Where would we be without such documentaries like this one, that shed light on the fuzzy issues for the benefit of the ordinary people? Thank you, DW, please keep on your noble mission of searching for the truth and enlightening us!
I really doubt that gloves company only creates CO2 in its production process (investigate GORE ftw) - but since CO2 is the devil here, of course, lets dumb it down.
Just try to grow eny plant without CO2. Ask those who grow food plants in CO floded environment what is the grow rate of those plants.CO2 is the best way to accelerate plant growth. Just facts. Nobody talks about water wapours,the biggest greenhouse factor on Earth. We are misguided by big OILCOMPANY (BP).Let's try to reduce the toxins from air and our water, it's more important than CO2 the life building brick .Wake up people!!!
@@zoltankolumban1705 Nobody is saying take all the CO2 out of the atmosphere! The point is, the level or concentration) is my much higher "than it ought to be". Are you sure you meant to write "environment flooded with carbon monoxide"?
@@richarddobson4382 Sorry, I meant CO2.In the cretaic period the CO2 level was 3,to 4 times hier as today and the temperature accordingly was hotter. That was the time when plants and the animals flourish.
I'm glad there are some journalists asking these questions and showing some of the reality on the ground. It's easy for politicians to make grand promises just to get elected. And take our tax money without showing where it really goes.
Climate neutrality is now an impossible dream, after the Ukraine war. Germany is refiring coal power plants. New Zealand pushed its climate neutrality target from 2025 to 2050. If rich developed countries with resources can't do it, why expect developing countries with much greater basic needs to comply?
And keep in mind, developing countries are working towards attaining the life style and comforts of developed countries. Which in turn will mean a growing carbon foot print 😱
It was never going to happen anyways, all these countries plans centered around wind, solar and batteries. These technologies will never be carbon neutral because they are all mined, transported, refined, transported, manufactured and finally transported to the end customer with mostly diesel along with coal and gas. What makes solar, wind and batteries cheap is cheap fossil fuels. Wind, solar and batteries cannot replace diesel and making synthetic fuels to replace diesel wont work because the EROEI on those technologies are too low.
@@kimtabel5971 not to mention... the developing countries are sustaining the lifestyle of the developed countries, considering they have shifted high carbon footprint industries to developing countries.
I would have to disagree with your regarding New Zealand as their target had been 50% reduction by 2030 from the gross emission level of 2005 and carbon neutrality by 2050. In any case New Zealand's carbon footprint is insignificant within the complete picture.
@@ravenchunter something does not match on the new zealand case... so let's see... most exports.. Exports The top exports of New Zealand are Concentrated Milk ($5.92B), Sheep and Goat Meat ($2.57B), Frozen Bovine Meat ($2.1B), Rough Wood ($2.05B), and Butter ($1.89B) Most imports The nation imports refined oil from Japan, Australia, the United States, Germany and China. ... this is from 2020... but you can clearly see only by this that what new zealand produces in large scale in order to be able to sell at a good price needs oil, that's why oil is the most imported thing... now if you cut the oil, you will cut the production for sure, they may be able to produce for themselves that kind of stuff but not to sell internationally because it will get too much expensive... i believe more that there is some kind of lie in their statistics, like the recicling in uk... great statistics... but by putting the rubbish in poor countries... making even worst to the planet... it is easy that way
Without first addressing consumption, I can’t see how emissions will lower. There are more people, more cars, more electricity usage ..........never a discussion of less
“Reduced Climate Impact” would be a more appropriate product label. Still how it’s defined matters. Also, how about the distance it traveled and the refrigeration costs?
Remove the print and paint colours on the labels, tons of harmful chemicals will be removed from the environment, less energy to process the labels and it makes it easy to recycle the plastics.
Its possible climat neutral is a cover from corporations and those controlling the systems. To stay in contol when the inevitable decline happens and a new system is in place by their choosing to remain in contol... in other words controlling the decline and the mess thats made in name of something ells.
Yes "Greenwashing" is a sleazy tactic used more and more by these sleazy, tax-deferring, corporations. Thx DW!!! We all need to understand that not everything is as it appears. 👍
Nonsense. Big businesss is all on board and is perpetuating this lie about a climate catastrophe. Earth has been through drastic climate change long before coal burning and the combustion engine.
@@igaluitchannel6644 Yes but this change is happening so quickly that it has to be more than just natural climate shift. We all know that most of this is caused by fossil fuel burning.
You buy into all the propaganda. Do you know how quickly Europe moved from having two harvests per year - right into a little ice-age? Just look at the pictures of Pieiter Brueghel and that of people playing curling mid-Europe. It was actually hotter in the early middle-ages than it is now. From ice core samples, we know that warming climate precedes Co2 increases - with a 500 year time lapse.
Truth and accuracy, science and accountability, that is what we need from Corporations that continue to profit from false publicity, from the back of low paying wages and complicity from Governments officials. Thank you DW for showing how this "green label" should really be used (not bought !)
