"I am YHVH, *THAT* is My Name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images." Isaiah 42:8 "...And My honor I will not give to another." Isaiah 48:11.
@YCE TAKE If you go to Psalms 68:4 scripture tells you his name. It may read as Jah, but it's Yah! Because the letter did not exist during that period. John 5:43 tells us he came in his Father's name YAHusha. We also praise his holy name! Halle-lu-YAH!!!!!
Sending you love and prayers. Thank You HaShem for letting Rav Tovia show me, and numerous others, YOUR TRUTH and we exited churchianity....idol/ idle worship. Please protect Rav Tovia and use him to bring many many more to YOU and back to YOU, amain.
I pray that Yahweh allows Singer to repent and believe the gospel. And to turn away from idolatry. I pray for those who he deceives to be given the truth.
@@thomasmattson2389 Awesome and on point. The Old Testament is filled with all types and shadows of Christ. I think back to when Christ says of Abraham... He saw my day and rejoiced. I know that I am paraphrasing but that is the gist. When you think about it was Christ referring to the crucifixion, the resurrection, his return? Or probably all three? Just food for thought.
Wow this is masterpiece Tarly enjoy listening and learn a lot as a former Christian now Noahaid on the journey to Judaisam l love TORAH thank you raby Tovia G-d bless you
Really? So you would rather be a second class noahide? So would you ask your son to kill your grandson to test how much your son loves you? How about openly saying they will not let you eat if the fruit of life so you can’t become like them? Buddha for me only, Buddha says use your brain sucker! A sucker born every minute!
I can imagine that there’s a near zero chance that the Christian responders to this actually watched it. Just a lot of pontificating. I have been on the fence with this religious discussion. Christians have just pushed me away.
What Tovia singer always never mentions are the prophecies which Jesus christ fulffiled as messiah, Tovia always says that one of the prophecies is that the messiah will make the knowledge of God ( Hebrew scriptures) known to everybody, What did Jesus christ do? He made everybody know about the scriptures, now more than 2 to 3 billion people on this earth right now and even people from 2000 years ago believed in the Hebrew scriptures because of Jesus Christ, That's what tovia singer never mentions, without Jesus christ, the Hebrew scriptures would've been known only to jews (small minority) or worse the Hebrew scriptures would've been wiped out from history because of Romans and Islam and all of these awful violent terrorists, So I wish I can ask tovia a couple of questions, I bet you he would not be able to answer them without thinking twice about Jesus christ.
All the accounts in the New Testament happened many years if not 100 of years after the events. I’m not sure about the writings in the Hebrew bible. I was raised catholic. Converted to evangelical at the age of 16 and left the church in my early 30s because I lost confidence in religion. I questioned many things and was told I need to have faith and repent. I was called rebellious.
*God forewarned us about christianity here:* "Behold I am putting before you a blessing and a curse. The blessing is if you listen to the commandments of Hashem your God that I am commanding you today. And the curse is if you will not listen to the commandments of Hashem your God and if you stray from the path that I am commanding you today *to go and worship foreign gods which you have not known of"* Deuteronomy 11:26-28.
Christianity actually is prophesied in the old testament many times it speaks of the logos who was there before creation many points in the Hebrew there is a god head theology and why can't god take on an incarnation who are you to tell God what he can't and can do if after all the wages of sin are death and all men have sinned then how can any 1 enter heaven without the recompense needed from a sinless man ?
Thank you so very much for your teachings. I converted to Judaism about 10 years ago. My decision came from the very things you have talked about between the Christian Bible and the Torah. There is still so much for me to learn and know
As a non religious person, the way I see it is that Judaism has a great quality in the fact that it’s not a proselytizing religion which I greatly respect, it doesn’t have the ’you have to believe this or else" recruitment line and it actually naturally makes me curious about it, but unfortunately it's also the weakness of Judaism for the lack of a better word, Judaism sort of created an "exclusive club" and people wanted in, people who wanted Judaism without the Jews which led to the cheap knockoffs that followed aka Christianity and Islam and both of them have an extremely antisemitic component embedded in them which has caused so much trouble to the Jewish people.
Thanks rabbi for sharing your wisdom. I'm proud to be a Ben Noach in Panama for many years who left the lies of Christianity and embraced the 7 commandments in my life, and there are many like me who stopped believing the Christian myths. Shalom!
@@thetruth871, The Christian's bibles are just very badly mistranslated and corrupted versions of the Torah/Tanach, The Real Word of G_d, with a whole lot changed including names, a whole lot added, and a whole lot taken out. Everything that G_d said not to do, Christianity did! You have been deceived from all directions dear. No Hebrew/Jew was ever named Jesus nor John nor especially James. There is no letter J in the Hebrew alephbet nor does any of the Hebrew letters even make a J sound. Christianity adopted way too many idolatrous and pagan beliefs contrary to what G_d actually said.
@Iyas kelu Rabbi Singer is telling the truth of the Torah/Tanach which The One True Creator G_d gave them on Mt. Sinai. And if you actually did read the scriptures where G_d gave the Torah/Tanach to Mosche and the Children of Israel you would see that G_d specifically told them in no uncertain terms that neither they nor any of their descendants all through time are to NEVER veer to the right nor left of the Torah/Tanach, Never! G_d also told them in no uncertain terms that neither they nor any of their descendants all through time are to NEVER accept anybody else's religion! G_d warned us about Christianity thousands of years ago. Christianity is not the group that they claim to be, Christianity is a Wolf in sheep's clothing!
Keep bringing truth rabbi tovia These are so great Wake up Christians!!!!!!!! Nobody wrote about Jesus when he was alive nobody Wake up to the pagan Roman invention
@@termination9353 so what judgement did he fulfill? Did he bring in the exiles? Your pagan Jesus did nothing the Hebrew scriptures tell us The new covenant read it again Jeremiah 31 With the house of Israel and the house of Judah The law will be in your hearts Not the pagan Jesus Wake up to truth Read study learn May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
@@termination9353 king of who? He had no kingdom He didn't redeem Israel from their enemies He did the opposite He submitted to the Romans Wake up to your pagan Jesus Read study learn May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
@@termination9353 too bad the anointing isn't how the Hebrew scriptures tell us The fact is Jesus was not king Kings have a kingdom Jesus didn't have a kingdom Jesus said he kingdom wasn't of this world Because you can't verify this Wake up to the lies If you truly love G-D come to truth of Torah Read study learn May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
@@termination9353 but scriptures do not state or imply a short reign of the messiah Read the true messianic chapters The whole chapter in context Ezekiel 37 Jeremiah 31&32 Isaiah 2&11 Micah chapter 4 Jesus did none of this You are failing G-D ultimate test Scripture cannot contradict Read study learn May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
""You are My witnesses," says Hashem, "and My servant whom I chose," in order that you know and believe Me, and understand that I am He; before Me no god was formed and after Me none shall be. I, I am Hashem, and besides Me there is no Savior." Isaiah 43:10,11. (R.I.P. xianity).
@Galaxy Guy: The Christian Bible absolutely DID NOT come from God! PLEASE do some honest research on this subject, and LEARN from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. .
@@chiricahuaapache5132: Show us all ONE verse from the Hebrew scriptures (NOT the twisted, mistranslated "OT", but the Hebrew scriptures, that says "TANACH" on the cover), exactly WHERE God ever mentioned the name "Jesus" to us, OR told us that we need to be "saved" OR told us that He requires HUMAN BLOOD (a purely pagan ritual that God ABHORS!) as atonement for our sins. .
@Galaxy Guy Noticing these things, I rode over a short causeway to the house. A servant in waiting took my horse, and I entered the Gothic archway of the hall. A valet, of stealthy step, thence conducted me, in silence, through many dark and intricate passages in my progress to the studio of his master (Edgar Allan Poe).
Rabbi Singer, you sidestepped the caller's question. Disproving the New Testament doesn't then prove the Jewish Scriptures are divine. The caller asked why you're not equally applying the same criteria to both sets of information. Your explanation that the Jewish scripture is too old may be why we have no independent authors outside of Jews that have witnessed these events, still, the absence of this independent evidence should cast the same amount of doubt on the Jewish scripture as it does on the Christian scripture. Stating the various other reasons for doubting the divinity of the Christian scriptures does not in any way relieve you of answering the reason why you're abandoning this same test of the more ancient Jewish scripture. Stating that Jewish holidays were witnessed by the nation and passed down through the generations doesn't mean these events were divine, it just means they may have more evidence for being historically accurate. Just remember that the more outlandish or improbable the claim, the more evidence that needs to be presented to substantiate that claim. Many people can witness an event and still misinterpret the cause of that event.
"But will God ever dwell on the earth? Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You; much less this temple that I have erected." 1st Kings 8:27.
*Christian is not jesus followers* John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus bowed down (Matthew 26:39) Why do Christians sing in church? Jesus died in a shroud (Matthew 27:59, Mark 15:46, John 19:40) Why did Christians die wearing clothes? Even though Jesus said Whoever has seen Me, he has seen the Father (John 14:9) Matthew 16:6. Jesus said to them: "Watch out and beware of the leaven of the people" Pharisees👈and Sadducees Paul identified himself through his collection of letters in the New Testament in the Christian Bible as a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin, who Greek (Hellenic) and Roman citizens. ...In his youth, he lived as a Pharisees according to the strictest sect of Judaism (Acts 18:12) But after Gallio became governor of Achaia, the Jews rose up together against Paul and brought him before the court. They said, "He is trying to convince people to worship God in a way that is contrary to the torah law." (Acts 18:13) Christianity is a church made by Paul (Acts 11:26) and has fulfilled this prophecy. ️👇 Isaiah 29:13 And the Lord has said, 'Because this people draw near with their mouths and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. from Me, and his worship of Me is only HUMAN COMMANDMENTS Matthew 15 8-9 15:8 This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from on me . 15:9 It is useless for them to worship Me, while the teaching they teach is human orders See also Mark 7:6-8 how to get married, dress to die, sing in church, celebrate the birth of the sun god (Christmas), make statues Jesus, praying with clenched fists, liturgy, making the sign of the cross and so on are all human creations how can Christians be called followers of Jesus if the way of worshiping God is man-made Even though Jesus said John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life" No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus bowed down (Matthew 26:39) Why do Christians sing in church? Jesus died in a shroud (Matthew 27:59,Mark 15:46,John 19:40) Why did Christians die wearing clothes? Even though Jesus said Whoever has seen Me, he has seen the Father (John 14:9)
@@bangsuhen9176 The Moshiach of the Bible is a mortal man, a direct son/seed/shoot of King David, through his son Solomon, son after son, from the Tribe of Judah, of the House of David, who Isaiah tells comes at the End of Days and brings All of Mankind to the Rightful Worship of the Creator and Him Alone, the Restoration and Redemption of Israel/the Jews and World Peace where the Wolves abide with the Lambs, where the Implements of War are turned into Implements of Agriculture, but all your Jesus brought to Mankind is More PAGAN IDOLATRY of himself, a trio of Man Made deities, his mother, other dead people, Statues of Wood and Stone, Angels, a dirty painted sheet, crackers and wooden sticks. To Israel/the Jews Jesus brought only 1700+ years of PERSECUTION, OPPRESSION AND DEATH as History testifies that Christianity became the Jews longest enduring and most DEADLIEST OF ALL THEIR OPPRESSORS, to a T it alone fits the description of the morphing Last Beast and as Jesus said, he did NOT COME TO BRING PEACE BUT DIVISION, to set family one against the other, the very reason why Gd send Elijah, to come and UNDO ALL THE DIVISION FOSTERED BY FALSE TEACHERS, lest HE smite the Earth with Utter Destruction. As this Hedonistic, Pagan Filled World of DIVISION, CHAOS AND MAYHEM TESTIFY that Neither Elijah Nor Moshiach have yet come, so far only Fakes have shown up. Your Jesus was the Ultimate Antimoshiach and his cult of Christianity is the Last Beast.
It is not only about the New Testament .. Jesus is the Only One live on the Holy Book's .. Torah , Quran and Bible .. The Connection is there and always been .. As Trinity is Upon us .. The New Alliance of God is also upon us .. The Branch of God announced on Torah .. The Messiah announced on the Quran .. The Saviour and Son of God announced on the Bible ... And No One can deny .. False Prophets will regret their self so much that they do not even imagine... Man has failed God trough Religion and still .. God is not God of Confusion .. There is no Other God .. Jesus is Alah and God of Torah ... Time is Running Out.. Jesus Christ is coming back ...
@@falsosprofetashunter4182 , your so called Jesus couldn't even save himself, let alone anyone else. Learn Hebrew and read the Torah/Tanach so that you are no longer deceived by false religions.
@@terryulmer969 as it is also written on the Quran .. It was only made to appear so .. No One can or could kill Jesus Christ .. No One can or could kill the Branch of God .. [Quran 4:157] And for their saying, "We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of God." In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions. Certainly, they did not kill him.
It is not only about the New Testament .. Jesus is the Only One live on the Holy Book's .. Torah , Quran and Bible .. The Connection is there and always been .. As Trinity is Upon us .. The New Alliance of God is also upon us .. The Branch of God announced on Torah .. The Messiah announced on the Quran .. The Saviour and Son of God announced on the Bible ... And No One can deny .. False Prophets will regret their self so much that they do not even imagine... Man has failed God trough Religion and still .. God is not God of Confusion .. There is no Other God .. Jesus is Alah and God of Torah ... Time is Running Out.. Jesus Christ is coming back ...
@@cmain3931 for you to see what religion does .. They are capable to fight the word of God because of Religion .. They are capable to palace religion above God.. All in good order .. Main reason Jesus made clear .. Door is straight and few will go to heaven ...
"And it will be, *that it is all those who will call in the name of HaShem (not the christian greek mythical jeZeus) whom will be saved,* because on mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a saved remnant, as Hashem has promised..." Joel 3:5.
@Galaxy Guy: See my previous reply to you. The Christian Bible, absolutely DID NOT come from God! The "OT" is only a twisted, mistranslated, taken out of context VERSION of what God actually said to us, since Christianity REFUSED to learn the original Hebrew given to us by God, which resulted in the false, pagan religion of "Christianity". The "NT" is a false, pagan, man-made, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology work of fiction that DID NOT come from God, and actually preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai. PLEASE do some honest research on this subject, and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
@Galaxy Guy: See my previous Reply to you! Isa. 53 is NOT about the Christian 'messiah; but is about ISRAEL. PLEASE read Isa. 52, and Isa. 54 for context! God's 'son' is always referred to as ISRAEL! .
