Eastonmade 12-22 vs Wolfe Ridge Pro28C Log Splitter Wars



  • @TimStout71
    @TimStout71 Рік тому +23

    This head to head comparison should put a smile on Andrews face. Both are great splitters. Cycle time is crucial for production.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +6

      Tim, they are both great splitters and depending on your preferences and needs either one may best for someone. That’s why I wanted to do a head to head. I’ll be comparing them with the All Wood too.

  • @willdavidsonakawd3062
    @willdavidsonakawd3062 Рік тому +5

    Thanks for another great video and thank you for pushing your comfort zone Rachel!!!!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you! She definitely does some stuff she doesn’t love for the channel!

  • @nookthecavebear2540
    @nookthecavebear2540 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for all the time to show us the difference on these spliters.

  • @williamkleinsLost40Lodge
    @williamkleinsLost40Lodge Рік тому +1

    Was a great head to head. Nice to see someone actually do this.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks William, I am going to try to compare as many as I can get my hands on.

  • @adrianwhitehead6238
    @adrianwhitehead6238 Рік тому +1

    Hi Heath and Rachel. That was a great head to head, and knew you would be fair. Thank you for bringing these to us.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thank you Adrian and you’re welcome. There will be more to come with other splitters.

  • @adamholbrook2281
    @adamholbrook2281 Рік тому +1

    Thank you. This was a very nice video comparing two fantastic products. Appreciate the review and overview of each.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      You’re welcome and thank you. Be sure to check out the other splitter wars videos. The Wolfe Ridge was much closer once we replaced the pump on it.

  • @josevelasco3245
    @josevelasco3245 Рік тому +4

    Finally someone dared to compare! Thanks for that! I would love to see these side by side with different wedges as long as they are equally equipped:
    28 Pro (edited) and 5-11
    28C and 9-16
    28HO and 12-22
    35SHO and 22-28

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      You’re welcome, I will be running as many comparisons as I can. It would be awesome if I could get companies to provide splitters for comparisons!

  • @larrymeyer8593
    @larrymeyer8593 Рік тому +1

    That was an awesome video showing the difference between the 2 machines. Thank you.

  • @cjm3508
    @cjm3508 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the head to head challenge!!
    She needs and a steak dinner and her kitchen finished.
    Thanks again and love the channel!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      You’re welcome and thanks for the feedback. She deserves even more than that! She’s a rockstar for sure.

    • @cjm3508
      @cjm3508 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors One day at a time, that’s all we can do! Keep hustling and you will get there.

  • @kopenhagenkid
    @kopenhagenkid Рік тому +2

    Great video Heath and Rachel

  • @savagefirewood
    @savagefirewood Рік тому +5

    First off outstanding video! Second Chris Wolfe and Andrew Easton have revolutionized the wood splitter. Both are amazing machines. No discredit to Wolfe Ridge but a owner of a Eastonmade splitter, what can I say EASTONMADE#1 👌🏻🔥🇨🇦

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you! It is crazy how far the wood splitting industry has come over the past 10 years. It also shows how much marketing matters. Bobby from All Wood has been building quality splitters for years and hardly anyone knew about them. I really like the 12-22.

    • @DanielAtkinsFirewood
      @DanielAtkinsFirewood Рік тому +4

      Savage firewood. I would totally agree. However, in my case, since I am part of the Wolfe Ridge family WOLFE RIDGE #1🇺🇸😁👍

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      The competition in the wood splitter industry makes us consumers the winner as they have to keep improving to compete!

  • @sswoodprocessing
    @sswoodprocessing Рік тому +2

    Great job, Heath, Rachel, and Doug. You put a lot of work into producing this video with all the re-takes. These series of comparison videos are going to be quite helpful for me when I decide to aquire a new machine. I love what you are doing! I hope to see you on the live stream later today. Have a great Saturday! Steve

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Steve! That is our hope with this mini Splitter Wars series to be able to help people choose when theirs so many good options out there. We will try to get them all out in a timely manner. In a wrap up of our first mini series of splitter wars I’ll give my thoughts on the machines I run and what fits me best. Trying to do fair non biased comparisons to help others out.

    • @sswoodprocessing
      @sswoodprocessing Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors I thought your review was very fair and non biased. Having said that though, I choose the Eastonmade ;)

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Steve, can’t fault you there, it is a very nice machine.

  • @googleboy7
    @googleboy7 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the video. I bought the Eastonmade. No regrets. Plus it is built like a tank. Shalom/gw

  • @johnwinslow4503
    @johnwinslow4503 Рік тому +1

    I am the Firewood Czar for the Falmouth Lion's, we cut, buck and deliver over 30 full cord a year. The Timberwolfe TW3 HD 3 pth with a modified 4 way, now 6 way wedge is our weapon of choice, much quieter with a 22 gpm and 6 second cycle time. 1 and 1/2 full cord per hour is a breeze with 3 volunteers and the IH 484 running @ 1500 rpm. No hearing protection needed along with infinite height adjustment. With the number of property owners having compact tractors, suprised Eatonmade and Wolferidge do not build one.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      John I have not seen the TW 3point version. It does seem like a modern 3ph splitter could draw some attention.

  • @FirewoodattheFurnace
    @FirewoodattheFurnace Рік тому +2

    Well there you have it. A clear winner in every category

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Brad, you’re going to love the 12-22. When is the head to head with the Ram Splitter coming out? I’ll do a video later on after posting a few other head to heads with my thoughts on the splitters I run.

  • @chriswhite6077
    @chriswhite6077 Рік тому +1

    beautiful work Love the comparison

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Chris, we will be posting a new splitter wars video this Saturday. We will also be re doing this comparison after a Wolfe Ridge hydraulic pump upgrade.

  • @albertwells8503
    @albertwells8503 Рік тому +1

    I’m getting ready to buy a new splitter. I was on the fence trying to decide which of these 2 brands to buy. But I was leaning towards the Eastonmade. You just helped me make up my mind. Thanks. Gonna call Andrew next week and take my place in line.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Both are solid machines. I think you’ll be happy with the Eastonmade. They’re a quality product from a great company.

    • @albertwells8503
      @albertwells8503 Рік тому +1

      Ok. Thank you so much!!!!

