京都・南座「まねき上げ」市川團十郎親子があいさつ(2023年11月26日 京都市東山区) “Manekiage” at Minamiza, Kyoto

  • Опубліковано 24 лис 2023
  • 京都・南座(京都市東山区)に歌舞伎の大名跡「市川團十郎」のまねき看板が11年ぶりに上がった。師走の顔見世興行を前に、役者の看板を掲げる「まねき上げ」が2023年11月26日に行われた。今年は海老蔵改め市川團十郎白猿さん(45歳)の襲名披露。長男新之助さん(10歳)、長女ぼたんさん(12歳)ら成田屋親子をはじめ東西の役者の名が華やかに並んだ。
    A signboard featuring the famous Kabuki theater ''Ichikawa Danjuro'' has gone up in Kyoto's Minamiza (Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City) for the first time in 11 years. Before the Kaomise performance in December, a ''manekiage'' event was held on November 26, 2023, in which actors' signs were held up. This year, the name succession will be announced by Hakuen Ichikawa Danjuro (45 years old), who was renamed Ebizo. The names of actors from East and West, including his eldest son Shinnosuke (10 years old) and eldest daughter Botan (12 years old), were all lined up.