Interislander ferry: Contract cancelled, so what’s the solution? | Q+A 2024

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @strugs
    @strugs 6 місяців тому +82

    Such a shame to cancel the iReX project. How short-sighted this government is.

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому +5

      Perhaps not having the children have the credit card for the last 6 years wasting money and not delivering a thing could have helped us out now huh...

    • @pwollerman
      @pwollerman 6 місяців тому

      @@dsndicmsa7141 Perhaps not promising tax cuts, like every single right-wing government throughout the world ALWAYS does, wouldn't leave them scrambling to cover the hole they created using greed to get those winning votes.
      But yeah, Labour are at fault? Jesus.

    • @stellymelly
      @stellymelly 6 місяців тому

      we have no money to pay for it dummy we are broke

    • @TheFalconerNZ
      @TheFalconerNZ 6 місяців тому +4

      @@dsndicmsa7141 And if Labour hadn't been in power the last 6 years you might have been one of the 1,000's possibly 10's of 1,000s additional dead that would have died of Covid because National would have done as America had done & kept everyone working & catching Covid. I am so happy we had Labour in control through Covid.

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому +4

      @@TheFalconerNZ wow did you get that from your crystal ball

  • @matabennion9256
    @matabennion9256 6 місяців тому +66

    How many time nz government uses public funds to cancelled major project and take nz back 50 years?

    • @stellymelly
      @stellymelly 6 місяців тому

      we carnt afford it dummy labour run us broke

    • @TheFalconerNZ
      @TheFalconerNZ 6 місяців тому

      That is what is wrong with the current political system, one party gets in power spends millions (soon billions with inflation) to start fixing an issue, power changes the new government instantly scraps it because it was the former government's project then spends millions more starting their version of a solution just to have it scrapped half way through when we change the government again. Wer shouldn't be electing governments, we should be electing people that have policies we want, not a party that promises this then does not deliver then implements policies it what it wants but never told us about.

    • @colbyjames7205
      @colbyjames7205 5 місяців тому

      Hang Nicola Willis and Christopher Luxon all together like Benito Mussolini or a second Parlament Riot like the Covid one on Parlament or Assinate Luxon and Willis All together like Kennedy.

    • @robertparker6026
      @robertparker6026 2 місяці тому

      Maybe their reasoning is life was cheaper 50 years ago so lets keep the country there no matter the cost

    • @ronclark9724
      @ronclark9724 18 днів тому

      One can make the argument New Zealand could continue to lease older ferries than buying new LARGER ferries at far less costs...

  • @DavidScott-hi4fz
    @DavidScott-hi4fz 6 місяців тому +79

    They were supposed to get NZ "back on track" but have quite literally been ripping up the rails.

    • @kevinpaulhiggs4972
      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 6 місяців тому +5

      That is so true, when I saw the election Bill boards, I laughed at the Monty Python's irony, canned the lite rail and the Cook Strait ferry development and their slogan " get NZ back on tract". No progress in NZ until National has gone, sorry to say.

    • @jo2lovid
      @jo2lovid 6 місяців тому +1

      But, but, , ,
      National is so ideologically committed to tax cuts for the 1%
      How could they possibly pay over $100 mil for some 30 year Old boats?

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому +2

      are you all intoxicated and have been in a daze for the last 6 years

    • @ronclark9724
      @ronclark9724 18 днів тому

      The previous plan that blew out building NEW infrastructure that ISN'T needed was a BOONDOGGLE... Instead of building larger ferries which required new larger inftrastructure is not the only solution, especially when the Hyundai NZ$ 330 million for two larger ferries ballooned up to billions. I would rather spend NZ$500 million for three smaller ferries similar in size to current ferries enjoying more frequency of services, while maintaining the same existing infrastructure. KiwiRail is GUILTY of being more interested in rebuilding the nation's railroad than providing newer ferries..There is no need for a new terminal, or a new ramp at either port for larger ferries. Keep in mind New Zealand Cook Strait route is for THREE hours, not Tasmania's TWELVE hours route...

  • @nata66375
    @nata66375 6 місяців тому +28

    don't blame the Minister. As this arrogant goverment ministers continue to let you know "We Have the Mandate of the Voters" to me the result was more of a voter for a Red Neck Country. Don't complain you got what you voted for

    • @olliemoose2020
      @olliemoose2020 6 місяців тому

      The arrogant minister’s have just been al voted out of power, hala- ula

    • @Battleneter
      @Battleneter 6 місяців тому

      Would you per National run a $35bn annual deficit like the last government , who are the red necks lol.

    • @ritakonig1891
      @ritakonig1891 6 місяців тому +4

      Red or blue, what does it matter? 😂

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому

      lol no last election was a rejection of wasteful spending on pointless BS... but hey a few out there wanted their mob meth peddling mates to get more koha and now are pissed the tax payer tit has dried up on them

    • @TheFalconerNZ
      @TheFalconerNZ 6 місяців тому

      Agree we are to blame because we ALWAYS vote out the government after 1 or 2 terms because we blame them for the problems in the economy when they are as powerless as we are to keep a dead horse running. The current fiat money based economy is fundamentally broken & unworkable over time & is at the end of its life but all governments world wide continue to believe in it as the ONLY economy we can have.

  • @PeterS-r4o
    @PeterS-r4o 6 місяців тому +12

    A government that knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing sums this lot up.