  • @davidedwards3734
    @davidedwards3734 Рік тому +1

    Great comparison of splitters!! Both have advantages!! I have a 35c and have been looking at the 12/22. Great job Rachel!! Stay Hydrated and Have a Safe Day

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks David, I haven’t run a 35C but the 12-22 is built well and it moves!

  • @donwilliams169
    @donwilliams169 Рік тому +2

    Great video really appreciate the work thank you so so much for sharing great job guys

  • @ryanmyers5031
    @ryanmyers5031 Рік тому +1

    Great comparison video!!! Eastonmade is king!!! I really want an axis!

  • @davidowen1103
    @davidowen1103 Рік тому +3

    Great video! Really informative. A couple things to mention, the difference in weight of these two brands is substantial, the Easton Made is definitely heavier built, you can check there websites for the comparison. Easton Mades log cradle and the ability of the four way wedge to drop completely out of the way leaving you with just a single wedge can make a big difference when splitting large ugly wood. Something else to mention is lead times when ordering either of these two brands. The lead time to receive a Wolf ridge is much shorter than Easton Made. I placed an order with Easton Made for a 9-16 the first week of January a year ago and the last time I spoke with them they told me it wouldn’t be till March sometime. We’ll over a year 😂

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      David, thank you for the comments and great points! I tried to hit on as much as I could think of but knew I’d miss some stuff. I plan on doing a wrap up/re-cap video after a few more head to head videos and will bring some of this up. I didn’t mention Price, as it can constantly change, shipping, and ordering options. I didn’t mention lead time either because I didn’t personally experience it with either manufacturer. I definitely like the disappearing 4 way and completely overlooked it because we did the test in 4 way mode. Definitely appreciate the feedback!

    • @mikewright2917
      @mikewright2917 Рік тому +1

      I ordered a 12-22 January 2022 and was told March as well

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Mike, the waiting is the worst part! I think you’ll like it though.

  • @EastonmadeWoodSplitters
    @EastonmadeWoodSplitters Рік тому +8

    I would be curious to see the difference running 6 way wedges. I think it would likely be a little closer because the Wolfe ridges extra tonnage. Great video!!!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +3

      Thanks Andrew. We ran the 4 ways because that’s all Doug had for his Wolfe ridge. If we can get him a 6 way we’ll run them that way too. From the time I have on both machines, I still think the 12-22 will outperform the 28C. I could be wrong though.

    • @clarkharms
      @clarkharms Рік тому +1

      It will make no difference. Watch videos of the eastonmade running a six way, it doesn’t slow down. The tonnage difference is negligible between the two.

  • @SkidderKev
    @SkidderKev Рік тому +3

    great comparison on the 2 machines. this is going to be some good conversation and questions on tonights live stream!

  • @dwaynekastor7951
    @dwaynekastor7951 Рік тому +1

    I have a new Eastonmade 37D and am so impressed w the power and cycle time! Great video and comparison. Keep up the great videos!

  • @VowellVentures
    @VowellVentures Рік тому +4

    Making me love my new Ultra even more, and I haven't even received it yet!!!! I know it's smaller, lighter, cheaper and dinky compared to the 12-22 but it still shares blood line!!! Love the attention to detail when it comes to the like for like comparison attempt!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you. I ran the Ultra at Joes Premium firewood about a year ago. It is a fast and smooth machine! I liked it and was impressed!

    • @VowellVentures
      @VowellVentures Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors sweeet!! I need to process 2.5acres I knocked down for my solar array to get sun, glad to hear I made the right choice to make it faster and enjoyable!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      I definitely think you’ll like it.

  • @clarkharms
    @clarkharms Рік тому +7

    You should also point out the push plates. The eastonmade has a machined fit to the hydraulic cylinder which gives it far less play. Also the push plate is much better reinforced with much larger bolts to secure it to the I beam.
    The list of small but significant details that the eastonmade has add up quickly.
    The ability to run a box wedge on the eastonmade is really nice too.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +2

      Thank you for the feedback. We actually re did the features video of the Wolfe Ridge and showed measurement’s of the push plate, support for push plate,wedge, etc. we will do the same with the Eastonmade and other splitters we compare. We will be redoing this head to head comparison as well. Chris Wolfe is sending a new hydraulic pump as he thinks that is why the Pro28C is missing the claimed cycle times.

    • @rexhavoc2982
      @rexhavoc2982 Рік тому +1

      I think a tight fit is not good for the cylinder end seal and bushing, Put any side load on the plate and not the rod.

    • @clarkharms
      @clarkharms Рік тому +2

      @@rexhavoc2982 I thought that too, however the push plate on the eastonmade is the most robust I have seen from any builder. I really doubt any side loading would be transferred to the cylinder. The pins and holes in a standard fit do wear with time, the close fit of the eastonmade should be less prone wear.

  • @jerrywayneray
    @jerrywayneray Рік тому +1

    i got the 12/28 Eastonmade in April this year. LOVE this video !

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thank you Jerry, we did our best to show how’s these two machines compared.

    • @jerrywayneray
      @jerrywayneray Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors watched yall lastnight on skider kevin, GREAT ! My 22/28 has dual lifts, and a 36 inch catch pan, LOVE IT! its a beast- got it 4/1/2022.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Jerry, I’ll check this video out!

  • @AroundTheYard-MN
    @AroundTheYard-MN Рік тому +1

    Nice review, been looking for head to head comparisons of Eastonmade and Wolfe Ridge. Well Done! You two did a great job, keep up the great content, I enjoy watching the channel. Enjoy your day Around the Yard! - Brent

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Brent, we know not everyone will like this one but we are just sharing our experiences.

  • @AndreasvonT
    @AndreasvonT Рік тому +2

    Good job. Just caught the last bit of Kevins live stream. Was one of his best.. good job!🍺

  • @HotRodDave
    @HotRodDave Рік тому +1

    Those Eastonmade Splitters are Units! Real Nice

  • @yellowmetaldriver1460
    @yellowmetaldriver1460 Рік тому +2

    Awesome. Thank you for taking the time. These are the two brands I am considering.
    Would love to see a eastonmade 22-28 vs wolf ridge 35sho, current model of both.
    You could really benefit from a drone for your Arial footage too!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you! I’d love to compare all of the new models etc. I plan on running what ever machines I can get my hands on! We will have the All Wood Muscle Wood vs the Wolfe Ridge and the 12-22 as well. I am trying to get a Timberwolf to compare as well. As far as the drone goes that is definitely on our list of equipment to buy!

