Do You Know Who Is In Your Boat? | Gabe Swaggart | Wednesday Evening Service

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • DO YOU KNOW WHO IS IN YOUR BOAT? - Faith will always see God. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reads Mark 4:35-41 teaching on the miracles of Jesus. He shares the story of Horatio Spafford, who in the late 1800’s lost his wealth, his son, wife, and four daughters but by the grace of God was able to write the old hymn, It Is Well With My Soul. During the storm on the Sea of Galilee, the Apostles doubted and became full of fear, but yet Jesus Himself was in their boat. Pastor Gabe warns us that fear and doubt will prevent us from seeing the hand of God in our lives even when He has never left us. We must not focus on our storms, for when we do, we lose sight of who God is, and what He is trying to do in our lives. God tests us for our growth, not our destruction. He is still a miracle working God, and He is saying to us today, peace be still, I am with you. With Jesus Christ in our boat, we will make it to the other side.
    Gabriel Swaggart, Trials, Doubt, Fear, Storms, Faith, Miracles, Growth, Peace, Victory


  • @PooleSilly
    @PooleSilly Місяць тому

    I am grateful to say that I am a born again Christian and have been since I was 19.......yes indeed i enjoy listening to this dear man of God Pastor Gabe Swaggart and I much pray God's peace and comfort on him and his family each and everyday and that God uses him and his ministry mightily to much glorify and lift high the king of kings and the lord of lords!!!!!! to God Be All The Glory!!!!! Great Things He Hath Done!!!!!! and all hail king Jesus!!!!! the king of kings and the lord of lords!!!!!! however folks these days are getting darker and Christ is coming soon and if you don’t know Christ as your savior then it burdens my soul to think that you are headed for a terrible place called Hell where the Bible says the fire is never quenched and the worm dies not! Folks you are not promised tomorrow! If you want to know how to be saved from this horrible reality then please by all means don’t hesitate to comment right back so I can lead you to the savior! 2 Corinthians 6:2 clearly states “now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation!” And Hebrews 3:15 clearly states, “Today if you hear his voice don’t harden your hearts! it is not me but the Holy Spirit that I pray reveals to you the truth of his precious gospel......John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes on him will not perish but have everlasting life! V 17 says then V 18 says whoever believes on the son is not condemned but whoever does not believe on the son is condemned already because he has not believed on the son whom God has sent! Also Acts 16:30-31 what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house I am not threatening anyone but just warning them what will happen if they reject this precious gift of eternal life! Christ died a horrible criminals death! He was beaten brutally mocked spit upon and endured countless hours of torture pain for all of our sins! Ppl go to hell because they reject that pardon for their sins! And Jesus is saying to them in Matthew 25:41 depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels! Hell was only prepared for Satan and his angels! It is not God who threatens anyone it is the craziness of rejecting the free pardon of salvation! It’s like if you’re in court you’ve committed a crime say you murdered someone! Now if you say to that Judge hey I know I’ve done a terrible thing of murdering that person but I hear you’re a good judge and so I know you’ll be fair to me...... the judge is going to reply well yes you’re right about one thing I am a good judge and because I’m a good judge I’m going to see to it that you’re punished and that justice is served! Well then all of a sudden someone you don’t even know comes forward and says you know what I know he’s committed the crime he’s committed and he deserves to go to jail but I really don’t want to see him go to prison so I’ll just go to prison for him so he can go free! So if you accepted that offer you’d be free to leave the courtroom but if you didn’t well you’d be crazy and go to prison yourself! Well that’s exactly how it was 2,000 years ago! He is God in human flesh and he came to this earth lived a perfect sinless life and even though he knew that we had sinned and because of our sins deserved to die miserably but he said no I don’t want to see them suffer so I will go and take their punishment for them! Even though he did absolutely nothing wrong still he chose to take the punishment for our sins so we can be set free from the power bondages and consequences of our disobedience to God! Romans 5:8 says For God commends his love toward us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us! 1 John 2:2 says he was made to be the propitiation for our sins! And not just for our sins but the sins of the whole world! 2 Corinthians 5:21 He who knew no sin became Sin for us that we would be made his righteousness! The truth is if you had to get to Heaven by your own effort then you cannot do it! Because Romans 3:10 says there is not one that does good! No Not One! Romans 3:23 says For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! Romans 6:23 says For the wages of sin is death! But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord! But the good news is Romans 10:9 If we confess with our mouth and believes in our hearts that Christ died for our sins then was raised from the dead we will be saved! V 10 For it’s with the heart we believe and it’s with the mouth confession is made unto salvation! God gave us 10 commandments to follow and we’ve broken every one of them! And because God is a good God he cannot allow our disobedience to him to go unpunished! Well then like I just mentioned above his son Jesus stepped forward and said no I don’t want to see them punished so I will take their punishment for them! And also like I said he died a terrible substitute criminal’s death for us on a cross so now all we have to do is accept that payment for our sins and we can escape the terrible wrath of God that is to fall on them who do not accept this atonement that was sacrificed for our sins! Praise the lord Romans 10:13 says Whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved! And 1 Peter 1:4 you’re an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you! Christ clearly said in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father but through me! Acts 4:12 clearly states that there is no other name given unto Heaven or earth by which we must be saved as there is salvation in no other! Jesus clearly states that there is clearly only one way to Salvation and it’s him that’s it! There is no other way! God Bless everyone who reads!