  • @tutaneka
    @tutaneka 6 місяців тому +3

    This will end up as one of the biggest balls ups since the Clark Govt sold Kiwi Rail!! Then realised " hang on a minute, i think we need a rail network" & then bought it back for more than what they sold it for!!
    Which is exactly what will happen with the Interislander!! 🙄 How have successive governments gotten worse than the ones that proceeded them🤷🏽

  • @shoutatthesky
    @shoutatthesky 6 місяців тому +3

    So you can give landlords who are already wealthy a billion dollars in tax relief but you cancel a much needed infrastructure project that will benefit all New Zealanders and was already in process??? What a mindless decision!

  • @DavidWilliams-nj5cn
    @DavidWilliams-nj5cn 6 місяців тому +1

    tunnel under The Straight, it will be at huge cost but how many accumulative cost of ferry's every few years will it take to pay for a tunnel under the water? Toll it just as much as if you were paying for a ferry ride

    • @bazza945
      @bazza945 6 місяців тому +1

      They cannot build an undersea tunnel because the geography is volcanic based and the area is an active seismic zone.

    • @boggisthecat
      @boggisthecat 6 місяців тому

      Japan manages to do so. It’s expensive.

    • @MrWillt100
      @MrWillt100 5 місяців тому

      @@boggisthecat Japans economy makes NZ look very poor in comparison. When a tsunami strikes a city they could have it looking normal in a year maybe two.

    • @boggisthecat
      @boggisthecat 5 місяців тому

      Yes: it’s expensive. Possible, but costly.

  • @pradeepmagan6951
    @pradeepmagan6951 6 місяців тому +4

    odd as they competition seems to have no issues in getting the ferries they need.

    • @Wah_wahh
      @Wah_wahh 6 місяців тому +2

      Its not odd. One is private, one is a SOE.

    • @pwollerman
      @pwollerman 6 місяців тому +1

      They’re not doing rail though.

    • @niteryder50
      @niteryder50 6 місяців тому +1

      Old used ones just like interislander has and don't appear as good in rough seas

    • @chrismckellar9350
      @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому

      The competition is owned by Morgan Stanley who have very, very deep financial pockets.

    • @MrWillt100
      @MrWillt100 5 місяців тому

      @@chrismckellar9350 They may have deep pockets but they also are not rushing out to buy new ferries and they have exactly the same issue as the interislander ferries in purchasing new or old ships.

  • @denyswoodroffe490
    @denyswoodroffe490 5 місяців тому +1

    They just need to keep the ships maintenance up to date. It is time the ships were looked after better. The last government let things slip very badly.

    • @MrWillt100
      @MrWillt100 5 місяців тому

      Isn't this maintenance done overseas?

  • @feesullivan3439
    @feesullivan3439 6 місяців тому +3

    Just be like the successful bluebridge and purchase ferries from overseas. I’ve been sailing at least once a year for over 25 years and always sail bluebridge.

  • @rkctransportationvids
    @rkctransportationvids 6 місяців тому

    Should build a rail tunnel and have a similar setup to the channel tunnel in the UK and France. You could move the same amount of vehicles as one ferry in 1/3 of the time it would take a ferry to cross the strait.

    • @4groundcontrol
      @4groundcontrol 6 місяців тому +2

      We dont have the population in NZ to justify the expense of the tunnel..

    • @commiedoge747
      @commiedoge747 6 місяців тому +8

      You forget that the cook strait crosses one of those plate boundaries. Not safe for a tunnel as you only need to look at an earthquake map to see that it has thousands of quakes per year.

  • @TravellinOn2010
    @TravellinOn2010 5 місяців тому

    The word on the street is they are refurbishing 15 of those amphibious US Army Ducks from World War 2, that way they dont have to have proper terminals at each end, they can just drive them up onto the beach and offload passengers instead. As for rail and road traffic, yeah well, thats anyones guess.

  • @frederickmiles327
    @frederickmiles327 6 місяців тому +3

    Many in the past viewed the rail ferries as the railways and the appalling service and catering on the rail ferries as more than justifying the rail privatisation in 1984. Certainly the Cook Straight ferry service was vastly better in the years of Wisconsin and Canadian National ownership. The return to government operation indeed even the interim period of partially subsidised Toll Australia truck company ownership saw an appalling deterioration of the rail service and from memory they immediately Abandoned the fast ferry catamaran service which was excellent and violated national sovereignty by running the Australian war Bonet national colours on their locomotives through the country

  • @henkmagnetic3103
    @henkmagnetic3103 6 місяців тому +1

    Amazing how much the tax cuts are going to cost the country and yet that could be paying a good slice of the brand new ferries. Talk about squandering money. We're not exactly a wealth country. I could make this such a long comment but I don't want ulcers. Looking forward to more breakdowns and possibly another propeller heading for the seabed.

  • @iainfenwick2433
    @iainfenwick2433 6 місяців тому

    No mention of the new ships being bigger than harbour master will allow in tory straight

  • @timor64
    @timor64 6 місяців тому +2

    so nothing new. NZ skimps on infrastructure

  • @matabennion9256
    @matabennion9256 6 місяців тому +4

    Wait til the cook strait break impacting on nz economy

  • @kevincrossan2618
    @kevincrossan2618 6 місяців тому +1

    The labour government wasted so much money, I would like to see an audit on where all the hundreds of billions of borrowed money actually went because its not obvious.

