Alexandra Ellis in your prayers ?? What are you praying for ?? Zeus,Apollo,Muhammed,Unicorns,Elfs ????? or which of those 10s of thousands of God concepts you were planning to pray?
@ Travis G Absolutely! It was the anointing on the preacher that saved this man. If the preacher had not been so obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit (or if he had not been able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit at all) the man would not have been saved. So many preachers preach the gospel but they are not filled with the Holy Spirit - and that is such a pity. And because they are not filled with the Holy Spirit they can neither heal people nor cast out demons - and then they blame God for it and claim that "it must be God´s Will!" when somebody remains physically or mentally ill. And THEY OVERLOOK THAT JESUS NEVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THIS. When somebody who was ill came to Jesus he healed him. And in that case where Jesus´disciples could not cast out the demon of the young boy whose father had brought him in Jesus got VERY ANGRY WITH HIS DISCIPLES. He did not say that "it was God´s Will" that the boy stayed ill! Preachers who are not enough filled with the Holy Spirit to heal people and to cast out demons ARE NOT DOING THE WORKS THAT JESUS DID - but that is what Jesus wanted from us. (John 14:12)
And the amazing thing is that it's not just preachers but ALL believers are to do Yeshua's works. I look no further than myself Mark 16:7 "These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Matthew 28 “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Shalom from Canada
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual God bless you. You are in my prayers. Jesus is the son of God. We are all here on this planet for just a little while until we are called home. Condemnation will not get us anywhere but hatred for each other. Open conversation to help each other .
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual un velo rimane steso sui cuori di coloro che non lo aprono alla totale verità. Voglia Dio, cioè Gesù, metterti in condizione di buttare la tua conoscenza, (spazzatura secondo Dio) per acquistare la conoscenza di Cristo che è l'immagine visibile Dell'invisibile Dio Il che vuol dire che essendo Gesù la Sua immagine e somiglianza, così deve essere colui che vuole essere gradito a Dio: (questo è Il mio figliolo diletto nel quale mi sono compiaciuto.) Ascoltatelo).
WizzardOfPaws I have had this feeling of electricity on several occasions. The strongest one was when I asked God to forgive my ex- husband for the way he behaved toward me for 20 years so I would ask him for a divorce. It wasn't real bad or nasty, but he didn't want me to look bad. I forgave him right away when we did divorce, but I was worried that he did not ask God to forgive him. He is a good man. The feeling hit me like a ton of bricks. I laid on my bed for over 20 minutes with tears flowing. I guess He was pleased with me. I was just concerned about my husband's soul for the eternities.
@@fashalisa4554 oh look, "fasha" signed up for UA-cam just to post this comment, hmm I guess we are supposed to believe this a Muslim, and we must now hate Muslims, is that it "fasha"??
I know exactly what you are talking about, concerning demonic forces trying to take over you. It happened to me. Jesus also freed me from them. Thank You, Jesus! God bless you. I am always so encouraged to hear Jewish testimonies of turning to Jesus. May God continue to draw His people to Himself, Bless Israel, Lord! Psalm 137:4-6 Maranatha!
Jesus is Jewish. And, I am part Jewish. Please call me. The Jews are God's chosen people. We are grafted into the Vine. They will recognize him as the messiah later on, this is in the scriptures of the Holy Bible. Peace be with you. And this is what my mom tells me Don't hate the jews. Jesus was a jew it's all in the bible
My mother all over again grrrrrr Here is what I sent her Well they do drive nations to hate each other like they did Russia and America because they lied if they are Jesus Christ's chosen people then why would they do that huh you have to know Jesus was also anti simetic Here is her response Lol He was a jew stacy. Read the bible. Don't hate the jews. Stacy, you are getting your information from the wrong source. Try the scriptures in the Holy Bible. Here is what Carla said to me again I hope that you are online still
Love these testimonies - praise God for the conversion. Love that line "so who is brainwashed"... My wife is Jewish, Her Mother was a holcaust survivor, her Dad fought for Israeli independence in '48 -- uncle was a Mayor in Isreal. But she saw the light of Jesus and as a teenager accepted her Messiah and had to leave the house to follow him. She actually led me (from my atheist background) to Christ - I could see Christ in her! What was this?? Its been a marvelous 'ride' - and in a world filled with deception, Christ keeps opening more and more truths to us - truths from His Word. We all need to look carefully to God's Word and not blindly follow Rabbis, Pastors or other clergy - who are oft times the most deceived of all!