Fantastic journal coverage 👌 about climate Neutralized by increasing green areas- replanting forests& reusing trash ...it's encouraging populations like Germany 🇩🇪 to mobilizes for a good, useful acting for climate neutrality in additionally of increasing ecosystem enlightening..my love and respect for DW documentary channel 👏🏻 👍🏻
Unfortunately, there are incentives for corporate marketing purposes to claim they are climate-neutral without proof. Proof is not exactly easy to obtain, because the process is complicated. For example, EV tech isn't exactly clean, though it is touted as such.
People who plant trees should be awarded and highly respected Please let's take care of our planet, there're still a lot of people who lack enviromental consciousness, a lot!
unless its the same species over and over, which would only make things worse so they need to be native and biodiverse species to have the right impact.
Corporations are all about carbon offsetting because it sounds good, just like the video says. But more important is finding ways to outfight reduce carbon emissions outright.
Wouldn’t it be much more effective to at least partly grow hemp instead of planting trees in temperate regions? Hemp can be used immediately as a source for paper, building materials (hempcrete), textile, etc. CO2 is sequestered from day 1, instead of after 8 years onwards. It also much more flexible. The amount of CO2 sequestration is the same, if not more, than that of the beeches and softwoods in the documentary.
The glove maker saying offsets are needed for the part of a business that has reduced emissions, but has reached the point of being unable to go totally emissions free? I would say at that point the question needs asking whether we need the gloves in the first place? Carbon being stored in the "offsetting" process should be the carbon already in the atmosphere and contributing to melting the cryosphere, not offsetting making gloves. That is insane!
it never ceases to amaze me that commercial company's, who generally fail to uphold their basic vows towards climate change, manage to somehow produce "climate neutral" products in the span of a month. It's just looks like more morally bankrupt marketing schemes, than a genuine effort.
It's time to stop ignoring what's right in front of us. Over a decade ago the United Nations stated that a global shift towards a plant based diet is vital to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change. lts now 2022. The planet we call home simply cannot take the decimating impact of animal agriculture any longer. Every time we purchase animal products, we're supporting an industry that is either the main contributor, or a leading contributor to every major form of environmental devastation. Deforestation, water pollution, eutrophication, soil erosion, habitat loss, species extinction, ocean dead zones, plastic pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, water use, land use, and the list goes on. There is no way to get around the fact that animal agriculture is destroying the Earth. It's time to change.
Great comment. There are some places and circumstances where animal farming could be appropriate, I believe, but on a local and modest scale and on a sustainable and environmentally friendly scale.
Sadly the chances of achieving progress on climate charge are rather slim. Too many complex problems and interests involved. No amount of UN climate conferences or thoughtful tv programs will break through these barriers.
Offsetting is appreciable but companies need to be bold enough to show that their annual emissions are reducing gradually. Also they should be able to persuade the theme, down through their supply chain. Hope ! the only hope
A few days ago where I live we broke the record for highest temperature for the area set back in the 1930's by 1 degree. It took all this time and after all the effort at environmental destruction the best we could do is 1 degree more. Somedays enduring all the doom and gloom just isn't worth the trouble.
Just because you don't personally experience the effects of climate change where you live doesn't mean that climate change doesn't heavily affect other places negatively. Just because I buy a T-shirt and don't see the waste and slave wages used to manufacture and ship it to where I live, it doesn't mean those facets of the process don't exist elsewhere in other countries. I hope that you continue being spared of the horror that many of us have already seen or are yet to witness, but that you don't reject your personal accountability in potentially contributing to this mess. I also hope your region doesn't break any more records any time soon.
Remove the print and paint colours on the labels, tons of harmful chemicals will be removed from the environment, less energy to process the labels and it makes it easy to recycle the plastics.
May the Anthroprocene epoch make the Permian-Triassic extinction event seem like a minor footnote in the pages of Earth's history. Here's to making scenario SSP5-8.5 of the IPCC assessment a reality.
What I've witnessed countless times here in the Netherlands for example is stopping at a gas station who then asks after you are done pumping gas to donate an extra €1 up to €5 on top of your gas bill for planting a tree. Any good samaritan like me would so I did it. But then you continue to drive onward on the highway and what do I notice just like every now and then each year? Hundreds if not thousands of trees are being cut down in order to make more room for a broader highway. The sights of that makes my generous deed look stupid, makes me demotivated and feel robbed.
And then the penny drops overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation....All efforts unless addressed are futile.....We know the regions to start......
That's sounds like a money making scam to me. They are planting trees in a forest....WTF!?!??! Is that really necessary? If you simply fence off the area, the trees will start growing and multiplying by themselves. There is no need to pay for them.
Humans are very good at deluding themselves. Which do you think is the correct answer: a) plant more trees b) cut down on carbon emissions c) decrease population
I'll go for b) cut down carbon emissions. By consuming less and living a simpler lifestyle. It might be the wrong answer, but I optimistically consider it the best. Unfortunately, few want to consume less and live more simply, and maybe I am one of them.
We have the climate of our consumption, we have the job of our consumption. The only thing we have to change is our consumption behaviour that is it. And of course we have to educate young people in order to not letting them making the same mistakes of older generations.