I believe in my Tenakh because hashem is the hero and we are the rebellious stiff necked people. Omg rabbi you took the words out of my mouth. You are my rabbi.
"And you shall be *oh so careful* for yourselves, for you did not see any image on the day that Hashem spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire. *Lest you CORRUPT YOURSELVES and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female* ," Deuteronomy 4.
@Elisha Hah well I don’t care if they’re a couple or single. I’m here to spread the truth! Now accept it!!! He sacrificed himself for you after all! You are saved.
"And I am YHVH ("The Creator") your God from the land of Egypt, *and a god other than Me do not know* , & there is no Savior other than Me." Hoseah 13:4. (R.I.P. xianity).
@Galaxy Guy During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher (Edgar Allan Poe).
@Galaxy Guy Who wrote that? Only asking because if it's a choice (and it is) between what some guy called Paul ( who never met or knew Jesus) wrote 35 years after a Jew from the Galilee was executed by the Romans and God's eternal word and Law, God gets my vote every time.
@Galaxy Guy Who wrote that? Only asking because if it's a choice (and it is) between what some guy called Luke the Evangelist ( who never met or knew Paul who in turn never met or knew Jesus) wrote 55 years after a Jew from the Galilee was executed by the Romans and God's eternal word and Law, God gets my vote every time.
@Galaxy Guy If all you can do is paste stuff that doesn't answer my question I can only draw the conclusion that you believe in human gods. I will continue to worship the One true God of Israel (as Jewish Jesus did).
Thank you Rabbi for all that you do, for the sacrifices you have made in becoming so well and thoroughly informed and educated in these matters. Because every time you address these issues you are able to make these matters very simple and plain to see. Your knowledge of the Christian religion surpasses any Christian I have ever known or heard of. When you are challenged, you are never confused, but you patiently wait your turn to speak and when you do, what you want to express is always immediate, relevant, and elegant in its simplicity. It is a real blessing to have discovered your channel and I listen every day.
"Because all of the nations go each person with the name of their god, but we shall go with the name of Hashem our God forever and eternity. " Micha 4:5.
@Galaxy Guy: The "NT" is a false, pagan, man-made work of fiction, that absolutely did NOT come from God! PLEASE do some honest research on this subject!
I personally found the so-called "old testament" lacking credibility first, then as default I had to admit my belief as a Christian was wrong as well. I had to admit to myself that the "new testament" had no foundation for truth and had to be wrong as well once I understood clearly that the Jewish scriptures were faulty. There's tons of things wrong with both versions and the Bible in general. Once you allow yourself to question it critically you see the problems much more clearly. It takes humility and courage to question your beliefs with the least amount of bias as possible.
@Galaxy Guy Jewish scriptures from the so-called "old testament" that contradict Christian beliefs..... Isaiah 43:10-11 I, Yahweh, am the lord, and besides me there is NO OTHER SAVIOR. Deuteronomy 4:35 Yahweh is god, and there is NO ONE ELSE beside him. Isaiah 45:22 Look unto only me to be SAVED, for I am Yahweh your god and there is NO ONE ELSE as your SAVIOR. Jeremiah 17:5 Cursed be the man that trust in man and make flesh his savior, and whose heart no longer looks to Yahweh. Psalm 146:3 Do not trust in man, for in whom there is NO SALVATION. Hosea 11:9 God is NOT A MAN. Numbers 23:19 God IS NOT a man OR son of man. 1 Samuel 15:29 God is not a man. Psalm 49:7-8 No man (including Jesus) can die in place of, or be ransom paid for the sins of another. Ezekiel 18:20 Every man is responsible for his own sin, and a father (including God-the father) cannot take responsibility for the sins of his children Exodus 20:4-5 Anyone worshiping a man in place of Yahweh is guilty of the sin of idolatry. Malachi 3:6 I am the lord and do not change. Christianity completely contradicts Hebrew scriptures and what Jesus believed. Jesus wouldn't even know modern Christians as his followers, but Paul surely would. Christians are no less deluded than a Mormon or Muslim who believes their new testament is true.
I am not Jewsh but have given up on the New Testament due to its claims, innacuracies and forgeries. Thankfully A Rabbi who such as Tovia Singer speaks well and explains well that I still have a faith in a supreme being.
I agree, being a Christian. But there must have been a lot of eye witnesses to the historical events surrounding our Lord Jesus, as Christianity spread very quickly around the world and is the largest faith.
@@Petal4822 I disagree, there were no first hand accounts, the writings were 65-80 yeard after the fact, it took over a 100 years of manipulation to become approved by Rome and then was manufactured from forgeries, anonomous writings and adaptation. The story of the son of god has no relationship to Judaism and sounds more like zeus imnpregnating yet another young girl to have a son rule the people. NO prediction from Judaism of a VIRGIN begeting the messiah, that is pure mistranslation of "Young Girl" and is more myth building than truth. Yashua preached Judaism so why the NEW religion? I'll answer, Rome needed a way to passify the people and used every means possible to secure taxation via penance to the new way. The genius of Constatine was to secure Rome without a sword and organiced the many variaties of faith VIA the Council of Nicea establishing and cannonizing its invented doctrine, much of which was Gnostic writings or forged writings.
There is historical and archeological proof. The fact that Israel and the pure language that's Hebrew, is a sign to the nations that Hashem is with Israel and is the God Eternal.
Listen carefully to the caller's question AGAIN. As a Jew, I enjoy listening to his lessons, but this is not an answer to the caller's question. Instead of giving an answer he gives a long-winded story about Jesus, etc.The question was what evidence there is that the Jewish Bible was also written by the authors who claim it.
✍ DEAR G∞D! 👦🏻👧🏻 IF YOU really played the role of Jesus, it would be evil & unjust act! Because such unethical practices not only confuse & discourage monotheists but also lead to hatred & war! Christianity is a poisonous religion! That nonsense religion was created BY THE JEWS. NOT BY UK OR US! The toxic serpent created by the Jews some 2000 years ago is still biting us, them, & our monotheism. Since Christianity is so ridiculous, the Bible so corrupted, and the Trinity so nonsensical, all the people who are paid by Christians to convert to Christianity will eventually become atheists. FALSEHOOD BY ITS NATURE IS BOUND TO PERISH.
No, actually the question was why Tuvia doesnt apply the same standard in judging the veracity of the OT as he does the NT (ie, the standard of vetting the authorship, contemporaneous sources, etc). That is the question that Tuvia answered, and i thought he answered it brilliantly.
There is NO 'Old Testament' in Judaism... there is only the Tanakh. It is the unedited and uncorrupted Word of HaShem. It was taken by Christianity, edited to fit their narrative, and misused for centuries. Read anything labeled 'Old Testament' as a fairy tale.
Rabbi Singer! Thank you for hitting the nail on the head, all of my ancestors transmitted the accuracy of the Torah and all knew of the Miracles HaShem showed us. Thank you for representing us.
Shalom or Salaam. Im a muslim. I been following Rabbi Tovia Singer's lecture. He is a great man full of knowledge. I got question and suggestion...why the Judaism followers didnt block, condemn or propose to court of law preventing Christianity from calling it their NEW TESTAMENTS. Fir doesnt make sense and appropriate they intepreted, altering and modified old testament and claiming it their biblical teachings when they called Jesus is TRINITY which the judaism followers oppossed strongly. Thank you.
I'm still interested in any non-biblical/non-Jewish records that might establish the existence of Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, or anybody else in the Torah (Abraham or later). Also, events such as the Exodus! This would be a very traumatic event in Egypt; surely there are Egyptian records (no matter how hard they try to hide it).
A UA-cam video called evidence of the exodus I think is very informative. I can't remember the name of it completely. I know James Cameron. Guy who did Titanic helped make it
Rabbai i have a question concerning the contemporary world religion of the judaism that co exist today present why it seems they never knew each other or any back up information from them of which they exist the same time of history like hindu or budha or sikhisism is there any referrence from each other .
This is exactly why Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in the New Testament and told them to stop calling themselves Rabbis. So if the New Testament is false, wouldn’t this mean that all prophets of the Old Testament are false if a Messiah never comes? And if Jesus, who you don’t believe is the Messiah, told us the next person who will raise up is the anti-Christ, then isn’t it possible you may end up following the anti-Christ? Just curious. And why even allow the New Testament to follow the Old Testament? Don’t you think that if, for example, the Muslims tried to attach their book to the New Testament, all hell would break lose to try to stop it?? Make it make sense.
The New testament validates the old testament because it fulfills prophecies in the old testament. JESUS is the Messiah. He fulfills the prophecy in Isaiah 53. The sacrificial ceremonies prefigured the death of Jesus on the cross as the "lamb" of God. The Jews slaughtered a lamb as sacrifice for their sons, a ceremony that pointed to the work of Jesus. That it is why on the day Jesus died, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom and the most holy place was exposed for the first time signifying an end to the sacrificial ceremonies because the real lamb of God had been slain for the sins of the world. Praise God for Jesus and because of that we shall see him face to face. That is when he will fulfill what Tovia was saying: there will be everlasting peace and pain, suffering and tears will come to an end.
"and they say to you "lets go after foreign worships in which you *have not known of* and worship", do not listen to them, *for Hashem your God is testing you to see if you love Him with all your heart and soul,* after Hashem your God shall you go, it is Him that you shall fear, *it is His commandments that you shall keep,* His voice shall you listen to, *Him shall you worship,* and to Him shall you cling, *and that person shall be killed,* because they spoke falsehood against Hashem your God *TO MAKE YOU STRAY FROM THE PATH THAT Hashem your God commanded you to go in* and you shall remove that evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 13. "When your fellow tells you in secret saying "let us go and serve foreign worship *WHICH YOU NOR YOUR FOREFATHERS HAVE KNOWN OF* ...do not desire them, don't listen to them, do not have pity on them, do not have mercy on them and do not try to cover for them, for you shall surely cause him to be killed... *because they seeked to lead you astray from Hashem your God* " Deuteronomy 13. "The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews dwelling in Egypt...because of their evil, which they did to provoke Me... *to worship foreign worships, which they did not know of, not them, not you, nor your forefathers* ." Jeremiah 44:1-5. "...worships they didn't know, *newly invented worships that your forefathers did not fear* ". Anything that is newly invented, what our forefathers didn't experience, worship, know, or fear, is IDOLATRY and against the 1st two commandments where all Jews heard God command that He alone is our God and to not have any other god but Him or to ever leave the path He commanded us in going. *Case closed.*
@Galaxy Guy Amén So many have no idea that Rome and her trinity have nothing to do with THE Faith, once delivered to the saints -Jerusalem 33AD, initially, to exclusively, devout Jews. When a Jewish scribe heard JESUS answering well he asked “What is the greatest commandment?” JESUS replied, first quoting The SHEMA, saying The first 🥇of all the commandments is -Hear O Israel, The LORD Our GOD, The LORD is ONE.(not one group, One GOD)
JESUS is the prophet like unto Moses. “For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.” Acts 3:22
I can honestly say one thing. I got a Torah from a friend who left to go to Montana in 2014. He pointed out what he wanted packed and put in the garage, the Torah he never pointed out. He mentioned anything left over to do as I please whether to throw it or keep it or donate it. I grabbed the Torah. That was August of 2014. It wasn't till April of 2020 that I decided to check it out and read my daily reading in there. I loved it so much that I didn't dare go back to anything else, which before that I read a pocket version of the ESV. I even got rid of 3 boxes of different types of bibles. One thing I love about the Torah is all the references on the bottom and man a lot of the time you have to cross reference so much and sometimes spend a whole day to read and understand all that input. There's nothing like it, because you get to learn a whole lot more about the kings and prophets, good or bad, and there's so much detail. I read mine every day, and on the sabbaths I also read the sabbath readings of numbers 28:9-15, and all of Isaiah 66, which in its self is a scarey read, but it's all true. Isaiah 5:23 is so true, more than ever in these days as it was way back in the time of Isaiah and even before that. In fact, it's one of my favorite readings. 2 years ago, I ordered the green pocket Torah. It's a lot lighter than the large one. I do have a lot of stainless steel and copper page savers on a lot of good things in the large Torah. At least 500- 600 of them. Even though I'm German, fin, swede, and Norwegian, there's a part of me that wonders if I have a little bit of jew or nazarene in my ancestry, because I grew a beard, which at its length is impossible for most to grow in more than a decade. Most maybe are lucky enough to grow 10-12" . Mine in just 9-1/2 years is 45" long. People young and old are amazed at that. I also let them know that I'm a man of God, no longer a Christian and a man of the Torah, which is the true readings of the old testament and the only covenant that I follow. The scrolls 📜 would be interesting 🤔. It would be awesome to learn Hebrew so that I could read the Hebrew side of the Torah 😊. I hope that if I were to find a woman to be with, that she would be a Jewish woman who follows and lives by the Torah also 😊.
The new testament was written by man whereas the Torah was written by G-d Himself with the help of Moshe Rabbenu. The new testament was written to keep human beings in servitude happily. The Torah was written to keep the Jews alive, well and free. And there are many more reasons that observant Jews receive blessings from the observance of the Mitzvoth of the Torah. The Christian serve Jesus we (the Jewish People) will always take G-d instead of Jesus.
@Ja Ja um God cannot be created by his own creation. Only the mother can her son immanuel not emmanuel just like Isaiah said in 7:14 she will call him immanuel it doesn't he will be called immanuel. Isaiah 7:15,16 does not fit in Jesus time or refers to God in any shape or form.
@Ja Ja if you read isaiah 7 1-13 it speaks of 2 kings coming to destroy Ahaz and the sign is a child will be name immanuel and when that child Kearns good from evil the 2 kings will be destroyed. So instead of asking stoopid questions ask yourself did God let ahaz die or did ahaz live. Also ask yourself when did God needed to learn good from bad.
@Ja Ja you believe Jesus is God looool so how can God needed to learn good from bad. Isaish 7:14 she will call him immanuel Where did Mary named him immanuel in the New testament loopol can you provide verse where MARY named him immanuel?
@Ruth you're ignorant, if God let ahaz die then Hezekiah would not be born you ignorant idol worshipper. Hezekiah the greatest king that ever lived, your precious made up man/ god don't even come close to Hezekiah. That's why he saved Ahaz. Hypocrite saying rabbis worship idols looool it was in God's plan for Hezekiah to be born so he can knock down his father's/Ahaz idols down..
