and security agreement.
Only brilliant minds here. Danielle will compete with China? This is a joke right?. China has a significant presence in Alberta's oil sands through state-owned companies and investments from the Chinese government
@@Mitch_Kelly Wow, you can bet that coal alliance is going to vanish. The EPA doesn't have the Power it had not that Long Ago. Supreme Court ruled that the ABC Departments overstepped their mandate. FDA Rules must be made with the Senate's input. ABC Departments are under Senate's rule. Trump is pro energy, and fix what needs to be fixed. USA Ports will export what is necessary for the USA. People first. He is going to crush Canada. Or should I say, Trudeau?
I would just like to say that throughout history it has always been the liberals giving away the family farm the progressives conservatives having to make the hard cuts balance the budget and get things back under control in Canada. Then Canadians would go to the polls forgetting this pain they suffered under liberals and their spending . Then they would vote them back in again. It is a needless cycle, but yet Canadians have short memories and bemoan a liberal government.
Alberta the 51 State and Daniel Smith Governor. Then we get NW territories and Yukon to join and complete the connection to Alaska. You fight hard for us Daniel. Thank you!!
51st state. Rhetoric. Many Canadians will vote 💙 We'll be celebrating. New Year. New PM 🇨🇦💙 Liberals are single digits in the polls. The champagne socialists are jumping ship. Canada is very fragmented with many special interest groups. Anyone that votes Liberal and NDP needs to accept ownership for the dumpster fire Canada has become.
Yeah, I know right?. The dollar increasing by .40 cents overnight would be horrible right?. Hugely terrible to have to pay attention to Trumps tweets. Enjoy the 62 Billion dollar deficit. Maybe the Liberals will stay in and it'll been 100 billion next year. Your kids will love owning a cardboard fridge box to retire to on the front boulevard.
Freeland WILL NOT EVER BE P.M. SHE IS A TRAITOR FREEZING BA NK ACCOUNTS!! She is ANTI CAPITALIST, but lives off the fat of the land!! Covid ruined her😮
The Liberal government is collapsing..We Have Not Been Set Back!...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our Truckers!..You Have Brought Down The Liberals!..It just took 2years+ to Do It.!!..😅😅😅💖🇨🇦⚔️🗽⚖️🦅💪💖😘🇨🇦🇨🇦
The truckers got treating like criminals. These new people can do whatever they want. Government only hates the good tax paying folks. Mrs smith is a great smart person. She has brains. God bless her.
You have no right to post our Canadian flag when you're supporting a politician who is trying to take Canada apart. Remember Quebec? And they had a lot more to offer than Alberta. I'll bet you said some negative things when that happened.
why can't we finally have a PM who can think straight (like Smith) rather than speak French? Can we finally focus on skills and intelligence and stop pretending that speaking French is a crucial skill? We need to wake up.
@@duanedrouillard2495 The problem is most people in Canada don't speak french. English is the most common language simple as that. When your government speaks a language that most don't understand it does not work. I am sure most people in Quebec speak English and understand what is said. The needs of the few do not outweight the needs of the majority despite the social programming.
@ there is only one province that's bilingual -- NB. In Quebec, anglophone institutions are being intentionally destroyed. The fact that we require French for federal jobs is ridiculous. That's why we have a muppet with a great smile and a nice haircut for a PM. (He speaks French well though.)
She said that we have an issue with drugs and weapons from USA to Canada and the other way around, which one is more significant? The data will be needed to better invest our dollars.
Just take Eby out of the equation.... But all the Western Premiers are very strong leaders and smart people. Daniel Smith is by far..... Canada's best Premier. All her motivations and decisions are solely based on whether or not it benefits her Province .
I would like to know who the top business entities that donated to the NDP are. I am interested in joining the coalition of concerned democratic citizens, who have every right to boycott any entity that paid donations to the national NDP
Danielle speaks common sense admist all the chaos happening in govt and is strategic. Thank God Freeland is gone and JT needs to do the right thing for Canada and step down as that govt is in shambles
D Ford: We will cut them off D Trump Okay Anyone reading this that thought Trump would react differently should turn off their computer, now. Let the adults fix the problems. Ontario has 2 liberals running in the next election, Ford and Crombie. Talk about no choices...