This economical model we created by producing cheaply abroad and selling high back home is flawed in many aspects. To hunt down methods to reduce CO2 emissions back home is ridiculous compared to the ecological destruction taking place in the nations of production. Countries like Bangladesh, or Vietnam, China are being slowly poisoned by our ways of making a buck. Not to mention the human costs of low wages and poor regulations. Forget about CO2. We need to learn a brand new way of conduct to save ourself and the planet. It becomes obvious though that we clearly will not be capable to move into a positive trend for the future. Survival of the fittest, maybe not!?
5:39 this is exactly why reforestation as a means of carbon sequestration isnt feasible on a large scale. there is a ridiculous amount of work and input needed, with no where near the same amount of output created. it just doesnt make sense as a main solution
Why are there no legal requirements for companies to offset their emissions?I would have thought that is it vital for governments to make this sort of thing compulsory.Anyway,I'll be taking a much closer look at the viability of carbon offsetting and trying to hold companies accountable thanks to this informative documentary.Claims of climate neutrality need to be scrutinized very closely!! Maximum transparency is essential.Companies need to make the information public and easily accessible.
The climate tipping point got blown past decades ago. This is all smoke and mirrors to tamp down hysteria about the end is pretty much here. I applaud the efforts but realistically its one step forward, two steps back unfortunately.
Here in the US, we have The Nature Conservancy who's goal been buying land so it will never be developed. Now, they're selling carbon credits on forests that would never be logged because they own them and don't log. I've long supported them, but this is disgusting. Groups like them selling carbon credits basically negates the good they are doing. Sure, the forests get to remain, but the polluters destroying our environment get a free pass by paying for carbon sinks that were never at risk.
This Carbon Credit is now catching up in Africa. I'm from Kenya, and our new government is pledging to increase forest cover to 30%. Let's continue doing our bit to reverse the damage and save the planet
The book The Petroleum Papers documents the conduct of the fossil fuel corporations in response to climate change. They ignored, misled politicians, investors and the public, they obstructed and sabotaged climate protection politicizes. They intend to continue massive expansion of production. The nations that support the mandate of the Int Criminal Court to prosecute crimes against humanity, genocide and warn crimes are being called on to prosecute environmental atrocities acts of ecocide. France has added acts of ecocide to their penal code and have begun Europe's first ecocide investigating into a contaminated site and where real estate corporations did not warn purchasers . Did you political rep inform, consult, warn you about ecocide? To find our more about the ecocide law campaign visit Stop Ecocide International May you develop the ethical, ecological, emotional and economic intelligence to be engaged to help stop the corporate leaders and politicians committing environmental atrocities acts of ecocide. They threaten our future they are destabilizing our planet'' s atmosphere, species, oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. They threaten our future.
I understand that if the tree is harvested and the wood used in furniture or construction, that the carbon remains "out of the atmosphere" until such time as it is burnt or rots.
I'm a 3rd generation Union iron worker never never to be a conservative I was raised as it is common sense that Reagan was horrible. My dad said he couldnt buy a job while Reagan was PRESIDENT. DEMOCRATS were for the working man. Those partys have swapped sides like the twilight zone. Even my father who despised trump more than I swapped. A 35year diehard Democrat. Who never shut up about how bad REPUBS were for the rich
Good point. Although if I was a betting man, I would bet that the planet WILL out survive us humans. I just wouldn't be around to collect the winnings!
I believe that there is a natural climate cycle on Earth for millions of years BUT the our way of living since the Age of Industrialization just speeds it up ans makes it worse!
The problem is people want everything new. Like start using what is already here. But no, the companies want profit and the people new stuff and more and more stuff. How the hell are you people lying to yourself. If all of you start from this day for atleast 10 years, just dont buy new stuff, i promise you the nature will restore it self 😡😡
Humanity has been clearing forests for thousands of years, to provide grazing, grain farming, building, burning from Malta through Europe, the America's, New Zealand, Australia even Easter Island and mother earth has accommodated it all, population collapse will do greater good than all the postering, imaginative marketing, rebranding etc.
The more I see it the more it seems like the industrial revolution. That basically made a lot of rich people richer. Just like this. What good is it to offset your pollution if you just keep pumping it into the air? Any polluter mush be forced to capture carbon from it's manufacturing plant. Electric vehicles should not be allowed. They are very anti climate neutral.
Per Capita Emissions are more important than total emission of a country. Similarly Historical Emitters developed countries have Bigger responsibility. Common but differentiated Responsibilities for developing countries.
when you produce a product, you also produce the whole recycling method and equipment needed for this - make it law - not just carbon offsets, they can all afford that and even worse, they evade taxes because of it, which is just weird - you take your dog for a walk, he takes a dumb, but you don't need to pick it up cause you pay offsets...
? I think the amount of co2 and the amount of biomass finally is in the very same scale. the carbon binds in corbonhydrates. and finally is burned after being cut and used, e.g. as building material, its reduced to co2 of course. So the woods stores the carbon for its nature span. each wood falling down will mainly be reclaimed by microorganisms creating co2. and very few will become earth too. for some time.
