Viga was throwing pony plushies at Linkara, then threw a Zebstrika plushie at him. In Omicron, Zebstrika's name is Zecora. It's an MLP review. Well played, you two. Well played.
18:09 okay, just realized from this panel, this guy literally THROUGH OUT A MEMBER OF ROYALTY AS IF SHE'S A NOBODY! Again, WHY hasn't equestria gone to war with this guy's people? They clearly don't care for pony authority, so set the Princess who wields the power of the element of magic, the sun and moon on the ass, already!
I mean, you kinda just said it. They're "Pony" authority. Yaks, dragons, griffons, and various other races don't adhere to the princesses for ruling. I'd imagine Minotaurs have their own authority as well, perhaps a loose one.
18:36 not only that, but the TREE OF HARMONY is in that forest! You know, the mystical tree that keeps equestria in balance? Oh, yeah. i don't see tearing THAT down causing ANY problems for the world. Nope. None whatsoever.
Favorite joke/quote : Linkara: "You know, it's sad when I can't tell the difference between the official licensed product, and somebody's fan porn." Viga:"There's no porn in Ponies!" Linkara:"........Really? Viga:"....Maybe....Just on..... the Internet" Me: "LOL"
I watch Linkara regularly, and I'm also a brony. I think you handled this right. I do like the show, and have even purchased a few books and mini-plushies related to MLP:FiM. But I'm not some overzealous fan who only wears pony clothes and gets disappointed in anyone who won't "join the herd". You don't like the show, that's OK as long as you don't hate on the fans like so many others do. I think some Atop the Fourth Wall fans would even bolt out of spite if you'd gone full-on brony. And I LOVE how you used the lady to make fun of the over-the-top fans, too. As for the comic itself, I'll agree you've reviewed much worse. But it's also far from the best FiM comic ever, either. Even fans who won't use your kind of salty language would still agree with some of your criticisms of this comic.
I love how defeatist these deer are: "OH NO, THE PLANT TOPPLED OVER, NOTHING CAN NEVER GROW THERE AGAIN!" I just want to put them in a headlock and scream, "THAT'S NOT HOW SOIL WORKS!"
This storyline pissed me off when I first read it, but it didn't infuriate me as much as the old west two parter that was also released around this time. Like this story, the conflict in that was predicated on people not using the obvious and sensible solutions. For example, the villains were a gang of outlaws who, while engaged in a land occupation that was technically legal, were actively causing problems for the nearby town in addition to that. Threatening them with violence, extorting food and supplies from them, and even causing a stampede to run through town. A stampede of cows, mind you, that are sapient in this universe. Meaning on top of everything, they caused a massed panic. All of these things would be grounds for Twilight Sparkle - a friggin' member of pony royalty - to call in the Equestrian national guard. Yet for baffling reasons, Twilight refused to use force on the villains because they were citizens, even though they were also obviously criminals. Like I said, it was a story that infuriates me to this day.
I'm glad you got around to something like this, Linkara, and I'm perfectly content with your opinion on the show. Not everyone has to love the same things, after all. As for this comic storyline, it's not the worst, but it wasn't a particular favorite of mine. You, of course, made it hilarious, and I knew you'd get a laugh from Pinkie. =)
this episode is I PERFECT example of why linkara is such a great reviewer! when he's looking at something he love's he's willing to point out the flaw's and failings, here he delt with something he'd indifferent and neutral toward (openly admitting that he's neither currently nor going to be a fan) but gave it it's due and treated the subject with the open-minded unbiased consideration all reviewers should. not only that, he clearly had fun doing all this and we as viewers got to have fun with him because of it.also two things: 1. was I the only one that was reminded of kudzu because of those vines? 2. hi viga!
My name is Bramble, I speak for the trees! Also, I'm with Linkara. Aspen is a pretty weak ruler if he's going to let this devastation of his subjects homes go unopposed. I think Blackthorn should be the new king, military coup everyone. Also, when the trees were attacking, their best weapon at that point was Spike, a fire-breathing dragon.
also, though he sorta blazed past it, its kinda hard to root for Aspen since he and his people are rpesented as holier than thou assholes who are attacking the innocent ponies living nearby AND NOT THE GUYS ACTIVELY ANTAGONISING THEM. and have the gall to insult and mistreat the ponies for the smallest in fraction without letting them say in anything in their defence. also, the deer live in a forest filled with monsters that not only try to eat the protagonists, but are also assholes who attack ponies for litterally no reason than for funsies, like the Cocatrice that turned ponies to stone for no real reason, or the wolves made out of trees that don't even need to eat. So really, the protagonists would be BETTER OFF without the everfree.
aceotaku I wouldn't go that far, animals attack anyone who encroach on their territory so you can't judge them for that. The deer do have a point, about protecting the homes of thousands of life forms. The problem is their useless king won't raise a hoof to stop the real enemy until his son gets kidnapped.
GeneralKenobi75 their logic would be the equivalent of mexico getting mad at Vietnam for something (insert issue here), and decide to conquer all of south america until someone else fixes the issue for them.
Just got to why the whole vine thing. I have to ask. Did these ponies REALLY think that the Everfree Forest, a place with unpredictable weather, tons of dangerous creatures, and a good distance away from civilization, would be a good place for an amusement park? Hey, that's my ability to care about what happens in this comic. And there it goes.
Another thing I have to come back to ask. HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU GET ZONING PRIVILEGES FOR THE EVERFREE FOREST FOR ANYTHING THAT ISN'T SOMETHING GOVERNMENT RELATED? Seriously, think about it. Besides the stuff listed in the first comment, there is just every reason for someone to just say 'no, you can't build an amusment park in the Everfree Forest. Also, you need to see someone if you really think that's a good idea in the first place'.
no one wants tan area that need so much work just to be usable. if you cut onquality material (and that defietivelly is the case), you can get a lost of ground for dirt cheap
The plot of this comic is basically the same as the one for "Over a Barrel," one of the most hated episodes. Even though it started the "Fluttershy is a tree" meme and introduced some interesting characters, it got a lot of criticism for its clichés and for trivializing real conflicts, and that is basically what this comic does. In other words, your criticism is right. The show's strength is having redeemable villains. A lot of the bad guys the Mane Six have confronted were turned around after negotiation and compromise. This is done to show us the importance of communication and, yes, friendship.
I agree with the major weaknesses of Over A Barrel, but I don't think villain redemption is a strength. It takes ARCS. I think Luna and Discord had satisfying redemption arcs-Luna's still aloof and awkward and Discord is still a raging dickweed, but the same doesn't apply to say, Trixie or Starlight Glimmer or the Changelings in my mind.
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall Oh I see. You really did move. It's just that sometimes CA say things as part of the joke or story or something and I wasn't sure.
Great review, as always, Linkara. There is another problem that I don't think he mentioned, though: What do they need Celestia for??? Twilight Sparkle is supposed to be a princess in this issue, so they already have a ruling monarch RIGHT THERE, who, I believe, would have every right in telling this minotaur guy to clear off. It baffles me how the intelligent creatures with hooves in this comic can have such a firm grip on the Idiot Ball.
considering that Twilight had only just became a Princess, and most of her heroic deeds in stopping Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, etc. before her Ascendancy is never considered or brought up in the time she has been living in Ponyville: most if any form of influence that she would have exhumed in the situation regarding Well-To-Do would be amount to hearsay and not have any form of political weight behind it compared to that of either Celestia or Luna who controls the Night and Day, which is why Well-To-Do prioritized on halting King Aspens' messenger birds sent to Canterlot instead. Twilight is essentially a Princess without *_any_* political power.
