Bea and her Business - Born To Be Alive (Official Audio)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @AlisaMehrabyan-q3c
    @AlisaMehrabyan-q3c Рік тому +277

    This is one of the best songs i’ve ever heard

  • @TrisCorrosive_1990
    @TrisCorrosive_1990 Рік тому +307

    I could barely see the traffic lights
    Bleed red to yellow in the starry night
    The river mirrored back the London eye
    Pure nostalgia
    Feeling like a dream in a rented dress
    I'm a supernova flying out my mama’s nest
    Little nervous I was pulling out the silver threads for the power
    I was screaming all the words
    Shouting lyrics out the sunroof of my car
    Hey there Delilah
    I don't need someone to love
    I'm a million miles from anyone but that’s where I belong
    With the city speeding past me I have never felt so free beneath the sky
    They say we're born to die
    But I was born to be alive
    Oooh oooh
    Never been a sucker for a valentine
    I'm a holy motherfucker with my head held high
    And the wind is drying over all the tears I've cried
    Like a life line
    Used to worry crazy what the future held
    But life ain't gonna take me till I trust myself
    So with two hands on the wheel think of nothing else but my power
    I was screaming all the words
    Shouting lyrics out the sunroof of my car
    Hey there Delilah
    I don't need someone to love
    I'm a million miles from anyone but that's where I belong
    With the city speeding past me I have never felt so free beneath the sky
    They say we’re born to die
    But I was born to be alive

  • @Superajulmega
    @Superajulmega Місяць тому +121

    Estoy aquí por el Miss Grand International 2024.. Es una hermosa canción ❤

  • @newwall8913
    @newwall8913 Місяць тому +51

    From the moment of final walk of Luciana from Peru as MGI 2023, this song should be on trending!!!

  • @omarcordero6732
    @omarcordero6732 Місяць тому +86

    Está música siempre me hará recordar a Luciana Fuster nuestra MGI 2023 ❤

  • @ItsColeyVlogM1229
    @ItsColeyVlogM1229 Місяць тому +111

    Mgi 2024 bring me here love this song😢❤

  • @EngrLealCariaga
    @EngrLealCariaga Місяць тому +436

    Here because of Miss Grand International 2024 💓

  • @OnnapaKuantrakul
    @OnnapaKuantrakul Рік тому +21

    พออ่านเนื้อเพลงนี้แล้วฟังอิงฟ้าร้องไปพร้อมกัน ยอมรับเลยว่าฟ้าร้องภาษาดีมากเพลงนี้ ฟังดีมากไม่แพ้ต้นฉบับ ยิ่งฟังยิ่งทึ่งในตัวอิงฟ้า ทำได้ดีมากหลายอย่าง คงเป็นเพลงที่ฟ้าฝึกหนักจริง แทบไม่พลาดเลย เป็นโชว์ที่คนจะจำคู่กับมิสGMI2523อีกนานเท่านาน ภูมิใจแทนแฟนคลับและคนรักอิงฟ้าค่ะ

  • @batzsurya
    @batzsurya Місяць тому +47

    Miss grand international bring me here.. amazing song

  • @thxruni
    @thxruni Рік тому +38

    today is my 26th birthday. my 3 best friends are coming over for dinner in a while and i was cleaning the bathroom listening to songs on autpoplay when this song came on. by the end of the first chorus i stopped everything i was doing and silently listened to the song and without even realising i was crying. a million things were running through my head and it felt like somebody gave a melody to what i was feeling. i am glad i came across this song today. today out of all the days because i was overwhelmed, spiraling and this is exactly what i needed to hear. thank you for this breathtakingly beautiful song and you have a wonderful voice. i hope your voice and this song reach a lot of people who need comfort. i'll forever be grateful for this song and will be looking forward to your music. ❤

    • @artemis2291
      @artemis2291 Рік тому +2

      i know its one day over from your birthday d , but Happy Birthday to u :)