By removing the print and paint colours on the labels, tons of harmful chemicals will be removed from the environment, less energy to process the labels and it makes it easy to recycle the plastics.
@@bradowen8862 yes that’s aknowldged , am talking about planting forest with one single kind of plant specie, it won’t restore the hole ecological system, it will be empty green desert
Hey DW. Thanks for bringing up an important and unpopular issue. Unfortunately you are not as critical as you should have been. I'm especially thinking of the claims the tree planters get away with. Planting dens plantations like this one, even partly with non native species, does not benefit nature and biodiversity. On the contrary. Almost no wildlife or natural vegetation can live in such an environment. If they really wanted to benefit both nature and the climate, they should have just left this area alone and let nature take its cause. Trees and bushes would have established themselves naturally and completely free within a few years, creating a natural forest with much higher biodiversity. If grazing animals like cows and horses were added, it would have been even better. A perfect example of this is the now famous Knepp Estate in England. That way you would also avoid the co2 emissions created when raising, nurturing, transporting and planting all these trees, which conveniently isn't mentioned. But that would of course ruin their current business case ... It is a tragical misunderstanding that planting trees is always good both for nature and climate. Often - and certainly almost everywhere in Europe - it it completely unnecessary, because trees come naturally if allowed to (with no co2 emitted in the proces) and planting them more often than not creates ecologically barren plantations, where instead biologically rich natural ecosystems could have been allowed to develop.
Planting trees isn't just natural the version of BECCS. They also provide habitat and interact with fungi. The biodiversity is far more impactful to long-term climate change policy than specifically using trees as if they only have one function. That sense of scale and efficiency is what got us in this mess. We need elegant and robust systems that may not be profitable. It's not about apologizing for the excess carbon and then we get to go back to driving extinction in other ways. Stop compartmentalizing the problem and see what is revealed: the problem is capitalism.
3:34 A good hold 2 time engines, that thing pollute probably more than the tree they plant will absorb in CO2 over is life. Let's not talk about the big truck they use to move around. All that for a few dozen trees of a few species. The better way would be to put a light fence around the area and let nature do it's things ... +
in my years we lost 13 elm, trees since then 30 year ago we planted 42 ash trees and in a muddy hollow 15 willow they are 30 years old i think iv done my bit in fact we cant plant any more no space
Where would we be without such documentaries like this one, that shed light on the fuzzy issues for the benefit of the ordinary people? Thank you, DW, please keep on your noble mission of searching for the truth and enlightening us!
Thanks for taking the time to comment and for your positive feedback, we appreciate it!
I always love these nature related documentaries
Yeah, and thanks for the modern way of adding adds in news (could have been objective, but went subjective focusing on a particular company - naughty)
I really doubt that gloves company only creates CO2 in its production process (investigate GORE ftw) - but since CO2 is the devil here, of course, lets dumb it down.
using petrol to plant a tree, now that's what I call efficiency
Yes. More efficient and cost-effective than digging by hand which would multiply the labour costs for this part by 10 or 20.
Hahaha 😂😂😂
I also noticed that.
Just try to grow eny plant without CO2. Ask those who grow food plants in CO floded environment what is the grow rate of those plants.CO2 is the best way to accelerate plant growth. Just facts. Nobody talks about water wapours,the biggest greenhouse factor on Earth. We are misguided by big OILCOMPANY (BP).Let's try to reduce the toxins from air and our water, it's more important than CO2 the life building brick .Wake up people!!!
@@zoltankolumban1705 Nobody is saying take all the CO2 out of the atmosphere! The point is, the level or concentration) is my much higher "than it ought to be". Are you sure you meant to write "environment flooded with carbon monoxide"?
@@richarddobson4382 Sorry, I meant CO2.In the cretaic period the CO2 level was 3,to 4 times hier as today and the temperature accordingly was hotter. That was the time when plants and the animals flourish.
I'm glad there are some journalists asking these questions and showing some of the reality on the ground. It's easy for politicians to make grand promises just to get elected. And take our tax money without showing where it really goes.
no one dares talk about "too many humans." 8 billion and growing. And all want an iPhone and .....
Climate neutrality is now an impossible dream, after the Ukraine war. Germany is refiring coal power plants. New Zealand pushed its climate neutrality target from 2025 to 2050. If rich developed countries with resources can't do it, why expect developing countries with much greater basic needs to comply?
And keep in mind, developing countries are working towards attaining the life style and comforts of developed countries. Which in turn will mean a growing carbon foot print 😱
It was never going to happen anyways, all these countries plans centered around wind, solar and batteries. These technologies will never be carbon neutral because they are all mined, transported, refined, transported, manufactured and finally transported to the end customer with mostly diesel along with coal and gas. What makes solar, wind and batteries cheap is cheap fossil fuels.
Wind, solar and batteries cannot replace diesel and making synthetic fuels to replace diesel wont work because the EROEI on those technologies are too low.
@@kimtabel5971 not to mention... the developing countries are sustaining the lifestyle of the developed countries, considering they have shifted high carbon footprint industries to developing countries.
