90 seconds EP14 죽전 신세계 아나모픽 - Dept. Shinsege on anamorphic - Cinematic Drone footage
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- 촬영문의 Enquiry: flydrones73@gmail.com
#죽전 #신세게 #아나모픽 #anamorphic #90seocnds #드론 #djiavata #fpv #drone #cinematic #korea
죽전 신세게 주변 전경 아나모픽. 영하 9도, 체감온도 영하 14-15도. 저온 비행테스트겸
temperature minus 9deg, to test the flight in cold weather
anamorphic on mavic3cinw
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Copyrights 2024. Aerialkorea. All Rights Reserved.
Not allowed to use any footage without prior permission.
So beautiful flying mate. Great job. Thank you 🤙🎶💯
Glad you enjoyed it