Who is This King of Glory | SPOKEN WORD

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Spoken word performed by: Stephen DeFazio
    Written by: Jimmy Needham
    Produced by: Anthony Williams | A.J. Williams Media
    Who is this King of glory?
    He is the image of the invisible God -
    The radiance of his glory
    And the exact representation of his nature.
    No one has seen God at any time.
    The only begotten God,
    Who is in the bosom of the Father,
    He has explained him for God.
    After he had spoken long ago
    To the fathers in the prophets
    In many portions and in many ways,
    In these last days he has spoken to us in his Son,
    Whom he appointed the heir of all things,
    Through whom also he made the world.
    In the beginning was the Word,
    And the Word was with God and was God.
    He was in the beginning with God.
    All things came into being through him,
    And apart from him nothing came into being
    That has come into being.
    He’s the firstborn of all creation
    For by him all things were created,
    Both in the heavens and on earth,
    Visible and invisible,
    Whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities -
    All things have been created through him and for him.
    You have put all things in subjection under his feet.
    For in subjecting all things to him
    He left nothing that is not subject to him.
    He is before all things,
    And in him all things hold together.
    He upholds all things by the word of his power.
    And although he existed in the form of God,
    He did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
    But emptied himself, taking the form of a bondservant,
    Being made in the likeness of men.
    Being found in appearance as a man,
    He humbled himself by becoming obedient
    To the point of death, even death on a cross.
    And although you were formerly alienated
    And hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds,
    Yet he has now reconciled you
    In his fleshly body through death
    In order to present you before him
    Holy and blameless and beyond reproach.
    When you were dead in your transgressions
    And in the uncircumcision of your flesh,
    He made you alive together with him,
    Having forgiven us all our transgressions,
    Having canceled out the certificate of debt
    Consisting of decrees against us,
    Which was hostile toward us.
    He has taken it out of the way,
    Having nailed it to the cross.
    When he had disarmed the rulers and the authorities,
    He made a public display of them,
    Having triumphed over them through him.
    For this reason, God highly exalted him,
    And bestowed on him the name
    Which is above every name,
    So that at the name of Jesus
    Every knee will bow,
    Of those who are in heaven
    And on earth and under the earth,
    And every tongue will confess
    That Jesus Christ is Lord
    To the glory of God the Father.
    Then I looked, and I heard
    The voice of many angels around the throne
    And the living creatures and the elders,
    And the number of them was myriads of myriads
    And thousands of thousands,
    Saying with a loud voice,
    “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
    To receive power and riches and wisdom
    And might and honor and glory and blessing!”
    And every created thing
    Which is in heaven and on earth
    And under the earth and in the sea
    And all things in them
    I heard saying to him who sits on the throne,
    “And unto the Lamb be blessing and honor
    And glory and dominion forever and ever!”
    Who is this King of glory?
    Jesus Christ our Lord.
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