In the backend this code returns an undefined email: const { profile } = info; let { email } = profile; Instead I used this: const { profile } = info; let { displayName } = profile; Can it create some problems in the future?
Hello. Even when I set up my catalog to sync everything including users from Github, it does not work. I have everything setup following the docs but still no luck, and I know that is the same issue you described because if I manually set a local org.yaml file with User, it works fine. My organization is private, would that need any extra setup? I believe that's the only difference from the videos and tutorials I've seen so far. Thank you for this video
In the backend this code returns an undefined email:
const { profile } = info;
let { email } = profile;
Instead I used this:
const { profile } = info;
let { displayName } = profile;
Can it create some problems in the future?
Hello. Even when I set up my catalog to sync everything including users from Github, it does not work. I have everything setup following the docs but still no luck, and I know that is the same issue you described because if I manually set a local org.yaml file with User, it works fine. My organization is private, would that need any extra setup? I believe that's the only difference from the videos and tutorials I've seen so far. Thank you for this video
When i signin ,I got 404 page