Ancient Prophecies of Sai Baba

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Bharadvardzha was a great sage who had studied the Vedas for a hundred years, but when he discovered that the Vedas were unnumbered - ananta, he made Tapas with his life extensions and received 2 life extensions from Indra for 100 years each, but even after that the study of all Vedas was not complete. ........
    Jesus Christ conveyed to his followers the news, which was interpreted in different ways by commentators and by those who take pleasure in piling up overwriting the scripture and supervalue until all this swells into a senseless mass, this statement was manipulated and confused so that it became a puzzle, but it is very simple: "The one who sent me among you will come again" oh he pointed to the lamb, the lamb is just a symbol, a sign, he is an expression of the bleating of the Ba-Ba .. This heralded the coming of Baba! His name will be the Truth stated by Christ, Satya means Truth, he wears red robes, robes of the color of blood, he will be short with a crown of hair ...
    All Muslims are waiting for the arrival of this savior, who will save the whole world from this terrible moral fall, dishonor, injustice, hypocrisy, various misfortunes that have now swept the whole world ...
    Prophet Zarathushtra. The ghats of Zarathustra. In his sermon Zarathushtra promised the coming of the Savior - Saosiyanta Astvat Eret (Incarnated Truth). ..
    John the Theologian:
    “And I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and sitting on it is called Faithful and True, Who righteously judges and makes war. (Revelation 19:11).
    We are very pleased to welcome Puchepad Bhaktivedantu Bon Maharaj in Russia in Moscow. Sripad Maharaj ...
    The sage Markandeya (events of the Mahabharata) told the Pandavas when they lived in exile: Mahatma (the Great Soul) told me - Ghali Sharad Devi what he knew: when the Pandavas lived in exile the great sage Markandeya told the eldest of the Pandavas Yudhisthira what Almighty Vishnu told him, and Vishnu - the keeper of the whole Universe proclaimed that he was incarnated in Kali Yuga ...
    Sanskrit scholars living in different parts of India are the owners of several ancient Naadi Grandhas palm ingots written by the great Saints: Bhrgu, Vasishtha, Agastya and others ...
    The book of prophecies Kaladznyana
    A great man will be born among four hills, he will show the world the way to the light. He will build schools and institutions.
    Michel de Nostradam Nostradamus In his Quatrains predicts the appearance of Avatar Sathya Sai Baba.
    Continued see video
    Prophecies: God Shiva Himself, Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad (CAC), Prophet Zarathushtra, John the Divine, Gauranga Caitanya Mahapabhu, Sage Markandeya, Shuka Naadi, Agastya Muni, Bhriguz Muni, Rishi Vasishthi