Militant but Magnificent | Words: H. T. Spence | Music: Militant but Magnificent | H. T. Spence

  • Опубліковано 23 сер 2024
  • 1. We stand as soldiers for the King of Glory;
    The message of the Bible we proclaim.
    We stand redeemed from sin because of Calv’ry;
    We march to battle now in Jesus’ name.
    2. The modernists and lib’rals are advancing;
    New heresies mutating every day.
    The song of love and peace they now are singing;
    Deception veils the truth and dims the way.
    3. The call to arms is sounding from our Captain;
    We must put on the whole armour of God!
    The days of confrontation are now certain;
    We join the ranks of truth though cost of blood.
    4. But though we fight against this world of evil,
    Though militant against apostasy,
    We want to be magnificent for Jesus!
    The spirit of the truth we want to see!