The Most Badass Brutes Scenes & Moments - Halo Saga

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @warsmiththarrax9713
    @warsmiththarrax9713 3 роки тому +592

    Can we just appreciate the fact the majority of atriox cutscenes are of him kicking ass and being menacing

    • @VanteTheOne
      @VanteTheOne 3 роки тому +46

      Yep. Him and Chief are the most "Do it don't say it" kind of guys that I know of in Halo besides say Noble 6.

    • @coletrain583
      @coletrain583 2 роки тому +9

      Every on the scenes, he kills it.

    • @Gnarkson
      @Gnarkson Рік тому

      Atriox is a nobody. He should not be this strong. Halo infinite is non canon.

    • @teleptic6430
      @teleptic6430 Рік тому +1

      @@Gnarkson Atriox is that strong. Exoect that strong isn't really strong at all. All he does is camp and waits untill the spartans are vulnerable. Spartan two on a fair equal fight>>>>>>Atriox

    • @Тимон-й9п
      @Тимон-й9п Рік тому

      This is precisely what makes him strong. He is patient, wise, knows when to lie low, and when there is a chance to defeat the enemy, bringing down all his bestial rage of the Jiralhanae on him.​@@teleptic6430

  • @unknownbenefactor8029
    @unknownbenefactor8029 3 роки тому +275

    Before halo war : brute ship 3 to 1 us? Fair fight.
    After halo war : humanity finest achievement grinded into dust in a mere 4 minutes by brute ship.

    • @wangatang-c8z
      @wangatang-c8z 3 роки тому +7

      yo fellow doge

    • @unknownbenefactor8029
      @unknownbenefactor8029 3 роки тому +4

      @@wangatang-c8z yo whity

    • @willffre
      @willffre 3 роки тому +31

      youre forgetting some major differences between those situations, factions ,numbers and diffferent type of ships and i may miss a number of other details such as the Elite having superior experience with the covenant ships compared to brutes

    • @Chiwalker
      @Chiwalker 3 роки тому +16

      @@willffre yeah.....but it was also a situation of the Infinity having the most advanced armor of all ship, remember how it was shown coming out of slipspace being able to ram through a covenant ship like it was nothing? And how it was able to shoot a hole into the Didact's ship when we know that Forerunner metals are nearly indestructible? Just saying, having things happen for plots sake is terrible.

    • @willffre
      @willffre 3 роки тому +11

      @@Chiwalker i could argue that brute ships also have ramming specialties as shown in the trailer and as a brute faction their boarding parties are way more effective and brutal wich makes infinitys armor useless it is different from covenant tactics, and what infinity has gone through im pretty sure they were close to being a skeleton crew carrying humanity on their back for so long to speak and abandoned ship when they got attacked while the banished are on their peak focusing on Zeta Halo.
      hell i think writers left some grey area around the AI war on purpose to have no clear point how it affected the UNSC and humanity as a whole but shitstorm after shitstorm the infinity still may be out there
      But i agree they could have give more space or clear view on why the infinity just "lost"

  • @ilikegiantrobots1775
    @ilikegiantrobots1775 3 роки тому +316

    This video in a nutshell:
    90% Atriox
    10% other brutes

    • @CalicoJackal
      @CalicoJackal 3 роки тому +47

      Atriox is the chaddest of his kind. He can't help it.

    • @WhyTho525
      @WhyTho525 2 роки тому +15

      Atriox is like the Master Chief among Brutes

    • @Duskthunder9
      @Duskthunder9 11 місяців тому +3


  • @guytonchristo8171
    @guytonchristo8171 3 роки тому +130

    Man. I remember watching that scene of red team versus Atriox for the first time. Terrifying to hear a Spartan scream out in pain after having his titanium plated shoulder crushed through his armor.

  • @sirejester1155
    @sirejester1155 3 роки тому +128

    Seeing atriox and the rest of the brutes standing up against the covenant is badass

  • @yestoES355
    @yestoES355 3 роки тому +402

    I hope once Atriox fully returns In future dlc, he’s with the proper full force as we saw in the end of halo wars 2.

    • @re1010
      @re1010 3 роки тому +34

      Halo Wars 2 wasnt even his full force. It was meant to fight against local Ark forces.

    • @conker466
      @conker466 3 роки тому +17

      I think he would probably return in the halo infinite sequel, not dlc.

    • @aaron-prime117
      @aaron-prime117 3 роки тому +5

      Who knows but the way it was in probably the endless whatever this new enemy is if it’s aligned with the banished then it will be one of the greatest challenges the next game could either be first person or a halo wars three if it’s halo wars three then we’re back at the ark. But if it’s another first person shooter with the chief then hopefully it’ll be the end of atriox and saving humanity

    • @nR00R
      @nR00R 3 роки тому +12

      How cool would it be, if we got to play AS Atriox at some point in the future? It's about time we get something like the Arbitor again

    • @Megaproductions302
      @Megaproductions302 3 роки тому +19

      @@conker466 there won’t be a sequel. Infinite is the game for the next 10 years and there is already confirmation that it’s getting expansions.

