Joven here. The best use case for me is when I need to have a provision for a wall finish for an Interior Designer. I or they don't have to model separate walls; I can just create the architectural wall with the required thickness and then split it using this method. If, for any reason, I need to delete a wall that has important parameters, I'll just create a separate script to copy those parameter values and paste them into the newly created wall.
Where do you get my template from? Is it possible that it's just folded in pyCharm? The imports can be folded so they are not distracting, but they are still there. Check the line count if you can see something like 6 7 17 18 ...
Joven here. The best use case for me is when I need to have a provision for a wall finish for an Interior Designer. I or they don't have to model separate walls; I can just create the architectural wall with the required thickness and then split it using this method. If, for any reason, I need to delete a wall that has important parameters, I'll just create a separate script to copy those parameter values and paste them into the newly created wall.
Hi, I installed EF tools, but cant find this specific tool.
If I open your PyRevit template it looks like it doenst read the from autodesk.Revit.DB import * and the impor clr.
how is this possible?
Where do you get my template from?
Is it possible that it's just folded in pyCharm? The imports can be folded so they are not distracting, but they are still there. Check the line count if you can see something like
@@ErikFrits Opened it from the EF-pyRevti StartersKit, it was indeed folded in pyCharm.