My opinions (also i will only list towers that i have beaten from zones 1-2 and rings 1-5 as i do not have all areas in the game): 0:28 ToZD I like the client object usage and gameplay of this tower is very good 0:56 ToPS DEFINITELY my favourite medium i have beaten so far, the gameplay is also very good and it has the perfect balance between co’s and purist 1:19 ToK (my fav hard i have beaten) ToK is the newest tower in ring 1 and my fav hard tower i have beaten, I only like the client objects in this tower and the descending half is also kinda creative 1:39 SoVV (my fav difficult tower i have beaten) SoVV has a nice concept where the theme of the steeple changes every floor (ex f1&2) the gameplay is also really good and the client objects too, it has alot of creativity in its client objects 2:00 ToTC (my fav challenging that i have beaten) ToTC is just my favourite challenging as it is the better one out of the 2 challenging’s i have beaten which are ToS and ToTC. Client objects are also very creative in this tower 2:32 ToPA I like this the most because of its atmosphere and co usage. The tower also has REALLY good gameplay Only until here, when i improve in skill i will show more of my opinions (nvm) Edit: I FORGOT I COMMENTED ON THIS VIDEO (i havent played jtoh for a while now since i got bored of it idk what tower is fun for me anymore)
You should update this list :) I definitely agree with topa; it’s extremely fun, has a good atmosphere, and maybe a bit too easy for an intense. I say that, because of how big all of the obstacles are. They all act as nets, and it’s extremely easy to go back to f5
ToDIE is worst experience tower because of worst jump because they just take all motivation away, no motivation music, no motivation text, no motivation reward, no motivation from beating it, no motivation from jumps
My favorite easy to intense towers Easy: ToZD this is the most recent easy ever added and this tower has learning mechanics that are Advanced so this is a advanced tutorial Medium: ToPS this is fine bc most medium are not remembered but this is remembered by some people Hard: ToH this was the start of my journey to JToH I went to ToM to ToH its been a while since I beat it like 2 months now and this is a the farther you go the better it gets Difficult: ToII same reason as ToH Challenging: ToSTS the frame is unique the gameplay is a bit unique Intense: SoMC this was my final challenge to get the crystal I remember failing F6 outside 2 days later i beat it.
@SolarAzu mazes aren't my point. tota is a lazily-made copy-and-paste landfill with filler client objects that makes the tower feel as bland as unseasoned chicken
No way you chose CoACT. It was my first rem (8 hours long run) and will always be my fav tower ever. CoPE, ToPA and CoHaD (jumped from ToH) are goated too. Good to see we share (almost) the same tastes !
@@SavePlayz cov used to be a hardest tower located in r1 (ig) but it got removed so in honor of it they added toev (first 10 floors of cov) and coiv (the rest of cov) in pom
My opinions (from what I've beaten) Best Easy - Tower of Fairly Simple Challenges I just like it ig Medium - Tower of Inverted colors I like ring 3 personally, yes shocking i know, ToIC is my favorite there. Hard - Steeple of Greenhouse Placidity I also like it, amazing first experience aswell, just love it Difficult - Tower of Yearning Sucess My favorite tower, i like it because of its mechanics, really unique and fun gameplay, and just a blast overall. But this is also tied with Immense ire, which is just as good. Challenging - Steeple of Climbing I have a lack of beaten challengings, but SoC is personally my favorite, idk just like it Intense - Steeple of Buoyant Automations Obviously better than floral fury, overall a blast. Worst Easy - Tower of Funny Thoughts As much as i like ring 3 ToFT is just... Why. Medium - Steeple of Fading Memories Consider this cheating, but it was obvious. I quite like the caretaker's music, so the most iconic of his albums being portrayed like THIS saddens me. Least favorite tower ingame. Hard - Tower of Hecc Second worst first experience behind ToHS, Both equally as bad for me Difficult - Tower of unearthed discoveries No. Don't even need to explain right. Just garbage all the way through. AND EXTREMELY LAGGY AT THAT. Challenging - Tower of Dreams and Caverns Just no. Zone 2 is garbage. Only two good towers there that I've beaten. Intense - Tower of Floral Fury Punishing, Confusing gameplay, Difficulty spikes... Need i say more? Will update as i beat more towers btw
4:20 I know why people hate toaaa softlock section that spikes to terrifying bad head hitter jump on 4 annoying 1 and 2 thus no balance idk why people consider 1 easiest when they found it really annoying and inconsistent for me 1 is high extreme 7 easiest
i have like no opinion on the non-scs so i'll just quickly drop my fav and least fav scs Best Insane: ToBT (favourite tower of all time, it's honestly the closest thing we'll ever get to perfection) Best Extreme: ToHR (not ingame yet but just really damn fun) Best Terrifying: ToMM (pretty split between this and towww, but i feel like this is just a bit better) Best Catastrophic: ToDIE (going solely off of vibes, this just seems really fun lmao) Best Horrific: ToWM (better than the others LOL) Best Unreal: ToBF (idk man this tower just hits different...) Worst Insane: ToTL (this is a disgrace to purism) Worst Extreme: ToBK (inconsistent asf with a horrible final stretch) Worst Terrifying: ToIM (this tower genuinely broke me) Worst Catastrophic: ToGF *(die)* Worst "Horrific": ToVH (cata imo but jesus christ wtf even is this) Worst Unreal: CoIV (this is just a slightly better toev why do people think its good 💀)
best rem tofg best challenging is tos best insane toif best extreme tohh rest of difficulty i havent played enough or forgot i beat all easy towers so long ago cant remember