  • @rashakikizer9889
    @rashakikizer9889 2 роки тому +148

    Escharum's roar gets me hype. Easily one of the best characters in Halo.

    • @luisotero7096
      @luisotero7096 2 роки тому +12

      I still get goosebumps hearing his speech and roar

    • @flamer3096
      @flamer3096 2 роки тому +17

      He deserves more screen time

    • @matul3808
      @matul3808 9 місяців тому

      one of the best? he's okay but not that good

    • @richardch.4356
      @richardch.4356 7 місяців тому

      Honestly I liked him he was good

  • @madness0169
    @madness0169 Рік тому +61

    14:08 This. This right here, is a true line from Escharum. His speech, his roar and his final words were undoubtedly one of the best moments of all of the Halo games. 🤘

  • @lukez9721
    @lukez9721 2 роки тому +53

    Escharum made the best speeches.
    Atriox was the most badass of them all.
    Tartarus was strong but he was too blinded by the great journey to see reason.
    Pavium and Voridus were too eager to please their boss

    • @Тимон-й9п
      @Тимон-й9п Рік тому +8

      You correctly noticed the sid of Tartarus, not every brute can swing a 100-kilogram sledgehammer so vigorously.

  • @harimadhavan1712
    @harimadhavan1712 3 роки тому +141

    They need Halo Wars 2 Atriox voice. Far more menacing and intimidating than Infinite's one

    • @Carpediem357
      @Carpediem357 3 роки тому +11

      Maybe just timing. I do hope he returns to voice him but I think because of time they had Lockes actor voice him for the little bit of dialogue he had

    • @yapyapthedestroyer2562
      @yapyapthedestroyer2562 2 роки тому +5

      He doesn’t sound that bad in infinite. But I knew his voice was different

    • @Verdevil
      @Verdevil 2 роки тому +6

      John DiMaggio voices him in HW2, I hope they bring him back

    • @eliavita
      @eliavita 2 роки тому +3

      Although I don't dislike his voice in infinite i definitely agree, I'm Italian so i played the game in italian then i was curious to hear it in English just because atriox speaking gives me eargasm everytime and i was a bit disappointed when I wasn't hearing that strong, deep menacing voice he had in hw2

    • @WhyTho525
      @WhyTho525 2 роки тому +2

      Only a year has passed between the events of Halo Wars 2 and Halo Infinite. Highly doubt that age has something to do with it lmao

  • @celestialspartan1176
    @celestialspartan1176 Рік тому +23

    Brutes are basically the Uruk-Hai of the Halo universe, and that’s why they’re awesome! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @michaelhyland4774
    @michaelhyland4774 9 місяців тому +11

    Atriox just dog walking the greatest soldier in human history and tossing him into space to die. Yup, that pretty menacing.

  • @siliasiasau7797
    @siliasiasau7797 3 роки тому +47

    spartan casualty is the last thing anyone wants to hear in the halo universe...

    • @etazeta674
      @etazeta674 Рік тому +8

      Unless you’re covenant. Or banished. Or Forerunner. Or Endless….
      Wow, there isn’t a species in the galaxy that hasn’t hated us at least once in history huh?

  • @dhighflyguy3213
    @dhighflyguy3213 3 роки тому +44

    Man I really like atriox as a villain

  • @dredhead117
    @dredhead117 10 місяців тому +6

    9:59 that brute kills 3 elites in a few seconds. Truly OP

  • @prostudioanimations
    @prostudioanimations Рік тому +8

    I know this is late but the brutes are so badass like Atriox, but there’s something about Pavium and Vordius fighting the flood that I love. They were badass in that scene.

  • @gr8m887
    @gr8m887 10 місяців тому +7

    Aside from Tartarus, who is just a scumbag and a fool, the Brutes are pretty badass villains, especially the Banished. They have this quasi-honor, similar to the Sangheili, that is so cool. It's not quite that they want to fight on an even battlefield, but more of a "survival of the fittest" type of motivation.

    • @richardch.4356
      @richardch.4356 7 місяців тому

      Especially when you think about it Brutes have it much harder then Elites do

  • @asaschuemann9545
    @asaschuemann9545 Рік тому +18

    That scene with Atriox absolutely bulldozing 3 Spartan IIs and his added backstory courtesy of Isabel was awesome, THAT is how you introduce a new Halo villain! I love the Banished as a faction and Atriox just looks like he was built to slam Spartans into walls and hand Master Chief's Mjolnir-plated ass right back to him! That's a minimum of 4 Spartan IIs that he's dominated in combat, which says more than any lore book could, as we know from watching Spartans in combat that Gen 2s are the toughest batch out there, so to watch 3 of those nigh invincible super-soldiers get beaten to a pulp all at once by Atriox before he then soundly defeats Chief, THE Spartan II himself, say many great things about just how tough and dangerous Atriox is as a villain, without much exposition at all.

