So awesome. Thanks, Lord, for the Gift of Yourself and Your Words through Tim. Please Bless him abundantly and use him Mightily for Your Glory. Amen 💕🙏🏻⚘️
Thanks to this servant of God, I'm discovering Jesus! The One I'd been attempting to follow. It seems within reach now, that I can somewhat understand life, the kingdom & The Jesus who made this possible. God keep you long and well, till your target is met squarely. God bless all the vehicles God's used to get you here Tim....I love you man!
Adam flipping off God in the video was brilliant. My son and I laughed so hard at that. I am very glad that was left in the video. It's a very accurate depiction of what we all have done to God at one time or another.
The last ~20 minutes of this was one of the most beautiful sermons I've ever heard. We have no idea what God is capable of, so it's inconceivable to us right now how good eternal life will be.
A Rabbi should know those things... As Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah in the temple, having access to these things, do you not think that fulfilled prophecy would be more meaningful if it were fulfilled by one who knew nothing of them?? There is a saying, Just what horse did you ride in on?? That is what I would like to know?? Zechariah 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass." & Matthew 21:7 "And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon." Many times it is stated, these things were done that prophecy might be fulfilled. [ass ass in nation] 1 Cor. 2:9-10 [A PARE PAIR PEAR OF ASSES?? I STUTTER]
These lessons paint a picture that is so beautiful. Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. I understand that joy better now. I have never been able to picture eternal life except by what won’t be there, ie. No pain, hunger, hate, etc. But now I can see it as a place where there is love for everyone, everyone has a place, no one is left out; complete harmony of life. How amazing that will be.🙏🏻✝️♥️
What a grand teacher you are, Tim. You find ideal examples through which we can connect with God's ways...connections which make sense of previously-incomprehensible concepts. I'm so appreciative of your generosity in sharing your lessons.
Tim is a very honest man. The way I understand is that he is saying that we (right now) do not have the Frame of mind to understand the power of God AND THAT'S WHY WE NEED FAITH IN GOD WORD AND PROMISES . Do you remember what was like when you were in your mother's body, not you don't. It will be a new beginning, a renewal, a new birth , a new.....well you will like it unless you love this present crooked world and you want to stay in it.
@@mchristr I wonder as well. I have a theory but not the answer: God gave man the greatest gift, free will. Free will is so powerful that it can either accept God or reject God. However, when man rejected God man also polluted the world, not only in material sense but also in normal sense. When man’s morality has degraded to a point of no return God must destroy this world and create a new one.
While I am so grateful to Tim for giving me a renewed enthusiasm in reading the Bible I note that the cartoon projects have millions of views, his in depth videos generate significantly less interest. This is reduced again in the audio series such as Isaiah and Hebrews. I suspect even less people actually really read the Bible as much as required-me included. Very happy that my son recently suggested that we should read the Bible aloud together. Today I read 7 Chapters of Matthew aloud. Apparently it takes a couple of hours to read all of Matthew.
I never thought living here weigh Jesus would ever be like this the hardest thing in the world. Im sorry but a believer to me have been the most destruction to my life. I think the love of God had not at all been real!!! Yes it needs to be scrap forsure
Hi Abagail, It's OK to be confused, but don't be discouraged. I'm finding Tim's teaching to be very helpful in clearing up the confusion. I think this is why God provides such sound teaching for us. He knows we struggle to understand these things. If I could make one suggestion; Engage with a church that has sound teaching and build relationships with people who have their lives in order, and who also follow Jesus. If you contact Door of Hope, they may be able to recommend a church near to you where you'll get the support and encouragement we all need. Take care, dear Abagail.
I have less than a minute to go. Overall, as an exjw, I want to say I really really enjoy this content. But I must add my own perspective. In the beginning God Himself united one man and one woman together. They were intrinsically made to go together. Man has without a doubt ruined that. Between adultery and polygamy, and even same-sex marriage and hookup culture. We have made a mess of what God intended. Even Levitical marriage, which is what the sad group of elites were referencing is an abomination. No spouse was ever supposed to leave their mate in death. The issue as Christians is we have adopted a view of commitment from this world/age. So many people are committed on the outside and in their hearts are adulteries that would curl toes. To say that God will do away with sexuality, an intrinsic part of human nature (the clitoris is literally only made for pleasure and I sure hope mine doesn't dry up and fall off like an embilical cord) does God a disservice. To say that negates so many things. For me, as a woman who grew up in a cult that I didn't wake up to until my childbearing years are all but up, it means the evil in my life won. If evil from this age can make eternity different than evil won. Evil did not win. I look forward to so many children and eternity with my partner and an eternity being able to truly know God and my fellow humans and Jesus' promise that we will get back children and family and possessions at the rebirth is so very much a part of my hope. God loves life and we have a physical universe to fill that Papa gave us. God bless you!
So awesome. Thanks, Lord, for the Gift of Yourself and Your Words through Tim. Please Bless him abundantly and use him Mightily for Your Glory. Amen 💕🙏🏻⚘️
Thanks to this servant of God, I'm discovering Jesus! The One I'd been attempting to follow. It seems within reach now, that I can somewhat understand life, the kingdom & The Jesus who made this possible. God keep you long and well, till your target is met squarely. God bless all the vehicles God's used to get you here Tim....I love you man!
Wow, what an amazing Sermon. Thank you God, thank you Tim!
Many Christians shy away when the topic turns to eschatology. This is why eschatology matters. It affects how we live every day.
Tim you truly have a gift from God, great work👍
Love your metaphors, Tim. You are imaginative! Clever😊
Adam flipping off God in the video was brilliant. My son and I laughed so hard at that. I am very glad that was left in the video. It's a very accurate depiction of what we all have done to God at one time or another.
