Distraction - Kehlani / May J Lee Choreography



  • @JBroAlsoDraws
    @JBroAlsoDraws 8 років тому +156

    The woman in all black was killing it the whole time :O

  • @Snfvl
    @Snfvl 8 років тому +207

    All these dancers always look so damn beautiful. Also, I love their confidence. They definitely have spunk in all their dances.

  • @kpopfan5581
    @kpopfan5581 8 років тому +1062

    1million videos is distracting me from doing my homework 📚

  • @NotAGrabbaghoul
    @NotAGrabbaghoul 8 років тому +117

    I had to watch the 1st Group 3 times over cause each one of them was holding their own and SLAYING the choreo!!!

  • @iansydawn1412
    @iansydawn1412 8 років тому +107

    the braids girl got swag, and that split though O_O

  • @첸니양
    @첸니양 8 років тому +206

    May J Lee is my distraction and inspiration to have a balanced diet and maybe work out her figure is just TT TT

    • @bamusalako
      @bamusalako 8 років тому +4

      shes really small so you shouldnt get so small as she is right now i think she trains really hard and cant eat enough to hold a normal figure so she just gets a bit ..hmm yeah a litte ltoo small

    • @첸니양
      @첸니양 8 років тому +1

      nitnatsnoc selssew well the training part is undeniable but I hope that she eats enough. And I guess she works out as well so yeah. (i dont even know what to say anymore Im sorry)

    • @bamusalako
      @bamusalako 8 років тому

      its just that she makes more sports as eating so she gets too small you should be balanced between enough sports and food

    • @첸니양
      @첸니양 8 років тому

      yes I understand, thank you!

    • @첸니양
      @첸니양 8 років тому

      nitnatsnoc selssew btw correct me if Im wrong but it's ez on your icon ryt lmao i don't want to make this a chatbox but Im excited about elemental lux hahaha bye

  • @Lyonessi
    @Lyonessi 8 років тому +89

    I think the girl wearing the pink trainers suited the song best her moves worked well with the genre

    • @cl03cl
      @cl03cl 8 років тому

      GeGeInfiredPinkJams I agree

    • @user-dz4uv6kl1d
      @user-dz4uv6kl1d 8 років тому +1

      leg game since 1993 and still better than you same thoughts. i couldnt stop staring at her

  • @byunbacon8500
    @byunbacon8500 8 років тому +130

    the girl all in black slay it

    • @kogumaiu6287
      @kogumaiu6287 8 років тому +3

      byun bacon she's a Japanese high school student 🌸🐰

    • @howfordli3616
      @howfordli3616 8 років тому +7

      Yeah I feel like she in a whole other league. Freestyles on point

    • @byunbacon8500
      @byunbacon8500 8 років тому +7

      the choreography looks so much better in her body

    • @Doodeols
      @Doodeols 8 років тому

      What's her name?

    • @muCephei_
      @muCephei_ 7 років тому +1

      Why the heck is it so hard to get her name? This girl was a blast from nowhere...

  • @samar467
    @samar467 8 років тому +45

    the girls on the back were on fire omg especially the one with all black

  • @isabelyee244
    @isabelyee244 8 років тому +38

    may j lee is honestly everything goals

  • @yjy_piecelover
    @yjy_piecelover 8 років тому +99

    She got even cuter.. 😭😭 May J Lee TT

  • @byriz9497
    @byriz9497 8 років тому +224

    the girl on the right at the second group 😍😍😍 i love her moves omg

    • @Meg-cn7kw
      @Meg-cn7kw 8 років тому +6

      agree, she was definitely feeling the song

    • @muCephei_
      @muCephei_ 8 років тому +5

      She was rockin' it! Best performer of this dance. The girl in the white shirt was close on par.

    • @mariafc6552
      @mariafc6552 8 років тому

      Riza Sheil YES

    • @sushitae632
      @sushitae632 8 років тому +2

      Riza Sheil my opinion: i did some research. it's common that when someone is wearing all black they look cool. Try to go search for kpop dance practice and search for members who's wearing all black.