  • @randompalmtopgaming7541
    @randompalmtopgaming7541 3 роки тому +57

    Brutes are like Orcs from Warcraft, only set in the infinitely more epic and intelligent universe that actually makes sense, getting cutting 3dge tech and turning 10x more badass physically

    • @wastelesslearning1245
      @wastelesslearning1245 2 роки тому +1

      Personally I think Brites are in general superior to elites (controversial but not backed up by noting). Brutes on 3 occasions in lore show they can smell/pin point you which is huge. Atriox detected invisible elites with his smell in a comic, Decimus caught a grunt trying to sneak way in a log in halo wars 2, and in a book they have a tradition of releasing their human prisoners, give them a head start, and hunt them down for sport. Keep this in mind Elites smell like leather even to humans. Their blood smells like tar even to humans, to a brute active camo has its own sent. So good luck sneaking past a brute without plot armor. As shown in many sources they are many many times stronger. Enraged Abel to smash hunters. Able to snap elite bones easily with a grip. Also factor in Brutes having longer arm reach the a Elite with the crushing grip. Brute stalkers are able to use active camo too so It would not surprise me with their smell, range weapon preference (stalkers don’t try melee swords), and fire grenades, they can probably stealth better then elites. Durability wise, the vast majority of elites longevity come from their combat energy shields witch most brutes don’t have. In lore besides elites having a second heart (which would just cause them to bleed out if one was ever punctured so likely will not help durability) elites have no enter any biological durability Over a brute. Brutes have been shown to tank multiple clips form a assault rifle to those guts and face and not going down without any energy shields. Give a brute just as strong of an energy shield as an elite and it will be no comparison which one can tank more. Also note Elites don’t like doctors and will likely ritually kill themselves if captured or injured to avoid medical treatment which drastically impacts their durability even further. Brutes are also quite fast as their strides/gates are huge even for elites. They can climbs and leap superbly wile elites canonically struggle with ladders due to their legs. Heck their hands are inferior to brutes as lore states brutes can use both human and cov weapons more comfortably which makes sense as one is a ape like decedent wile the other is a lizard. Do don’t discount brute agility even if the games don’t show it. Im not to convinced the gap in agility is as big as many think. But admittedly elites have this one factor going for them over brutes. Intelligence I will say is the same as the banish and their technological innovations and tactical feats demonstrate mostly culture is holding them back like elites However unlike elites they have no qualms with medicine, don’t ritual suicide when injured, Elites have been shown to recklessly bored for clout instead of using their space ships better range to attack, and can use dishonorable tactics/gorilla warfare more consistently then elites which in my mind, give brutes tactical advantages given elite and brute current cultures. So let’s conclude with agility. Brutes have gravity hammers that can rag doll and telekinetically draw or throw around opponents (halo wars 2 warlords and Atriox used it on a Spartan in his fight cut scene, and Tarterous in halo 2). I know a lot people think the sword is better but rarely factor the hammers lore shock wave and telekinesis. Other counters to agility: the pulse carbine, hydra, lock on rockets, and plasma pistol shots track targets. Heck brute shock rifle and skewer can snipe at ranges too sneaky to anticipate a dodge anyway that and all the other long range super sonic sniping carbines. And with all the explosive ammunition like if the scrap cannon, and grenades, the splash damage practically cancels out dodging too. If a 6 ft tall human gymnast dodging gun fire in a realistic war scenario is ridiculous making a creature 7 ft will only make the prospect more laughable realistically. Then there is also the halo 3 brutes invincibility fields and boss armor being plasma grenade anti stick but I’ll ignore that. Bottom line that kind of agility bonus will be negated my many technologies. But elites do also live longer so maybe if the average elites were older then average brutes and had same training per that would be advantageous for them but will likely not grant them the inherent natural strength, durability, climbing, smell, and better less honorable tactics that a brute will have if they survive war to that age. Assuming they can catch up in wisdom grunts can accrue since they learn faster in lore. In Lore it is a tradition for elders to be “tested” via assassins. So the elites have that and the medicine and honer pride working against the wisdom bonus. And even then if you like elder wisdom that much the San Shyuum can live way longer then elites, have their own equivalent to a Spartan program , and have better technology with no honer weakness. Elites also rage by the way. And that’s every time they get injured past their energy shield which leaves each exposed. Vs brutes who Berserk mostly triggers whenever the rest in the pack are killed which from a numbers advantage makes it less a issue then elites. So not quite as a tactical exploit on brutes as you think cause at least with the brutes they get a adrenaline rush and besides with training and species can temper their Berserk instincts so I don’t count it. And if people still think elites are better cause agile and “skill” ide like to introduce them to the Jackles which do agility and marksmanship better then elites and have been shown to be just as good commanders of space fleets with that skirmisher high value target in infinite .

