Nico Nel 🗣️On Smt Cee Money Locked 🔒 Up, Bizzie Gambino Being Shot By Brother Day Before Shoot,

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Lilthreeway620
    @Lilthreeway620 25 днів тому +18

    Ion care what nobody say Nico the realest Camara men from the City St.louis 💯. Alot of people don't take blame in our city for growing in development we all play a big part salute keep going Nico .

    • @NicoNelMedia
      @NicoNelMedia  25 днів тому +2

      Salute 🫡 to u fam that’s love 🙏

  • @wrldchamp
    @wrldchamp 25 днів тому +10

    u so humble & good hearted kuh. keep dis goin man

  • @LoeLyf3
    @LoeLyf3 8 днів тому

    I love what you got going! Love the energy! Aye man i think someone who's lived on the other side of the drug problem in this city would make a dope interview. So many people hurting from it. I'd love to set something up, share a lil of the nightmare i lived, make sure we show the youth they don't have to grow up n be a geek or serving geeks all day. Think if people got to see and hear what it does it mightt steer a few people in the right direction, or give an understanding to people that got family struggling.
    But keep going full tilt, i love what you got going. Keep applying that pressure with that positive energy you got, skies the limit for you man. You are immensely talented!

  • @Ygbinkioo
    @Ygbinkioo 24 дні тому +1

    Good work!! We just need that Nico nel intro when these interviews or podcast starts!!!🔥🔥

  • @WooCookDIt
    @WooCookDIt 19 днів тому

    Hardest visuals in the Midwest 💪🏾 if I were to pursue a music career it’ll definitely be thru a Nico or something similar you got the Midwest keep goin up !

    • @NicoNelMedia
      @NicoNelMedia  18 днів тому

      👑🧌👿 The Golden Lord 😈🧌👑

  • @SlimeLyfe10
    @SlimeLyfe10 4 дні тому

    I fwu gang keep going

  • @Backendralph
    @Backendralph 22 дні тому +1

    Keep doing content like this 🔥

  • @EddieReactss
    @EddieReactss 25 днів тому +3

    Bro I just did a reaction to them on my channel & I remember being apart of this type of rap niche scenery, I’m praying for the brothers of StL , and in every hood of America . #ItsDifferent

    • @NicoNelMedia
      @NicoNelMedia  25 днів тому

      I gotta check that out 💯

    • @EddieReactss
      @EddieReactss 25 днів тому +1

      @ this ERaw bro 🙌🏽 , I just changed the narrative , I love this message fam .

  • @Stlouishoodhistory
    @Stlouishoodhistory 25 днів тому +4

    Never To Late in Life to Change Keep going Nico

  • @UnknownSlappaa
    @UnknownSlappaa 25 днів тому +2

    I like the new sht you got going on bro 💯 I fw it

  • @ClydeThomas-ts3tu
    @ClydeThomas-ts3tu 24 дні тому +1

    Keeping doing this gang love you zone 6

  • @7791D
    @7791D 25 днів тому +3

    Like the podcast style you got going on.

  • @Imhereforthelonghaul
    @Imhereforthelonghaul 25 днів тому +3

    Yo Nico Texas loves your content

    • @NicoNelMedia
      @NicoNelMedia  25 днів тому +1

      Appreciate Texas 💯🙏

    • @jugggaming7273
      @jugggaming7273 25 днів тому

      gotta kome ta Texas and drop ts 😂🔥🔥🔥

  • @4eversss
    @4eversss 23 дні тому

    luvv ur content gang keep it upp

  • @OTGbaddTripp
    @OTGbaddTripp 25 днів тому +1

    Gotta do some live freestyles from the hq you in. 🔥

  • @ScottyboiYNK
    @ScottyboiYNK 24 дні тому

    I Respect This Change On Your Path Gng, Never Lost The Love Regardless Of The Change💯

  • @lilrobert7659
    @lilrobert7659 25 днів тому

    Nico def a real one, STL PROUD 💪🏾💯❗️

  • @Luhkyle0609
    @Luhkyle0609 25 днів тому

    I respect Yu bro🫡one day I wanna get on the platform 💪🏽💯

  • @Bandzo9Official
    @Bandzo9Official 24 дні тому

    Keep pushing

  • @FuFu_Thee-edYam
    @FuFu_Thee-edYam 24 дні тому +1

    Real 💩 cuz real men cry, not just at funerals. Life hit everybody in a different way but it ain’t ☝️ mf on this 🌍 that ain’t been hit hard by life. No matter what it is, let that 💩out and 🖕whoever don’t like it (.)

  • @Imhereforthelonghaul
    @Imhereforthelonghaul 25 днів тому +2


  • @bettyhoward6731
    @bettyhoward6731 24 дні тому

    You know you the realist ..nun more to be said .!

  • @TheRealBooBooMan
    @TheRealBooBooMan 25 днів тому

    That’s real gang I fw this

  • @Bop_King
    @Bop_King 24 дні тому

    I wanna do some work.. 💯💯

  • @La4oefrm7400
    @La4oefrm7400 21 день тому

    Keep talkn yo shii Nico gng 🫵🏾💯

    • @NicoNelMedia
      @NicoNelMedia  18 днів тому

      👑🧌👿 The Golden Lord 😈🧌👑

  • @jmartyofficial
    @jmartyofficial 25 днів тому +1


  • @PCGMalik
    @PCGMalik 25 днів тому


  • @710dee.
    @710dee. 25 днів тому +1

    Cee was going up🔥

  • @Weloveguns
    @Weloveguns 25 днів тому +5

    What Cee locked up for ?

  • @DemetriusBolden-b2t
    @DemetriusBolden-b2t 21 день тому

    Everybody got they right or wrongs but I feel like y’all should have a better understanding Nico , life can be frustrating when going thru stuff n I feel like by him n wick intentions was kinda off he didn’t wanna keep hearing his name which he should of adjusted in the interview instead of trying to take his anger out on you n pulling his gun out but my thoughts / feedback 💪🏾keep going hard n Rolling on the interviews ⚙️⚙️⚙️

    • @NicoNelMedia
      @NicoNelMedia  18 днів тому

      👑🧌👿 The Golden Lord 😈🧌👑

  • @slapguwapmedia
    @slapguwapmedia 25 днів тому


  • @turranbailey2396
    @turranbailey2396 24 дні тому +1

    I fucc with your shit and yo video shoot’s gang

  • @pobabylos515
    @pobabylos515 25 днів тому


  • @BigMonstaRay
    @BigMonstaRay 24 дні тому


  • @Parker60s
    @Parker60s 24 дні тому