A decade ago, Trudeau said the problem with Canada is that Alberta politicians are beginning to find positions of power in Canada. He specifically named Harper and Smith among others. Going so far as as saying if they were to hold on to power for a significant length of time, as a Quebecer he'd push for separation.
Yeah, its nice that he was always stupid enough to say what he really thought. Do you think he ever imagined a scenario with a Quebec leaving Canada, but then, not getting a penny of Alberta money, ever.
@@SherriFlemming Took a lot of work, some fighting, and getting hung with $50 billion in debt to finally get a good one. Rest of Canada doesn't deserve her.
There already useless, let them work in the private sector, or they can start there own postal service. That way they can pay themselves whatever they want.
Are you kidding…….she’s a separatist at heart. Her meeting with 17 governors is little more than bending the knee to Trump, Those governors, most Trump supporters, and loyalists are Not in control and he is watching their every move. This misguided woman herself has masters she must keep happy within Alberta. Just because she didn’t directly go to Fat O Lardo, is secondary. She already exposed her bargaining by sating she won’t cut oil exports, Foolish and plain stupid. I am from Ontario and Alberta can keep her !
NO!! Back away!! You can't have her! LOL We LOVE HER here in Alberta! - although I understand the sentiment completely!!!! I thank God for Danielle running Alberta daily! (not kidding - she is a miracle/blessing!)
The federal government is on vacation until January 27th. That pretty much sums up the lack of concern of the NDP-Liberal government. Pathetic!!
@@tcz7742 It's a Xmas recess and it has been taken every year since the country came into existence. Stephen Harper took them and Peter Peckerhead will take them if he becomes PM. Have you thought about reading up on how our government works? So you don't look so stupid?
Don't forget the Bloc.
New Year New PM🇨🇦
Liberals are single digits in the polls.
@SherriFlemming Yes, whoever the Liberals pick for their new leader will be the new PM. That's how our system works. That's one of the things that the airheads who follow Peter Peckerhead don't seem to understand. If Trudeau steps down, that won't be the end of the government. The Liberals will just pick a new leader and carry on.
I’m okay if they stay away for good. They do more harm when they work.
Danielle Smith is clearly a sharp well informed leader.
She just doesn’t listen to the people in her province unfortunately
Yes she does. Doug ford on the other hand does not
A real ostrich? Or just a "believer" that she's meddling in matters she has taken on herself and that she has a right to do so. On what basis do you think she's so smart? She's a fecking idiot and her goal is to split Alberta away from Canada 🇨🇦. Booooring! We did this already with Quebec.
Albertans are Canadians first. They'd better start watching her every move. If they're not Canadians first, get out of my Canada. Join your redneck hunters and fishers in Idaho. Or some other state with people of that ilk.
@@ZenCorvus how the hell do you know about Ontario politics? Do you live in Ontario? It amazes me that so many comments are in support of her. I guess they must be the greedy brainless people who voted for her.
@@samuelo5052 Yes, yes, we know you lefties are in full panic mode over Danielle Smith. A smart, well-informed, common sense leader from a center right party is a threat to not only your influence politically but your very existence. People like to see clarity and honesty in a politician. Someone who actually answers a question and doesn't dance around the question. Danielle has plenty of support and will be premier of Alberta for multiple terms.
Cool heads prevail. Proud to have a premier that thinks strategic, plans effectively and respects the needs of the economy and it's people. Thank you Danielle Smith.
Another dufus!
I’m wandering what the other provinces do as I am seeing only Alberta active in the listed issues.
She is doing the same ad trudeau 😅😅😅😅😅
Smart SMART lady, Danielle Smith ‼️
Love her
@@healwithmetoday Very bright ⭐️💡⭐️ lady. In my opinion.
Common sense, diplomatic skills and a backbone. 💙🇨🇦
She is so in control of her province and the issues that face it. I am proud to say I am an Albertan. It’s so nice to see that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is now part of ALBERTA‘s future. Thank you Premier Danielle Smith for your service,your wisdom and your commitment to Alberta,and its people!
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Daniel Smith, a very competent leader. 🇨🇦💙
@@SherriFlemming Danielle? She's a woman. Her name is spelled Danielle, Is pronounced Danielle. Imagine that you are so knowledgeable that you can't even spell her name correctly.