    • @gothmogonslaught6851
      @gothmogonslaught6851 2 роки тому +5

      They actually remind me of Ologs from Shadow of War, with their size, voices, fanaticism, and most definitely their brutal tendencies.

    • @seth3491
      @seth3491 Рік тому +1

      @@gothmogonslaught6851 Escharum was voiced by the same actor who voiced some of the Ologs in Shadow of War

  • @namesomega3694
    @namesomega3694 2 роки тому +19

    It's amazing what brutes can achieve when they chill out for a bit

    • @WhyTho525
      @WhyTho525 2 роки тому +6

      To be fair, the Covenant's leadership only exploited their rage and loyalty only to waste their potential as an intelligent race.
      Atriox and the Banished changed that.

    • @asaschuemann9545
      @asaschuemann9545 Рік тому +8

      Yeah, and I get the feeling the prophets deliberately picked the dumber brutes for command roles to better manipulate them. More intelligent brutes like Atriox and Escharum saw through the BS and defected.

    • @namesomega3694
      @namesomega3694 Рік тому +2

      @@asaschuemann9545 Kind of like the Krogan from mass effect until they became an independent species from the salarians

  • @EvanSolomonBerger
    @EvanSolomonBerger 2 роки тому +18

    Man escharum is such a great villain

  • @LordKang
    @LordKang Рік тому +4

    The brutes are literally my favorite alien monsters in fiction besides the elites they are kinda like the Wookiees but on steroids imao

  • @Ntwadumela89
    @Ntwadumela89 9 місяців тому +5

    Seeing a brute in real life even a basic low rank soldier would scare a marine shitless

  • @darealone4480
    @darealone4480 Місяць тому +1

    Atriox and his brutes are the GOAT

  • @BrenKlettenberg-vm7dc
    @BrenKlettenberg-vm7dc 28 днів тому +1

    0:46 Rip for that brute 🫡

  • @RSch3z
    @RSch3z 10 місяців тому +4

    I love Basues Entrance Spartans not so tough, I think. Break open Easy soft inside. Then gets bodied but still sick awsome

  • @absolutemadlad5662
    @absolutemadlad5662 Рік тому +9

    I'd honestly kill to have playable brutes at some point

  • @redraptorx1066
    @redraptorx1066 2 роки тому +8

    i always headcannoned that what the brutes were chanting in halo wars 2 after Atriox beat red team was the Brute's word for either "blood" or "death". now they could be more then happy to kill the Spartans to make sure that they can indeed bleed, or they're eager to kill more humans.

  • @StolenAlias
    @StolenAlias 3 роки тому +24

    Bassus is scary

  • @xshadowxlegionx
    @xshadowxlegionx 2 роки тому +6

    11:20 this speech gives me Goosebumps

  • @Nightlizard1564
    @Nightlizard1564 3 роки тому +49

    Anybody else wants a halo game where u play as atriox and his rise to power?

    • @brandonschultz642
      @brandonschultz642 3 роки тому +5

      I knew I wasn't the only one who wanted like that! It would be awesome to play as atriox and fight the Covenant and others

    • @wastelesslearning1245
      @wastelesslearning1245 2 роки тому +4

      Oh oh I hope we get a Arbiter-like playable flash back when Atriox was a Brute Stalker trying to shatter the front lines by infiltration wile his brothers get slaughtered as a distraction. Or him doing assassinations. Playing as a brute stalker/blood Star will be hype.

  • @denislavventsislavov2078
    @denislavventsislavov2078 Рік тому +9

    Ngl Halo Infinite has the best brutes in the series

  • @jlara7238
    @jlara7238 3 роки тому +14

    Halo 3 was my introduction to brutes and they weren’t very good brutes but with the addition of atriox to the franchise I warmed up to the brutes and after my recent play through of infinite I think escheraum is my favorite alien character in the entire franchise! Well done by 343 to make the brutes relevant

    • @lukez9721
      @lukez9721 2 роки тому +1

      Halo 2 brutes looked more intimidating to me and when they got angry and went berserk they definitely seemed more like the vicious limb tearing monsters that are in some of the books

    • @tomikabell7725
      @tomikabell7725 2 роки тому

      Mine too

  • @ajackass5950
    @ajackass5950 3 роки тому +28

    The least chronologically accurate sequence I've ever seen

  • @Cascade92
    @Cascade92 3 роки тому +37

    What bothers me is that flood spores don't exist in cutscenes

    • @BR_Eureka
      @BR_Eureka 3 роки тому +4


    • @senatorstevenarmstrong9821
      @senatorstevenarmstrong9821 3 роки тому +3

      The brutes are so badass, the spores die when in contact with them

    • @jackal119halo4
      @jackal119halo4 Рік тому +2

      @AllanCasana that was a infection form I think the dust before pavium takes off his mask are the spores

  • @aguywithahelmet
    @aguywithahelmet 10 місяців тому +3

    Think about how strong those flood things in the first scene are if a single one can immobilize part of a fully trained Brute warrior.