    • @waynewright5571
      @waynewright5571 6 місяців тому

      Ask the Coalition Govt they repealed everything Labour had on its books, that move on its own would have cost the taxpayers.

  • @samreihana5881
    @samreihana5881 6 місяців тому +2

    The worst part all parties such Labour and National has only 3yrs terms so what a mess of trouble they cause this Country financially. Bloody Disgraceful.

  • @plc2866
    @plc2866 6 місяців тому +1

    The cost over runs were ridiculous. Who is being held to account.
    It was the same with the combined college. How does it go to double the initial estimated cost? This is share incompetence. Labour need to be held accountable for this. Get it right to begin with!

    • @chrismckellar9350
      @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому

      How is it Labour fault. You are Labour bashing.

  • @simplygreen5832
    @simplygreen5832 2 місяці тому

    Diversity hire captain?

  • @Mcfreddo
    @Mcfreddo 6 місяців тому +1

    It's like the Auckland Harbour bridge, parliament building the dumb beehive all over again. Cheapskate, cheapskate, cheapskate bs.

  • @tonywood3660
    @tonywood3660 6 місяців тому

    This government ain't got a clue.......maybe get bods off the dole give them paddles and borrow some wakas. now there's a plan....

  • @danieljust2226
    @danieljust2226 6 місяців тому

    $424 Million spent, to achieve nothing?! How can they spend 400mill to deliver zero outcome? I understand spinning up BC, RC, BIM etc etc.. but this is just insane.

  • @suegrindlay6309
    @suegrindlay6309 6 місяців тому

    Jack Tame while do you like to argue with people you interview

    @FKTHESYSTEM063 6 місяців тому

    Restrict our travel by let me guess…. Electric cars only, that’ll turn into only certain charging privileges.. read between the lines.

  • @ralphwatt8752
    @ralphwatt8752 6 місяців тому

    Build a Tunnel.

  • @Rusty_Pickup
    @Rusty_Pickup 3 місяці тому

    Canned the ferries so rich landlords can get tax cuts

  • @joebloggs2862
    @joebloggs2862 2 місяці тому

    What do u expect Jack from a government entity,lazy government workers don’t do maintenance they floot around on taxpayers money.

  • @karibakid
    @karibakid 6 місяців тому +2

    The Unions involved what can you expect BLUE RIDGE No problems

    • @kevinpaulhiggs4972
      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 6 місяців тому

      The unions are toothless, Mr Bolger saw to that.

    • @alistermacpherson7120
      @alistermacpherson7120 6 місяців тому

      Mate that's a typical poorly informed opinion,to blame the Unions.

  • @Rocketfist-g7o
    @Rocketfist-g7o 6 місяців тому +1


  • @williamearnshaw410
    @williamearnshaw410 4 дні тому

    NZ.... Dying rapidly...

  • @thelazykiwi1295
    @thelazykiwi1295 5 місяців тому

    China Would have offered help BUTT

  • @dm1126
    @dm1126 5 місяців тому


  • @DouglasFir90
    @DouglasFir90 6 місяців тому

    When are you gonna lose your job jack lame🎉🎉🎉

  • @maanhills7982
    @maanhills7982 6 місяців тому +1

    NZ's HS2 debarkle.

  • @Kult365
    @Kult365 6 місяців тому +64

    National striking a huge blow to top of the south in commerce and connectivity. Horribly myopic.

    • @roberthooker4970
      @roberthooker4970 6 місяців тому +5

      Hope those voters remember.

    • @Kult365
      @Kult365 6 місяців тому +2

      @@roberthooker4970 voter remorse doesn't even blip on that radar unfortunately

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому

      Sorry to see the meth epidemic is affecting you

    • @Kult365
      @Kult365 6 місяців тому

      @@dsndicmsa7141 what does that have to do with logistics, trade and tourism in the South Island?

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому

      @@Kult365 ... you don't seem to be able to use basic logic... not like the marxist filth over the last 6 years gave a shit about rural business don't try to play that card now

  • @katwallace585
    @katwallace585 6 місяців тому +104

    Stupid...that contract was a good its going to cost much much more to re do when the bandaids fail

    • @danielphillips4399
      @danielphillips4399 6 місяців тому +5

      yet the wider project costs which were triple the original figure (3 billion today) and likely to escalate further were not a "good price" overall. They could not buy/build the new ferries and put them to use without having to develop the landside infrastructure as well which is what was the lionshare of the costs involved.

    • @xr6lad
      @xr6lad 6 місяців тому +15

      @@danielphillips4399but is that saying in fact that the infrastructure is 1950’s. And it needed upgrading. Like much of NZ infrastructure. This is a vital link. Ramshackle ferries, with terminals that don’t cater for 21st century needs including parking and facilities and separating trucks from cars is needed.

    • @angusmaxim3450
      @angusmaxim3450 6 місяців тому +10

      ​@danielphillips4399 so the alternative is do nothing and let the infrastructure get worse?

    • @olliemoose2020
      @olliemoose2020 6 місяців тому +3

      If it was a good price National would of kept it, so I don’t know we’re you got that from.

    • @Wah_wahh
      @Wah_wahh 6 місяців тому +12

      ​@@danielphillips4399$1.389b to $3b is not triple. It is also not unusual for costs to increase as each year passes if you wait too long. Read the numbers not what you are being told.