    • @yellowmetaldriver1460
      @yellowmetaldriver1460 Рік тому +2

      @Hard Working Man also just a thought that may make it easier on you guys. If you were to orient the splitters 90 degrees that you did in this video - log lift aligned w log lift (WR counter clockwise & Eastonmade clockwise - a true 'face off' as both operators would be facing each other while splitting). Since you pre staged the logs this would tighten the frame size of the video as well as expell the split pieces on complete opposite sides . This way you won't run into the issue of one splitters pile attacking the other splitter. Also would allow you to keep the camera in one position too. Just a thought after re-watching it several times. Great vids!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you, always appreciate input and we will see how that works. We plan on running the Eastonmade Vs the All Wood in the next day or two!

  • @googleboy7
    @googleboy7 Рік тому +3

    Hi. Thanks for doing this comparison. I bought my 12-22 two years ago. While either machine will split wood, I felt that the Eastonmade is a better machine in general. Your review seems to reinforce my choice. The Eastonmade is fast and built like a tank. However, if you are just looking for speed, my SuperSplit takes that prize. I've owned it for over 35 years. But you have to lift the rounds and it will only accomodate a single wedge. Because of that drawback I think Eastonmade is faster, overall. Thanks again! Shalom/gw

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      The 12-22 is a great machine for sure. I can definitely see where a super split can come in handy. I’ve never run one but would like to some day.

    • @googleboy7
      @googleboy7 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors Here's a follow up. I have always used my SuperSplit within twenty feet or so of a 110 vac, 20A outlet. My wife and daughter don't like the noise of the 5 up engine. So, fifteen years ago I converted it to a 1 hp Baldor electric, single phase motor and a go-kart centrifugal clutch. It works great and is very quiet. In all those years I have only needed to replace the ram return spring and one small $5 bearing. Shalom/gw

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Nice, probably one of the fastest electric splitters out there.

  • @Mark-Marine
    @Mark-Marine Рік тому +2

    Very informative and fun to watch 👍🏻

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +2

      Thanks Mark! I’d like to run Blue against the Wolfe Ridge to see how it stacks up. I think it will run right with it.

    • @Mark-Marine
      @Mark-Marine Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors I know one thing, either would be faster than I am. You know I erred in my statement on the video preceding this one: though this is my favorite channel and your family is my favorite on and off UA-cam, bucking logs is my least favorite “Firewood” aspect to do (especially the small stuff). I’d much rather fell trees or split wood. Perhaps my favorite outside activity to do is plow ground with a close second being bushhogging. Just thought I’d correct the record lol

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      I agree, felling trees and splitting is definitely more fun than bucking logs!

  • @chrisfoltz7028
    @chrisfoltz7028 Рік тому +2

    Awesome video you guys I will say team eastenmade all the way I can't wait to see the all wood splitter and eastenmade side by side. Rachel you are a hard worker good job HWM.

  • @fralin1966
    @fralin1966 Рік тому +2

    Eastonmade has set the bar as far as commercial splitters go they are unequaled !

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Andrew puts out a great product for sure! The All Wood log splitters are also definitely in the same class imo.

  • @TheDriftlessHomestead
    @TheDriftlessHomestead Рік тому +1

    Nice job. What is goal as far as inventory levels.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thank you. I will be looking through my records and doing a sales update video coming soon. I am just ramping up my firewood sales but would like to continue to grow as I work towards retirement from my day job.

  • @rexhavoc2982
    @rexhavoc2982 Рік тому +1

    What is the oil temp in the tanks at the end ? did the oil cooler fan turn on? Any difference in engine noise with one on the far side and the near side? Witch wedge made the most slash? Witch wedge made the smoothest wood. Could you work with a faster split time machine? Good job doing this., thanks.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Rex, a lot of good questions, we will be re doing this video and will be doing a few other head to heads. Doug got a new pump from Chris Wolfe for his splitter so hopefully it will be closer to the advertised cycle time. We are doing a better walk around for the machines as well.

    • @rexhavoc2982
      @rexhavoc2982 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors Thanks for the fast reply, see if you need such a large push plate, I have 3 splitters all with 8x8 or smaller push plates and they all work well splitting 24 inch oak. Do either brand offer seal kits ? Test conveyors also, belt vs chain. Thanks,

  • @CynicalDad81
    @CynicalDad81 Рік тому +1

    Cycle time
    Centering trough
    Eastonmade for the win!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Rachel and I really like the splitters with the cradles. We will be replacing the hydraulic pump on the Wolfe Ridge splitter and running this comparison again. Chris Wolfe reached out to Doug and said he sent some machines out with bad pumps and his may be one of them so we will re run it once we get the new pump and install it.

  • @outsideinmichigan
    @outsideinmichigan Рік тому +1

    Great comparison you guys very interesting stuff.

  • @donwilliams169
    @donwilliams169 Рік тому +1

    Really appreciate the video

  • @BGBadventure
    @BGBadventure 11 місяців тому +1

    What is the width and thickness of the steel on the Wolfe ridge 4 way wedge?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  11 місяців тому

      I am not sure, that is my buddies splitter. If I had it here I’d go measure but he has it back at his place now.

  • @InMyBusyLittleShop
    @InMyBusyLittleShop Рік тому +5

    It’s hard to create comparisons with splitters because each piece of wood is unique. I think you have done a good job setting up the comparison. The Wolfe Ridge splitter is a beast yet I think I still prefer the Eastonmade. I like how the Eastonmade cradles the round , it seems more stable. I split almost only blue spruce. It would be interesting to see how they would do cutting through the knots. Thanks for the video.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Robert , thanks for the comment, and I agree. We tried to be as fair as possible. We used an assortment of wood to do what we could to show capabilities. The cradle is nice for sure! I think either would do fine with knotty spruce. Just may be limited on multi split wedge options.

    • @clarkharms
      @clarkharms Рік тому +1

      It is true that each piece of wood is unique however when you run several pieces of wood through natural variation will be muted out because any one piece of wood that throws off the curve will become less significant due to the law of averages.
      In this example the eastonmade came out significantly faster and 75 rounds should be enough to get rid of a few outliers.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      True and that is what we were trying to do, show the machines head to head, not try to make one machine look better than the other.