The Owlbear is a cute D&D reference. The Manticore is EXTREMELY off model (which is weird considering that it looks a lot more on-model at the end), and the hydra is extremely small and out of place. There's a lot of good IDW Pony comics. This isn't really one of them. It's really poorly paced and waaay too random. I DO like deer Lorien and I do like the idea of the Everfree Forest having its own culture or even source for all the magic and abominations in it. The characters seem enslaved to their quirks. We've seen how they react to similar situations, so it's a bit jarring. I'm pretty environmentalist, but the message here is ridiculous. This ain't Tolkien. This ain't Miyazaki. This ain't even Brute Force. Not to mention Twilight isn't actually prone to throwing trees around when she can use magic directly. And wouldn't Fluttershy have a problem in the first place? Also, using potions for magic really makes Zecora seem a lot less special. And wouldn't someone as well-read as Twilight know that deer have their own civilization? And why is there an amusement park in Ponyville? It's a small settlement! And why aren't the construction workers attacked instead of the nearby settlement? This isn't like when native American land was settled on illegally. Would Mayor Mare really not know about the whole "Deer country" RIGHT nearby? Wait a minute, why wouldn't Fluttershy or Zecora know about the deer?! They go there all the time! ZECORA LIVES THERE! I dunno-this is giving me bad flashbacks to the Bison episode, which the awesome plains tribe bison, but was really shallow and uncomfortable. How did the vines get to Canterlot Castle? It's not that close to the place! Are the deer attacking everywhere BUT the people who are invading?! And how can GODESSES get overcome by plants? These aren't even the nasty magical Cthuloid plants that Discord made! HOW ARE DEER MORE POWERFUL THAN THE GOD OF CHAOS?! Gangster ponies? Really? Wouldn't Celestia know about this from any of the residents of Ponyville? How does Twilight not know about it? Where's the Mayor during all of this?! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING?! Okay, I got a laugh from the Hippie Ponies. There's even one in the show. Hell, he doesn't even have to disembowel the guys-King Aspen can just, you know, ARREST them! At least in the buffalo episode they made a one-dimensional issue a two-dimensional issue. In this one? Nah, just kill 'em all. Hear that Chief Thunderhoof? Your violence against the ponies was completely justified. Donald Trump is a minotaur. Huh. Explains a lot. And the solution here is just stupid I know I'm overthinking what's usually a fun little kid's show, but come on! This is giving me Lorax flashbacks!
20:49 Not to mention TWILIGHT IS A FREAKING PRINCESS TOO! Just proof that the Minotaur doesn't care what authority say. he wants to built this theme park, so he will. that's how he sees it. i've a co worker who acts the same way. thinks he can come to work, do nothing and leaving us to pick up his slack to ensure our job is done on time, takes the credit, steals money whenever he can get away with it, mocks others when they genuinely make a mistake and even leaves from break and the end of work ten to twenty minutes before everyone else, just because, in his opinion, whatever he wants, he can do or have. Man, Linkara. Never thought i'd feel so vocal watching this review.
Just for those that _don't_ understand what cutie marks are, it's been implied multiple times that cutie marks are in some manner an outer representation of one's soul, so when rainbow dash said the spirit of the forest would steal your cutie marks she's really saying it'll eat your soul.
yes. The show has a lot of implications about manifest destiny tied up in the cutie marks, especially in the final episode of season 3, wherein twilight accidentally switches her friends' cutie marks in a manner that seems to warp their lives and their pasts, _but_ it also implies that the cutie mark is some magical totem of manifest destiny based around someone's soul, and not the soul itself, though taking a cutie mark away seems to heavily change the ponies both physically and mentally, usually for the worse. also, I know I've changed my original statement's context a bit, but I'd kinda forgotten the shit-show that was the season 3 closer, seeing as it needed a good four episodes to flesh out the plot they shoved into a mere two-parter.
I mean, speaking meta, yeah, her crimes were abhorrent, but speaking in-universe their options were to imprison her (look how well _that_ shit worked when celestia did it! it never backfired _at all!_), kill her, or attempt to -brainwash- reform her into a fine, upstanding citizen. The loony girl got clockwork oranged.
Normally Earth Ponies and Pegasi are incapable of using magic spells. Unicorns use magic via their horns. Pegasi do have magic, but do to their lack of emitters such as horns, they can't cast magic spells and instead it manifests itself by granting them flight and the ability to walk on clouds. Before you question why they need magic to fly when they have wings(proceeds to read science babble about wing to body ratio being inaccurate)
When you made that Kerosene remark, I'm surprised you didn't play the "Mac wants the flamethrower". Then I realized that if you had asked, I bet someone in their fanbase would animate a pony version of that in seconds.
If I ever get financially secure enough that Patreon sponsorship is a realistic thing for me to do, I'd love to get a review of the MLP/Transformers crossover, Friendship In Disguise.
Since Linkara almost crash landed on the moon, i was expecting a Nightmare Rarity comic review, but this is pretty good too :) love the way he got Viga into the review and the show, they look cute together
The biggest with this story is that fluttershy got mad and no one called the living embodiment of chaos that is her best freind who could snap his fingers and turn the equipment and construction materials into rabid animals
14:54 wait. so, the minotaurs are intentionally working near a forest ALL OF PONY KIND say you shouldn't because it's pretty much suicide to, and don't think that will cause any problems? Wow. i wasn't going to judge them based on Iron Will alone, but my original thoughts on them were right. they are stupid. doesn't excuse the ponies working with them, though, unless they weren't raised with the nowledge due to living in big cities like Manehatten, Las Pegasus and even Canterlot, where the majority of the populace only care about how things go in their manufactured cities and not so much the environment
This is going to be good. Yeah, I'm a fan of MLP and I collect the comics. In fact, they're the only comics I collect since Archie's Mega Man series ended with Issue 55 and New Warriors Vol. 5 already ended (I love them btw), what could I do?
