📍THANKS DEAR DIBORA FOR YOUR AFAN OROMO LESSONS. Will You please consider the following suggestions if possible:- 1. Try to classify the words in verb, noun, pronoun, etc. and their conjugations for the learning to be more effective and unforgettable. 2. Give examples of statements for each new words you teach us. 3. Would be great if you teach very essential friendly communicative words used in distressing conditions. 4. Lessons, stories of friendship and love, hope, and helping and thinking for each other in order to dispel and neutralize the poison that politics has sprayed in the minds of the people... I hope you have got my points.
እህቴ ዲቦራ ስለምትሰጭን ትምህርት እና እገዛ ሁሉ እናመሰግናለን!! እግዚያብሔር ዘመንሽን ሁሉ ይባርከው!!
Thank you so much. I really appreciate. Ulfaadhaa!
Berhanu from Israel, I like to hear oromo music and mezmur...So I'm very happy to join your class today.
ተባረኪ ዲቦራ አንደኛ ነሽ
ደስ ሲል አፋን ኦሮሞ
ተባረኪ ጎበዝ
እናመሠግናለን በርች
ትክክለኛ አስተማሪ ነሽ
አሪፍ ነው አህታቸን አናመሰግናለን
ለምትሰጭን ትምህርት በጣም እናመሰግናለን እባክሽ የኦሮምኛ አባባሎችን ከነትርጉማቸው አስተምሪን
እኔ ከአማርኛ ውጭ አልችልም አሁን ግን እድሜ ለአንቺ ትንሽ ትንሽ እየለመድኩ ነው በርቺ እህታችን ኦሮምኛ ቁንቁዋ ኢትዮጽያዊ ቁዋንቁዋችን ነው
በውነት የምታስተምሪበት ዘዴና አቀራረብሽ በጣም የሚመች በመሆኑ ፊደሎችን በሚገባ አውቄ የማንበብ ችሎታየን እያዳበርኩ ነው። የቃላት ምስረታና የዐረፍተ ነገሮች አወቃቀር በኦሮምኛ ቋንቋ በሚገባ እየተማርኩና እያወኩኝ በመሆኔ ምሥጋናዬ ይድረስሽ ! ፈጣሪ በበረከቱ ይጎብኝሽ ! ልጆችሽን ይባርክልሽ ! ዲቦራ በጣም አመሠግንሻለሁ ! . . .
ደስ ትይኛለሽ
galatoi anii amrifaa simaratii baradhee ,🙏 jabadhuu itti fufii
My sister, you are great. Thank you for your lesson.
በጣም አሪፍ ዲቦራ!
Tnx our sister
ምርጥ ሰው ይመችሽ 👍👍👍
Jabadhuu bareduu
Kemo you Tube Akkmi nagaha jirta jabaadhu
ኦሮምኛ ለማወቅ በጣም ብፈልግም በምኖርበት አካባቢ ተናጋሪ ባለመኖሩ ተቸግሬ ነበረ። እድሜ ላንቺ ቻነል ችግሬ ተፈቷል
Do you have a one to one teaching session
Jabadhuu 💓💓
You did great Job well done
Maaloo qubee Afaan Amarraa nu barsisii
አፋን ፡ ኦሮሞ ፡ ፊልም ፡ ያሰፈለሰገናል ፡ ቋንቋን ፡ ለማወቅ
Dibora, I need to learn personally please;
God job😊
Thank you so much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Her'a= ዛሬ
Good job
Jiraadhu waa danuu Sirra b...
እባክሽንየ6ተነኛ ክፍል ቪድይዮ ሰሪ
Baaye nuuf galatoomi ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dhuga bayyee galaatomii
Haaraa = አዲስ
Will You please consider the following suggestions if possible:-
1. Try to classify the words in verb, noun, pronoun, etc. and their conjugations for the learning to be more effective and unforgettable.
2. Give examples of statements for each new words you teach us.
3. Would be great if you teach very essential friendly communicative words used in distressing conditions.
4. Lessons, stories of friendship and love, hope, and helping and thinking for each other in order to dispel and neutralize the poison that politics has sprayed in the minds of the people...
I hope you have got my points.
Thank you so much. I will try
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ WOW 😳
Baay'ee Galtomi waan heeddu Barnootaakee irraa Bartaajirra
Betam enamesegnalen Deborah berchi yene ehet, bdemb new yememarew
Galatomi haalan
አንቺ ወገኖችን የሚያገናኝ ድልድይ ሰሪ መሐንዲስ ነሽ
የእኔ እህት መማር እፈልጋለሁ
በደንብ አግዥኝ
ትዕግስት በኦሮሚያ እንዴት ነው የሚፃፈው
ገለቶማ ሂሪያኮ ኪያ
Heduu barataa jirra galtoomi
አማራ የጋላ ቋንቋ መማር አንፈልግም የራሳችን ጥድትያለአማረኛምንአለንኦሮሞኛቋንቋበጣምለጀሮዘግናኝቋንቋአተላሽንጋጭ።
Who will learn Oromo,?