  • @garykampmann8070
    @garykampmann8070 Рік тому +1

    Would someone just pay for ratchel to have her kitchen done lol good video and comparison of splitters love watching your videos I watch yours and Chris in the wood yard after I get off work in the morning while in my warm bed lol

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Gary, that would be awesome! Isn’t there a home remodel channel that needs a project to film lol. Appreciate the feedback have a great day.

  • @1squirreldog
    @1squirreldog Рік тому +1

    That was cool to see . I expect your allwood will give the eastonmade a run for fastest title . I have a 12-22 on order and it can’t get here fast enough . I’m stock piling logs now in preparation for its arrival .

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Dave, I think it will as well. They are both pretty impressive! You’re going to need a lot of splitter food for the 12-22 they make splits fast. What wedges are you getting?

    • @1squirreldog
      @1squirreldog Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors I ordered the tall 4 way, 5 way box wedge & it comes with the 6 way. I’m not sure how much I will use the 6 way due to it needing specific size wood to work with . I guess it’s better to have & not need it than have to pay shipping & wait for it on order . I was told 1 year wait when I ordered the 12-22.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Dave absolutely. I definitely think you’ll like it.

  • @raymondhansen2208
    @raymondhansen2208 Рік тому +1

    Been going back and forth between wolfridge and eastonmade this video definitely helped me make a decision eastonmade it is great video 👍

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Raymond, after posting this video Chris Wolfe reached out to Doug and said he sent him a splitter with the wrong pump on it because he couldn’t get the right one at the time. He is now sending Doug the correct pump. After we install it we will re run this comparison but the only thing that may change is the cycle time. Just thought I’d let you know. I really like my Eastonmade though.

  • @terryperson817
    @terryperson817 Рік тому +1

    Another great video

  • @inthebackyardwithdel438
    @inthebackyardwithdel438 Рік тому +3

    These splitters are both great machines . I have a Countyline 25 ton so those splitters are like Cadillacs !!!!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Yes they are Del, there are so many good options available now in the commercial splitter line ups. There’s a lot of wood produced every year on the county lines too! I started out with a 35 ton Huskee.

  • @AATreeService
    @AATreeService Рік тому +1

    Eastonmade top loading hitch pin is the correct answer. That right there makes that 100% superior alone in safety.

  • @FirewoodontheHill
    @FirewoodontheHill Рік тому +3

    I’m not sure what the cycle time on that particular model of that 28pro c but mine has the big bore package and it’s 6.5 sec cycle time. The cycle time on that one looks like it’s atleast 9 seconds. The new ones are much faster. Great video and great comparison.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      This one has the magnum big bore package as well. When he bought it, it was supposed to have a 6.5 second cycle time but you are right it is not near 6.5. In the next video we show us timing the cycle on the pro 28C.

    • @FirewoodontheHill
      @FirewoodontheHill Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors Gotcha. Yeah it’s day and night difference but really good comparison.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks, we tried to do our best with the machines we had access to.

  • @On_The_Farm
    @On_The_Farm Рік тому +1

    So the one thing to add to the comparison is cost between the two units. Obviously the Eastonmade is faster, but is it much more expensive?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      When equally equipped the price is very similar, with in a few hundred $. You can get the stripped down Wolfe Ridge for less though.

    • @On_The_Farm
      @On_The_Farm Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors Thank you. The speed difference is quite noticeable though.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Yes it is. We will be running this comparison again coming up. After we released this video Chris Wolfe reached out to Doug and said he believes he shipped his machine with the wrong pump on it due to Covid supply issues. He is sending a new pump and once it is installed we are going to run it again.

    • @On_The_Farm
      @On_The_Farm Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors Yes, I believe both machines have similar horsepower, so they should have similar pumps also.

  • @peternobst2945
    @peternobst2945 Рік тому +1

    Hi Rachel and Doug ich denke der Eastonmade Splitter ist perfekter das Holz rollt nicht raus und viele Spaltkeile zum austauschen in Deutschland sind nur Maschinen mit 2-Hand Bediehnung zu verkaufen wegen der Sicherheit,hab meine aber auch schon umgebaut ,tolles Video war mir eine Freude Euch zuzuschauen viele Grüße Peter

  • @johnnysharpe3812
    @johnnysharpe3812 Рік тому +4

    I think y'all did a great comparison of the splitters and I really like the team work from you two. Are you still getting any use from the ninja buzz saw and how are you liking it after having it for a while?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thank you Johnny. I have not run the Samurai in a while but yes I am very happy with it. I’ll be taking it over to my friends here shortly to cut up a bunch of wood with him, then it will go to my property for all of the smaller sticks I have there. Hopefully I get my staging table project underway for it soon as that will make it even more efficient!

    • @johnnysharpe3812
      @johnnysharpe3812 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors yeah I've used the older rocking table slab saws a bunch for cutting up slabs at our sawmill but thinking about upgrading to the samari and putting a roller bench on the left and a conveyor on the Right side to load the truck with

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Johnny, this is similar to what I have planned. I have some rollers, and I have a short style conveyor. I am still deciding how exactly I want to set it up but it sounds fairly similar to your plans.

  • @MeMyselfAndTouYube
    @MeMyselfAndTouYube Рік тому +1

    Great comparison. I have to find myself a professional wood handler like Rachel. Ya know... for the big wood

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Lol, well I have Rachel booked till forever lol. I definitely recommend a pro Wood handler if you can find one!

  • @terryperson817
    @terryperson817 Рік тому +2

    U guys might want to think about wearing different gloves this time of year, those thin gloves aren’t very warm or protective either. Just a suggestion. U guys do a great job keeping your hands flat on top of the rounds while splitting 👍

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Terry, I have some Milwaukee insulated gloves that are quite warm, I tend to run hot while I’m working, this morning it was 28 degrees or so and I was splitting in a Tshirt, Rachel thought I was crazy lol. We need to get Rachel some better winter gloves for sure. They didn’t have her size.