8:19 the only problem with the "I before e except after c" rule is that it's inconsistent. And I'm saying this so I have an excuse to say "OF COURSE, DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT *SCIENCE* ?"
you think this comic is bad linkara? wait till you see "all star pinkie pie and the cutie mark crusaders"! or since pinkie in that comic is so out of character, fans have called it "cupcake Carrie's magical drug trip of madness"! almost as bad are "applejack at equestria's end" or "twilight sparkle: alicorns attack"! but you'd definitely hate "one more neigh"! the infamous story where tirek convinces big Macintosh to sell his marriage to fluttershy to save granny smith! pretty much every fan thought that comic sucked all around!
dnmstarsi I was going to make the joke "all star princess luna", and replace crazy Steve with nightmare moon. But then I thought it would be funnier to imagine pinkie as batmare, plus in this review linkara kept referencing a certain insane fanfic, that's as infamous to bronies/pegasisters as a.s.b.a.r. is to Batman fans:(
Kris Lundell It works either way. I'm no MLP:FIM fan but I can only cringe how Frank Miller could do a MLP story. Aside from the repetition of words, whores, emphazing random words, artwork (if allowed), racism and sexism and etc.
dnmstarsi I mostly wanted to start a thread were people made jokes combining mlp references with comics linkara reviewed, like "parasprites, my God", or "I AM A MARE*buck*"" :)
Took waaayyy too long to do MLP stuff, but I’m so glad he did because as one of my inspirations as a critic, it does my heart good to see it.\ If you’re ever looking for more issues to review, hit me up (or wait for the Patreon sponsor again. Or continue to have Viga pelt you in the face with the dang things. Whatever you wish). I have like a dozen terrible ones and a dozen great ones to recommend. If you never want to touch it again too, as since you said it’s just not your kind of series, that’s cool. I’m just happy in general that this finally happened! (don't ask about the formatting. I hit the share button first and typed this out there instead of the other way around, since you know, Google doesn't let you copy and paste youtube comments)
As someone who isn't really into this franchise I was surprised about how much I found myself liking this review. Good jokes, A cameo from Viga, and some great analysis. Also - Correct me if I'm Wrong - I assume that from you putting that Zebstrika from Pokemon on your shoulder in the beginning, was a small reference to your Let's Play Pokemon Omicron
22:18 again, proof Well-To-Do doesn't give a shit. even though twilight has made it clear she wants no part in this project and wants him to stop, he plans on acting like she fully endorses it, which in turn would make twilight look like she doesn't give a crap about the damage he's doing.
um linkara Aspen said the land was dead and wouldn't grow anything twice. which means his attack plants couldn't grow there either and they had bulldozers in area were his magic was weakened so yeah he couldn't attack there and instead decided to expand his land instead
Except this entire situation began with wooden wolves and the plants clearly could expand out even if they weren't growing in the ground, sooo yeah. XD
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall timper wolf may seem vicious but they're actually fragile and easily break Applejack is able to do it with her bare hooves was able to do it so yeah a bulldozer can take one out as well, and before some mentions it yes a bunch timperwolfs if broken can combine amd reform into a giant alpha timper wolf but spike took one out by throwing a rock at it. And no it wasn’t a big rock And timper wolfs have been depicted as wild animals which aspen doesn't have control over so he probably didn't have them either
The Duelist i am I'm just stating that something he critiqued was explained in the comic. He was absolutely right that Aspen dhould have guted that minotaour as soon as he walked into his house
Fair enough. ^_^ I still stand by the rapid expansion magic of the vines and whatnot, though - even if they can't get very far into the amusement park (which they still seem able to do with how long some of them appeared to be), they could at the very least form a defensive line to keep them from any further advancement.
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall clearly by the fact Blackthorn solved the problem in 5 minutes of being king Aspen was kinda of an idiot. Also silly linkara Celestia and Luna don't do anything to solve a problem. Except show Luna whose almost a 180 of comic luna
... the amount of times Linkara, maybe without knowing I can't be sure, said things so close to being part of the cupcakes plot is scary to me, an old Brony from Gen 1, for anyone who did not know, so likely no one, Cup cakes is an old MLP creepy pasta where the plot is Pinking has a number drawing system, when a number comes up, that pony is made into cup cakes. Rainbow Dash had her number come up and is turned into ingredients for cupcakes. the line about her "feeding the heads of the construction workers into a grinding machine for your cupcakes" is the main one, but there was one before that too... if he did know about it and put those in, good work on that, I am again, not able to tell. either way, a good review.
Some advice: if you’re having trouble getting over the fear of a creepypasta, try rereading it again and realize how poorly written it is. Grammatical errors are the enemy of fear!
The fact that you know nothing about MLP makes this review even more hilarious. I enjoy your reviews regardless of the source material because you are incredibly clever. Especially had me dying at the Monty Python reference. This was absolutely amazing! Also, I would've guessed the reason Linkara was moving because he was paranoid the Entity might go looking for him back where he was "defeated" but I prefer the reason you gave to moving out a lot more. And it doesn't come out of nowhere, you've set up throughout the show's run that the people running the old apartment didn't like Linkara that much so kudos for sticking to continuity
They were poking fun at MARVEL and DC and superheroes in general Maretropolis = Metropolis Pinkie Pie/Phillie Second = the Flash Fluttershy/Saddle Rager = the Hulk Rainbow Dash/Zap = Thor/Storm Rarity/Radience = Star Sapphire/Green Lantern Applejack/Mistress Marevelus = Wonder Woman/Batman Twilight Sparkle/Masked Matterhorn = Cyclops/Firestar/Ice Man Spike/Humdrum = Robin/Bucky/Live bait I mean kid sidekick The Mane-iac = The Joker/Doc Ock
I would just like to point out that Yugi Moto once set a sumbitch on fire for slapping his girlfriend, but the leader of a sovereign nation won't go to war over people stealing his land?
I like to think there's an alternate universe where viga and linkara swap places. She's reviewing manga and mlp stuff and going on crazy adventures and her boyfriend just occasionally yeets power ranger and star trek merch at her
thank you for reviewing this. I am a MLP fan and even though you yourself are not a fan and didn't like the comic I am happy you did this episode and hope someday you do more.
Oh, but Linkara... 1920s Gangster Pony does actually have a cutie mark on his thigh, and it's not in the shape of a tommygun. No, it's in the shape of a blackjack. You know - for kids.
Those wolves made of wood? Timberwolves. Showed up in a couple of episodes. Princess Celestia sending Twilight do do the hard part isn't out of character for her at all. For what it's worth. Kinda hoped you'd break out "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" the comic's remark on pony arrogance. 15:38-16:35 We actually do see "Bugsy's" cutie mark later, and, no, it's not a machine gun. In point of fact, it appears to be a cosh. 20:16 For the record, that's a phoenix in the background, name of Philomena. Based on the review alone, I'd be inclined to call this at least a decent two-part comic if it (somehow) weren't for the colossal misstep you spent a full minute on.
"Revenge of the Everfree" was a terrible arc, but I think "The Good, the Bad, and the Pony" and "Reins, Trains, and Carts with Wheels" were far worse comics in the series.
To be honest, I'll take those odds. Bad comics or good comics, ponies or pokemon, I value his opinion and love seeing the discussion spring from such. And also much of the exposure to things I would've never seen otherwise. ...also skits.
Personally I'd love to see him comment about how Discord was so much based on Q that the creators decided rather than to look for somebody to imitate John De Lancie they just asked the man himself, and the idea some fans joke around that Discord is Q, he just got bored tormenting the crew of the USS Enterprise and moved onto ponies, or fled to Equestria to escape Voyager.
If you do another MLP comic (just watched the Christmas Annual video), you should do issues 11-12 with 80's Dan. That whole arc is nothing but 80's throwbacks.
I love these comics, but they really are hit and miss, with this one falling on the stupid side. The best stuff in the new MLP is when it does it's own thing, world building and slice of life, the worst is when it tries to parody real life places, people, etc. Good point about Aspen failing to protect his borders, he should've just mulched that dude, Celestia regularly rainbow nukes a mofo for even slightly acting up. If they aren't teaching kids to do things peacefully then why hold back?
