Riding Fixed, Up Mountains, With Pros. - Ep. 2 Malibu w/ Phil Gaimon

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @madminga
    @madminga 7 років тому +62

    Going uphill on fixed and talking the whole time? Super impressive, guys!

    • @SFelde
      @SFelde 7 років тому +4

      Thank you!!

  • @AB-fh9zh
    @AB-fh9zh 6 років тому +98

    "The soup was good." That improv comedy class paying off.

  • @mikelove5079
    @mikelove5079 7 років тому +59

    Phil is hilarious. Love this series!

  • @Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrre
    @Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrre 7 років тому +29

    I like how the guy launch a sprint and Phil Gaimon gets back at him while talking about his book in like... 2 seconds ^^

    • @timeslowingdown
      @timeslowingdown 6 років тому +3

      And Phil had a higher gear ratio too haha

  • @PrivateNeven
    @PrivateNeven 6 років тому +57

    "Porsche........you hear that turbo"
    "Sounded like a fart"

    • @swarnendumunshi
      @swarnendumunshi 4 роки тому

      Exactly what I feel like every time I hear a sports car or a sports bike passing with crackles and pops🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @florenciovivas-r.559
    @florenciovivas-r.559 7 років тому +2

    Yes 2nd ep!!! You don't know how many times I rewatched I first one!!! Damn these are kick ass vids

  • @fishxchip
    @fishxchip 7 років тому +3

    "Dont follow me", My mood when descending! Cody the cookie guy is rad!

  • @jeremys8360
    @jeremys8360 7 років тому +132

    “And that’s how I lost my virginity” that’s awesome

  • @kfjohnso
    @kfjohnso 7 років тому +33

    Always the best. If I had to explain to someone why State Bicycle is the best... I'd just say "because they like fun!" Seriously, keep it up! 👍🏻

    • @statebicycle
      @statebicycle  7 років тому +1

      We very much appreciate the feedback.

    • @SFelde
      @SFelde 7 років тому

      Thank you!!

  • @shaungbm3861
    @shaungbm3861 7 років тому +1

    I'm not normally pro-fixed, but that piece of downhill riding through the twisties was mesmerizing

  • @ProblemzSince93
    @ProblemzSince93 7 років тому +11

    Training my butt off to get strava records 😃 gotta love it!

  • @BeauIXI
    @BeauIXI 6 років тому +47

    20 year relationship with a turtle, and Phil remains uninformed that it's a reptile, not an amphibian. 7:24

  • @avoycendeether8869
    @avoycendeether8869 7 років тому +52

    Definitely a mix of interesting, awkward, and quirky. Just the CORRECT mix of interesting, awkward, and quirky though. Very tough to pull off.

  • @ricric9521
    @ricric9521 5 років тому

    Endless out of the saddle. Feelin the burn!

  • @BalmilySchlockier
    @BalmilySchlockier 7 років тому +2

    I love how Scott attacks on the final down hill and phils like byeeeeeeee, but very next moment he is attacking and killing it

  • @lylen2
    @lylen2 7 років тому +1

    Nice to see saddle peak and stunt canyon again.

  • @Starclimber
    @Starclimber 7 років тому +3

    Thanks guys, was cranking out big grinwatts pretty much the whole video. Subbed. :)

  • @GeezMuzick
    @GeezMuzick 7 років тому +3

    Excellent camera work on the down hill.

  • @IJoAnZI
    @IJoAnZI 7 років тому +9

    "Phil youre not eating them cookies from strangers youre gonna go positive" haha good line

  • @alanhelton
    @alanhelton 7 років тому


  • @brianomara
    @brianomara 7 років тому +4

    This is great. Couldn't do workout, laughing so much!

  • @mikielopez1997
    @mikielopez1997 7 років тому +2

    Already waiting on ep 3

  • @sprintermaximus
    @sprintermaximus 7 років тому +1

    My main man! Get after it Pearce!

  • @christopherpeltzer2155
    @christopherpeltzer2155 7 років тому +25

    Phil Gaimon is so cool.

  • @VegasCyclingFreak
    @VegasCyclingFreak 7 років тому +1

    That was fun. You guys are pedaling like high RPM machines on that downhill towards the end.