My takes: Best and worst easy: toa (worst) z4 easy that i forgot the name of (best) medium: ToM ToPS hard: ToGLA ToUID difficult: toch toxm challenging: tos (you thought i was gonna put tosas?) tobl intense: towaw tonn rem: z2 new rem (again forgor name) tonr insane: toc tobt extreme: totb tohr terrifying: toi tons catastrophic: tocr todie ill include sc+ for fun lol horrific: toev towm unreal: tobf coiv
Personal opinion Best: Easy: SoBJ Medium: SoN Hard: SoGP Difficult:ToLOZ Challenging:ToVF Intense:ToO(honorable mentions for ToPA and ToTD as those are my 2nd and 3rd favorite towers in the entire game) Remorseless:CoPE Insane:ToDC Extreme:ToFM Terrifying:ToAR Catastrophic:ToGF Worst Easy:ToFT Medium:SoP Hard:ToE Difficult:ToYS Challenging:ToFAF Intense:ToDR Remorseless:ToGAH Insane:ToC Extreme:ToSM Terrifying:ToI/ToIM Catastrophic:ToER
ToC is my favourite insane but I'm incredibly biased thanks to countless rebeats and speedruns, it's just super fun once u get consistent, but I will concede that debate as most people have a terrible time grinding it thanks to the first 3 floors (I did as well lmao) BUT, I will DIE on the hill that ToIM is the worst terrifying AND that ToI is overhated as hell I've beaten all 3 of the worst terri's (ToI, ToFN and ToIM), and I can say with certainty that ToIM is 10x worse than ToI, the gameplay in ToIM is somehow worse and more boring, as well as the fact that falling feels so much worse as you basically can't catch yourself thanks to the empty inside. although my experience kinda makes me biased, i stopped playing obbies for 2 years after toim cause i was that demotivated after beating it lmao
Hey welcome its me annoying opinions guy again (these may not be accurate to my actual opinions, i dont feel like spending an hour thinking about what to put) Best Easy: ToZD Medium: ToPS Hard: ToSV Difficult: ToRC/ToAI Challenging: ToWS Intense: ToML Remorseless: ToUI Insane: ToBT Extreme: ToTDA Terrifying: ToAR Catastrophic: ToGF (sorry pixik) Worst Easy: ToA Medium: SoP Hard: ToOH Difficult: ToRCH Challenging: ToD Intense: CoHaD Remorseless: ToES Insane: ToC Extreme: ToAE (not sorry anyone) Terrifying: ToFN Catastrophic: ToCP (it isn't bad i like all of the catas)
sc opinions only bc i agree with the rest: insane best torer extreme best totda/tofm cant decide terrifying best toua cata best tocp insane worst toc extreme worst toso terri worst tons cata worst toam (If zone 9 then toemp)
Personal opinions: Best: Easy: SoDS Didn't play it but I love scary atmosphere Medium: ToPS Excellent gameplay and unique design Hard: ToH A classic! Difficult: ToYS ngl underrated as hell, also GARFIELD!! Challenging: ToGM A wrapped up beauty, so fun to play and creativity? I don't even need to talk about it. Intense: ToTD Top 10 and maybe even top 5 favorite towers in jtoh Remorseless: ToNR I'm in love with the music on floor 9, CoACT was so close too especially with floor 17 music. Insane: ToTL purist gameplay is fun, I'M SORRY! Extreme: ToEI the "four sections of torture™" music is stuck in my head forever. Terrifying: ToNS has 4 banger songs and decent gameplay, but the skips make it a lot more enjoyable to play. Catastrophic: ToAM patient transfer forever. Gameplay itself is not bad at all, I found it pretty fun, definitely better than the rest. Worst: Easy: ToFT obviously... Medium: ToM floor 5 is sh*t Hard: ToF do I even need to explain? Difficult: ToLD same goes here... Challenging: ToT revert made it top 3 worst towers ever Intense: ToDR auuughhhh Remorseless: ToCN AUUUGHHHH Insane: ToC: first three floors are terri+ Extreme: ToSM it's an okay tower tbh, it was my first extreme, legit apart from 2 GBJ escapes on 6b. Terrifying: ToI F*CK THIS SO MUCH!!!!! Catastrophic: ToDIE man, I feel your pain through this experience... Absolutely horrible!!!
@@selalox373all the other easy towers were mid or terrible plus I'm focusing on difficult-challenging towers and I haven't beaten 4 easy towers/steeples: ToFSC, SoMM, SoBJ and SoDS
Gonna cook with my opinions, I haven't done enough scs to judge them and I have only played 3 rems (Beaten every intense but ToTT and ToIII, however) BEST Easy: ToSFU Literally so easy it's relaxing, which is a nice break Medium: ToSA Peak tower, fun gameplay, good music, even somewhat of a design Hard: SoFF When I first played this I thought it was peak, still is Difficult: ToAI No explanation needed Challenging: SoXA Cool, nice design, good co usage Intense: ToPA Again, it's peak Remorseless: ToNED Idk I just like it, it has a really nice aesthetic WORST Easy: ToFT Literally that one party in the video Medium: SoP It's just...bad Hard: ToE Design and gimmicks over actual gameplay Difficult: ToLD Ew ToLD Challenging: ToT Would be ToTI but you can skip ToTI, ToT's name says it all Intense: ToDR A close one between ones like ToUT and ToADF but then ToO, but it's hard to be worse than ToDR Remorseless: ToTS I didn't like it, it's just not fun
My opinions Easy: Worst: ToFT: you know why Best: ToZD and ToAST: really fun tutorial towers Medium Worst: ToM: very good except for two floors Best: ToSA: this is so good and it actually made me scared for f9 Hard: Worst: SoUR: I hate f2 Best: SoLW: I love gp Difficult: Worst: ToWH: it’s all right, nothing interesting and nothing I hate Best: ToKY: aside from f9 this is solid Challenging: Worst: ToS: I HATE THIS TOWER WORST TOWER IN THE ENTIRE GAME UN ENJOYABLE FLOOR 7 AND FLOOR 8 IS GARBAGE Best: ToTC: amaaaaaazing! Intense: Worst: ToHF: don’t get me wrong, this is really good, just not better than the other intenses I beat Best: ToTF, ToIE, ToTH: best towers and my top 25 of all time Remorseless: Worst: ToN: good but ehh Best: ToTS: good gp, good enjoyability, my fav tower ever That’s it for all I beat!