Not to be a know-it-all, but actually, it' good that this was made on paper from wood pulp instead of electronically. Paper companies would naturally be carbon neutral, they cut down a tree, they plant a new one. It's basic logic of not exhausting the resources they need to keep their company alive. But if we end up going paperless, then that forest is looking pretty useless to land developers and so then they would cut the whole thing down to build something on it.
Maybe they want to build a parking garage because building a parking garage is such an idiotic thing to do that building a parking garage is the most sensible thing to do. I don’t know, I’ve never experienced MLP before this
Two Cupcakes references in one episode? We are spoiled! By the way, please tell me you watched the episode "Lesson Zero." I think you'd have gotten a real kick out of it. Seriously, Fluttershy snaps a bear's neck. It's awesome.
actually I think he'd get more of a kick out of the Return of Harmony, seeing as it introduces discord as a Q expy and Linkara LOVES THE SHIT out of star trek.
8:44 You know this is something everyone, even the show staff always gets wrong about the location of the cutie marks. They aren't on the hindquarters nor the flank (which are in fact two completely different locations on their own) but the the thighs. In fact the only reason anyone thinks they're on the flank is because of a schoolyard insult which was spesfically meant to rhyme and "blank thigh" just didn't have the same ring to it.
Ahhhhhhh! >< This was adorable and I'm not even that big a fan of MLP. Please say Viga will be in more? The chemistry you two share is just phenomenal (gee I wonder how that could be).
About the parking lot, there are a lot of carts and a few helicopters so there is some need of it. As for the deer town, they made the trees grow to that pattern and the gates are gold. Probably a gift from Celestia since the rulers seem to be familiar with each other.
DO ANOTHER PONY COMIC, pretty please. I could wait a year or two, but you should do another one of these. I really liked that my favourite reviewer reviewed my favorite cartoon (even if is just a tie in), and ponies are a big part of the internet. This is my suggestion if you do another is "neghe anything" one of the first of the pony comics I ever read, and as of now my favorite. Hope that you live long and prosper Lewis, thank you for creating both my love of reviews and my favorite of the many shows of that kind. P.s. sorry this is so long.
You did a great job here, Linkara. For someone who's not so well inverse with the show, you criticisms make sense both in context to the show these comics are based on as well as story-telling in general. I personally never bothered with these comics since they basically have no continuity with the show. Sure, some of the storylines brought in these comics can make for great ideas and episodes in the show, but I feel that if the show has no mention of these details, it's not canon. Hell, not even the writers of the show itself have any involvement with these comics. Furthermore, the fanbase doesn't really pay attention these comics, which is strange given that the fans can produce large amounts of fan material within the first 24 hours an episode is released.
I like that we get to see Viga appear on this show. I'm glad you guys have a house together. As for the review, I think it was really funny. As a Brony, I did notice some facts you messed up, but they were few and far between, and since you admit that you don't regularly watch the show, it makes sense that you wouldn't know EVERYTHING. Otherwise, the review was funny, Viga was fun to watch, and I'm glad to see an MLP review. Can't wait for next week. Hoping LittleKuriboh makes a cameo.
Viga was throwing pony plushies at Linkara, then threw a Zebstrika plushie at him. In Omicron, Zebstrika's name is Zecora. It's an MLP review. Well played, you two. Well played.
I caught that too ^_^
And then proceeded to put it on his shoulder as is depicted in the newest title card.
***** Exactly.
Who is Viga?
What's Omicron
it's really obvious that every time that Viga throws something at Linkara he wants to laugh
She's just too cute though
Well when your wife throws plushies at you would you not want to laugh? Yes they are engaged I just said wife because they will be married.
*Pony throw* Pony!!
I chuckled at that.......
who wouldn't?
Daluna13 PONY!
PONY! *that's not a pony, that's a Pokemon...*
I ran out of plushies!
23:16 King Aspen of Equestria, you have great rage in your heart. You belong to the Red Lantern Corps.
"I bet Pinkie Pie's hair tastes like cotton candy."
There was ever any doubt?
Personally, I think it would taste like bubblegum.
I was thinking cake frosting.
I thought it tasted like awesomeness
@@DeathGodRiku no that's Rainbow Dash
Pro trick: watch movies on flixzone. I've been using them for watching all kinds of movies lately.
18:09 okay, just realized from this panel, this guy literally THROUGH OUT A MEMBER OF ROYALTY AS IF SHE'S A NOBODY! Again, WHY hasn't equestria gone to war with this guy's people? They clearly don't care for pony authority, so set the Princess who wields the power of the element of magic, the sun and moon on the ass, already!
I mean, you kinda just said it. They're "Pony" authority. Yaks, dragons, griffons, and various other races don't adhere to the princesses for ruling. I'd imagine Minotaurs have their own authority as well, perhaps a loose one.
18:36 not only that, but the TREE OF HARMONY is in that forest! You know, the mystical tree that keeps equestria in balance? Oh, yeah. i don't see tearing THAT down causing ANY problems for the world. Nope. None whatsoever.
Did you just foreshadow season 9?
Favorite joke/quote :
Linkara: "You know, it's sad when I can't tell the difference between the official licensed product, and somebody's fan porn."
Viga:"There's no porn in Ponies!"
Viga:"....Maybe....Just on..... the Internet"
Me: "LOL"
Jared Ohlstein Hail Linkara!!!
I watch Linkara regularly, and I'm also a brony. I think you handled this right.
I do like the show, and have even purchased a few books and mini-plushies related to MLP:FiM. But I'm not some overzealous fan who only wears pony clothes and gets disappointed in anyone who won't "join the herd". You don't like the show, that's OK as long as you don't hate on the fans like so many others do. I think some Atop the Fourth Wall fans would even bolt out of spite if you'd gone full-on brony. And I LOVE how you used the lady to make fun of the over-the-top fans, too.
As for the comic itself, I'll agree you've reviewed much worse. But it's also far from the best FiM comic ever, either. Even fans who won't use your kind of salty language would still agree with some of your criticisms of this comic.
I just want to put them in a headlock and scream, "THAT'S NOT HOW SOIL WORKS!"
Yeah no evil capitalist is going to waste the Salt Is permanently destroying nature salt as expensive
Silly Linkara, Twilight's an alicorn! She'd be at least a captain, if not an admiral. :P
Apparently, not at the point of this comic, so…
This storyline pissed me off when I first read it, but it didn't infuriate me as much as the old west two parter that was also released around this time. Like this story, the conflict in that was predicated on people not using the obvious and sensible solutions. For example, the villains were a gang of outlaws who, while engaged in a land occupation that was technically legal, were actively causing problems for the nearby town in addition to that. Threatening them with violence, extorting food and supplies from them, and even causing a stampede to run through town. A stampede of cows, mind you, that are sapient in this universe. Meaning on top of everything, they caused a massed panic.
All of these things would be grounds for Twilight Sparkle - a friggin' member of pony royalty - to call in the Equestrian national guard. Yet for baffling reasons, Twilight refused to use force on the villains because they were citizens, even though they were also obviously criminals.
Like I said, it was a story that infuriates me to this day.