  • @jorgemigueltavares6041
    @jorgemigueltavares6041 10 місяців тому +5

    Atriox is one of the best antagonists in this series, hands down. He'd have wiped the floor with Tartarus, if the two were to duel.

    • @Roshambo920
      @Roshambo920 9 місяців тому

      Tartarus was chosen by his race as chieftain of the brutes for a reason. While the writers may have given Atriox plot armor as far as his tactics go, Tartarus would have beaten him in a one-on-one due to his fighting skill, advanced armor, and roided up gravity hammer.

    • @jorgemigueltavares6041
      @jorgemigueltavares6041 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Roshambo920 advanced armor? You mean the one shoulder pauldron he has?

    • @Stefan996
      @Stefan996 Місяць тому

      @@jorgemigueltavares6041 the fist of rukt gravity shielding potentially

  • @humss1simonibay563
    @humss1simonibay563 3 роки тому +21

    The 1st scene shows the strength of the brutes

    • @lukez9721
      @lukez9721 2 роки тому

      The scene where they kill the elite squad shows their strength too

    • @humss1simonibay563
      @humss1simonibay563 2 роки тому

      @@lukez9721 yep a good reason why brutes is one of the strongest race in halo universe

  • @christopherlarson7579
    @christopherlarson7579 9 місяців тому +1

    The ship explodes, Atriox is about to die in the explosion and even gets wounded but the same kind of portal that Chief goes into the future with opens for Atriox which is why he’s alive in the last cut scene of Halo Infinite.

  • @QueenofSilence101
    @QueenofSilence101 3 роки тому +33

    Why can't there be any (recurring) Jiralhanae characters that aren't bosses?
    It'd be nice to see one that becomes an ally, even begrudgingly.

    • @jarisai3193
      @jarisai3193 3 роки тому +7

      And name him Craig

    • @SpaceCase132
      @SpaceCase132 3 роки тому +4

      It would definitely be interesting to see members of the other species that joined the Covenant (like the Kig-Yar, Unggoy, etc.) either as their own faction trying to make a small part of the galaxy their own and divorcing their identity from what the Covenant made them into, or even as potential allies to humanity, who only fought them under the Covenant’s banner of genocide.

    • @austinperry1671
      @austinperry1671 3 роки тому +1

      Maybe against the flood. That e awesome a temporary truce to fight them

    • @lukez9721
      @lukez9721 2 роки тому

      Maybe that will happen in the future. A brute chieftain might become disillusioned with the banished and the endless and end up having to ally with the humans to overthrow the banished with the chief's help.

    • @sylvasilva2851
      @sylvasilva2851 2 роки тому +2

      The closest we have currently is the AI Iratus, but I would love a Brute ally in the flesh.

  • @Soccercrazyigboman
    @Soccercrazyigboman 3 роки тому +7


  • @infraredicon2356
    @infraredicon2356 10 місяців тому +3

    "My name is Atriox, and my face is the last thing you'll ever see!"
    Careful now, Atriox... an Arbiter said the same thing before, which wasn't knife thing to say. Just ask Sergant Forge. 😂

    • @richardch.4356
      @richardch.4356 7 місяців тому

      But that Arbiter often lets his overconfidence get the best of him leading to his downfall

  • @Soundwave04
    @Soundwave04 Рік тому +4

    This might be controversial, but something that bugs me about Halo Wars 2 is how Isabela talks about Atriox and the Banished like they were these unstoppable, nightmare monsters that the Covenant, the mightiest galactic empire, couldn't even make a dent in. Then the Spirit of Fire, one lone ship, proceeds to run circles around them. Kind of diminishes their threat, you know?
    That said, they still get a lot of cool moments. Atriox and Bassus actually pummelling the Chief are worthy moments. Awakening the Nightmare was easily my favourite part of Wars 2, I'm hoping Voridus and Pavium aren't just cast aside.

  • @Todorokifan1534
    @Todorokifan1534 6 місяців тому +1

    Imagine atriox getting infected by the flood and then still being conscious and fighting it until he turns and then he joins the flood and fights with his old brute army but now they’re all infected too

  • @LifeisARiddle
    @LifeisARiddle 3 роки тому +50

    343 made a great campaign for Halo infinite 9/10
    But the multiplayer and the lack of firefight and forge is a complete flop and the lack of customization of your Spartan is disgusting.
    Overall I give the entire game as a whole at the moment 7/10
    There is still much they need to improve in this game

    • @jonasan1482
      @jonasan1482 3 роки тому +5

      Forge is coming soon. The multiplayer isn't all that finished yet

    • @BenBrrown
      @BenBrrown 3 роки тому

      @@jonasan1482 co op is arriving later on as well

    • @slurp3194
      @slurp3194 3 роки тому

      The the single player wss alright in terms of game play but it was no where near next gen. Really disappointing and super short game. Graphics where just not great. Story line pretty decent but they abandoned spartan lockes story line. They honestly played it super safe.

