Seth Apter: 2024 NYC Holiday Walkabout

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @lenora43
    @lenora43 День тому +1

    Happy Holidays. I was looking forward to this walk around live and I missed it. 💚❤️💚

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      Happy holidays to you too Lenora. I had to change the date twice due to weather issues. Very sorry you missed it Live but happy there is the recording waiting for you.

  • @lindabardes9974
    @lindabardes9974 День тому +1

    I’m from Minneapolis Minnesota. I’ve been in NYC at Christmas and have seen the tree up close. I absolutely love the city. Thanks for the tour.

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      Glad you have had a chance to be here during Christmas Linda. But hearing that you are from Minnesota makes me think that I should have said it was warm outside and not cold 🤣

    • @lindabardes9974
      @lindabardes9974 14 годин тому

      @ New York has a different sort of cold. Here our cold is usually not a wet cold. You can put on enough clothes to stay warm. I lived in the east and most of your cold has a lot of dampness in it. You can’t put on enough clothes to stay warm for long. It goes right into your bones. The wind tunnel in the city just adds to it.

  • @susanbellamy9252
    @susanbellamy9252 День тому +1

    Thanks Seth, I’m in Sydney Aus and watched the replay, hoping to catch a glimpse of my niece and her family who are holidaying in NY for Christmas and arrived there today! See you in Adelaide in April!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      Hey Susan. Thanks for watching from the other side of the world. Who knows? Maybe your family was in the middle of the crowds. Cannot wait for April. See you then.

  • @sherrylhenning5630
    @sherrylhenning5630 День тому +1

    Thanks, Seth! Don't worry about the tree. There's pics posted everywhere. Ahhhhh dude! I finally got to see St. Pat's! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou SOOOOOOoooooooo much! I multimedia from grunge to glam, so seeing Swaorvski Woooaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!! That would be the ultimate bling for the glam end of my art! Where am I at? NE California where Nevada and Oregon give California a big ole hug! Thanks SOOOOooooo much! This was super cool!!!!!!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      Thanks for understanding about that Sherry but more important -- thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and joy. I hadn't seen Swaorvski before myself so that was a fun surprise for me as well. Happy holidays!

  • @RedDogGirl67
    @RedDogGirl67 День тому +1

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I am SO thrilled I am watching the replay! Today I was deep in the stress of the holiday season and feeling very grinchy. Within the first 5 minutes of your walkabout I could feel the stress melt away. Manhattan, NY is my favorite city. I love everything about it. I haven't been back since 2018 and I miss it! Thank you for giving me some time in my favorite city!!!!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      I am so happy I could bring a bit of NYC and holiday joy to you Robyn. Fantastic to hear that the stress melted away!

  • @jenpurple9008
    @jenpurple9008 День тому +1

    Hi Seth! What an awesome video!! I live in Wisconsin and caught this on YT replay, sorry I missed the live. So fun to see the Louis Vuitton building - how amazing. I used to do the window displays for our store and it is so much work - lots of NY inspiration and fun to see the window displays. I was in Manhattan, NY, in the spring of 2007. I went with my brother who is a fire fighter and he dropped their fire station badge at the church. Loved all the little deli's and the food carts. I love Manhattan and it was fun to see you and the video during the holidays; thank you for the walkabout! bummer that we didn't get to see the tree - but it was sort of there.. lol

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      Thanks for walking along Jen. Thrilled to know it brought back memories of you and brother's visit. And yup...I was mesmerized by the Louis Vuitton luggage. WOW

  • @renig5059
    @renig5059 День тому +1

    That was a very nostalgic walk about 😢 it’s been a few years since we were there glad to see it’s back to pre-covid vibes nothing like the big apple🎉❤ thx Seth Merry Christmas 🎅🏻 & Happy Chanukah 🕎

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      Thanks Reni. Great that it sparked some memories for you. The city has built back up since COVID and those crowds say it all.

  • @gailallen6350
    @gailallen6350 День тому +1

    Watched replay from the west coast of Canada. AKA 'the wet coast'. I'm not a city person and can only stand being in one for a short while. This is a good way to see the sights. Love the Bergdorf windows and the historic architecture. And the Louis Vuitton building - WOW!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      I love BC Gail and wouldn't mind hanging out there for the holidays some time. Glad I could bring a dose of NYC to you. A lot of WOW to be seen!

  • @liekmacgillavry277
    @liekmacgillavry277 День тому +1

    🙏🧸 funnnn ❤ when I was little my dad used to take us out in the evening to see the lights and windows in the shopping center ; then they used to have moving puppets and such in the big store windows . I really miss that time and him 🥲 thanks for showing us around ❤❤❤

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      So glad I could share this with you Liek and happy to know it brought back good memories.