  • @cleverfox9879
    @cleverfox9879 3 місяці тому +1

    I was blessed by this message. Thanks pastor Gab!

  • @PreacherPaul71
    @PreacherPaul71 3 місяці тому +8

    I know whose boat I am in. His name is Jesus

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @justmerosie1349
    @justmerosie1349 3 місяці тому

    Praise GOD! GOD Bless you Brother Gabe. Greetings from California 🙏💞🤗

  • @cindylemons1253
    @cindylemons1253 3 місяці тому +6

    Thank you Lord ❤🙏🙏🙏

  • @alanlamb9624
    @alanlamb9624 3 місяці тому +8

    Praise the LORD Pastor Gabe!

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @VictoriaSamiselo
    @VictoriaSamiselo 3 місяці тому

    Praise the Lord

  • @vickierobbins
    @vickierobbins 3 місяці тому

    Wow… Pastor Gabe I feel the moving of the Holy Spirit in this message, yes it’s time to get on the boat. Jesus is a miracle working God when you are going through the storm, he’ll take you to the other side JESUS IS A SEA WALKER…Faith without works is dead. very powerful and moving message from God you did an amazing job. Jesus loves you. Let your faith do the walk-in and let the love ❤of Jesus shine in all you do. Beautiful Job 🙇🙏✝️

  • @Judykmoore2018
    @Judykmoore2018 3 місяці тому +5

    I know who's Boat I am in his name is Jesus

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @PSJ-dl9vu
    @PSJ-dl9vu 3 місяці тому

    Thank you God.

  • @physiotherapyadmin3948
    @physiotherapyadmin3948 3 місяці тому

    Jesus bless you

  • @dalreneserpanchy2265
    @dalreneserpanchy2265 3 місяці тому

    It is well with my soul amen

  • @tyhoffmann3631
    @tyhoffmann3631 3 місяці тому

    I love this Sermon by Pastor Gabriel and I have heard it more than once but this one I am going through some trials and Tribulations right now and I am a Welcome Committee and the Men's Committee and the Adult Committee and the Disaster Relief Team Members who goes out and help other people who are needing help with their lives and I am always going out into the Community of Mountain Home Arkansas and I am Eastside Baptist Church in Mountain Home Arkansas and I recently had graduated from Mountain Home Highschool and had gotten my Highschool Diploma at the age of 59 and I am Mountain Home Bomber Let's Go Bombers 🛩️🛩️🛩️🏀🏀🏀 . Love your Brother Ty from Mountain Home Arkansas

  • @teeteeiren9748
    @teeteeiren9748 3 місяці тому +3

    What a powerful message!!! I will hold on to this Word till the Lord takes me Home!!! Thank You Pastor Gabe!!!