    • @thxruni
      @thxruni Рік тому +1

      @@artemis2291 thank you! :)

  • @avrilluyocari2486
    @avrilluyocari2486 Місяць тому +52

    Miss grand internacional 2023🇵🇪

  • @LavenderBreeze47
    @LavenderBreeze47 Рік тому +45

    I truly love this song since the day I first heard it, it's so breathtakingly beautiful. Those days I counted were so worth it ❤

  • @ladyespiritu894
    @ladyespiritu894 Місяць тому +55

    Go Perú ❤️ miss Grande international 2023 🎉

  • @katarzynastomskapoetry
    @katarzynastomskapoetry Рік тому +91

    As a narcissistic abuse survivor this song hit me hard. For so long I was told I deserve to dissappear from the world. Yet I was not only fighting for survival. I was committed to the belief that my story needs to be shared. I was born to be alive

    • @AlinaAdrienne
      @AlinaAdrienne Рік тому +3

      YES!! I'm so proud of you

    • @mimiturbano
      @mimiturbano Рік тому +2

      I’m glad you stayed, glad you’re here. As a fellow abuse survivor I know how the scars stay. I struggle because I know I am strong - I never abused my children, I was kind and treated them with so much respect, they are loved, supported and I encouraged them to find their voice and use it and to be kind, good people…. And They are! They are great adults! But even though I know the strength I have, I feel so fragile and scared. It’s like my childhood never leaves.the person meant to protect me? She was the abuser and she haunts me still.
      I wish humans practiced humanity.

    • @katarzynastomskapoetry
      @katarzynastomskapoetry Рік тому +1

      @@mimiturbano 💖

    • @katarzynastomskapoetry
      @katarzynastomskapoetry Рік тому

      @@AlinaAdrienne ❤️

  • @franciscaarizaca9186
    @franciscaarizaca9186 10 місяців тому +10

    Vine aqui por la reina 👑 luciana fuster escuche esa cancion cuando hacia el desfile y me encantó 😢😢😢😊😊

  • @luzelenapezochistama3782
    @luzelenapezochistama3782 Рік тому +46

    Justo vine por que la escuche este tema en la coronación de miss Grand international 2023, 👑🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪

  • @implacableonion
    @implacableonion Рік тому +45

    This song is unironically the best song I've heard in a long time. Hope it gets big attention because it deserves it ❤

  • @V0L1V1A
    @V0L1V1A Рік тому +19

    "I've never felt so free beneath the sky" is definitely my most favorite part💝

  • @nicolecampos9196
    @nicolecampos9196 Рік тому +102

    Estoy aquí por Miss grand international xd ame la canción ❤

    • @GemaAdscompany-ws4lb
      @GemaAdscompany-ws4lb Рік тому +7

      Yo también conocí la canción por Mis Grand Internacional 2023, me lloro🥺❤️

  • @hope2175
    @hope2175 Рік тому +18

    “They say we’re born to die, but I was born to be alive” such a beautiful lyric❤️

  • @jkdk6235
    @jkdk6235 Місяць тому +27

    Here from the Final walk of MGI 2023, queen Luciana ❤ ❤

  • @sherezademartinez7990
    @sherezademartinez7990 23 дні тому +3

    Luciana fuster your Miss Grand internacional 2023 From PERUUUUUU 🥺❤️

  • @minervaminerva4639
    @minervaminerva4639 Рік тому +141

    Luciana Fuster Miss Grand International 🇵🇪♥️

    • @AtillaM-l7v
      @AtillaM-l7v 11 місяців тому +6

      Yesss 🎉

    • @cindycm2081
      @cindycm2081 8 місяців тому +11

      Con esta canción debe despedir su reinado para llorar con ganas 😢❤

    • @antoniveraapaza1503
      @antoniveraapaza1503 7 місяців тому

      ​@@cindycm2081con esa camcion lo hara , todas las reinas al ganar la corona le ponen una canciOn y se despiden con eso