@@joannehelm4432 I suspect that he has a special role. Look out for him as she tries to take our CPP investments and have them moved and put her on to investments. With Harper as the front man to give her pension theft credibility. Why else is Harper playing second fiddle to the radio talk show hostess premier?
@@wysetech2000 so go negative! Honestly!
Way to raise the bar on the public discussion space. An interview free of stalling, side stepping of questions and hollow rhetoric. We need more discussion and political members like Danielle Smith.
Can you imagine, a reporter asking a good question and then a "politician" answering quickly, fully, and without ums and uhs for every three words of 4.
Danielle Smith is one of the few Premiers ACTUALLY DOING what she was mandated to do!!! Protect Alberta!!!
Protect Alberta from who?
Who is attacking Alberta?
If Putin had launched another special operation, the rest of Canada would know by now!
Danielle Smith is so smart !!
I don't know if I just didn't understand her back in the day, but now I definitely love how she represents this province and stands for Alberta.
She is a smart person, no one's perfect and she carries that honestly.
You Albertans are really lucky to have premier like her.
We stood by Daniel Smith here in Alberta. Please save this country by voting Conservative
Pierre Poilievre Era Begins In 2025🇨🇦💙
@@chrisnjoni wake up! She represents Big Oil. And that's all. She's trying to get our CPP pensions investments. And she's made Alberta Health Services disappear and nothing to replace it. She wants to deny funding of social issues to save our tax dollars on more important issues that will give Big Oil everything they want. Education is being grossly limited and she wants to put our CPP investments at risk. I'm not so stupid as to put my pension benefits in the hands of a radio talk show host.
Don't be mass manipulated by her lies. And if you can, ask her about the tar sands spills that have been covered up for about 2 to 3 years by Alberta goverment employees? The indigenous people in Canada seem to be the only people in our country that care about the environment. The federal environment department is now investigating the tailing pond spills. That's how she's helping Alberta. Covering up for Big Oil.
And why are we paying for her to go to humpty's inauguration? She's becoming more and more intrusive. A monster greedy for money and POWER? I think someone is pulling her strings. Likely a person or corporation that is in the oil business. She's a shill and a lobbyist for the likes of Imperial Oil, for example.
They were involved with the recent new tailing pond disaster. That company has a long history of pollution in Alberta. An entire Calgary neighborhood was developed on land left completely ruined by them. The community was near the Aylph CPR land in Calgary just off the Blackfoot Trail. It was a long time ago. The houses developed after Imperial Oil moved off the site had to be removed and the entire property had to be cleaned up. They left the site uninhabitable and walked away. I believe some reparation was made by Imperial. That was a long time ago and I cannot remember the community's name. But that was about 1964 and at that time Calgary was taken over by loudmouth Americans with fat guts and a language that was hard to understand.
They set up their own society and "took over" the Petroleum Club downtown. Hard people to like. Everyone wanted to belong and a lot of ass licking was done. Not the Canadian way at the time. Lots of booze was drunk and fat cigars smoked. The heyday of oil. Didn't need to endear themselves to Calgarians; the expression "you'all" became a real annoyance. It wasn't sour grapes on my part; I had, through no fault of my own, entrée into that world but didn't get into it at all. Unpleasant memories!
Why do the rank and file of Albertans not know about what's going on. She's just introduced a law that grossly limits our rights to ask for release of documents from the Alberta government. That was why the Freedom of Information Act was passed! To stop the "hide the weenie" that so many governments were doing at the time.To give you or me the right to ask questions about certain issues. That right has been taken away from us. By the current government. What are they going to do that they don't want the electorate to know about?
I've probably bored you silly by this lengthy comment. Our family is moving out of Alberta in 2 months. We need our pensions to stay with CPP. Why do most people believe everything a politician says? Lack of interest? Lack of knowledge? It's mass manipulation and we don't realize it.
I'm hoping people will wake up before they lose their CPP. And lose more and more freedoms as this government takes over all aspects of our lives, including health matters like cross gender issues. Those rights belong to parents of the person involved. If the parents raise suspicions, the court will assign someone in a parens patriae position. Can you imagine our health issues being dictated by government? That's why I say Wake up!