    • @terryperson817
      @terryperson817 Рік тому +2

      I’m the same way 😂

  • @min-dakwoodhound7314
    @min-dakwoodhound7314 Рік тому +1

    Try a few from Big Box stores' versions... Harbor Freight, Lowes, Tractor supply... show the difference... vs. Wolf ridge... pretty much sure sure that WR will kick booty againt what is rest... WR vs. EM are easily the top 2 unless anything has been modified with a high volume hydralic system. The quicker adjustment to 4 way ia major advantage to WR, Cycle time, EA winds... beyond that, even. Either system, the luxury models of wood splitters. I have been researching these for 6 months. Happy splitting folks.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thank you and yes both are definitely upgrades over a box store splitter. I ran this same Wolfe Ridge in a few videos this summer they’re on the channel under the videos tab. We made more wood with it in a few days than we ever had before. However we then picked up our All Wood Log Splitter which is amazing, and then the Eastonmade which is awesome as well.

  • @kevinyoung6353
    @kevinyoung6353 Рік тому +1

    Awesome comparison for me

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you Kevin, glad we could help. We will be doing more head to head videos soon!

  • @ChrisLascari
    @ChrisLascari Рік тому +2

    Great stuff. I'll bring uncle Ron's homemade job from the 90s and put it up against those things. I might get 3 rounds split with it by the time Andrew's machine finishes up.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Chris, I want to run them with Old Blue too, curious how it will stack up with the improvements. I know it’ll be slower but not sure by how much.

  • @jimyoungblood1687
    @jimyoungblood1687 Рік тому +1

    When will you be upgrading to a firewood processor?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Jim, I’d love to add one someday but for now I’ll run with what I have. Maybe when I retire from my day job and can put more time into firewood.

  • @willdavidsonakawd3062
    @willdavidsonakawd3062 Рік тому +2

    so curious as to what your camera and mic set up is. i see its not Rode mics so it peeked my curiosity. great comparison video and thank you for it!!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Will, we picked up a GoPro 10 and plan to add another camera or 2. Our mics are Comica Boom. We are going to switch to Rode though.

  • @LetThemGrow
    @LetThemGrow Рік тому +1

    So with big bore upgrade, would WR be just as fast and still cheaper?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      This machine has the big bore package. However Chris Wolfe reached out and said he thinks Doug got a bad pump. He is sending a new pump, we are going to get it installed and re run this comparison. That being said if you order the Wolfe Ridge basic it is cheaper, however if you add the options that the Eastonmade comes standard with they are very similar in price. (Magnum pkg, auto cycle, hydraulic cooler, electric start)

    • @LetThemGrow
      @LetThemGrow Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors thanks for the reply. I’ve been watching both of these machines now for a few years, hoping someday to upgrade from a Cub Cadet splitter.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      @@LetThemGrow I will be running as many different splitters as I can through splitter wars in an attempt to help people find what works best for them as we all have different likes and dislikes. There are so many choices out there now.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      @@LetThemGrow I will be running as many different splitters as I can through splitter wars in an attempt to help people find what works best for them as we all have different likes and dislikes. There are so many choices out there now.

  • @joeshaffer2506
    @joeshaffer2506 Рік тому +1

    Now this video is what been looking for Andrew is smiling ear to ear and now this makes my mind up but as you said all have pro and con it’s all up to the consumers but now my mind is made up 👍👍👍

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thank you. We are doing our best to help people see what fits best for them.

    • @joeshaffer2506
      @joeshaffer2506 Рік тому +1

      Did a excellent job doing it that’s funny that was my toss up and you to finish my thoughts both machines are good and Andrew and Chris
      ( I believe ) both stand behind there machine’s. First seen one of you two videos but I’m a subscriber now 👍

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Joe, we do our best.

  • @seecesar
    @seecesar Рік тому

    Wow! Great side by side comparison! The Eastonmade def looks faster so I hope the WR guys see this cuz im def pro WR. Thank you for doing this!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Cesar, Wolfe Ridge sent Doug a new pump and it helped a lot. We did a re match video. Thanks for watching and commenting.

    • @seecesar
      @seecesar Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors Thank you! Is the video up and if so do you have a link?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Yes the video is up. Here is a link to the play list with a few different head to head comparisons including the re match. Let me know if it works for you.

  • @adtube4186
    @adtube4186 Рік тому +1

    Great thanks!

  • @fricknjeep
    @fricknjeep Рік тому +1

    hi there always a fun show .i think there was a bit more hustle going on your side , in the show , but the times said even more , kind of knew from the start with a faster cycle time witch one would prevail . both nice but even before the shoot out i liked the EM more , there is a design flaw in the WR that i know of witch may be addressed with relief valves john

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks John, I definitely had to move to keep up with the 12-22. When the rounds are staged and ready to go we had to wait on the Wolfe Ridge pretty regularly.

  • @chrisp556
    @chrisp556 Рік тому +1

    If you still have the Wolf Ridge check the pressure on it or throttle linkage and RPM's. I watched a couple of The Firewood Medic videos and his 28c big bore is alot faster by my count.
    Both is well made machines for sure with pro's and con's. Pick your poison and split on. Both is a helluva lot more productive than a box store splitter.
    For me I like the Eastonmade cradle and the box wedge with huge pull back arm.
    Wedges is neutral.
    I went back - a forth between the 2 companies and ordered a Wolf Ridge 35c with the big bore package on 12-29-22.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Chris, we actually put a tachometer on it today and the rpm’s were only about 60 lower than the same engine on the Eastonmade. Another viewer just commented that he purchased a similar splitter around the same time and the cycle time is slow as well. It sounds like maybe it has been addressed with the more modern machine but it still doesn’t explain buying a machine with 6.5 second claim that runs over 9 seconds. Doug never contacted Wolfe Ridge to address the issue as I would have if it were mine. I can only compare what I have access too. You’re correct pros and cons, not everyone likes the same thing and that’s okay! I’m just sharing the experiences we’ve had. Thanks for the comment.

    • @chrisp556
      @chrisp556 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors you're exactly right that you can only compare what you had available.
      Your comparison was 100% non biased which the way they should be. I'm like you I'd been on the phone trying to figure out what was going on. He should still call and maybe they'll work something out to remedy the issue.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      I agree but not sure he will.

  • @jimbo5056
    @jimbo5056 Рік тому +1

    Definitely a one to one fair comparison Heath and Rachel. Does Doug's Wolf Ridge have a hydraulic cooler
    . And facts are facts of 19 and 20 pricing and let it speak for itself. IMO Thanks for going above n beyond. Looking for the All Wood next 👍 Oh, as usual, it was a fun video to watch.🤣🤣🤣

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Jimbo, the All Wood will be in the next Splitter Wars video. Doug’s does not have the cooler.

