14:43 It attacked G-man in the secret scene for season 24, however, when the unit was added we had never seen it attack, also, this might've been recorded before season 24 so if it was, sorry.
12:10 That is the jetpack mace cameraman and no, in the series he did have a jetpack which he stole in 70 part 2 and used to fly throughout 70 part 2 to 70 part 3
Actually 9:17 it not the first back when nightmare was little more ez titan camera was able to solo it by spamming and I’m talking about the none upgraded version for those who don’t know
Here a another fun fact about this unit 10:29 this unit was actually able to kill parasite toilets down side was it took up 40% of it power this only worked in the Halloween event after that it got removed so it doesn’t one shot anything doesn’t even hurt any thing it just a anti stuns now
22:20 correction there’s two units they cannot be sold which would be sci tv man and sci clock man even sci clock gives you income you still can’t not be selled
Below the Secret Agent on Streamer’s tablet, we see iamevan. Also, if you were a og, you could have summoned a speakerman which you can sell or trade. Camerawoman replaced the Speakerman in a later update. 14:11 no you didn’t lie, you said large heart along with scary were the two aoe units that aren’t rare+
Here are time stamps for units 1: Camerawoman 0:12 2: Cameraman 0:18 3: brown suit cameraman 0:25 4: firework cameraman 0:39 5: Ohio cameraman 0:53 6: Large cameraman 1:03 (Hoplas bugged it so Ohio cameraman and large cameraman were #5) 7: surveillance camerawoman 1:12 8: medic cameraman 1:23 9: camera helicopter 1:35 Gonna continue later
12:03 The flames that you see coming out of the jetpack mace's back is actually the fire coming from the propulsion of the jetpack. Just thought I would let you know!
Elf camerawoman was super inflated back then, you would know if you played, so badly in fact that most of us wouldn’t accept elfs when trading our mythics for legendarys, but actually the most inflated legendary is large bunnyman cuz they would go for 0-5 gems during the peak of the Easter update, (we would normally sell elfs for 10-25 back then)
11:23 I’m pretty sure the mech was the first unit to slow, because it has a taser that would slow, also the mech is better then the shotgun cameraman because of range and slowing The reason I said I’m pretty sure it was the mech that was the first slowing is because tv woman also slowed toilets down, and was the 2nd robux unjt
15:29 They are kinda like speakerwomen like you can see the dresses, their little speaker heads and they also have the same torso as the other woman units
The camera spider IDG how people think it is fanmade even though it is just a different way to call it, and I think the camera spider could've been the most common because in the series it was also pretty trash as it can destroy small toilets and regular toilets but not the large and giant ones, and I think the speaker spider should have a massive buff because in the actual series it is super powerful, like the speaker strider could've been the first one to deal knockback and could've had around 15000 dps at max or even more
Its not a glitch,the ones who sell them is players who did not sell their speakerman when it was summonable and when it became unsummonable it became the tradeable speakerman.Yeah that’s the lore
17:45 I got this like a day after it came out or the same day I can't directly remember went to the Discord and want to head and treated it for a speaker repair drone I also saw someone trying to get a Godly with it uttv man quite insane for how useless this unit is I'm talking about Katana speaker woman
11:26 is bro serious the first slowing unit is TV woman the one that cost 99 robux does aoe and 1.6k dps when max with a small aoe that burns and slow toilets and i bet yall dont even know that unit
11:24 Well its not because tv woman slows to and utc before rework to and Green laser slowed to before He was even in the game. And 13:33 wroung because before cam woman was added you could summon a speakerman that was tradeble and selleble. 14:27 medic cam was the first unstunning unit that could get stunned. 16:11 wroung that Would be the titan tv, man
Fun fact about upgraded titan cameraman: He actually got a complete revamp and remodel (im surprised hoplas didnt mention this) oh and also, his core flame used to slow toilets but after the rework it doesnt anymore :(
also we have seen the speaker help attack in the series forgot what episode it is but when man was running from uttv it was shown editing a sonic boom in the games face 2 of the speakers actually or baby even 3
And I think also the Large Scientist Cameraman should be buffed because literally in the scientist crate it is the second rarest and in the series this guy also drove a tank which could've been like the last level of it and it would be like the laser tank but instead the laser can bounce off to shoot other parasites and also slowdown the toilet it is shooting at
ive played the game from the day it came out and not spent any money on the game but when episode 75 update came out i rolled the first mutant girl and as i rolled it i finnaly got utcm (upgraded titan cinema man) (got hyper the same day)
And in my opinion the large speakerman should've been an epic and the large cameraman should've been a rare as the large speakerman is super powerful, does AOE and is gigantic in the actual series and even should be the first unit you get when progressing in the game with a special ability that being a sound wave that to the strongest toilet in front of it is frozen for 4 seconds and recieves massive AOE damage. While the large cameraman is pretty weak and also should've been a rare which even though it is a little too good for a rare but still worth it
I regret this but I was new to game I summoned speakerman but I sold it and now I lost a bunch of profit rip Edit: there was a glitch that made you only summon cameramen a while before I joined.