  • @karenbrown5174
    @karenbrown5174 День тому +1

    I always love your holiday walkabouts. Sorry i couldn’t make the live, but still enjoyed it. Hope you have a lovely holiday.

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      Thanks much Karen. The replay was waiting for you! Happy holidays!!!

  • @gingersparks73
    @gingersparks73 День тому +1

    Seth, can’t thank you enough for taking us through New York to see all the sights and sounds. It really is a highlight I look forward to each year!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  23 години тому +1

      Thanks a million Ginger. So glad you have walked along. See you in 2025!

  • @yvonnebeaulieu1702
    @yvonnebeaulieu1702 День тому +1

    Thank you Seth, I was late, but totally enjoyed the Replay!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      Glad you were able to pop into the Live Yvonne and thanks for taking the time to watch the replay.

  • @sherrylhenning5630
    @sherrylhenning5630 День тому +1

    Those doors are AMAZING!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      IKR?!?! I could have looked at them for so much longer!

    • @sherrylhenning5630
      @sherrylhenning5630 21 годину тому

      @@SethApter Sketchbook long! (art life!)

  • @sabinemetscher6449
    @sabinemetscher6449 День тому +1

    Rewatched from Missouri. Just this year I learned that you do this walk. It was like walking in the crowd with you. The different details of the buildings & happenings was cool. Was that a taxicab star in the yellow window-I don’t know. The dogs in the green window💚 Thank you & wonderful time to you& yours in celebrating 🌟🌲

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому

      So happy that you found out about this walk in time to watch. Those windows were spectacular! Sending all good holiday wishes to you! See you for the 2025 walkabout.

  • @junkjournalersjourney4945
    @junkjournalersjourney4945 День тому +1

    Tried to stay on and wait for you but YT kick it off, it was a great tour, thank you so much for your time with doing it!!!! Stay warm! Happy holidays Seth!!!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  23 години тому

      Thanks for hanging in there from the start!! Happy holidays to you and yours.

  • @robingoff322
    @robingoff322 15 годин тому +1

    Hi Seth, I’m new to your channel today. I decided to look thru your playlists to see what was there and saw this first! I was born and raised in NJ, about 45 minutes from NYC and every year my family would go in to the city many times throughout the holidays and other times of year. I remember the Macy’s windows were always a favorite….shame they aren’t decorated. That Louis Vuitton building…..OMG….it is a m a z i n g! I skated in Rockefeller center so many times and went to Radio City every winter. I moved to WA state back in 1992…the last time I visited NY was soon after the 9/11 memorial building was finished. My son did a lot of work in that building. Thanks for the memories and the walkabout! The purple window was my favorite of the ones you showed today. Purple is my favorite color!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  2 години тому

      Welcome to the channel Robin and a great video to start with. Sounds like we both agree that NYC at holiday time is one very special place. Hope you are able to get back here in person again but if not -- stay tuned for more NYC walkabout videos!

  • @lindahigham5317
    @lindahigham5317 День тому +1

    Thank you Seth 🖌️🎨 Hope you have a Wonderful Holiday Season 🩷🩷. I signed up for your live zoom meeting in January also

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      Thanks much Linda for walking with me. And for signing up for January. That will be fun!

    • @lindahigham5317
      @lindahigham5317 День тому

      @@SethApter Your Very Welcome and I Know it Will Be ☺️🖌️🎨📚🤗🩷

  • @sherrylhenning5630
    @sherrylhenning5630 День тому +1

    L. Vitton luggage..ROTFL! Renovating with style!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      Talk about a clever way to cover a renovation!

  • @sherrylhenning5630
    @sherrylhenning5630 День тому +1

    St. Pat's!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a lot bigger than I thought!

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      It is a big church and so special and iconic. Glad I could bring it to you!

  • @retroqueenbeeart
    @retroqueenbeeart День тому +1

    Oh dear, that tree disappeared at the end. Oh well, I did watch the re-run. I did get some cool photos. Thank you Seth for the tour.

    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  День тому +1

      I know. Arrgggghhhh. I have already decided that next year I am going to START at the tree LOL.

  • @dorothygibbs318
    @dorothygibbs318 Годину тому +1


    • @SethApter
      @SethApter  Годину тому

      Same to you Dorothy. And thanks for watching!

  • @sherrylhenning5630
    @sherrylhenning5630 День тому +1