I don't think it's so shver for Matthew to have written about himself in third person. Most of Tanach is that way. Not defending chritianity chas veshalom just asking mitoch pashut sechel hayashar
Jewish tradition credited Moses as the author of Genesis and the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and most of Deuteronomy. However, modern scholars, especially from the 19th century onward, place the books' authorship in the 6th and 5th centuries BC, hundreds of years after Moses is supposed to have lived. Based on the scientific interpretation of archaeological, genetic, and linguistic evidence, most scholars consider Genesis primarily mythological rather than historical. Yet, I don't hear Rabbi Singer subjecting the Tanakh to the same scrutiny to which he subjects the books of the New Testament.
He doesn't put the Cristian Bible under secular scholarship scrutiny, he is giving it a serious reading as if it was legitimate text to see if the claims itself are true, and what we are supposed to learn from the text. He has learned that skill from being taught how to read the Torah from when he was small and treat every single passage with respect, and go back to see other similar passages to see what they mean. This is the kind of scholarship jewish boys are trained in that non of those secular colleges teach is to do, the universities never even consider the possibility of the Bible or the Torah being the word of God. In there view if you put God into science or religion, scholarship ends. They have no idea how much wisdom and deapth is learned from the true study of the Torah
A contemporaneous parallel that might demonstrate Rabbi Singer's point is this: Even if you ignore all historical documents and photos (which clearly show it's true), the biggest reason why we know that the Armenian genocide occurred is because the entire Armenian people around the world believes it, as knowledge of it was passed on through the generations of Armenian families. You can't convince an entire nation of such things. Propaganda doesn't work that way. You can twist huge historical events to make it seem like the oppressors were the oppressed, but you can't just make up events as huge as the Torah and the Armenian genocide and then convince an entire nation of them. Both happened, we know so for the same reason. And with the Armenian genocide, we have countless additional evidence. Never forget it, and keep the victims alive in memory! And as for the Torah, the world will see it's true when Mashiach comes, but many will see it's true before that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Rabbi Singer, for bringing me to HaShem! I already started my way out of "Christ"ianity when I was told about your videos, but you've helped me so much among my journey! May HaShem bless you many times over for all your work!
Thank you for this! My family are die-hard southern baptist christians, and I always asked them, "If Christianity is so true, then why do they try so hard to explain the Old Testament in relation to Christ?"🤣🤣
The answer is so deep... The question, in its core, is about the lack of Christian identity. The questioner is (obviously) realising that Christianity is based on lies and fairy tales. And that means that his own faith has become obsolete. The questioner then 'reasons' that if his own faith is false, then the origin of his faith must be false as well. The _roav_ ('rabbi') tackles this question perfectly by not going into details and not going with his 'reasoning', but by _proving_ that Judaism is alive and kicking. In the past, in the present and in the future. Omén to this most excellent answer.
I actually think most Christians are more Jewish than they realize, because no one really wants to think about a man dripping blood from a cross. We like the nativity story, & the Holy Spirit, but that's ALL God, right? God is ALL.
Great thanks very much rabbi tovia singer giving the world today the truth about the almighty God of Israel and the people who witnessed the event first hand experience with the only true God of Israel and his chosen people forever and how his chosen people are to be a light to the world may the real Messiah son of man come quickly in are time for the chosen people need him and the world more than ever well rabbi tovia singer for telling us the truth about the almighty God of Israel and his plans for the world today may he continue to bless you and your family and his chosen people 👍👍
@@chiricahuaapache5132 maybe if you read Torah instead of cherry pick and mangle real scripture you will realize that when g-d gave Moses Torah g-d spoke and Moses recorded everything g-d said. Moses had no part in creating it he just recorded it. It’s not that hard if you read it.
@@chiricahuaapache5132 he wrote wrote on tablets that did not look like the ones in all the pictures. The ones he broke which g-d did himself were saphire. He than had to write it himself. And 100 back than is not like 100 now. Moses had such a great soul that you think these things would apply to him. It’s funny because you believe in Jesus which is never mentioned in tanach and yet you curse the Jews who literally brought Torah down from heaven. Id say your really confused.
“I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God… I will strengthen you…I order that they know from the shining of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me; I am the Lord and there is no other!”
@@termination9353 here a verse from the new covenant, directly oppose Christianity כִּ֛י אִם־אִ֥ישׁ בַּעֲוֺנ֖וֹ יָמ֑וּת כׇּל־הָֽאָדָ֛ם הָאֹכֵ֥ל הַבֹּ֖סֶר תִּקְהֶ֥ינָה שִׁנָּֽיו׃ {ס} But every one shall die for his own sins: whosoever eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be blunted. Jeremiah.31.30
@@termination9353 Deuteronomy 5:15/16 (or 14/15 in a Jewish Bible) the remembrance of being a slave In Egypt is part of the why there is a Sabbath. It's in the text!!! וְזָכַרְתָּ֗֞ כִּ֣י־עֶ֤֥בֶד הָיִ֣֙יתָ֙ ׀ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔֗יִם וַיֹּצִ֨אֲךָ֜֩ יְהֹוָ֤֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֤֙יךָ֙ מִשָּׁ֔ם֙ בְּיָ֥֤ד חֲזָקָ֖ה֙ וּבִזְרֹ֣עַ נְטוּיָ֑֔ה עַל־כֵּ֗ן צִוְּךָ֙ יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ לַעֲשׂ֖וֹת אֶת־י֥וֹם הַשַּׁבָּֽת׃ {ס} Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and your God יהוה freed you from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore your God יהוה has commanded you to observe the sabbath day. Deuteronomy.5.15
@@JaJa-bf6qk 1. Isaiah’s wife not pregnant: לָ֠כֵ֠ן יִתֵּ֨ן אֲדֹנָ֥י ה֛וּא לָכֶ֖ם א֑וֹת הִנֵּ֣ה הָעַלְמָ֗ה הָרָה֙ וְיֹלֶ֣דֶת בֵּ֔ן וְקָרָ֥את שְׁמ֖וֹ עִמָּ֥נוּ אֵֽל׃ Assuredly, my Lord will give you a sign of His own accord! Look, the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son. Let her name him Immanuel. Is with child, and about to give birth Scripture is not necessarily chronological. are you not aware of this? scripture is not like a history book, that is chronological. 2. Just because the prophet didn’t speak in a way you expected it to be, doesn’t mean your assumption is true. Your trying to convey that your way of speaking is the same as the prophet wrote the word of G-d down, thousands of years later in a other language. 3. The name of Hezekiah, literally means: "mighty G-d" . Jewish names have often direct meaning in their the names. For instance: Jehoiada - Knowledge of G-d, Elisha - G-d is Salvation, Jesse - the L-rd is, Netanyahu - G-d gives. 4. Immanuel. He is mentioned here because he is to serve as a sign that Jerusalem will be delivered out of the hand of Pekah, Rezin and Sennacherib, even after the conquest of Damascus and Samaria.
@@JaJa-bf6qk Daniel ask for an explanation, and he gets it in the following verses. Here in verse 18 it’s explained that the holy ‘ones’ - its referred to a multiple people, not to one person or a individual, but to a group Daniel 7:18 then holy ones of the Most High will receive the kingdom, and will possess the kingdom forever-forever and ever.’ Again in verse 22 there is a reference to a group of op people not to an individual, so why does Christianity hold the view that verse 13 speaks about the Messiah, As Daniel himself says at that moment it was not clear to him? Why does Christianity neglect verse 22 of Daniel 7? Daniel 7:22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was rendered in favor of the holy ones of the Most High, for the time had come, and the holy ones took possession of the kingdom.) Same is true with verse 27 of Daniel. There is reference to a group, not to an individual. Daniel 7:27 The kingship and dominion and grandeur belonging to all the kingdoms under Heaven will be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High. Their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.’” So who is called a holy nation? Is there a reference to a holy nation? In Exodus we find the following Exodus 19:6 but you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel.” So Daniel says in chapter 7 that 4 kingdoms (Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans) will rule over Israel, but in the end of days, Israel will rule over them.
@@JaJa-bf6qk What does the term mean ‘Clouds of heaven’? (Daniel 7:13) In Ezekiel 37 we find a description of the Messiah, and how this time will look like. This is described in Ezekiel37:20-25. In chapter 38 & 39 of Ezekiel there is a description of Gog and Magog. This is about the people who trust in the physical (roof), a to those who trust in the spiritual (clouds). When we look to the Torah, we finds also hints to this. For example Exodus 13:21 and Numbers 10:34. Where the Israel people trusted in the clouds of heaven. A great example is the festival of Sukkot, where you will sit outside in the Sukkot. So here in Daniel 7, there is a reference to this idea, also to the end of chapter 7 that those who oppose the holy ones will be completely destroyed. Which is inline with the teaching of Gog and Magog of Ezekiel. What happens is that many Christians, are not trained with the Jewish scriptures, and will not grasp what they read. Judaism did not changed their tradition over time, it has a long existing tradition that goes back to Moses. Christianity came afterwards, and changed the meaning of Jewish scripture, to make a fit for Jesus, although there is no place for him in scripture. Exodus 13:21 וַֽיהוָ֡ה הֹלֵךְ֩ לִפְנֵיהֶ֨ם יוֹמָ֜ם בְּעַמּ֤וּד עָנָן֙ לַנְחֹתָ֣ם הַדֶּ֔רֶךְ וְלַ֛יְלָה בְּעַמּ֥וּד אֵ֖שׁ לְהָאִ֣יר לָהֶ֑ם לָלֶ֖כֶת יוֹמָ֥ם וָלָֽיְלָה׃ The LORD went before them in a pillar of cloud by day, to guide them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light, that they might travel day and night. Numbers 10:34 וַעֲנַ֧ן יְהוָ֛ה עֲלֵיהֶ֖ם יוֹמָ֑ם בְּנָסְעָ֖ם מִן־הַֽמַּחֲנֶֽה׃ (׆) (ס) and the LORD’s cloud kept above them by day, as they moved on from camp. Daniel 7:23 כֵּן֮ אֲמַר֒ חֵֽיוְתָא֙ רְבִיעָ֣יְתָ֔א מַלְכ֤וּ רביעיא [רְבִיעָאָה֙] תֶּהֱוֵ֣א בְאַרְעָ֔א דִּ֥י תִשְׁנֵ֖א מִן־כָּל־מַלְכְוָתָ֑א וְתֵאכֻל֙ כָּל־אַרְעָ֔א וּתְדוּשִׁנַּ֖הּ וְתַדְּקִנַּֽהּ׃ This is what he said: ‘The fourth beast [means]-there will be a fourth kingdom upon the earth which will be different from all the kingdoms; it will devour the whole earth, tread it down, and crush it.
@@bobdobbs943 so quit following the blind and start listening to Singer. His eyes are wide open. May Hashem remove the scales from your idolatrous pagan eyes!!!!
שלום רב, You finally made me depressed. While my kids were young, I was at the very most, a secular Jew. My kids had a worse religious upbringing than my pitiful religious upbringing. I even flirted with Christianity for a short time. Finally rejecting it as being preposterous. Today, Im a Deist, believing in a Creator of the Multiverse who set up the rules of physics and quantum physics, but who doesn’t care what I eat or whom or how I love. As a result my younger daughter married outside our faith and my grandkids, though Jewish by our traditions (because their mother is) probably go to their father’s Church. So you depressed me saying my progeny are lost to our tribe. And you are probably right. I don’t know if my parents could have done more to educate me. My father, a physician, was pretty much an atheist and taught me only the “Golden Rule” personally and sent me to a Reformed Jewish Sunday school for my pitiful religious education.
Thank you for sharing. Ask Hashem for wisdom. He is listening to you. In time, your grandchildren will look to you. We are living in a special time now.
You think so well he used Isaiah 2:4 yet failed to bring in at the point I stopped but Joel 3 say what Isaiah 2:4 King James Version 4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Joel 3:9-11 King James Version 9 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. 11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord. What about Daniel prophecy the time of the gentiles as reflected in Luke? Revelation 11:2? He spoke about christ mother using John but why ? Woman here is your son and to John here is your mother.. why who is the mother of God? Pagan and who used her in their sura maryam and whose dog want to question christ about his him and his mother as gods not to mention the great insult. Who adopt a dead man son in Hebrew law not the brother like if the brother dies and leave no heir what was the duty of the brother? And who was to be the child's father not the dead brother?
Isaiah 2:6 King James Version 6 Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.
Yod originated from a hieroglyphic “hand is the “vav” with the sound of V. The word picture of the “vav” is a nail, Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei Psalm 22:16 King James Version 16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. John 20:25-27 King James Version 25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. 26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Isaiah 2:4 King James Version 4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Joel 3:9-11 King James Version 9 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. 11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord.
@@termination9353 Proverbs 30:4 King James Version 4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
There has been in the last 20 years of ancient biblical discovery’s. Ron whiet found both the arks, egypts army in the sea with hosres and chariots. Mount siani in saudi arabia with ancient hebrew alters and fragments of life. Mass graves in egypt and one ancient tablet in egypt speaking of the hebrews and their god. There is plenty of historical proof of the old testement. Nothing for the new
I think the rabbi missed the point of the question How can you be a Jew when there is less historical evidence for the people and events in the Hebrew Bible while there is more in the Christian new testament . If your a fan of evidence you should not choose Judaism over Christianty
He addressed and answered the question. The reason for rejecting the christian bible is not because of the lack of historical evidence, but because of the internal contradictions and and the contradictions with the Jewish Bible. Judaism doesn't believe in Tanach because of the historical evidence, but because it is intrinsically consistent and because there are solid logical arguments to buttress belief in it. The logic includes the fact that a story of national revelation is extremely hard to invent if it didn't happen (as he explains), and also the fact that the text encourages constant review and fact-checking of the revelation story, etc.
@@ramadadiver59 Rabbi Singer himself presented some of the logical arguments. Listen to it yourself and see if it seems intrinsically consistent to you...
@@binyominfishman5115 Bible scholars who are critical of the Hebrew scriptures claim genesis 1 and 2 ate two different creation accounts that contradict eachother
@@ramadadiver59 Most Bible scholars make a major fallacy. They start with the assumption that the (Jewish) Bible was of human origin. Based on that assumption, they then conclude that it's more likely to have been written by multiple authors instead of one author. The major problem with this argument is that nobody claims the Bible was written by one man. The claim is that it was composed by G-d Himself, and written in a way to teach lessons on many levels (which is why, for example, different names of G-d are used in different contexts). Thus the proper way to evaluate the legitimacy of the Jewish Bible is not to determine how many authors there are. It rather is to evaluate the arguments put forth to support the notion that G-d wrote the Torah. If the arguments are internally consistent, and logically satisfying, then a person can feel comfortable ignoring the biblical scholars who ignore those arguments. Rabbi Singer presented some of the arguments in a brief form. There are other scholars who devote more time to explaining these logical basis for belief in the Divine source of the Bible. I would recommend looking up Rabbi Lawrence Keleman and Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottlieb, who have both written seminal works on the topic.
