the bit when jeremy drives the car, that whole bit is pretty much in real time. from where they drive down the off ramp and turn left into brighton rd/southend. its seamless, basically cut exactly as if you were driving down that bit in real life. so subtle, so perfect haha! source: i live in croydon
So the ‘not driving’ thing is more London than the UK in general. There is a lot of traffic there, and the public transport is pretty good, so it’s not uncommon for people to decide having a car isn’t worth it. But for those of us who live in the rest of the UK (about 85% of the population, I think), prevalence of car ownership is much more similar to the US.
Part of the reason why Jez doesn't want Mark to leave is because he relies on Mark financially, so if Mark left then Jez would have to find a new place to live with hardly any money.
We can talk about politics in the UK without falling out. Most families have right leaning & left leaning family members in the same household. So we've learned not to get too heated when talking politics. The U.S is a extremely politically divided. We're not as bad. Yet
When you analyze it it's a remarkably clever episode, as many are in this series. The 2 characters are very different but mirror each other in a number of respects. In this case regarding sexuality. Also the Johnson chacter is hilarious.
It's funny all the comparisons between Inbetweeners and Peep Show. As SOON as I started watching Peep Show I immediately felt like Mark was Will McKenzie, just 10 years in the future. They are so similar.
During the first three eps, Mark, Jez & Hans all appear to be straight. This ep changes all that! Jez & Hans do 'the bad thing' & Mark's '85% sure he's straight'!
both episodes deal with a character's insecurities over a bromance and the strain that puts on their relationship with their existing friends. Also I would argue that Mark isn't gay either, he is just confused over the way he idolizes another man, so much so they never really revisit that. It's just a character arc that resolves in one episode like any old sitcom. @@DavidZ4-gg3dm
Both episodes deal with a character's insecurities over a bromance and the strain that put's on their relationship with their existing friends. Also I would argue that Mark isn't gay either, he is just confused over the way in which he idolizes another man. So much so they never really revisit that aspect in the series, it's just a character arc that resolves in one episode like any old sitcom
Johnson- legendary character has entered the game!
The way Mark mirrors Johnsons mustache is such a good detail in this epi.
the bit when jeremy drives the car, that whole bit is pretty much in real time. from where they drive down the off ramp and turn left into brighton rd/southend. its seamless, basically cut exactly as if you were driving down that bit in real life. so subtle, so perfect haha! source: i live in croydon
So the ‘not driving’ thing is more London than the UK in general. There is a lot of traffic there, and the public transport is pretty good, so it’s not uncommon for people to decide having a car isn’t worth it. But for those of us who live in the rest of the UK (about 85% of the population, I think), prevalence of car ownership is much more similar to the US.
LOL, Mark is so unfamiliar with personal charisma that when he notices it in Johnson, he thinks it must be a homosexual crush. Too funny.
You might even say they embraced the suck lol
You guys should take a look at their sketch show called "That Mitchell and Webb Look"
It's very funny.
Johnson is a brilliant character - a force of Nature!
“That was the bad thing!” 😂😂😂nice one fellas ❤️❤️
Part of the reason why Jez doesn't want Mark to leave is because he relies on Mark financially, so if Mark left then Jez would have to find a new place to live with hardly any money.
Haha this episode brings a whole new meaning to ‘embrace the suck’
Jez 'embraced the suck'
…the bad thing…
Johnson: I’m just the doctor. I didn’t make the needles sharp. 😂
Johnson - the man we all aspire to be.
Mark's going to be Johnson's queen. If the public will accept him, he's going to be Johnson's queen!
Saw on Patreon how far ahead you boys are, so you know how much we love/hate JOHNSON! 😂
The best character in the show along with super hans
How far have they got up to ?
Lads, Peep Show is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s a grower not a shower 😂
The bad thing was such a shock to me when it aired I was gobsmacked 😂😂
Top show 👏
6:44 😂😂 you had to go and jinx it 20 years ago Jeremy didn’t you? I love how he makes it sound like a football match lol
Oh no, The bad thing.
We can talk about politics in the UK without falling out. Most families have right leaning & left leaning family members in the same household. So we've learned not to get too heated when talking politics. The U.S is a extremely politically divided. We're not as bad. Yet
When you analyze it it's a remarkably clever episode, as many are in this series. The 2 characters are very different but mirror each other in a number of respects. In this case regarding sexuality.
Also the Johnson chacter is hilarious.
It's funny all the comparisons between Inbetweeners and Peep Show. As SOON as I started watching Peep Show I immediately felt like Mark was Will McKenzie, just 10 years in the future. They are so similar.
Best show ever made 😂😂😂
Alan Johnson & Superhans are the best two Peep Show Characters
The bad thing. That was the bad thing…😂
Two words.. ALAN JOHNSON!!!
Don`t forget your American cars are automatic! We have gears in our cars!
Johnson reminds me of Swiss Tony somehow
My turn
During the first three eps, Mark, Jez & Hans all appear to be straight. This ep changes all that! Jez & Hans do 'the bad thing' & Mark's '85% sure he's straight'!
It actually is kinda similar to the football friend episode in a way.
Do you mean in The Inbetweeners? There's no gayness in that ep!
both episodes deal with a character's insecurities over a bromance and the strain that puts on their relationship with their existing friends. Also I would argue that Mark isn't gay either, he is just confused over the way he idolizes another man, so much so they never really revisit that. It's just a character arc that resolves in one episode like any old sitcom. @@DavidZ4-gg3dm
Both episodes deal with a character's insecurities over a bromance and the strain that put's on their relationship with their existing friends. Also I would argue that Mark isn't gay either, he is just confused over the way in which he idolizes another man. So much so they never really revisit that aspect in the series, it's just a character arc that resolves in one episode like any old sitcom
embrace the suck lol
Please my dying wish is a reaction to Chelsea v bradford city in the f.a cup
How long do you have left?
@@thegroovetube3247 6 months