That's a common complaint with the show. Luna and Celestia, despite having nearly deific status, are almost always useless
I'm glad you got around to something like this, Linkara, and I'm perfectly content with your opinion on the show. Not everyone has to love the same things, after all. As for this comic storyline, it's not the worst, but it wasn't a particular favorite of mine. You, of course, made it hilarious, and I knew you'd get a laugh from Pinkie. =)
this episode is I PERFECT example of why linkara is such a great reviewer! when he's looking at something he love's he's willing to point out the flaw's and failings, here he delt with something he'd indifferent and neutral toward (openly admitting that he's neither currently nor going to be a fan) but gave it it's due and treated the subject with the open-minded unbiased consideration all reviewers should. not only that, he clearly had fun doing all this and we as viewers got to have fun with him because of it.also two things: 1. was I the only one that was reminded of kudzu because of those vines? 2. hi viga!
My name is Bramble, I speak for the trees! Also, I'm with Linkara. Aspen is a pretty weak ruler if he's going to let this devastation of his subjects homes go unopposed. I think Blackthorn should be the new king, military coup everyone. Also, when the trees were attacking, their best weapon at that point was Spike, a fire-breathing dragon.
also, though he sorta blazed past it, its kinda hard to root for Aspen since he and his people are rpesented as holier than thou assholes who are attacking the innocent ponies living nearby AND NOT THE GUYS ACTIVELY ANTAGONISING THEM. and have the gall to insult and mistreat the ponies for the smallest in fraction without letting them say in anything in their defence.
also, the deer live in a forest filled with monsters that not only try to eat the protagonists, but are also assholes who attack ponies for litterally no reason than for funsies, like the Cocatrice that turned ponies to stone for no real reason, or the wolves made out of trees that don't even need to eat. So really, the protagonists would be BETTER OFF without the everfree.
aceotaku I wouldn't go that far, animals attack anyone who encroach on their territory so you can't judge them for that. The deer do have a point, about protecting the homes of thousands of life forms. The problem is their useless king won't raise a hoof to stop the real enemy until his son gets kidnapped.
GeneralKenobi75 their logic would be the equivalent of mexico getting mad at Vietnam for something (insert issue here), and decide to conquer all of south america until someone else fixes the issue for them.
Just got to why the whole vine thing.
I have to ask.
Did these ponies REALLY think that the Everfree Forest, a place with unpredictable weather, tons of dangerous creatures, and a good distance away from civilization, would be a good place for an amusement park?
Hey, that's my ability to care about what happens in this comic. And there it goes.
Another thing I have to come back to ask.
Seriously, think about it. Besides the stuff listed in the first comment, there is just every reason for someone to just say 'no, you can't build an amusment park in the Everfree Forest. Also, you need to see someone if you really think that's a good idea in the first place'.
no one wants tan area that need so much work just to be usable. if you cut onquality material (and that defietivelly is the case), you can get a lost of ground for dirt cheap
The plot of this comic is basically the same as the one for "Over a Barrel," one of the most hated episodes. Even though it started the "Fluttershy is a tree" meme and introduced some interesting characters, it got a lot of criticism for its clichés and for trivializing real conflicts, and that is basically what this comic does. In other words, your criticism is right.
The show's strength is having redeemable villains. A lot of the bad guys the Mane Six have confronted were turned around after negotiation and compromise. This is done to show us the importance of communication and, yes, friendship.
I agree with the major weaknesses of Over A Barrel, but I don't think villain redemption is a strength. It takes ARCS. I think Luna and Discord had satisfying redemption arcs-Luna's still aloof and awkward and Discord is still a raging dickweed, but the same doesn't apply to say, Trixie or Starlight Glimmer or the Changelings in my mind.
If he did move, we'd probably never be able to tell. The bookshelves cover the entire wall. Now I'm curious...
Yes, but the bookshelves are different now, plus the camera's farther back. =)
I know I am bit late on the uptake but congrats on your engagement and soon to be marriage.
kamenridernephilim Woah really. I had no idea. Congrats as well :D
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall Oh I see. You really did move. It's just that sometimes CA say things as part of the joke or story or something and I wasn't sure.
Inspector Spinda Did my comment go Linkara's comment or is Google Plus on the fritz again?
Great review, as always, Linkara. There is another problem that I don't think he mentioned, though: What do they need Celestia for??? Twilight Sparkle is supposed to be a princess in this issue, so they already have a ruling monarch RIGHT THERE, who, I believe, would have every right in telling this minotaur guy to clear off. It baffles me how the intelligent creatures with hooves in this comic can have such a firm grip on the Idiot Ball.
DalekTheSupreme it’s mr fantastic/reed richard syndrome: no matter the genius, they will always be the smartest yet also the dumbest in the room.
considering that Twilight had only just became a Princess, and most of her heroic deeds in stopping Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, etc. before her Ascendancy is never considered or brought up in the time she has been living in Ponyville: most if any form of influence that she would have exhumed in the situation regarding Well-To-Do would be amount to hearsay and not have any form of political weight behind it compared to that of either Celestia or Luna who controls the Night and Day, which is why Well-To-Do prioritized on halting King Aspens' messenger birds sent to Canterlot instead. Twilight is essentially a Princess without *_any_* political power.
"Green shaped heart murder"
... Kono Dio Ga?
Twilight Sparkle, how long can you move in the frozen muffins?
In brightest day, in blackest night, no pony shall escape my sight...
I was kinda hoping you would review the first four issues of the MLP comics, mostly due to their weirdly dark moments, and references to horror films.
AHHHHHH VIGA IS SO BEAUTIFUL! They are so sweet together! I'm so happy they're getting married! Congratulations!
Owl with Arms? It's an Owlbear, Linkara!
The Owlbear is a cute D&D reference. The Manticore is EXTREMELY off model (which is weird considering that it looks a lot more on-model at the end), and the hydra is extremely small and out of place.
There's a lot of good IDW Pony comics. This isn't really one of them. It's really poorly paced and waaay too random. I DO like deer Lorien and I do like the idea of the Everfree Forest having its own culture or even source for all the magic and abominations in it.
The characters seem enslaved to their quirks. We've seen how they react to similar situations, so it's a bit jarring.
I'm pretty environmentalist, but the message here is ridiculous. This ain't Tolkien. This ain't Miyazaki. This ain't even Brute Force. Not to mention Twilight isn't actually prone to throwing trees around when she can use magic directly. And wouldn't Fluttershy have a problem in the first place?
Also, using potions for magic really makes Zecora seem a lot less special. And wouldn't someone as well-read as Twilight know that deer have their own civilization?
And why is there an amusement park in Ponyville? It's a small settlement!
And why aren't the construction workers attacked instead of the nearby settlement? This isn't like when native American land was settled on illegally. Would Mayor Mare really not know about the whole "Deer country" RIGHT nearby?
Wait a minute, why wouldn't Fluttershy or Zecora know about the deer?! They go there all the time! ZECORA LIVES THERE!
I dunno-this is giving me bad flashbacks to the Bison episode, which the awesome plains tribe bison, but was really shallow and uncomfortable.
How did the vines get to Canterlot Castle? It's not that close to the place! Are the deer attacking everywhere BUT the people who are invading?! And how can GODESSES get overcome by plants? These aren't even the nasty magical Cthuloid plants that Discord made! HOW ARE DEER MORE POWERFUL THAN THE GOD OF CHAOS?!