    • @byriz9497
      @byriz9497 8 років тому

      kira kim i want talking about her style..? but yeah gotta agree that all black outfit looks cool

  • @anjeleaht
    @anjeleaht 8 років тому +14

    my god that song is smooth af. that dance is smooth af. 1MILLION SNATCHED ME

  • @danaslitlist1
    @danaslitlist1 8 років тому +53

    I always love May J's work and this is no exception!

  • @difluenza
    @difluenza 8 років тому +15

    May J's being alive is a bless.

  • @jourdanchristian5446
    @jourdanchristian5446 8 років тому +58

    Who's the girl on left side at 1st phase?! What a perfect moves, nice combination

  • @kyrstenleoni7574
    @kyrstenleoni7574 8 років тому +32

    You know it's gonna be great when you see May J and Kehlani in the same sentence

  • @angad4103
    @angad4103 8 років тому +17

    Digging your new look May J Lee, QUEEN!

  • @theeorangeofthyorangetree
    @theeorangeofthyorangetree 8 років тому +58

    I am a simple man, I see May J Lee and I break my left mouse button.

  • @leshajones3297
    @leshajones3297 8 років тому +20

    I'm SHOOK From there confidence and beauty.

  • @evie5319
    @evie5319 8 років тому +3

    The girl on left side in the 1st group was killing it!!!! You go girl!!! 😘😘😘😘

  • @sararaanjum717
    @sararaanjum717 7 років тому +6

    0:42 im shook over how smooth that split was

  • @jle4386
    @jle4386 8 років тому +7

    the two-sided braid girl in 1M's black sweater totally killed this songg 🔥🔥

  • @Binz830
    @Binz830 7 років тому

    첫번째그룹 왼쪽분..두번째그룹 오른쪽분은 안무 그 자체가 되었네요..
    메이제이리 룩 넘 예뻐용

  • @naomio6327
    @naomio6327 8 років тому +12


  • @MizterMashup
    @MizterMashup 8 років тому +10

    still can't get over their collaboration with jay park ughh queens

  • @PppoBbbi
    @PppoBbbi 8 років тому +2

    맨날봅니다ㅠㅠ 맨날봐요 춤이정말 무결점이예요 어쩜이렇게 완벽할수가ㅠㅠㅠ 몸치가 춤추고싶을만큼 멋진춤인거같아요 걍너무완벽해이건

  • @kekw3936
    @kekw3936 8 років тому +8

    May J Lee inspires me to become a great dancer just like her when I grow up :)

  • @dango_miko
    @dango_miko 8 років тому +8


  • @sabrinab4193
    @sabrinab4193 8 років тому +9

    Can't stop looking at May J's bangs

  • @wewillbealright
    @wewillbealright 8 років тому +7

    I love all the power that May J beams.

  • @mx.astrid29
    @mx.astrid29 8 років тому +4

    May J Lee's body is actually just perfect tbh

  • @cocoandpanda
    @cocoandpanda 8 років тому +3

    Girl in the first group on the left killed it. Her split was perfection

  • @JasminatorMaeva
    @JasminatorMaeva 8 років тому +6

    May J, MAY be the JOY of our lives

  • @NKPyo
    @NKPyo 8 років тому +20

    Bae J Lee

  • @minj.k
    @minj.k 8 років тому +7


  • @eunices2024
    @eunices2024 8 років тому +2

    Every kehlani choreo may j does is BOMB!!!

  • @philchao
    @philchao 8 років тому +434

    her outfits make me want to dress better

    • @missroyaleprincess
      @missroyaleprincess 8 років тому +6

      phil chao she really has stepped her outfit game up again, I think she's feelin the hair ❤️❤️

    • @itsonlyk8
      @itsonlyk8 8 років тому +3

      I'm loving her new hair!!

    • @JegoMyEgg0
      @JegoMyEgg0 8 років тому

      "Your appearance is the first thing you say to someone."

    • @pamkoravv5729
      @pamkoravv5729 8 років тому


    • @kenzieskye3053
      @kenzieskye3053 8 років тому

      phil chao
      Phil gets top comment🌹✨😎

  • @unicorntears5749
    @unicorntears5749 8 років тому +4

    may j as always queen

  • @joshimaralfaro9246
    @joshimaralfaro9246 8 років тому +5

    May J is so beautiful 👑

  • @muCephei_
    @muCephei_ 8 років тому +5

    Who is that girl in all black in the second group??? Her moves are totally awesome and she's getting the vibe from the music!