The electricity feeling, to me was like trillions of warm atoms flowing , and coming through my head, very, very slowly, all the way down to my toes, and flowing from one hand to another. My eyes were also closed, and when I opened them, life was not the same, ever! Yes, he is real, and he lives! Shalom
and these same feelings can be artificially produces for 95% of population with stimulating certain areas of brains with low electrical current look up "Jesus helmet"
John Stoner. Who am I to question, how or why God gives His Spirit of love, or truth. The Holy Spirit of God is real. You get a total change of life, and heart. This is how I know that he cares for each one of us. If you search, you shall find, if you ask and it shall be given unto you. And how is it that at the very moment I challenged God, that very instant, He came into my life! I do not see the world the way I use to anymore. I know what life is truly about. It is about loving God first, then and only then will your life change forever, and the things of this world are nothing, in comparison, of what God has in store for us, who trust in Him. I pray that you come to know our Lord and Savior, before it is too late. For God is not willing that any should perish, but that they come to His saving knowledge. God loves you John, and this is the truth, but you must call on Him with all sincerity, and humbleness . If you do He will answer you. Peace be with you, John Stoner.
You can't beat that's logic although goes against bible which tells to every Christians to be ready to tell why they believe. How did you determined what is spirit of God ?? Indoctrinated as a kid ? Some priest told you? Hear voices? You get total change of life with heroin ,that still doesn't say nothing about how sensible it is How you decided that those feelings was produced by God ? instead of your brains just misfiring? Based on everything we know about science, which one is more likely cause of those feeling? You're know that he cares for us ??? While me as atheist, who lives in luxury "Scandinavian welfare" while christian kids starve in Africa. And I've been wondering that if God is unable or unwilling to prevent priests ass raping kids ????? Those are only options, either he/she can't stop it, or he/she just sit down and watch while priests rape kids. I don't know but for some reason that is against my morality
Cephas Duenas so God PLANNED that those Christian kids will starve in Africa ??? Or did they somehow "asked" wrong way that they wouldn't starve to death ??
Cephas Duenas and there is a reason why religions tell you to be humble, because they don't want you to challenge anything they said/taught for you. Being humble is code word for "obey" everything we say
how you decide which is good ??? how do you know anything about if this dude is just making it up as he go??? and even if he wouldn't be deliberately deceptive, there is a reason why science and things like courts for an example, gives so little weight to eyewitness testimonials and personal experiences.....
1thess523 because people can be deceptive without doing it knowingly... Because i don't undermine experiences of religious people like I don't undermine placebo effect in medical care...... , although I recognize that they have deluded themselves to believe what is origins of those experiences... They give credit to "divine" without any good reasons mainly because of generations of indoctrination and lack of reasoning and fear mongering since childhood from parents, which is a form of child abuse if you ask me
+John Stoner For Life 77 so what you are saying is you know what's real and true and we are all a bunch of delusional fools. Hmm, got it and thanks for the info because I didn't realize this, i guess everything that has improved in my life after I accepted Christ (morally, characteristically and even socially) is all an illusion even though i couldn't have changed them on my own before. Maybe i should just go back to being the selfish morally bankrupt jerk i was before because you have just revealed the truth. Thanks because i didn't know that!
