+++ Same Gender Marriage - An Orthodox Perspective - Modern Challenges of Faith +++

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @jackooboy1
    @jackooboy1 11 років тому +38

    I am leaving the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America because of their stance on homosexuality.

  • @stylist62
    @stylist62 10 років тому +117

    Amen! I love this priest, He is right on!

  • @greglehr2430
    @greglehr2430 10 років тому +127

    Very good. very well said.....If people do not agree with this...They are not true believers of Christ and the Bible...God loves everyone but not there sin...

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  12 років тому +18

    it is not in our business to sugar coat religion to make you feel better,our business is the salvation of souls, don't let those church's deceive you so they can take your pay check or your 10%.they are a business, and they will say what they think you want to hear.

  • @kathrynpaine5886
    @kathrynpaine5886 10 років тому +30

    The problem is we are focusing on this one area. Christ taught fasting and abstinence from the passions: Lying, Lust, Anger, Avarice, Gluttony, etc. He lived a life without sin to show how we may be reunited with God. Christ taught about not looking at one another with lust, and not thinking about one another with judgement. If one thinks they can do whatever they want because the Bible says to not judge, but to love, then one is missing the other side which is to not sin. People make the Bible and Christ into their own image to keep behaving the way they want. And if the statement is true, "I was born this way." or born to live in a sinful manner, then what is to stop any other person like gossips, thieves, and murderers from making the same argument?

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +10

    im not intending on imposing morality upon anyone... they are the ones that are imposing on us... we can argue all day...it doesn't matter... you have your opinion and we have ours... let the people decide...but we will continue to teach Christ's teachings till our last breath

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  12 років тому +11

    We are not judging, but we are opposed to Homosexual marriage and we have a right to voice out opinions for the sake of this country and our flock to warn them of the spiritual consequences associated with these illicit sexual behavior for the salvation of their souls, to say otherwise would be changing the words of Christ and denying Him. The purpose to this particular episode was to call out those churches that sanctify homosexual marriage,,,their teachings are heretical.

  • @SBotros90
    @SBotros90 12 років тому +7

    @meeno112 I agree with you 100%, especially since it really doesn't affect us anyway. If anything I think it should be legal but only civil marriages, not in the church. That way, they get what they apparently want without "mocking" our Holy Sacrament. And if they want to get married in the church then they have a very wrong misconception about marriage.

  • @truthseeker439
    @truthseeker439 12 років тому +7

    Well spoken. God bless you

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  12 років тому +10

    Thank you for your comment, and this religion you speak of has a name? clearly it is not Christianity :) To all who would like to join the religion created by mrmiriim inbox him, thanks! Did you even watch this episode? did you even listen? there is no message of hate here, nor here nor in Christianity, but it is the duty of the Orthodox Church to guide society towards the Kingdom of God. We are not here to make everyone feel good, we are here to spread the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ

  • @Ahridium777
    @Ahridium777 11 років тому +5

    Who are you to oppose the true christianity? Go after your false churches and false denominations then.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  12 років тому +2

    Nevertheless we are a secular society, meaning we are a government that is secular from an established church, not from religion. Eitherway on this subject, I believe the people should decide instead of a few judges or the governer... I am sorry, I do not want my kids in public schools to be taught to experiment sexually, when such acts are classified as lawful, then it must be taught that it is not wrong, and for the Christian or any other religion for that matter, it is a sinful act.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  12 років тому +5

    Hey, you can claim anything is inspired by God, just don't associate Christ with those teachings with His name and we will be fine with it...

  • @skayafas
    @skayafas 12 років тому +1

    so what is an orthodox christian to do with feelings for the same sex? what can he or she do stop having attraction or feelings or thoughts and urges?

  • @skywolf8113
    @skywolf8113 11 років тому +6

    The word 'homosexual didn't appear in English language bibles until 1946.

  • @fourteeneightyeightbootson5685
    @fourteeneightyeightbootson5685 11 років тому +1

    As long as you don't have sexual intercourse with such people, you'll be fine.

  • @nicomateo23
    @nicomateo23 12 років тому +18

    I feel horrible after watching this. I cant help who I like or even how I was born. I am an Orthodox Christian and it made me sick to know my own church feels this way towards me.

  • @lunarscribe8995
    @lunarscribe8995 11 років тому +4

    "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind." 1 Corinthians 6:9 abusers of themselves with mankind hardly translates to homosexual! Concidering homosexual wasn't even coined as a word until 1869 how then could the author have ment that word? It wasn't even in existance. Read when your bible was published you'll find you have been duped sir.