I am not affiliated with any political parties. My background in nursing says a lot about my interest in people getting help when they need it. When I was 38 I went to law school in Edmonton and then joined the federal Department of Justice as a drug prosecutor for 5 years. I was then called to Ottawa to help to draft the new drug laws. I completed my 20 years in the criminal law section as a policy analyst using my past experience working as a nurse in psychiatry and my drug legal experience. That is perhaps why people are so important to me. I'm of a different generation and the lack of kindness and compassion of the 50's is gone! I don't like it but am no longer able to do the work I used to do. So I write about my concerns so that people will know what's going on.
We must turn to other things. More pleasant things, like wishing readers a Happy Holiday Season. And we have to be strong and deal with our problems in the best way we can. Many many good wishes to all. Bless you 🙏
Danielle Smith is thee best Canadian Premier's I've ever seen! Alberta is very lucky to have her and one day I would hope she would join Ottawa and move to becoming the Prime Minister of Canada! In the next Federal Election I'll be voting for the 1st time and my vote will be going towards Pierre Poilievre!
This is just another one of hundreds of bots folks. Now that the print media has mostly banned posting the trolls and bots that used to infest the comment pages of Canadian media are now here instead.
Peter Lougheed is back
Not even close.
@@modestacattaruzza7400 I agree that Danielle Smith is the best Alberta premier since Peter Lougheed. The way she's going she may even eclipse him. She gains more support every day. Not just from Albertans but right across Canada. You know that's true because you obviously read comment threads.
We love love love her❤
Danielle is a respectable Very intelligent lady. Great interview, it will workout for the U.S. & our great friends in Canada. Canadian citizens will make it right with their vote.
Dani you rock!!!
i cannot express enough that the only security i feel in this country at this time is because i live in Alberta and only since i heard Ms Smith give her views on discrimination, and the "medical" pharmakia thingies she was referring to, before that i had not felt secure since the moment i realized the entire planet had come to a grinding halt. Thank God for her, when i hear complaints about her i get fiercly defensive, and im not the type who cares when peoples opinions differ from my thoughts, and i say"shes f-ing busy ok?! do you not know what they put her through from Ottawa, the hoops they want her to jump through, the woman is in court all the time, there is only one of her, the financial crisis and housing is nation wide, its not just here and i dont remember her campaigning about tax cuts ffs!" she might have i dont remember, i didnt pay any attention to her campaign, i have to listen to this all over again now thank you
Yes! ✌️
She’s a good Premier!!
She would be an awesome PM
Pierre Poilievre Era Begins In 2025 💙🇨🇦
No censorship.. no immigration.. no loss of freedoms
totally agree, remove Justin Trudeau and liberal party and let People party in
Without immigration our economy dies. You seem to forget our birth rate fell below replacement levels about 40 years ago.
@@henrydu3339 C'mon! Who is going to remove JT and liberals? No, that was the wrong question. The right question is - WHY do "we the people" have to wait till the next election? And you know the answer - "we the people" have absolutely NO power here in Canada.
And less and fewer taxes
Using Canadian dollars to fund trade wars in a falling country is absolute lunacy. Thank you for your smart planning, Danielle. Outstanding work 💜
How much does she pay you to give a positive comment? What knowledge do you personally have that would support your claims? She is a dreadful leader, thinks only what's good for Alberta while the other provinces can go to hell. She's has collected a MAGA of her own by promising them they will have the most profitable lives for supporters. Her base includes fascists with far right politics, farmers complaining that the available health care of having to be take miles away is not good enough. My question is "what health care"? And then there are the rednecks. Mostly too far to the right. Many of these people, some in gangs, like the Oath Keepers and others like the mob at the January 6 attack on Capital hill, believe what they do or say or want is all right and she patronizes them, drafting unconstitutional laws so that her supporters think she's doing what they want. She's taken a page from Hitler's "how-to game plan.
I don't trust her or her puppet masters and we're leaving Alberta for the province with an NDP government, British Columbia. At least people matter there. Have a close look at the powers she has given herself and the freedoms she has taken from Albertans.
Open your eyes 👀 and see what's happening. Big oil has her as a lobbyist and she does everything to help them by arranging for her 'green employees' to ignore the overflowing tailing ponds. The federal government became involved and are now investigating.