  • @bobmasefield317
    @bobmasefield317 6 місяців тому +54

    Nicola Willis is out of her depth on this issue where NZ Rail are making strategic decisions on future proofing the cook strait crossing she is more focused on tax cuts, which is going to cost future governments and the country dearly.

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому

      anything is better than pedo robbo. keep him away from them Asian kids

    • @bazza945
      @bazza945 6 місяців тому +4

      Yeah, she's protecting her boss's promised tax cuts for their rich NatACTdonors.

    • @stellymelly
      @stellymelly 6 місяців тому

      nicola is trying to ballance the books after labour run us clean broke every dollar borrowed must be paid back with interest do you wana pay 20 dollars for a loaf no thanks

    • @gottenhimfella221
      @gottenhimfella221 5 місяців тому +2

      She says "it wouldn't be appropriate for me to comment on" the costs involved in backing out of the project. Which raises the question: how could they make an informed decision on backing out if they didn't know those costs? Incompetent goverments and businesses are prone to making decisions first, based on gut feelings and/or "brand" consciousness, and then selectively marshalling or inventing "facts" to concoct a supporting rationale at a later date.
      If ever.

    • @bobmasefield317
      @bobmasefield317 5 місяців тому +1

      @@gottenhimfella221 She wont comment because,she knows its the wrong decision, but prefers to kick this can down the road and concentrate on her Ruth Richardson style of the mother of all budgets of slash and burn to achieve her economic miracle and offer measly tax cuts to working families and windfalls for landlords, the cook strait problem re ferries and facilities will be left for some future government.

  • @raymaulder7383
    @raymaulder7383 6 місяців тому +46

    Incompetent , short sited minister.

    • @mcduck5
      @mcduck5 6 місяців тому

      It double in cost every 6 months from the start b where does it end?

    • @kevinpaulhiggs4972
      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 6 місяців тому +8

      ​@@mcduck5and it's going to cost 3x that much when it is built once National has gone. Short sighted decisions by National.

    • @mcduck5
      @mcduck5 6 місяців тому +1

      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 It shouldn't cost that much and if it does there should be a reasonable understanding of the costs at the start. At the start of the project they said that the infrastructure would cost 300 million, that had grown to 3 billion before construction actually started

    • @kevinpaulhiggs4972
      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 6 місяців тому +6

      @@mcduck5 so what, if we're not progressing we are regressing. Take a lesson from Roosevelt during the depression and build infrastructure, not tighten the belt and hope for the best. National's austerity policies will deepen and prolonging a recession. We've been here before, it didn't work then and it won't work now. So far the only sector that is happy are landlords and farmers.

    • @mcduck5
      @mcduck5 6 місяців тому

      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 "so what"? When it was canned it was going to cost around 700 pet man woman and child in New Zealand. At the rate of cost blow out it could well have costed $5000... and that's not worth it

  • @derekphilipps20
    @derekphilipps20 6 місяців тому +52

    Nicolas plan,keep our 30 year old ferries for another 30 years !

    • @roberthooker4970
      @roberthooker4970 6 місяців тому +4

      We are dealing with water issues due to delays. This ferry service is similar and airforce planes.

    • @stellymelly
      @stellymelly 6 місяців тому

      well we have no money to pay for it you can thank labour

    • @johnandchrisvannisselroy896
      @johnandchrisvannisselroy896 6 місяців тому +5

      ​@stellymelly That's not true. If there's money for tax cuts, then there's spare money. Infrastructure before lining the pockets of Willis's friends.

    • @stellymelly
      @stellymelly 6 місяців тому

      @@johnandchrisvannisselroy896 you talk rubbish mate we are broke bud the last goverment made such a mess of it we have no money they are trying to get inflation down to make living cheaper for everyone rail on the ferry is a waste of time we truck everything it cheaper quicker they spend 450 mil without cutting one peace of steel are you for real .oooo let me guess life time labour voter i bet wake up mate

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому +1

      Bluebridge works just fine without any tax payer trough

  • @kimnzg8195
    @kimnzg8195 6 місяців тому +108

    This is one of the worst financial decisions made by this government.

    • @mobbarley7517
      @mobbarley7517 6 місяців тому +2


    • @Kult365
      @Kult365 6 місяців тому

      @@mobbarley7517 you're probably right, there's worse to come from these imbeciles.

    • @Battleneter
      @Battleneter 6 місяців тому +7

      You can't run a $35bn annual deficit like the last government for long, welcome to a period of paying for the last governments lolly scramble.

    • @Kult365
      @Kult365 6 місяців тому +4

      @@Battleneter blame Labour 😂

    • @Battleneter
      @Battleneter 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Kult365 indeed, as per the data

  • @AntoniaAllison-v8d
    @AntoniaAllison-v8d 6 місяців тому +18

    I was running an accommodation business in Picton until June last year and had international guests who went through the horrendous breakdowns and ferry stoppages during the previous year.. after sleeping in their cars while waiting to access the Ferry and spending all night in the terminal they made it clear they will not be coming back to NZ anytime soon.. there were constant ferry stoppages due to ongoing boat maintenance issues, over booking, inability to travel for up to three weeks with cars via Ferry crossing..requiring bookings a month in advance for overseas travellers .. you couldn’t get a more third world issue than this for tourism inter-island ferry bookings in our so called tourism destination haven… farcical and frightening … come on National .. support the south better than this..