Hello Rabbi Singer I am not apart of any religion currently..yet I have been wanting to become an observant Jew... I have your books but not the audio, the Chumash, art scroll tanach, I know I can start ad a noahide and remain that way but eventually I hope I can be apart of the nation of Israel...I just wish you were my Rabbi so I can learn your views and how to do everything properly
@Galaxy Guy Verse 9: read i very slowly. Read it several times. Isaiah 43:10, 13: “‘You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior…. Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?’“
"What really did happen? What really did occur?" These kinds of questions have driven much of my own journey to come to terms with both the Jewish and Christian understanding of the Bible. Great video. 👍
One thing i Like about the Tovia and he’s faith from judaism… is clearly adressing some events and story to give a new perspective… it is our nature to Ask and question everything the fundamentally truth matter and Many claims can’t be many truth which comes to the issues of salvation greymatter… which is that judaism is uniqe and complex religion… 🤓🤔 🙌🏻💭
Psalms 147:20 “He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.” Psalms 147:20 Context 17He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold? 18He sendeth out his word, and melteth them: he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow. 19He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. 20He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD. Joshua 24:15 “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15 Context 12And I sent the hornet before you, which drave them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; but not with thy sword, nor with thy bow. 13And I have given you a land for which ye did not labour, and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell in them; of the vineyards and oliveyards which ye planted not do ye eat. 14Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. 15And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 16And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to serve other gods; 17For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed: 18And the LORD drave out from before us all the people, even the Amorites which dwelt in the land: therefore will we also serve the LORD; for he is our God.
I appreciate the caller being in a quiet place and speaking very clearly into his microphone the audio quality was great compared to most call in questions.
In regard to Rabbis statement about Matthew 9:9 stating “he saw a man named Matthew.” Instead of: he saw [me.] Will Christians just take the easy road of responding to this by saying “well sometimes books are often written in the 3rd person to emphasize a story line?) Take Daniel for example as the author of the book of Daniel. Daniel 1:6 states “Among those who were chosen were some from Judah: Daniel,Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.” Why doesn’t it state: [me,] Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah? Thanks for all you do Rabbi. Aloha.
Why write a book that makes us look bad and disobedient. We are not perfect and we rebel but our hashem will take us back . Hashem is the hero and we are the servant not villain.
It is clear and explicit in the Torah that it is God's commandment, remaining forever without change, addition, or diminishment, as Deuteronomy 13:1 states: "All these matters which I command to you, you shall be careful to perform. You may not add to it or diminish from it," and Deuteronomy 29:28 states: "What is revealed is for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah." This teaches that we are commanded to fulfill all the Torah's directives forever: 613 for Jews and the 7 Noahide commandments for Gentiles.
@@kalishakta The testimony of three million people who heard the voice of God with their own ears has more weight and authority than your subjective opinion.
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings.
You aren't believing something you saw. You're believing what you were told that someone else saw. In any case, when you see.. it isn't belief, it's knowledge
@@tbishop4961 Such a unique testimony to a group of millions of people is impossible to refute, because each overlapping generation serves as the witness to the next generation.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Nevermind the fact that millions of people in one spot at one time leave a footprint. I live in Oklahoma where we NEVER had millions of people at once, yet I'm able to find loads of artifacts wherever I go from the people who were here The millions at Sinai story is a fabrication. Full stop
The Tel Dan inscription mentions the king defeating an Israelite king from the house of David and many people thought king David was a myth and yet the Tel Dan is an outside source.
@@ronashman8463 cant say. But i do know Tel Dan is a forgery. We cant prove anyone in the past existed. We can only prove we exist and our families in the past existed to make us
Truth respect for Jews i am muslim i respect Jews and their beliefs don't convert to Christianity or anyother relegion as Jews are traditionally attach to Judism.☪️🤝✡️.Stay blessed monothestic people Edit:I don't care about some angry christians in the comments you can burn yourself
@@mshafer1021 The pharisees of Islam (the agitators of many God loving muslims to see Christianity as the enemy) are also teaching that the concept of 'the Son' is shirk and is the gravest of 'sins' and penalty if death. The concept the Son is understood in esoteric Christianity. Mostly not in Islamic tradition. To claim that God can do everything, but not create a divintiy in its image and in its likeness and be a messenger or representative to the peoples is strange to me. If this realm is a shadow or copy from the Devine than it's not strange to understand that in this material realm when male and female come together they can create an offspring of their own. This can also said in the spiritual realm but in a different way. I have also muslim friends and have no problem with one another. Our differences of thought can not change the fact the we believe in a creator.
i really liked the books of Moses it is a great joy to read. our bible has 66 books. and every time you read it you learn something new something you didn't see before. God is amazing.
The Moshiach of the Bible is a mortal man, a direct son/seed/shoot of King David, through his son Solomon, son after son, from the Tribe of Judah, of the House of David, who Isaiah tells comes at the End of Days and brings All of Mankind to the Rightful Worship of the Creator and Him Alone, the Restoration and Redemption of Israel/the Jews and World Peace where the Wolves abide with the Lambs, where the Implements of War are turned into Implements of Agriculture, but all your Jesus brought to Mankind is More PAGAN IDOLATRY of himself, a trio of Man Made deities, his mother, other dead people, Statues of Wood and Stone, Angels, a dirty painted sheet, crackers and wooden sticks. To Israel/the Jews Jesus brought only 1700+ years of PERSECUTION, OPPRESSION AND DEATH as History testifies that Christianity became the Jews longest enduring and most DEADLIEST OF ALL THEIR OPPRESSORS, to a T it alone fits the description of the morphing Last Beast and as Jesus said, he did NOT COME TO BRING PEACE BUT DIVISION, to set family one against the other, the very reason why Gd send Elijah, to come and UNDO ALL THE DIVISION FOSTERED BY FALSE TEACHERS, lest HE smite the Earth with Utter Destruction. As this Hedonistic, Pagan Filled World of DIVISION, CHAOS AND MAYHEM TESTIFY that Neither Elijah Nor Moshiach have yet come, so far only Fakes have shown up. Your Jesus was the Ultimate Antimoshiach and his cult of Christianity is the Last Beast.
@@locovaldezakarichardmccart843: We are told in the Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai (the ONLY scriptures ever given to mankind by God) to worship NOBODY but God, who told us that HE is our ONLY Savior. The "Jesus" character has NOTHING to do with God, and the ONLY book his name appears in - the NT - is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. PLEASE do some honest research on this subject, and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis are our spiritual teachers, since they have been studying the original Hebrew scriptures, all the way back to Mt. Sinai - something Christianity REFUSED to so, which resulted in the false, pagan, blasphemous religion of "Christianity, that preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai PLEASE buy yourself a Hebrew Bible (says "TANACH" on the cover) so you can see for yourself what God actually said to us. .
@@locovaldezakarichardmccart843 do you know any Jews? Doubtful. The worship isn’t rebbe worship. Not like that of the xtians who believe a man can be g-d than that g-d can die. That is all from Greco Roman paganism.
But where did authors get these names like Mathew mark Luke Later writings were copies of copies Not historical carecters like Mathew Moses jeremia etc Any books now are written not by historical carecters
Baruch HaShem Elochim Tze'vaot!!!!! He speaks loud and clear. Ask HIM, ask HIM and HE will answer you. Dare all of you who don't believe that the CREATOR, ALMIGHTY GOD, WHO gives you the breath of life every second, doesn't exist but only in your demigod jesus. Dare to ask HIM today!!! Jesus was a man and he is dead and not coming back!!
@@termination9353 What utter horse shit those competing narratives all called Jesus god they disagreed on to what extent but they all called Jesus god the gnostic text pot date Christian texts as well and the Gnostic viewpoints had texts not found in modern-day bibles the orthodox view has always been the majority view Jesus is God our father on high that was a view always accepted.
It's really hypocritical that you don't apply the same skepticism to the Old Testament as you do the New. My own deconstruction started when, after teaching a class on Genesis, I came to realize that the OT was mostly, if not entirely, fictional. It is often ridiculously, laughably fictional -- the creation story, 900-year-old men, giants, Noah'a ask, Jonah, etc. But your only defense of the OT is, "We were there. We heard God talking to us!" Um, no, you weren't. No, you didn't. You're accepting it on faith, just as Christians accept the NT on faith. So just say so. Don't be a hypocrite.
Perhaps you're missing the reason that videos like this are made in the first place. Unlike Christians, Jews do not seek converts or proclaim that one needs to be a Jew to be right with God. No one is being asked (much less forced) to believe in the religious mythology of the Jewish people. If it provides meaning, structure, identity, purpose, etc. to a small, ancient, exiled and persecuted group of people who don't care if you believe it or not, that is a different issue than countering the claims of Christians (and Muslims) who proclaim a universal religion with grave consequences (in this life or the next) for rejecting their message.
there is no such thing as an old testament and Christians believe in the tanach so cannot say they are right and tanach wrong. that is what you get for misappropriating and desecrating our torah
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Sure they did, as told to us in a story written 600 years later. And way before that, a 600-year-old man finished building a giant boat to hold specimens of every animal on Earth (plus all their food and fresh water to last an indefinite period) because God was going to flood the Earth because it had been ruined by a race of human-angel hybrid giants.
@@double-naughtspy8204 The Jewish people have an unbroken historical tradition to the very time of Sinai. Keep the 7 Noahide commandments and stop trolling this page.
"I am YHVH, *THAT* is My Name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images." Isaiah 42:8
"...And My honor I will not give to another." Isaiah 48:11.
@@Viral_Christology the holy name of g-d doesn’t translate to lord.
@@termination9353 doubtful
@@Viral_Christology no such thing as new and Old Testament
@YCE TAKE His true name is Yahusha Ha'Mashiach! He came in his Father's name YAHUAH!!
RCC changed his name and his image.
@YCE TAKE If you go to Psalms 68:4 scripture tells you his name. It may read as Jah, but it's Yah! Because the letter did not exist during that period.
John 5:43 tells us he came in his Father's name YAHusha.
We also praise his holy name!
Sending you love and prayers.
Thank You HaShem for letting Rav Tovia show me, and numerous others, YOUR TRUTH and we exited churchianity....idol/ idle worship.
Please protect Rav Tovia and use him to bring many many more to YOU and back to YOU, amain.
I pray that Yahweh allows Singer to repent and believe the gospel.
And to turn away from idolatry. I pray for those who he deceives to be given the truth.
Awesome and on point. The Old Testament is filled with all types and shadows of Christ. I think back to when Christ says of Abraham...
He saw my day and rejoiced. I know that I am paraphrasing but that is the gist.
When you think about it was Christ referring to the crucifixion, the resurrection, his return? Or probably all three? Just food for thought.
Wow this is masterpiece Tarly enjoy listening and learn a lot as a former Christian now Noahaid on the journey to Judaisam l love TORAH thank you raby Tovia G-d bless you
Really? So you would rather be a second class noahide?
So would you ask your son to kill your grandson to test how much your son loves you?
How about openly saying they will not let you eat if the fruit of life so you can’t become like them?
Buddha for me only, Buddha says use your brain sucker!
A sucker born every minute!
I think this channel will and must catch most christians sects and loose catholics… it’s a mystery to contend with.
I can imagine that there’s a near zero chance that the Christian responders to this actually watched it. Just a lot of pontificating. I have been on the fence with this religious discussion. Christians have just pushed me away.
What Tovia singer always never mentions are the prophecies which Jesus christ fulffiled as messiah,
Tovia always says that one of the prophecies is that the messiah will make the knowledge of God ( Hebrew scriptures) known to everybody,
What did Jesus christ do?
He made everybody know about the scriptures, now more than 2 to 3 billion people on this earth right now and even people from 2000 years ago believed in the Hebrew scriptures because of Jesus Christ,
That's what tovia singer never mentions, without Jesus christ, the Hebrew scriptures would've been known only to jews (small minority) or worse the Hebrew scriptures would've been wiped out from history because of Romans and Islam and all of these awful violent terrorists,
So I wish I can ask tovia a couple of questions, I bet you he would not be able to answer them without thinking twice about Jesus christ.
He can he just did pagan polytheists
@@jesuschristislord9013Men spread the bible worldwide not jesus not God. You are wrong.
You're a beacon of light to inquiring minds.
Rabbi is right, most Christians don’t read the bible but, verses. As a Christian I realize most chapters and verses make no sense. Thank you Rabbi
nonsens 4 u but is a sense 4 many😂
Such as last 12 verses of Mark? Do these make sense to you? If so don't test yr faith as you will die
All the accounts in the New Testament happened many years if not 100 of years after the events. I’m not sure about the writings in the Hebrew bible. I was raised catholic. Converted to evangelical at the age of 16 and left the church in my early 30s because I lost confidence in religion. I questioned many things and was told I need to have faith and repent. I was called rebellious.
Sir, I think what you say makes no sense. When a person has read all the verses , he has in effect read the Bible !!!
You aren't a Christian lol
*God forewarned us about christianity here:* "Behold I am putting before you a blessing and a curse. The blessing is if you listen to the commandments of Hashem your God that I am commanding you today. And the curse is if you will not listen to the commandments of Hashem your God and if you stray from the path that I am commanding you today *to go and worship foreign gods which you have not known of"* Deuteronomy 11:26-28.
@Iyas kelu wow I'm found your comment again lol
@Iyas kelu
Muslims are Johnny-come-latelies (7th century CE)
@@geozap4518 still believe in the god of mosses, Abraham, isaac,and Jacob.
I didn't at first. What can I say -- I didn't know. Thanks to Observant Jewish People, now I do.
Christianity actually is prophesied in the old testament many times it speaks of the logos who was there before creation many points in the Hebrew there is a god head theology and why can't god take on an incarnation who are you to tell God what he can't and can do if after all the wages of sin are death and all men have sinned then how can any 1 enter heaven without the recompense needed from a sinless man ?
Thank you so very much for your teachings. I converted to Judaism about 10 years ago. My decision came from the very things you have talked about between the Christian Bible and the Torah. There is still so much for me to learn and know
May God show you the truth and you join Islam
that is amazing. I am happy for you. welcome home. (even though you converted 10 years ago hahahaha)
@@williamblack3711 whats ur religion?
@@williamblack3711 so is Jesus considered to be your God?
