DAY ONE | Archery Mountain Goat with Chris Bee // 2024 Proving Ground

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jackbuendgen389
    @jackbuendgen389 Рік тому +103

    Chris Bee is quickly becoming one of the best bow hunters of his generation

    • @caseyhassett2545
      @caseyhassett2545 Рік тому +4

      couldn't agree more.

    • @dakotaburnette5353
      @dakotaburnette5353 Рік тому +5

      3 years ago I knew nothing about archery scrolling through UA-cam one day and came across one of his videos. I have been shooting a bow ever since.

    • @blaiz4
      @blaiz4 Рік тому +1

      i follow him on youtube kid is a great shootee

    • @kylarschilz
      @kylarschilz Рік тому +2

      Chris is an amazing archer. The amount of knowledge he has is astounding. I’d love to just sit with him and talk. The things I could learn.

    • @Hfmt
      @Hfmt Рік тому

      Ruining bow hunting out west along with all the other “influencers”. It’s comical. You guys suck this guy like no other

  • @HeartlandMakesAndOutdoors
    @HeartlandMakesAndOutdoors 29 днів тому

    11-19-24, Got up early to see the if the new bows are released yet, I know you guys will have videos of them coming out soon, Ran across this one and as always, yall dont disappoint, Good job on this harvest and hunt sir, I am excited for the crew who gets to make these hunts. What a wonderful opportunity to hung like this, Lift, What a great name for a new bow and I look forward to seeing the 2025 release as well. I am still hunting with a switchback,. I have been able to make lots of memories with that bow. Keep up the great work friends.

    • @MathewsInc
      @MathewsInc  29 днів тому

      Thank you for the kind words and support, Dale.🤝 Watch all of our socials today, as it is launch day!

  • @hunthealthy1018
    @hunthealthy1018 Рік тому +8

    Chris did a hell of a job hunting that billy! Congrats Chris! Looking forward to trying out the new Mathews! 🤘

    • @Hfmt
      @Hfmt Рік тому

      How much harder could you suck them?

  • @DavidBridge-u8d
    @DavidBridge-u8d Рік тому +3

    Wow that’s definitely one of the most difficult hunts you could ever do Great job 👍

  • @woodypaul_
    @woodypaul_ Рік тому

    whatever lav y'all threw on him was incredible. the audio throughout all of this was great, what an adventure.

    • @MathewsInc
      @MathewsInc  Рік тому

      Thanks Woody. We appreciate the support.

  • @brianburns7793
    @brianburns7793 Рік тому +1

    Chris Bee..WAY TO GO!!!!

  • @ashleysmith4191
    @ashleysmith4191 Рік тому +3

    Such a sweet bow, awesome video to go with it!

  • @mikeguerrero3090
    @mikeguerrero3090 Рік тому +1

    More videos like this one. Showcasing the technology out in the field. Loved it

    • @MathewsInc
      @MathewsInc  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for the kind words, Mike.

  • @eaglecapoutdoors
    @eaglecapoutdoors Рік тому +1

    Congrats on a great billy! Really enjoyed watching your trip up north!

  • @CMac0517
    @CMac0517 10 місяців тому

    Awesome adventure! Loved the video!

    • @MathewsInc
      @MathewsInc  10 місяців тому

      Glad you enjoyed it, Charlie. Thanks for tuning in!

  • @g-man2228
    @g-man2228 11 місяців тому

    I like how you included your camera man…’We’ got him! Great job…👊🏻

    • @MathewsInc
      @MathewsInc  11 місяців тому

      Thanks for tuning in!

  • @gregggerhartz8476
    @gregggerhartz8476 Рік тому +1

    Congrats ! Epic hunt !