  • @Joshuasouthwell1993
    @Joshuasouthwell1993 7 років тому +4

    F*cking love these videos!!! Keep em coming!!!

  • @fakealexstrong
    @fakealexstrong 7 років тому +3

    What an awesome video! loved the clip with the porsche when he mentions the turbo spool hahahaha

  • @WalrusRiderEntertainment
    @WalrusRiderEntertainment 5 років тому +18

    My turtle died.. I felt nothing 😂😂

    • @Wardawg-
      @Wardawg- 3 роки тому

      The turtle soup was good

  • @alexjessee8029
    @alexjessee8029 7 років тому +2

    yooooo make more of these its weirdly sooo entertaining

    • @statebicycle
      @statebicycle  7 років тому

      We plan on making more! Who do you want to see next?!

    • @legestrom
      @legestrom 7 років тому +1


  • @centuryfreud
    @centuryfreud 4 роки тому

    Riding in LA is tough, looks like you guys found a good spot with less vehicle traffic, which is nice.

  • @dynosores888
    @dynosores888 6 років тому

    The comment on doping is short , but says it all... great to hear

  • @headgears
    @headgears 7 років тому +1


  • @VHS547
    @VHS547 7 років тому +1

    loving these videos, keep it up

  • @nathanbourdeau1539
    @nathanbourdeau1539 6 років тому

    I didn’t know I wanted a State fixie until watching all these videos.

  • @jesuisFORTIO
    @jesuisFORTIO 4 роки тому

    This series are amazing!

  • @msherlock1607
    @msherlock1607 4 роки тому

    Awesome video, 🙏🏻🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♂️

  • @Mr.Spliffington
    @Mr.Spliffington 6 років тому

    This is such a dope ass video. Everything about it is awesome! Did I mention it's my third time watching it today?!

  • @loopsdenver2454
    @loopsdenver2454 6 років тому

    Scott is the man !

  • @junpeng4784
    @junpeng4784 7 років тому +4

    6:25 Starting perfect sync lol

  • @hamedghazali6585
    @hamedghazali6585 7 років тому +5

    Those skid marks at 6:57 though. 🚘

  • @LateMisterEd
    @LateMisterEd 7 років тому +95

    So I started drinking milk again because I missed farting.

  • @leoarmena7328
    @leoarmena7328 3 роки тому

    the downhill is fvcking gnarly

  • @drsus0
    @drsus0 7 років тому

    great series guys, keep em coming

  • @creepercycling4857
    @creepercycling4857 7 років тому +25

    "Your weird fixie things." Scott's career in a nutshell.

    • @SFelde
      @SFelde 7 років тому +2

      You have no idea XD

  • @GeekonaBike
    @GeekonaBike 6 років тому +4

    Atlanta vs LA Duh, It doesn't rain every day all winter in LA

  • @c.wagner7482
    @c.wagner7482 6 років тому +5

    "the SOUP WAS GOOD"?!?! WOW!

  • @applepi4599
    @applepi4599 3 роки тому

    fun fact a large portion of this interview was done after eating the cookies cause they come off stunt after eating the cookies and then climb dry creek cold canyon rd. which is where they do the KOM stuff. video is absolutely killer!

  • @sloppyoppie
    @sloppyoppie 4 роки тому

    Hey thats my canyon! Piuma365. I'm the guy in boardies and a mountain bike. Elderberry are going off the whole way up right now.

  • @urby1720
    @urby1720 7 років тому +3

    Awesome awesome vid!!!!! Hillclimbing on a fixie with Phil Gaimon. Met Phil at the Mt Washington hillclimb. He's a cool dude. 👊🏼🇺🇸🍻🚵🍪

  • @nardo4067
    @nardo4067 7 років тому

    Awesome Vid, SP!

  • @vr4ever645
    @vr4ever645 4 роки тому

    The poopsperience got me! Subbed!👍

  • @ryanmarshall6603
    @ryanmarshall6603 6 років тому +1

    Phil should have used the turtle shell to make a custom a lightweight aero helmet.

