Taika's such a happy baby. He woke up like a G, smiling and everything like gahhhh. BOY!!! Stop making me smile and shit, making me get that baby fever bc I am NOT ready.
Hey Bart, the bloody nose thing is commom in humid or dry areas. If your using AC alot in the Hotel? Cut down. Hawaii we used to get them alot comming from a highly cool air conditioned apartment to hot, dry outside.
@@elsapomasguapo To be honest, the trick is to find that balance. If your using the AC 8hrs straight. Use it for 6 instead. Find that set time. Another thing you can do is instead of constent AC, try 2 hrs on and an hr off. The biggest thing is the rappid change in temperature. I had a ohana member who would almost passout goong from the cold AC to the 80+ temp outside.. Here is anothet trick we used In Hawai'i that is a local trick. When looking for apartments. We always tried to find apartments facing the mountain side or ones facing the trade winds. The purpose was the trade winds saved alot of money on electricity. from running AC alot. Also the trades kept things cool. A different type of cool. You may also try just using the AC to get the temp bearable in a hot day. Then turning it off and shuting the curtains and using fans to maintain it or got swimming. Anyway there is some suggestions. I know how it feels. I used to get those bad nosebleeds also. But only in my hanabuttah years. Goodluck and Aloha
13:44 I legit got choked up 😢...Casey looks so natural....and happy....you can tell how much he wants a baby 😞...he was holding him the _whole_ time, so cunie! 😭💚💙💚💙
He's already a _daddy_ to Issac but I get whatchu mean 😉...my heart exploded...but as much as I want a baby for him...I know Tiff isn't ready...even though she did say (during New Year's in China) she was ready to try for this year....but she seems fickled....understandably so because it's a lot to care for a _new_ baby...especially having an eleven yo and having to "start all over" is daunting....she's like "been there, done that" and just wants to travel because she didn't get to enjoy her youth while giving all her attention/energy to Issac....but one day though. 💛
14:10 Bart, you need to get his blood vessels in your nose to be cauterize since this is occuring _too_ often. You don't want blood clots to (possibly) travel to your lungs. Also, your nose is likely _very_ dry, so keep a nasal spray on you to moisturize your nose when needed and stop rubbing your nose hard--even when it's itchy....either way..... GO TO THE DOCTOR. 😩
I had the same issue as well. The blood wont stop so I had to go to ER. They had to cauterized the blood vessels in my nose and I barely get nose bleed now.
I get nosebleeds like that too. The doctor told me to put Vaseline in the nostril to add moisture and to avoid them and to drink a lot of water. He probably bleeds because of the temperature change and not hydrating enough.
I think it’s instinct to lift the head when you get a nose bleed, but I found that to be useless. Instead of dripping out, it drips into your throat and I remember a nurse telling me not to do that. Instead lean forward, pinch the nose, and let it flow out into paper towels. I also found out from personal experience is that it usually stops bleeding when I blow out the blood clot that’s causing the bleeding. Ik they’re in public with no immediate access to paper towels unfortunately, so letting it flow wasn’t really an option ://
I was just looking for this comment!! I kept cringing at him leaning his head back cause I can just feel the blood going down my throat and I hated it. Weird, but, seeing him just made me want to have a bloody nose just so I can let it bleed out.
I use to hate it trickling to the back of throat because then it would dry and then I’d choke, it’s fucking disgusting, people should hang their head down for the blood to flow out
I used to get so many bloody noses as a kid, that one time when I went to the doctors he recommended this thing where he had to stick a huge needle up my nose. Safe to say I just chose this other medicine thing, but most of my bloody noses were due to heat 😂
@@noblesseux agree, if he gets bloody noses often then (at least for me) it is concerning. I had a bloody nose in middle school and the nurse told me if I got another more than one a week then I would need a doctor to check that there wasn't something wrong internally. Luckily I didn't and I only got them because the air was too dry.
