The jokes in this video were truly hilarious, had me dying the entire 16 mins 🤣 you guys are literal goalssss!!! Winter morning/ night routine best be coming out this year cuz I live for thattt ❤ especially the aesthetic of your videos!!
I love how you guys are so comfortable with each other that you just act like yourselves everywhere its great to see a real couple plus i love watching your videos always bangers. Thank you guys for letting me be part of the merch family
I’ve never seen Montana with braids before and now with the hair ❤❤❤ omgggg. Also you guys are forever the cutest. I hope we all get this kinda love some day 🫶🏼☺️
I love Montana and Ryan soo much😍, i love how both of them are comfortable being vulnerable to each other, they are soo adorable.... One thing I've noticed and love about Ryan is how considerate he is of Montana, he allows her have the first bite every damn time,he shares things in halves nd gives her half, i just love how Intentional he is towards her.... And the ending of the video really got me😂😂...
Lemme tell you I just met their page randomly and im obsessed. Especially the suprise ones, chill days and Their health journey 10\10 hands up. I just love yall. ps: I hope there is enough videos for me to binge watch during the weekend thankssssss.
Love you two!! You guys make my day every single time!! Montana and Ryan are just real!! No filter! Absolutely love when you guys post.. best content out there!!😊
Yasss i love all food challenges ❤❤ but this about to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 MONTANA YOUR HAIR IS SO AMAZING IT MAKES YOUR SKIN GLOWW❤ AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE FOOD CHALLENGES 😊😊
Facts I always dip my fries in my frosty especially the strawberry one I haven't tried the pumpkin one because I'm not a fan of pumpkin anything now if they have a sweet potato pie version ill try it
I've been getting a chai tea latte with the apple syrup, vanilla cold foam and the apple topping and it's actually really good. the macchiato is also good
You guys just sitting in the car laughing and enjoying each others company being goofy was the highlight of this video, so cute🥰
yea I know they are so cute.
Y’all were on something this day🤣🤣🤣 I laughed this whole video lmao
I can just tell how happy the two of them are. I loved this.
I love y’all’s energy with eachother😊 had me laughing at y’all just being yalls natural goofy selves ❤
Montana saying “Ryan it’s not spaghetti” to the ice cream got me 😂😂😂
I laughed so hard 😂
I love it when Montana laughs and snorts😂. It's so adorable ❤
I love their relationship so goofy with each other can b yall self
I swear I don’t care what anyone says Montana and Ryan always goes out with a BANG and brighten up my day much love sweethearts!💯⭐️🤩❤️❤️❤️
The jokes in this video were truly hilarious, had me dying the entire 16 mins 🤣 you guys are literal goalssss!!! Winter morning/ night routine best be coming out this year cuz I live for thattt ❤ especially the aesthetic of your videos!!
Montana your skin is glowwiinngggg it looks so glossy and clear and it’s a slay
y'all are so cute. Love you guys together! Ryan be doing some crazy stuff and Montana be like RYANNN
Ryan guessing where the tickle was going took me out. 😂 laughter is soooo contagious!
I love how you guys are so comfortable with each other that you just act like yourselves everywhere its great to see a real couple plus i love watching your videos always bangers. Thank you guys for letting me be part of the merch family
Y'all are hilarious and so wholesome 🥲
I’ve never seen Montana with braids before and now with the hair ❤❤❤ omgggg. Also you guys are forever the cutest. I hope we all get this kinda love some day 🫶🏼☺️
I love Montana and Ryan soo much😍, i love how both of them are comfortable being vulnerable to each other, they are soo adorable.... One thing I've noticed and love about Ryan is how considerate he is of Montana, he allows her have the first bite every damn time,he shares things in halves nd gives her half, i just love how Intentional he is towards her.... And the ending of the video really got me😂😂...
The way montana acted with smoothie king drink was EPIC ❤❤😊😊😊
Lemme tell you I just met their page randomly and im obsessed. Especially the suprise ones, chill days and Their health journey 10\10 hands up. I just love yall.
ps: I hope there is enough videos for me to binge watch during the weekend thankssssss.
They look so happy and secure here. I am so happy to see this joy from y'all after so much heartache from different situations
I just love how goofy they are together , it's so cute . 🥰
Amazing video! God bless you all🙏🏽God is so good🙌🏽Jesus loves us all so much🙏🏽❤Turn to God He will guide you and give you strength🙏🏽Trust in Him
funniest video ever😂😂 y’all’s energy 🔥🔥🔥
The very end of this one had me feeling the baby vibes 💗🎉😊
Is it a hint?? 🤣🤰🏼
@@animalsareprecious I thought the same thing 🤞🤞🤞
Absolutely 💙💕💯
Wishing the best for the both of them 👑🌹👑 I can't wait for the update health video ❤
Being Goofy is the sweetest moments 🥰🥰 i love you both
Favorite/best couple of all time love them so much
Ryan really be killing him self😂😂 I love the energy and vibes every video a banner🎉❤
love yall sm ^^ need a love like this, and you're always so genuine and funny
when Montana told Ryan its not spaghetti I was thinking the same thing lol I love y'all sm
Montana! Your hair is stunning!! This color suits you so much ❤❤
i never clicked so fast in my entire life, love your hair montana, it fits u and u seem so much happier, im proud of u guys 💕
Ryan is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 this is one gorgeous couple 😍
The Smoothie King response cracked me up Ryans face!!!
