How to Sand a Deck: Prep before stain

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bryanwilson8396
    @bryanwilson8396 5 років тому +18

    A little tip.
    When using an electrical cord, start at the power source and walk out from that point.
    Never have to move the cord as you did so many times.

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому +5

      I will absolutely use this tip in ther future! Thank you

    • @Thirsty4stalin
      @Thirsty4stalin 5 років тому +5

      I ain't go no time for dat, i just run over the cord.

    • @lhiob22
      @lhiob22 5 років тому +7

      Why use bleach and deck brightener if you are going to sand everything off? Doesn’t the sanding take off everything the bleach would have gotten anyway?

    • @VietNguyen-mj6vu
      @VietNguyen-mj6vu 4 роки тому

      lhiob22 agreed, is it necessary to use the brightener?

    • @Digitabe
      @Digitabe Рік тому

      Good tip! thank you

  • @Aerogrow
    @Aerogrow 3 роки тому +3

    Looks good; I tried skipping this step last year and it turned out awful. Did you tsp/pressure wash first?
    Or just chemical strip and brightener with hose?

  • @Beamin-vt7jm
    @Beamin-vt7jm 7 місяців тому

    Was all the prepping before the sanding absolutely necessary? Figured the sanding then go straight to staining would be enough. Just curious

  • @g1churchboy
    @g1churchboy 3 роки тому +2

    How do you remove the stain/paint between the boards?

  • @erinbeltran1820
    @erinbeltran1820 3 роки тому

    Okay is that big thing you have a sander? Where can I get this?

  • @marambula
    @marambula 11 місяців тому

    Nice video, weird some of the negative comments lmao, they got too much time.
    Since this video is 5 years old have you refinished the deck again since then? anything you did differently or how has the stain held up since this sanding?

    @JAVIERMARTINEZ-pn7nm 3 роки тому +1

    Do you need to power wash deck first than sand? Or can I just sand ?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  3 роки тому +2

      No need to power wash first, jump right to sanding

      @JAVIERMARTINEZ-pn7nm 3 роки тому

      @@billbrown1380 thanks mate! I was waiting on a response, tomm ill rent a sand machine and start this project!

  • @Arctic5fox
    @Arctic5fox 5 років тому +3

    I don't know if you posted the price or not. How much did home Depot charge you for the sander,and the sheets?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому +3

      If I remember correctly, the total cost to rent the sander and sheets was around $50 for the day

    • @raymondbonington9355
      @raymondbonington9355 4 роки тому

      DIY Bill wish you lived in Dagenham London bill I'm useless and you made it look simple lol , my decking looked fine then after no rain for a month it did rain and the decking paint had peeled way .

  • @surfearth1
    @surfearth1 5 років тому +3

    Did you chemical trip it before sanding? Or did you start in the middle of you sand job?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому

      I cleaned with chemicals before sanding

  • @floridaboy407
    @floridaboy407 5 років тому +2

    Do you think it sanded hard enough to take paint of the deck? I pressure washed it already but some spots the paint wouldn't come off. picking that same sander up Friday

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому +2

      I do think it sanded hard enough. Make sure you get a lower grit sandpaper to take off the paint. I used 60. Good luck

    • @floridaboy407
      @floridaboy407 5 років тому +1

      @@billbrown1380 good deal man thanks for the reply. It's working pretty good so far!

  • @rustylee9251
    @rustylee9251 6 років тому +5

    quick questions-
    size of deck?
    how long did it take to finish ?
    how many sheets of 60 grit sandpaper?
    did you go up in grit to finish sanding?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому +10

      Rusty Lee, the top level is 13x21 and the bottom is about 12x12. I purchased 4 sheets and only used 3. If you make sure the nails or screws are just below the wood surface to not tear the sheets you could get more life out of the sheet. Sanding with the floor sander only took about 30 minutes for both the top and bottom. The long part was hand sanding the sides and steps which took about 3 hours. Hope this helps?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому +2

      Rusty Lee I did go up in grit from 60 to 80

    • @rustylee9251
      @rustylee9251 6 років тому +1

      Thank you for the quick reply...hope you're enjoying your deck, looks great.

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому

      Rusty Lee thanks!

    • @tomkolodz2516
      @tomkolodz2516 4 роки тому

      DIY Bill l

  • @hniccasanova
    @hniccasanova 6 років тому +3

    Great work! Which model is that square sander ?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому +4

      hniccasanova thank you! I rented the sander from home depot. It was a square buff floor sander Model # 07014A. Hope this helps

  • @morlthree
    @morlthree 5 років тому +3

    Great video! I've never stained or sealed my deck since installing. Do I need to powerwash first or can I go straight to sanding? Thank you!

  • @Freshmillz
    @Freshmillz 2 роки тому

    Hi buddy quick question if the stain dried up on me can I redue it and put stain on top of stain ??

  • @thebrownviking9523
    @thebrownviking9523 5 років тому +1

    Did you rinse off the deck post sanding... Thanks.