  • @drrnchng
    @drrnchng 4 роки тому

    The song is Kelp Monster by Babewatch :)

  • @lifeofarthid3232
    @lifeofarthid3232 7 років тому +2

    best VDO yet. ^0^

  • @riverviewrider3760
    @riverviewrider3760 6 років тому +5

    "The soup was good." - 7:59 Turtle reference.

  • @theylivewesee1674
    @theylivewesee1674 6 років тому +7

    the sound of nature brought to you by presscreak bb

  • @ryanlloyd3963
    @ryanlloyd3963 7 років тому +23

    This video hurt my knees
    But V entertaining

    • @SFelde
      @SFelde 7 років тому +4

      With the right fit and a decent gear ratio you would be surprised! I actually got into fixed gear riding to grow muscle around the cartilage I destroyed skateboarding. Brakeless absolutely murders knees though, we had brakes :D

  • @arklat
    @arklat 6 років тому

    I was riding and training on a fixed gear Gitane track bike back in 1974. Was it cool then?

  • @maxgrass8134
    @maxgrass8134 6 років тому

    Cool stuff. I love phil. Is that bb creak? Get that fixed dudes!

  • @AApekrul
    @AApekrul 7 років тому +4

    That dude didn't sound out of breath the whole time

  • @paullessard
    @paullessard 4 роки тому +3

    I suck at hills. My heart would be pounding out of my chest...

  • @Skywalkaaa
    @Skywalkaaa 7 років тому

    The intro song is actually Kelp Monster by Babewatch

  • @HiltsyAdventure
    @HiltsyAdventure 6 років тому +5

    HAHAHA I died at "the soup was good" LOL

  • @UndeadBed
    @UndeadBed 4 роки тому

    @7:57 it's called turtle depression, it takes a while

  • @jerrycampbell7427
    @jerrycampbell7427 3 роки тому

    100% accurate

  • @costasmandylor1565
    @costasmandylor1565 5 років тому

    Great vid! I actually subscribed to your channel right after! What road are they riding on btw?

  • @johncliffordalkuino8832
    @johncliffordalkuino8832 4 роки тому

    What how many teeth are you using in your chainring and in the rear cog? Im planning to climb the mountain just making sure its the right one.

  • @geoffreybomber
    @geoffreybomber 7 років тому +6

    when he threw that #crotchchop at the end. #papabless

  • @BeanTrashcan
    @BeanTrashcan 5 років тому +1

    If the host had followed Gaimon's racing career, he wouldn't be following that close on the descent. ZING!!!

  • @pmario89
    @pmario89 7 років тому +6

    "I've got to focus riding a fixie down a hill" Hahahaha

    • @pmario89
      @pmario89 7 років тому

      Yeah i ride fixed geared

    • @timeslowingdown
      @timeslowingdown 6 років тому

      Walking downhill is definitely easier than walking up hill. But it's harder than walking on flat, sure. Riding fixed downhill is easier than riding on flat I would say, but it's not effortless like on a freewheel bike.

  • @ChesterChi3
    @ChesterChi3 7 років тому +1

    I don't see the point of fixed gear bikes, but anything with Phil The Thrill is awesome.

  • @achromaticwraps
    @achromaticwraps 6 років тому

    ahah what a legend! Love this series

  • @timtaylor9590
    @timtaylor9590 2 роки тому

    whats wrong with a lighter bike for hills?

  • @hernanhernandez3861
    @hernanhernandez3861 6 років тому

    Phil, comedy class is working....

  • @ortizma13
    @ortizma13 7 років тому +4

    Great video. Cool insight from a former pro. However, turtles are reptiles not amphibians 😂.

  • @ihave72legs
    @ihave72legs 7 років тому +1

    the descent almost looks normal at 0.75 speed

  • @johnbiboudis4339
    @johnbiboudis4339 4 роки тому

    "The soup tasted good".. Hahaha

  • @andrewhidalgo538
    @andrewhidalgo538 7 років тому

    When is Josh Tyrrell gonna come out in one?

  • @AlexeiPavlov
    @AlexeiPavlov 7 років тому

    State bicycle co. uses bikes with press-fit creaky bbs? I thought you swore to use threaded bb's fo life! ;)))

  • @andydalton4463
    @andydalton4463 6 років тому

    Anyone know what brake levers they are using?