I would have to disagree with your regarding New Zealand as their target had been 50% reduction by 2030 from the gross emission level of 2005 and carbon neutrality by 2050.
In any case New Zealand's carbon footprint is insignificant within the complete picture.
@@ravenchunter something does not match on the new zealand case... so let's see... most exports.. Exports The top exports of New Zealand are Concentrated Milk ($5.92B), Sheep and Goat Meat ($2.57B), Frozen Bovine Meat ($2.1B), Rough Wood ($2.05B), and Butter ($1.89B)
Most imports The nation imports refined oil from Japan, Australia, the United States, Germany and China.
... this is from 2020... but you can clearly see only by this that what new zealand produces in large scale in order to be able to sell at a good price needs oil, that's why oil is the most imported thing... now if you cut the oil, you will cut the production for sure, they may be able to produce for themselves that kind of stuff but not to sell internationally because it will get too much expensive... i believe more that there is some kind of lie in their statistics, like the recicling in uk... great statistics... but by putting the rubbish in poor countries... making even worst to the planet... it is easy that way
Without first addressing consumption, I can’t see how emissions will lower. There are more people, more cars, more electricity usage ..........never a discussion of less
“Reduced Climate Impact” would be a more appropriate product label. Still how it’s defined matters.
Also, how about the distance it traveled and the refrigeration costs?
Remove the print and paint colours on the labels, tons of harmful chemicals will be removed from the environment, less energy to process the labels and it makes it easy to recycle the plastics.
I'm glad that such big media platform is not afraid to speak about it. Make all the effort to research such issues!
Well done DW!!
The responsibility lies in us, not these bs companies that deceive us. Cut down on meat & seafood consumption. Cut out fast fashion & fast furniture.
Its possible climat neutral is a cover from corporations and those controlling the systems. To stay in contol when the inevitable decline happens and a new system is in place by their choosing to remain in contol... in other words controlling the decline and the mess thats made in name of something ells.
Correct big corporations are controlling us
Yes "Greenwashing" is a sleazy tactic used more and more by these sleazy, tax-deferring, corporations. Thx DW!!! We all need to understand that not everything is as it appears. 👍
Nonsense. Big businesss is all on board and is perpetuating this lie about a climate catastrophe. Earth has been through drastic climate change long before coal burning and the combustion engine.
@@igaluitchannel6644 Yes but this change is happening so quickly that it has to be more than just natural climate shift. We all know that most of this is caused by fossil fuel burning.
You buy into all the propaganda. Do you know how quickly Europe moved from having two harvests per year - right into a little ice-age? Just look at the pictures of Pieiter Brueghel and that of people playing curling mid-Europe. It was actually hotter in the early middle-ages than it is now. From ice core samples, we know that warming climate precedes Co2 increases - with a 500 year time lapse.
Truth and accuracy, science and accountability, that is what we need from Corporations that continue to profit from false publicity, from the back of low paying wages and complicity from Governments officials. Thank you DW for showing how this "green label" should really be used (not bought !)
Climate "neutrality," is simply (yet another) marketing tool. Wake up, folks.
DW itself is a corporation 😀
Fantastic journal coverage 👌 about climate Neutralized by increasing green areas- replanting forests& reusing trash ...it's encouraging populations like Germany 🇩🇪 to mobilizes for a good, useful acting for climate neutrality in additionally of increasing ecosystem enlightening..my love and respect for DW documentary channel 👏🏻 👍🏻
Unfortunately, there are incentives for corporate marketing purposes to claim they are climate-neutral without proof. Proof is not exactly easy to obtain, because the process is complicated. For example, EV tech isn't exactly clean, though it is touted as such.
What's interesting is the common person's surprise for all that convenience they enjoyed blissfully up to now.
People who plant trees should be awarded and highly respected
Please let's take care of our planet, there're still a lot of people who lack enviromental consciousness, a lot!
unless its the same species over and over, which would only make things worse so they need to be native and biodiverse species to have the right impact.
I wish I go the forest
Corporations are all about carbon offsetting because it sounds good, just like the video says. But more important is finding ways to outfight reduce carbon emissions outright.
Wouldn’t it be much more effective to at least partly grow hemp instead of planting trees in temperate regions? Hemp can be used immediately as a source for paper, building materials (hempcrete), textile, etc. CO2 is sequestered from day 1, instead of after 8 years onwards. It also much more flexible. The amount of CO2 sequestration is the same, if not more, than that of the beeches and softwoods in the documentary.
Another great documentary by DW regarding climate change.Keep it up 👍.
Thank you for watching!
The glove maker saying offsets are needed for the part of a business that has reduced emissions, but has reached the point of being unable to go totally emissions free? I would say at that point the question needs asking whether we need the gloves in the first place? Carbon being stored in the "offsetting" process should be the carbon already in the atmosphere and contributing to melting the cryosphere, not offsetting making gloves. That is insane!
What’s the background music with the pan drums that starts at 0:39?
It's concerning that there are no government regulations for carbon reduction in almost all countries in the world.