    • @eliel2366
      @eliel2366 7 місяців тому +5

      La máxima😍

    • @alejandrothvelasquez6340
      @alejandrothvelasquez6340 14 днів тому

      Cuando escucho esta canción me recuerda a la bella Luciana

  • @patu5504
    @patu5504 Рік тому +26

    I could barely see the traffic lights
    Bleed red to yellow in the starry night
    The river mirrored back the London eye
    Pure nostalgia
    Feeling like a dream in a rented dress
    I'm a supernova flying out my mama’s nest
    Little nervous I was pulling out the silver threads for the power
    I was screaming all the words
    Shouting lyrics out the sunroof of my car
    Hey there Delilah
    I don't need someone to love
    I'm a million miles from anyone but that’s where I belong
    With the city speeding past me I have never felt so free beneath the sky
    They say we're born to die
    But I was born to be alive
    Oooh oooh
    Never been a sucker for a valentine
    I'm a holy motherfucker with my head held high
    And the wind is drying over all the tears I've cried
    Like a life line
    Used to worry crazy what the future held
    But life ain't gonna take me till I trust myself
    So with two hands on the wheel think of nothing else but my power
    I was screaming all the words
    Shouting lyrics out the sunroof of my car
    Hey there Delilah
    I don't need someone to love
    I'm a million miles from anyone but that's where I belong
    With the city speeding past me I have never felt so free beneath the sky
    They say we’re born to die
    But I was born to be alive

  • @asaad3077
    @asaad3077 Рік тому +23

    I really really really love this song ❤️

  • @camilaquispeyanez2316
    @camilaquispeyanez2316 13 днів тому +2

    Luciana Fuster , Miss Grand International 2023. Our forever queen ❤

  • @chotikarnjariyaporn1822
    @chotikarnjariyaporn1822 Рік тому +3

    I first heard this song when engfa Waraha Miss Grand thailand 2022 He sang it at the MGI contest in Hochi min City Your song is very beautiful and very difficult to sing.

  • @mimi_23
    @mimi_23 Рік тому +14

    Conocí esta canción por eo Miss Grand International pero Dios, esto es maravilloso... La canción más bella que escuché en mi vida ❤ La escucho sin parar porque es verdadera obra de arte!! Me encanta ❤❤

  • @andriyantakacaribu4106
    @andriyantakacaribu4106 Рік тому +25

    Miss Grand International bring me here😍 what an amazing song😭😍

  • @marytzalayza
    @marytzalayza 13 днів тому +1

    ❤Hermosa cancion, Melodia me hace recordar a Miss Gran internstional 2023 LucianaFuster👸🦋

  • @BaisonFerrel
    @BaisonFerrel Місяць тому +6

    Yo estoy por aquí por el miss grand international 2024 amo está canción

  • @naomicb2475
    @naomicb2475 Рік тому +14

    Follow this song from Miss Grand International 2023 🥰🥰👑

  • @juliaoke
    @juliaoke Рік тому +5

    This song is on repeat!!!! I adore it so much and cannot wait for more of your songs! Love your voice!

  • @akajonny
    @akajonny 3 місяці тому +2

    magnificient.... I feel most alive when I'm listening to music... I had a rough childhood and teenage years; music was my escape to it all... I'm past all the abuse and have a great life, family and grown children.. music.. the voice.. it's such a powerful tool when you know how to use it... well done..

  • @Elidrys
    @Elidrys 3 місяці тому +2

    When you feel down or are hard on yourself...know that you are worth it, no matter what you have been through, and you have power if you can find it in yourself.
    Yes all who live die, but we are not "born to die"...we are BORN TO BE ALIVE.

  • @enzoespinoza
    @enzoespinoza 25 днів тому +3

    Escucho esta canción y se me viene a la mente Luciana Fuster, aún no supero su reinado 🥺

  • @beccaalves9569
    @beccaalves9569 Місяць тому +4

    This song is AMAZING!