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому

      easy fix just book on Bluebridge

    • @chrismckellar9350
      @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому +1

      Bluebridge were having technical issues with their ferries as well.

    • @MrWillt100
      @MrWillt100 5 місяців тому

      Would love to know who you voted for?

    • @ronclark9724
      @ronclark9724 18 днів тому

      New Zealand needs new ferries, but not necessarily LARGER ferries which require LARGER port infrastructure... Why not buy more new ferries instead, three or four instead of two which would provide more frequent services... Duh...

  • @myke29
    @myke29 6 місяців тому +16

    There you have it at 5.25 in the video the actual reason this project got scrapped... the trucking lobbys don't like the idea of rail roll-on roll-off trains... it hurts their business. Just like everything this govt has done so far, it comes down to prioritising their lobby groups... Tobacco companies, oil n gas, trucking, property developers and landlords. All benefit from this govt where everyone else gets nothing. If anything we get pushed back decades and we get more costs and more taxes (like the toll charges, congestion charges on roads they're pushing)

    • @TravellinOn2010
      @TravellinOn2010 5 місяців тому +1

      Trucking companies want better ferries too, trust me.

    • @myke29
      @myke29 5 місяців тому +1

      @@TravellinOn2010 They want more reliable ferries yes. But you missed what I said... they don't want ferries with roll-on roll-off trains.... Trains = competition to their business

    • @MrWillt100
      @MrWillt100 5 місяців тому +2

      @@TravellinOn2010 Especially when their freight is sitting on the dock going no where when the ferry has broken down ha ha ha.

    • @ronclark9724
      @ronclark9724 18 днів тому

      @@myke29 Most of the train wagons today are container wagons the trucks can easily haul as well.... Why the need for a train ferry? And please don't give me the GREEN crap that trains are greener.... Haven't you noticed the trucking industry is in the process of switching to hydrogen powered trucks from diesel?

  • @Paul-ik8fm
    @Paul-ik8fm 6 місяців тому +11

    Now we know why mainfreight donated money to National Party

  • @Nicole.1828
    @Nicole.1828 6 місяців тому +32

    Another poor decision by this government.

  • @kiwiryker
    @kiwiryker 6 місяців тому +6

    As a sales rep , the ferry’s being cancelled constantly is hurting business .
    We are heading for another Wahine disaster

  • @Manawatu_Al2844
    @Manawatu_Al2844 6 місяців тому +27

    So National is happy with double handling of freight, instead of a smooth transfer from roll on roll off rail? They're certainly bought off by the Road Transport Users Association.

    • @niteryder50
      @niteryder50 6 місяців тому +3

      And truck companies be so happy with their trucks sitting wrong side cook straight. Ironically it's the rail ferry that has been most reliable and looks in best condition

    • @dougm7796
      @dougm7796 6 місяців тому +3

      Who are more interested in playing with their trucks than true logistics that uses the best mode to transport customers goods.

    • @niteryder50
      @niteryder50 6 місяців тому +1

      @@dougm7796 yet government thinks the 29 year old Kaitaki is still perfectly fine for probably about 10 or 15 years to get trucks across cook straight. Truck love getting stuck on wrong side cook straight right?

    • @dsndicmsa7141
      @dsndicmsa7141 6 місяців тому

      Bluebridge already handles over half of the freight across the straight

    • @chrismckellar9350
      @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому

      @@dsndicmsa7141- Only 28% of the freight.

  • @ooo-vc4xl
    @ooo-vc4xl 6 місяців тому +61

    Absurd decision by National. We are screaming out for infrastructure and willing to spend money elsewhere, Eg RONS but not on ferries.
    All so National can afford its tax cuts - simply insane especially given the sink costs already and the contractural break fees.

    • @danielphillips4399
      @danielphillips4399 6 місяців тому +7

      rubbish! The costs had escalated from $775million to 3billion. Who knows what the final figure would have been 5,6 or 7 billion or more? The tax payer does not have a no limit credit card to swipe at whim. Funding this project means sacrificing funding for other priority areas such as education and health funding.

    • @SimoneMcAllister-l3h
      @SimoneMcAllister-l3h 6 місяців тому

      ​@@danielphillips4399rubbish,all national has done is repealed everything without having anything to replace it with except we're working on it. Costs to the taxpayer is an unlimited card they swipe everytime they repeal things which results in the wastage of billions of dollars for nothing so they can uphold their ridiculous promise to give their rich benefactors tax breaks.

    • @chrismckellar9350
      @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому +12

      @@danielphillips4399 - Interislander ferries are critical North and South Islands infrastructure link for both the State Highway and national rail networks. Remember National campaigned to get the country of track and stimulated economical across all regions in the country.

    • @xr6lad
      @xr6lad 6 місяців тому +9

      @@danielphillips4399you don’t think travel for food and supplies between two islands isn’t a priority or critical? Not everything is flown in a which per kg costs far more. 3 billion? How much would a motorway cost in an urban area.?

    • @Wah_wahh
      @Wah_wahh 6 місяців тому +9

      ​@@danielphillips4399lol clearly you only listen to what you are being told and don't actually go and look at the numbers yourself. Its not as massive as that when you look at the original numbers and how it got to the larger number.