  • @AvaNightingale
    @AvaNightingale 11 років тому +1

    Historically, with the lack of modern medicine and easily decimated populations, it made sense to discourage and even outlaw homosexuality as it could lead to severe diseases that wipe out whole villages and underpopulation. Now we have an overpopulation problem, and good medicine. Why not examine and discourage the behaviors that are clearly wrong, such as promiscuity, that spiritually harm and physically harm?

  • @gotami2500
    @gotami2500 11 років тому +6

    This is so ridiculous I don't know where to begin...

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +22

    Justice Scalia argued that if state sodomy bans are unconstitutional, then a slew of other bans are, too: “State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are likewise sustainable only in light of [a previous decision validating] laws based on moral choices.”
    Moral laws are like dominos; strike down the first, and it’s only a matter of time until the last goes over.

  • @PureLightHealer
    @PureLightHealer 11 років тому +14

    He's not cherry-picking. This was ONE topic of the many that fall under the category of 'Sin'. Considering this is more controversial than working on Sundays or w/e, it was the topic that was discussed.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +11

    I didn't say they shouldn't be equal, to work and be productive in society and even have civil unions but for them to be married is an attack on the instution of marriage which is clearly, historically, traditionally between a man and woman! For them to be able to adapt Children is dangerous for the well being of the child (psychologically) let alone the moral implications....

  • @HVACSoldier
    @HVACSoldier 10 років тому +103

    The churches that promote "gay marriage" my be considered an anathema.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +7

    First we did not "flee our beloved Egypt" we simply came here like every other race for a better life, however, out of our love for our new nation in which we were born we have the right and the love to share the gosple and the Lord Jesus Christ so that all can be saved. In a secular nation where religion is nearly nonexsistant the "law" becomes the moral teacher...

  • @fourteeneightyeightbootson5685
    @fourteeneightyeightbootson5685 11 років тому +7

    From a Coptic Orthodox view, he said no heresy.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  13 років тому +4

    @nicksum29 You have missunderstood... There are church's like the United Church of Christ who are teaching heresy's... we are just out to preach the word of Christ from an Aposoltic background... that is all... may God have mercy on us all.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  12 років тому +3

    The Orthodox Church is unchanged from the very beginning of Christianity.this show was taken strictly from the Bible. We are not advocating anything except to beware of those church's that promise you salvation through their deception in saying that God sanctions same sex marriage, they are devieving you.

  • @psalmMisereremeiDeus
    @psalmMisereremeiDeus 12 років тому +6

    I like the Coptic Othodox Church even though I am a european who is more into Catholicism. I think the Orthodox are a bit harder when it comes to homosexuality than the Catholics. The Catholics that I 've listened to said that some people can have a homosexual attraction that will never dissapear even if they pray alot and live a chaste life whereas the Othodox say that no homosexual attraction whatsover is ok. but I am not an expet on religion.

  • @rayjames5506
    @rayjames5506 10 років тому +31

    The sin is the behavior. The condition is an illness. Jesus came to heal, seek and save those who are lost. "Go, and sin no more."

  • @Ahridium777
    @Ahridium777 11 років тому +2

    Sollution in what? Homosexuality willnot be accepted in our church for marriage, never ever my friend.

  • @meeno112
    @meeno112 12 років тому +3

    as much as I disagree with gay marriage, I'm not sure it is our Christian duty to prevent others from doing it. If we approve laws against homosexuality, why then should we not also push for laws against idolaters, adulterers, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners? I believe there is a difference between practicing what we preach and forcing others to do so as well. After all, who is the government to take away your God-given right and free will to commit sin?

  • @ianalan4367
    @ianalan4367 10 років тому +7

    @jack ackroyd:
    Just my opinion/interpretation but I don’t think he was suggesting that we are not ‘equals’. He also spoke of treating everyone with love, compassion, and understanding. He addressed your comparison to slavery. Of course there are sinful men that have used God’s name to commit and justify such atrocities. That blood is on their head. It is a different subject altogether though.
    Basically he said we are to hold Christ’s command to love each other unconditionally, but, we must speak the truth and cannot support what God Himself condemns. If your saying the body of Christ should welcome homosexuals I agree. If your saying a Church should support homosexuality and same sex marriage; how can a Church support what God condemns?
    Forgive me a sinner!

  • @sonoftheancientofdays910
    @sonoftheancientofdays910 10 років тому +6

    Thank God for an Abouna like this one! “I have said all this to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagogues; indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them."

