Basically, when you normally do a slam in this game, the game locks you in an arc. You can’t move when performing a slam until it has completely finished. If you pause while slamming however, you gain control during the slam and you retain more momentum when slamming. You can also cancel the slam with Tak’s projectile or spells. This not only allows for faster movement and the ability to make longer jumps but it also opens up numerous other techniques.
This is one of the first streams I have done with a new microphone setup. I know it still doesn’t sound too good.
very impressive great job
Thank you.
i was sad when the speedrun ended
What's the deal with the start botton
Basically, when you normally do a slam in this game, the game locks you in an arc. You can’t move when performing a slam until it has completely finished. If you pause while slamming however, you gain control during the slam and you retain more momentum when slamming. You can also cancel the slam with Tak’s projectile or spells. This not only allows for faster movement and the ability to make longer jumps but it also opens up numerous other techniques.