We love you guys I swear I been watching y’all 3 years in a half from 🇦🇪we love u so much
Love you two!! You guys make my day every single time!! Montana and Ryan are just real!! No filter! Absolutely love when you guys post.. best content out there!!😊
No because y'all are literally my comfort channel frr💗-
You guys make my day with your Vienna...yall literally had me crying 😂 love yall relationship ❤
Yooo! Montanas face on the smoothie king one has me dead! 💀💀🤣🤣
Omg I love these two
Their content is fire
Love the way, montana says ryaaaaan
The pumpkin chai tea latte is sooo freaking good. I don’t like chai tea but this one is chefs kiss y’all gotta try🤍
Lol i love how you guys play around😂 Thats real love
That shit boo boo got me dying you guys are such a cute couple like seriously you are the sweetest most amazing couple on the internet ❤️❤️❤️
I love these videos, you guys are the cutest and this video made me so excited for fall !
i love their energy so much. i watch their videos whenever i feel down or sad, they make my day always. Love yall!!!
The laughing in the car is so relatable 😂🫶🏼🥲
Montana reaction to everything 😂 I had to keep rewatching it😅
3:18 awww this is such a cute moment
Awww ❤ I have too say Montana is glowing she’s looks sooo beautiful ❤❤❤ love you both ❤❤ cute couple love ur videos ❤❤❤❤❤
love your videos such a vibe. Montana is like a ray of sunshine. it just brightens every day❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
I love their relationship I hope I have a relationship like them one day.
One of my favs so far i just love yall❤ I haven’t had a laugh like that in a while😂keep em coming
the way Ryan looks at Montana 🥹💖💖
I really needed your video guys thank you for always cheering me up!❤
I just love the color of your hair. You look beautiful. God bless you guys.
You guys are so cute together ❤
this is your best video so far guys hahahahah you're soo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I love y’all and now that you guys are married it just made everything else better ❤🎉
I always get so excited to watch your videos!! You guys never disappoint! ❤️
Love y’all energy, love y’all videos it makes my day ❤
Y’all need to try the pumpkin spice crème Frappuccino but with coconut milk from Starbucks , it tastes exactly like pumpkin spice
Can’t wait to find someone who looks at me the way you guys do❤
Fall and Winter is my favorite season🍁☃️
Yasss i love all food challenges ❤❤ but this about to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 MONTANA YOUR HAIR IS SO AMAZING IT MAKES YOUR SKIN GLOWW❤ AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE FOOD CHALLENGES 😊😊
Haven’t seen you guys for awhile but I’m living for your hair girl
"pumpkin spice hotte latte" lmaoo yall r adorable
this vid was fire love u guys ryan's face at 12:08🤣🤣🤣🤣
Montana should dress like Wendy's for Halloween 😂with the drink and get a brand deal❤❤❤
Loved this video! Had me laughing the whole time 😂
I love y’all’s food videos! The happiness radiates through y’all ! God bless ❤
I love the energy in this video ❤❤
montana you look so good with red hair i love the color!! ❤️🥹
Now this is what I like to see!!
montantas face when they said they didnt have a pumpkin creme pie😂😂
I love u montana and ryan the greatest couple ever❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Facts I always dip my fries in my frosty especially the strawberry one I haven't tried the pumpkin one because I'm not a fan of pumpkin anything now if they have a sweet potato pie version ill try it
"She thang thang it, that thing buss thang bang"😂😂😂😂😂
I've been getting a chai tea latte with the apple syrup, vanilla cold foam and the apple topping and it's actually really good. the macchiato is also good
Them tickling each other was so cute
I love the apple crisp oatmilk Frappuccino with extra whip top and bottom so much better than than the espresso
My favorite UA-camrs of all time
You guys are so cute and the playful nature is so real ❤❤❤ love u both
Love you guys❤❤ Montana and Ryan you guys make my day❤❤❤
Literally wearing a black long sleeve and gold cross necklace while watching this 😂❤
Montana looks so pretty with red hair
4:17 why is Montana so cute!!! That bounce was adorable 😂❤
3:34 Montana's Snort LOL!
earlyy, been watching you guys for a long so glad with how you guys progressed
Love y’all 🤍🫶🏼
Ryans face when the cold brew hit montana
DYING at Montana when she pronounced pecan and Ryan said where we from.. France 😭😫
The ending of the video😂❤
Montana is so cute with her hair like that, she looks like pippi longstocking
“ yeah eat that shit motherfucka” Montana mocking Ryan I died 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This was so much fun I'm Def gonna go try some of these! Love you mrk fam
You guys are the bestttttt omg I’ll will be here subscribed for LIFE ready for your videos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ryan that’s not spaghetti 🍝😂 love this video ❤😍
You guys make watching UA-cam so entertaining 🎉❤❤
The food videos are the best!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