I've Never Been to A Yard Sale Like This...

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ScatteredCollector
    @ScatteredCollector Рік тому +8

    19:17 that’s NOT from the 60s. Geoffrey had a way different design. In fact, he didn’t debut until 1965. On that sign, he’s of his 1988-1998 design (note the black spots which later turn brown in the latter decade).

  • @CryptidKeeperTCG
    @CryptidKeeperTCG Рік тому +17

    Can’t wait for updates on Skyler and Dave’s new store

  • @CRobertTv
    @CRobertTv 3 місяці тому

    All i got to say when i watch you guys it gets me going on my ebay listings. Thanks and keep going :)

  • @FireSpinGaming
    @FireSpinGaming Рік тому +5

    Totally waited for Thane to smack the windshield with the bat end. . . Thump 😂

  • @MrWelderguy08
    @MrWelderguy08 Рік тому +9

    It's always a good day when the crew drops a new video!!!

  • @dandehaan
    @dandehaan Рік тому +3

    As a fellow West Michigander, part of the fun in watching your garage sale vids is seeing if I can spot the neighborhood you’re in! The closest I’ve gotten is spotting someone wearing a tee shirt of a restaurant in my hometown. 😂
    Those tennis shoes were nice! I still play and actually have played with someone you went to high school with. He turned me on to your channel. My kids and I enjoy watching the CATRP crew!

    • @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice
      @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice  Рік тому

      Who do you play with!?

    • @dandehaan
      @dandehaan Рік тому +1

      Austin Brunner. I think he said he’s a little older than you? We played travel tennis together for about ten years. He still plays but he got rated up out of my division. Funny thing is I later hired him to work for the corporate communications team I manage. Worked for me for over 4 years before getting promoted to a different department. 😊
      Well hopefully when your kids get a bit older you’ll be able to get back into the game!
      You and your team are talented. Keep up the great content! God bless!

  • @loverlybutor
    @loverlybutor 3 місяці тому

    I wish I could find point and shoots for a dollar nowadays 😢 y’all have literally found the two that I’ve been wanting, both for a buck a piece. Absolutely crazy finds!

  • @_slowwwhands
    @_slowwwhands Рік тому +2

    Shoutout to your boy with the cauliflower ear!!

  • @Wispmage
    @Wispmage Рік тому +1

    Shout out to the yard sale vets Thane and Mikey G. Love to see them make an appearance!

  • @roadwarrier9446
    @roadwarrier9446 Рік тому +3

    Dont use USPS triangle long boxes when shipping bats. There is a $15.00 surcharge on top of the regular shipping cost.

  • @Andypandy2010
    @Andypandy2010 Рік тому +4

    As a kid I collected baseball cards from 1988 - 1992.
    Years later a dealer told me to donate them and write it off.

  • @karnhall
    @karnhall Рік тому

    These expansive properties and neighborhoods are amazing! These places looks like parks!

  • @twysted
    @twysted Рік тому +4

    BTW Ricky had that toys r us sign and sold it to retro rick

  • @sleepymike7
    @sleepymike7 Рік тому +1

    2:40 i don't think skyguy likes it lol

  • @stevebennett63
    @stevebennett63 10 місяців тому

    Whole page of bo Jackson star rookies!! That should have been purchased.

  • @Krowtic
    @Krowtic Рік тому +1

    I've always done really well with flipping baseball gloves and bats, if I see one at a sale for like $5 I almost always grab it.

  • @TJJeepin
    @TJJeepin Рік тому +3

    My dude buys an air purifier but leaves a Wii Guitar because of size… sounds like my reasoning too haha

  • @mubasharsheikh6593
    @mubasharsheikh6593 Рік тому +3

    It's always a good day when Chase and his partners upload a video.