1thess523 no I'm not saying anything, but I trust leading scientists of the world.... and i trust evidence they collected or in this case lack of evidence for existence of God.. And yes all religious beliefs is delusions in various degrees by definition. time to believe something is after evidence not before. """Even if you happen to be right, you were right because of lucky guess """ And it proving your life don't got nothing to do with hoe true it is. We understand pretty well how plasebo effect works in brains. And you give credit for God about everything, for an example.. you have headache and you take aspirin and pray for headache to go away. But when it goes away you give credit for God not that aspirin you took And Christians have tendency to forget when "God" didn't answer And in avrage religion cause much more dysfunctional mentally disturb individuals and general suffering in the world VS those few good things accomplished by religions... Although these supernatural portions of religions haven't done never any good to anyone and haven't accomplished nothing but war, and inhumane suffering from hundreds of millions of peoples across the globe and does so even today Christians talking about morality? Are you Fn kidding me ? Atheism has direct correlated with less violent and more honest society in every sense of the word.. If you take a look which part of the planet is wealthiest, safest,most equal, lacks corruption has extensive welfare programs for unprivileged citizens etc etc Those parts of the world is also most atheistic portion of the world N Europe for an example I'm morally bankrupt jerk ?? Name calling, that's the way to show moral superiority?? when you can't have more than 2 posts "conversation" which is challenging your views without name calling. And some could say that your god is poster boy for immorality or least so in comparison to atheists, because there is only 2 options God is either unwilling or unable to prevent priests ass raping kids ???
YES! The scales fell from your eyes!!! Love it so much! When I was saved I didn't know ANY scripture. But when someone asked me what happened I said it felt like a veil was lifted. And I was told that I was already quoting scripture. ♥️♥️♥️ God is sooo faithful.
God bless this man. His experience was very similar to mine in many ways. Jesus is just who He claimed to be - the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE, and no one comes to God the Father but through Him. Praise God for His mercy and eternal life. Receive His salvation today; you can look all around and sense that the time of the end of this age is getting short . " I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance." - Psalm 32:5-7
Beautifully said. We must all find out for ourselves who Jesus is and why He came. He is the King of Kings, He is the King of Jews, He is our Glorious Saviour who came in the flesh, took our burdens and sins, who suffered the worst humiliation and pain for a person like me who is not worthy of His sacrifice, and died for my salvation, because His love is infinite.
That last part about how to know WHO is brainwashed was so powerful I shared this. So many people think others are brainwashed or controlled and they don't know that they've never analyzed their OWN thoughts and opinions.
So true. I really resonated with this part as well. For me, it wasn’t about being Jewish and believing in Jesus (I’m a Gentile)... but it was testing the end times prophecy I’d been taught in church since before I could read/was born again. If you’re curious, I invite you to visit my channel and watch the Foundations playlist.
That dark hooded figure that you've met, I've met him before too, once when I was a little child looking at a picture of the crosses on Golgotha on a calendar. Once when I was reading the children's Bible about temptation of Jesus. And then more when I was Uni age the demons tried to scare me from shadows of the light poles on a dark street on the way home to my car from the train station which look like multiple crosses one lined up after another. A sense of great fear flooded me each encounter. Then I rebuked him when I finally understood what was happening at uni age, saying "Satan, in Jesus Christ's Name I tell you to get away from me, for you do not concern yourself of the things of God, but of the things of man. And that what you are portraying as scary is your own fear, not mine. For you, Christ Jesus on the cross is your damnation and eternal doom. For me, Christ is my eternal salvation - I want you to bitterly remember that. This trick, is not going to work on me anymore." Many times as I walk back on the same street, he taunts. While holding fast to The Lord my Saviour in my heart, I rebuked him every time, and he left each encounter. And I continue to do God's Will in His living redemption of love and eternal life while he faces his doom in the power of Christ.
Awesome!!!!! It soooo awesome that when I see another brother or sister come out of another religion to see their hearts open and their health returned and their minds finally filled with joy and love...There is no other like the Lord the Living God the Christ Jesus who rest in all mankind. But is up to each and everyone of us to except his free gift , that is the Holy Spirit!Amen Brother for you testimony! Amen!
Ha, HA!! Yes! JESUS!! Thank you sssooo much for these testimonials!! Ssoo encouraging!! Proof of answered prayers for our Jewish Brothers& Sisters coming to Christ!
It is what it is.... And we can't change it. To those whom are too weak and afraid to question how their government decides how they get to live their lives (laws) and how much of their own they get to keep (taxes) .. Should have no problems not questioning God. Especially considering ;)
It's not the man in the video who first stated this, it's Jesus. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me. "
These videos are VERY POWERFUL. I feel THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD THE FATHER THROUGH HIS SON JESUS. My Spirit get excited with Love, Joy, and Peace, Comfort . Please continue these videos Our World so needs these right now. God Bless everyone who is a part of making these videos. Thank You.. May we all pray for the World.