As an ENT doctor it doesn't look THAT concerning to me honestly. Many people get bloody noses sometimes daily. When you get one bloody nose, it creates these scars in the veins of your nose, which can break SUPER easily. Especially if you walk alot, its hot, your excerting too much energy, you sneeze, you blow your nose too hard, etc... it's super common to get frequent bloody noses. This is not too concerning, i would just like to see him get his nasal cavity cauterized, so it can stop future bloody noses.
Im pretty much the same as bart, i get nose bleeds daily since i was kid. Been cauterized twice, but still have them. They come out like a faucet, more annoying than medically dangerous, just always gotta carry napkins everywhere.
Geo is such a great mom. She's ready to take on most of the responsibilities with taking care of him, and I'm not saying bart doesn't do anything to help. Cause he offers but she's like me with my daughters I'd rather do it with all the love and patience. Now don't get me wrong you have your good days were you feel blessed to experience being a parent but you do have your bad days were you want to go into a corner and cry because your soooooo frustrated. You all are doing an Amazing job and I'm glad you all want to experience these things with him!!! Love you all❤❤❤
@Chung Yau Ong i do also nosebleed randomly. It usually with the weather. Whenever I'm in japan it usually happen when too hot or too cold and I'm just too tired.
Hi! New to the vlogs. I really love how you seem so calm, and you focus on the camera as you speak to us, and you move slow when showing us around. Awesome vlog!! Showing my sister soon 💛
Geo whistling to wake Taika up reminded me of my childhood my mom used to always do that to me when I was little idk if it’s a Mexican thing but it’s so cute to see ❤️
If you have a nose bleed I was told pinch the bridge (the hard part of the nose closest to the eyes) and lean forward. Also if Bart gets nose bleeds often then I feel he may need to get that checked. I was told if I got more than two nosebleeds a week where its really coming out then it should be checked out. I hoping it's just a humidity thing and nothing serious. Damn the size of the piece of fish/seafood they give you makes the US sushi seem so little.
OMG that's the EXACT part of Kyoto that I visited as well!! I walked down the exact same street! and it was in 2019 as well. However, I went there in July :/
Some recommendations from someone who works in an ENT office. Usually nosebleeds are from allergies or dry nose. On the vlog they mentioned that it is dry where they are at hence the humidifier. That is one thing to do. Bart definitely needs to start to moisturize his nose. Daily use of nasal saline and bacitracin ointment twice a day may help. For heavy nosebleed like Bart's that is hard to stop, you can use Afrin nasal spray. It's a vasoconstrictor. You can spray it in your nose and pinch it afterwards or soak cotton in afrin and pack your nose. Although you want to be careful not to use afrin all the time and make sure you also are careful if you have high blood pressure.
I dont wanna scare Bart or anyone but frequent nosebleeds can be a sign of nasal blood vessel disorder or nasal tumor both cancerous and non cancerous. Obviously it can also be from constant nose picking, dryness or blowing your nose too hard and/or often. (I'm pre med and major in human bio)
Fuuuuuuuuck, this vlog is making me miss Japan even more! But also giving me more of a push to get my bachelor's and do what I need to do to get back👌 Y'all are living your best life and I'm here for it
Bart you should definitely get checked out because you’ve been getting nose bleeds frequently for a while now. Even if it’s nothing serious, it’s better safe than sorry. I was the same when I was younger and luckily my parents got me checked, it was only due to heat and allergies but it’s fine since I take allergy pills. Hope y’all have a great trip in Japan!
Can dry air cause nosebleeds? Because in the beginning of the vlog Bart mentioned that they needed the humidifier in their room because Japan has "really dry air".
C F yes, dry air can be the cause for bloody noses as well due to lack of moisture. However, he’s been getting bloody noses for a while now so I doubt it’s due because of the dryness in Japan
You are supposed to pinch the middle of your nose (cartilage) to help slow the bleeding and maybe even stop it. I work with kids and they get bloody noses from time to time. Looks like a fun trip! Hope no more bloody noses!