  • @R0KL0bStEr
    @R0KL0bStEr Рік тому

    Heads up, don’t ship bats or golf clubs USPS. There’s a surcharge added over a certain measurement that I can’t remember right now. UPS Ground is WAY cheaper on long packages. Yes you have to get a box but it’s still cheaper in the long run

  • @malcolmpenn4961
    @malcolmpenn4961 Рік тому +2

    Love watching you doing yardsales, I'm in the UK and we don't have things like that, we do have carboot sales, but I generally find seller are pretty switch on to what things are worth, so it's quite hard to find bargains like youfind, by the way chase, it's not cool to wear socks with shorts now sorry friend 🤣🤣

    • @andrewdougan8632
      @andrewdougan8632 Рік тому +1

      I'm from the UK too and agree about the car boot sales but you must be older than me coz the socks and shorts is back in my friend! 😂

    • @frankclaes4133
      @frankclaes4133 Рік тому +1

      Im from Belgium and i agree about the fact that sellers only care about money... last sunday i found a boxed SNES for 110€ 😁

    • @malcolmpenn4961
      @malcolmpenn4961 Рік тому

      @@andrewdougan8632 that's why I've been going wrong, I am old 😭🤣🤣

  • @wldone95490
    @wldone95490 Рік тому +1

    Where the heck do you guys yard sale at when there’s neighborhoods with 50+ yard sales? I mean I live in northern California and it’s like small towns and it’s like we’re looking for. We can get to yard sales in the weekend.

  • @biohunter71
    @biohunter71 Рік тому +2

    That 1873 Trade Dollar was a really bad fake, didn't look anything like the real coin. I'd be hesitant on the 1871 too since silver dollars are very frequently counterfeited. It looked cleaned as well - you can see there are bright surfaces around Lady Liberty but the stars and text look dark and dirty. Good eye on not buying without authenticating!

  • @delta250a
    @delta250a Рік тому +1

    That camera at the end, I love finding those I think I have had about a dozen by now, always looked over even by people that flip cameras.

  • @johnbowne9023
    @johnbowne9023 Рік тому +1

    I bought pink shorts at a Goodwill and was a little leary of wearing pink , but after seeing chase wear them , definitely a go!

  • @jamiem3765
    @jamiem3765 Рік тому +2

    What area is this filmed in? With the big houses and front yards, at like 5 minutes in?

  • @Kevin87A
    @Kevin87A Рік тому +3

    Had a "bad" yard sale day and didn't wear a Hawaiian shirt. I don't think that's a coincidence

  • @zevvez
    @zevvez Рік тому +2

    Phoenix Resale Collab!!!

  • @kzryzstof
    @kzryzstof Рік тому +1

    "Channeling my inner RetroRick" LOL!

  • @rjcreations6639
    @rjcreations6639 Рік тому +2

    Been waiting for a new garage sale vid and finally got it! Awesome finds Today too!😊

  • @lukescott9434
    @lukescott9434 Рік тому +1

    The signs from after 88 as it’s the wrong eyes to be the 70s. Also from the 60s there was no Geoffrey.

  • @rd2wrldchamp912
    @rd2wrldchamp912 Рік тому +1

    uhh that rawlings glove is by far better..... its the best brand to fine ! :) nice work - p.s. - you are looking for rawlings gold gloves/heart of the hide

  • @achroous2
    @achroous2 Рік тому +4

    thought you'd pick up that camper at the last sale. can't wait until you start ebay motors. CARS, CARS, CARS. 😂

  • @mukeshgoolcharan6121
    @mukeshgoolcharan6121 Рік тому +1

    Good pic up man see you on the next one 😊😊😊😊

  • @bayouboyentertainment2106
    @bayouboyentertainment2106 Рік тому +4

    I think that sign is probably from like the 80s on up they didn't have Geoffrey the Giraffe as a flagship mascot til like mid to late 60s and didn't really throw him on everything til the 80s. The design of the giraffe also changed thru the years kinda like a vintage tag on a shirt looks, this one looks more like the late 80s model with a bigger nose, the 60s and 70s ones were more slender faced giraffes.

  • @zevvez
    @zevvez Рік тому +2

    When’s the Retro Rick collab!?! Or Pixel Squad!?!