  • @MrBillybathgate5
    @MrBillybathgate5 3 місяці тому +5


  • @JnDanielPROPHETE
    @JnDanielPROPHETE 3 місяці тому +3

    I need a day visit this church. God bless you

  • @Rick-vp1vx
    @Rick-vp1vx 3 місяці тому +2

    Preach it brother Gabe preach it. It is well with my soul. No matter what happens. Glory too God in Heaven. Amen brother

  • @lisedubreuil8124
    @lisedubreuil8124 3 місяці тому +2

    Excellent 👍

  • @EdithBrown-v2d
    @EdithBrown-v2d 3 місяці тому +1

    Sunday morning after 6 years i made a decision i beat my self up for doing so.
    At the time i struggled and debated.
    Sunday morning i found out something that made me realize i made the right decision..
    I am 67 as i look back during the times i have struggled a few times i was angry at GOD.
    But as i look back.
    GOD was always there..
    Bless You Gabriel Swaggart

    • @physiotherapyadmin3948
      @physiotherapyadmin3948 3 місяці тому

      Thankyou my brother your preatching so wonderful it touch my hart thankyou❤❤

  • @marioferrer7165
    @marioferrer7165 3 місяці тому +2


  • @larrygoffigansr476
    @larrygoffigansr476 3 місяці тому

    Yes Lord

  • @alanlamb9624
    @alanlamb9624 3 місяці тому +2

    Peace be Still!

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @sandrapayne9833
    @sandrapayne9833 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Gabe for sharing the special and precious Word

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @samuelvalencia4371
    @samuelvalencia4371 3 місяці тому +20

    It's my dream to step foot in that church.. I'm from Chicago my father was killed when I was 13 chose the street life got into drugs violence I was lost but now I'm found threw the grace of God... he found me I was digging my self in a deep hole no one could help till I called his name JESUS, I reached out my hand and he brought me right up all I can do now is tell people about him praise him give him glory

    • @db90990
      @db90990 3 місяці тому +4

      We were there for Easter Camp Meeting April 1999 we flew down from cincinnati, even seen Jerry lee lewis at the Memphis Airport; I spoke very briefly with Jimmy at FWC after a svc one night - he's a Very down to earth man & I spoke with Donnie after a svc in Ft Wayne, Indiana many yrs ago - also a very d to earth man ✝️

    • @r.t.aegean3236
      @r.t.aegean3236 3 місяці тому +3

      Many thanks for sharing this inspiring testimony with us on UA-cam.
      All the best blessings to you, and to all of your family and friends.

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому +1

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

    • @JohnnyMills-fh2so
      @JohnnyMills-fh2so 3 місяці тому

      I feel like there is no hope for me I know that there is JESUS

  • @Rick-vp1vx
    @Rick-vp1vx 3 місяці тому +1

    Amen brother Amen. Jesus

  • @JnDanielPROPHETE
    @JnDanielPROPHETE 3 місяці тому

    I like the right that you explain the message of Jesus christ..

  • @MMCI49
    @MMCI49 3 місяці тому

    Yes it can 22:46

  • @lucienefranca9959
    @lucienefranca9959 3 місяці тому +1


  • @ShaundriguesV.ELSTON
    @ShaundriguesV.ELSTON 3 місяці тому

    Being on a praise team isn't easy I know I was on one for 13 years and I've recorded with one of them with a album. GRACE needs to know that it's not about her. It's about G-d

  • @ogbonnapatience5311
    @ogbonnapatience5311 3 місяці тому


  • @jamiechippett1566
    @jamiechippett1566 3 місяці тому

    CHRIST is the spirit of prophecy. If you truly know CHRIST you'll see CHRIST running up and down the bible like a flamming 🔥 fire and burning torch like a thin Red blood line going up and down Jacob ladder past present future tenths. The sap in the tree 🌳 of life. Leaves 🌿 are for the healing of the NATIONS 🌏👍🇦🇺🤠🌿🐨🌳 loves eating 🌿 leaves from the tree 🌳 of life.😂😂😂 Take it easy 👍

  • @TBoy1968
    @TBoy1968 3 місяці тому


  • @dalreneserpanchy2265
    @dalreneserpanchy2265 3 місяці тому +3

    Deliverance for me and my family from or adversaries. Amen

  • @davidjudd951
    @davidjudd951 3 місяці тому +4

    Praise this ministry!

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @c.l.9344
    @c.l.9344 3 місяці тому +3

    Chicago needs revival. America needs revival. The world needs revival.