  • @sneaky6025
    @sneaky6025 6 місяців тому +2

    My musician friend just showed me this. How is this song not charting, getting any awards, and why is nobody mentioning this girl's name? What an amazingly beautiful song

  • @clelia4837
    @clelia4837 Рік тому +8

    Literal chills, I'm in love with this song 💗

  • @siegmund59
    @siegmund59 Рік тому +3

    Some really good poetry and meaning in the lyrics, with a wonderful melody to the song. Bea has, I think, some real talent as a singer and songwriter and a great career ahead of her.

  • @eeeo2196
    @eeeo2196 Рік тому +1

    One of my favorite songs already 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️!! Lyrics, voice, melody!! All so perfectly written and put!!!

  • @astralspice5
    @astralspice5 Місяць тому +13

    This song will always make me think of Luciana

  • @Liz-sb5ss
    @Liz-sb5ss Рік тому +4

    Vine aquí porque Engfa canto esta hermosa canción en el miss grand international 2023 😍💗

  • @wiseguy100
    @wiseguy100 Рік тому +2

    Just randomly happened upon this video and gotta say...One of the most beautiful songs I've heard in ages.

  • @lisad8052
    @lisad8052 Рік тому +1

    What i need from you is an album, then another and another. Honestly your voice is amazing, im a huge Pink fan and up until this moment and this song, iv never had goosebumps upon goosebumps besides when i listen 2 Pink. IMO you could be bigger that Adele and i wish you all the look and ill be waiting on that album. Thank you Bea love and respect from Ireland 🇮🇪💚💚🤙

  • @erupotisso4873
    @erupotisso4873 Рік тому +1

    The way she said "pure nostalgia" uff ❤️ goosebumps

  • @tiana524
    @tiana524 Рік тому +2

    you have a very beautiful voice that cannot be expressed in words, I really like this song and I got to know this song during the final night performance of Miss Grand Interational 23 and yeah I fell in love with this song💖💖💖

  • @NightSister128
    @NightSister128 Місяць тому +2

    I am also here because of MISS GRAND INTERNATIONAL AND QUEEN LUCIANA from PERU . Her PASSING THE CROWN was of the most beautiful i have ever seen on any pageant , i cried . Thank you for your BEAUTIFUL SONG , is this song on Itunes ?

  • @jorgeluisguerrafasabi
    @jorgeluisguerrafasabi Місяць тому +3

    Escuchar esta musica me viene a la mente como luciana fuster nuestra miss grand intercional 2023 entrega la corona 🥺❤️🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪

  • @Sam-th1uk
    @Sam-th1uk Рік тому

    I was sitting in a cafe enjoying silent calmness then the owner opened this song. I couldn’t do but googling it and listening it for a whole hour. It is just too beautiful both lyrics and the singer.

  • @darvyangelkane8221
    @darvyangelkane8221 Місяць тому +3

    Thanks MGI for bringing me here ❤

  • @b.bear9
    @b.bear9 Місяць тому +3

    from miss grand international 2024❤ love this song ❤

  • @yilu4082
    @yilu4082 Рік тому +1

    love ur lyrics and especially the constant upward chorus that feels like choppy wave. thank you for your music! 感谢你的音乐!

  • @axelwelsh
    @axelwelsh Рік тому +1

    Absolutely beautiful song, everytime I listen I'm crying happy tears cos it's reminding me of loved ones who are no longer in my life and the memories are strong - so for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!

  • @lisbethmarisolmaldonadofer3788
    @lisbethmarisolmaldonadofer3788 Місяць тому +2

    Esta canción me recuerda tanto Luciana 🥺❤, primero llorando en su coronación con esta canción y hace poco llorando en su despedida con esta misma canción 😭❤️

  • @ismaelmurillo7215
    @ismaelmurillo7215 Місяць тому +4

    Llegue aquí por el Miss Grand International 2023❤😢😊

  • @MisterPeter87
    @MisterPeter87 Місяць тому +9

    "..Im luciana Fuster, Miss Grand International 2023... 😔"

  • @EmanuellyPereira-oe8ph
    @EmanuellyPereira-oe8ph Місяць тому +1

    Miss grand internacional 😍😍😍

  • @ramireztrejoanali9733
    @ramireztrejoanali9733 10 днів тому +1

    Miss Grand International 2023 Luciana ❤

  • @raizamunemo5516
    @raizamunemo5516 Рік тому +1

    Thanks love island uk for this song

  • @robnewman9724
    @robnewman9724 Рік тому +2

    I've been waiting for this! Beautiful song and the most unique voice I've ever heard! Wonderful!