Here are my favorite and least favorite towers from each difficulty: Easy Most fav.: Tower of Zero Disturbances (Zone 1); Reason: See who created the tower and you'll get the whole picture. HMs (Honorable Mentions): ToAST, ToA (Ring 1); Reasons: First towers I've ever beaten, also, Calamity Mod Music SLAPS DhMs: (Dishonorable Mentions): ToPHaT (Zone 1); Reason: why Least fav.: Tower of Overestimating Difficulty (Zone 3); Reason: I have nothing against aamosaku, but what ticks me off is that punkynil helped with the tower. Medium: Most fav.: Tower of Phone Snapping (Ring 2); Reason: Gamma tower, and uses good music (in this case, Dimrain47 - Frozen in Black and Silver HMs: ToIC (Ring 3); Reason: A unique concept for a tower, where the gameplay uses Inverted Colours! But they didn't Invert the Colours correctly :( DhMs: ToM (Ring 1), SoP (TFR); Reason: First one is boring, second one has inaccurate difficulty (btw, one time, I saw Gammattor in a Forgotten Ridge server and now I like his avatar so much :3 Like, I couldn't believe my eyes! It was THE Gammattor! I thankfully contained my excitement, and I didn't go into excitement mode. So yeah, that happened.) Least fav.: Tower of Atlantic Depths (Zone 1); Reason: A bit hard, and made by Coatesultimate1, who bullied another player for having a high-pitched voice. Hard: Most fav.: Tower of Ground Level Ascension (Zone 2); Reason: I am literally biased towards the outer floors' music. StH1 Marble Zone, SM64 Staff Credits, POINT OF NO RETURN - it's all here. HMs: ToH (Ring 1), SoLW, SoUR (TFR), ToWER (Ring 3), ToE; Reasons: ToH and SoUR have good music, and SoLW is just... easier than SoP... and ToWER FLIPPIN' SLAPS WITH F9 MUSIC! Also, Tower of Elysium is Tower of Heaven confirmed ;) gj maplejavas DhMs: ToBH, ToOH (Ring 2); Reasons: bruh Least fav.: Tower of Killjoys (Ring 1); Reason: Too many client objects. Blend, whoever you are, you're a bad boy! >:( Difficult: Most fav.: Tower of Yearning Success (Zone 1); Reason: Listen to the music. HMs: ToKY (Ring 1), ToWH (Ring 3); Reasons: Oi mate, ToKY's the tower that I'm aiming to beat as my first Difficult (other than ToII)! And ToWH has the same reason as ToWER. DhMs: SoWP (TFR), ToCH (Ring 2), ToLD (Ring 3); Reasons: 1. I WILL NOT PUNCH A WALL! 2. rushed. 3. thats a lotta damage (flex tape tower ._.) Least fav.: Tower of Linonophobia (Ring 3); Reason: NOOOOOOO I DONT WANNA HAVE LINONOPHOBIA AGAIN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- Challenging: Most fav.: Tower of Hefty Magnitude (Zone 6); Reason: 1fren6, ESCHATOS, Sonic... perfect combo. HMs: ToWEL (Zone 1), ToSP (Ring 1), ToCF (Zone 6); Reasons: ToWEL = good musik, ToSP = Chrono Trigger, ToCF = Frederic Chopin (Chopin is Polish-French and so am I ^_^) DhMs: ToS (Ring 1); Reason: Not that great TBH. But Floor 10's music SLAPS! Also the base music for the current JToH kits. Least fav.: Tower of Traps (Ring 2); Reason: Inaccurate difficulty. It's definitely at least Intense+. Intense: Most fav.: Citadel of Laptop Splitting (Ring 1); Reason: The first citadel ever. My previous favorite, too, before it got beaten by my favorite tower of the next difficulty... HMs: ToDR (Ring 6), ToIE (Ring 1); Reasons: Kirby's Return to Dream Land - Looming Darkness is just too good. I'm serious. DhMs: CoHaD (Ring 3); Reason: They had an opportunity to smooth the gap between this and the SC... and they missed it! Least fav.: Tower of Watts (Zone 6); Reason: It. Does. Not. Fit. The. THEME. Remorseless: Most fav.: Citadel of Lethargy (Ring 9); Reason: See: Tower of Hefty Magnitude HMs: ToTS (Ring 1), CoTE (Ring 7); For ToTS, it's because it was made by Feodoric, a Polish person who joined Roblox in 2007. For CoTE, it's because it's in a trilogy with ToHM. DhMs: CoWS (Ring 2); Reason: 7.99 my butt! Least fav.: ToES (Ring 2); Reason: why... just why... Alright. I said that I'm doing the SCs, so I'm doing them now. Insane: Most fav.: Tower of Mind Breaking (TFR); Reason: yes. HMs: ToDC (Ring 2), ToDC:C (Removed), ToC (Ring 3), ToDT (Zone 2); Reasons: 1. difficulty chart, 2. difficulty chart but better music, 3. B for confusion, 4. pokemon reference DhMs: Everything else (except least favorite); Reasons: I don't know why Least fav.: Tower of Extreme Hell (Ring 7); Reason: why is it not extreme difficulty tower Extreme: Most fav.: Tower of Bloodthirsty Kenos (Ring 9); Reason: wait is this GD Kenos? HMs: ToSO (Ring 8); Reason: Calling out for Scatman! Calling out for Scatman's World! (Scatman's World plays on the inside) DhMs: ToAAA (Zone 4); Reason: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Least fav.: Tower of Hopeless Hell (Zone 3); Reason: i... i guess the... the tower is right... i can never truly win... i... feel... hopeless... Terrifying (terrible difficulty ahead O_O): Most fav.: Tower of Frightening Nightmares (Ring 5); Reason: Dimrain47 - Infernoplex HMs: ToIM (Ring 6); Reason: Feodoric made it. See why I like Feodoric by looking at Remorseless' Honorable Mentions. DhMs: ToI (Ring 4); Reason: I unfortunately kinda like the tower, but it's because I was kidnapped once and brought to ToI so that I could be silenced. There were killbricks everywhere! Luckily, I exited out of the tower by *totally* not using Vertical Mobility. Least fav.: Tower of Micro(soft) Management (Zone 6); Reason: AAAA IT'S SO TINY! But at least I can make Microsoft jokes with this tower! Catastrophic: Since the Cata towers are REALLY hard to choose, I'll just rate them out of 10! ToAM: 7/10; Reason: IT'S ALL AUGMENTED 🎶 ToVM: 2/10; Reason: No vindicators in JToH! ToGF: 9/10; Reason: Unique theme and Feodoric. ToDIE: 1/10; Reason: [VERIFIED!] Descent Into Exile by Riot, Me, GrenadeOfTacos and more ToSE: 3/10; Reason: It shunned me, I shun it! smh ToCR: 8/10; Reason: Only For Champions ToER: 6/10; Reason: Music is good, but people are mishandling the tower's trail. ToCP: 10/10; Reason: LET'S END OFF THE TRILOGY WITH A BANG! Horrific (PoM so non-canon): ToVH: 8/10; Reason: the hindrances are now vacant ToWM: 1/10; Reason: did they seriously call it tower of water melon ToEV: 2/10; Reason: ok ToTRP: 10/10; Reason: Touhou Seirensen - Heian no Alien Unreal (PoM so non-canon): ToBF: 4/10; Reason: i'm not blind at all CoIV: 5/10; Reason: it's not the real tower of void it's a FAKER ToSF: 1/10; Reason: no. just... no.