  • @hankjordan2602
    @hankjordan2602 Рік тому +4

    I like the Eastern Made but the price 😱 thanks for the video.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +2

      Thanks Hank, a lot of the commercial splitters are getting up there in price, but they’re also an investment not just an expense if you’re selling firewood. They hold and even go up in value. I bought the Eastonmade used for almost what they bought it for new and they ran it for a few years logging 400 hours on it.

    • @jandblawncare8570
      @jandblawncare8570 Рік тому +5

      Initial prices are much less on the Wolferidge but when you add on the electric start, Magnum Package to the Wolferidge to make it faster (and is still a couple seconds slower with the Magnum Package than the 12-22), Hyd. oil cooler its less than 1k difference and Eastonmade 12-22 comes standard with these. Seeing both of these in person I believe the Eastonmade are built heavier duty. That log cradle, lifting table, ability to change out from a box wedge to normal wedge and cycle time are what sold me over the Wolferidge. Both are quality machines but in the end It was a 12-22 for me.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +2

      J and B LawnCare, I agree with all of these points. It would be my choice as well. Didn’t put my opinion in this video but will share my thoughts in a later Splitter Wars video.

    • @clarkharms
      @clarkharms Рік тому +1

      There is no cost difference once you option up the Wolfe ridge so it compares to the eastonmade. The eastonmade weighs about 600#s more than the Wolfe ridge where do you think all that steel went? Eastonmade is the better machine just glad to see someone finally compared them side by side.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you. We will be re running this comparison as Chris Wolfe reached out to Doug and he will be sending him a new hydraulic pump as he thinks that may be the cycle time issue with the Pro28C. We will see. Appreciate the feedback hopefully we do an even better comparison in the next video.

  • @alankipling-pm2kg
    @alankipling-pm2kg Рік тому +1

    Has the wolf ridge a larger ram diameter and longer stroke than the easton made?

  • @thefirewooddoctor
    @thefirewooddoctor Рік тому +2

    After a certain point cycle-time is irrelevant when working solo. It comes down to how fast and hard you want to work.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Good point, the benefits of the faster machines are much more prevalent when you have a few people working, or a machine and the log table. Doug is quite happy with his Wolfe Ridge and they’re a nice machine for sure. With every difference their are pros and cons and everyone’s needs are different. Looking forward to your new wood yard being up and running.

  • @obxkoastie8170
    @obxkoastie8170 Рік тому +1

    Rachel & Heath...would be nice to see comments on Andrew's anti-wear devices on the ram. His phenolic block and bronze wear guides along with zerk fittings to make it easy to keep it lubricated are what sells me on his splitters over all the others. I don't know enough about hydraulic valves and pumps but I know the Galtech are significantly more than Prince valves and Concentric pumps. I also think the Briggs Vanguard engines have come a long way and are likely equivalent to the Hondas that Chris uses. The lead times on both are crazy!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      I almost completely forgot to mention the different wear devices, I do know this splitter has over 400 hours on it and has the original plates. I am not a hydraulic expert either, so I can’t comment on which is better or pros/cons. As far as engines go both of these have the Honda gx390’s as it’s an older model. I have to imagine the Van Guard engines are decent though. I am a big Honda fan though.

  • @RobAllround
    @RobAllround Рік тому +1

    How many HP have the both machines? If the motor of the wolf ridge has enough power, i think, you can tune the split time with a bigger hydraulic pump.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Both machines have the Honda GX390 13hp motor.

    • @RobAllround
      @RobAllround Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors Is it possible for you to see which hydraulic-pumps are installed on the machines?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      I will check, I’m not sure.

  • @eddiemortontapman7252
    @eddiemortontapman7252 Рік тому +1

    Best views in 2 weeks , looks like it was worth all the extra set up

  • @outdoorsinthe608
    @outdoorsinthe608 Рік тому +1

    Great comparison team HWM! Both are definitely great splitters. As an owner of a box store splitter this video makes me very jealous 😂👍👍

  • @DudeRanchDIY
    @DudeRanchDIY Рік тому +2

    Very nice comparison! I’m surprised at how much faster Eastonmade was even when you showed the two cycle times not splitting wood.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Jake, the Eastonmade is fast! I’ll be honest, I ran that Wolfe Ridge in a few episodes last summer and thought it was great, but since running the Eastonmade and the All Wood my perspective has changed. It all depends on what you're used to, your goals, etc. appreciate the comment.

    • @jaredmace9917
      @jaredmace9917 Рік тому +1

      These machines are a couple of years old. Wolf Ridge may have made their machines faster. I could never understand the single wedge axis splitter by Eastonmade.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Jared, we stayed this and can only compare what we have access to. When Doug bought his splitter it was advertised as a 6.5 second cycle time, we got it closer with the new pump Chris Wolfe sent and we will be running it again. As far as the Axis goes I have run one and it’s fast and smooth, great for easier splitting smaller stuff and re splits! I’d love to run that vs the new Wolfe Ridge re-split machine which is a similar concept.

  • @edjackson8425
    @edjackson8425 Рік тому +1

    Have you had problems with wood debris building up around the Easton Made wedge making it difficult to remove?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Ed, I have not. I know if it gets built up on the Ultra’s some people have had them be difficult to remove but with the 12-22 it is hydraulic so it can be raised up and down which I think may help the debris not build up.

  • @jimyoungblood1687
    @jimyoungblood1687 Рік тому +1

    A price comparison would be helpful. Thanks.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Jim, I didn’t put price because last time I did that the price changed like a week later. As of right now if you get the splitters similarly equipped they are very close in price. The Eastonmade comes standard with the following which are all add ones for the Wolfe Ridge: (Auto cycle, electric start, hydraulic cooler, big bore/magnum package, and 6 way wedge). The Wolfe Ridge is cheaper if you leave these options off though but then it is less comparable to the 12-22.