Amen sir! Who is brainwashed? What an awesome testimony! Our god is a deliverer of souls. He delivered me from addiction, cigarettes, depression and atheism. What a great, great God! May God bless you and yours always! Shalom!
When you said that they told you that you were brainwashed I literally said “but which one of you stepped out of their comfort zone and challenged what they were taught as children?”Testify! Bravo to you!
I recall 1977, Berkeley CA, getting a ration of grief because I had plucked a "Jew for Jesus" patch that were hanging on a board in front of the Bookstore on Telegraph Ave. I continually heard "There is No such thing as a Jew for Jesus! 40 years later and I still hear that being said.
8 років тому+2
You "still hear that being said" ???? lol!! Dude you have some growing up to do since 1977. Its never too late!! lol!
I've been seeing some of these testimonies...they give me hope...everybody testifies in such a beautiful way. Thank God these people could understand the mystery of Jesús that is for all humanity. Shalom!
I didn't grew up in a Jewish house but I knew few years ago my family has pure Jewish blood. I do understand you well cause I went through something similar even if I was always exceptic of supernatural things. I couldnt deny it and even saw things and heard things while I started learning about Jesus.Seen many bad things because of witchcraft in my house until they passed away. It has been rough. My mom passed away 1 year ago and my dad 11 months after. I know the devil was there but God used me to take them the gospel even if none of them could speak no more. In the moment I met Jesus a terrible disease disappear. Had it for 14 years. Terrible things have happened in these last almost 7 years but I know God has been protecting of many dangers and he is doing all things new like I knew 6 years before everything happened it was going to be all destroyed. Its a feeling, a thought... Electricity through your body..... In my mind he spoke to me. I do understand well.
WOW! Absolutely Amazing!!! God Bless you for keeping an open mind and finding the answers for yourself! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with us. I feel so blessed to have heard your message. You put a smile on my face for the day! May God continuously Bless you!
Thank you for finding the folks to make these testimonies! It is wonderful to see. I lived in Israel for 11 years, and I think that I met only two Christian Jews the entire time. None of my secular friends knew why we celebrated whatever festival, so it was really fun telling them the symbology. LOL. But no one really dug any deeper. God Bless
Wow. How easy it is for a good, humble Jewish person to come to the Lord. I am astonished by the grace of our Lord towards humble people. It takes much longer time for a pagan/gentile person who needs to repent of many things, from entire life usually - like in my case. But I'm glad the Lord will receive even such a sinner like me. Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord!
Oh how amazing God is and beautiful his gift of redemption. I am amazed and overwhelmed by you Jesus Christ. Grant me & my family a forgiveness of sins.
Wow very well said, brother. Who is brainwashed??? and the answer is the one who never personally seek Jesus and just swallow whatever the Rabbi told them. Simple logical rule to follow is: whenever you doubt about anything, try yourself to find out the truth, instead of just accepting others oppinion about things that you doubt. God bless you brother and thanks for sharing this testimony...
Amen! I happened to visit Israel in 2017, it’s a dream come true. I felt Jesus enormous presence there. I love every part of it, it felt so at home even am not a Jewish. In Jerusalem, I became emotional there, walking where Jesus walks. At Western wall, there I pray, there so many people but i want to touch the wall. At the end of my prayer i said, “please Lord, honor my prayer” There i felt the current wave from the thick wall stone through my hand. It was amazing experience. Then i read in Psalms 132 that He chose Jerusalem as his habitation forever & ever. His word sealed my experience there. I pray many Jewish come to know Jesus as their Saviour. A true believer will never hate Jews, because we love God. We are also a believer of Jesus Christ. Shalom
OOOO!!! How Beautiful!! My hand is raise above my head and I'm giving thanks to Jesus for this man's transformation and his parents too!! Thank You Father!!!
Excellent! Praise God! I told my husband there’s NOTHING like a Jew who finds Christ. I’ve not met one that doesn’t stand out in knowledge & wisdom in Lord. God truly blesses them with a special blessing.