The last ~20 minutes of this was one of the most beautiful sermons I've ever heard. We have no idea what God is capable of, so it's inconceivable to us right now how good eternal life will be.
The depth of Jesus' knowledge of the Scriptures reveals the intimacy our Lord had with the Father.
Kelson Veras Right!!!!
A Rabbi should know those things... As Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah in the temple, having access to these things, do you not think that fulfilled prophecy would be more meaningful if it were fulfilled by one who knew nothing of them?? There is a saying, Just what horse did you ride in on?? That is what I would like to know?? Zechariah 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass." & Matthew 21:7 "And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon." Many times it is stated, these things were done that prophecy might be fulfilled. [ass ass in nation] 1 Cor. 2:9-10 [A PARE PAIR PEAR OF ASSES?? I STUTTER]
These lessons paint a picture that is so beautiful. Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. I understand that joy better now. I have never been able to picture eternal life except by what won’t be there, ie. No pain, hunger, hate, etc. But now I can see it as a place where there is love for everyone, everyone has a place, no one is left out; complete harmony of life. How amazing that will be.🙏🏻✝️♥️
WOW, Pastor Tim!! What a blessing to hear! You must have very beautiful feet! Thank you and thank our Father.
What a grand teacher you are, Tim. You find ideal examples through which we can connect with God's ways...connections which make sense of previously-incomprehensible concepts. I'm so appreciative of your generosity in sharing your lessons.
Love those overviews.
A masterpiece! Mind blowing! Must see! Will change your life for the better!
Tim. I get to read this stuff for my living. Yes and love is we get to read it too. thx tim.
Thank you, Brother. God Bless
Awesome! So much Truth, PTL!
I love the movie "seven brides for seven brothers" 😁
One of my two most favorite! :D . (The other is, "Westward the Women.")
Love this❤️
For God so loved the world,...
Tim is a very honest man. The way I understand is that he is saying that we (right now) do not have the Frame of mind to understand the power of God AND THAT'S WHY WE NEED FAITH IN GOD WORD AND PROMISES . Do you remember what was like when you were in your mother's body, not you don't. It will be a new beginning, a renewal, a new birth , a new.....well you will like it unless you love this present crooked world and you want to stay in it.
Love that illustration❣️
Sorry Tim, my previous comment was for “Love Poems Vineyards & Rocks.” I’m about to view a few more videos though.
The Book of Revelation speaks of the old world or the present world must be completely destroyed before the New Heaven and New Earth to be realized.
I wonder why God would destroy something that was created good and is in the process of being redeemed?
@@mchristr I wonder as well. I have a theory but not the answer: God gave man the greatest gift, free will. Free will is so powerful that it can either accept God or reject God. However, when man rejected God man also polluted the world, not only in material sense but also in normal sense. When man’s morality has degraded to a point of no return God must destroy this world and create a new one.
Sad u cee? ! Tim tried to make a joke, but nobody laughed😂😂😂 I heard it Tim! 😅
While I am so grateful to Tim for giving me a renewed enthusiasm in reading the Bible I note that the cartoon projects have millions of views, his in depth videos generate significantly less interest. This is reduced again in the audio series such as Isaiah and Hebrews. I suspect even less people actually really read the Bible as much as required-me included. Very happy that my son recently suggested that we should read the Bible aloud together. Today I read 7 Chapters of Matthew aloud. Apparently it takes a couple of hours to read all of Matthew.
Imagine- John Lennon 😊
Every time I read this story, the first thing I wonder is… “is she killing the husbands?” 🙀😹
I never thought living here weigh Jesus would ever be like this the hardest thing in the world. Im sorry but a believer to me have been the most destruction to my life. I think the love of God had not at all been real!!! Yes it needs to be scrap forsure
Im so confused about the gospel
What are you confused about?
Hi Abagail,
It's OK to be confused, but don't be discouraged. I'm finding Tim's teaching to be very helpful in clearing up the confusion. I think this is why God provides such sound teaching for us. He knows we struggle to understand these things. If I could make one suggestion; Engage with a church that has sound teaching and build relationships with people who have their lives in order, and who also follow Jesus. If you contact Door of Hope, they may be able to recommend a church near to you where you'll get the support and encouragement we all need. Take care, dear Abagail.
Do you have any questions we could try and help you find answers for?
I get so much out of the way Tim reads Scripture
welcome to what?!
I have less than a minute to go.
Overall, as an exjw, I want to say I really really enjoy this content. But I must add my own perspective. In the beginning God Himself united one man and one woman together. They were intrinsically made to go together. Man has without a doubt ruined that. Between adultery and polygamy, and even same-sex marriage and hookup culture. We have made a mess of what God intended. Even Levitical marriage, which is what the sad group of elites were referencing is an abomination. No spouse was ever supposed to leave their mate in death. The issue as Christians is we have adopted a view of commitment from this world/age. So many people are committed on the outside and in their hearts are adulteries that would curl toes. To say that God will do away with sexuality, an intrinsic part of human nature (the clitoris is literally only made for pleasure and I sure hope mine doesn't dry up and fall off like an embilical cord) does God a disservice. To say that negates so many things. For me, as a woman who grew up in a cult that I didn't wake up to until my childbearing years are all but up, it means the evil in my life won. If evil from this age can make eternity different than evil won. Evil did not win. I look forward to so many children and eternity with my partner and an eternity being able to truly know God and my fellow humans and Jesus' promise that we will get back children and family and possessions at the rebirth is so very much a part of my hope. God loves life and we have a physical universe to fill that Papa gave us.
God bless you!