Tip for nosebleeds: do not tilt your head back, it can cause the blood to go to the throat. Instead tilt your head forward. Also with the amounts of nosebleeds Bart be having, he needs to get that checked out
One way to stop a nose bleed is to pinch the bridge of your nose (the thinnest part between the eyes). This is constricting the blood vessels to help slow/stop the flow of blood. Another way would be to use a nasal spray if you have one on you this does a similar job of constricting the blood vessels. Never tilt your head back because you’ll get a rush of blood down your throat! P.S: if you have frequent nose bleeds it’s most likely due to having dry nose so a humidifier at your house may help. If that’s not the case you should see a doctor. Just something I learned in medical school, hope it helps!
Bart for ur bloody nose u can go to the eye nose foot doc and they can burn the blood vessel in ur nose that can prevent nose bleeds. I had the same prob where I had bad nose bleeds everyday during winter but once I got the procedure I never got a nose bleed since.
Hey, how's your eyes after iCL if you don't mind me askingg, will you do an update video on it, you really motivated me to getting it done, had the appointment and all set but then I heard about halos and got scared so I canceled the procedure I wish ppl could go more in depth about the halos and if they decrease as time passes or they stay the same and you just get use to them, anyways thanks in advance!
Bart! I want to help. Whatever nostril you're bleeding from, use your index finger press/close (with pressure) the upper lateral cartilage just barely touching your nasal bone for bout 5 mins. I really hope he reads this & this method works for him cause it pained me to see him struggle stopping the nose bleed instead of enjoying this time with family. Maybe some of you have the same struggle
10:06 I thought that music was edited into the video to make what Bart said seem sad and then go into like flashback montage of their last Japan trip. But then I remembered this is the Beaws channels and not the Chans lol.
Bart, I used to have heavy nosebleed too (well because of my blood disorder) but I've been told to never tilt my head back, instead you should apply pressure on the nose (on the side that bleeds) and put icecubes in your mouth. I once swallowed all the blood that ran down in the back of my throat and I ended up throwing it all up.
Ayy plan on going to Japan next summer. Tips for places to stay and visit. I know transportation i can use train and get a pass. But any tips is helpful ~ i know they are alsoncheap flights in Osaka
i don't know if this is helpful but i have always been bleeding out of my nose. it comes out like a waterfall that end around like 30 minutes but what i'm getting at is what helped me is putting pressure inside the upper lip (the top gums) because thats where blood is pumped into. But that's what helps me out. It doesn't stop it automatically but it slows the flow. Sorry english isn't my first language
Bart I'm sure you've tried everything to try and stop your nose from bleeding. But my son gets nose bleeds a lot and I usually pinch his nose at the bridge of his nose until it stops. This always works. But I'm sure you know that but I didn't see you pinching your nose so I thought I'd comment to see if you know this trick.🤣Great vlog
Whenever i'm in Japan and I see a nice river or path along the river, i always think "why haven't they put any chairs here" it always seems like people are meant to go out, give their money to shops and go home and no trash cans so definitely take everything home
I had an even worse case of bloody nose and I was given the option of surgery they said something like the iron the inside, or a gel that clogs the nose to stop bleeding I used it for 2 years and my nose bleed stopped. My advice is to put ice on your forehead and Point your head down never up. Putting ur head up causes the blood to go down your mouth which is very unpleasant.
I love the fact that taika was crying and geo just said a couple words and rubbed his knee and he was ok after that, such a tough boy. Also Bart needs to carry tampons everywhere he goes
I Love Love Love Love JAPAN so much. Maybe I should move over there....btw my Heart dropped 2 Stories when Taika tripped nooooooooooo 😱😫 Taika was all like Father you betrayed meeee 😂
could you guys record/edit to after the camera change clip.. from selfie mode to the other. it makes the video very dizzy since yall switch it up pretty often
After hearing David So ramble about how much JustKiddingFilms gives back to their employees it puts into perspective these guys care about quality of life and quality of work.
When you get a bloody nose don't tip your head backwards the blood stays stuck and dries up there in the nasal cavity. Instead tip forward and pinch the bridge so all the blood can drain out and so it prevents big clots in the nose and helps to prevent another one.
