Just discovered PQ and asked a chatbot about adding in calculated columns to imports. It referred me to a generic search list in youtube and you were in the list. So you answered a question I didn’t even know I needed to know about. “Reference” is gonna be a game changer for me. Thanks a lot.
i think you just solved my memory hog problems. i have conditional calculated columns like you described but then i added another calculated column to sum the conditional columns. i notice that when i refresh my query, its on the calcaluated columns that add that take forever to load. 1AM and i'm excited to go back to work. subscribed.
Hello Thanks For the Same but do we have an approach where we can write an query if date is today then today or else user should have an option to choose the dates in Calendar Slicer..
Hi.. can you help me resolve my formula in power query. I have on column1 date today, in the other column2 the no of days I will add if it meets the critieria in column3. so basically it adds days but I want to remove sundays when column 2 add days. Example column 1 + column2 (i.e) 3 days but not counting sunday... Thank you!
Just discovered PQ and asked a chatbot about adding in calculated columns to imports. It referred me to a generic search list in youtube and you were in the list. So you answered a question I didn’t even know I needed to know about. “Reference” is gonna be a game changer for me. Thanks a lot.
Thank you....this was a Great Video. You save me alot of time regarding my Power Query problem!
i think you just solved my memory hog problems. i have conditional calculated columns like you described but then i added another calculated column to sum the conditional columns. i notice that when i refresh my query, its on the calcaluated columns that add that take forever to load. 1AM and i'm excited to go back to work. subscribed.
Lovely explained. Nice and easy!..Bless Sir thanks.
Hello Thanks For the Same but do we have an approach where we can write an query if date is today then today or else user should have an option to choose the dates in Calendar Slicer..
Can you vlook up in power query. i want to filter my customer which are not in my national account list.
Thanks a lot
I don't work in HR but this was amazing
Hi Bro' thanx a lot. Really helpful for me to calculate remunerations on base rate. With a Big Thank U !!
Hi.. can you help me resolve my formula in power query. I have on column1 date today, in the other column2 the no of days I will add if it meets the critieria in column3. so basically it adds days but I want to remove sundays when column 2 add days. Example column 1 + column2 (i.e) 3 days but not counting sunday... Thank you!