  • @skeets6060
    @skeets6060 Рік тому +1

    I like the Eastonmade my self always did,, besides I like the colors :)

  • @stannelson2582
    @stannelson2582 Рік тому +1

    Anther thing to think about is the speed of the faster one also requires more physical effort to keep up. Then with longer use how the faster one slows down as you do. Then the ultimate test is how you feel the next day. What is the point of quicker if it your useless the next day. But that might help with getting out of remodeling. Like you said pros and cons. Lol. Good video.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +2

      Stan, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Rachel and I are Machines and we don’t tire lol. You could also get your work done quicker and go take a nap lol. But I do like the excuse of being to sore for remodeling because that just isn’t fun lol.

  • @DirtRoadLanding
    @DirtRoadLanding Рік тому +1

    Excellent product comparison. Keep up the great work.!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥃🥃🥃🪓🪵🪓🪵🟠🔵

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thank you! This video challenged us for sure. The technology side was winning lol.

  • @jamesbrooksjr7057
    @jamesbrooksjr7057 Рік тому +1

    Nice video comparison! You should also include pricing as I am sure, at least in the states,
    the eastonmade will cost more. I have a wolfe ridge and the cycle time should be the same as the eastonmade if you have the magnum package. Also another nice thing about the wolfe ridge is it is balanced so well I can roll it around by hand. I have the 28HO.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +2

      James, if you build the Wolfe Ridge adding the options that the Eastonmade comes standard with they are very close in price. If you order the Wolfe Ridge Pro28C standard it is cheaper but then you give up options. As far as cycle time goes this splitter does have the big bore package. That being said Chris Wolfe reached out to Doug after one of our videos and said his splitter was shipped with the wrong pump due to Covid. He is sending a new pump and after we install it we will re run this head to head. The next head to head will be the Eastonmade and the All Wood. We also will be doing a better video of the features of the splitters moving forward including moving them around and possibly towing them too. Always trying to improve and comments like this help us in that journey. Thank you.

    • @jamesbrooksjr7057
      @jamesbrooksjr7057 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors yes they will be very close in price but the shipping to the states on the eastonmade is a killer!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      James, I have not priced freight as I bought my Eastonmade used. Not sure how freight charges would compare for both manufacturers. I know a few people recently mentioned they plan on picking their Eastonmades up. We are actually heading over to Doug’s place now to film the re-match with the new pump on his Wolfe Ridge.

  • @Alan_Hans__
    @Alan_Hans__ Рік тому +1

    Very nice.
    First time I've seen Heath working faster than Rachel.
    Dual= two, duel= battle.
    The 2 log lifts to just above horizontal rather than parallel.
    Both machines are awesome machines but from the video showing both doing a dry split it was so obvious that the Eastonmade was next level faster.
    Having the chains attached to a removable drawbar :(

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Alan, I’m surprised Rachel or one of my kids didn’t catch the Dual/Duel thing, or the Horizontal/Parallel thing, they constantly correct my grammar lol. You definitely have to move to keep up with the 12-22, the log cradle helps you be able to move faster as well as it’s like auto placement with these size rounds throw and go Vs place and hold. I had to voice over the safety chain thing, at first I was like well that’s pretty neat. Then I was thinking wait if the draw bar comes loose your $10k splitter is gone! Appreciate the feedback. The 12-22 vs All Wood will be a fast fun comparison.

    • @Alan_Hans__
      @Alan_Hans__ Рік тому +1

      Yeah. Without seeing them side by side I'd be predicting that it will be a pretty close matchup between the Allwood and Eastonmade.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Alan, I think you’re right. If I had the Muscle Wood with the Auto Cycle which they come standard with there’d be a little more of a gap but either way both machines flat out move!

  • @TheDriftlessHomestead
    @TheDriftlessHomestead Рік тому +1

    The last comment was not for this video?? Nice comparison video. Speed aside, the eastonmade is much more versatile with all the wedge options. I personally almost never take the box wedge with the pullback arm off my 22-22.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks, the Box Wedge is a great option to have! We will be re shooting this comparison as Chris Wolfe believes Doug’s splitter was shipped with the wrong hydraulic pump. We will be doing an update video soon. We will also be running more head to heads, planning for an Eastonmade vs All Wood coming soon!

  • @Lakecenterlawncare
    @Lakecenterlawncare Рік тому +1

    Great video! I can't wait to see the dual between the Eastonmade and the All Wood. I considered both but ended up ordering an Eastonwood 12-22. Still waiting, 12 months so far :(

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Tim that is going to be a fun comparison! I definitely think you’ll be happy with the 12-22, it is a nice machine. Waiting for any machine is the worst part!

    • @clarkharms
      @clarkharms Рік тому +1

      I am getting mine next month, wait time will be 14 months total. I waited 2 years for my Tesla and Rivian, good products are worth the wait.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Agreed, the waiting is the worst part but imo it’s worth it. If the products was sub par demand would be less and the wait times would also be less.

    • @fralin1966
      @fralin1966 Рік тому +1


    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      It is definitely a quality machine.

  • @dylanmatter1088
    @dylanmatter1088 Рік тому +1

    Eastonmade all day everyday... been that way for years!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Dylan, the Eastonmade is definitely a great machine and Andrew is great. We love our All Wood too, that Splitter Wars video will be fun, to very fast powerful machines head to head.

    • @dylanmatter1088
      @dylanmatter1088 Рік тому

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors I don't see how the eastonmade beats it but will be fun.

  • @billc3405
    @billc3405 Рік тому +1

    Cant be any more fair 👍

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Bill we did our best. We will be running this comparison again as Chris Wolfe contacted Doug and is sending him a new pump. We will get it installed and run it again.

  • @jayholloway7952
    @jayholloway7952 Рік тому +1

    I really loved the video but I would like to see the all wood go up against the two also. The reason I want to see is because those are the three splitters I’m looking at

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Jay, we already have the All Wood vs Wolfe Ridge filmed and will definitely be doing the All Wood and 12-22 soon. I want to compare as many splitters as I can do people can see the differences.

  • @anthonyspadafora1384
    @anthonyspadafora1384 Рік тому +1

    It looks as though the log cradle on the Estonmade really cuts the time down. She had to hold the log until it made contact with the wedge and you just let the cradle hold it straight while you got another log.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Anthony, both Rachel and I really like the cradle on the Eastonmade and the All Wood log splitters. They make it faster and easier.

  • @danshouseofsmokeandoutdoor7119

    Both great splitters.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Yes they are, a lot of great options out there these days. Competition is definitely good for the consumer!