    • @pewpewplasma3793
      @pewpewplasma3793 3 роки тому +2

      @@slurp3194 can’t exactly blame them after Halo 5’s reception. I’ll admit I was a tad disappointed they didn’t try to fix the characters from 5, especially Locke. He had a lot of potential based on the marketing. But honestly it was probably for the best that they remove him from this story. However they did mention him in the game, so maybe he’ll make an appearance? Super doubtful though

    • @yapyapthedestroyer2562
      @yapyapthedestroyer2562 2 роки тому

      @@pewpewplasma3793 a brute spartan killer has his helmet and chest price armor, meaning Locke may be around, just more beaten and loss of his armor. It would also make sense due to the bios on the hvt targets written by an oni agent.

  • @carlosreyna902
    @carlosreyna902 11 місяців тому +1

    The way Voridus says/growls “prepare yourselves” right before the flood swarm attacks just sounds so fucking menacing lol but I always found it cool when in the first mission of halo infinite when the first brute appears, proceeds to tear apart a hangar door and throws it effortlessly

  • @jpronan8757
    @jpronan8757 2 роки тому +9

    If Master Chief had to die it would have to be by the hands of the Arbitur, Atriox or self sacrifice.

  • @z_singh
    @z_singh Рік тому +1

    The brute's defiance against the Elites was a crazy cutscnee

  • @itz_david7372
    @itz_david7372 3 роки тому +9

    They need to make a game where you are Atriox fighting against the covenant

    • @wastelesslearning1245
      @wastelesslearning1245 2 роки тому

      Oh oh I hope we get a Arbiter-like playable flash back when Atriox was a Brute Stalker trying to shatter the front lines by infiltration wile his brothers get slaughtered as a distraction. Or him doing assassinations. Playing as a brute stalker/blood Star will be hype.

    • @kaidenworrell7828
      @kaidenworrell7828 10 місяців тому

      It’s a good idea but I think again where your the covenant trying to best atriox would be better because it emplies the banished wasn’t inferior to the covenant and atriox is the main leader of his faction he wouldn’t be running round solo when he beat the 3 Spartans he had 20 plus brutes in the shadows

  • @konigeurichderwestgoten4460
    @konigeurichderwestgoten4460 4 місяці тому +1

    The Jiralhanae are said to be based on Germanic tribes during The Migration Period. Atriox is likely based on King Alaric I of The Visigoths who turned against Rome after so many of his kinsmen were slain at The Battle of Frigidus.

  • @salahudan
    @salahudan 3 роки тому +21

    Imagine infected hunters

    • @jarrodmyers7747
      @jarrodmyers7747 3 роки тому +11

      They actually can't get infected because of how they're made up of a hivemind of worms

    • @salahudan
      @salahudan 3 роки тому +4

      @@jarrodmyers7747 i figured that but when i was used to play halo 2 i first saw the flood i was like damm infected hunters would DESTROY

    • @陳潔明-w6y
      @陳潔明-w6y 3 роки тому +1

      Individual worms can be infested, though...

    • @acrobaticswitches
      @acrobaticswitches 3 роки тому +1

      Pretty sure they are in Halo 3. They squirm around then post up on the wall and shoot you from a distance. Then they transform and turn into something more recognizable.

    • @jarrodmyers7747
      @jarrodmyers7747 3 роки тому +2

      @@陳潔明-w6y yes but the hunter is more than a single worm and if a worm were to be infected within the Hunter it would just spit it out

  • @HouseOfAndrew
    @HouseOfAndrew 2 роки тому +5

    Atriox should be the final boss of the Halo series

  • @JaneFonda-l2r
    @JaneFonda-l2r 9 місяців тому +1

    Man... how did the Halo show deviate so far from this? These 14 minutes are more entertaining than the entire 2 seasons of the series.

  • @Roshambo920
    @Roshambo920 9 місяців тому +3

    Honestly, I still think Tartarus is the coolest Brute. He had a gravity hammer on steroids and a near impenetrable shield and was only held back by his devotion to the prophets. Atriox reeks of plot armor and feels forced.

  • @Silky_Chan
    @Silky_Chan 9 місяців тому +1

    both eshurem and atirox IS THE MOST BADASS BRUTES since taturus who is also badass

  • @mattmc9812
    @mattmc9812 3 місяці тому +1

    Looking forward to seeing rematch between chief and attriox

  • @brecibros2469
    @brecibros2469 3 роки тому +9

    Prepare yourselves

  • @asaschuemann9545
    @asaschuemann9545 7 місяців тому

    It is quite the morale boost to see a Brute pack that's just won a battle all throwing back their heads and roaring to the sky in victory. Easy to see why they stick together so well.