It breaks my heart that you all were told that we hate the Jews ! Far from that! We love you and want you all to see the truth,and praise Jesus He is on the move opening up your eyes ! Oh how he loves us!! What a merciful father we serve. I agree. It doesn't matter what ANYONE tells you. You NEED TO SEEK JESUS AND TALK TO HIM YOURSELF. ask for his Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38 repent ,be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Daily we must pick up this cross. Over and over again we are told NOT TO BE DECEIVED. Seek him with all your hearts. God bless
I opened up UA-cam just now and this was on the first page. I clicked and watched some testimonies and subscribed. I too fought the invitation to go forward. What a battle, a spiritual battle going on within me. I am grateful that the invitation was long, long enough for me to go forward and accept Jesus as my Savior.
I love that he is still Jewish (wears his yarmulke). Ultimately, accepting Jesus and allowing him to be Lord of your life is NOT a religion. Praise be to God, may his relationship with God through Jesus strengthen even more.
wow, these testimonies are so powerful, so full of grace and mercy from God himself! Greetings from a brother in faith (Christian). I'm so happy for her! And for all those who have come (and those who will come) to Jesus the Christ. Shalom! Blessings and peace to Israel! Blessings Santiago. Chile.
I love watching these videos of the Messiah calling his faithful servants back to him. It is a reminder that people are united by your Holy Grace and Glory and we are in a creative expression of majesty. Anyone can choose to be a servant of God. I'm humbled and honored to witness it.
please pray for my family and my salvation...thank you
nothing fails like a prayer except absinthe only education
+Alexandra Ellis
thank you!!
+Ysaac Picazo : Can I plz have your name? Is Yssac Picazo your jewish name? I will pray for you
+Yolane Yue
hi, that is my name, i'm from Mexico, thank you!
Alexandra Ellis in your prayers ?? What are you praying for ??
Zeus,Apollo,Muhammed,Unicorns,Elfs ?????
or which of those 10s of thousands of God concepts you were planning to pray?
This has the flavour of the Acts of the Apostles. The preacher is like Ananius who is told by Jesus to cure Saul and he actually cures him.
@ Travis G Absolutely! It was the anointing on the preacher that saved this man. If the preacher had not been so obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit (or if he had not been able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit at all) the man would not have been saved.
So many preachers preach the gospel but they are not filled with the Holy Spirit - and that is such a pity. And because they are not filled with the Holy Spirit they can neither heal people nor cast out demons - and then they blame God for it and claim that "it must be God´s Will!" when somebody remains physically or mentally ill. And THEY OVERLOOK THAT JESUS NEVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THIS. When somebody who was ill came to Jesus he healed him.
And in that case where Jesus´disciples could not cast out the demon of the young boy whose father had brought him in Jesus got VERY ANGRY WITH HIS DISCIPLES. He did not say that "it was God´s Will" that the boy stayed ill!
Preachers who are not enough filled with the Holy Spirit to heal people and to cast out demons ARE NOT DOING THE WORKS THAT JESUS DID - but that is what Jesus wanted from us. (John 14:12)
And the amazing thing is that it's not just preachers but ALL believers are to do Yeshua's works. I look no further than myself
Mark 16:7
"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Matthew 28
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Shalom from Canada
who's brainwashed??!! what a liner to end the video!!
amazing testimony...!
My favorite part! Sent me looking for the Love button!
Emmanuel J , those Hypocrites with a capital H
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual God bless you. You are in my prayers. Jesus is the son of God. We are all here on this planet for just a little while until we are called home. Condemnation will not get us anywhere but hatred for each other. Open conversation to help each other .
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual un velo rimane steso sui cuori di coloro che non lo aprono alla totale verità. Voglia Dio, cioè Gesù, metterti in condizione di buttare la tua conoscenza, (spazzatura secondo Dio) per acquistare la conoscenza di Cristo che è l'immagine visibile Dell'invisibile Dio Il che vuol dire che essendo Gesù la Sua immagine e somiglianza, così deve essere colui che vuole essere gradito a Dio: (questo è Il mio figliolo diletto nel quale mi sono compiaciuto.) Ascoltatelo).
