• @summo180sx
    @summo180sx 15 днів тому +3

    Can we please have some game play? I'm enjoying the deck but im finding it hard to keep cards active on the board without some sort of Bodyguard unless i just keep playing cards until i can hit my opponent with a massive 12-15 lore turn.

  • @whiskeykilt1453
    @whiskeykilt1453 4 дні тому +1

    I took this deck to a 50 man set champs. I've been playing for 4 weeks, and i finished 13th with it. I The entire tournament I thought Hans only triggered on my own princess/queen's And my last game while i was currently sitting in 5th, I was locked out for 3 turns at 19 lore. I played Hans when my opponent had a Mulan princess in play, but I didnt add the lore, and my opponent didnt say anything either. Found out afterwards and I was so upset. lol My only changes were removing the actions and adding 4x Baloos, which won me several games. I never had much change to use Big Aurora, so I ended up removing her for my next tournament.

    • @LookAtTheBacon
      @LookAtTheBacon 4 дні тому

      Great to hear, very well played!! =) Amazing stuff. Gl for your next one.
      PS: Yes, that's a nice interaction many folks miss. Sad he didn't say anything!

    • @whiskeykilt1453
      @whiskeykilt1453 3 дні тому +1

      @@LookAtTheBacon One deck that I really had trouble against was Ruby/Amber. Their removal was just so strong early game with brawl and the (3) Uninkable Sisu that banishes a 1 str character.
      My matches were:
      2-0 vs RP
      0-2 vs RP (Tournament winner)
      1-1 vs RP
      2-0 vs RP
      2-0 vs E/S Bucky
      0-2 vs R/Am (Finished 3rd)
      I have another tournament coming up this Sunday. I found if my mulligan didn't get my a 1 drop, It was a huuuge up-hill battle the entire game

    • @whiskeykilt1453
      @whiskeykilt1453 2 дні тому

      @@LookAtTheBacon I did want to ask though. Im having major issues against Emerald Steel now. I just cant get anything on the field. Diablo shift early and then constant removals from SotRF, Let the Storm Rage on and Ba-boom. How do you set up at all when this is going off and the diablo is just giving them more cards back

  • @DanDon313
    @DanDon313 19 днів тому +1

    I really like the deck! Thanks a lot for your work explaining all the choices. See ya in Bochum!

    • @LookAtTheBacon
      @LookAtTheBacon 16 днів тому

      @@DanDon313 Thanks man. Best of luck to you, whatever you end up playing! :)

    • @driesboscompensatie1563
      @driesboscompensatie1563 10 днів тому

      How did you fare at Bochum?

    • @LookAtTheBacon
      @LookAtTheBacon 9 днів тому

      @@driesboscompensatie1563 I was on vacation with the family and caught a middle ear inflammation towards the end. When we flew back it became a barotitis into a tympanic effusion. In short: I can't hear anything on my left ear and am in severe pain 24/7.
      Therefore, I unfortunately wasn't able to attend Bochum at all, which is one of the biggest letdowns of my life, honestly. I put so much work, time, and heart into the preparation of this tournament, it's crazy. I am still absolutely gutted beyond belief about these circumstances, but I am afraid this was out of my hands. Health comes first and everything else would have been absolutely unreasonable. Someone played with my deck though and went 4-4-1. The 2:0 wins were against 2 Emerald/Steels and 2 Ruby/Sapphires, the 0:2 losses were against 2 Blue/Steels and 2 Ruby/Amethysts, and the 1:1 draw was against Ruby/Amethyst. I don't know how many more "Anna Aggros" were there, but it has to be a figure between 1 and 45 (because I saw an official colour breakdown and Amber/Sapphire was listed under the 46 "Other" attendees). So maybe that gives you some kind of closure on the matter. Sorry I let you guys down and couldn't showcase the power of the deck myself...truly a bummer and one of the saddest things that could have happened.

    • @driesboscompensatie1563
      @driesboscompensatie1563 6 днів тому +1

      @@LookAtTheBaconThat’s too bad! Hope your ear is better now .

    • @LookAtTheBacon
      @LookAtTheBacon 6 днів тому

      @@driesboscompensatie1563 Thanks for the kind words! It's a little better but still horrible tbh. Might get an operation in two weeks if it's not better until then, the spot is already reserved. Fingers crossed that I won't need it! Are you attending Set Championships this month?

  • @Imoshen92
    @Imoshen92 22 дні тому +1

  • @heward80
    @heward80 21 день тому

    Sorry, I only have one sisu that I can replace it with.