  • @donatrandom
    @donatrandom Рік тому

    Great video once again but thats not a 70s I only remember that simply because in 12’ Black Friday, I was at Toys “R” Us, and I remember that sign was in the front but still that’s a keeper thou

  • @teddytellez5325
    @teddytellez5325 Рік тому +4

    I always enjoy your garage sale videos you guys always seem to find the coolest stuff and somehow always end up in a stranger's basement 🙂😋😄

  • @TheRealTrucido
    @TheRealTrucido Рік тому +1

    What do you look for on an item? Year?

  • @squatchlandadventures7654
    @squatchlandadventures7654 Рік тому

    Nakona is a huge bolo brand for baseball gloves.

  • @aidanwest4122
    @aidanwest4122 Рік тому +1

    That is awesome that you got the 3DS. I love that 3DS so much when I was about 13. I sold it for 100 bucks.😅

  • @RC3rdparanormal
    @RC3rdparanormal Рік тому +1

    Idk about Mikey G but I hit the 👍 anyway!
    By the way Mikey G ! No hard feelings?!😂

  • @rickcarlsson129
    @rickcarlsson129 Рік тому +1

    Not in a bad Way. But am i the only ond who Think you look a little like Finch from the movie American pie 😁

  • @Cyril29a
    @Cyril29a Рік тому +1

    Tell Mikey G I hot the like button for him

  • @ClipperNoBarber
    @ClipperNoBarber 7 місяців тому

    Hey guys, could you please tell me a way if there is one, to see which neighborhoods have the most garage sales.

  • @kevinpeden3610
    @kevinpeden3610 Рік тому

    HEre's a question..... when you go out saling, how much "walking around" money do you usually carry? When I go out, I usually try to start the day with at least $200 in my pocket, but usually closer to $300. Now, if I am going somewhere SPECIFIC.... like, say, to the bi-annual record sale in my area.... then I usually walk around with at least $1000, because I know I will be spending.

  • @johnmcclane2139
    @johnmcclane2139 Рік тому

    These yards are massive lol you got like a football field for a yard…

  • @Frosty2014
    @Frosty2014 Рік тому

    Thanks for the great content Chase!! Just a heads up this video isn’t in the Pokémon Pursuit playlist but I could be mistaken. God bless all :)

  • @mitchellbrown7697
    @mitchellbrown7697 Рік тому +1

    Another wicked video guys :) very happy I stumbled across your channel

  • @ELRGV9566
    @ELRGV9566 Рік тому

    Bruh those poke trainer for $10 made the whole, nice find.

  • @ajseabern9250
    @ajseabern9250 Рік тому +1

    You should frame that Toys R Us sign.

  • @ryanshelton6816
    @ryanshelton6816 Рік тому +1

    How much would you give for a Gameboy advance sp NES edition with the box?🧐

  • @arghjayem
    @arghjayem Рік тому +2

    Don’t discount loose lego. Check it for minifigures. Minifigures are where the real value is!

    • @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice
      @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice  Рік тому +1

      Oh for sure! We did a deep dive Lego video on our catrp crew channel. But it is so much work to do the deep dive, I think we are gonna just sell them unpicked from here on out and let others reap the rewards of doing the deep dive on them

  • @wheeldealrepeat3698
    @wheeldealrepeat3698 Рік тому

    Geoffrey Giraffe didn't come into play until like 1970 I believe. That sign reeks of 90s to me.

  • @bmooresaxy
    @bmooresaxy Рік тому

    Only problem with the mailing tubes is the 15 dollar surcharge above 30ish inches or so

  • @felixvences
    @felixvences Рік тому +1

    I need more info on the free usps tubes

  • @waltermartin6176
    @waltermartin6176 Рік тому +1

    great video.

  • @zevvez
    @zevvez Рік тому +1

    1. Opening Pokémon cards in videos. 2. Have 1 guy review the newest video games in videos.

  • @mikethompson4518
    @mikethompson4518 Рік тому +1

    Another good video

  • @brandonm6052
    @brandonm6052 Рік тому +1

    Yep your inner Rick was correct

  • @Tubasplat
    @Tubasplat Рік тому +1

    If you find legos, definitely research selling mini figures solo. You never know what you might find!