    • @Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrre
      @Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrre 6 років тому

      These are made by Sram. Can't see which exact model though. Looks like Rival but I'm not sure.

  • @luismaldonado1552
    @luismaldonado1552 7 років тому

    Hi. What is the gear ratio of your bikes?

    • @SFelde
      @SFelde 7 років тому +1

      Different levels of their bikes have different ratios I believe. We used 51X17 for this shoot. The “go to gear” for fixed racing is 48x14 so anything around that is a good standard.

    • @greentoaster
      @greentoaster 7 років тому

      Holy shit, those are pretty tall gears for climbing! I ride 49/18 on my city beater. Guess I need to HTFU.

  • @muhammadhaziq7849
    @muhammadhaziq7849 7 років тому

    whats that crunching noise

    • @jeremys8360
      @jeremys8360 7 років тому

      TypicalPanda creaky bottom bracket. No surprise being a cannondale

  • @reubenhowden3967
    @reubenhowden3967 5 років тому

    'the soup was good' lol

  • @rockymanbro
    @rockymanbro 7 років тому +2

    You need to talk about the real elephant in the room.... Phils creaky bottom bracket!

    • @mitchellsteindler
      @mitchellsteindler 7 років тому +2

      bruh...it's a Cannondale. They could probably copy write it. Just ask MY creaky Cannondale bottom bracket!

    • @leqin
      @leqin 7 років тому

      send it round - in fact send both and I'll sort all their creaks out... just include a return box :.)

  • @ronaldevangelista4007
    @ronaldevangelista4007 6 років тому +3

    0:09 wtf

  • @samsonian
    @samsonian 7 років тому +1

    Gaimon was having problems with post-turtlum depression until he got on the turtle program. What is the turtle program? Taking the time to visit the zoo's reptile exhibit once a week and (strap in, folks) the last part, which used to be a secret is to have his deceased turtle's shell made into a cock ring. That's right, folks. Buckle up.

  • @SkeetSystem
    @SkeetSystem 7 років тому +5

    crossing bananas [no homo]

  • @chuauzikpuia4658
    @chuauzikpuia4658 6 років тому

    The soup was good!

  • @Roboturnerlol
    @Roboturnerlol 7 років тому +2

    The soup was good.

  • @lfmd
    @lfmd 7 років тому

    Hi. What gear ratio are you using?

    • @bscjake
      @bscjake 7 років тому

      they said it in the beginning.. 51x17 and 49x15 for phil

    • @lfmd
      @lfmd 7 років тому

      Ok. Thanks

  • @laurenbertrando1037
    @laurenbertrando1037 6 років тому

    How about a Teff Muffin instaed of a cookie? Are you open to an alternative snack ?

  • @smallerfreeze
    @smallerfreeze 7 років тому

    should i buy a wabi classic?

  • @markreams3192
    @markreams3192 6 років тому

    Grease the BB please!

  • @dancudds
    @dancudds 7 років тому +1

    1:38 can’t believe he forgot about it. Whatever

  • @RiskBayles
    @RiskBayles 7 років тому +2

    The whole time I was just wishing Bryan was doing the interviewing again

    • @statebicycle
      @statebicycle  7 років тому +2

      Episode 3 will be B-Hard once more :D

    • @RiskBayles
      @RiskBayles 7 років тому

      State Bicycle Co. that makes me happy 🤙🏻

  • @andreigperez
    @andreigperez 7 років тому +1

    Dude is that bottom bracket creak? that sucks up a climb! Thats probably the Cannondale!

    • @SFelde
      @SFelde 7 років тому

      Wasn’t mine :P

  • @idogematic4333
    @idogematic4333 7 років тому

    theyre NOT panting and sweating like hell.they look relaxed.they can even have a conversation while on that uphill.damn these cyclists are not human lol

  • @blakebecker111
    @blakebecker111 4 роки тому +1

    Jr. Gearing be like

  • @leftymadrid
    @leftymadrid 6 років тому

    Yeah, I would NOT be able to even talk, I'd be out of breath!!! Shit those long climbs!!!!!

  • @donhiatt1436
    @donhiatt1436 7 років тому

    Turtles do recognize people.