A professor told me before that when ur getting a nosebleed don't tilt your head back, but tilt ur head forward and down and just let the blood go out cause tilting back causes the blood to run back down ur nose and it may lead back to ur throat and block ur airways!
Careful of those beads. Kids hang themselves on those..😶 BTW, you got a nose bleed because Asia is really dry every season but summer. It's why most homes have humidifiers. Get saline spray from a pharmacy.
I used to get nosebleeds a lot before. Mine is worst than Bart's. The doctor said it's because my nose is dry so he recommended nasal spray. It worked well for me.
Taika's such a happy baby. He woke up like a G, smiling and everything like gahhhh. BOY!!! Stop making me smile and shit, making me get that baby fever bc I am NOT ready.
I thought he was gonna stand up, slap her, and be like “I NEED MY SLEEP WOMAN” and slumber back
5:11 bart the kinda dad that would kick over his son for some kfc
shirakikuu 💀💀💀😆😆😆 I CANNOT with this comment. But u right 🤣🤣🤣
Lmfao 😂😂😂
Or maybe Taika is the kinda son that wanna make his Dad look bad hahaha. I'm kiddin
Nice, and did you see Ma bear get in between Taika and Bart after the trip. Like that 's not going down again heh.
Taika laughing at Bart's tampon bloody nose is the cutest thing😁
Isaac as well LOL. I wonder if he knows what's up
Hey Bart, the bloody nose thing is commom in humid or dry areas. If your using AC alot in the Hotel? Cut down. Hawaii we used to get them alot comming from a highly cool air conditioned apartment to hot, dry outside.
@@brentsnyder5564 what's the solution? A humidifier? Putting vaseline in my nose?
@@elsapomasguapo To be honest, the trick is to find that balance. If your using the AC 8hrs straight. Use it for 6 instead. Find that set time. Another thing you can do is instead of constent AC, try 2 hrs on and an hr off. The biggest thing is the rappid change in temperature. I had a ohana member who would almost passout goong from the cold AC to the 80+ temp outside..
Here is anothet trick we used In Hawai'i that is a local trick. When looking for apartments. We always tried to find apartments facing the mountain side or ones facing the trade winds. The purpose was the trade winds saved alot of money on electricity. from running AC alot. Also the trades kept things cool. A different type of cool. You may also try just using the AC to get the temp bearable in a hot day. Then turning it off and shuting the curtains and using fans to maintain it or got swimming. Anyway there is some suggestions. I know how it feels. I used to get those bad nosebleeds also. But only in my hanabuttah years. Goodluck and Aloha
Watching Taika wake up was the most adorable shit I’ve ever seen my god 😭
I know so cute
Taika in Casey's arms is so adorable ❤❤
13:44 I legit got choked up 😢...Casey looks so natural....and happy....you can tell how much he wants a baby 😞...he was holding him the _whole_ time, so cunie! 😭💚💙💚💙
Casey holding Taika... Tiff he's ready to be a papa :)
her eggs is a little under the weather right now.
@@dangda-ww7de how so I haven't been watching lately?
they have been trying all these time since they got marry. @@iannbrogan1418
da oof
He's already a _daddy_ to Issac but I get whatchu mean 😉...my heart exploded...but as much as I want a baby for him...I know Tiff isn't ready...even though she did say (during New Year's in China) she was ready to try for this year....but she seems fickled....understandably so because it's a lot to care for a _new_ baby...especially having an eleven yo and having to "start all over" is daunting....she's like "been there, done that" and just wants to travel because she didn't get to enjoy her youth while giving all her attention/energy to Issac....but one day though. 💛
14:10 Bart, you need to get his blood vessels in your nose to be cauterize since this is occuring _too_ often. You don't want blood clots to (possibly) travel to your lungs. Also, your nose is likely _very_ dry, so keep a nasal spray on you to moisturize your nose when needed and stop rubbing your nose hard--even when it's itchy....either way.....
I had the same issue as well. The blood wont stop so I had to go to ER. They had to cauterized the blood vessels in my nose and I barely get nose bleed now.