  • @lusinizar2636
    @lusinizar2636 Рік тому +2

    Kesini gara gara engfa nyanyi di miss Grand 2023. Langsung suka lagunya

  • @PlGMI
    @PlGMI Рік тому +1

    This song is absolutely awesome! Oh my god! I'm from the Czech Republic and it just came to me now, but I'll spread it as much as I can.

  • @Tiff_2010
    @Tiff_2010 10 місяців тому +1

    My favourite song right now 🎶 🎧

  • @RiccardoErra-si9gc
    @RiccardoErra-si9gc Рік тому +2

    Thank you so much for releasing this on my birthday. It's just what I needed after a rough year...

  • @lisbethmarisolmaldonadofer3788
    @lisbethmarisolmaldonadofer3788 Місяць тому +11

    Manifestando 🙌 para que haga el video de su canción junto a Luciana ❤️

  • @leasch.9786
    @leasch.9786 Рік тому +3

    I have never waited for a song release...until now. Absolutely INCREDIBLE

  • @yaren6062
    @yaren6062 Рік тому

    Pure talent! The voice, the Lyrics, the beautiful❤️

  • @nikkicristyvlogs6706
    @nikkicristyvlogs6706 Місяць тому +1

    Finally I got the title of the song after watching MGI love the message of the songs❤❤❤

  • @richardfranks7640
    @richardfranks7640 Рік тому

    Every time… this song moves me…. I can close my eyes and drift away into its manic…
    You are truly amazing and beautiful 😍

  • @VanessaundTilly
    @VanessaundTilly Рік тому +8

    [Verse 1]
    I could barely see the traffic lights
    Bleed red to yellow in the starry night
    The river mirrored back the London Eye
    Pure nostalgia
    Feeling like a dream in a rented dress
    I'm a supernova flying out my mama’s nest
    Little nervous, I was pulling out the silver threads
    For the power
    I was screaming all the words
    Shouting lyrics out the sunroof of my car
    Linkin Park 'Fighting Myself' Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified
    Hey there, Delilah
    I don't need someone to love
    I'm a million miles from anyone but that’s where I belong
    With the city speeding past me, I have never felt so free beneath the sky
    They say, "We're born to die"
    But I was born to be alive
    (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
    I was born to be alive
    (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
    [Verse 2]
    Never been a sucker for a valentine
    I'm a holy motherfucker with my head held high
    And the wind is drying over all the tears I've cried
    Like a lifeline
    Used to worry crazy what the future held
    But life ain't gonna take me till I trust myself
    So, with two hands on the wheel, think of nothing else
    But my power
    I was screaming all the words
    Shouting lyrics out the sunroof of my car
    Hey there, Delilah
    I don't need someone to love
    I'm a million miles from anyone but that's where I belong
    With the city speeding past me, I have never felt so free beneath the sky
    They say, "We’re born to die"
    But I was born to be alive
    (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
    I was born to be alive
    (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
    I was born to be alive
    (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
    I was born to be alive
    (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
    I was born to be alive

  • @iAsmma
    @iAsmma Рік тому +3

    I can’t stop to listen 🤯 i am in love 🤩🤩🤩👏🏼

  • @KaraokeAllKeys
    @KaraokeAllKeys Рік тому +2

    This will be huge.😍 Permission to create a karaoke video for this beautiful song 🤩

