Wizard of Oz

  • Опубліковано 11 чер 2024
  • once upon a time
    a girl called Dorothy lived in Kansas City
    she was playing with her best friend
    a dog named total
    when a scary cyclone came deal with
    Dorothy called out to total
    total hurry we have to get to the basement
    but before they could reach the basement
    the cyclone lifted their house up and blew it away
    after some time it felt somewhere with a thought
    when Dorothy stepped out of the house
    she saw the house had landed on someone
    oh no total help me
    who is she
    the house has landed on her
    I'm so sorry
    just then
    Dorothy and Tobell heard people behind them rejoicing
    favored the Munchkins
    thank you thank you
    you have just saved us from the evil witch of the east
    you have saved us all
    just then another witch appeared
    she was the good witch
    hello Dorothy
    you have done a great deed by saving all the munchkins
    let me know if you need anything
    thank you
    could you please tell me how to go back to Kansas City
    that's where I used to live
    I can't do that
    but I think the Wizard of Oz can help you with that
    just follow the yellow brick road
    it will lead you straight to him
    but before you go
    take these red slippers that the evil witch of the
    East hat you might need them
    Dorothy thanks the Good Witch
    took the slippers
    and made her way on the yellow brick road with total
    she had only walked a bit
    when she came across the scarecrow
    hello I am the scarecrow
    I have everything I want except a brain
    my head is only filled with hay
    hello Scarecrow
    I am going to the Wizard of Oz
    why don't you come with me
    he might be able to help you
    and so Dorothy was joined by the Scarecrow
    they had walked a few miles
    when they met the tin wood cutter
    I want a heart
    when my maker made me
    he gave me everything but forgot to give me a heart
    I wish she hadn't forgotten that
    we are going to the Wizard of Oz
    we are going to ask him for a way for Dorothy
    to get back to her home
    and for brains for me
    why don't you come with us
    and so the Tin Woodcutter also joined them
    they had walked for some time
    when they heard total barking
    they turned around to see that lion had attacked total
    away from my dog you nasty lion
    the lion whimpered and ran away to a corner
    oh no you aren't a brave lion at all are you
    no I have no courage
    I wish I had some
    we are going to the Wizard of Oz
    we will ask him for a brain for the scarecrow
    away for Dorothy to get back home and a hug for me
    come with us we will ask him for courage for you
    the lion agreed
    and all continued on the yellow brick road
    they kept following the road and reached the
    m road city
    they knocked on its big gates
    a guard appeared
    the Walzer doesn't meet anyone
    but he has agreed to meet all of you
    and so all the friends went to meet the wizard
    they told him how and why they had come to meet him
    thank you Dorothy
    for freeing the lands from the evil witch of east
    but I will grant all your wishes
    when you free us from the evil witch of the west to
    the friends agreed to the wizard's turns
    and left to find the
    evil witch of the west
    but the evil witch of the
    had heard about
    what had happened to the evil witch of the east
    she also knew
    about Dorothy and her friends planned to kill her
    she planned an attack on them
    she sent a pack of her scariest wolves to stop them
    the Tin Woodcutter stepped forward
    this is a job for me
    everyone stay back
    the woodcutter hacked at the wolves with his axe
    till they all ran away
    the wolves had just left when the skies became dark
    and many crows started coming down to pack at them on
    this time the scarecrows stepped forward
    and scared all the crows away
    next the evil witch sent flying monkeys
    before anyone could do anything
    the monkeys grabbed them all and took them to the evil
    which is Castle
    you've come to kill me ha
    how will you do that
    the woodcutter is lying in a pile over the stones
    I have emptied the scarecrow
    and strapped the Cowardly Lion to pull my cocks
    you are so evil
    what a horrible person you are
    same so
    Dorothy grabbed the bucket of water
    that was lying there
    and threw the water at the witch
    oh no you threw water over me
    I am going to shrink and melt
    help me I'm melting
    oh my God I'm melting
    help me and so the evil witch of the west melted away
    as that happened
    all her slaves became free
    they repaired the woodcutter
    filled the scarecrow with hate and released the lion
    Dorothian of France went back to the Emerald City
    the Wizard of Oz
    welcome them and granted the wishes of the Scarecrow
    the woodcutter and the lion
    what about my wish
    how will I get back home
    you don't need me for that
    you had the power all along
    just click your heels together twice
    and tell the slippers where you want to go
    they will take you there
    though Dorothy was excited to go home
    she was sad to leave her friends
    she said a tearful goodbye to them
    then she picked up Toto in her arms
    and clicked her heels together
    three times and told her slippers to take her home