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +3

    Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders10

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +3

    This means that everyone not just the JEWS are allowed to be God's chosen people, that everyone is welcome to come to His table, that does not mean you can conduct yourself in perverse sex and not repent for you shall surely die. Just like a person who is a hetrosexual and conducts themselves in perverse sexual acts they also shall surely die.

  • @pontification7891
    @pontification7891 11 років тому +6

    Thank you very much guys, this is a very nice and clear, loving explanation! God bless you and may you be accountable as well for your efforts for this cause! God bless!

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  13 років тому +3

    @nicksum29, clearly you did not watch the entire show, the Priest is asked that very question, and he said we are not judging them like Christ did not condemn the adulteress but he also told her to "sin no more" so Christ forgives the sinner but Christ would never tell someone to continue in their sin. So as the Orthodox Church, when we see a heretical Church teaching false doctrines, it is our duty to speak out against those heretical church's so that the lost flock may find the right path.

  • @EiuTUBE
    @EiuTUBE 11 років тому +2

    Sorry for my interruption but were did you see in nature creature that are looking for life partner and for making a pare by having the same gender.
    ( We are people and we got free will i know that and we can sin because we are responsible for our action.)
    And other idea that i have for you is why homosexual people want to have kids if they are fighting against this form the beginning.

  • @MaximusWolfe
    @MaximusWolfe 10 років тому +8

    The state should have no say on the issue in the first place. This is a social issue. Just as marriages acceptable in the sight of the Lord (heterosexual unions) are not real because the state sanctions them, so too, gay marriages are not real because political mobilization has produced "legal" status to divinely forbidden evils like homoexuality. God is the sole judge and jury on these matters. Those on both sides of the issue, who engage it from a political angle, are missing the point and harming the world in a million, often unintended, ways. My Government is the triune. The man state has no say in these matters as far as I am concerned.

  • @faheim1
    @faheim1 12 років тому +2

    Hehe, 9844wp has claimed superiority above Paul the Apostle! Thank you for your insight. I will take that into account when I read my bible...Not.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +1

    to say it is lawful for gays to marry is to say it is not wrong their acts which means they will continue to push this agenda upon our youth in public schools since it is lawful behavior - this is really the greatest issue with homosexual marriage. That it makes it lawful a land in which it had sodomy laws... these groups are pushing for schools to approve books as such "Mommy, Mama, and Me" on 7 year old kids for Gods sake -that's sick to me... So that is really the issue...

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +2

    Im sorry I have the right to defend my country against such perversions because the moral line will never be drawn... what about the NAMBLA people? do they have no rights? this nation although secular was set up on Christian principles within the laws... We as Christians would like to see those values upheld. I don't want my child to be taught its okay to experment with Homosexuality when they are only 7 years old!

  • @fourteeneightyeightbootson5685
    @fourteeneightyeightbootson5685 11 років тому +1

    The only religion inspired by God is Christianity, which is against homosexual acts.

  • @ehipassiko
    @ehipassiko 12 років тому +1

    The problem with saying that gay marriage isn't like other civil rights is that the bible never envisions a time when there weren't slaves; extolling slaves to obey their masters and telling the masters how much they could beat their slaves. The bible is also very clear about the backseat role of women in society. He's cherry picking what he likes and forgetting what he doesn't like. For instance, eating shellfish is also also an abomination and working on Sunday is punishable by death.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  13 років тому +1

    @nicksum29 The Orthodox Church does not rely on government but at the same time the Church and its people are also citizens of this land, and as citizens we worry about the direction of the country which is heading towards the moral decay of this once great Christian civilization. The Law is a moral teacher, and if the law of the land says something is moraly sound, this is misleading our Childern who will be taught in public schools that this life style is moral.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  11 років тому +3

    Thank you for your comment

  • @brendos444
    @brendos444 11 років тому +3

    I agree with traditional Christian teaching about homosexuality. However, I am a little disappointed with this presentation. To me it is using the same reasoning and same method as fundamentalist evangelicals - i.e. proof texting from the Bible. Perhaps this is because the Copts have lived in cultures dominated by Islam and by Protestantism in the US that they have been influenced by these scholastic methods. I don't think others will be convinced by this tbh.

  • @nicksum29
    @nicksum29 13 років тому +1

    @Logos777productions You teachtrhough example, not by pointing fingers and yelling "heresy", "pervert", "sinner". Christ would never have taught like this. He lived amongst the sinners and the outcasts. We would do well to remember his humility.

