How I Paint Yellow

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @michaelbertrand5522
    @michaelbertrand5522 Рік тому +1

    This was great! Most yellow tutorials start with “grab your airbrush” so it’s really nice to see this using brushes

  • @sotbs2641
    @sotbs2641 Рік тому +14

    "nuln oil, but happy" hahaha

  • @Nihilwhal
    @Nihilwhal Рік тому +1

    There's a lot of good mini painting channels out there, but I think you have the best understanding of how light works in real life, and how to emulate that in paints. I'm continuously amazed at how you create believable shadows and saturation.

  • @Marshal976
    @Marshal976 Рік тому

    That yellow looks amazing!

  • @melshk
    @melshk Рік тому +1

    Cavalry brown is an S-tier paint. I love it as a base for reds (ork eyes, red lenses, etc.) and caucasian skin tones.

  • @hughmac7423
    @hughmac7423 Рік тому

    Fantastic yellow technique. Yellow is one of the more challenging and satisfying colours when you get it right, and you have definately have it right.

  • @xGamermonkeyx
    @xGamermonkeyx Рік тому +6

    This is gorgeous I love it! I'll always suggest as well if you have to use traditional paints and not Contrasts to base coat yellow areas in pink. Because of how light interacts mechanically when travelling through yellow into pink and then back the pink basically helps the yellow on top cover infinitely better than it would over any other colour! Also works amazingly with orange!

    • @fresh_kerfer
      @fresh_kerfer Рік тому +1

      Had to try this! Did pink normal color and then a yellow contrast color, got a very nice orange that I then added normal yellow on for highlights. I think it worked well but might try without contrast color on the next one to see the difference.

    • @xGamermonkeyx
      @xGamermonkeyx Рік тому

      @fresh_kerfer yeah this trick is more for traditional yellow paints now Contrasts since normal yellows cover super poorly.

  • @Deathleaper
    @Deathleaper 3 місяці тому

    Daamn that looks sick!

  • @Slurgical_3D_Terrain_Channel

    That looks really amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  • @davidsonfamily2930
    @davidsonfamily2930 Рік тому

    Haay. It's my ruddy-buddy "Cavalry Brown" .... I just did a bit of the yellows (nowhere near as beautifully smooth as here) and found it a delightful shade. I guess a lot of folks aren't super fans of yellow, but this last (also ork) thing I've been doing brought me around to realizing it's one of my favorites.

  • @kuhndog7468
    @kuhndog7468 Рік тому

    Your doing great! Keep up the awesome vids

  • @eamonnconrad4014
    @eamonnconrad4014 Рік тому

    Yellow is the hardest. For some bad moon orks are proof of this. This is very helpful, thank you!

  • @NikkiSiixxENTConsultingLLC
    @NikkiSiixxENTConsultingLLC Рік тому


  • @MaskedRiderChris
    @MaskedRiderChris Рік тому +1

    In my quest to paint with brighter and more saturated colors, this tutorial will come in most handy, I think. I don't paint with yellow often enough, so here's a perfect excuse for me to do so. Good video as usual, Miss Stephanie!

  • @Reforgedarmies
    @Reforgedarmies Рік тому

    You make this look way too easy, I will have to try it!

  • @Slurgical_3D_Terrain_Channel

    I’m trying to make BX droid from Legion having a “corporate colours” look with yellow on half chest plate and yellow. This is inspiring. I’m very new to painting. So this is very helpful.

  • @allenbenningfield3865
    @allenbenningfield3865 Рік тому +1

    Please do a tutorial on your red. It looks sick. I love it.

  • @M40kc
    @M40kc Рік тому

    Sharp edge highlights!

  • @markbauby7442
    @markbauby7442 Рік тому +2

    I love that red…how do you do it?

  • @jasonsavage2865
    @jasonsavage2865 Рік тому

    Outstanding work!! I've always had trouble with red myself. This technique for yellow is going to fun for me to use.

  • @benjamin2629
    @benjamin2629 Рік тому

    What a great video, clearly explained, great painting as well.

  • @AdnanCucak
    @AdnanCucak Рік тому

    Just subscribed to the channel, Great work!

  • @MasBeb
    @MasBeb Рік тому

    Very nice video........... 👍 💞 ✔️

  • @ThreeFootGood
    @ThreeFootGood Рік тому

    That whole 3 or 4 times thing, nahhhhhh. Three Foot Good, get it on the table. LOL!