@@williamblack3711 why can't you just answer straight so that we can have a conversation
As a non religious person, the way I see it is that Judaism has a great quality in the fact that it’s not a proselytizing religion which I greatly respect, it doesn’t have the ’you have to believe this or else" recruitment line and it actually naturally makes me curious about it, but unfortunately it's also the weakness of Judaism for the lack of a better word, Judaism sort of created an "exclusive club" and people wanted in, people who wanted Judaism without the Jews which led to the cheap knockoffs that followed aka Christianity and Islam and both of them have an extremely antisemitic component embedded in them which has caused so much trouble to the Jewish people.
Thanks rabbi for sharing your wisdom. I'm proud to be a Ben Noach in Panama for many years who left the lies of Christianity and embraced the 7 commandments in my life, and there are many like me who stopped believing the Christian myths. Shalom!
@@thetruth871 nice reading. Can you tell me where the disciples were during Jesus's crucifixion???
@@thetruth871 Do you speak Hebrew? I do. That's it. Go get the truth.
@@thetruth871, The Christian's bibles are just very badly mistranslated and corrupted versions of the Torah/Tanach, The Real Word of G_d, with a whole lot changed including names, a whole lot added, and a whole lot taken out. Everything that G_d said not to do, Christianity did! You have been deceived from all directions dear. No Hebrew/Jew was ever named Jesus nor John nor especially James. There is no letter J in the Hebrew alephbet nor does any of the Hebrew letters even make a J sound. Christianity adopted way too many idolatrous and pagan beliefs contrary to what G_d actually said.
@Iyas kelu Rabbi Singer is telling the truth of the Torah/Tanach which The One True Creator G_d gave them on Mt. Sinai. And if you actually did read the scriptures where G_d gave the Torah/Tanach to Mosche and the Children of Israel you would see that G_d specifically told them in no uncertain terms that neither they nor any of their descendants all through time are to NEVER veer to the right nor left of the Torah/Tanach, Never! G_d also told them in no uncertain terms that neither they nor any of their descendants all through time are to NEVER accept anybody else's religion! G_d warned us about Christianity thousands of years ago. Christianity is not the group that they claim to be, Christianity is a Wolf in sheep's clothing!
@@hegagi839 you tell me where they were I know exactly but do you?
Keep bringing truth rabbi tovia
These are so great
Wake up Christians!!!!!!!!
Nobody wrote about Jesus when he was alive nobody
Wake up to the pagan Roman invention
Why convince you that you are wrong. Jesus is a false prophet but no reason not to believe that you don't follow that false prophet
@@termination9353 so what judgement did he fulfill?
Did he bring in the exiles?
Your pagan Jesus did nothing the Hebrew scriptures tell us
The new covenant read it again
Jeremiah 31
With the house of Israel and the house of Judah
The law will be in your hearts
Not the pagan Jesus
Wake up to truth
Read study learn
May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
@@termination9353 king of who?
He had no kingdom
He didn't redeem Israel from their enemies
He did the opposite
He submitted to the Romans
Wake up to your pagan Jesus
Read study learn
May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
@@termination9353 too bad the anointing isn't how the Hebrew scriptures tell us
The fact is Jesus was not king
Kings have a kingdom
Jesus didn't have a kingdom
Jesus said he kingdom wasn't of this world
Because you can't verify this
Wake up to the lies
If you truly love G-D come to truth of Torah
Read study learn
May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
@@termination9353 but scriptures do not state or imply a short reign of the messiah
Read the true messianic chapters
The whole chapter in context
Ezekiel 37
Jeremiah 31&32
Isaiah 2&11
Micah chapter 4
Jesus did none of this
You are failing G-D ultimate test
Scripture cannot contradict
Read study learn
May hashem bless you with Torah knowledge
""You are My witnesses," says Hashem, "and My servant whom I chose," in order that you know and believe Me, and understand that I am He; before Me no god was formed and after Me none shall be. I, I am Hashem, and besides Me there is no Savior." Isaiah 43:10,11. (R.I.P. xianity).
@Galaxy Guy: The Christian Bible absolutely DID NOT come from God! PLEASE do some honest research on this subject, and LEARN from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. .
@@chiricahuaapache5132: Show us all ONE verse from the Hebrew scriptures (NOT the twisted, mistranslated "OT", but the Hebrew scriptures, that says "TANACH" on the cover), exactly WHERE God ever mentioned the name "Jesus" to us, OR told us that we need to be "saved" OR told us that He requires HUMAN BLOOD (a purely pagan ritual that God ABHORS!) as atonement for our sins. .
@Galaxy Guy Noticing these things, I rode over a short causeway to the house. A servant in waiting took my horse, and I entered the Gothic archway of the hall. A valet, of stealthy step, thence conducted me, in silence, through many dark and intricate passages in my progress to the studio of his master (Edgar Allan Poe).
@Galaxy Guy Where do you read that? haha
@Galaxy Guy Read Isaiah 7 1-16 with common sense
Rabbi Singer, you sidestepped the caller's question. Disproving the New Testament doesn't then prove the Jewish Scriptures are divine. The caller asked why you're not equally applying the same criteria to both sets of information. Your explanation that the Jewish scripture is too old may be why we have no independent authors outside of Jews that have witnessed these events, still, the absence of this independent evidence should cast the same amount of doubt on the Jewish scripture as it does on the Christian scripture.
Stating the various other reasons for doubting the divinity of the Christian scriptures does not in any way relieve you of answering the reason why you're abandoning this same test of the more ancient Jewish scripture. Stating that Jewish holidays were witnessed by the nation and passed down through the generations doesn't mean these events were divine, it just means they may have more evidence for being historically accurate. Just remember that the more outlandish or improbable the claim, the more evidence that needs to be presented to substantiate that claim. Many people can witness an event and still misinterpret the cause of that event.
"But will God ever dwell on the earth? Behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You; much less this temple that I have erected." 1st Kings 8:27.
*Christian is not jesus followers*
John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Jesus bowed down (Matthew 26:39)
Why do Christians sing in church?
Jesus died in a shroud (Matthew 27:59, Mark 15:46, John 19:40)
Why did Christians die wearing clothes?
Even though Jesus said
Whoever has seen Me,
he has seen the Father (John 14:9)
Matthew 16:6. Jesus said to them: "Watch out and beware of the leaven of the people"
Pharisees👈and Sadducees
Paul identified himself through his collection of letters in the New Testament in the Christian Bible as a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin, who Greek (Hellenic) and Roman citizens. ...In his youth, he lived as a
Pharisees according to the strictest sect of Judaism
(Acts 18:12) But after Gallio became governor of Achaia, the Jews rose up together against Paul and brought him before the court.
They said, "He is trying to convince people to worship God in a way that is contrary to the torah law." (Acts 18:13)
Christianity is a church made by Paul (Acts 11:26) and has fulfilled this prophecy.
Isaiah 29:13 And the Lord has said, 'Because this people draw near with their mouths and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away.
from Me, and his worship of Me is only HUMAN COMMANDMENTS
Matthew 15 8-9
15:8 This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from on me . 15:9 It is useless for them to worship Me, while the teaching they teach is
human orders
See also Mark 7:6-8
how to get married, dress to die, sing in church, celebrate the birth of the sun god (Christmas), make statues Jesus, praying with clenched fists, liturgy, making the sign of the cross and so on are all human creations how can Christians be called followers of Jesus if the way of worshiping God is man-made
Even though Jesus said
John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life"
No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Jesus bowed down (Matthew 26:39)
Why do Christians sing in church?
Jesus died in a shroud (Matthew 27:59,Mark 15:46,John 19:40)
Why did Christians die wearing clothes?
Even though Jesus said
Whoever has seen Me,
he has seen the Father (John 14:9)
@@bangsuhen9176 The Moshiach of the Bible is a mortal man, a direct son/seed/shoot of King David, through his son Solomon, son after son, from the Tribe of Judah, of the House of David, who Isaiah tells comes at the End of Days and brings All of Mankind to the Rightful Worship of the Creator and Him Alone, the Restoration and Redemption of Israel/the Jews and World Peace where the Wolves abide with the Lambs, where the Implements of War are turned into Implements of Agriculture, but all your Jesus brought to Mankind is More PAGAN IDOLATRY of himself, a trio of Man Made deities, his mother, other dead people, Statues of Wood and Stone, Angels, a dirty painted sheet, crackers and wooden sticks. To Israel/the Jews Jesus brought only 1700+ years of PERSECUTION, OPPRESSION AND DEATH as History testifies that Christianity became the Jews longest enduring and most DEADLIEST OF ALL THEIR OPPRESSORS, to a T it alone fits the description of the morphing Last Beast and as Jesus said, he did NOT COME TO BRING PEACE BUT DIVISION, to set family one against the other, the very reason why Gd send Elijah, to come and UNDO ALL THE DIVISION FOSTERED BY FALSE TEACHERS, lest HE smite the Earth with Utter Destruction. As this Hedonistic, Pagan Filled World of DIVISION, CHAOS AND MAYHEM TESTIFY that Neither Elijah Nor Moshiach have yet come, so far only Fakes have shown up. Your Jesus was the Ultimate Antimoshiach and his cult of Christianity is the Last Beast.
It is not only about the New Testament ..
Jesus is the Only One live on the Holy Book's ..
Torah , Quran and Bible ..
The Connection is there and always been ..
As Trinity is Upon us ..
The New Alliance of God is also upon us ..
The Branch of God announced on Torah ..
The Messiah announced on the Quran ..
The Saviour and Son of God announced on the Bible ...
And No One can deny ..
False Prophets will regret their self so much that they do not even imagine...
Man has failed God trough Religion and still ..
God is not God of Confusion ..
There is no Other God ..
Jesus is Alah and God of Torah ...
Time is Running Out..
Jesus Christ is coming back ...
@@falsosprofetashunter4182 , your so called Jesus couldn't even save himself, let alone anyone else. Learn Hebrew and read the Torah/Tanach so that you are no longer deceived by false religions.
@@terryulmer969 as it is also written on the Quran ..
It was only made to appear so ..
No One can or could kill Jesus Christ ..
No One can or could kill the Branch of God ..
[Quran 4:157] And for their saying, "We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of God." In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions. Certainly, they did not kill him.
Thank you Rabbi Tovia Singer for being a light to us!
@@termination9353 no leg to stand on.
It is not only about the New Testament ..
Jesus is the Only One live on the Holy Book's ..
Torah , Quran and Bible ..
The Connection is there and always been ..
As Trinity is Upon us ..
The New Alliance of God is also upon us ..
The Branch of God announced on Torah ..
The Messiah announced on the Quran ..
The Saviour and Son of God announced on the Bible ...
And No One can deny ..
False Prophets will regret their self so much that they do not even imagine...
Man has failed God trough Religion and still ..
God is not God of Confusion ..
There is no Other God ..
Jesus is Alah and God of Torah ...
Time is Running Out..
Jesus Christ is coming back ...
@@falsosprofetashunter4182 none of your claims are supported by any
@@cmain3931 for you to see what religion does ..
They are capable to fight the word of God because of Religion ..
They are capable to palace religion above God..
All in good order ..
Main reason Jesus made clear ..
Door is straight and few will go to heaven ...
"And it will be, *that it is all those who will call in the name of HaShem (not the christian greek mythical jeZeus) whom will be saved,* because on mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a saved remnant, as Hashem has promised..." Joel 3:5.
@@BibliayFe: NEVER was, NEVER will be!!!
@Galaxy Guy: See my previous reply to you. The Christian Bible, absolutely DID NOT come from God! The "OT" is only a twisted, mistranslated, taken out of context VERSION of what God actually said to us, since Christianity REFUSED to learn the original Hebrew given to us by God, which resulted in the false, pagan religion of "Christianity". The "NT" is a false, pagan, man-made, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology work of fiction that DID NOT come from God, and actually preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai.
PLEASE do some honest research on this subject, and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
@Galaxy Guy: See my previous Reply to you! Isa. 53 is NOT about the Christian 'messiah; but is about ISRAEL. PLEASE read Isa. 52, and Isa. 54 for context! God's 'son' is always referred to as ISRAEL! .
@@lauras2519: Yeah, I might accept that! 😉
@@chiricahuaapache5132: Please quote the verse you're referring to. .
To defend one lie, you have to tell many lies. Thats what is christianity
„These contradictions are the important ones.“ Well said, Rabbi.
May HaShem continue to bless you Rabbi ✡️✡️
@Ruth Christianity lies!
Thank you Rabbi Singer that is so fundamental in our absolute FAITH in HaShem Eloheicha.
I believe in my Tenakh because hashem is the hero and we are the rebellious stiff necked people. Omg rabbi you took the words out of my mouth. You are my rabbi.
"And you shall be *oh so careful* for yourselves, for you did not see any image on the day that Hashem spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire. *Lest you CORRUPT YOURSELVES and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female* ," Deuteronomy 4.
Why do you write the same thing over and over again? Sometimes it doesn’t even relate to the video.
Wait your the same guy from the western wall right the one who writes lengthy? Why are you so against the New Testimony?!? Why are you bothering us?
@Elisha what couple?
@Elisha I think she’s the one who banned me. She’s like a walking encyclopedia or something. 🤦🏽♂️
@Elisha Hah well I don’t care if they’re a couple or single. I’m here to spread the truth! Now accept it!!! He sacrificed himself for you after all! You are saved.
17:00 📖 Indeed!
Only Hashem, the Creator and the Elohim of Israel is Worthy of Praises.
G-d bless you Rabbi Tovia Singer Yasha Koach This in a nutshell explains it all
Thank you
Senior Rabbi your teaching of
Torah and Tanakh bring the words of Hashem life
Note that Torah IS part of the Tanach. May Hashem continue to bless you!!
"And I am YHVH ("The Creator") your God from the land of Egypt, *and a god other than Me do not know* , & there is no Savior other than Me." Hoseah 13:4. (R.I.P. xianity).
@Galaxy Guy During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher (Edgar Allan Poe).
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Lolllll
@Galaxy Guy Who wrote that? Only asking because if it's a choice (and it is) between what some guy called Paul ( who never met or knew Jesus) wrote 35 years after a Jew from the Galilee was executed by the Romans and God's eternal word and Law, God gets my vote every time.
@Galaxy Guy Who wrote that? Only asking because if it's a choice (and it is) between what some guy called Luke the Evangelist ( who never met or knew Paul who in turn never met or knew Jesus) wrote 55 years after a Jew from the Galilee was executed by the Romans and God's eternal word and Law, God gets my vote every time.