If ToOH has a million haters im one of them If ToOH has a hundred thousand haters im one of them If ToOH has ten thousand haters im one of them If ToOH has a thousand haters im one of them If ToOH has a hundred haters im one of them If ToOH has ten haters im one of them If ToOH has one hater its me If ToOH has no haters im dead ToOH IS THE WORST HARD
topz is alright imo, btu there is absolutely ZERO way (get it) that the gameplay is the best part. Its so inconsistent and for some reason keeps swapping between very punishing and very forgiving. The click parts are used alright, but SERIOUSLY, they dont work like 20% of the time.
Easy Worst: SoDS was lame for me Easy Best: ToFSC I loved it Medium Worst: ToM it was sleepy Medium Best: ToFZ It was just so fun to beat Hard Worst: ToF its just ToF Hard Best: ToSV the colours were great gameplay too Difficult Worst: ToCO it was literally just so bad Difficult Best: ToFV i loved the design, gp progression and just the appealing colours Challenging Worst: ToTI literally one of the strangest and dumbest tower Challenging Best: ToWMT it was soooo fun Intense Worst: ToUT its a trap tower ofc Intense Best: CoHaD took 5 hours but soo fun Remorseless Worst: ToNP Remorseless Best: CoPE 😍 Insane Worst: ToEH Insane Best: ToIF Extreme Worst: ToSO its fall to 1 simulator Extreme Best: ToAAA it took 2 days as from beating ToBK Terrifying Worst: ToI Terrifying Best: ToMM my beloved Catastrophic Worst: ToER just looks long and painful Catastrophic Best: ToAM
Idk why but ToHH is unironically one of my favourite extremes
Same, it's my second favorite behind ToEI
@@MIBU666toei was mine too until i started playing it
My opinions (also i will only list towers that i have beaten from zones 1-2 and rings 1-5 as i do not have all areas in the game):
0:28 ToZD
I like the client object usage and gameplay of this tower is very good
0:56 ToPS
DEFINITELY my favourite medium i have beaten so far, the gameplay is also very good and it has the perfect balance between co’s and purist
1:19 ToK (my fav hard i have beaten)
ToK is the newest tower in ring 1 and my fav hard tower i have beaten, I only like the client objects in this tower and the descending half is also kinda creative
1:39 SoVV (my fav difficult tower i have beaten)
SoVV has a nice concept where the theme of the steeple changes every floor (ex f1&2) the gameplay is also really good and the client objects too, it has alot of creativity in its client objects
2:00 ToTC (my fav challenging that i have beaten)
ToTC is just my favourite challenging as it is the better one out of the 2 challenging’s i have beaten which are ToS and ToTC. Client objects are also very creative in this tower
2:32 ToPA
I like this the most because of its atmosphere and co usage. The tower also has REALLY good gameplay
Only until here, when i improve in skill i will show more of my opinions (nvm)
Edit: I FORGOT I COMMENTED ON THIS VIDEO (i havent played jtoh for a while now since i got bored of it idk what tower is fun for me anymore)
u have to play Tower of Excessive Weirdness, its my fav med ever (ive beat all meds)
Man, you really suck you don’t even have remorseless😂😂😂
I agree with easy
You should update this list :)
I definitely agree with topa; it’s extremely fun, has a good atmosphere, and maybe a bit too easy for an intense. I say that, because of how big all of the obstacles are. They all act as nets, and it’s extremely easy to go back to f5
I love SoVV too :D
ToDIE as worst cata is an absolutely mind bogglingly diabolically controversial take
good gameplay is when high detail
ToDIE is worst experience tower because of worst jump because they just take all motivation away, no motivation music, no motivation text, no motivation reward, no motivation from beating it, no motivation from jumps
My fav tower in the game that I’ve beaten yet is ToRH, it’s crazy how it wasn’t even supposed to be in JToH
Wait what is that?
@@Pieified.. Tower of Rhythm Heaven in Ashen Towerworks (ring 6 subrealm)
@@Epictious OHHHHHH
mine is ToKY
Bro cooked already on the thumbnail with Insane icon! Nice video.
The fact Remorseless had a 5/5 DC can really explain it’s the best difficulty
Here before reupload
Here chain |
Down there
We will not talk about Papaingus loving thin studs and ToI
Finally someone agrees on todac being the worst challenging, i started to think im the only one who thinks that way
I hate tosas more
ToSaS and ToD are way worse
ToSaS sucks more tbh ice sucks
My favorite easy to intense towers
Easy: ToZD this is the most recent easy ever added and this tower has learning mechanics that are Advanced so this is a advanced tutorial
Medium: ToPS this is fine bc most medium are not remembered but this is remembered by some people
Hard: ToH this was the start of my journey to JToH I went to ToM to ToH its been a while since I beat it like 2 months now and this is a the farther you go the better it gets
Difficult: ToII same reason as ToH
Challenging: ToSTS the frame is unique the gameplay is a bit unique
Intense: SoMC this was my final challenge to get the crystal I remember failing F6 outside 2 days later i beat it.
