This was my bike (2020 z650) after I used the grom for a month. New rider. Intimidating at first, but got used to it. The throttle is forgiving until about 5k rpm. Once you hit 6k rpm the power really comes on if you want it. It's a great adrenaline rush. I do like that the throttle is forgiving. The stock exhaust is lackluster so I put a Black Widow De Cat. Sounds alot better.
Yeah the middleweight class bikes usually seem to get updated last from the big manufacturers. I really liked the cable throttle on the GSXS750 that I had, I think it was a little better than the z650, as far as that goes. I would imagine there should be a physical fix for this that isn't too difficult, since there isn't electronics between you and the motor, like there is with ride by wire.
This was my bike (2020 z650) after I used the grom for a month. New rider. Intimidating at first, but got used to it. The throttle is forgiving until about 5k rpm. Once you hit 6k rpm the power really comes on if you want it. It's a great adrenaline rush. I do like that the throttle is forgiving. The stock exhaust is lackluster so I put a Black Widow De Cat. Sounds alot better.
My biggest complaint is the throttle and the play, I wish it had ride by wire.
it would benefit from some updates.
Yeah the middleweight class bikes usually seem to get updated last from the big manufacturers. I really liked the cable throttle on the GSXS750 that I had, I think it was a little better than the z650, as far as that goes. I would imagine there should be a physical fix for this that isn't too difficult, since there isn't electronics between you and the motor, like there is with ride by wire.