  • @chrismckellar9350
    @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому +23

    National campaigned to get the country back of track and stimulated economic across all regions in the country but a critical piece of national land transport road and rail infrastructure that will help in the country's 'economic' growth is not an important investment. The decision by the Minister of Finance shows how out of touch this all talk, no plans government is.

    • @danielphillips4399
      @danielphillips4399 6 місяців тому +1

      National didn't campaign to support the ferry replacement project with huge escalating costs though did they?

    • @chrismckellar9350
      @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому +2

      @@danielphillips4399 - National did campaigned to get the country back of track and stimulated economic across all regions which includes spending more money on upgrading the State Highway network which includes the North and South Island link of the network to allow for more MAX50 double trailer trucks and possibility MAX60 double trailer trucks as being promoted by the Road Transport industry
      If you are oppose in upgrading of the State Highway link between the North and South Islands, then you must be opposed to the $26 Billion for the 15 RoNS as 'promised' by National.

    • @danielphillips4399
      @danielphillips4399 6 місяців тому

      @@chrismckellar9350 National did not campaign on supporting the ferry replacement project. It was not included in the scope of the National Roads of Significance project. No I don't agree with you at all. They are not related or in scope.

    • @chrismckellar9350
      @chrismckellar9350 6 місяців тому

      @@danielphillips4399 - Spoken like a true National supporter. The 'road' link between the North and South Island is a critical link in the State Highway network. You don't accept the the State Highway is part of RoNS and a critical national infrastructure asset?

    • @danielphillips4399
      @danielphillips4399 6 місяців тому

      @@chrismckellar9350 no one is suggesting that the ferrys are not an important part of our transportation infrastructure. What is being questioned is the scope and size of the irex project which has suffered from significant scope creep and cost escalations.

  • @robvanderveen3411
    @robvanderveen3411 6 місяців тому +45

    Nicola Willis incompetence is going to cost the country and people many billions and decades of suffering and likely many lives. Total Embarrassment .

    • @olliemoose2020
      @olliemoose2020 6 місяців тому +3

      Labour started this unviable unaffordable project and then handed it to National to sort out what a mess it is turning into.

    • @jasperhorace7147
      @jasperhorace7147 6 місяців тому +4

      Counted up what the incompetent and totally arrogant Ardern cost us?

    • @kevinpaulhiggs4972
      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 6 місяців тому

      ​@@olliemoose2020It is affordable and needed, more so than tax cuts. National's policies are a sinking lid of austerity which will retard NZ development for years. What a shame.

  • @cathybrind2381
    @cathybrind2381 6 місяців тому +7

    The same tedious thinking that has hamstrung NZ infrastructure projects for years is alive and well at the National Party. No wonder NZ can't build anything. And I imagine that the 15 Roads of National Significance will soon turn into two or three roads that are a Kind of Important to Somebody. I don't blame Nicola Willis for trying to cut expenditure, but stuffing up our Cook Strait transport links is NOT the way to do it. Overseas there are various developments in the field of coastal and longer distance shipping. But in New Zealand? Dum-ti-doo.....

  • @braydeny
    @braydeny 6 місяців тому +7

    Kiwis can not do big projects thats for sure hahaha

  • @patrickkear2152
    @patrickkear2152 6 місяців тому +6

    Hey at least landlords will get a tax break to enhance there capital gains

  • @nickburke5263
    @nickburke5263 6 місяців тому +9

    $200 m break fee from a government claiming to be the fiscally responsible side of the house. Absolutely ridiculous. Enjoy the 3 years.. won’t be 6 at this rate.

    • @DerekReeve-q4v
      @DerekReeve-q4v 5 місяців тому

      Yeah, you may be right, but who would you put in?

  • @richardskingdom
    @richardskingdom 6 місяців тому +11

    They should have scrapped tax breaks for landlords to fund iRex, not the other way around.

  • @inahat89
    @inahat89 6 місяців тому +7

    Breaking the contract that had been quoted earlier was absolutely foolish knowing the global inflation across construction and materials that has occurred, if repriced now would cost at a guess 1.5x more for what we would have secured.
    Same thing with the Scott base article out today, they canned the project based on price only to have it re-design/re-optioned to secure 1/3rd of the original design for a similar price. You do not re-negotiate contracts with contractors and suppliers in an inflationary environment, they claim to be business savvy but they are clueless

  • @roberthooker4970
    @roberthooker4970 6 місяців тому +9

    The Minister of Finance made loud calls she had saved 1.4 billion but now .Opps she does not have ideas about cost breaking contracts or how get smaller second hand boats. She is out of her area of knowledge.

    • @niteryder50
      @niteryder50 6 місяців тому +1

      She's probably going to be giving half a billion to Korean ship builder for nothing in return, great money saving right

    • @roberthooker4970
      @roberthooker4970 6 місяців тому +1

      @@niteryder50 As long as it comes out and shows cabinet acted without full knowledge.

  • @karensayer3089
    @karensayer3089 6 місяців тому +5

    Typical politician. When pushed into a corner,of their own volition.They crawl behind the covers. COWARD.