6:51 ToOH is a grait contestant for this
ToTA and SoAU too
Hard to say since it's so old, plus it's fun to speed run and is a decent skill booster
@@leto222 bro ToTA is NOT bad. there is only 2 mazes
@SolarAzu mazes aren't my point. tota is a lazily-made copy-and-paste landfill with filler client objects that makes the tower feel as bland as unseasoned chicken
No way you chose CoACT. It was my first rem (8 hours long run) and will always be my fav tower ever. CoPE, ToPA and CoHaD (jumped from ToH) are goated too.
Good to see we share (almost) the same tastes !
I'm gonna hard disagree with you on thinning layers being a bad tower
Also Impossible movement is overhated imo
8:05 *coughs in ToNP*
tonp is top 3 worst tower in all of jtoh atleast
isnt it rem now
I actually kinda like ToNP, same with CoNP from xl. Though it's not even close to best but i somewhat enjoy it
@@koiii_3245it was always rem
0:57 me thinking of Tower of Endless Wandering:
Btw in the eternal abyss there is tower of void which is tower of eternal void unnerfed
isnt tower of void the version of cov before cov was a citadel?
@@SavePlayz cov used to be a hardest tower located in r1 (ig) but it got removed so in honor of it they added toev (first 10 floors of cov) and coiv (the rest of cov) in pom
6:42 towers have feelings too :(
todac had that charm of classic towers. I like it
My opinions (from what I've beaten)
Easy - Tower of Fairly Simple Challenges
I just like it ig
Medium - Tower of Inverted colors
I like ring 3 personally, yes shocking i know, ToIC is my favorite there.
Hard - Steeple of Greenhouse Placidity
I also like it, amazing first experience aswell, just love it
Difficult - Tower of Yearning Sucess
My favorite tower, i like it because of its mechanics, really unique and fun gameplay, and just a blast overall. But this is also tied with Immense ire, which is just as good.
Challenging - Steeple of Climbing
I have a lack of beaten challengings, but SoC is personally my favorite, idk just like it
Intense - Steeple of Buoyant Automations
Obviously better than floral fury, overall a blast.
Easy - Tower of Funny Thoughts
As much as i like ring 3 ToFT is just... Why.
Medium - Steeple of Fading Memories
Consider this cheating, but it was obvious. I quite like the caretaker's music, so the most iconic of his albums being portrayed like THIS saddens me. Least favorite tower ingame.
Hard - Tower of Hecc
Second worst first experience behind ToHS, Both equally as bad for me
Difficult - Tower of unearthed discoveries
No. Don't even need to explain right. Just garbage all the way through. AND EXTREMELY LAGGY AT THAT.
Challenging - Tower of Dreams and Caverns
Just no. Zone 2 is garbage. Only two good towers there that I've beaten.
Intense - Tower of Floral Fury
Punishing, Confusing gameplay, Difficulty spikes... Need i say more?
Will update as i beat more towers btw
someone finally not sleeping on toam
i agree to ALL of this, thank you for making this man💯🗣
My respect for not putting toua as best terri ⏫️🆙️⬆️⤴️🔼👆👆📈📈📈
Very useful video :D
Since you've beaten all cata towers, what is your favorite and least favorite cata tower?
@Cccitruse Fav ToEMP, least fav ToGF
I think ToZD in zone 1 is cooler, and ToAE is cooler too, but if that's your opinion, I don't mind
I was in your server when you were on ToCT 😅
ToAAA its just awsome
tbh todac is a good tower for me the worst challenging is probably tod or tosd
Lol you should include Effortless
9:22 Why does many people hate ToHH?!😢
I agree sooooo much
ToHH is so good it’s gonna be my first extreme
And I already have the zone for it
What should I beat
4:20 I know why people hate toaaa
softlock section that spikes to terrifying
bad head hitter jump on 4
annoying 1 and 2
thus no balance
idk why people consider 1 easiest when they found it really annoying and inconsistent for me 1 is high extreme 7 easiest
7:38 more than half of the music in this tower is some variation of the horrible repetitive boring floor 1 music
ToDIE's ONLY saving grace is its design.
i have like no opinion on the non-scs so i'll just quickly drop my fav and least fav scs
Best Insane: ToBT (favourite tower of all time, it's honestly the closest thing we'll ever get to perfection)
Best Extreme: ToHR (not ingame yet but just really damn fun)
Best Terrifying: ToMM (pretty split between this and towww, but i feel like this is just a bit better)
Best Catastrophic: ToDIE (going solely off of vibes, this just seems really fun lmao)
Best Horrific: ToWM (better than the others LOL)
Best Unreal: ToBF (idk man this tower just hits different...)
Worst Insane: ToTL (this is a disgrace to purism)
Worst Extreme: ToBK (inconsistent asf with a horrible final stretch)
Worst Terrifying: ToIM (this tower genuinely broke me)
Worst Catastrophic: ToGF *(die)*
Worst "Horrific": ToVH (cata imo but jesus christ wtf even is this)
Worst Unreal: CoIV (this is just a slightly better toev why do people think its good 💀)
in my opinion SoFW is the best challenging it’s so fun to rebeat
8:22 topp is worst rem
I met this Rizzler and crp in the same ToIM practice server
I was showing skips to crp
@@ViloLandOmega I saw crp have a bit of skill issue on 6 ToIM
Can u do most underrated tower of each difficulty
best rem tofg best challenging is tos best insane toif best extreme tohh rest of difficulty i havent played enough or forgot i beat all easy towers so long ago cant remember
There are another extreme that makes me talk to jukeverse delete ToBK
Yes! ToAAA going from silly to serious is one of the reasons I love it. I am glad to know that someone thinks the same.
Can’t blame classic towers rlly bc they would’ve never had these custom cos till this day
9:02 Im going to guess that Tower of Inception will be for worst terrifying.