Wonder how long this video will stay up.
it never ceases to amaze me that commercial company's, who generally fail to uphold their basic vows towards climate change, manage to somehow produce "climate neutral" products in the span of a month. It's just looks like more morally bankrupt marketing schemes, than a genuine effort.
It's time to stop ignoring what's right in front of us.
Over a decade ago the United Nations stated that a global shift towards a plant based diet is vital to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change. lts now 2022. The planet we call home simply cannot take the decimating impact of animal agriculture any longer.
Every time we purchase animal products, we're supporting an industry that is either the main contributor, or a leading contributor to every major form of environmental devastation.
Deforestation, water pollution, eutrophication, soil erosion, habitat loss, species extinction, ocean dead zones, plastic
pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, water use, land use, and the list goes on. There is no way to get around the fact that animal agriculture is destroying the Earth. It's time to change.
Great comment. There are some places and circumstances where animal farming could be appropriate, I believe, but on a local and modest scale and on a sustainable and environmentally friendly scale.
It’s all marketing hype… while others get rich. For example planting trees is only a work around, not a solution.
Sadly the chances of achieving progress on climate charge are rather slim. Too many complex problems and interests involved. No amount of UN climate conferences or thoughtful tv programs will break through these barriers.
Interests especially
Offsetting is appreciable but companies need to be bold enough to show that their annual emissions are reducing gradually. Also they should be able to persuade the theme, down through their supply chain. Hope ! the only hope
8 billion humans! That is the problem. Carbon offsets are a joke. For example only 1 tree in 25 will survive.
Very happy seeing such initiatives… it’s all for Mother Nature.
A few days ago where I live we broke the record for highest temperature for the
area set back in the 1930's by 1 degree. It took all this time and after all the effort
at environmental destruction the best we could do is 1 degree more.
Somedays enduring all the doom and gloom just isn't worth the trouble.
Just because you don't personally experience the effects of climate change where you live doesn't mean that climate change doesn't heavily affect other places negatively. Just because I buy a T-shirt and don't see the waste and slave wages used to manufacture and ship it to where I live, it doesn't mean those facets of the process don't exist elsewhere in other countries.
I hope that you continue being spared of the horror that many of us have already seen or are yet to witness, but that you don't reject your personal accountability in potentially contributing to this mess. I also hope your region doesn't break any more records any time soon.
Remove the print and paint colours on the labels, tons of harmful chemicals will be removed from the environment, less energy to process the labels and it makes it easy to recycle the plastics.
HBO John Oliver tackled this farce.
May the Anthroprocene epoch make the Permian-Triassic extinction event seem like a minor footnote in the pages of Earth's history. Here's to making scenario SSP5-8.5 of the IPCC assessment a reality.
Cheers! Lets raise our glasses to the bright future of prokaryotic organisms and unicellular fungi, algae and protozoa!
What I've witnessed countless times here in the Netherlands for example is stopping at a gas station who then asks after you are done pumping gas to donate an extra €1 up to €5 on top of your gas bill for planting a tree. Any good samaritan like me would so I did it. But then you continue to drive onward on the highway and what do I notice just like every now and then each year? Hundreds if not thousands of trees are being cut down in order to make more room for a broader highway. The sights of that makes my generous deed look stupid, makes me demotivated and feel robbed.
You' can't live in a "climate neutral" environment. Not unless you can first gain some kind of magical power over the Sun.
I think the topic is climate neutral products and services and lifestyles, not a climate neutral environment.
Industrial society can, and never will be sustainable.
Thank you everyone participating planting trees anywhere on earth 👏👍
The IPCC definition of neutral says emissions not just C02! A long way to go to stop the 2nd law of thermodynamics
And then the penny drops overpopulation overpopulation overpopulation....All efforts unless addressed are futile.....We know the regions to start......
That's sounds like a money making scam to me. They are planting trees in a forest....WTF!?!??! Is that really necessary? If you simply fence off the area, the trees will start growing and multiplying by themselves. There is no need to pay for them.
Humans are very good at deluding themselves. Which do you think is the correct answer:
a) plant more trees
b) cut down on carbon emissions
c) decrease population
I'll go for b) cut down carbon emissions. By consuming less and living a simpler lifestyle. It might be the wrong answer, but I optimistically consider it the best. Unfortunately, few want to consume less and live more simply, and maybe I am one of them.
We have the climate of our consumption, we have the job of our consumption.
The only thing we have to change is our consumption behaviour that is it.
And of course we have to educate young people in order to not letting them making the same mistakes of older generations.
It is not "offsetting" but hiding co2. co2 will be released when tree is burnt. problem is wasteful economy model not co2 emissions.
This economical model we created by producing cheaply abroad and selling high back home is flawed in many aspects.
To hunt down methods to reduce CO2 emissions back home is ridiculous compared to the ecological destruction taking place in the nations of production.
Countries like Bangladesh, or Vietnam, China are being slowly poisoned by our ways of making a buck.
Not to mention the human costs of low wages and poor regulations.
Forget about CO2.
We need to learn a brand new way of conduct to save ourself and the planet.
It becomes obvious though that we clearly will not be capable to move into a positive trend for the future.