That's what you get when you elect a radio talk show host to do the job of Premier. First thing she did was to order that the charge against someone she knew in the Coutts border travesty be canceled? That didn't happen because politicians do not interfere in law enforcement issues like that. I guess she sees her job gives her power writ large.
@@DoR_méduzah are you a Canadian first or an Albertan first? You are supporting a woman that is doing her best to tear up our country. WHY? She cares not a whit about Albertans. She is Missy Big Oil, the worst patriot our country has. People who support her would have voted for humpty in the US election. Dumb and greedy! Now they want to destroy Canada 🇨🇦. It sickens me; she's not the premier of Alberta, she's a fanatical lobbyist for BIG OIL.
Canada isn’t falling you must American
Why does it take Trump to say a few words about terrorists coming through the Northern boarder for us to do our job? What about former members of Iran's revolutionary guard living in Toronto.? This Federal government is a catastrophe. Danilele Smith for PM!
JT is one hundred percent responsible for the immigration mess.
Pierre Poilievre Era Begins In 2025 💙🇨🇦
His eye to north and our northern border and northwest passage is the economic future security that makes taking Greenland and canada important gives him control of trade routes Panama and northwest passage and everything in between us theirs to develop profit and control trade keep the empire alive even in a cut off USA it's one large country from Russia to Panama who's going to stand up and stop him
@ sure ok , but Northern Canada is well part of Canada. Maybe cut a deal with Trump but sorry but we are a sovereign country and have no desire to to be a part of USA.🇨🇦🇨🇦
@@brendacooke5432Control of the Arctic, will Ultimately go to the Country that can bring the Most GUNS to bear. That's NOT Canada, hasn't been for a Long time.
I love everything that Daniel Smith says and does. She is a real Canadian Hero. Thank you!
Yes, I would vote for her as PM
@@mandelish don't say that out loud, we need her here. -but yes me too!
@@jerryerhardt1263Exactly. They will work well together, in my opinion. Her and PP.
@@karmical7 She is trying to pull Canada apart. Is that good for the whole country. She doesn't give a shite for Canada. And perhaps she should take stupid people 🤪 with her and move to a place where her lies will impress other stupid people.
@@LZed-g4k Could you please tell me what Mr PP will do if he gets in? I know he's good at gossiping and name calling, like a child in the schoolyard but how's he going to fix things?
I really like Ms. SMITH
So proud of our Premier Danielle Smith, true leader
She's one smart cookie, I love my Premier Smith
Premier Smith knows what it takes to lead in this time!! Go Premier Smith!
I agree ✌️.
Our smart PremierDanielle Smith ! We Albertans are lucky !
I'd much rather see her as our leader than Justen Trudeau
@@rickboer7715 can't you spell?xgo back to school and learn how to critically think!
Thank goodness for Danielle Smith. Also mentioned here is Stephen Harper, who was one of Canada's greatest Prime Ministers, and who I've missed so much throughout the destruction of this country under the present communist regime led by "feminist" Justin Trudeau.
Communist? Lmfao ... and I'm running out of ass btw! Nothing says stupid better than that! 😂
What is your sex? What do you have against feminists? How do you define feminism? Whoever you are, you would not be alive without a female person. No amount of sperm can make a human being without an egg. I have had enough about your attitudes.your mother must have had a hard life as a woman and mother. You men are losing this argument. Why not just shut up?
@@JamesMartin-bz3lqyour right. Canada was socialist turned into facism.
Sock boy fan eh?@@JamesMartin-bz3lq
What a strong leader is Danielle Smith. Both Danielle and Pierre are going to be a strong force once the election process has been clarified and the Conservatives have taken there rightful place as the Government for Canada.
As Danielle Smith mentioned, Alberta, can not move forward until stability has been achieved by the Conservatives government [ once in power ] which in turn will help with the prosperity for all Canadians.
Great speech Danielle. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you❤
The premiers are meeting to discuss the border but i thought the border was federal business not provincial and so it is Trudeau who is responsible for our borders and he screwed things up as usual .
Libs responsible for borders🤣. Smith is showing more leadership for CANADA than our current federal leader.
JT had 9 years to secure our borders.
Danielle is organized and a competent leader.