Easy: ToZD
Medium: ToJ
Hard: ToCT
Difficult: SoVV
Challenging: ToCE
Intense: ToTD
Remorseless: CoP
Insane: ToHR
Extreme: ToAE
Easy: ToFT
Medium: ToM
Hard: ToOH
Difficult: SoWP
Challenging: ToDD
Intense: ToMIM
Remorseless: ToCN
Insane: ToC
Extreme: ToEI
0:37 "Garden of Eeshol"
Garden of Eeshol
Garden of Eeshöl
@@nash_the_cool_gamer These dots don't matter, 95% of community will say with normal o if they were asked what goe stands for
Garden of Eeshºl
imo toth is the best intense because its super fun
mid. there’s some spamming
My takes:
Best and worst easy:
toa (worst)
z4 easy that i forgot the name of (best)
tos (you thought i was gonna put tosas?)
z2 new rem (again forgor name)
ill include sc+ for fun lol
the zone 4 easy is Tower of Fairly Simple Challenges
rip horrific and unreal
And impossible (the CoV and CoIV difficulty)
@@zbeta_01014coiv is unreal
@@zbeta_01014 nobody likes nil towers unless ur a jjt kid
Personal opinion
Easy: SoBJ
Medium: SoN
Hard: SoGP
Intense:ToO(honorable mentions for ToPA and ToTD as those are my 2nd and 3rd favorite towers in the entire game)
ToUI the best remorseless and the best tower ingame
ToJ was my last medium tower
yeah bc its in zone 7
ToC is my favourite insane but I'm incredibly biased thanks to countless rebeats and speedruns, it's just super fun once u get consistent, but I will concede that debate as most people have a terrible time grinding it thanks to the first 3 floors (I did as well lmao)
BUT, I will DIE on the hill that ToIM is the worst terrifying AND that ToI is overhated as hell
I've beaten all 3 of the worst terri's (ToI, ToFN and ToIM), and I can say with certainty that ToIM is 10x worse than ToI, the gameplay in ToIM is somehow worse and more boring, as well as the fact that falling feels so much worse as you basically can't catch yourself thanks to the empty inside.
although my experience kinda makes me biased, i stopped playing obbies for 2 years after toim cause i was that demotivated after beating it lmao
Hey welcome its me annoying opinions guy again (these may not be accurate to my actual opinions, i dont feel like spending an hour thinking about what to put)
Easy: ToZD
Medium: ToPS
Hard: ToSV
Difficult: ToRC/ToAI
Challenging: ToWS
Intense: ToML
Remorseless: ToUI
Insane: ToBT
Extreme: ToTDA
Terrifying: ToAR
Catastrophic: ToGF (sorry pixik)
Easy: ToA
Medium: SoP
Hard: ToOH
Difficult: ToRCH
Challenging: ToD
Intense: CoHaD
Remorseless: ToES
Insane: ToC
Extreme: ToAE (not sorry anyone)
Terrifying: ToFN
Catastrophic: ToCP (it isn't bad i like all of the catas)
can you also do best horrifics and unreals?
i don’t think he has even played most of those.
there are no best horrifics and unreals, all of them suck
@@justaguy4575 its your opinion i dont mind but all of them are good
what?? I love most of the "worst towers" more than the "best towers". lol
Wait til he discovers ToVM
Amazing opinions!!! 👍🥳🎉
sc opinions only bc i agree with the rest:
insane best torer
extreme best totda/tofm cant decide
terrifying best toua
cata best tocp
insane worst toc
extreme worst toso
terri worst tons
cata worst toam
(If zone 9 then toemp)
Personal opinions:
Easy: SoDS Didn't play it but I love scary atmosphere
Medium: ToPS Excellent gameplay and unique design
Hard: ToH A classic!
Difficult: ToYS ngl underrated as hell, also GARFIELD!!
Challenging: ToGM A wrapped up beauty, so fun to play and creativity? I don't even need to talk about it.
Intense: ToTD Top 10 and maybe even top 5 favorite towers in jtoh
Remorseless: ToNR I'm in love with the music on floor 9, CoACT was so close too especially with floor 17 music.
Insane: ToTL purist gameplay is fun, I'M SORRY!
Extreme: ToEI the "four sections of torture™" music is stuck in my head forever.
Terrifying: ToNS has 4 banger songs and decent gameplay, but the skips make it a lot more enjoyable to play.
Catastrophic: ToAM patient transfer forever. Gameplay itself is not bad at all, I found it pretty fun, definitely better than the rest.
Easy: ToFT obviously...
Medium: ToM floor 5 is sh*t
Hard: ToF do I even need to explain?
Difficult: ToLD same goes here...
Challenging: ToT revert made it top 3 worst towers ever
Intense: ToDR auuughhhh
Remorseless: ToCN AUUUGHHHH
Insane: ToC: first three floors are terri+
Extreme: ToSM it's an okay tower tbh, it was my first extreme, legit apart from 2 GBJ escapes on 6b.
Terrifying: ToI F*CK THIS SO MUCH!!!!!
Catastrophic: ToDIE man, I feel your pain through this experience... Absolutely horrible!!!
most boring fucking sverage list ever
gurl really put SoDS when you didnt play it 😭😭
@@selalox373all the other easy towers were mid or terrible plus I'm focusing on difficult-challenging towers and I haven't beaten 4 easy towers/steeples: ToFSC, SoMM, SoBJ and SoDS
Why do people hate ToC so much.
My sc rating
Insane: ToPZ
extreme: ToAE
terrifying: ToMM/ToUA
catastrophic: ToCP
Insane: ToC
extreme: ToWF
terrifying: ToIM
isnt there totd and tosw for competition? why is the complexity rate 1/5 for best intense
Because it's my favourite tower in the game so i already knew i put it. And i just named all other good towers here
ToHE is another good intense
Question: what makes ToDaC worse than ToT for you?