Gangster ponies? Really? Wouldn't Celestia know about this from any of the residents of Ponyville? How does Twilight not know about it? Where's the Mayor during all of this?! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING?!
Okay, I got a laugh from the Hippie Ponies. There's even one in the show.
Hell, he doesn't even have to disembowel the guys-King Aspen can just, you know, ARREST them!
At least in the buffalo episode they made a one-dimensional issue a two-dimensional issue. In this one? Nah, just kill 'em all. Hear that Chief Thunderhoof? Your violence against the ponies was completely justified.
Donald Trump is a minotaur. Huh. Explains a lot.
And the solution here is just stupid
I know I'm overthinking what's usually a fun little kid's show, but come on! This is giving me Lorax flashbacks!
Okay, I liked the stained glass window.
20:49 Not to mention TWILIGHT IS A FREAKING PRINCESS TOO! Just proof that the Minotaur doesn't care what authority say. he wants to built this theme park, so he will. that's how he sees it.
i've a co worker who acts the same way. thinks he can come to work, do nothing and leaving us to pick up his slack to ensure our job is done on time, takes the credit, steals money whenever he can get away with it, mocks others when they genuinely make a mistake and even leaves from break and the end of work ten to twenty minutes before everyone else, just because, in his opinion, whatever he wants, he can do or have.
Man, Linkara. Never thought i'd feel so vocal watching this review.
"Save the trees"
Doesn't that mean this episode should be a PSA Hell?
Also, 5 minutes in and Viga is awesome and my new favorite person.
I thought it should be PSA Hell, too.
so is Fluttershy in danger as well?
Just for those that _don't_ understand what cutie marks are, it's been implied multiple times that cutie marks are in some manner an outer representation of one's soul, so when rainbow dash said the spirit of the forest would steal your cutie marks she's really saying it'll eat your soul.
Which is another reason why Starlight Glimmer needed lifetime imprisonment, NOT A SPOT AS A MAIN CHARACTER
Jabun The Wanderer
does that mean that the 1920s gangster pony was born to be a thug considering his cutie mark is a black jack.
yes. The show has a lot of implications about manifest destiny tied up in the cutie marks, especially in the final episode of season 3, wherein twilight accidentally switches her friends' cutie marks in a manner that seems to warp their lives and their pasts, _but_ it also implies that the cutie mark is some magical totem of manifest destiny based around someone's soul, and not the soul itself, though taking a cutie mark away seems to heavily change the ponies both physically and mentally, usually for the worse.
also, I know I've changed my original statement's context a bit, but I'd kinda forgotten the shit-show that was the season 3 closer, seeing as it needed a good four episodes to flesh out the plot they shoved into a mere two-parter.
I mean, speaking meta, yeah, her crimes were abhorrent, but speaking in-universe their options were to imprison her (look how well _that_ shit worked when celestia did it! it never backfired _at all!_), kill her, or attempt to -brainwash- reform her into a fine, upstanding citizen. The loony girl got clockwork oranged.
@@Tareltonlives no reform was the best option
Normally Earth Ponies and Pegasi are incapable of using magic spells. Unicorns use magic via their horns. Pegasi do have magic, but do to their lack of emitters such as horns, they can't cast magic spells and instead it manifests itself by granting them flight and the ability to walk on clouds. Before you question why they need magic to fly when they have wings(proceeds to read science babble about wing to body ratio being inaccurate)
Really Linkara? You couldn't recognize the owlbear? I've seen you play D&D, YOU CAN'T FOOL ME!
BTW Linkara, those wooden wolves are called Timberwolves. Yeah I know, puns everywhere.
When you made that Kerosene remark, I'm surprised you didn't play the "Mac wants the flamethrower". Then I realized that if you had asked, I bet someone in their fanbase would animate a pony version of that in seconds.
Fluttershy looks ready and willing to turn him into finely cooked steaks.
If I ever get financially secure enough that Patreon sponsorship is a realistic thing for me to do, I'd love to get a review of the MLP/Transformers crossover, Friendship In Disguise.
15:20 - Yeah, Earth Ponies are insanely strong in this world. That is a thing.
Well...I never thought I'd see the day that Linkara reviews a MLP comic. I need to lay off the coffee
I'm still waiting for him to do a Steven Universe comic review or review Deadpool Max (Deadpool at his worst).
Would you want him to review you at your worst? I doubt that.
I was talking about what I considered a bad deadpool comic.
fodv93 No not you. I was referring to a comic with Trixie being at her worst.
oh sorry about that.
Since Linkara almost crash landed on the moon, i was expecting a Nightmare Rarity comic review, but this is pretty good too :) love the way he got Viga into the review and the show, they look cute together
Massive Contryside Bears "child murderer! child murdererrr!" clip opportunity missed there, Linkara.
I like this girl you moved in with on short notice…have you considered marrying her? :P
They'd make a cute couple
That's because they're engaged
Yeah there both currently enganged and will get married soon
Really? I'd assumed he was moving into a house so he'd have more space to film. Think he'll work *this* into the story at some point, too?
I don't know probebly I can't be sure.
The biggest with this story is that fluttershy got mad and no one called the living embodiment of chaos that is her best freind who could snap his fingers and turn the equipment and construction materials into rabid animals
Oh how often does that _not_ happen, anyway?
Can we end every episode with viga reveiwing the same comic while the credits roll?
Have you and Viga ever considered doing true crossover reviews (both of you take turns reviewing the comic or medium on the couch together)?
That's not a koala, that's a drop bear. Those things are LEATHAL. Also d&d owlbears!
14:54 wait. so, the minotaurs are intentionally working near a forest ALL OF PONY KIND say you shouldn't because it's pretty much suicide to, and don't think that will cause any problems? Wow. i wasn't going to judge them based on Iron Will alone, but my original thoughts on them were right. they are stupid.
doesn't excuse the ponies working with them, though, unless they weren't raised with the nowledge due to living in big cities like Manehatten, Las Pegasus and even Canterlot, where the majority of the populace only care about how things go in their manufactured cities and not so much the environment
This is going to be good. Yeah, I'm a fan of MLP and I collect the comics. In fact, they're the only comics I collect since Archie's Mega Man series ended with Issue 55 and New Warriors Vol. 5 already ended (I love them btw), what could I do?
8:19 the only problem with the "I before e except after c" rule is that it's inconsistent. And I'm saying this so I have an excuse to say "OF COURSE, DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT *SCIENCE* ?"
you think this comic is bad linkara? wait till you see "all star pinkie pie and the cutie mark crusaders"! or since pinkie in that comic is so out of character, fans have called it "cupcake Carrie's magical drug trip of madness"! almost as bad are "applejack at equestria's end" or "twilight sparkle: alicorns attack"! but you'd definitely hate "one more neigh"! the infamous story where tirek convinces big Macintosh to sell his marriage to fluttershy to save granny smith! pretty much every fan thought that comic sucked all around!