  • @gameplayersbrockport
    @gameplayersbrockport Рік тому +1

    The toys r us sign for sale?

  • @Kobz
    @Kobz Рік тому +1

    You're not gonna let me sleep are you i'll watch it tomorrow haha 😅

  • @marklang6648
    @marklang6648 Рік тому +2

    Never find stuff like that at garage sales in Canada, and if you do the the prices would be ☝️

  • @keir1997
    @keir1997 Рік тому

    Can anyone tell me what app or website are they looking at to see the value of the items? Thanks

  • @tonylantzer390
    @tonylantzer390 Рік тому

    Where were those sales at?

  • @verygreedy100
    @verygreedy100 Рік тому +1

    I'd have grabbed that page that was front and back of Bo Jackson Rookies......if the price was right.

  • @sethtanner1
    @sethtanner1 Рік тому +1

    My guy said, bring me your treasure. Mission complete

  • @twysted
    @twysted Рік тому +1

    No way going old school thayne and Mikey g

  • @aaronblankenship6327
    @aaronblankenship6327 Рік тому

    Chase, 65 quarters are half silver

  • @inraniastri6970
    @inraniastri6970 Рік тому

    The beyblades are worth more then 20$.

  • @Mikedadof2
    @Mikedadof2 Рік тому +1

    Do you still buy cds, do you have ur reliant k cd you bought years ago

  • @XPlusWeapon
    @XPlusWeapon Рік тому +1

    I enjoy your videos but when I see the shifter in your van I get mad. It drives me nuts. But finding about the sport cards is pretty good info.

  • @DefaultTunbName
    @DefaultTunbName Рік тому +1

    For modern Pokemon, the Waifu trainers are generally the big hits. Japanese especially.

  • @bobtom3756
    @bobtom3756 Рік тому

    I run a coin shop in Ohio, sadly to me those trade dollars look like the common Chinese fakes that are on the market. The strike does not look right. I would get them checked out before selling them. If you put them on a scale they should weight around 17ish dwt. Common fakes weight around 12-14dwt.

  • @legion6546
    @legion6546 Рік тому +2

    The plural for lego is lego, not legos

  • @matthewleubling3338
    @matthewleubling3338 Рік тому +1

    All my local sales are just old people with anger issues lol

  • @Gilbertjames007
    @Gilbertjames007 Рік тому

    @chase the right price hey bro I have a Pokémon pikachu set up that I would sell you, it’s fully decked out haven’t seen any of you guys with this

  • @777superlightwater
    @777superlightwater Рік тому +2

    Chase you gotta hit the gym bro you’re lookin like Garfield

  • @earlgendron4893
    @earlgendron4893 Рік тому +1

    Could you pereface Pokémon pursuit into the title? so "PKMN : She Brought Out An Actual Treasure Chest..."

    • @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice
      @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice  Рік тому

      We've been experimenting with what works, eventually we will incorporate a pokeball into each thumbnail

  • @freddiebruinsma
    @freddiebruinsma 23 дні тому

  • @NinjaTenK
    @NinjaTenK Рік тому +1

    I'm left-handed 😢

  • @ZackMuffinMan
    @ZackMuffinMan Рік тому +1

    Nice! :D

  • @videogameobsession
    @videogameobsession Рік тому +1

    These shows are entertaining, but I have to admit that I can't stand it when a reseller takes everything worth flipping before I can take a look at a garage sale.

  • @ResetGT69
    @ResetGT69 Рік тому +1

    So much more watchable without hyper karl wannabe

  • @tylerrhine7845
    @tylerrhine7845 Рік тому

    Do you have a discord?

    • @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice
      @ChaseAfterTheRightPrice  Рік тому

      We sure did! Head on over to our website and sign up through patreon. We would love to have you!

  • @liltimmyspeashooter
    @liltimmyspeashooter Рік тому +1

    ya boy needs to hit the gym and drop that winter weight