Traps are creative for it's time, but todac has terrible spikes and dark everywhere
Toer’s the best catastrophic Tower
And ToEMP the worst
Pls never let bro cook again
Gonna cook with my opinions, I haven't done enough scs to judge them and I have only played 3 rems (Beaten every intense but ToTT and ToIII, however)
Easy: ToSFU
Literally so easy it's relaxing, which is a nice break
Medium: ToSA
Peak tower, fun gameplay, good music, even somewhat of a design
Hard: SoFF
When I first played this I thought it was peak, still is
Difficult: ToAI
No explanation needed
Challenging: SoXA
Cool, nice design, good co usage
Intense: ToPA
Again, it's peak
Remorseless: ToNED
Idk I just like it, it has a really nice aesthetic
Easy: ToFT
Literally that one party in the video
Medium: SoP
It's just...bad
Hard: ToE
Design and gimmicks over actual gameplay
Difficult: ToLD
Challenging: ToT
Would be ToTI but you can skip ToTI, ToT's name says it all
Intense: ToDR
A close one between ones like ToUT and ToADF but then ToO, but it's hard to be worse than ToDR
Remorseless: ToTS
I didn't like it, it's just not fun
Never let this bro rate ever again 💀🙏
Thanks, but I *will* rate
@@ViloLandOmega :(
ToEW not being best normal is a crime
best normal
10:35 ToER is bad tho but f4 music is my favorite
My opinions
Worst: ToFT: you know why
Best: ToZD and ToAST: really fun tutorial towers
Worst: ToM: very good except for two floors
Best: ToSA: this is so good and it actually made me scared for f9
Worst: SoUR: I hate f2
Best: SoLW: I love gp
Worst: ToWH: it’s all right, nothing interesting and nothing I hate
Best: ToKY: aside from f9 this is solid
Best: ToTC: amaaaaaazing!
Worst: ToHF: don’t get me wrong, this is really good, just not better than the other intenses I beat
Best: ToTF, ToIE, ToTH: best towers and my top 25 of all time
Worst: ToN: good but ehh
Best: ToTS: good gp, good enjoyability, my fav tower ever
That’s it for all I beat!
I will never understand the ToC slander.
I don’t have surface zone 2 and arcane area zone 2 subrealm
8:34 thanos tower has no balance
what's the music i've been thinking about it for ages even before this video
bro left me on hearted
u forgot to replace worst towers with best towers
Here are my favorite and least favorite towers from each difficulty:
Most fav.: Tower of Zero Disturbances (Zone 1); Reason: See who created the tower and you'll get the whole picture.
HMs (Honorable Mentions): ToAST, ToA (Ring 1); Reasons: First towers I've ever beaten, also, Calamity Mod Music SLAPS
DhMs: (Dishonorable Mentions): ToPHaT (Zone 1); Reason: why
Least fav.: Tower of Overestimating Difficulty (Zone 3); Reason: I have nothing against aamosaku, but what ticks me off is that punkynil helped with the tower.
Most fav.: Tower of Phone Snapping (Ring 2); Reason: Gamma tower, and uses good music (in this case, Dimrain47 - Frozen in Black and Silver
HMs: ToIC (Ring 3); Reason: A unique concept for a tower, where the gameplay uses Inverted Colours! But they didn't Invert the Colours correctly :(
DhMs: ToM (Ring 1), SoP (TFR); Reason: First one is boring, second one has inaccurate difficulty (btw, one time, I saw Gammattor in a Forgotten Ridge server and now I like his avatar so much :3
Like, I couldn't believe my eyes! It was THE Gammattor! I thankfully contained my excitement, and I didn't go into excitement mode. So yeah, that happened.)
Least fav.: Tower of Atlantic Depths (Zone 1); Reason: A bit hard, and made by Coatesultimate1, who bullied another player for having a high-pitched voice.
Most fav.: Tower of Ground Level Ascension (Zone 2); Reason: I am literally biased towards the outer floors' music. StH1 Marble Zone, SM64 Staff Credits, POINT OF NO RETURN - it's all here.
HMs: ToH (Ring 1), SoLW, SoUR (TFR), ToWER (Ring 3), ToE; Reasons: ToH and SoUR have good music, and SoLW is just... easier than SoP... and ToWER FLIPPIN' SLAPS WITH F9 MUSIC! Also, Tower of Elysium is Tower of Heaven confirmed ;) gj maplejavas
DhMs: ToBH, ToOH (Ring 2); Reasons: bruh
Least fav.: Tower of Killjoys (Ring 1); Reason: Too many client objects. Blend, whoever you are, you're a bad boy! >:(
Most fav.: Tower of Yearning Success (Zone 1); Reason: Listen to the music.
HMs: ToKY (Ring 1), ToWH (Ring 3); Reasons: Oi mate, ToKY's the tower that I'm aiming to beat as my first Difficult (other than ToII)! And ToWH has the same reason as ToWER.
DhMs: SoWP (TFR), ToCH (Ring 2), ToLD (Ring 3); Reasons: 1. I WILL NOT PUNCH A WALL! 2. rushed. 3. thats a lotta damage (flex tape tower ._.)
Most fav.: Tower of Hefty Magnitude (Zone 6); Reason: 1fren6, ESCHATOS, Sonic... perfect combo.
HMs: ToWEL (Zone 1), ToSP (Ring 1), ToCF (Zone 6); Reasons: ToWEL = good musik, ToSP = Chrono Trigger, ToCF = Frederic Chopin (Chopin is Polish-French and so am I ^_^)
DhMs: ToS (Ring 1); Reason: Not that great TBH. But Floor 10's music SLAPS! Also the base music for the current JToH kits.
Least fav.: Tower of Traps (Ring 2); Reason: Inaccurate difficulty. It's definitely at least Intense+.
Most fav.: Citadel of Laptop Splitting (Ring 1); Reason: The first citadel ever. My previous favorite, too, before it got beaten by my favorite tower of the next difficulty...
HMs: ToDR (Ring 6), ToIE (Ring 1); Reasons: Kirby's Return to Dream Land - Looming Darkness is just too good. I'm serious.
DhMs: CoHaD (Ring 3); Reason: They had an opportunity to smooth the gap between this and the SC... and they missed it!
Least fav.: Tower of Watts (Zone 6); Reason: It. Does. Not. Fit. The. THEME.
Most fav.: Citadel of Lethargy (Ring 9); Reason: See: Tower of Hefty Magnitude
HMs: ToTS (Ring 1), CoTE (Ring 7); For ToTS, it's because it was made by Feodoric, a Polish person who joined Roblox in 2007. For CoTE, it's because it's in a trilogy with ToHM.