I get nosebleeds like that too. The doctor told me to put Vaseline in the nostril to add moisture and to avoid them and to drink a lot of water. He probably bleeds because of the temperature change and not hydrating enough.
Nallely Poncayyee that's true
casey holding taika was the cutest thing i’ve seen in a while 💕💕
Taika laughing at his dad was a close second
Imran Kazzy omg yes fr
I think it’s instinct to lift the head when you get a nose bleed, but I found that to be useless. Instead of dripping out, it drips into your throat and I remember a nurse telling me not to do that. Instead lean forward, pinch the nose, and let it flow out into paper towels. I also found out from personal experience is that it usually stops bleeding when I blow out the blood clot that’s causing the bleeding.
Ik they’re in public with no immediate access to paper towels unfortunately, so letting it flow wasn’t really an option ://
It's actually taught in first aid to lean forward as well
I was just looking for this comment!! I kept cringing at him leaning his head back cause I can just feel the blood going down my throat and I hated it. Weird, but, seeing him just made me want to have a bloody nose just so I can let it bleed out.
I use to hate it trickling to the back of throat because then it would dry and then I’d choke, it’s fucking disgusting, people should hang their head down for the blood to flow out
But you’re not wrong about not letting it bleed everywhere
Yes! And pinch at the top of the nose (between your eyes) not at the nostrils
Taika (and I CANNOT stress this enough) is the cutest little bean I have ever seen
Casey and Taika Time was SOOOOOO cunie 🥰💛
5:14 i’m so weakskksks he was so focused on the kfc
this vlog is filled with great stuff.
casey holding taika for the beaws
tiffs tampon expanding in barts nose
and epecially 23:41
Bart should really go see a doctor about his bloody noses, man. :/
I used to get so many bloody noses as a kid, that one time when I went to the doctors he recommended this thing where he had to stick a huge needle up my nose. Safe to say I just chose this other medicine thing, but most of my bloody noses were due to heat 😂
@@noblesseux agree, if he gets bloody noses often then (at least for me) it is concerning.
I had a bloody nose in middle school and the nurse told me if I got another more than one a week then I would need a doctor to check that there wasn't something wrong internally. Luckily I didn't and I only got them because the air was too dry.
As an ENT doctor it doesn't look THAT concerning to me honestly. Many people get bloody noses sometimes daily. When you get one bloody nose, it creates these scars in the veins of your nose, which can break SUPER easily. Especially if you walk alot, its hot, your excerting too much energy, you sneeze, you blow your nose too hard, etc... it's super common to get frequent bloody noses. This is not too concerning, i would just like to see him get his nasal cavity cauterized, so it can stop future bloody noses.
That's what im saying, you can never know something can be wrong worst case scenario
Im pretty much the same as bart, i get nose bleeds daily since i was kid. Been cauterized twice, but still have them. They come out like a faucet, more annoying than medically dangerous, just always gotta carry napkins everywhere.
Geo is such a great mom. She's ready to take on most of the responsibilities with taking care of him, and I'm not saying bart doesn't do anything to help. Cause he offers but she's like me with my daughters I'd rather do it with all the love and patience. Now don't get me wrong you have your good days were you feel blessed to experience being a parent but you do have your bad days were you want to go into a corner and cry because your soooooo frustrated. You all are doing an Amazing job and I'm glad you all want to experience these things with him!!! Love you all❤❤❤
wouldn't be a bart vlog if there wasn't a nose bleeding clip
Chung Yau Ong
Just genetics. It’s pretty hot in japan too so shit gets bad
@Chung Yau Ong i do also nosebleed randomly. It usually with the weather. Whenever I'm in japan it usually happen when too hot or too cold and I'm just too tired.
@Chung Yau Ong maybe he snorts coke
25:03 Bro how adorable is that, Taika waking up with a smile on his face 🙂
Taika waking up is so god damn cute ❤️
I love their new vlog camera!!!