Seeing the name "All-Star Pinkie Pie" and the opinion that this comic sucks, makes me expect that Frank Miller wrote it.
dnmstarsi I was going to make the joke "all star princess luna", and replace crazy Steve with nightmare moon. But then I thought it would be funnier to imagine pinkie as batmare, plus in this review linkara kept referencing a certain insane fanfic, that's as infamous to bronies/pegasisters as a.s.b.a.r. is to Batman fans:(
Kris Lundell It works either way. I'm no MLP:FIM fan but I can only cringe how Frank Miller could do a MLP story. Aside from the repetition of words, whores, emphazing random words, artwork (if allowed), racism and sexism and etc.
dnmstarsi I mostly wanted to start a thread were people made jokes combining mlp references with comics linkara reviewed, like "parasprites, my God", or "I AM A MARE*buck*"" :)
"She's a My Little Pony Fan" That's called a BRONY! You respect the name for we Bronies are LEGION! WE ARE MANY!!!
I'm sorry, I can't get over the cuteness of you putting that Zebstrika on your shoulder.
Took waaayyy too long to do MLP stuff, but I’m so glad he did because
as one of my inspirations as a critic, it does my heart good to see it.\
If you’re ever looking for more issues to review, hit me up (or wait for
the Patreon sponsor again. Or continue to have Viga pelt you in the face
with the dang things. Whatever you wish). I have like a dozen terrible
ones and a dozen great ones to recommend.
If you never want to touch it again too, as since you said it’s just not your kind of series, that’s cool. I’m just happy in general that this finally happened!
(don't ask about the formatting. I hit the share button first and typed this out there instead of the other way around, since you know, Google doesn't let you copy and paste youtube comments)
Linkara: She's not going to moon them, is she?
Me: That's... Really not out of the question...
As someone who isn't really into this franchise I was surprised about how much I found myself liking this review. Good jokes, A cameo from Viga, and some great analysis. Also - Correct me if I'm Wrong - I assume that from you putting that Zebstrika from Pokemon on your shoulder in the beginning, was a small reference to your Let's Play Pokemon Omicron
22:18 again, proof Well-To-Do doesn't give a shit. even though twilight has made it clear she wants no part in this project and wants him to stop, he plans on acting like she fully endorses it, which in turn would make twilight look like she doesn't give a crap about the damage he's doing.
Amazing how a year afterwards, Linkara would end up reviewing #11-12 as well.
So the next review will be "card games on futons".
That'll be interesting in spite of my hatred for Konami.
Least it isn't card games on overly complicated roller coasters
+masteroflag or card games with math
Calling it now, The Big Bad of the Sleepwaler arc is Konami and Linkara must defeat it in a Shadow Duel to save the world from Pachinko Necrophades.
Everyone hates Konami.....*everyone*
***** It's not based on any Metal Gear plot if that's what you mean, more just Konami's general business practices as of late.
um linkara Aspen said the land was dead and wouldn't grow anything twice. which means his attack plants couldn't grow there either and they had bulldozers in area were his magic was weakened so yeah he couldn't attack there and instead decided to expand his land instead
Except this entire situation began with wooden wolves and the plants clearly could expand out even if they weren't growing in the ground, sooo yeah. XD
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall timper wolf may seem vicious but they're actually fragile and easily break Applejack is able to do it with her bare hooves was able to do it so yeah a bulldozer can take one out as well, and before some mentions it yes a bunch timperwolfs if broken can combine amd reform into a giant alpha timper wolf but spike took one out by throwing a rock at it. And no it wasn’t a big rock
And timper wolfs have been depicted as wild animals which aspen doesn't have control over so he probably didn't have them either
The Duelist i am I'm just stating that something he critiqued was explained in the comic. He was absolutely right that Aspen dhould have guted that minotaour as soon as he walked into his house
Fair enough. ^_^ I still stand by the rapid expansion magic of the vines and whatnot, though - even if they can't get very far into the amusement park (which they still seem able to do with how long some of them appeared to be), they could at the very least form a defensive line to keep them from any further advancement.
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall clearly by the fact Blackthorn solved the problem in 5 minutes of being king Aspen was kinda of an idiot.
Also silly linkara Celestia and Luna don't do anything to solve a problem. Except show Luna whose almost a 180 of comic luna
... the amount of times Linkara, maybe without knowing I can't be sure, said things so close to being part of the cupcakes plot is scary to me, an old Brony from Gen 1, for anyone who did not know, so likely no one, Cup cakes is an old MLP creepy pasta where the plot is Pinking has a number drawing system, when a number comes up, that pony is made into cup cakes. Rainbow Dash had her number come up and is turned into ingredients for cupcakes. the line about her "feeding the heads of the construction workers into a grinding machine for your cupcakes" is the main one, but there was one before that too... if he did know about it and put those in, good work on that, I am again, not able to tell. either way, a good review.
Some advice: if you’re having trouble getting over the fear of a creepypasta, try rereading it again and realize how poorly written it is. Grammatical errors are the enemy of fear!
The fact that you know nothing about MLP makes this review even more hilarious. I enjoy your reviews regardless of the source material because you are incredibly clever. Especially had me dying at the Monty Python reference. This was absolutely amazing!
Also, I would've guessed the reason Linkara was moving because he was paranoid the Entity might go looking for him back where he was "defeated" but I prefer the reason you gave to moving out a lot more. And it doesn't come out of nowhere, you've set up throughout the show's run that the people running the old apartment didn't like Linkara that much so kudos for sticking to continuity
uh yeah don't make Fluttershy won't like her when she's angry
It's a parody of superheroes.
They were poking fun at MARVEL and DC and superheroes in general
Maretropolis = Metropolis
Pinkie Pie/Phillie Second = the Flash
Fluttershy/Saddle Rager = the Hulk
Rainbow Dash/Zap = Thor/Storm
Rarity/Radience = Star Sapphire/Green Lantern
Applejack/Mistress Marevelus = Wonder Woman/Batman
Twilight Sparkle/Masked Matterhorn = Cyclops/Firestar/Ice Man
Spike/Humdrum = Robin/Bucky/Live bait I mean kid sidekick
The Mane-iac = The Joker/Doc Ock
We need more Viga!!!!
She'll be around much more. This move was them moving in together in a new place
Linkara reviewing an MLP comic?
I'm so happy, now.
Also, I'm with Viga, Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony.
I would just like to point out that Yugi Moto once set a sumbitch on fire for slapping his girlfriend, but the leader of a sovereign nation won't go to war over people stealing his land?
Technically he did go to war with the vines.....just not with guys attacking him directly
I like to think there's an alternate universe where viga and linkara swap places. She's reviewing manga and mlp stuff and going on crazy adventures and her boyfriend just occasionally yeets power ranger and star trek merch at her
thank you for reviewing this. I am a MLP fan and even though you yourself are not a fan and didn't like the comic I am happy you did this episode and hope someday you do more.
Viga is a Pinkie Pie fan? Awesome!
At the end, you can see Viga going back and to the left before Ampharos hit her.
At least the art of the MLP comics are great. :)
From an aesthetic point it is pretty good though. The deers and their town got really nice style. Even better than the ponies.
they explained several times that they had blighted the land so no plants would grow, so the vine assault wouldn't work.
While I don't really like the My Little Pony franchise this was a surprisingly good review. So I might have to try watching Friendship Is Magic
I loved the credits in this episode. (Hopes we get to see Viga more often now)
Oh dear, a MLP review, so...
[Viga comes in]
... well hello there, sweetie, this review just got more interesting.