They changed the egg launcher bunny to 1.8% that’s actually kind of a strange fact when I was trying to buy a crate I saw when I was trying to buy the bunny crate
10:49 Speakerwoman is the first to deflect stun but its only for rockets
No it only deflect rockets
@@Why_areyou-likethis dude that's exactly what his talking about bruh are you d........u.......m.....b
@@Why_areyou-likethisthat's the same thing
@@Why_areyou-likethis he already said that
did anyone else notice that the speaker repair drone has the same icon as the speaker helicopter but he just has arms?
Bro talk to dafuqboom about that he's making the characters not telanthric he's just taking the characters from the series XD
Um yeah man that’s bc they’re the same thing literally but they have arms
In the series,it upgrades titans if they get injured.Telanthric made it so it unstuns
14:43 It attacked G-man in the secret scene for season 24, however, when the unit was added we had never seen it attack, also, this might've been recorded before season 24 so if it was, sorry.
12:10 That is the jetpack mace cameraman and no, in the series he did have a jetpack which he stole in 70 part 2 and used to fly throughout 70 part 2 to 70 part 3
Dude I'm sure every watchd the ep let me see how many views it has... 42m
8:27 classic camera woman 📸🤨🫵
Bro WTF 😂
That’s mace
Yo I love your content hoplas your humor and videos are amazing please keep doing what your doing
Why did you say hopeless when its hoplas?
@MuratOzaslan-oh6js did you read when my reply was? as of my first reply, it was hopeless. he since edited it.
He literally said hoplas read carefully.
11:28 chef: do i not exist anymore??
first slowing?
was 100% Tv woman
15:33 another fun fact: it was once for a bit more common then the speakerman
Actually 9:17 it not the first back when nightmare was little more ez titan camera was able to solo it by spamming and I’m talking about the none upgraded version for those who don’t know
Here a another fun fact about this unit 10:29 this unit was actually able to kill parasite toilets down side was it took up 40% of it power this only worked in the Halloween event after that it got removed so it doesn’t one shot anything doesn’t even hurt any thing it just a anti stuns now
22:20 correction there’s two units they cannot be sold which would be sci tv man and sci clock man even sci clock gives you income you still can’t not be selled
Oh one more fun fact for the road for those who don’t know uncommon cameraman sparkling is the first unit to have aoe splash, and piercing
Below the Secret Agent on Streamer’s tablet, we see iamevan. Also, if you were a og, you could have summoned a speakerman which you can sell or trade. Camerawoman replaced the Speakerman in a later update. 14:11 no you didn’t lie, you said large heart along with scary were the two aoe units that aren’t rare+
Wow like i didn't know that tysm for telling me 😑
@@Lighning_tig0 this is a facts video, I was just adding onto the fact.
6:32 exactly what I’m thinking all the time
We now alr having skibidi toilet veteran before gta 6 😭
12:50 it’s broken now bc it just zooms out the map or keep waking forward
14:48 The speaker helicopter can attack as seen in the secret scene after 73 and before 74 where it makes a loud sound to disorient G-Man
14:40 eerrrmm in season 24 of skibidi toilet, in one of the secret scenes we see the speaker copter do a sonic boom just like the speakers do
Here are time stamps for units
1: Camerawoman 0:12
2: Cameraman 0:18
3: brown suit cameraman 0:25
4: firework cameraman 0:39
5: Ohio cameraman 0:53
6: Large cameraman 1:03 (Hoplas bugged it so Ohio cameraman and large cameraman were #5)
7: surveillance camerawoman 1:12
8: medic cameraman 1:23
9: camera helicopter 1:35
Gonna continue later
14:44 it actually did do an attack being a speaker blast but only in the second secret scene of season 24
Thinking about you are right
12:03 The flames that you see coming out of the jetpack mace's back is actually the fire coming from the propulsion of the jetpack. Just thought I would let you know!