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @cynthiaconey1725
    @cynthiaconey1725 3 місяці тому +2


  • @dalreneserpanchy2265
    @dalreneserpanchy2265 3 місяці тому +1

    Please pray for my daughter jaime setting her free from addication of buying and alcoholic addication.

    • @EdithBrown-v2d
      @EdithBrown-v2d 3 місяці тому

      I will pray for her.
      Tonight I will talk to the Billy Graham prayer line I will ask them also to pray..
      Bless you for being there.

  • @JerrySumner-u8j
    @JerrySumner-u8j 3 місяці тому +2

    Please pray for my wife. Kathy health issues.

  • @riaandoyle8196
    @riaandoyle8196 3 місяці тому +1

    Hallelujah! Glory to God our Father through the Lord Jesus Christ

  • @ogbonnapatience5311
    @ogbonnapatience5311 3 місяці тому +1

    Amen and Amen I Know Whose Boat Am In His Name Is Jesus ❤

    • @ogbonnapatience5311
      @ogbonnapatience5311 3 місяці тому

      Thanks this is deep is like God Himself sent you to me to speak to me about what am going thru God bless you😢

  • @magdalenenorman6243
    @magdalenenorman6243 2 місяці тому

    Amen it was a powerfu service pastor Swaggert yes you and I were in Spirit with the scripture I read Matt 8 verse 23 and you read Mark 4 verse 35 yes Jesus is in my boat may God I will pray that God strengthen you on your path God Bless❤

  • @yoyouyos767
    @yoyouyos767 3 місяці тому

    I am so sorry sir i respect you and all people's there but i feeling good with music and words (thank you all ❤️.)

  • @bengamit5326
    @bengamit5326 3 місяці тому

    Nice message Pastor Gabby

  • @tyhoffmann3631
    @tyhoffmann3631 3 місяці тому

    I know who in my Boat is Jesus Christ ❤️❤️❤️🎚️🎚️🎚️☝️☝️☝️ . Love your Brother Ty from Mountain Home Arkansas 😊🎉🎉❤❤❤

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @catherinemoore2188
    @catherinemoore2188 3 місяці тому

    Yep, WOF..😂

  • @Rick-vp1vx
    @Rick-vp1vx 3 місяці тому

    You are on spot brother Gabe. On spot brother. Preach it. I know

    • @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1
      @PaisleyTheHebrew144K1 3 місяці тому

      Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!!. Hosanna in the highest. Hear me Brethren, Whosoever from your father's house that turns into an evil bird by 12:00 midnight to monitor your movement, your marriage, your health, your business, your academics, your success and destiny. May heaven send that evil man or woman to a journey of no return. In the name of Jesus. I pray you do the impossible and achieve the incredible this year and i pray God make a way and revealed to you your destiny this year, and you shall testify the goodness of the almighty, wherever you are right now favour will locate you, and you will never runs out of blessings in your life, so as i was meditating and praying the lord open my eyes to see things around you,I saw blessings and open doors, And in prayers I saw powers and principalities in the realm of the spirit plotting and withholding God's blessings in your lives, and the lord said it time for your liberation and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the lives of your families, sow a seed of favour to this motherless children, (GOODNEWS MOTHERLESS ORPHANAGE HOME) somewhere in Edo state Nigeria as signs of fulfillment for the prophecy, "AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO." (Genesis 1:9),sow a seed of miracles in the lives of these motherless children,is a seed of breaking up, within two days be ensure to contact or Whatsapp them and see God's changes in your life and in the lives of your families, Whatsapp the MD in charge of the orphanage now on (+2349165558427) God bless you richly

  • @BarbCombs
    @BarbCombs 3 місяці тому


  • @tyhoffmann3631
    @tyhoffmann3631 3 місяці тому

    And I had a Cerebral hemmrage when I was only 5 weeks old and God had stopped it and blessed me with many talents and abilities even to teach and Preach the word of God and I also have Facial Epilepsy and I still have it I used to have Health care givers and when I had to tell my ex Wife Michelle to move out permanently and I have not had any in 5 years now even though I know that I still have them but I take care of myself and I still have to have help and my Church Family too ❤️❤️❤️🎚️🎚️🎚️☝️☝️☝️