When our oil comes back online NO equalization payments to Quebec who denied a pipeline east and no payments to Rotario who voted Lieberal who broke Alberta same as the Maritime provinces who voted Lieberal
Canada has been set back for the past 9 years. Let's get the facts straight here.
10$ a banana 😅😅😅
We love you Danielle thankyou from a proud albertan
@@debbielachance443 are you a Canadian?
@@TheresaBruckerShe said she's a proud Albertan, just like ME. Can't you read??
@joankroll8091 if you believe her you don't know the real picture. How can you be so easily duped?
@@TheresaBrucker I'm NOT duped, how can YOU be so Blind??
Danielle Smith should be the next Prime Minister of Canada! 😮
Keep fighting for Alberta and CANADA!
@@josephmeier5440 God forbid
She would not make 8% of any partys vote. She is a traitor and a big oil doormat.
Trudeau in the Wizard of Oz: "I wish I had a brain! Like the one Danielle Smith has!"
Keep up the good work, Danielle
….Super. She’s The ONE, we’re lucky to have her lead Alberta….
I will be glad to have this Lady with Pierre to reshape the Country.❤
I agree ✌️.
Thank god we have intelligent Premiers to offset the stupidity of Federal Liberals and NDP.
Could you even Imagine Justin Trudeau being able to speak this Intelligently EVER ?
Not! Word salad
Woke word salad of the Champagne Socialists.
She is not gaslighting.
@@JulietteMastronardi😂😂 you’re so right we have a Kamala Harris on our hands
@joannehelm4432 You are ofcourse referring to Justin Trudeau,correct?
Brilliant political leader.
Danielle Smith is absolutely the best Premier in Canada! She is leading in the right way. The clown show in Ottawa is a complete disaster!
Danielle rocks!
Premier Daniel Smith,are you aware that what’s been on the net that, Punjabi will be CANADA’S FIRST LANGUAGE! WE will not stand aside for this! Our language’s are,”ENGLISH” & “FRENCH”! And this is CANADA, we are a Commonwealth Country! Thank-you
Somebody who knows and doesn't dodge questions like the Prime Minister.
I still think Danielle Smith should be PM of Canada!!
Thank you Danielle for your hard work and dedication.
Love Danielle Smith. She's a star !!!!
As an Albertan, I am very grateful to have Premier Danielle Smith. I very much like her thinking. Thank you Danielle for all you do. 😊✌️👏👏
Ontario here. I love her too. Wish she was our Prime Minister.
@ We will not let you have her. Wink. 😉
Premier Daniel Smith, we need a point person to compete with China. Canada has the energy, the US has the capital and Mexico has the manpower. An Alaska to Mexico commodity transport corridor alignment and security agreement.
Why do you need Alaska?????
Looks Diagolon was the right way to go after all!
@@revagreen2303 oil, gas, mining
Only brilliant minds here. Danielle will compete with China? This is a joke right?. China has a significant presence in Alberta's oil sands through state-owned companies and investments from the Chinese government
@@vioreltandara7607 and water too?
Get Trudeau too RESIGN 📍🇨🇦
The rest of Canada needs to follow suit at time.
Smith is right. Normalize trade by abiding by Norms. Stop shipping stuff we don't want!
Coal would be a start, US EPA laws prohibit coal exports from their own ports, so they use ours. US - no carbon tax, Canada - carbon tax. Hmmmmm...
@@Mitch_Kelly Wow, you can bet that coal alliance is going to vanish. The EPA doesn't have the Power it had not that Long Ago. Supreme Court ruled that the ABC Departments overstepped their mandate. FDA Rules must be made with the Senate's input. ABC Departments are under Senate's rule.
Trump is pro energy, and fix what needs to be fixed. USA Ports will export what is necessary for the USA.
People first. He is going to crush Canada. Or should I say, Trudeau?
Luv her !!❤
What stood out in the fall statement?.
Uh, the 62 billion dollar deficit?. 22 billion over target?.
Danielle Smith would be our best bet for prime minister!
totally agree
I would just like to say that throughout history it has always been the liberals giving away the family farm the progressives conservatives having to make the hard cuts balance the budget and get things back under control in Canada. Then Canadians would go to the polls forgetting this pain they suffered under liberals and their spending . Then they would vote them back in again. It is a needless cycle, but yet Canadians have short memories and bemoan a liberal government.