Elf camerawoman was super inflated back then, you would know if you played, so badly in fact that most of us wouldn’t accept elfs when trading our mythics for legendarys, but actually the most inflated legendary is large bunnyman cuz they would go for 0-5 gems during the peak of the Easter update, (we would normally sell elfs for 10-25 back then)
I though its alarm clockman
1:30 i remeber when medic was in every strategy since no unit could block stuns back then
04:19 #20 The Minigun Camerawoman actually has a black head in the render, but it's just the lighting that makes it look white
21:57, bro is becoming elite camera man💀💀💀💀💀💀💀☠️💀
SOOO much nostalgia when i used to make swastika with speakermans and my first legendary was titan tv man which was 1 year ago
Tradable speakerman is possible to get if you were a veteran because it was in the summons before camerawoman
7:05 shotgun cameraman is really good for early game, having good dps for really cheap
4:10 *Upgraded Titan Clockman laughing in the corner, enabling ultra time stop*
how did you get the old etc if this vid was made 8 hrs ago
Finally somebody who said it
The play screen was take long time ago
I remember when Titan speakerman had the white shirt
Engineer was in the first update of this game, he was the first summon in the unit
yeah he was inspired by engineer
Old times…I was one of the first people that played the game.I still remember every single memory of myself playing the game
14:44 in ep 74 of st, the spaker helicopter was blasting soundwaves at gman
11:23 I’m pretty sure the mech was the first unit to slow, because it has a taser that would slow, also the mech is better then the shotgun cameraman because of range and slowing
The reason I said I’m pretty sure it was the mech that was the first slowing is because tv woman also slowed toilets down, and was the 2nd robux unjt
Mech slow only with the gun range ( plasma gun)
You forgot about titan present man scientist clockman and jetpack speakerman
15:29 They are kinda like speakerwomen like you can see the dresses, their little speaker heads and they also have the same torso as the other woman units
25% stunning for toxic?! I think you got stunning mixed with slowing
22:21 what about scentist clock man???😅
14:45 correction: he does in fact attack because in season 24 he blasts gmans face
The camera spider IDG how people think it is fanmade even though it is just a different way to call it, and I think the camera spider could've been the most common because in the series it was also pretty trash as it can destroy small toilets and regular toilets but not the large and giant ones, and I think the speaker spider should have a massive buff because in the actual series it is super powerful, like the speaker strider could've been the first one to deal knockback and could've had around 15000 dps at max or even more
Large laser cam might seem worse than the red laser cam but its better cuz it got more range making it doing more dps
8:27 classic camerawoman 💀
13:30 There are several glitched tradable speakermans outthere. The only funtion of it is being rare
Its not a glitch,the ones who sell them is players who did not sell their speakerman when it was summonable and when it became unsummonable it became the tradeable speakerman.Yeah that’s the lore
10:13 you said the CAMERA HELICOPTER was the first spawner unit in the game, not the engineer!
"first slowing unit"
Old UTC:
12:41 Extra fact: Toxic Upgraded Titan Cameraman is SO laggy!
(Even I experienced it!)
17:45 I got this like a day after it came out or the same day I can't directly remember went to the Discord and want to head and treated it for a speaker repair drone I also saw someone trying to get a Godly with it uttv man quite insane for how useless this unit is I'm talking about Katana speaker woman
4:26 its not a bug but the reason its head is white is because of the angle that we see it as white but its just the shining
For those who don't know who's the blue suit cameraman is the lucky camera man who got a plunger to the face and we first saw in episode 56 57 and 63
I remember titan speakernan being white cuz idk why
Shield camera man is like the only exclusive that wasn’t based off the series, an ttd event or a multiverse, they just made it up
TV Spider:
@@Jay_assailant50 I forgot to say P2w exclusive
@@Joeatheguy oh, mb then
5:19 mech cameraman… you just went over how he has splash dmg
11:26 is bro serious
the first slowing unit is TV woman
the one that cost 99 robux
does aoe and 1.6k dps when max with a small aoe that burns and slow toilets
and i bet yall dont even know that unit
That thumbnail made me take a screenshot to see if you forget some units
Flamethrower is NOT the first slowing unit, the hot tv woman was the first slowing unit, the first exclusive too (with titan cameraman)
Titan cameraman is?