Wow, Taika is one of the best kiddos to wake up too, so happy even when he’s so tired what in the worldsd
Omg the way you guys woke Taika up what a happy baby! Also sorry a day of eating and Geo still looks so fit!! Goals.
So cool that everyone was able to go. Cool family of friends u guys all are. Nite
Bart needs to add a new item to his future packing lists: Tampons 😂
Taika is such a good baby!!! And you both do a great job with him!!!!! Parenting.......😂😢🤣🤷🏽♀️😩👌🏽😍
13:47 taikas smiles make my day💖💖💖 love this kid
Awesome video nice job Bart
Yesss! More Japan Vlogsss ! 😁😁😁
Hi! New to the vlogs. I really love how you seem so calm, and you focus on the camera as you speak to us, and you move slow when showing us around. Awesome vlog!! Showing my sister soon 💛
The shake shack in rappongi is so good!!! You guys should go to nara where they have the deer!
Geo whistling to wake Taika up reminded me of my childhood my mom used to always do that to me when I was little idk if it’s a Mexican thing but it’s so cute to see ❤️
yay I was waiting for this!!!!!
If you have a nose bleed I was told pinch the bridge (the hard part of the nose closest to the eyes) and lean forward. Also if Bart gets nose bleeds often then I feel he may need to get that checked. I was told if I got more than two nosebleeds a week where its really coming out then it should be checked out. I hoping it's just a humidity thing and nothing serious.
Damn the size of the piece of fish/seafood they give you makes the US sushi seem so little.
I love how Isaac just stands there hearing Bart and Geo cuss and Tiff is just like oh snaps
I'm sure he hears worse cussing at school.
This trip looks so fun wow
OMG that's the EXACT part of Kyoto that I visited as well!! I walked down the exact same street! and it was in 2019 as well. However, I went there in July :/
Some recommendations from someone who works in an ENT office. Usually nosebleeds are from allergies or dry nose. On the vlog they mentioned that it is dry where they are at hence the humidifier. That is one thing to do. Bart definitely needs to start to moisturize his nose. Daily use of nasal saline and bacitracin ointment twice a day may help. For heavy nosebleed like Bart's that is hard to stop, you can use Afrin nasal spray. It's a vasoconstrictor. You can spray it in your nose and pinch it afterwards or soak cotton in afrin and pack your nose. Although you want to be careful not to use afrin all the time and make sure you also are careful if you have high blood pressure.
I recommend Tokyu hotel skyfront kawasaki, it's a huge room and about $70 a night but it is far. Takes about an hour to get to Tokyo
I dont wanna scare Bart or anyone but frequent nosebleeds can be a sign of nasal blood vessel disorder or nasal tumor both cancerous and non cancerous.
Obviously it can also be from constant nose picking, dryness or blowing your nose too hard and/or often.
(I'm pre med and major in human bio)
I think hes gone to get it checked out before and the doctors said it was bc hes to aggressive with nose blowing😂, hopefully alls well
Don’t worry I had it before It’s either the hotness in your body or something else he is not gonna have a blood vessel
I do see bart being agressive while noseblowing
Long flights tend to be really dry which can contribute to dry noses. I consistently get a bloody nose after a long international flight
is pre med really stressful?
Sorry for your nose bleed Bart. Hope you are feeling better. Enjoying you sharing your trip.👍
Taika is the cutest baby! He's so happy!
Fuuuuuuuuck, this vlog is making me miss Japan even more! But also giving me more of a push to get my bachelor's and do what I need to do to get back👌 Y'all are living your best life and I'm here for it
15:27 Isaac laughs at Bart’s joke I never knew Isaac became this dirty
Benjamin Tran bruh Isaac was in that skit when Bart was talking bout “IF YOU DONT EAT YOUR FOOD, DADDY WONT GET HIS PUUSAYY”
issac grew up around JK people, he hella woke i bet
Well Tiff used to bring him around jk, he like a jk personal in training 😂
@@timvvs n that was years back, he was so cute 😫
He probably touches himself now. Barts words, not mine.
We did that with the couch when our kids were smaller too when traveling 😄
WOW, learned something new today (tampon)…!!! WOW... Great video vlog.