@Galaxy Guy If all you can do is paste stuff that doesn't answer my question I can only draw the conclusion that you believe in human gods. I will continue to worship the One true God of Israel (as Jewish Jesus did).
Thank you Rabbi for all that you do, for the sacrifices you have made in becoming so well and thoroughly informed and educated in these matters. Because every time you address these issues you are able to make these matters very simple and plain to see. Your knowledge of the Christian religion surpasses any Christian I have ever known or heard of. When you are challenged, you are never confused, but you patiently wait your turn to speak and when you do, what you want to express is always immediate, relevant, and elegant in its simplicity. It is a real blessing to have discovered your channel and I listen every day.
"Because all of the nations go each person with the name of their god, but we shall go with the name of Hashem our God forever and eternity. " Micha 4:5.
@Galaxy Guy: The "NT" is a false, pagan, man-made work of fiction, that absolutely did NOT come from God! PLEASE do some honest research on this subject!
@Galaxy Guy Micha 4 5 can tell you your Acts 16 31 is fake
I personally found the so-called "old testament" lacking credibility first, then as default I had to admit my belief as a Christian was wrong as well. I had to admit to myself that the "new testament" had no foundation for truth and had to be wrong as well once I understood clearly that the Jewish scriptures were faulty. There's tons of things wrong with both versions and the Bible in general. Once you allow yourself to question it critically you see the problems much more clearly.
It takes humility and courage to question your beliefs with the least amount of bias as possible.
@@audieabel1261Jewish Bible s not copying NT. It is rather opposite
@Galaxy Guy
Jewish scriptures from the so-called "old testament" that contradict Christian beliefs.....
Isaiah 43:10-11
I, Yahweh, am the lord, and besides me there is NO OTHER SAVIOR.
Deuteronomy 4:35
Yahweh is god, and there is NO ONE ELSE beside him.
Isaiah 45:22
Look unto only me to be SAVED, for I am Yahweh your god and there is NO ONE ELSE as your SAVIOR.
Jeremiah 17:5
Cursed be the man that trust in man and make flesh his savior, and whose heart no longer looks to Yahweh.
Psalm 146:3
Do not trust in man, for in whom there is NO SALVATION.
Hosea 11:9
God is NOT A MAN.
Numbers 23:19
God IS NOT a man OR son of man.
1 Samuel 15:29
God is not a man.
Psalm 49:7-8
No man (including Jesus) can die in place of, or be ransom paid for the sins of another.
Ezekiel 18:20
Every man is responsible for his own sin, and a father (including God-the father) cannot take responsibility for the sins of his children
Exodus 20:4-5
Anyone worshiping a man in place of Yahweh is guilty of the sin of idolatry.
Malachi 3:6
I am the lord and do not change.
Christianity completely contradicts Hebrew scriptures and what Jesus believed. Jesus wouldn't even know modern Christians as his followers, but Paul surely would. Christians are no less deluded than a Mormon or Muslim who believes their new testament is true.
I am not Jewsh but have given up on the New Testament due to its claims, innacuracies and forgeries. Thankfully A Rabbi who such as Tovia Singer speaks well and explains well that I still have a faith in a supreme being.
I agree, being a Christian.
But there must have been a lot of eye witnesses to the historical events surrounding our Lord Jesus, as Christianity spread very quickly around the world and is the largest faith.
@@Petal4822 I disagree, there were no first hand accounts, the writings were 65-80 yeard after the fact, it took over a 100 years of manipulation to become approved by Rome and then was manufactured from forgeries, anonomous writings and adaptation. The story of the son of god has no relationship to Judaism and sounds more like zeus imnpregnating yet another young girl to have a son rule the people.
NO prediction from Judaism of a VIRGIN begeting the messiah, that is pure mistranslation of "Young Girl" and is more myth building than truth.
Yashua preached Judaism so why the NEW religion? I'll answer, Rome needed a way to passify the people and used every means possible to secure taxation via penance to the new way.
The genius of Constatine was to secure Rome without a sword and organiced the many variaties of faith VIA the Council of Nicea establishing and cannonizing its invented doctrine, much of which was Gnostic writings or forged writings.
There is historical and archeological proof. The fact that Israel and the pure language that's Hebrew, is a sign to the nations that Hashem is with Israel and is the God Eternal.
I agree the Rabi is right most Christians only read some verses
Thank you so much dear rabbi and William!!
Rabbi Singer, thanks for inspiring words. You are a great D'arshan.
Listen carefully to the caller's question AGAIN. As a Jew, I enjoy listening to his lessons, but this is not an answer to the caller's question. Instead of giving an answer he gives a long-winded story about Jesus, etc.The question was what evidence there is that the Jewish Bible was also written by the authors who claim it.
✍ DEAR G∞D! 👦🏻👧🏻 IF YOU really played the role of Jesus, it would be evil & unjust act! Because such unethical practices not only confuse & discourage monotheists but also lead to hatred & war!
Christianity is a poisonous religion! That nonsense religion was created BY THE JEWS. NOT BY UK OR US! The toxic serpent created by the Jews some 2000 years ago is still biting us, them, & our monotheism.
Since Christianity is so ridiculous, the Bible so corrupted, and the Trinity so nonsensical, all the people who are paid by Christians to convert to Christianity will eventually become atheists. FALSEHOOD BY ITS NATURE IS BOUND TO PERISH.
No, actually the question was why Tuvia doesnt apply the same standard in judging the veracity of the OT as he does the NT (ie, the standard of vetting the authorship, contemporaneous sources, etc). That is the question that Tuvia answered, and i thought he answered it brilliantly.
He is not applying the same standards to the authorship of the Old Testament.
There is NO 'Old Testament' in Judaism... there is only the Tanakh. It is the unedited and uncorrupted Word of HaShem. It was taken by Christianity, edited to fit their narrative, and misused for centuries. Read anything labeled 'Old Testament' as a fairy tale.
Rabbi Singer! Thank you for hitting the nail on the head, all of my ancestors transmitted the accuracy of the Torah and all knew of the Miracles HaShem showed us. Thank you for representing us.
Shalom or Salaam. Im a muslim. I been following Rabbi Tovia Singer's lecture. He is a great man full of knowledge. I got question and suggestion...why the Judaism followers didnt block, condemn or propose to court of law preventing Christianity from calling it their NEW TESTAMENTS. Fir doesnt make sense and appropriate they intepreted, altering and modified old testament and claiming it their biblical teachings when they called Jesus is TRINITY which the judaism followers oppossed strongly. Thank you.
I'm still interested in any non-biblical/non-Jewish records that might establish the existence of Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, or anybody else in the Torah (Abraham or later). Also, events such as the Exodus! This would be a very traumatic event in Egypt; surely there are Egyptian records (no matter how hard they try to hide it).
A UA-cam video called evidence of the exodus I think is very informative. I can't remember the name of it completely. I know James Cameron. Guy who did Titanic helped make it
Rabbai i have a question concerning the contemporary world religion of the judaism that co exist today present why it seems they never knew each other or any back up information from them of which they exist the same time of history like hindu or budha or sikhisism is there any referrence from each other .
Thank you rabbai tobia singer.
This is exactly why Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in the New Testament and told them to stop calling themselves Rabbis. So if the New Testament is false, wouldn’t this mean that all prophets of the Old Testament are false if a Messiah never comes? And if Jesus, who you don’t believe is the Messiah, told us the next person who will raise up is the anti-Christ, then isn’t it possible you may end up following the anti-Christ? Just curious. And why even allow the New Testament to follow the Old Testament? Don’t you think that if, for example, the Muslims tried to attach their book to the New Testament, all hell would break lose to try to stop it?? Make it make sense.
The New testament validates the old testament because it fulfills prophecies in the old testament. JESUS is the Messiah. He fulfills the prophecy in Isaiah 53. The sacrificial ceremonies prefigured the death of Jesus on the cross as the "lamb" of God. The Jews slaughtered a lamb as sacrifice for their sons, a ceremony that pointed to the work of Jesus. That it is why on the day Jesus died, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom and the most holy place was exposed for the first time signifying an end to the sacrificial ceremonies because the real lamb of God had been slain for the sins of the world. Praise God for Jesus and because of that we shall see him face to face. That is when he will fulfill what Tovia was saying: there will be everlasting peace and pain, suffering and tears will come to an end.
"and they say to you "lets go after foreign worships in which you *have not known of* and worship", do not listen to them, *for Hashem your God is testing you to see if you love Him with all your heart and soul,* after Hashem your God shall you go, it is Him that you shall fear, *it is His commandments that you shall keep,* His voice shall you listen to, *Him shall you worship,* and to Him shall you cling, *and that person shall be killed,* because they spoke falsehood against Hashem your God *TO MAKE YOU STRAY FROM THE PATH THAT Hashem your God commanded you to go in* and you shall remove that evil from your midst." Deuteronomy 13.
"When your fellow tells you in secret saying "let us go and serve foreign worship *WHICH YOU NOR YOUR FOREFATHERS HAVE KNOWN OF* ...do not desire them, don't listen to them, do not have pity on them, do not have mercy on them and do not try to cover for them, for you shall surely cause him to be killed... *because they seeked to lead you astray from Hashem your God* " Deuteronomy 13.
"The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews dwelling in Egypt...because of their evil, which they did to provoke Me... *to worship foreign worships, which they did not know of, not them, not you, nor your forefathers* ." Jeremiah 44:1-5.
"...worships they didn't know, *newly invented worships that your forefathers did not fear* ". Anything that is newly invented, what our forefathers didn't experience, worship, know, or fear, is IDOLATRY and against the 1st two commandments where all Jews heard God command that He alone is our God and to not have any other god but Him or to ever leave the path He commanded us in going. *Case closed.*
@Galaxy Guy blah blah blah 😃😃
@Galaxy Guy Amén
So many have no idea that Rome and her trinity have nothing to do with THE Faith, once delivered to the saints -Jerusalem 33AD, initially, to exclusively, devout Jews.
When a Jewish scribe heard JESUS answering well he asked “What is the greatest commandment?” JESUS replied, first quoting The SHEMA, saying The first 🥇of all the commandments is -Hear O Israel, The LORD Our GOD, The LORD is ONE.(not one group, One GOD)
@@ONEFAITHofJESUS Isaiah 63:-8-10.
JESUS is the prophet like unto Moses.
“For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.” Acts 3:22
I had questions before I became Christian that has never answered that only judaism give me clue. Thanks rabbi.
I can honestly say one thing. I got a Torah from a friend who left to go to Montana in 2014. He pointed out what he wanted packed and put in the garage, the Torah he never pointed out. He mentioned anything left over to do as I please whether to throw it or keep it or donate it. I grabbed the Torah. That was August of 2014. It wasn't till April of 2020 that I decided to check it out and read my daily reading in there. I loved it so much that I didn't dare go back to anything else, which before that I read a pocket version of the ESV. I even got rid of 3 boxes of different types of bibles. One thing I love about the Torah is all the references on the bottom and man a lot of the time you have to cross reference so much and sometimes spend a whole day to read and understand all that input. There's nothing like it, because you get to learn a whole lot more about the kings and prophets, good or bad, and there's so much detail. I read mine every day, and on the sabbaths I also read the sabbath readings of numbers 28:9-15, and all of Isaiah 66, which in its self is a scarey read, but it's all true. Isaiah 5:23 is so true, more than ever in these days as it was way back in the time of Isaiah and even before that. In fact, it's one of my favorite readings. 2 years ago, I ordered the green pocket Torah. It's a lot lighter than the large one. I do have a lot of stainless steel and copper page savers on a lot of good things in the large Torah. At least 500- 600 of them. Even though I'm German, fin, swede, and Norwegian, there's a part of me that wonders if I have a little bit of jew or nazarene in my ancestry, because I grew a beard, which at its length is impossible for most to grow in more than a decade. Most maybe are lucky enough to grow 10-12" . Mine in just 9-1/2 years is 45" long. People young and old are amazed at that. I also let them know that I'm a man of God, no longer a Christian and a man of the Torah, which is the true readings of the old testament and the only covenant that I follow. The scrolls 📜 would be interesting 🤔. It would be awesome to learn Hebrew so that I could read the Hebrew side of the Torah 😊. I hope that if I were to find a woman to be with, that she would be a Jewish woman who follows and lives by the Torah also 😊.
The new testament was written by man whereas the Torah was written by G-d Himself with the help of Moshe Rabbenu. The new testament was written to keep human beings in servitude happily. The Torah was written to keep the Jews alive, well and free. And there are many more reasons that observant Jews receive blessings from the observance of the Mitzvoth of the Torah. The Christian serve Jesus we (the Jewish People) will always take G-d instead of Jesus.
@Ja Ja um God cannot be created by his own creation.
Only the mother can her son immanuel not emmanuel just like Isaiah said in 7:14 she will call him immanuel it doesn't he will be called immanuel.
Isaiah 7:15,16 does not fit in Jesus time or refers to God in any shape or form.
@Ja Ja if you read isaiah 7 1-13 it speaks of 2 kings coming to destroy Ahaz and the sign is a child will be name immanuel and when that child Kearns good from evil the 2 kings will be destroyed.
So instead of asking stoopid questions ask yourself did God let ahaz die or did ahaz live.
Also ask yourself when did God needed to learn good from bad.
@Ja Ja you believe Jesus is God looool so how can God needed to learn good from bad.
Isaish 7:14 she will call him immanuel
Where did Mary named him immanuel in the New testament loopol can you provide verse where MARY named him immanuel?
@Ruth you're ignorant, if God let ahaz die then Hezekiah would not be born you ignorant idol worshipper.
Hezekiah the greatest king that ever lived, your precious made up man/ god don't even come close to Hezekiah.
That's why he saved Ahaz.
Hypocrite saying rabbis worship idols looool it was in God's plan for Hezekiah to be born so he can knock down his father's/Ahaz idols down..
The Old and New Testaments on Open Diary channel
Thanks Rabbi I left Christianity listening to your lecture
❤I had already left but have learned more from this man in a few months than in Christianity for 30 years
@@susanlett9632 amen
When the lie is so big . The ones in the dark think it’s the light
Absolutely right
I don't think it's so shver for Matthew to have written about himself in third person. Most of Tanach is that way. Not defending chritianity chas veshalom just asking mitoch pashut sechel hayashar
Jewish tradition credited Moses as the author of Genesis and the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and most of Deuteronomy. However, modern scholars, especially from the 19th century onward, place the books' authorship in the 6th and 5th centuries BC, hundreds of years after Moses is supposed to have lived. Based on the scientific interpretation of archaeological, genetic, and linguistic evidence, most scholars consider Genesis primarily mythological rather than historical. Yet, I don't hear Rabbi Singer subjecting the Tanakh to the same scrutiny to which he subjects the books of the New Testament.