  • @oteeshipsam9492
    @oteeshipsam9492 8 років тому +3

    may j for the win! ♡

  • @OranteKyla
    @OranteKyla 8 років тому +3

    She's my fave choreo damn those steps she's always killing it!

  • @shreejantamang9872
    @shreejantamang9872 8 років тому +2

    yes may j lee is back😁😁😁 hurrey hadipa o balley balley 😂😂😂

  • @christinekangaslampi1425
    @christinekangaslampi1425 8 років тому +2

    May J x Kehlani = Win

  • @Katie____
    @Katie____ 8 років тому +2


  • @JulesSepulchre
    @JulesSepulchre 8 років тому +1

    May J is killing with this choreo as always!!

  • @TheSecondVersion
    @TheSecondVersion 8 років тому +3

    She's baaaaaaack

  • @veronicah7194
    @veronicah7194 8 років тому +11

    Omg I loved the left girl in the first group

  • @apinkshinee202
    @apinkshinee202 8 років тому +2


  • @staynonchalant
    @staynonchalant 8 років тому +1

    Her hair is flawless. It's adorable af

  • @맹수아기
    @맹수아기 8 років тому +4

    when my favorite dancer dances to my favorite song. the feels 8")

  • @sleepieannie8201
    @sleepieannie8201 7 років тому

    Omg please May J, every one of your smiles is killing me..

  • @MaryonChantel
    @MaryonChantel 8 років тому +3

    Love you May J!!

  • @indianbellydancer1
    @indianbellydancer1 8 років тому


  • @WhitneyUwandu
    @WhitneyUwandu 8 років тому +4


  • @FedericoSantiago1
    @FedericoSantiago1 8 років тому +2

    Bae is slaying again!!

  • @choccobanana4756
    @choccobanana4756 8 років тому +1

    i love her new hair!!
    so cute!! suit to u

  • @lionessofjudah1935
    @lionessofjudah1935 8 років тому

    these moves are DOPE AF! the girl on the left was killin itt!!

  • @PotatoButterflies
    @PotatoButterflies 8 років тому +1

    It's unbelievable how much I'm in love with May J

  • @yvoncano-fullido3213
    @yvoncano-fullido3213 7 років тому

    MAY J LEE GOT ME BACK TO KEHLANI! T_T .. And wooooo. KEHLANI PARISH SHOULD VIEW THIS DANCE STUDIO, almost of her songs was used! :)

  • @ariadna4267
    @ariadna4267 8 років тому +1

    May J is so pretty♥

  • @JasminatorMaeva
    @JasminatorMaeva 8 років тому

    May J, MAY probably be the JOY of our lives

  • @chocolatesouljah
    @chocolatesouljah 7 років тому +1

    I'm Kehlani's uncle and one of her dance teachers when she was younger. Most people aren't aware. I occasionally post old videos of her dancing on my instagram @rustyphreshness This is so great to see. The choreography matches her spirit.

  • @HadeyanUtkan
    @HadeyanUtkan 8 років тому +7

    I wanna have some request from Final Four Ladies of 1M (Sori, Lia, Mina, May J)
    do some choreographies for these songs (please please)
    Christiana Milian -> Dip It Low
    Michael Jackson -> Pretty Young Thing
    Michael Jackson -> Why You Wanna Trip On Me
    Beyonce -> Countdown
    George Michael -> Amazing..
    just for these for now :D

  • @anupmeshram3942
    @anupmeshram3942 7 років тому

    the girl with complete black outfit is excellent.just killed it man

  • @kayemelegrito3408
    @kayemelegrito3408 3 роки тому

    I love MARY J Lee! She got that swag!