  • @kentcorbett5436
    @kentcorbett5436 Рік тому +1

    Great action good work on you to set it up to be equals possible portrait will be behind her all woodo and see if how comes against the East made that's gonna be an Interesting that Easton made machine is a fast machine Both of them seem to be rugged and quality built

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Kent, the All Wood vs Eastonmade will be coming soon! It should definitely be an interesting match up! Both extremely well built machines imo!

  • @buckinfirewood
    @buckinfirewood Рік тому +1

    Great video.. I've been wanting to see a head to head for quite some time.... maybe a video of how long it would take to make a facecord and compare the prices of each machine.. to see how long it would take to pay off either machine... 🤔

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you, I was thinking I may do a 1/3rd cord challenge in the future. Maybe run the Wolfe Ridge, Eastonmade, and the All Wood in the same video, I’ll need some more workers though.

  • @backyardfirewood9852
    @backyardfirewood9852 Рік тому +1

    Maybe the should weld a gusset plate or similar on the stabilizer.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Perhaps, I should have asked how they managed to bend it because it is heavy steel tubing.

  • @johnr5545
    @johnr5545 Рік тому +1

    Great job god bless

  • @jeffy1466
    @jeffy1466 Рік тому +1

    Awesome! I might be interested in bringing my Musclewood up for you to run in a video if you'd like? I have the super powered one with the auto cycle and different valves and whatever else came with it. Hell if I know I just paid for it. I have a 6 way wedge too though I dont like the design too much.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Thanks Jeff, let me know. It would be fun to run it against my Muscle Wood with the older valves. I really like the 8 way wedge I got for the Muscle Wood, with the right size rounds it makes a 1/3rd of a cord in absolutely no time!

  • @dansSawfish5604
    @dansSawfish5604 Рік тому +2

    You did what you could do to compare the two nice work guys. Now how about a vertical splitter like the split force vertical and or like a simple box store splitter that goes vertical or horizontal. The vertical position I roll the big pieces to the splitter that I cannot lift, all the small pieces back to horizontal position tosplit the smaller rounds. great job on the video..

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Dan, I’d love to do a vertical splitter comparison video. The Axis was one of my final picks when I bought a new splitter. I’d love to run a Powersplit and split Force as well. I used to Run a Huskee splitter in the same way, vertical for huge rounds and horizontally for smaller rounds.

  • @seangerberding1255
    @seangerberding1255 Рік тому +1

    One thing to also consider is price comparison. Saving thousands on one model may be worth it for some people to give up performance.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +2

      Absolutely Sean, I didn’t post any prices, last time I mentioned a price in a video it changed one week later. Also shipping, etc may change for person to person. I did look though and someone else commented a Pro 28C with all the options that come standard on the 12-22 are within about $1,000 in cost as of today from what I could find not including freight etc.

    • @clarkharms
      @clarkharms Рік тому +2

      I just went to both web sites, the difference is $80.
      Eastonmade is $11,500, Wolfe ridge is $11,420. You have to add magnum cylinder, auto cycle valves, electric start, oil cooler, and 6-way wedge to make the machines comparable. The Wolfe ridge will still be about 800 pounds lighter than the eastonmade, where is all of that steel going in an eastonmade?

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому

      Ah, thank you I overlooked the 6 way wedge. I’ll take some measurements for the rematch, I think the Eastonmade is heavier/thicker steal.

  • @DanielAtkinsFirewood
    @DanielAtkinsFirewood Рік тому +2

    I this this was fair comparison betweenthe 2 brands.. When I purchased my Wolfe Ridge, I knew the Eastonmade was slightly faster. But with my productivity level, I don't think I would see a difference as i am only running a few hours a day. Now, if I was making firewood for 8 plus hours a day, then yes, Eastonmade would have been here already..
    2nd, I wanted Honda powered, and if I need to haul it back to the factory (for whatever reason), I don't need a passport to get there..
    But like I stated, an overall good comparison between the 2 companies in the same class of splitters

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Daniel, and yes they are both quality machines. Everyone’s needs are different and that’s why having so many options available is so great.

  • @adventurerhoades
    @adventurerhoades Рік тому +2

    For what I personally burn a store splitter will do. However for way overkill I want the 12-22. Looks heavier duty & faster. Nice comparable both look like dream splitters. New here & hit subscribe

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you. I bet box store splitters make more firewood every year than the commercial units. There’s so many out there. I am planning on doing a splitter wars with some of them as well. Appreciate the comment and the sub!

  • @toddbrown8701
    @toddbrown8701 Рік тому +1

    I'LL take a MADE IN USA product over an import any day. Great video!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Thank you! Can’t fault you there. There will be more made in the USA splitters coming up in future splitter wars!

    • @toddbrown8701
      @toddbrown8701 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors that will make a great video! Thx for all the content you two put out!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      The All Wood is made right here in Michigan by a veteran. We will try to get another comparison video posted soon.

    • @toddbrown8701
      @toddbrown8701 Рік тому +1

      @@hardworkingmanoutdoors I live in the thumb and am a business owner. My business is called Krown Rust Control in Croswell. I love supporting small business. I have seen your videos on the All Wood and it looks like an absolute beast!

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      @@toddbrown8701 I had my truck in there last fall. I was impressed with your employees and with how nice of a business you run. My property is not far from you at all.

  • @KCBarr1
    @KCBarr1 Рік тому +2

    I would choose the Eastonmade, bit I might be biased. Andrew is my cousin, and my brother builds the Eastonmade Stonemaker.

  • @steveashworth6707
    @steveashworth6707 Рік тому +1

    That was a great comparison, so like what's the price difference between the two splitters?, that could possibly be a deal breaker!.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Steve, you can get the Wolfe ridge in a basic configuration for less but when equally equipped adding the options to the Wolfe Ridge that the Eastonmade comes standard with they are within a few hundred dollars as of today.

    • @steveashworth6707
      @steveashworth6707 Рік тому +1

      Thank you!, I personally think they both are good splitters but for me i think the Eastonmade would be the one!. I'm still using a standard 27 ton splitter and at 66 yrs old I need to give my back a break!, lololo!.

    • @hardworkingmanoutdoors
      @hardworkingmanoutdoors  Рік тому +1

      Steve absolutely! The log lifts are great and if you’re producing the same amount of wood as you were your splitting time will go way down, saving the back even more!