He doesn't put the Cristian Bible under secular scholarship scrutiny, he is giving it a serious reading as if it was legitimate text to see if the claims itself are true, and what we are supposed to learn from the text. He has learned that skill from being taught how to read the Torah from when he was small and treat every single passage with respect, and go back to see other similar passages to see what they mean. This is the kind of scholarship jewish boys are trained in that non of those secular colleges teach is to do, the universities never even consider the possibility of the Bible or the Torah being the word of God. In there view if you put God into science or religion, scholarship ends. They have no idea how much wisdom and deapth is learned from the true study of the Torah
A contemporaneous parallel that might demonstrate Rabbi Singer's point is this:
Even if you ignore all historical documents and photos (which clearly show it's true), the biggest reason why we know that the Armenian genocide occurred is because the entire Armenian people around the world believes it, as knowledge of it was passed on through the generations of Armenian families. You can't convince an entire nation of such things. Propaganda doesn't work that way. You can twist huge historical events to make it seem like the oppressors were the oppressed, but you can't just make up events as huge as the Torah and the Armenian genocide and then convince an entire nation of them. Both happened, we know so for the same reason. And with the Armenian genocide, we have countless additional evidence. Never forget it, and keep the victims alive in memory! And as for the Torah, the world will see it's true when Mashiach comes, but many will see it's true before that.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Rabbi Singer, for bringing me to HaShem! I already started my way out of "Christ"ianity when I was told about your videos, but you've helped me so much among my journey! May HaShem bless you many times over for all your work!
Thank you for this! My family are die-hard southern baptist christians, and I always asked them, "If Christianity is so true, then why do they try so hard to explain the Old Testament in relation to Christ?"🤣🤣
The answer is so deep... The question, in its core, is about the lack of Christian identity. The questioner is (obviously) realising that Christianity is based on lies and fairy tales. And that means that his own faith has become obsolete. The questioner then 'reasons' that if his own faith is false, then the origin of his faith must be false as well. The _roav_ ('rabbi') tackles this question perfectly by not going into details and not going with his 'reasoning', but by _proving_ that Judaism is alive and kicking. In the past, in the present and in the future. Omén to this most excellent answer.
I actually think most Christians are more Jewish than they realize, because no one really wants to think about a man dripping blood from a cross.
We like the nativity story, & the Holy Spirit, but that's ALL God, right? God is ALL.
Great thanks very much rabbi tovia singer giving the world today the truth about the almighty God of Israel and the people who witnessed the event first hand experience with the only true God of Israel and his chosen people forever and how his chosen people are to be a light to the world may the real Messiah son of man come quickly in are time for the chosen people need him and the world more than ever well rabbi tovia singer for telling us the truth about the almighty God of Israel and his plans for the world today may he continue to bless you and your family and his chosen people 👍👍
@@chiricahuaapache5132 there is no such thing as a second coming.
@@chiricahuaapache5132 maybe if you read Torah instead of cherry pick and mangle real scripture you will realize that when g-d gave Moses Torah g-d spoke and Moses recorded everything g-d said. Moses had no part in creating it he just recorded it. It’s not that hard if you read it.
@@chiricahuaapache5132 he wrote wrote on tablets that did not look like the ones in all the pictures. The ones he broke which g-d did himself were saphire. He than had to write it himself. And 100 back than is not like 100 now. Moses had such a great soul that you think these things would apply to him. It’s funny because you believe in Jesus which is never mentioned in tanach and yet you curse the Jews who literally brought Torah down from heaven. Id say your really confused.
@@chiricahuaapache5132 I believe you do.
What a talk. Thank you Rabbi. I, like many, benefit greatly from your thorough explanations.
“I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God… I will strengthen you…I order that they know from the shining of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me; I am the Lord and there is no other!”
@@termination9353 here a verse from the new covenant, directly oppose Christianity
כִּ֛י אִם־אִ֥ישׁ בַּעֲוֺנ֖וֹ יָמ֑וּת כׇּל־הָֽאָדָ֛ם הָאֹכֵ֥ל הַבֹּ֖סֶר תִּקְהֶ֥ינָה שִׁנָּֽיו׃ {ס}
But every one shall die for his own sins: whosoever eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be blunted.
@@termination9353 Deuteronomy 5:15/16 (or 14/15 in a Jewish Bible) the remembrance of being a slave In Egypt is part of the why there is a Sabbath. It's in the text!!!
וְזָכַרְתָּ֗֞ כִּ֣י־עֶ֤֥בֶד הָיִ֣֙יתָ֙ ׀ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔֗יִם וַיֹּצִ֨אֲךָ֜֩ יְהֹוָ֤֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֤֙יךָ֙ מִשָּׁ֔ם֙ בְּיָ֥֤ד חֲזָקָ֖ה֙ וּבִזְרֹ֣עַ נְטוּיָ֑֔ה עַל־כֵּ֗ן צִוְּךָ֙ יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ לַעֲשׂ֖וֹת אֶת־י֥וֹם הַשַּׁבָּֽת׃ {ס}
Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and your God יהוה freed you from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore your God יהוה has commanded you to observe the sabbath day.
@@JaJa-bf6qk 1.
Isaiah’s wife not pregnant:
לָ֠כֵ֠ן יִתֵּ֨ן אֲדֹנָ֥י ה֛וּא לָכֶ֖ם א֑וֹת הִנֵּ֣ה הָעַלְמָ֗ה הָרָה֙ וְיֹלֶ֣דֶת בֵּ֔ן וְקָרָ֥את שְׁמ֖וֹ עִמָּ֥נוּ אֵֽל׃
Assuredly, my Lord will give you a sign of His own accord! Look, the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son. Let her name him Immanuel.
Is with child, and about to give birth
Scripture is not necessarily chronological. are you not aware of this? scripture is not like a history book, that is chronological.
2. Just because the prophet didn’t speak in a way you expected it to be, doesn’t mean your assumption is true. Your trying to convey that your way of speaking is the same as the prophet wrote the word of G-d down, thousands of years later in a other language.
3. The name of Hezekiah, literally means: "mighty G-d" . Jewish names have often direct meaning in their the names. For instance:
Jehoiada - Knowledge of G-d, Elisha - G-d is Salvation, Jesse - the L-rd is, Netanyahu - G-d gives.
4. Immanuel. He is mentioned here because he is to serve as a sign that Jerusalem will be delivered out of the hand of Pekah, Rezin and Sennacherib, even after the conquest of Damascus and Samaria.
@@JaJa-bf6qk Daniel ask for an explanation, and he gets it in the following verses. Here in verse 18 it’s explained that the holy ‘ones’ - its referred to a multiple people, not to one person or a individual, but to a group
Daniel 7:18
then holy ones of the Most High will receive the kingdom, and will possess the kingdom forever-forever and ever.’
Again in verse 22 there is a reference to a group of op people not to an individual, so why does Christianity hold the view that verse 13 speaks about the Messiah, As Daniel himself says at that moment it was not clear to him? Why does Christianity neglect verse 22 of Daniel 7?
Daniel 7:22
until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was rendered in favor of the holy ones of the Most High, for the time had come, and the holy ones took possession of the kingdom.)
Same is true with verse 27 of Daniel. There is reference to a group, not to an individual.
Daniel 7:27
The kingship and dominion and grandeur belonging to all the kingdoms under Heaven will be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High. Their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.’”
So who is called a holy nation? Is there a reference to a holy nation? In Exodus we find the following
Exodus 19:6
but you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel.”
So Daniel says in chapter 7 that 4 kingdoms (Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans) will rule over Israel, but in the end of days, Israel will rule over them.
@@JaJa-bf6qk What does the term mean ‘Clouds of heaven’? (Daniel 7:13)
In Ezekiel 37 we find a description of the Messiah, and how this time will look like. This is described in Ezekiel37:20-25. In chapter 38 & 39 of Ezekiel there is a description of Gog and Magog. This is about the people who trust in the physical (roof), a to those who trust in the spiritual (clouds). When we look to the Torah, we finds also hints to this. For example Exodus 13:21 and Numbers 10:34. Where the Israel people trusted in the clouds of heaven. A great example is the festival of Sukkot, where you will sit outside in the Sukkot. So here in Daniel 7, there is a reference to this idea, also to the end of chapter 7 that those who oppose the holy ones will be completely destroyed. Which is inline with the teaching of Gog and Magog of Ezekiel.
What happens is that many Christians, are not trained with the Jewish scriptures, and will not grasp what they read. Judaism did not changed their tradition over time, it has a long existing tradition that goes back to Moses. Christianity came afterwards, and changed the meaning of Jewish scripture, to make a fit for Jesus, although there is no place for him in scripture.
Exodus 13:21
וַֽיהוָ֡ה הֹלֵךְ֩ לִפְנֵיהֶ֨ם יוֹמָ֜ם בְּעַמּ֤וּד עָנָן֙ לַנְחֹתָ֣ם הַדֶּ֔רֶךְ וְלַ֛יְלָה בְּעַמּ֥וּד אֵ֖שׁ לְהָאִ֣יר לָהֶ֑ם לָלֶ֖כֶת יוֹמָ֥ם וָלָֽיְלָה׃
The LORD went before them in a pillar of cloud by day, to guide them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light, that they might travel day and night.
Numbers 10:34
וַעֲנַ֧ן יְהוָ֛ה עֲלֵיהֶ֖ם יוֹמָ֑ם בְּנָסְעָ֖ם מִן־הַֽמַּחֲנֶֽה׃ (׆) (ס)
and the LORD’s cloud kept above them by day, as they moved on from camp.
Daniel 7:23
כֵּן֮ אֲמַר֒ חֵֽיוְתָא֙ רְבִיעָ֣יְתָ֔א מַלְכ֤וּ רביעיא [רְבִיעָאָה֙] תֶּהֱוֵ֣א בְאַרְעָ֔א דִּ֥י תִשְׁנֵ֖א מִן־כָּל־מַלְכְוָתָ֑א וְתֵאכֻל֙ כָּל־אַרְעָ֔א וּתְדוּשִׁנַּ֖הּ וְתַדְּקִנַּֽהּ׃
This is what he said: ‘The fourth beast [means]-there will be a fourth kingdom upon the earth which will be different from all the kingdoms; it will devour the whole earth, tread it down, and crush it.
Rabbi Tovia Singer, please🙏🙏
🛑My question is : Does Isaiah 14 : 12 - 14 have something to do with Matthew 2 : 1 - 12?
Thank you Rabbi, Shalom 🙏🙏
Thank you Rabbi! I truly enjoy hearing the truth told in so much depth. You are such a great teacher.
the blind followers of the blind.
@@bobdobbs943 so quit following the blind and start listening to Singer. His eyes are wide open.
May Hashem remove the scales from your idolatrous pagan eyes!!!!
@@JaJa-bf6qk no it doesn't. it means you can't read.
@@JaJa-bf6qk it's the ONLY coming of Moshiach.
@@Jebusisblatantidolatry . Not believing in your Messiah is so old fashioned.
שלום רב,
You finally made me depressed. While my kids were young, I was at the very most, a secular Jew. My kids had a worse religious upbringing than my pitiful religious upbringing. I even flirted with Christianity for a short time. Finally rejecting it as being preposterous. Today, Im a Deist, believing in a Creator of the Multiverse who set up the rules of physics and quantum physics, but who doesn’t care what I eat or whom or how I love. As a result my younger daughter married outside our faith and my grandkids, though Jewish by our traditions (because their mother is) probably go to their father’s Church. So you depressed me saying my progeny are lost to our tribe. And you are probably right. I don’t know if my parents could have done more to educate me. My father, a physician, was pretty much an atheist and taught me only the “Golden Rule” personally and sent me to a Reformed Jewish Sunday school for my pitiful religious education.
Thank you for sharing. Ask Hashem for wisdom. He is listening to you. In time, your grandchildren will look to you. We are living in a special time now.
If Sorcerer's Stone is not true than how is Deathly Hallows?
Cute analogy...clever...!
Rabbai tovi thats so Awesome explained
From the ends of the earth
Papua new guinea
I think that was one of the best questions asked of the rabbi and one of the best answers by the rabbi I have watched to date!
You think so well he used Isaiah 2:4 yet failed to bring in at the point I stopped but Joel 3 say what
Isaiah 2:4
King James Version
4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
Joel 3:9-11
King James Version
9 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:
10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord.
What about Daniel prophecy the time of the gentiles as reflected in Luke? Revelation 11:2?
He spoke about christ mother using John but why ? Woman here is your son and to John here is your mother.. why who is the mother of God? Pagan and who used her in their sura maryam and whose dog want to question christ about his him and his mother as gods not to mention the great insult. Who adopt a dead man son in Hebrew law not the brother like if the brother dies and leave no heir what was the duty of the brother? And who was to be the child's father not the dead brother?
Isaiah 2:6
King James Version
6 Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.
Yod originated from a hieroglyphic “hand
is the “vav” with the sound of V. The word picture of the “vav” is a nail,
Psalm 22:16
King James Version
16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.
John 20:25-27
King James Version
25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.
26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Isaiah 2:4
King James Version
4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
Joel 3:9-11
King James Version
9 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:
10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord.
@@termination9353 Proverbs 30:4
King James Version
4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
I just renounce christianity and grafted back to the Original Olive tree.
Thank you so much!! This is a wonderful teaching. Baruch HaShem!!
Sadly it is tragic and beautiful history as long as we do Teshuva
Such clear explanation thanks Rabbi Tovia. Thank you for all the time.
There has been in the last 20 years of ancient biblical discovery’s. Ron whiet found both the arks, egypts army in the sea with hosres and chariots. Mount siani in saudi arabia with ancient hebrew alters and fragments of life. Mass graves in egypt and one ancient tablet in egypt speaking of the hebrews and their god. There is plenty of historical proof of the old testement. Nothing for the new
Baruk Hashem! This is so sublime. Glad to have seen the light and doing something about it :-).
Hashem! Is my name and it's an Arabic male name. Means smash, crush, Devil, and evil fighter.
I think the rabbi missed the point of the question
How can you be a Jew when there is less historical evidence for the people and events in the Hebrew Bible while there is more in the Christian new testament .
If your a fan of evidence you should not choose Judaism over Christianty
He addressed and answered the question.
The reason for rejecting the christian bible is not because of the lack of historical evidence, but because of the internal contradictions and and the contradictions with the Jewish Bible.