Survival of the fittest, maybe not!?
5:39 this is exactly why reforestation as a means of carbon sequestration isnt feasible on a large scale. there is a ridiculous amount of work and input needed, with no where near the same amount of output created. it just doesnt make sense as a main solution
Why are there no legal requirements for companies to offset their emissions?I would have thought that is it vital for governments to make this sort of thing compulsory.Anyway,I'll be taking a much closer look at the viability of carbon offsetting and trying to hold companies accountable thanks to this informative documentary.Claims of climate neutrality need to be scrutinized very closely!! Maximum transparency is essential.Companies need to make the information public and easily accessible.
People have been doing it for ages. Nothing new.
This channel puts in the work!
so proud of this film...
Excellent report. Thank you.
Hello, Alex. Thanks for watching us and the positive feedback!
The climate tipping point got blown past decades ago. This is all smoke and mirrors to tamp down hysteria about the end is pretty much here. I applaud the efforts but realistically its one step forward, two steps back unfortunately.
Great channel
Thanks for watching! We’re glad you like our content. 😊
Data Science for exactly this.
Here in the US, we have The Nature Conservancy who's goal been buying land so it will never be developed. Now, they're selling carbon credits on forests that would never be logged because they own them and don't log. I've long supported them, but this is disgusting. Groups like them selling carbon credits basically negates the good they are doing. Sure, the forests get to remain, but the polluters destroying our environment get a free pass by paying for carbon sinks that were never at risk.
This Carbon Credit is now catching up in Africa. I'm from Kenya, and our new government is pledging to increase forest cover to 30%. Let's continue doing our bit to reverse the damage and save the planet
2022 2 species losing for climate change last year 2 species is okay. People must buy local products
Next question
Whilst there are questionable practices and a lack of standards, it's better to do some positive than none.
The book The Petroleum Papers documents the conduct of the fossil fuel corporations in response to climate change. They ignored, misled politicians, investors and the public, they obstructed and sabotaged climate protection politicizes. They intend to continue massive expansion of production.
The nations that support the mandate of the Int Criminal Court to prosecute crimes against humanity, genocide and warn crimes are being called on to prosecute environmental atrocities acts of ecocide. France has added acts of ecocide to their penal code and have begun Europe's first ecocide investigating into a contaminated site and where real estate corporations did not warn purchasers .
Did you political rep inform, consult, warn you about ecocide? To find our more about the ecocide law campaign visit Stop Ecocide International
May you develop the ethical, ecological, emotional and economic intelligence to be engaged to help stop the corporate leaders and politicians committing environmental atrocities acts of ecocide. They threaten our future they are destabilizing our planet'' s atmosphere, species, oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. They threaten our future.
They plant here and for their consumer needs they use trees from third countries. Another in a series of Western hypocrisies.
The carbon trapped in the tree Will be released into the atmosphere when the tree eventually dies, trees don't live forever.
The forest is full of rotting carbon emitting trees
I understand that if the tree is harvested and the wood used in furniture or construction, that the carbon remains "out of the atmosphere" until such time as it is burnt or rots.
@@richarddobson4382 I'm wondering how much furniture we have to use to utilize 800 trees required for each human
@@supernova8709 Good question. 👍🏼
Good documentary!
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment.
Can we evn mine enough minerals to create the EV's/batteries and solar/wind we will need?
Big businesses see the label climate neutral as a great sales speech just like bio has been for years.
Kudos to all oxygen suppliers and carbon reducers. Also Thanks a lot DW Documentary. This is most helpful in raising our awareness 👍👍
Big Companies dont care about this ........
The sad truth
I'm a 3rd generation Union iron worker never never to be a conservative I was raised as it is common sense that Reagan was horrible. My dad said he couldnt buy a job while Reagan was PRESIDENT. DEMOCRATS were for the working man. Those partys have swapped sides like the twilight zone.
Even my father who despised trump more than I swapped.
A 35year diehard Democrat. Who never shut up about how bad REPUBS were for the rich
Cholesterol free, Organic and now Climate Neutral. All marketing gimmicks. It's all big business.
Only 400,000,000,000 more trees to go and this planet just might still have a chance to out survive us humans?! THE END!
Good point. Although if I was a betting man, I would bet that the planet WILL out survive us humans. I just wouldn't be around to collect the winnings!
4:10 - I'm sorry but planting monocultures of trees does NOT create forests, or build healthy ecosystems.
Until the airline industry shuts down or limits the numbers of flights around the globe nothing can save this planet.
I believe that there is a natural climate cycle on Earth for millions of years BUT the our way of living since the Age of Industrialization just speeds it up ans makes it worse!
We need a clear definition of climate neutrality ASAP!! So we can sort out the good from the rest of companies!!
O! And Nitrogen, hydrogen, helium and all the other gases that keep this earth going.
The problem is people want everything new. Like start using what is already here. But no, the companies want profit and the people new stuff and more and more stuff.