Take a lesson Justin , this is what competent leadership looks and sounds like. No show boat b.s. just prudent and thoughtful government.
This individual should be the Prime Minister
She wold be the best face as a female PM aside from PP.
It could happen down the road !!
Alberta the 51 State and Daniel Smith Governor. Then we get NW territories and Yukon to join and complete the connection to Alaska. You fight hard for us Daniel. Thank you!!
Danielle Smith = best leader in Canada
When do we get rid of Trudeau so we can get this country moing ahead ??
@@Canadiangirl-y7ono way, you’re out in left field with the
Libs. You can get lost & we won’t miss you.
Yes , but when hell freezes over. I am a Canadian citizen and like that way. American?? No one Hanks.
51st state. Rhetoric. Many Canadians will vote 💙
We'll be celebrating.
New Year. New PM 🇨🇦💙
Liberals are single digits in the polls. The champagne socialists are jumping ship.
Canada is very fragmented with many special interest groups.
Anyone that votes Liberal and NDP needs to accept ownership for the dumpster fire Canada has become.
Yeah, I know right?. The dollar increasing by .40 cents overnight would be horrible right?. Hugely terrible to have to pay attention to Trumps tweets. Enjoy the 62 Billion dollar deficit. Maybe the Liberals will stay in and it'll been 100 billion next year. Your kids will love owning a cardboard fridge box to retire to on the front boulevard.
After Jagmeet gets his pension.
She should be PM of Canada!
We absolutely love her[ And all she has done for the people 💯❤❤❤❤
Tell everyone, we want to know, what has she done to make Albertans lives better?
@@JR-iy2zt please tell me what she's done for Alberta?
Defund the federal government and empower our premiers
Honest true CANADIAN. Keep up the good work Danielle.
Its Refreshing to hear a level headed smart Canadian leader using common sense . this is not the norm anymore
Freeland is going to run for Liberal leadership and PM position. The PM has mentored or well in how NOT to lead.
Freeland WILL NOT EVER BE P.M. SHE IS A TRAITOR FREEZING BA NK ACCOUNTS!! She is ANTI CAPITALIST, but lives off the fat of the land!! Covid ruined her😮
Impressive.. she would have my vote if I lived in Alberta.
The Liberal government is collapsing..We Have Not Been Set Back!...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our Truckers!..You Have Brought Down The Liberals!..It just took 2years+ to Do It.!!..😅😅😅💖🇨🇦⚔️🗽⚖️🦅💪💖😘🇨🇦🇨🇦
The truckers got treating like criminals. These new people can do whatever they want. Government only hates the good tax paying folks. Mrs smith is a great smart person. She has brains. God bless her.
You have no right to post our Canadian flag when you're supporting a politician who is trying to take Canada apart. Remember Quebec? And they had a lot more to offer than Alberta. I'll bet you said some negative things when that happened.
@@TheresaBrucker Do you have Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Liberals are at 11% in the polls.
She should be our PM
Oh my goodness what program are you on? She won’t make the next election in Alberta.
Pierre Poilievre Era Begins In 2025. 🇨🇦💙
@@barbaradouglass9885Wanna BET Commie??
Great job Danielle trudeau is a disgrace and unqualified person
why can't we finally have a PM who can think straight (like Smith) rather than speak French? Can we finally focus on skills and intelligence and stop pretending that speaking French is a crucial skill? We need to wake up.
What's your problem with French, we are a bilingual country
This country is almost a certified sh t hole.
@@duanedrouillard2495 The problem is most people in Canada don't speak french. English is the most common language simple as that. When your government speaks a language that most don't understand it does not work. I am sure most people in Quebec speak English and understand what is said. The needs of the few do not outweight the needs of the majority despite the social programming.
She can commit to learning French on the job as PM! So much better than Poilievre! No contest!
@ there is only one province that's bilingual -- NB. In Quebec, anglophone institutions are being intentionally destroyed. The fact that we require French for federal jobs is ridiculous. That's why we have a muppet with a great smile and a nice haircut for a PM. (He speaks French well though.)
Please be Governor of Canada of the West and Ford in the East.
Danielle Smith for prime minister
@@laurie5119 enemy, see you at the grocery store...