  • @MikeyWoomer
    @MikeyWoomer Рік тому +1

    Hell yea man! Glad you wasn't mad or act disappointed or anything over the smaller one. Very cool. Congratulations on a awesome hunt

  • @jonathonmannisto1027
    @jonathonmannisto1027 Рік тому +2

    Congratulations Chris, that’s what life’s about… MEMORIES. You’ll have some that last forever. Great job 👏🏻 nice billy 🐐

  • @CRR8980
    @CRR8980 Рік тому +2

    Congratulations Chris on a great Billy!🏹🇺🇸

    • @Hfmt
      @Hfmt Рік тому

      Shut up colin

  • @KennyB9871
    @KennyB9871 Рік тому

    So sick! 🙌

  • @mikesabo5151
    @mikesabo5151 Рік тому +1

    Awesome video Chris that’s one Hell of a goat congrats brother?

  • @FRG-OG
    @FRG-OG Рік тому

    Can't wait to watch this on Chris's channel

  • @wcwcgarner2717
    @wcwcgarner2717 Рік тому +1

    Awesome hunt chris.

  • @hotshotelkslayer4547
    @hotshotelkslayer4547 Рік тому +1

    You did well adding Chris Bee to your fold…
    Awesome channel of his own of course but he definitely is a great member of your team…
    This video of Chris hinting the goat was great! I look forward to more “Chris Bee / mathews” joint videos in the future!
    Nice job chris….and yeah that made me tired watching your journey ….

  • @torreyintahoe
    @torreyintahoe Рік тому

    Another great hunt. I love the look of the new Mathews. I feel kind of bad for Chris having to work so hard for this goat. I worked for Colorado Outward Bound for several years and mtn. goats would follow us around waiting for us to piss so they could come lick it up. Of course we were in some pretty amazing places when that happened.

    • @donaldmcrobb5989
      @donaldmcrobb5989 Рік тому

      What do you mean work so hard?? He complains about hiking every 3 minutes of the video and kills his goat on day one. This guy may be a great archer but the whining made me want to shut it off. Surprised mathews sponsors him as a hunter rather than a target shooter

    • @torreyintahoe
      @torreyintahoe Рік тому

      @@donaldmcrobb5989 Maybe it's because he shoots a lot of animals. Sounds like you're just hypercritical.

  • @JasonReilich
    @JasonReilich Рік тому

    If I was sponsored with all of those fantastic equipment. I would not mind laying that $600 pinn site on some rock as well.

  • @MirkTheCompetition
    @MirkTheCompetition Рік тому

    Chris Bee just seems like an all around solid guy. Cam Hanes set the standard now its us young guys turn💪. Plus Matthews bows are crushing the competition!💪

    • @MathewsInc
      @MathewsInc  Рік тому

      Stoked you're loving the equipment, Matt.

  • @mvoutdoors
    @mvoutdoors Рік тому

    What a handsome hunter

  • @rfcorreiaiv
    @rfcorreiaiv Рік тому

    great hunt, sweet bow

  • @MoBo71
    @MoBo71 Рік тому

    Awesome video, might look into some UL backpacking gear. Don't know how minimalistic you can go but people thru hike thousands of miles with less than half that weight, granted their not carrying bows but I'm sure you could cut a good amount of weight.

  • @kendonalexander516
    @kendonalexander516 Рік тому

    What bow sling/carrier was he using?

  • @robtryall9036
    @robtryall9036 Рік тому

    Sweet! What broadhead are you using?

  • @michaelvstheworld3680
    @michaelvstheworld3680 Рік тому

    Do you use a lens? I hunt with a lens, at least where it is legal.

  • @Elkhunterguy
    @Elkhunterguy Рік тому

    Your a kid and you say it sucks to hike 2 miles with 60 lbs... just wait young man you haven't seen anything yet.
    Congrats on the successful hunt!! Nice goat

  • @jamesashley3827
    @jamesashley3827 Рік тому


  • @JustinHallowesOutdoors
    @JustinHallowesOutdoors Рік тому


  • @rifle_and_reel
    @rifle_and_reel Рік тому +1

    Let legit western bow hunters rep this scene. Trail Kreitzer? Chris Neville? Keep Bee in the tree stands and ground blinds. That’s his niche.

  • @mundoamigo234
    @mundoamigo234 Рік тому

    Masthews And unbearable!!!