  • @LWJCarroll
    @LWJCarroll 6 місяців тому +7

    Nah the correct decision was to go with these new ships to build for a bigger population and economy. Imo. Laurie 😊

  • @robertedwards3147
    @robertedwards3147 6 місяців тому +4

    short-sighted this government is

    • @robertedwards3147
      @robertedwards3147 6 місяців тому

      also I will be scraping a fleet of EVs because eve's cost more than Ic cars to run now

  • @glennduncan6843
    @glennduncan6843 6 місяців тому +3

    Surely, this crossing is a major contributor to national tourism, freight and logistics. How short sighted is this? From an Australian's point, one that was planning a full North to South road tour, it is very disappointing. Also, completely shatters the illusion that NZ is a great nation of entrepreneurial achievers. Gave up, eh?

  • @colinmurphy9865
    @colinmurphy9865 6 місяців тому +4

    Everything is going up and it will never be cheaper to do anything that makes a sustainable infrastructure, like proposed ever again. It shows that the Government doesn't have an overall goal of achieving anything that will be of long-term benefit to anyone or anything.

  • @deantairi8357
    @deantairi8357 6 місяців тому +5

    well done coalition supporters you win again

    • @kevinpaulhiggs4972
      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 6 місяців тому

      Back to the horse and cart age, the way things are going.

  • @phiiz3r
    @phiiz3r 6 місяців тому +3

    Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater! Unbelivable that this decision was made with little understanding of exactly how much it will cost to break the contract.

  • @davidboskett5581
    @davidboskett5581 6 місяців тому +10

    Its ridiculous the amount of the money spent on this project so far and which will now be wasted is more than the total price of the two new ferries.

  • @davetomlinson9063
    @davetomlinson9063 6 місяців тому +2

    Politicians never held accountable for wasting millions of taxpayer funds is the problem,stop shuffling on to a different department so they keep their golden parachute pensions. The private sector can’t operate like a government as it would go bankrupt,not having an unlimited taxpayer subsidy.

  • @cameronjohns8639
    @cameronjohns8639 6 місяців тому +4

    Build the ships !

  • @craighall5551
    @craighall5551 6 місяців тому +3

    When she rolls Luxon we going to be in even more trouble

  • @stealthkiwi1869
    @stealthkiwi1869 6 місяців тому +3

    Don't worry folks there is an all electric ferry as shown n TVNZ much better than a fossil fuel consuming model ready to go or is it?

    • @boggisthecat
      @boggisthecat 6 місяців тому

      They have them in Europe already.

  • @jemerlia
    @jemerlia 6 місяців тому +2

    The cancellation's driver was the coalition's Govt's cosy relationship with the road transport lobby; the last thing their voluminous pockets wanted was the vastly increased rail capacity. Appalling for the future, a vast waste for the present.

  • @rogereade4950
    @rogereade4950 6 місяців тому +2

    National do not have a clue

  • @jtonline99
    @jtonline99 6 місяців тому +4

    People should be pissed off at Nicola Willis for cancelling this without any understanding of the cost or implications to the community

  • @bobturner7112
    @bobturner7112 6 місяців тому +5

    The country is broke thanks to the last Labour government. We can't afford the "nice to haves" any more.

    • @kevinpaulhiggs4972
      @kevinpaulhiggs4972 6 місяців тому

      Rubbish, the GDP is around 56%, NZ debt after the WW1 was a 100% of GDP. Many 1st world countries including the US are over 100% GDP. The real concerning debt in NZ is private debt. It amuses me that some Kiwis worried about public debt are servicing huge debts, if we consider their income as GDP, 800-1000% GDP is common and frightening. 😢

    • @Starlightbarking
      @Starlightbarking 6 місяців тому

      Yes that would explain why our dept to GDP and debt per capita are some of the most favourable in the developed world post covid. If only every voter had your gullibility. The only thing that is broke is your ability to exercise critical thinking.

  • @henareho
    @henareho 5 місяців тому +1

    Still unsure why Kiwi Rail had to pay for all of the port infrastructure, which was the most costly component, as well as the ferries. Shouldn't the port companies in Wellington and Picton shoulder some of the cost as well as the local councils. The Government has been noticeably absent from the conversation (and most recently blaming Kiwi Rail) rather than showing leadership given the critical nature of Cook Strait transport corridor.

  • @WAL12345
    @WAL12345 6 місяців тому +6

    Electric ferries with sails are the answer.
    I am an expert, when I am not doing my housework.

    • @ritakonig1891
      @ritakonig1891 6 місяців тому

      With a top-up station midway of the channel. Nz is so wonderfully different to the rest of the world. Makes us so desirable 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ralphwatt8752
    @ralphwatt8752 6 місяців тому +2

    Peter Principal alive and well within the Public Service

  • @shanewilson2484
    @shanewilson2484 6 місяців тому +7

    Time for Winston to pull the plug on this government

  • @leosheppard8517
    @leosheppard8517 6 місяців тому +1

    GREAT! Hear that! Any contracts that have been cancelled should have and I would expect a very expensive exit clause for gruberment! Maybe 200%!

  • @ahmeddewan819
    @ahmeddewan819 6 місяців тому +1

    Making more opportunity for private ferry company, they can grow their business without trouble. That’s how national works. By stopping project on the middle means wasting public money without second thought. It doesn’t seems like this government works for public rather than private companies. It’s really shame for us to bring them back to the power. Now we need to suffer, it’s our mistakes not theirs.

  • @jameslittlewood7821
    @jameslittlewood7821 6 місяців тому +1

    I don’t know what Willis is worried about. “Putting taxpayers at risk” is what she does best.