i am insane enough to watch the entire video
nice video man
11:24 Well its not because tv woman slows to and utc before rework to and Green laser slowed to before He was even in the game. And 13:33 wroung because before cam woman was added you could summon a speakerman that was tradeble and selleble. 14:27 medic cam was the first unstunning unit that could get stunned. 16:11 wroung that Would be the titan tv, man
The acid camera man titan Login my game so much
Fact: Titan speakerman's shirt was white but now it's red
bro he forgot to add the titan present man also fun fact it has speakers on the left and right so its considered as a speaker unit
Fun fact about upgraded titan cameraman:
He actually got a complete revamp and remodel (im surprised hoplas didnt mention this)
oh and also, his core flame used to slow toilets but after the rework it doesnt anymore :(
His core dont do fire dmg too now
11:25 Mech cameraman/tv woman was the first slowing unit not flamethrower
Use as many you can place of the titan bunny cameramen, two clock women,a speaker or camera repair drone,and use guardian clockman for the slowing
3:19 Sinister cameraman was not the first legendary the first legendary was dark speakerman
also we have seen the speaker help attack in the series forgot what episode it is but when man was running from uttv it was shown editing a sonic boom in the games face 2 of the speakers actually or baby even 3
14:47 season 24, speaker helicopter attacks g toilet
11:23 umm,actually Tv Woman was the first one to have slowing ability
Sci cam is a pretty good farm unit giving 1k at max which makes it the third best farm
You used to be able to get the speakerman but it was replaced by the camerawoman in summons.
I bet y’all didn’t know when titan speakerman was literally the most op unit ever and cameraman hq was the hardest map ever
22:24 the scientist TV man isn’t the only unit that can’t be sell the scientist clock also can’t be sell
10:54 speaker woman: dude i can literally deflect rockets wdym
Fun fact about utc: he is also the best mythic that wasn’t from an event
The Speaker Helicopters attacked gman in full season
And I think also the Large Scientist Cameraman should be buffed because literally in the scientist crate it is the second rarest and in the series this guy also drove a tank which could've been like the last level of it and it would be like the laser tank but instead the laser can bounce off to shoot other parasites and also slowdown the toilet it is shooting at
U think large heart speakerman and scary speakerman are the only aoe uncomans well did u know that the lucky speakermanbis uncoman and dose aoe too?
Fact about the game, not the units: the last update untill the lobby map changed was the ep 55 update
"she's my wife" hoplas she's 12 also ever heard of elite cameraman
Fun fact i was 131st person to get large firework cam and i was the first person to get it from free new years crate
the camera attack heli is actually the first 2:18
Edit: Rocket was the update after
ive played the game from the day it came out and not spent any money on the game but when episode 75 update came out i rolled the first mutant girl and as i rolled it i finnaly got utcm (upgraded titan cinema man) (got hyper the same day)
@SovietrobloxISBACK nuh uh
You forgot microwave man ( the actually best mythic bec it dose 13k dps and aoe)
I ment epic sry
0:54 "Swag like Ohio, down in ohio"😂
22:22 you also can’t sell scientist clock man
You also can’t sell scientist tv man
@@creeperperson7428 I know, hoplas said you can only sell scientist tv man while you can also sell scientist clock man
its because its a spawner unit so you cant exploit it
@@Flexicity101 already knew that
Uttv is called old godly because it’s the oldest godly it was added in thanksgiving update
Stopping people from saying “Stopping kids for saying first””
another green laser fact: he used to do 75% slowing In the teaser if im correct
Titan Clover actually does 600 more dps than corrupted so corrupted is the 2nd strongest mythic
1:42 engineer came before camera helicoptor
Fun fact: streamer and I think camera copter when the spawned units are not on the track the don’t take damage
You will get through wave 100 but stop auto skipping on wave 60 so it won’t get out of hand with strong toilets
And in my opinion the large speakerman should've been an epic and the large cameraman should've been a rare as the large speakerman is super powerful, does AOE and is gigantic in the actual series and even should be the first unit you get when progressing in the game with a special ability that being a sound wave that to the strongest toilet in front of it is frozen for 4 seconds and recieves massive AOE damage. While the large cameraman is pretty weak and also should've been a rare which even though it is a little too good for a rare but still worth it
fact number two about large speakerman, for some reason he doesnt do aoe or punch and do aoe, he just kinda...... slaps........
I regret this but I was new to game I summoned speakerman but I sold it and now I lost a bunch of profit rip
Edit: there was a glitch that made you only summon cameramen a while before I joined.
Upgraded Titan cameraman is good for starters in my experience
They changed the egg launcher bunny to 1.8% that’s actually kind of a strange fact when I was trying to buy a crate I saw when I was trying to buy the bunny crate
Rose farm is the second worst farm and pretty easy to get from the valentines crate.
"Car speakerman is the first unit that rides anything" 💀
I’m pretty sure Tv woman was the first slowing unit or utc’s old aoe fire slowing