Judaism doesn't believe in Tanach because of the historical evidence, but because it is intrinsically consistent and because there are solid logical arguments to buttress belief in it.
The logic includes the fact that a story of national revelation is extremely hard to invent if it didn't happen (as he explains), and also the fact that the text encourages constant review and fact-checking of the revelation story, etc.
@@binyominfishman5115 is it intrinsically consistent ? Or is that just the rabbis bias about it
@@ramadadiver59 Rabbi Singer himself presented some of the logical arguments. Listen to it yourself and see if it seems intrinsically consistent to you...
@@binyominfishman5115 Bible scholars who are critical of the Hebrew scriptures claim genesis 1 and 2 ate two different creation accounts that contradict eachother
@@ramadadiver59 Most Bible scholars make a major fallacy.
They start with the assumption that the (Jewish) Bible was of human origin.
Based on that assumption, they then conclude that it's more likely to have been written by multiple authors instead of one author.
The major problem with this argument is that nobody claims the Bible was written by one man.
The claim is that it was composed by G-d Himself, and written in a way to teach lessons on many levels (which is why, for example, different names of G-d are used in different contexts).
Thus the proper way to evaluate the legitimacy of the Jewish Bible is not to determine how many authors there are.
It rather is to evaluate the arguments put forth to support the notion that G-d wrote the Torah.
If the arguments are internally consistent, and logically satisfying, then a person can feel comfortable ignoring the biblical scholars who ignore those arguments.
Rabbi Singer presented some of the arguments in a brief form.
There are other scholars who devote more time to explaining these logical basis for belief in the Divine source of the Bible.
I would recommend looking up Rabbi Lawrence Keleman and Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottlieb, who have both written seminal works on the topic.
Hello Rabbi Singer I am not apart of any religion currently..yet I have been wanting to become an observant Jew... I have your books but not the audio, the Chumash, art scroll tanach, I know I can start ad a noahide and remain that way but eventually I hope I can be apart of the nation of Israel...I just wish you were my Rabbi so I can learn your views and how to do everything properly
Step by step my brother 💜💜💜💜💜
It's great to know you are finding truth in Torah
Congratulations my brother
He does a live class every week. You can follow along and even call in with questions
@Galaxy Guy tell me how did God Abraham a father to many nations?? Doesn't Jesus agree with God or not??
@Galaxy Guy Verse 9: read i very slowly. Read it several times.
Isaiah 43:10, 13: “‘You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior…. Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act,
who can reverse it?’“
Rabbi references the Old Testament as if it reflects true history. He just assumes it's true. Where's the evidence?
"What really did happen? What really did occur?" These kinds of questions have driven much of my own journey to come to terms with both the Jewish and Christian understanding of the Bible.
Great video. 👍
We thirst,and your teaching is a cool cup of water,from Gods word 🌊
Yes, but go seek the water that is ONLY FROM JESUS, not others.
Torah is a holiest book period. I read it and I believe it was written by G_d I am starting to use it as a guide for my life shalom rabbi and thanks.
I'm just In here. Yesterday I viewed mike winger on this topic. He claims anceint biography did not mention the person writing it?
You have to be impressed when a Rabbi can quote any verse of the Bible from memory.
like a parrot. yes, very impressive.
@Lestat ??? Get a life.
@@mecachislamar can you with out copy and paste?
@@mecachislamar you are though.
Answer the question
One thing i Like about the Tovia and he’s faith from judaism… is clearly adressing some events and story to give a new perspective… it is our nature to Ask and question everything the fundamentally truth matter and Many claims can’t be many truth which comes to the issues of salvation greymatter… which is that judaism is uniqe and complex religion… 🤓🤔 🙌🏻💭
Psalms 147:20
“He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.”
Psalms 147:20 Context
17He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold? 18He sendeth out his word, and melteth them: he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow. 19He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. 20He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.
Joshua 24:15
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15 Context
12And I sent the hornet before you, which drave them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; but not with thy sword, nor with thy bow. 13And I have given you a land for which ye did not labour, and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell in them; of the vineyards and oliveyards which ye planted not do ye eat. 14Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. 15And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 16And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to serve other gods; 17For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed: 18And the LORD drave out from before us all the people, even the Amorites which dwelt in the land: therefore will we also serve the LORD; for he is our God.
I appreciate the caller being in a quiet place and speaking very clearly into his microphone the audio quality was great compared to most call in questions.
In regard to Rabbis statement about Matthew 9:9 stating “he saw a man named Matthew.” Instead of: he saw [me.] Will Christians just take the easy road of responding to this by saying “well sometimes books are often written in the 3rd person to emphasize a story line?)
Take Daniel for example as the author of the book of Daniel. Daniel 1:6 states “Among those who were chosen were some from Judah: Daniel,Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.” Why doesn’t it state: [me,] Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah? Thanks for all you do Rabbi. Aloha.
Wow. This was amazing. Thank you, Rabbi.
Why write a book that makes us look bad and disobedient. We are not perfect and we rebel but our hashem will take us back . Hashem is the hero and we are the servant not villain.
It is clear and explicit in the Torah that it is God's commandment, remaining forever without change, addition, or diminishment, as Deuteronomy 13:1 states: "All these matters which I command to you, you shall be careful to perform. You may not add to it or diminish from it," and Deuteronomy 29:28 states: "What is revealed is for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah." This teaches that we are commanded to fulfill all the Torah's directives forever: 613 for Jews and the 7 Noahide commandments for Gentiles.
Including killing a whole people, also known as genocide, because a voice in your head told you to do so.
@@kalishakta The testimony of three million people who heard the voice of God with their own ears has more weight and authority than your subjective opinion.
they added. they diminished from it. they killed the prophets covenant with Israel broken long ago
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Psalm 95:11.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Who cares if 3 million people obeyed a voice in their heads to commit genocide. It is still nothing to be proud of.
תודה לך הרב טוביה. על הסרטון הזה. תודה.
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings.
You aren't believing something you saw. You're believing what you were told that someone else saw. In any case, when you see.. it isn't belief, it's knowledge
@@tbishop4961 Such a unique testimony to a group of millions of people is impossible to refute, because each overlapping generation serves as the witness to the next generation.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 🤣 you do realize the Jesus freaks can make the same claim, right?
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Nevermind the fact that millions of people in one spot at one time leave a footprint. I live in Oklahoma where we NEVER had millions of people at once, yet I'm able to find loads of artifacts wherever I go from the people who were here
The millions at Sinai story is a fabrication. Full stop
@@tbishop4961 God is not a man, so their claims are theologically irrelevant. Keep the 7 Noahide commandments and stop trolling this page.
At 28:04 the Egyptians never mentioned the flood !!!!
The Tel Dan inscription mentions the king defeating an Israelite king from the house of David and many people thought king David was a myth and yet the Tel Dan is an outside source.
@@ronashman8463 cant say. But i do know Tel Dan is a forgery.
We cant prove anyone in the past existed. We can only prove we exist and our families in the past existed to make us
@@termination9353 genesis 49:8-10
@@HistoryandReviews I guess it’s fake because you or your pastor or jeZues didn’t find it or write it.
@@HistoryandReviews I guess it’s fake because you or your pastor or jeZues didn’t find it or write it.
Truth respect for Jews i am muslim i respect Jews and their beliefs don't convert to Christianity or anyother relegion as Jews are traditionally attach to Judism.☪️🤝✡️.Stay blessed monothestic people Edit:I don't care about some angry christians in the comments you can burn yourself
There actually are records kept in Egypt of Jacob and Joseph being in Egypt even in Goshen.
Mesiah described here look like Prophet Muhammad when conquered Makkah, peacefully entered Makkah after victory
God bless you Rabbi , you are very knowledgeable and wise scholar, I'm a Muslim person and FYI the concept of everything you said is also in Islam
No surprise there. Islam and Judaism attacking true Christianity.
Islam teaches that Jesus is the Messiah. Try again
@@mshafer1021 yes
islam also says that the torah, the bible, the Tanakh are all corupt
@@mshafer1021 The pharisees of Islam (the agitators of many God loving muslims to see Christianity as the enemy) are also teaching that the concept of 'the Son' is shirk and is the gravest of 'sins' and penalty if death. The concept the Son is understood in esoteric Christianity. Mostly not in Islamic tradition. To claim that God can do everything, but not create a divintiy in its image and in its likeness and be a messenger or representative to the peoples is strange to me. If this realm is a shadow or copy from the Devine than it's not strange to understand that in this material realm when male and female come together they can create an offspring of their own. This can also said in the spiritual realm but in a different way.
I have also muslim friends and have no problem with one another. Our differences of thought can not change the fact the we believe in a creator.
Why do you question that American's pulled down Bidg 7 of the World Trade Towers? At about 27:00 in this video?
i really liked the books of Moses it is a great joy to read. our bible has 66 books. and every time you read it you learn something new something you didn't see before. God is amazing.
Many Jews worship their favorite Rebbe rather than Jesus?
no is heresy to worship a rebbe as divine
The Moshiach of the Bible is a mortal man, a direct son/seed/shoot of King David, through his son Solomon, son after son, from the Tribe of Judah, of the House of David, who Isaiah tells comes at the End of Days and brings All of Mankind to the Rightful Worship of the Creator and Him Alone, the Restoration and Redemption of Israel/the Jews and World Peace where the Wolves abide with the Lambs, where the Implements of War are turned into Implements of Agriculture, but all your Jesus brought to Mankind is More PAGAN IDOLATRY of himself, a trio of Man Made deities, his mother, other dead people, Statues of Wood and Stone, Angels, a dirty painted sheet, crackers and wooden sticks. To Israel/the Jews Jesus brought only 1700+ years of PERSECUTION, OPPRESSION AND DEATH as History testifies that Christianity became the Jews longest enduring and most DEADLIEST OF ALL THEIR OPPRESSORS, to a T it alone fits the description of the morphing Last Beast and as Jesus said, he did NOT COME TO BRING PEACE BUT DIVISION, to set family one against the other, the very reason why Gd send Elijah, to come and UNDO ALL THE DIVISION FOSTERED BY FALSE TEACHERS, lest HE smite the Earth with Utter Destruction. As this Hedonistic, Pagan Filled World of DIVISION, CHAOS AND MAYHEM TESTIFY that Neither Elijah Nor Moshiach have yet come, so far only Fakes have shown up. Your Jesus was the Ultimate Antimoshiach and his cult of Christianity is the Last Beast.
@@locovaldezakarichardmccart843: We are told in the Hebrew scriptures given to us at Mt. Sinai (the ONLY scriptures ever given to mankind by God) to worship NOBODY but God, who told us that HE is our ONLY Savior. The "Jesus" character has NOTHING to do with God, and the ONLY book his name appears in - the NT - is NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God. PLEASE do some honest research on this subject, and learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis are our spiritual teachers, since they have been studying the original Hebrew scriptures, all the way back to Mt. Sinai - something Christianity REFUSED to so, which resulted in the false, pagan, blasphemous religion of "Christianity, that preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai PLEASE buy yourself a Hebrew Bible (says "TANACH" on the cover) so you can see for yourself what God actually said to us. .
@@locovaldezakarichardmccart843 do you know any Jews? Doubtful. The worship isn’t rebbe worship. Not like that of the xtians who believe a man can be g-d than that g-d can die. That is all from Greco Roman paganism.
But where did authors get these names like Mathew mark Luke
Later writings were copies of copies
Not historical carecters like Mathew
Moses jeremia etc
Any books now are written not by historical carecters
Baruch HaShem Elochim Tze'vaot!!!!! He speaks loud and clear. Ask HIM, ask HIM and HE will answer you. Dare all of you who don't believe that the CREATOR, ALMIGHTY GOD, WHO gives you the breath of life every second, doesn't exist but only in your demigod jesus. Dare to ask HIM today!!! Jesus was a man and he is dead and not coming back!!
jesus a rabbi. prophet of god
@@etzelkaplan9677: Uhhh, NO, he's NOT! NOWHERE did God ever mention the name "Jesus" to us - NOWHERE! .
@@jessedylan6162 yes he was a prophet no matter what Paul. the church clergy vote at nicea 325ad [trinity] or Constantine says
Always wondered why Jesus didn't ✍️ write anything himself? But apostles did?
Gospels are written by unknown authors.
Xtians know better than yu...
Nd exodus is true even it's not happened.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Christians do not even know that Jesus is only a false prophet. They do not even understand the first commandment. They know nothing
@@termination9353 What utter horse shit those competing narratives all called Jesus god they disagreed on to what extent but they all called Jesus god the gnostic text pot date Christian texts as well and the Gnostic viewpoints had texts not found in modern-day bibles the orthodox view has always been the majority view Jesus is God our father on high that was a view always accepted.
Injils are words of jesus. Like gospel of thomas .Q source is injil.
Who and when did the the books were attributed to the apostles?
It's really hypocritical that you don't apply the same skepticism to the Old Testament as you do the New.
My own deconstruction started when, after teaching a class on Genesis, I came to realize that the OT was mostly, if not entirely, fictional. It is often ridiculously, laughably fictional -- the creation story, 900-year-old men, giants, Noah'a ask, Jonah, etc.
But your only defense of the OT is, "We were there. We heard God talking to us!" Um, no, you weren't. No, you didn't. You're accepting it on faith, just as Christians accept the NT on faith.
So just say so. Don't be a hypocrite.
Perhaps you're missing the reason that videos like this are made in the first place. Unlike Christians, Jews do not seek converts or proclaim that one needs to be a Jew to be right with God. No one is being asked (much less forced) to believe in the religious mythology of the Jewish people. If it provides meaning, structure, identity, purpose, etc. to a small, ancient, exiled and persecuted group of people who don't care if you believe it or not, that is a different issue than countering the claims of Christians (and Muslims) who proclaim a universal religion with grave consequences (in this life or the next) for rejecting their message.
there is no such thing as an old testament and Christians believe in the tanach so cannot say they are right and tanach wrong. that is what you get for misappropriating and desecrating our torah
Three million Jews personally heard the voice of God at Sinai with their own ears.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Sure they did, as told to us in a story written 600 years later. And way before that, a 600-year-old man finished building a giant boat to hold specimens of every animal on Earth (plus all their food and fresh water to last an indefinite period) because God was going to flood the Earth because it had been ruined by a race of human-angel hybrid giants.
@@double-naughtspy8204 The Jewish people have an unbroken historical tradition to the very time of Sinai. Keep the 7 Noahide commandments and stop trolling this page.
that why the holy book must be based on the original language text, which serves as manual to translation into other languages .