  • @SuperScarrow
    @SuperScarrow 12 років тому +4

    I know, I'm a christian, maybe becoming Orthodox soon, but I just wanted to make that point that other divinely inspired faiths allows it. I pray, and hope you pray, that we all can reach a solution!

  • @Damien8787
    @Damien8787 11 років тому +10

    How are people who are for "homosexual marriage" NOT using the government to impose their moral definitions upon others who don't agree?
    Does not an endorsement of "homosexual marriage" by the government tacitly say that any idea to the contrary is, at the very least, not good for the country? How is that respectful? How is that a two way street?
    Is it hard for you to see how this can lead to my teaching my children that homosexuality is wrong, may be considered a hate crime?

  • @Ahridium777
    @Ahridium777 11 років тому

    Saint Paul is follower of Christ, you can't deny St Paul, but you are correct, Jesus said even something more harder than Saint Paul, he said its even better not to mary! Which means tobe only for god and no sex!

  • @faheim1
    @faheim1 12 років тому

    Hehe, Luckily heresy is not defined by MrMiriim ! If so, we would have all been in trouble :D Read St. Athanasius on the matter of homosexuality. This priest is astonishingly accurate on the matter. Heresy is not subjective, thank GOD!

  • @Ahridium777
    @Ahridium777 11 років тому

    Wake up, clean your brain and your heart, become a norman men, mary a women and be happy!

  • @Ahridium777
    @Ahridium777 11 років тому

    Your Saints are not Saints, i dont know who made Homosexual Saints, there is no Saint claiming tobe Homosexual. Its a wrong Nature and unsaint infact!

  • @Ezigabier
    @Ezigabier 12 років тому

    Mrmirhim something you said stuck out...the words "i think"...as a christian we give up our self and put on Christ or at least try to...the priest is no speaking heresy or judging others...he is speaking the word of God...do not be angry at him for loving...yes loving...you enough to tell you the truth...Good Video btw

  • @oporto85
    @oporto85 11 років тому

    Sadly in a parish I use to attend, most (including the priest) would gather for a cook out at the house of a same sex couple on Pascha. I have decided to return to Evangelical Christianity after several years of Orthodoxy.

  • @oporto85
    @oporto85 12 років тому

    This all sounds very solo scriptura, do the Church Fathers have anything to say on this matter? It does not seem possible for the Orthodox Church to deal with such matters without the wisdom of the Fathers.

  • @Ahridium777
    @Ahridium777 11 років тому

    Really , were, show me? In christianity is not allowed and will not forever!

  • @Ahridium777
    @Ahridium777 11 років тому

    U are completly wrong even the wroten torah was wroten by indpired people!

  • @nicksum29
    @nicksum29 13 років тому +1

    @Logos777productions I did watch. But you forget that Christ first braced her heart. How can you go forth and sin no more if your heart has not been braced. What this man does is say, "Sin no more" and does nothing to brace the heart. Go and read the meeting at the well, and you will see a very clear example of how Christ does this. Your way (and this priest's way) is heretical to the loving message of Christianity. And to say "We do not condemn" does not excuse the fact that he condemns.

  • @AvaNightingale
    @AvaNightingale 11 років тому +2

    I honestly don't know if its right or wrong, but what I do know is that we shouldn't treat you badly, or love you any less just because of that. Our Lord dined with tax-collectors, prostitutes, and people who had actively harmed others at one point in their lives. You are not actively harming anyone else, and if you are harming yourself then that is between you, those you love, and God. Be good to others and yourself and stand up for the right thing. Perhaps it will not stand in your way.

  • @ultum4tegunz
    @ultum4tegunz 11 років тому

    And the Anti-Christ destroys Mystery Babylon??

  • @OllieX123
    @OllieX123 11 років тому +4

    “You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material.' Society is, thankfully, not based around the Bible.

  • @lunarscribe8995
    @lunarscribe8995 11 років тому +4

    "No longer Gentile or Jew, servant or free, WOMAN or MAN; but all are ONE in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28 Get over yourself Sodomite. You are unwelcoming to the stranger in your midst that brings you a message of perfect love. I use Sodomite not in meaning Homosexual which is false, but in its true biblical context. One that is unwelcoming and inhospitable.

  • @DalisYT
    @DalisYT 11 років тому +1

    What translation of the Bible are you using that actually uses the phrase "homosexual offenders"??