  • @layla9167
    @layla9167 8 років тому +3


  • @munikastuti6209
    @munikastuti6209 8 років тому +12

    may j with bangs and still cute

  • @ngocminn7548
    @ngocminn7548 7 років тому +1

    I really loved the dances of May J Lee

  • @jmi8082
    @jmi8082 8 років тому +1

    You know no matter how many years I practice dancing I'll never be able to dance like these gifted people 😌

  • @jabonlester6863
    @jabonlester6863 8 років тому +1

    I hope that May J will do a dance cover of JUMPSHOT-Dawin 😍😍😍

  • @stenx9642
    @stenx9642 8 років тому +3

    May J is so fine, i am a grown man, still my heart skips a beat when i see her :)

  • @horzaiea
    @horzaiea 8 років тому +63

    Mom: What are you doing?
    Me: Being distracted 😍

  • @kaylahmurrell58
    @kaylahmurrell58 8 років тому

    I've been waiting for this for too long. I was so excited and they never fail me

  • @jungkooksthighs2536
    @jungkooksthighs2536 8 років тому

    omg .. that girl with the white shirt nailed it ❤❤

  • @ririamrs6935
    @ririamrs6935 8 років тому


  • @GrooveKiddo
    @GrooveKiddo 8 років тому +48

    Notification squad where ya at?!

    • @marinachau5359
      @marinachau5359 8 років тому +2


    • @lifisima7153
      @lifisima7153 8 років тому +1

      Groove Kiddo hereeee💪

    • @JohnDoe-qq6gv
      @JohnDoe-qq6gv 8 років тому

      What is notification squad? See it everywhere..

    • @meiha4675
      @meiha4675 8 років тому

      +Don It is when you have notifications on for the channel and you're here early

    • @JohnDoe-qq6gv
      @JohnDoe-qq6gv 8 років тому

      I see. Thanks

  • @mya2317
    @mya2317 8 років тому +1


  • @960-g9o
    @960-g9o 8 років тому +4

    may j❤❤❤❤❤

  • @tsoona777
    @tsoona777 8 років тому +3


  • @skzbabysitter2485
    @skzbabysitter2485 7 років тому

    *May J Lee slaaaayyyy queeeeennnn* 😍😍

  • @mmb9296
    @mmb9296 8 років тому +135

    first one here. man im early

  • @Jonc1
    @Jonc1 8 років тому +2


  • @clarebear1544
    @clarebear1544 8 років тому

    May J looks like an adorable cat😄😄❤❤ and once again amazing Choreagraghy!!!!!

  • @elizabethe2108
    @elizabethe2108 8 років тому +1

    May J looks amazing wow

  • @reikim9827
    @reikim9827 8 років тому

    May J님 안무는 항상 너무나 인상적입니다😍

  • @elniemoor2152
    @elniemoor2152 8 років тому +15

    No dislikes yet. Yayyyy👐👐👐

  • @harrobye8233
    @harrobye8233 8 років тому +4

    i love kehlanis songs

  • @meomeow1552
    @meomeow1552 8 років тому +3

    i love may j lee

  • @ebonyimbrah7602
    @ebonyimbrah7602 8 років тому

    yessss! been waiting for a choreography to this song

  • @marcgo707
    @marcgo707 8 років тому

    i really like how my baby dance. support from philippines! keep going

  • @HiMrholygod
    @HiMrholygod 8 років тому

    waiting for a long time...May J Lee BAE ...>

  • @lindan4458
    @lindan4458 8 років тому

    The girl in all black though! And the one wearing the white Tee in the second group 😍

  • @chanyeol407
    @chanyeol407 8 років тому +1

    this song is my favorite!❤

  • @AddictedToMoviesxx
    @AddictedToMoviesxx 8 років тому +2

    Saw May J Lee and clicked quickly to watch

  • @박은우-d6p
    @박은우-d6p 8 років тому

    올블랙 입으신분 자신감이...ㄷㄷ 진짜 멋있네요

  • @thesensiblyobtuseblog0001
    @thesensiblyobtuseblog0001 6 років тому

    goodness, I Love May J Lee

  • @adistibestari
    @adistibestari 7 років тому

    may j lee x kehlani always be my favv!!!!

  • @zoeykeys7220
    @zoeykeys7220 4 роки тому

    They are so good they were killing it, GET IT