
  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • 第十屆台新藝術獎入圍特展
    The 10th Taishin Arts Award Exhibition
    展期: 2012/04/28-2012/06/17
    國光劇團於 1995 年由京劇界的名角高手組成後,不斷地嘗試融合傳統精華與現代表演,開創嶄新靈活的劇場形式。《百年戲樓》是以京劇發展史為主軸的全新創作,透過「舞台劇」形式,穿插京劇經典唱段,演繹三個時代故事:第一幕以 1910 年代,「男旦」當家的北京戲班子為背景;第二幕描寫 1930 年代上海海派京劇和北京朝派之間的觀念衝突;第三幕以 1960 和 70 年代文革為背景,演出年輕女演員出賣老班主的悔恨心情和贖罪情節。其間《白蛇傳》、《搜孤救孤》的戲中戲,巧妙鋪陳了戲與現實人生「交互為文」的隱喻。
    Preparatory Office of the National Headquarters of
    Taiwan-Traditional Arts Guo Guang Opera Company
    "One Hundred Years On Stage"
    After the Guo Guang Opera Company was founded in 1995 by professionals in the world of Chinese opera, it has continually tried to fuse the best of traditional opera and modern performance, in a new and agile theatrical style.
    One Hundred Years On Stage is a completely new work based on the development of Chinese opera. In its "Stage Play", it interweaves classical Chinese opera pieces to narrate a story of three eras: the first act is set in the 1910's, with the story of a Peking opera company led by a male dan (a male actor who plays female parts) as the background. The second act describes the conflict between the Shanghai "Hai" style and the Beijing style of performing opera. The third act, set against the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 70s, describes the remorse of a young actress who betrays the head of her company, and her story of atonement. In this work, The White Serpent and Searching for and Rescuing the Orphan function as plays-within-the-play, and cleverly bring out the hidden, "intertextual" connections between the plays and life as it is lived.
    "Nomination Reasons"
    Commentator: Chang, Chi-Feng
    One Hundred Years On Stage, claimed to be in a style that "combines Peking opera with contemporary theater," is a continuation of the recent innovative production trend of Guo Guang Opera Company. With elements and sections of the classic play of Peking opera packaged in the format of modern theater, the play illustrates the development of Peking opera through relationships between master and apprentice, and actor and actress. The director shows profound knowledge in traditional opera and modern theater, and is able to integrate the best of each together. The play displays symbols and implications through a variety of methods, and the set design is also impressive. The ensemble of actors displays a high level of uniformity and showcases high skill levels. The script alternates between classic opera and theater seamlessly. The main actors display outstanding opera skills, further enhancing the artistic level and attractiveness of the play. The performance is of high quality, making it a masterpiece of the year.