How the hell are you people lying to yourself. If all of you start from this day for atleast 10 years, just dont buy new stuff, i promise you the nature will restore it self 😡😡
Great comment. The real solution is more like this.👍🏼
Old forests are being cut down in Portugal to install hectares of solar parcs. Thats disgusting
sure plant 12 trees and keep driving a 4.8L, that will solve everything
Exactly. It's unrealistic. A lot more needs to be done. I'm biased, but cycling more and driving less is a small part of the solution.
Humanity is a heat engine, no matter how you slice it.
This should be applied to the context of higher education in emerging countries: Is program-accredited (by accreditation institutions) a lie?
Humanity has been clearing forests for thousands of years, to provide grazing, grain farming, building, burning from Malta through Europe, the America's, New Zealand, Australia even Easter Island and mother earth has accommodated it all, population collapse will do greater good than all the postering, imaginative marketing, rebranding etc.
Unconditional right to stop our own life whenever we want for all adults, my body my choice.
Trees take fresh water , trees take rain to grow 🤔
How about Nuclear power, it would be a great energy source to use to produce everything for the renewable sources :D
Not enough of it and it is exceedingly dangerous.
The more I see it the more it seems like the industrial revolution. That basically made a lot of rich people richer. Just like this.
What good is it to offset your pollution if you just keep pumping it into the air?
Any polluter mush be forced to capture carbon from it's manufacturing plant.
Electric vehicles should not be allowed. They are very anti climate neutral.
Per Capita Emissions are more important than total emission of a country.
Similarly Historical Emitters developed countries have Bigger responsibility.
Common but differentiated Responsibilities for developing countries.
when you produce a product, you also produce the whole recycling method and equipment needed for this - make it law - not just carbon offsets, they can all afford that and even worse, they evade taxes because of it, which is just weird - you take your dog for a walk, he takes a dumb, but you don't need to pick it up cause you pay offsets...
? I think the amount of co2 and the amount of biomass finally is in the very same scale.
the carbon binds in corbonhydrates. and finally is burned after being cut and used, e.g. as building material, its reduced to co2 of course.
So the woods stores the carbon for its nature span.
each wood falling down will mainly be reclaimed by microorganisms creating co2.
and very few will become earth too. for some time.
Global 2 kids policy.
It means paying enough money to buy "carbon offsets" and virtue signal to idiots that care about companies be carbon neutral.
you may restore forests by planting trees but not biod versity
By removing the print and paint colours on the labels, tons of harmful chemicals will be removed from the environment, less energy to process the labels and it makes it easy to recycle the plastics.
@@bradowen8862 yes that’s aknowldged , am talking about planting forest with one single kind of plant specie, it won’t restore the hole ecological system, it will be empty green desert
I wish FMCG companies become 'plastic neutral'!
Hey DW. Thanks for bringing up an important and unpopular issue. Unfortunately you are not as critical as you should have been. I'm especially thinking of the claims the tree planters get away with. Planting dens plantations like this one, even partly with non native species, does not benefit nature and biodiversity. On the contrary. Almost no wildlife or natural vegetation can live in such an environment. If they really wanted to benefit both nature and the climate, they should have just left this area alone and let nature take its cause. Trees and bushes would have established themselves naturally and completely free within a few years, creating a natural forest with much higher biodiversity. If grazing animals like cows and horses were added, it would have been even better. A perfect example of this is the now famous Knepp Estate in England. That way you would also avoid the co2 emissions created when raising, nurturing, transporting and planting all these trees, which conveniently isn't mentioned. But that would of course ruin their current business case ... It is a tragical misunderstanding that planting trees is always good both for nature and climate. Often - and certainly almost everywhere in Europe - it it completely unnecessary, because trees come naturally if allowed to (with no co2 emitted in the proces) and planting them more often than not creates ecologically barren plantations, where instead biologically rich natural ecosystems could have been allowed to develop.
How about a documentary on the "Climate Death Cult" ?
Planting trees isn't just natural the version of BECCS. They also provide habitat and interact with fungi. The biodiversity is far more impactful to long-term climate change policy than specifically using trees as if they only have one function. That sense of scale and efficiency is what got us in this mess. We need elegant and robust systems that may not be profitable. It's not about apologizing for the excess carbon and then we get to go back to driving extinction in other ways. Stop compartmentalizing the problem and see what is revealed: the problem is capitalism.
Enforcement is obviously required: where is Captain Planet when we need him?
CO2 is not a driver of warming. Historically, CO2 levels has risen AFTER warming, so it can be a result, but not the cause.
You need energy to plant so net positive energy use
Lead, Snake oil, fat free, sugar free, Akin, Kale, Gluten free…
3:34 A good hold 2 time engines, that thing pollute probably more than the tree they plant will absorb in CO2 over is life. Let's not talk about the big truck they use to move around. All that for a few dozen trees of a few species. The better way would be to put a light fence around the area and let nature do it's things ... +
Maude potvin. We all are responsible for that.
in my years we lost 13 elm, trees
since then 30 year ago
we planted 42 ash trees and in a muddy hollow 15 willow
they are 30 years old i think iv done my bit
in fact we cant plant any more no space
tittle? yes...
I want to plant some trees.