Brother of the Commonwealth, go read the scientific and geological report that starts from the core and not from the earth's surface, greetings from British Hong Kong anda Guayaquil. Ecuador, a beautiful land to live🎩
86inches the first one to be the best in a long period to make the 7PM feel better for the first few days in your lifetime when your body needs help from a normal body temperature that will not change 88888889999and after you start your 89feet sleep test to find your own body! Awesome Awesome
Hermoso, saludos de Brazil hermanos 🇪🇨🇧🇷❤
eu amo brasil ❤️
Que hermoso himno, saludos desde tu vecino Brasil 🇧🇷❤🇪🇨
Tienen como 10 vecinos, je!
Respect Ecvador from Azerbaijan.🤝🏼
Ecuadorians for Armenia 🇦🇲
@@sebastiengilrobalino5362 brasileiros tambem🇧🇷🇪🇨🇦🇲✊🏼
@@orod595 ❤️🇮🇷
Your anthem is crazy 😳
Que himno hermoso. ¡Que viva el Ecuador! 🇧🇷❤️🇪🇨
So your named after line of latitude
Ecuador yes
my favourite anthem in latin america. greetings from Indonesia
Un abrazo desde Austria, Patriotas!
Respect Ecuador from USA 🇪🇨🤝🇺🇸
I remember the old one which had a bunch of pictures in the intro
Ikr. I still remember that video hahahah
E q u a t o r
The land where the supposed mountain with the highest point, but Mount Everest takes all the fame.
Brother of the Commonwealth, go read the scientific and geological report that starts from the core and not from the earth's surface, greetings from British Hong Kong anda Guayaquil.
Ecuador, a beautiful land to live🎩
The mountain is further than Earth's centre than Everest actually lol
¡Vamos Ecuador ⚽!
¡Viva la Confederación Andina!
El himno más hermoso, sin duda 🇪🇨❤
Hermoso himno, Saludos desde 🇦🇷
Ecuador 🇪🇨
¡Dios salve a Ecuador!
¡VIVA ECUADOR! From Canada 🇪🇨❤🇨🇦
With love from America 🇺🇸
Finally our beautiful anthem is listened.
Respect Colombia With Ecuador 🇪🇨🤝🇨🇴
Gracias hermano
Greetings from Indonesia 🇮🇩🤝🇪🇨
Respect from Sweden 🇸🇪 🇪🇨
🥰🥰🥰🥰this anthem. Respect Ecuador 🇪🇨
I really want to go to Ecuador if the covid 19end😍🇪🇨
and my dad also want to Portugal the frontier of Alemanha
It will never end
Venga venga nomas XD
*Gabriel García Moreno intensifies*
**Catholic Country with a europe education arruinated by Eloy Alfaro because Gabriel García Moreno gets killed by masons intesifies**
What a Lovely Anthem!
Respect Ecuador to Indonesia
My teacher's family and two conpanions were originally from there!
Viva el Ecuador.
Viva Ecuador viva mi tierra
ممكن تجيب نشيد بوليفار
GENSECON abandoned us today. What the hell is going on here? The Commission must act quickly!
86inches the first one to be the best in a long period to make the 7PM feel better for the first few days in your lifetime when your body needs help from a normal body temperature that will not change 88888889999and after you start your 89feet sleep test to find your own body! Awesome Awesome
The country could produce sexiest wags after Czech!
Dios miró y ya se fue el lolocausto
¡No soy colombia!
y que tiene que ver eso
Soaz fhe USA Maoxl Ous Pram
I don't want to go to ecuador
who asked
As an Ecuadorian who is the most American person ever I can say moment
Too bad :troll_face:
No me gusta esta versión
Gabriel García Moreno intensifies
Pensaste que te podías salir con la tuya de un comentario de hace 4 años. Pues si
@@elmartinogamer42 Qué carajos tenía que ver?!