DhMs: CoWS (Ring 2); Reason: 7.99 my butt!
Least fav.: ToES (Ring 2); Reason: why... just why...
Alright. I said that I'm doing the SCs, so I'm doing them now.
Most fav.: Tower of Mind Breaking (TFR); Reason: yes.
HMs: ToDC (Ring 2), ToDC:C (Removed), ToC (Ring 3), ToDT (Zone 2); Reasons: 1. difficulty chart, 2. difficulty chart but better music, 3. B for confusion, 4. pokemon reference
DhMs: Everything else (except least favorite); Reasons: I don't know why
Least fav.: Tower of Extreme Hell (Ring 7); Reason: why is it not extreme difficulty tower
Most fav.: Tower of Bloodthirsty Kenos (Ring 9); Reason: wait is this GD Kenos?
HMs: ToSO (Ring 8); Reason: Calling out for Scatman! Calling out for Scatman's World! (Scatman's World plays on the inside)
Least fav.: Tower of Hopeless Hell (Zone 3); Reason: i... i guess the... the tower is right... i can never truly win... i... feel... hopeless...
Terrifying (terrible difficulty ahead O_O):
Most fav.: Tower of Frightening Nightmares (Ring 5); Reason: Dimrain47 - Infernoplex
HMs: ToIM (Ring 6); Reason: Feodoric made it. See why I like Feodoric by looking at Remorseless' Honorable Mentions.
DhMs: ToI (Ring 4); Reason: I unfortunately kinda like the tower, but it's because I was kidnapped once and brought to ToI so that I could be silenced. There were killbricks everywhere! Luckily, I exited out of the tower by *totally* not using Vertical Mobility.
Least fav.: Tower of Micro(soft) Management (Zone 6); Reason: AAAA IT'S SO TINY! But at least I can make Microsoft jokes with this tower!
Since the Cata towers are REALLY hard to choose, I'll just rate them out of 10!
ToAM: 7/10; Reason: IT'S ALL AUGMENTED 🎶
ToVM: 2/10; Reason: No vindicators in JToH!
ToGF: 9/10; Reason: Unique theme and Feodoric.
ToDIE: 1/10; Reason: [VERIFIED!] Descent Into Exile by Riot, Me, GrenadeOfTacos and more
ToSE: 3/10; Reason: It shunned me, I shun it! smh
ToCR: 8/10; Reason: Only For Champions
ToER: 6/10; Reason: Music is good, but people are mishandling the tower's trail.
Horrific (PoM so non-canon):
ToVH: 8/10; Reason: the hindrances are now vacant
ToWM: 1/10; Reason: did they seriously call it tower of water melon
ToEV: 2/10; Reason: ok
ToTRP: 10/10; Reason: Touhou Seirensen - Heian no Alien
Unreal (PoM so non-canon):
ToBF: 4/10; Reason: i'm not blind at all
CoIV: 5/10; Reason: it's not the real tower of void it's a FAKER
ToSF: 1/10; Reason: no. just... no.
@@Vinnybear_yeah best u.s. state ever, amirite?
Toz def worse than ToES i mean COME ON
All I see is "ermmm... Good music, also I simp for gamma"
"totint is an example of good puzzles" more like floor 1 was an example of a puzzle
7:39 if I were you then id hate toar
9:20 bro forgot ToBK 💀💀💀
I've beaten that several times and i like it, but not close to best nor worst
@@ViloLandOmega So you just call it “mid”?
@@healthychannel9323 yes
ToTINT reminds me of There is no game the game
it was inspired by it
say you like co's without saying you like co's
Here before mythic
The worst extreme is ToIM, ToTB is great btw
ToIM is terrifying.
I wonder what difficulty OoIV would be
If ToOH has a million haters im one of them
If ToOH has a hundred thousand haters im one of them
If ToOH has ten thousand haters im one of them
If ToOH has a thousand haters im one of them
If ToOH has a hundred haters im one of them
If ToOH has ten haters im one of them
If ToOH has one hater its me
If ToOH has no haters im dead
toc is not worst insane how? it’s extreme
toio is challenging
cotaw and cohad is challenging
topz is alright imo, btu there is absolutely ZERO way (get it) that the gameplay is the best part. Its so inconsistent and for some reason keeps swapping between very punishing and very forgiving. The click parts are used alright, but SERIOUSLY, they dont work like 20% of the time.
I know how to deal with these consistently, and honestly i enjoy the gameplay a lot
@@ViloLandOmega how do u deal with them
I hate ToHH because it makes me scared of of dark
Easy Worst: SoDS was lame for me
Easy Best: ToFSC I loved it
Medium Worst: ToM it was sleepy
Medium Best: ToFZ It was just so fun to beat
Hard Worst: ToF its just ToF
Hard Best: ToSV the colours were great gameplay too
Difficult Worst: ToCO it was literally just so bad
Difficult Best: ToFV i loved the design, gp progression and just the appealing colours
Challenging Worst: ToTI literally one of the strangest and dumbest tower
Challenging Best: ToWMT it was soooo fun
Intense Worst: ToUT its a trap tower ofc
Intense Best: CoHaD took 5 hours but soo fun
Remorseless Worst: ToNP
Remorseless Best: CoPE 😍
Insane Worst: ToEH
Insane Best: ToIF
Extreme Worst: ToSO its fall to 1 simulator
Extreme Best: ToAAA it took 2 days as from beating ToBK
Terrifying Worst: ToI
Terrifying Best: ToMM my beloved
Catastrophic Worst: ToER just looks long and painful
Catastrophic Best: ToAM
CoACT is one of the worst remoreslesses what was bro cooking
In quality it's not even close
I only have ring 1-2
Ah yes good video
some of these are quite questionable...
CoACT is my favourite tower in game so I'm hapy you chose it as best rem
4:11 I am coming for you, ToAE is so much better.
Ok my only complaint is that cohad is definitely WAY better than topa
5:02 ToI, ToFN, ToIM