Beautiful work. Always loved this song. Glad they played it often live.Your covers are amazing. Thankyou so much for showing us how to play these classics!
Wow, congratulation. I wanted ear the song and the end I earing your video, put play and... wow... reeally good versión... clear... i cant´t play the song like you, but I enjoied a lot your versión. Thanks. Best regard from Chile, a fanatic of 41 yeards old of The Doors.
THE CELEBRATION OF THE LIZARD KING I think is the last one, but for such a special song it must be a special video somehow, the celebration of the lizard king isn't a song, it has a soul itself
Beautiful work. Always loved this song. Glad they played it often live.Your covers are amazing. Thankyou so much for showing us how to play these classics!
the best doors covers on youtube. thanks brother
Absolutely thank you..
Maestro !
I'm in a Doors tribute band in Michigan. Videos of these more obscure tunes come in great handy. Thanks!
Epic come back 😎!
Love to see you play
Très jolie travail , bravo !
Brilliant, way to go mate.
Welcome back))
Do my eyes deceive me 🤪 HES BACK BABY
Im glad that you are back
È tornato non ci posso credere!!
I was waiting for this video, nice cover like always
Glad that You are back!
Great song! Thanks for The cover.
"Not to touch The earth" or "Never be untrue"
Dang never expected u to upload again
He's back❣️
He’s back man
Real good !!
Wow, congratulation. I wanted ear the song and the end I earing your video, put play and... wow... reeally good versión... clear... i cant´t play the song like you, but I enjoied a lot your versión. Thanks. Best regard from Chile, a fanatic of 41 yeards old of The Doors.
THE CELEBRATION OF THE LIZARD KING I think is the last one, but for such a special song it must be a special video somehow, the celebration of the lizard king isn't a song, it has a soul itself
There's no song with that title dude. Where did you take the king? Holy cringe!
@@ghostdog7575 yes there is lol, The Celebration of the Lizard King, from The Doors
one of the best
@@rafaellisboa8493 are you fucking kidding me? You are a Doors fan and you don't get the name of the song right?
NO IT DOESN'T it's called "the celebration of the lizard". the "king" is not there. you hit the cringe prize@@rafaellisboa8493
Nice one mate ❤❤❤
come back of yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
You're back!!!
I appreciate your fine work. :)
Oh man, really nice!
Oh man, thank you for this
Mmmmm.... oh yeeeessss
Good God that's fucking incredible!!
OMG , he is Back 🤟
thank you
exelet bery good
I like the solo
Have you done build me a woman. If not may you do the version Live at the New York Felt Forum the final set
Return with new T-Shirt)
Welcome back! Any chance that you will do Ghost Song one of these days?
Súper great!! Where did you get all those guitar notes/tablatures? Can you share that information, please?
The return of "this is not guitar tutorial but cover" comentary
shhhh perfecto
Pensé que no volverías x2 ojalá subas los álbumes post Morrison :)))
Can you do Someday Soon (Live at the Center Coliseum) version
Pensé que no volverías :')
You should do "She Smells so nice" man.
I think yes
@@theunknownsoldier6596 yeaaaaahhhhh 🦎🤘🏻
He did it
Uauuuuu tenkyou ticher tankyou jim morrinson
You should do build me a woman next live at the pbs 1970 I think
Fucking hero thank you so much you rule
Don’t give up on making these videos.
Amigo haz un video explicando como tocar spanish caravan
Eyyyy teacher plis plis plis plis the tabs universal mind plis plis 🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ey brho wer?? The tabs guirar??
Where is the tab??????
Plis tabs teacher tankyou teacher 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
dude dis shit so easy
Eyy ticher pliiiiiiissssss pliiisssss. Plisssssss the tabs guitar pliiissss the tabs pliissss
Excellent! 👍
But why do you call that tutorial, you dont explain anything! 😅
Please make guitar lessons. These r covers😔
Just watch n learn man, it's all there......
@@fatheremmet2003 😔ok
Oh yes, you're back! By the way, of all the versions of this song, I like Live in Pittsburgh the most. But it's still cool!