This is a knowledgeable topic, the person,on your panel is very enthusiastic, educated, and highly intelligent, great attitude ,beautiful, a breath of fresh air, to hear, her speak, about, her experiences, living abroad, your, channel, is very interesting, informative, in so many areas, great energy, keep up the amazing, wonderful work.
This is a knowledgeable topic, the person,on your panel is very enthusiastic, educated, and highly intelligent, great attitude ,beautiful, a breath of fresh air, to hear, her speak, about, her experiences, living abroad, your, channel, is very interesting, informative, in so many areas, great energy, keep up the amazing, wonderful work.
@@howardtynes1047 I appreciate that a million times over my brother!! And thanks for your support ✊🏾💯🙏🏾
That intro sound like a South African special 😭😂
Too painful to watch. Get your audio together
lol dis a 5 hour stream , u can fast forward pass the audio issues at the beginning