I find it hilarious the head you put on the chaplain from indomitus, I plan on getting said chaplain and converting his weapons and doing a headswap and take a guess which stl files I just found today
Wonderful update, thank you. Are the Renegade Guard from Vanguard Miniatures? If not - is there a particular keyword I should use to track them down? Many thanks.
Good see you back. Excellent painting for the volume you put out. I wish I could do as much in the same time frame
Some excellent stuff there. Looking forward to your showcases.
I find it hilarious the head you put on the chaplain from indomitus, I plan on getting said chaplain and converting his weapons and doing a headswap and take a guess which stl files I just found today
This is not my tipe of stuff but theses look very nice and well painted, good video 👍🎲
what you do in 3 months would take me years! lol
Looks cool.
Really nice looking stuff, from where or who did you obtain the files for 3D printing the WW2 naval miniatures ? If available, please and thanks
Wonderful update, thank you. Are the Renegade Guard from Vanguard Miniatures? If not - is there a particular keyword I should use to track them down? Many thanks.
Should the Librarian not have a book instead of just a magazine, lol.