  • @faheim1
    @faheim1 12 років тому +1

    When did Jesus condemn pedophilia? Nice try.

  • @Globox822
    @Globox822 12 років тому +1

    good job

  • @BrielJacob
    @BrielJacob 12 років тому +1

    You know you can choose not to condone same-sex marriage, and you can refuse to marry people of the same gender in your church, I respect that. What I don't respect is this push for prohibition of same-sex marriage by people from a country (Egypt) where Copts are discriminated against because religion influences their laws. If YOU don't want to live under the values of another religion, then have the god-damn decency and consistency to prevent that from happening to other people. The hypocrisy..

  • @nicksum29
    @nicksum29 13 років тому +1

    @Logos777productions You should worry less about the morals of other people and think on your own sins. God does not need your protection. We are all such a sinful people, We should not dare jeer at gay people, or normal people, or "bad" people. I would just show everyone my unconditional love, and trust in the love of Christ to heal them in any way He sees fit. Or do you not believe He has risen? I think this Vladika shows some terrible arrogance to think he needs to protect our Lord.

  • @Logos777productions
    @Logos777productions  13 років тому

    @nicksum29 This episode was focused on those church's that have corrupted the the teachings of Christ and are professing that same gender marriage is a union that God blesses which is contrary to Biblical teachings. So we made this video to refute their false teachings and minister to the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @UnRoman111
    @UnRoman111 11 років тому

    you are not Orthodox

  • @jetset808
    @jetset808 12 років тому +3

    when did Jesus condemn homosexuality? way to twist the bible to make it say what you want to say

  • @ghostprayer7302
    @ghostprayer7302 10 років тому +1

    Ever wonder if there actually is a God, but he hates the bible, Christians, Muslims, etc., and he has a religion and natural laws that people have yet to discover?

  • @AvaNightingale
    @AvaNightingale 11 років тому +1

    As an orthodox christian, I can't understand how this is such a hot button topic. Confusing church and state roles makes me ill... don't you know that marriage (as the church recognizes it) is a sacrament for CHRISTIANS? Not anyone else, just them. Therefore, if those outside your faith wish to marry in their own religions or lack thereof, how does that effect you or your flock? You are defending the same ideals no matter what the world does, so why force other to as well?

  • @AvaNightingale
    @AvaNightingale 11 років тому +1

    Do try to change tack, saying the equivalent of "Because I said so" only hurts your message. Use real world evidence and throw your hands up and admit when you don't know something. I, for one, do not know if a monogamous, kind, couple who are homosexual and do good works all the days of their life are going any place different than the saints. Neither do you.

  • @Mickey784cr
    @Mickey784cr 11 років тому +1

    Go to gaychristiannetwork channel they explain the verses with many credible sources.

  • @AvaNightingale
    @AvaNightingale 11 років тому +3

    Hun, God didn't just throw the bible out of heaven, no not even the torah. In fact the ONLY parts we can say he made for certain are the Ten Commandments. Anything outside of those should be taken worth a grain of salt. Especially since Jesus NEVER spoke about homosexuality.

  • @SuperScarrow
    @SuperScarrow 12 років тому +3

    Other religions have other scriptures which is inspired by God, and actually allows homosexuality!!!

  • @areopolitis1
    @areopolitis1 11 років тому +3

    It is written in Bible that is not good the man to be alone , not even in the Paradise !
    Well the gays have finelly the right to be not alone any more and have a companion in their lifes. No more misery!
    Christ is Love , don't forget that.
    And of course don't forget ... we are in 21th century {or not?...}

  • @AvaNightingale
    @AvaNightingale 11 років тому +2

    Importance of homosexuality in our religion has been blown so far out of proportion that now people think its a one-way ticket to the bad place if you are that way. Homosexuals have the same chances we all have, so get off the high horse and pay attention to your own self improvement, thats the only person you should worry about saving.

  • @mbpittsjr
    @mbpittsjr 12 років тому +4

    This judgmental finger-pointing isn't Orthodoxy. It's evangelical Protestantism with icons.

  • @brasidas6580
    @brasidas6580 10 років тому +4

    so is it the word "marriage" that is the issue? the bible is full of contradictions, if too people believe in Christianity and its virtues and are joined in a union that is not called marriage but has the same rights, is that wrong? also remember people used god word to justify slavery but over time we changed, i think for the church (all of them) to remain strong and together it is necessity to welcome gay people as equals.

  • @Ibugeja
    @Ibugeja 11 років тому +2

    The only truth is that there is no god\s