  • @Alex-hx4on
    @Alex-hx4on Рік тому +2

    This song gives me clarity through this life, thank you

  • @eliaol4231
    @eliaol4231 Рік тому +1

    Such a beautiful song

  • @nickhardwell4841
    @nickhardwell4841 27 днів тому +4

    The song of Luciana Fuster ❤️☝🏻👑

  • @ferkestefersken8274
    @ferkestefersken8274 Рік тому +1

    this song is so good I love it and it is literally my life rn

  • @jitskestokman7244
    @jitskestokman7244 Рік тому

    I was getting this song as a advertisement one snapchat I was getting this song over and over thats how i start liking this song!! Is’t a wonderfull song with many of emotions!! Keep going like this!! Never stop dreaming!! 💗

  • @DineshDeArt
    @DineshDeArt 22 дні тому

    Came here after miss grand international 2023 farewell final walk on Miss Grand international 2024 ❤❤❤❤ Luciana, lots of love from India 🇮🇳

  • @azizahazra
    @azizahazra Рік тому +1

    every aspect of this is just immaculaculate, put it on repeat for the last couple days!! 🤩🎧💯

  • @Aleemo101
    @Aleemo101 Рік тому +1

    So powerful! My favorite song right now!

  • @mangyiyi3336
    @mangyiyi3336 11 днів тому

    Beautiful song ❤

  • @punthakansihachad2557
    @punthakansihachad2557 Рік тому +4

    I followed and listened to the Miss Grand International contest. ❤

  • @STEELFOX2000
    @STEELFOX2000 Рік тому +1

    Just found this GEM on Spotify, só.. I Just came here too say YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING JOB!!!!!❤❤❤ Greetings from Brazil!❤❤

  • @khouloudlalia4721
    @khouloudlalia4721 Рік тому +2

    Finally I’m in love with this song 🫀❤️

  • @tommyberry1
    @tommyberry1 4 місяці тому

    You are just incredible. What a voice.

  • @Danny1420
    @Danny1420 7 місяців тому +1

    This is an incredibly gorgeous song. Bea if you see this can you please release a clean version? 🥺

  • @user-kl9yc3vv5s
    @user-kl9yc3vv5s Рік тому +1

    I have never heard such a beautiful and valuable voice.❤🥺

  • @lol-cc2zp
    @lol-cc2zp Рік тому

    the past week i did not stop listening to this song. I love it!!!

  • @franchescacliffinity572
    @franchescacliffinity572 Місяць тому +2

    I'm here because of Ms. Grand I'm from Philippines ❤️

  • @WhoWhatWhyWhere76
    @WhoWhatWhyWhere76 Рік тому

    Beautiful. I just love the voice, it is just soo amazing.

  • @ZalaKremen
    @ZalaKremen Рік тому +1

    I feel this song
    in my soul

  • @tamhuynh2734
    @tamhuynh2734 Рік тому +1

    ❤❤❤❤❤ from Vietnam 🇻🇳 love your song so much.

  • @cuongandmari
    @cuongandmari 3 місяці тому +1

    Magnificent voice!

  • @kongchamnan8744
    @kongchamnan8744 Рік тому +1

    This song is the best one I’ve ever heard ❤ I really love it

  • @phoenix_star
    @phoenix_star Рік тому

    Sent this one to my mum and I only ever do that with songs I love. Fantastic song and fantastic voice ❤

  • @jennyperezyanbal6169
    @jennyperezyanbal6169 Місяць тому +1

    Estoy aquí por el MGI Luciana Fuster es peruana 🇵🇪 orgullosa de ella

  • @bibianagomez5249
    @bibianagomez5249 Місяць тому +10

    Miss Grand International ❤ Luciana Fuster 👑👏

  • @chiro.23
    @chiro.23 Рік тому +2

    Came from miss grand international this is a amazingly beautiful song

  • @shirleylimosnero8256
    @shirleylimosnero8256 Місяць тому +3

    Just heard this at miss grand international 2024 🙌