  • @mcgruff3309
    @mcgruff3309 6 місяців тому +1

    I don't see private companies wanting to do It, that shows me It's just a money hole for the taxpayers and we still have to pay commercial prices to travel on the ferry! 🤣

  • @TheRastalockz
    @TheRastalockz 6 місяців тому +1

    Muppet show

  • @scottmitchell8273
    @scottmitchell8273 6 місяців тому +1

    How incompetent is that minister ?

  • @IkeAndoit
    @IkeAndoit 6 місяців тому +1

    I went on the same ferry 3 times over 3 months and the same shitty nappy I had seen in the smokers area that had been slapped onto the handrail turd side down and had adhered to said handrail with a strength rivaling superglue was present for all three trips.

  • @BainesAdam
    @BainesAdam 6 місяців тому +1

    More roads, more trucks. Coastal shipping next

  • @crazfulla
    @crazfulla 6 місяців тому

    Put taxpayers at risk by telling us how much it will cost to break contract? You're putting them at risk by cancelling the project... Taxpayers have a right to know.

  • @KarlFullerNZ
    @KarlFullerNZ 6 місяців тому

    Just another example of a short sighted fiscally irresponsible government.

  • @AlanFitness-t3n
    @AlanFitness-t3n 21 день тому

    NZ rail has been a liability for so long & always has to be bailed out by the taxpayer. Thanks Helen Clark for buying it back.

  • @michellemc5338
    @michellemc5338 6 місяців тому +1

    Whose decision was it to cancel the project?

  • @BamBam-uf4yi
    @BamBam-uf4yi 2 місяці тому

    I remember this happened to Aucklands motorway network in the 1980s came to a complete standstill in 2006 labour started throwing money at Auckland infrastructure.

  • @duncangatland6021
    @duncangatland6021 5 місяців тому

    Many poor decisions. With owner/operator within Governments, both current and past.
    Best answer is get the fright off the roads. To do so use rail or shipping as appropriate - all are talking about environment. Where a truck is 0ne, rails is 100 and shipping 1000.
    Maybe these larger ships would have been a great answer Wellington to Lyttleton, with side trips to Picton to serve the top of the South island - or let Blue bridge do that. The Minister if Finance made a money rather than a commercial decision. Because one of the major costs it the Kaikoura rail line, this being the reason to look to shipping to Lyttleton.
    If the pollution hazard s as bad as the UN and other bodies claim, what are we doing forcing the fright onto the road?
    The reality is NZ needs ships and rail and contiguous for best efficiency - so dropping the project is not a smart move. Buying second hand ships is also not clever. They are being sold due to economic considerations. Moving rail fright onto road to ship across the Cook Strait is also wasteful.
    The observation is that this was a knee jerk reaction, rather than a carefully considered action with all Positive and negative consideration for each option.
    The Government has made only one part of the decision and that in itself is a fail. But the real fail came in ordering such ships in the first instance.
    Unfortunately NZ has had the Governments that they deserve. None of it being any good for most of us - the bulk of tax payers

  • @VenomRoadRacing
    @VenomRoadRacing 5 місяців тому

    700-800 million down the drain for absolutely nothing. Leaving us with the exact same problem.
    We have a country split in 2 core pieces. Were trying to rebuild an economy.
    How can you justify risking this connection with all the problems we have already had.
    Absolutely insane.

  • @karl9107
    @karl9107 6 місяців тому

    Interislander ferrys are obviously poorly run otherwise why is it not profitable enough to pay for the cost without Taxpayer subsidy, ?
    Dose Bluebridge receive the same funding ?
    If not how have they managed ?
    I personally refuse to travel Interislander ferry, It never felt safe, the roll and buck worse then an unbroken horse.
    Blue Bridge is a smooth relaxing trip in comparison.

  • @markgalapagos4212
    @markgalapagos4212 6 місяців тому

    Irex....WTF Jobs for the boys gone,Interislander has lead the world in employment nepotism for years.good riddance I say, get 2 small ships Arahura style run these into Picton with Tourists and time critical freight only, put the rest of the freight on coastal shipping into Lytellton etc, get rid of the goons in the office and replace them with people that have and understanding in shipping no more Peter,Peter and Peter'

  • @darwinbruce59
    @darwinbruce59 5 місяців тому

    Go back too coastal shipping like we use to have. All good taken to regional port's by road and rail and on to private sector companies and moved more efficiently.. JUST LIKE WE USE TO .

  • @billsmith281
    @billsmith281 6 місяців тому

    Just hire a Chinese company to build a bridge............your welcome 😅

  • @boltonky
    @boltonky 5 місяців тому

    As a kiwi this is a massive blow to our country, I am sure if they had a public vote we all would of wanted it its way past due but this government only wants to better there pockets cause most of them are well paid...look at the public sector layoffs that does nothing for boosting our country, when were the last time the tax brackets were changed.
    - wish i could move back overseas it wasn't always great but you didn't need to be a millionaire to survive & transport seemed to be way better

  • @garthf9609
    @garthf9609 6 місяців тому +1

    I didn't get any solutions from you video. My suggestion is put Winston in charge, he will sort it out.

    • @AAL3087
      @AAL3087 6 місяців тому +2

      Haha you know you're in trouble when you want Winston in charge. Holy moly 😮