  • @orbitxgalaxy697
    @orbitxgalaxy697 Рік тому +2

    I can’t even imagine us humans up against these beats imagine being a regular ass marine and seeing a chieftain or hunters 😭

  • @gargillaape5292
    @gargillaape5292 2 роки тому +8

    This arguably makes halo wars 2 cutscenes look better than infinite cutscenes

    • @dova3839
      @dova3839 2 роки тому +7

      It's because Halo Infinite doesn't have previously rendered cutscenes. It's easy to make gorgeous pre rendered cutscenes, compared to in-game cutscenes

  • @thefatking3154
    @thefatking3154 Рік тому +3

    I miss the halo 3 brute design where that had the long snouts. These newer versions are just Sasquatches. They look more like trolls than aliens

    • @draco_1876
      @draco_1876 Рік тому +1

      They’re ursine mammals. They’re made to look like bears

    • @wulfzendit1135
      @wulfzendit1135 6 місяців тому

      Ikr Halo 3 brutes have a good design rockin it with the mohawk and goatee

  • @quassouhtheboo
    @quassouhtheboo 11 місяців тому +1

    Funny how the brutes atent afraid of the flood rather than the covenant bring so scared

  • @manniepas1769
    @manniepas1769 3 роки тому +4

    They should make a series, I’d pay money to see it

  • @Тимон-й9п
    @Тимон-й9п Рік тому +1

    Atriox is truly strong and wise. Do you know what is the most dangerous combination in the halo universe? When the innate strength and rage of a Jiralhanae is combined with human wisdom and patience. This is how Atriox appears. If in the scene with the red team, Atriox, like a typical brute-chieftain, had run out with a hammer at the Spartans, he would have died. But he, acting cunningly and wisely, just like an alligator, began to attack the waiting zebras at a watering hole, getting a chance to deal with the little demons and put them to flight.

  • @WiseOakDakota
    @WiseOakDakota 9 місяців тому

    Man I love the storytelling of the Halo Wars series, we NEED a third

  • @thegametroll6264
    @thegametroll6264 11 місяців тому +1

    The jurlharnae ar my favorite alien species in halo. They're so... burtal.
    The brutes from the banished are my favorites. None of that covenant weakling filth.

  • @FizzleNickel
    @FizzleNickel Рік тому +2

    why wasn't the brute chieftain fight scene from halo 3 odst not added?

  • @IceVR_1
    @IceVR_1 3 роки тому +4

    Who else noticed the 2 elites at the video part 7:05

  • @PsychoTy1998
    @PsychoTy1998 9 місяців тому

    I am someone who completed Halo Infinite on Legendary! It was the only Halo Game I ever saw through to completion on that difficulty and let me tell you, the boss fights were a complete nightmare until I got the feel for it.

  • @bambitheactionfigure7350
    @bambitheactionfigure7350 Рік тому +1

    Let's just hope the spartan vollection figures make a really good Brute additions or tartarus and atriox. A halo 2 brute to a halo reach chieftain but that's just me high dreaming for the perfect collection

  • @odysseus-hq6qq
    @odysseus-hq6qq 11 місяців тому +1

    So the covenant was a suicide cult but didn't know it

  • @wolfemperor_n112
    @wolfemperor_n112 2 роки тому +1

    I think the cabal would love these guys

  • @claudineiamaral2398
    @claudineiamaral2398 8 місяців тому +1

    Muito bom este filme

  • @zionleach3001
    @zionleach3001 9 місяців тому +1

    Part of me thinks they should remake Halo 4 from scratch. The Protheans weren't bad. But 343 has really fumbled the ball with Halo. 😬

  • @chriscolon3389
    @chriscolon3389 2 роки тому +2

    Atriox Voice here sounds way better then halo infinite. Don't know why they changed it

  • @mrpapi6057
    @mrpapi6057 2 роки тому +2

    I would love to fight brutes like this in infinite fully armed! I know we kind of have that on infinite but they’re boss fights

  • @TJVBernal
    @TJVBernal 2 роки тому +1

    here's hoping that when next chief and atriox fight it's not FORCED forced like, atriox suddenly being dumb or too friggin weak.

  • @Eyeshield11721
    @Eyeshield11721 2 роки тому +3

    Can we finally get to play as Brutes, at least in Multiplayer or something? Other than another ODST game that’s also something I hope 343 eventually greenlights.