@@laurie5119 Yep
Hard pass
She said that we have an issue with drugs and weapons from USA to Canada and the other way around, which one is more significant? The data will be needed to better invest our dollars.
Thank goodness we have Danielle Smith as our leader can you imagine Notley or Nenshi as our representatives going to Washington
THAT thought will keep me up at night. 😂😂😂😂😂
We need our own Danielle smith in the nwt
She speaks like a reputable Canadian leader. I've missed hearing such diplomacy.
absolutely, we deserve a PM like her...finally
@mandelish 🤞
Just take Eby out of the equation.... But all the Western Premiers are very strong leaders and smart people.
Daniel Smith is by far..... Canada's best Premier. All her motivations and decisions are solely based on whether
or not it benefits her Province .
I would like to know who the top business entities that donated to the NDP are. I am interested in joining the coalition of concerned democratic citizens, who have every right to boycott any entity that paid donations to the national NDP
i like her
Keep in mind....Canada and USA need to work together on defense as well. Keep the bigger picture in mind with a detailed plan...
How come the West hasn't left this disaster
I don't know who the interviewer is, but she's great
Danielle speaks common sense admist all the chaos happening in govt and is strategic. Thank God Freeland is gone and JT needs to do the right thing for Canada and step down as that govt is in shambles
Liberals are at 11% in the polls.
I love Daniella smith well spoken smart and all about her people
D Ford: We will cut them off
D Trump Okay
Anyone reading this that thought Trump would react differently should turn off their computer, now. Let the adults fix the problems.
Ontario has 2 liberals running in the next election, Ford and Crombie. Talk about no choices...
Yes. Ontario Conservatives need to punt Ford. Surely there must be some decent leader options for them??
Indeed. Ford has been in way too long.
The libearls see more and DO LITTLE, full of hot air. Great Work 👍 Thank You Larissa
A decade ago, Trudeau said the problem with Canada is that Alberta politicians are beginning to find positions of power in Canada. He specifically named Harper and Smith among others. Going so far as as saying if they were to hold on to power for a significant length of time, as a Quebecer he'd push for separation.
Yeah, its nice that he was always stupid enough to say what he really thought. Do you think he ever imagined a scenario with a Quebec leaving Canada, but then, not getting a penny of Alberta money, ever.
Danielle Smith for Prime Minister!!! Let's go Danielle!!
Fortunately the people in the rest of Canada wouldn't agree with you. Who would want a yes person to humpty down south to try and run our country.
You don't deserve her.
@@Canadiangirl-y7ome neither.
Alberta is fortunate to have a competent Premier.
New Year. New PM 🇨🇦
Have a cool yule 🎄
@@SherriFlemming Took a lot of work, some fighting, and getting hung with $50 billion in debt to finally get a good one. Rest of Canada doesn't deserve her.
She is so level-headed, strong and courageous!!
Train the postal workers to be border control. They are already on the government money drain.
ya, but they cant read documents 🤣
There already useless, let them work in the private sector, or they can start there own postal service. That way they can pay themselves whatever they want.
Defund Canada Post. Privatize. 🇨🇦
Defund CBC.
@@SherriFlemming see USA minimum wage.
He was looking after himself not our country!! Usuall behavior....grrrrr
This turmoil will actually be good in the long run. Especially if Trudeau resigns and an election is called.
She is absolutely correct. Very smart politician. I am sure she will get along well with Pierre.
Please come to Ontario .
F Ontario.
Are you kidding…….she’s a separatist at heart. Her meeting with 17 governors is little more than bending the knee to Trump, Those governors, most Trump supporters, and loyalists are Not in control and he is watching their every move. This misguided woman herself has masters she must keep happy within Alberta. Just because she didn’t directly go to Fat O Lardo, is secondary. She already exposed her bargaining by sating she won’t cut oil exports, Foolish and plain stupid.
I am from Ontario and Alberta can keep her !
Please come to OTTAWA
You don't deserve her, you caused this mess you idiots.
NO!! Back away!! You can't have her! LOL
We LOVE HER here in Alberta! - although I understand the sentiment completely!!!! I thank God for Danielle running Alberta daily! (not kidding - she is a miracle/blessing!)
Make Trudeau a drama teacher again 😅