what I lack in aim I try to counter by supporting the squad, you will find me in the mile high club on a pondhawk or as a ground grunt as I seldom use vehicles (tin coffins).Two years in and this was the first time I've been in a Tor, will upload the 2nd time Tor tanking shortly (again with Ziphius, timeless you did a thing turning Ziph on to the Tor)
Everyone needs a Beaky™️ in their life
what I lack in aim I try to counter by supporting the squad, you will find me in the mile high club on a pondhawk or as a ground grunt as I seldom use vehicles (tin coffins).Two years in and this was the first time I've been in a Tor, will upload the 2nd time Tor tanking shortly (again with Ziphius, timeless you did a thing turning Ziph on to the Tor)
Dial "B" for Beaky