    • @lukez9721
      @lukez9721 2 роки тому +1

      It would be fun playing as brutes and berserking against enemies

  • @malikross6152
    @malikross6152 3 роки тому +6

    Yeah atriox is about the only badass brute

    • @right584
      @right584 Рік тому +1

      Clearly you didnt watch the video

    • @malikross6152
      @malikross6152 Рік тому +1

      I have watched and read damn near everything halo. Elites are far superior to brutes as the creators of halo intended. What we have for halo now days is just a crumpled up pile of craps compared to the bungie era

  • @William_KPorter
    @William_KPorter 9 місяців тому +2

    Atriox vs Tartarus

  • @YourSupervisor22
    @YourSupervisor22 3 роки тому +1

    If Gandolf was In that battle would of made that scene so much cooler

  • @captaintristan1176
    @captaintristan1176 4 місяці тому

    To be fair I gave eschuraum a chance to be menacing and it paid off. He was a cool brute

  • @itsssnek810
    @itsssnek810 8 місяців тому

    Wihtout cheesing the Bassus Fight in Infinite by bringing in a shit ton of explosives. Bassus was probably the toughest boss for me. The small arena and his range with that grav hammer made me unbelievably angry

  • @Operator256
    @Operator256 Рік тому +1

    343 squandered atriox. Halo wars 2 set up a bad guy even more menacing and bigger threat then the covenant, and said nah. Infinite story should have been the Infinite finding anders on zeta halo and telling lasky and cheif the the spirit of fire is above the ark and the game taking place on the ark and zeta. Could you imagine john reunited with red team. Halo 5 was blue team coop Infinite red team coop. COULD YOU IMAGINE THE HYPE!
    343 might read this and say something like was this is the worst idea iv ever read, who would even buy this

    @OVERVOID12 10 місяців тому +1

    Prepare yourselves 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶
    I was ready for war when i hear that😈

  • @johnkelso1492
    @johnkelso1492 4 місяці тому

    I love the banish and the covenant armies

  • @thunderwolf_94
    @thunderwolf_94 2 роки тому +1

    Hey the brutes in the base where he beats tf out of a fireteam of spartans what game id that

  • @brodozer2515
    @brodozer2515 4 місяці тому

    i so wish we would get a scene between Escharum and Atriox

  • @ufokiwi
    @ufokiwi 4 місяці тому +1


  • @Brianovicz
    @Brianovicz 9 місяців тому +1

    Cool 😎

  • @smakkinshiick474
    @smakkinshiick474 2 роки тому +1

    why wasnt they so tough against master cheif, they was so easy to kill 😭

  • @ajackass5950
    @ajackass5950 3 роки тому +14

    Damn I miss Atriox's halo wars 2 voice. He sounds so much more intimidating than what we got in infinite. Not to mention that infinite can't even keep the modles consistent. His eyes go from red, to yellow, to red again. Classic 343.

    • @Foxdidnothingwrong
      @Foxdidnothingwrong 2 роки тому

      Oh quit nit picking they couldn't get John Dimagio cause he was busy

  • @badmagic4695
    @badmagic4695 3 роки тому +1

    This video is really cool, buuuuuut i feel like its just missing a little odst, especially when the chieftain is whoopin on romeo and alpha nine

  • @liaml.e.5964
    @liaml.e.5964 9 місяців тому

    Tartarus and Atriox for the win.

  • @WolfeSaber
    @WolfeSaber 8 місяців тому

    Atriox's theme sounds like Godzilla's.

  • @justforshow1993
    @justforshow1993 4 місяці тому

    Bruh if the elites are as swift as samurai.
    Brutes are essentially barbarians.

  • @marie-christineberger6601
    @marie-christineberger6601 2 роки тому

    Lui il est très beau comme personnage.

  • @Flood_Container_Pro
    @Flood_Container_Pro Рік тому +2

    War stuff.

  • @aaron_yote9752
    @aaron_yote9752 2 роки тому +1

    343 did good with the new and improved elites & brutes but fell short of multi dimensional characters that you would actually care about like Tartarus and Rtas Vadum

    • @WhyTho525
      @WhyTho525 2 роки тому +1

      I actually like Escharum, Atriox, and most of the Banished characters more than some of the older Covenant characters like Truth, Mercy, Regret and Tartarus.
      Rtas and Thel will always be faves though.

    • @lukez9721
      @lukez9721 2 роки тому +1

      I actually felt bad for Escharum in halo infinite. He was an old war chieftain who had just lost his home planet and felt that he had no purpose anymore except to die in a honorable duel with the best warrior he could find.

  • @jerome0929
    @jerome0929 2 роки тому +1

    Wonder who is more powerful Atriox or Tartarus

    • @dubstrap6095
      @dubstrap6095 2 роки тому +2

      Atriox nearly killed a Spartan with just 1 hand, Tartarus got humiliated by an elite and a marine

    • @WhyTho525
      @WhyTho525 2 роки тому

      True, but Tartarus was also outnumbered by other Elites like Zealots and Councilours (if we take the gameplay section of the fight as canon).
      But yeah, Atriox would still be the winner.

    • @jerome0929
      @jerome0929 2 роки тому

      @@dubstrap6095 Tartarus killed dozens of Ultra and Zealot Elites, it took dozens of them, the arbiter and Johnson with a sniper to killed him.
      He didn't got humiliated at all.