Oh, but Linkara... 1920s Gangster Pony does actually have a cutie mark on his thigh, and it's not in the shape of a tommygun. No, it's in the shape of a blackjack. You know - for kids.
I thought it was a net
does that mean he was born to be a paid thug?
that's kinda sad when you think about it.
Those wolves made of wood? Timberwolves. Showed up in a couple of episodes.
Princess Celestia sending Twilight do do the hard part isn't out of character for her at all. For what it's worth.
Kinda hoped you'd break out "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" the comic's remark on pony arrogance.
We actually do see "Bugsy's" cutie mark later, and, no, it's not a machine gun.
In point of fact, it appears to be a cosh.
For the record, that's a phoenix in the background, name of Philomena.
Based on the review alone, I'd be inclined to call this at least a decent two-part comic if it (somehow) weren't for the colossal misstep you spent a full minute on.
should've reviewed the parallel universe one. cause that one was awesome!
ehhh it was okay, half the story was bogged down by jokes and didn't really take as much advanatge of the alternate reality setting it could've
Man, that deer town's fething Lorien and the deers are fething tolkien elves, darned tree huggers D:
"Revenge of the Everfree" was a terrible arc, but I think "The Good, the Bad, and the Pony" and "Reins, Trains, and Carts with Wheels" were far worse comics in the series.
We're probably going to be seeing more of thee comics, aren't we?
From Linkara? I have no clue...he isn't a brony, but all bad comics are fair game.
To be honest, I'll take those odds.
Bad comics or good comics, ponies or pokemon, I value his opinion and love seeing the discussion spring from such. And also much of the exposure to things I would've never seen otherwise.
...also skits.
Well if you wanna see more reviews of mlp comics...I review the mlp comics on my channel.
You're really going to advertise on someone else's video?
Because I'm totally going to fall for it.
"You don't know anything about Starlight Glimmer, or Equestria Girls..."
Most people would say that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Personally I'd prefer it if Celestia sent Discord to solve this.
Surprised he didn't mention the whole Discord/Q thing.
Personally I'd love to see him comment about how Discord was so much based on Q that the creators decided rather than to look for somebody to imitate John De Lancie they just asked the man himself, and the idea some fans joke around that Discord is Q, he just got bored tormenting the crew of the USS Enterprise and moved onto ponies, or fled to Equestria to escape Voyager.
I'm more suprised Viga didn't show him that one first.
Considering Voyager's problems I can why he would jump ship.
I was hoping he'd review a comic with Discord in it.
If you do another MLP comic (just watched the Christmas Annual video), you should do issues 11-12 with 80's Dan. That whole arc is nothing but 80's throwbacks.
I love these comics, but they really are hit and miss, with this one falling on the stupid side.
The best stuff in the new MLP is when it does it's own thing, world building and slice of life, the worst is when it tries to parody real life places, people, etc. Good point about Aspen failing to protect his borders, he should've just mulched that dude, Celestia regularly rainbow nukes a mofo for even slightly acting up. If they aren't teaching kids to do things peacefully then why hold back?
Not to be a know-it-all, but actually, it' good that this was made on paper from wood pulp instead of electronically. Paper companies would naturally be carbon neutral, they cut down a tree, they plant a new one. It's basic logic of not exhausting the resources they need to keep their company alive. But if we end up going paperless, then that forest is looking pretty useless to land developers and so then they would cut the whole thing down to build something on it.
This rerun and your Yu-Gi-Oh GX review is a funny, unintentional and overall entertaining birthday gift you've given me, Linkara. :)
Maybe they want to build a parking garage because building a parking garage is such an idiotic thing to do that building a parking garage is the most sensible thing to do. I don’t know, I’ve never experienced MLP before this
Is it weird that THIS VIDEO is what finally gave me the last nudge to try watching Friendship is Magic?
That's okay-I started watching the show after seeing a Nicolas Cage compilation set to Ponies.
Thank you so much for that Cupcakes reference. You are best comic book reviewer.
Two Cupcakes references in one episode? We are spoiled! By the way, please tell me you watched the episode "Lesson Zero." I think you'd have gotten a real kick out of it. Seriously, Fluttershy snaps a bear's neck. It's awesome.
actually I think he'd get more of a kick out of the Return of Harmony, seeing as it introduces discord as a Q expy and Linkara LOVES THE SHIT out of star trek.
aceotaku Fair point. The fact that he's actually voiced by John de Lancie is definitely a point in the episode's favor.
That's a good one! I just call that episode The One Where Twilight Snaps
@@smashmaster521 "She must hate her guts! How wonderful!"
@@smashmaster521 "SNAP OUT OF IT!"
8:44 You know this is something everyone, even the show staff always gets wrong about the location of the cutie marks. They aren't on the hindquarters nor the flank (which are in fact two completely different locations on their own) but the the thighs. In fact the only reason anyone thinks they're on the flank is because of a schoolyard insult which was spesfically meant to rhyme and "blank thigh" just didn't have the same ring to it.
Ahhhhhhh! >< This was adorable and I'm not even that big a fan of MLP. Please say Viga will be in more? The chemistry you two share is just phenomenal (gee I wonder how that could be).
About the parking lot, there are a lot of carts and a few helicopters so there is some need of it. As for the deer town, they made the trees grow to that pattern and the gates are gold. Probably a gift from Celestia since the rulers seem to be familiar with each other.
Silver Quill would have loved to do a crossover with Linkara! He's a fan of AT4W! Keyframe too!
So I've watched this finally.
If Vega's wearing a wig cool. If that's how she chose to style her's amazing.
DO ANOTHER PONY COMIC, pretty please. I could wait a year or two, but you should do another one of these. I really liked that my favourite reviewer reviewed my favorite cartoon (even if is just a tie in), and ponies are a big part of the internet. This is my suggestion if you do another is "neghe anything" one of the first of the pony comics I ever read, and as of now my favorite. Hope that you live long and prosper Lewis, thank you for creating both my love of reviews and my favorite of the many shows of that kind. P.s. sorry this is so long.
Every time someone on channel awesome mentions pony, it feels surreal
You did a great job here, Linkara. For someone who's not so well inverse with the show, you criticisms make sense both in context to the show these comics are based on as well as story-telling in general.
I personally never bothered with these comics since they basically have no continuity with the show. Sure, some of the storylines brought in these comics can make for great ideas and episodes in the show, but I feel that if the show has no mention of these details, it's not canon. Hell, not even the writers of the show itself have any involvement with these comics. Furthermore, the fanbase doesn't really pay attention these comics, which is strange given that the fans can produce large amounts of fan material within the first 24 hours an episode is released.
Wow, your UA-cam channel is all caught up with the website. Feels good to finally be all caught up!
I like that we get to see Viga appear on this show. I'm glad you guys have a house together.
As for the review, I think it was really funny. As a Brony, I did notice some facts you messed up, but they were few and far between, and since you admit that you don't regularly watch the show, it makes sense that you wouldn't know EVERYTHING. Otherwise, the review was funny, Viga was fun to watch, and I'm glad to see an MLP review. Can't wait for next week. Hoping LittleKuriboh makes a cameo.
I'm in hell. Pink, sparkly hell.
Oh god... I suddenly had new terrible idea for Captain Planet episode... O_O
...too much pink energy
So ... Frieza?