Bart you should definitely get checked out because you’ve been getting nose bleeds frequently for a while now. Even if it’s nothing serious, it’s better safe than sorry. I was the same when I was younger and luckily my parents got me checked, it was only due to heat and allergies but it’s fine since I take allergy pills. Hope y’all have a great trip in Japan!
Can dry air cause nosebleeds? Because in the beginning of the vlog Bart mentioned that they needed the humidifier in their room because Japan has "really dry air".
C F yes, dry air can be the cause for bloody noses as well due to lack of moisture. However, he’s been getting bloody noses for a while now so I doubt it’s due because of the dryness in Japan
Taika waking up made my day 😩😭❤️❤️
The way geo is waking up taika would make me sleep even more
You are supposed to pinch the middle of your nose (cartilage) to help slow the bleeding and maybe even stop it. I work with kids and they get bloody noses from time to time.
Looks like a fun trip! Hope no more bloody noses!
Tip for nosebleeds: do not tilt your head back, it can cause the blood to go to the throat. Instead tilt your head forward.
Also with the amounts of nosebleeds Bart be having, he needs to get that checked out
One way to stop a nose bleed is to pinch the bridge of your nose (the thinnest part between the eyes). This is constricting the blood vessels to help slow/stop the flow of blood. Another way would be to use a nasal spray if you have one on you this does a similar job of constricting the blood vessels. Never tilt your head back because you’ll get a rush of blood down your throat!
P.S: if you have frequent nose bleeds it’s most likely due to having dry nose so a humidifier at your house may help. If that’s not the case you should see a doctor.
Just something I learned in medical school, hope it helps!
Geo waking up taika is the cutest thing ever😍😍😍
@20:40 did Bart just call Christina, Tiff? 😭😭😆
i laughed so hard when bart started sneezing with the tampon in his nose that I woke up everyone in my house 😂😂
Tiff came in clutch with the tampon!! Hope you're feeling better Bart!!
Bart u always make me laugh
Also that what u get when you mix a bart and a geo ya get immortal energy tika
Bart for ur bloody nose u can go to the eye nose foot doc and they can burn the blood vessel in ur nose that can prevent nose bleeds. I had the same prob where I had bad nose bleeds everyday during winter but once I got the procedure I never got a nose bleed since.
Hey, how's your eyes after iCL if you don't mind me askingg, will you do an update video on it, you really motivated me to getting it done, had the appointment and all set but then I heard about halos and got scared so I canceled the procedure I wish ppl could go more in depth about the halos and if they decrease as time passes or they stay the same and you just get use to them, anyways thanks in advance!
OMG! so much food!! Gracias!
I love your parenting skills!!! Goals!
Bart! I want to help. Whatever nostril you're bleeding from, use your index finger press/close (with pressure) the upper lateral cartilage just barely touching your nasal bone for bout 5 mins. I really hope he reads this & this method works for him cause it pained me to see him struggle stopping the nose bleed instead of enjoying this time with family. Maybe some of you have the same struggle
10:08 I thought Bart was add a soundtrack for this video. 😅
Oh my god!!Taika is so cuteeeeee😍😍
when casey was holding taika it was so cunie
10:06 I thought that music was edited into the video to make what Bart said seem sad and then go into like flashback montage of their last Japan trip.
But then I remembered this is the Beaws channels and not the Chans lol.
I was expecting it to cut to a montage lmao
Anyone remember angry kid? When bart sneezed it reminded me of that show 😂 the episode was blood juice
Bart, I used to have heavy nosebleed too (well because of my blood disorder) but I've been told to never tilt my head back, instead you should apply pressure on the nose (on the side that bleeds) and put icecubes in your mouth. I once swallowed all the blood that ran down in the back of my throat and I ended up throwing it all up.
10:12 dammm hitting all the black keys on the piano LOLOLOL
I laughed so hard
Ayy plan on going to Japan next summer. Tips for places to stay and visit. I know transportation i can use train and get a pass. But any tips is helpful ~ i know they are alsoncheap flights in Osaka
that guy in all black with the airpods sighing at 20:23 is also me when I'm at work
Taika is the cutest baby everrrrrrr and das on god !!!