  • @benji0424
    @benji0424 6 років тому +4

    Is that a square or drum sander?

  • @chengsaephan7847
    @chengsaephan7847 5 років тому +2

    Can you use sand paper to remove paint?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому

      Absolutely. Make sure to use the right grit sandpaper. I used 60 on this project

  • @deaneng8540
    @deaneng8540 6 років тому +1

    Hey Bill thanks for the video. It's been a while since I used the exact same sander as you but I think all I did was bleach/soap/water mixture and then lightly pressure washed then I sanded. You said you stripped the paint? If you did, I don't think that was needed since you used a sander? Maybe I misunderstood you?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому +2

      Dean Eng I did use a stripper but this was this first time I used a sander on the deck. I absolutely agree that the stripper was not necessary if using the sander plus its super corrosive. Like you said a soap/ bleach, light pressure washing, and sanding is all that's needed

    • @deaneng8540
      @deaneng8540 6 років тому +2

      I not sure why people even use the stripper. The ones I've tried never seem to work well and was expensive and time consuming. Sanding seem to be faster and actually less expensive.

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому


    • @scottruch2251
      @scottruch2251 5 років тому +2

      @@billbrown1380 if there was a solid stain ,such as waterbase our acrylic on the deck you would of had to you a acid to remove it anyway, because i dont think that sander is fitting under the railing system...and you do know that sanding a deck is not good to do ,it clogs the pours of the wood and therefore air cannot travel through the cavity of the boards,and over time it shortens the life of the decking and will rot out prematurely.

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому

      @@scottruch2251 thanks for the information

  • @Shootout407
    @Shootout407 3 роки тому

    I’m currently working on a deck and I pressure washed it and there is still some stain on it what do you recommend?

    • @C2XThunder
      @C2XThunder 3 роки тому +2

      same here, about to start 2morrow. I'm going to use a scrub brush with dish soap, water and bleach to give it a good clean. If you are using solid stain like me, it will cover

  • @paulmacal8037
    @paulmacal8037 4 роки тому +1

    can i sand before using the brightener?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  4 роки тому

      Sure thing. Depending on the outcome, you might be able to skip the brightener

  • @peterz1796
    @peterz1796 6 років тому +3

    great vid, thanks! did you two passes of the deck - first with 60 grit sp, then 80?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому +1

      I did and it came out great

    • @peterz1796
      @peterz1796 6 років тому +1

      did the same, turned out awesome. cheers!

  • @bigbore400
    @bigbore400 6 років тому +2

    What grade sandpaper is best to use?

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому +2

      Bigbore400cc I started with 60 grit then I finished with 80

  • @oreokookie1000
    @oreokookie1000 5 років тому +1

    What kind of sander is your buddy using?? to get under the railing.....nice video, very clear and well made

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому

      Thanks! He's using a square hand sander

  • @markjacobs2881
    @markjacobs2881 6 років тому +2

    Wow I think I got the wrong floor sander cos it took me a lot longer than 30min!

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому

      I stripped the old stain off first which probably sped up the process? I definitely thought it should have taken longer

    • @markjacobs2881
      @markjacobs2881 6 років тому +2

      @@billbrown1380 What dit you use to strip it? I still have little patches of dark stain showing but thinking of just putting a clear coat on now because it looks quite cool like that.

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  6 років тому

      @@markjacobs2881 I used a Cabot product first but I wouldn't recommend stripping. I would either keep it like you said or use a 60 grit sand paper

    • @TheBandoury
      @TheBandoury 4 роки тому

      DIY Bill I am confused , the other guy said sanding is bad , you are saying stripping is bad? I am trying to restain my balcony, should I strip off the old semi transparent stain , or should I sand it fully removing it? Or should I sand lightly and apply solid stain to even everything ? Thank you 🙏

  • @terrymckann5594
    @terrymckann5594 6 років тому +4

    Did you pound nails in first

  • @fredhampton1786
    @fredhampton1786 6 років тому +1

    That biting fly was waiting for you the whole time....Hahahaha. Great video bro.

  • @amalanowski6203
    @amalanowski6203 5 років тому +6

    Man, I wasted 16 minutes of my life. How about talk about the sanding process, maybe 5 minutes tops demo. Show the before and after sanding and then the finished product after staining. I kept waiting fore the aerford mentioned things but I was left hanging.

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  5 років тому +4


    • @Cole_Douglas
      @Cole_Douglas 5 років тому +2

      You were handed alot of things in life I’m guessing

    • @Aerogrow
      @Aerogrow 3 роки тому +3

      @@billbrown1380 I want my money back; I watched this video 4 times and my deck doesn't look any better yet.

    • @billbrown1380
      @billbrown1380  3 роки тому +6

      @@Aerogrow the 5th time watching works

  • @deeznuts8707
    @deeznuts8707 3 роки тому

    Hey Bud, just because you can upload a video of you sanding doesn’t mean shit. Stick to your job.