Bart, with nose bleeds, don’t bend your head back! It’s worst
i don't know if this is helpful but i have always been bleeding out of my nose. it comes out like a waterfall that end around like 30 minutes but what i'm getting at is what helped me is putting pressure inside the upper lip (the top gums) because thats where blood is pumped into. But that's what helps me out. It doesn't stop it automatically but it slows the flow. Sorry english isn't my first language
Morning Mommy Geo is so beautiful. When Bart got his nose bleed who else thought of Whose the Man?
Bart I'm sure you've tried everything to try and stop your nose from bleeding. But my son gets nose bleeds a lot and I usually pinch his nose at the bridge of his nose until it stops. This always works. But I'm sure you know that but I didn't see you pinching your nose so I thought I'd comment to see if you know this trick.🤣Great vlog
Lmao Bart always taps the phone to flip the cam, but it never works. He still continues to do it though haha.
17:33 bruh my dumbass thought those were pancakes
Whenever i'm in Japan and I see a nice river or path along the river, i always think "why haven't they put any chairs here" it always seems like people are meant to go out, give their money to shops and go home and no trash cans so definitely take everything home
Crazy I remember baby Issac doing that water wash thing at the shire the first time they went to Japan.
I had an even worse case of bloody nose and I was given the option of surgery they said something like the iron the inside, or a gel that clogs the nose to stop bleeding I used it for 2 years and my nose bleed stopped. My advice is to put ice on your forehead and Point your head down never up. Putting ur head up causes the blood to go down your mouth which is very unpleasant.
I love the fact that taika was crying and geo just said a couple words and rubbed his knee and he was ok after that, such a tough boy. Also Bart needs to carry tampons everywhere he goes
kuurocks that was so amazing! She didn’t have to pick him up and coo him or anything.
I Love Love Love Love JAPAN so much. Maybe I should move over there....btw my Heart dropped 2 Stories when Taika tripped nooooooooooo 😱😫
Taika was all like Father you betrayed meeee 😂
could you guys record/edit to after the camera change clip.. from selfie mode to the other. it makes the video very dizzy since yall switch it up pretty often
I love the rawness of a overseas trip where things go wrong
Taika waking up was toooo cunie!
I love you geo!!!!
Lol Bart is so extra when travelling. haha very entertaining
After hearing David So ramble about how much JustKiddingFilms gives back to their employees it puts into perspective these guys care about quality of life and quality of work.
20:42 lol leia crawling
Does anyone know what hotel this is ??? Must know for my trip 😭😭
MrHehehehe11111 cross hotel Kyoto! It’s 3 stars and super affordable but it’s brand new and was nicer than most 4 star hotels I stayed at in Japan.
When you get a bloody nose don't tip your head backwards the blood stays stuck and dries up there in the nasal cavity. Instead tip forward and pinch the bridge so all the blood can drain out and so it prevents big clots in the nose and helps to prevent another one.
A professor told me before that when ur getting a nosebleed don't tilt your head back, but tilt ur head forward and down and just let the blood go out cause tilting back causes the blood to run back down ur nose and it may lead back to ur throat and block ur airways!
Oh my god I stayed in that hotel just a couple months ago!!!! I knew I recognised the Kyoto view 😂😂😂
This fool said Jiro's NEPHEW's place 😂😂😂 15:49
Taika waking up with a smile on his face is just... ♥️♥️♥️
Hahhaah Leia tho @20:45 😂😂
Careful of those beads. Kids hang themselves on those..😶 BTW, you got a nose bleed because Asia is really dry every season but summer. It's why most homes have humidifiers. Get saline spray from a pharmacy.
Geo has everything in that bag lol. I was like wow scissors!
I used to get nosebleeds a lot before. Mine is worst than Bart's. The doctor said it's because my nose is dry so he recommended nasal spray. It worked well for me.