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual Proverbs 30:4; He's not JUST the Son of Man but the Son of God. He is Emmanuel - God is With us Isaiah 9:6.
Two of these have mentioned a feeling of electricity. It's the Holy Spirit, no doubt.
WizzardOfPaws I have had this feeling of electricity on several occasions. The strongest one was when I asked God to forgive my ex- husband for the way he behaved toward me for 20 years so I would ask him for a divorce. It wasn't real bad or nasty, but he didn't want me to look bad. I forgave him right away when we did divorce, but I was worried that he did not ask God to forgive him. He is a good man. The feeling hit me like a ton of bricks. I laid on my bed for over 20 minutes with tears flowing. I guess He was pleased with me. I was just concerned about my husband's soul for the eternities.
Do you watch todd white?
Iv been getting tht feeling ever since I became religious and started thinking about god didn't know wht it is until seeing this comment
Sometimes I feel it when I'm praying. I think is the Holy Spirit.
God is the cleverest most wise being ! Such sense of humor
Dosent He Just. Just so Amazing
Thankyou artistic Father!
@@fashalisa4554 oh look, "fasha" signed up for UA-cam just to post this comment, hmm I guess we are supposed to believe this a Muslim, and we must now hate Muslims, is that it "fasha"??
That's exactly what i told Him a minute ago 🤣
Bestest... lol I’m giggling from head to toe.... Jesus loves when I giggle... Jesus is a giggler too!
i am brained washed by Jesus. bu t thats why my mind is clean.
The Legend27
That's a good one. I will remember this one! 😉
Haaa! 😆👌nice one
HotJuicyMess amen.
ohhh snap lol
I know exactly what you are talking about, concerning demonic forces trying to take over you. It happened to me. Jesus also freed me from them. Thank You, Jesus! God bless you. I am always so encouraged to hear Jewish testimonies of turning to Jesus. May God continue to draw His people to Himself, Bless Israel, Lord! Psalm 137:4-6 Maranatha!
Wow us Christians can learn much from converts!!!!!!😊
yeah I know right I posted something on Jews and my family are attacking me for it Lol
+Stacy .Thompson Stacy are your family Jewish!?
matt kylie nope but I had a friend who was part Jewish I will show you what she said okay..
Jesus is Jewish. And, I am part Jewish. Please call me. The Jews are God's chosen people. We are grafted into the Vine. They will recognize him as the messiah later on, this is in the scriptures of the Holy Bible.
Peace be with you.
And this is what my mom tells me
Don't hate the jews. Jesus was a jew it's all in the bible
My mother all over again grrrrrr
Here is what I sent her
Well they do drive nations to hate each other like they did Russia and America because they lied if they are Jesus Christ's chosen people then why would they do that huh you have to know Jesus was also anti simetic
Here is her response Lol
He was a jew stacy. Read the bible. Don't hate the jews.
Stacy, you are getting your information from the wrong source. Try the scriptures in the Holy Bible.
Here is what Carla said to me again I hope that you are online still
His last sentence is just amazing: "Who's brainwashed?" Great testimony!
Love these testimonies - praise God for the conversion. Love that line "so who is brainwashed"...
My wife is Jewish, Her Mother was a holcaust survivor, her Dad fought for Israeli independence in '48 -- uncle was a Mayor in Isreal.
But she saw the light of Jesus and as a teenager accepted her Messiah and had to leave the house to follow him.
She actually led me (from my atheist background) to Christ - I could see Christ in her! What was this??
Its been a marvelous 'ride' - and in a world filled with deception, Christ keeps opening more and more truths to us - truths from His Word.
We all need to look carefully to God's Word and not blindly follow Rabbis, Pastors or other clergy - who are oft times the most deceived of all!
The electricity feeling, to me was like trillions of warm atoms flowing , and coming through my head, very, very slowly, all the way down to my toes, and flowing from one hand to another. My eyes were also closed, and when I opened them, life was not the same, ever! Yes, he is real, and he lives! Shalom
and these same feelings can be artificially produces for 95% of population with stimulating certain areas of brains with low electrical current
look up "Jesus helmet"
John Stoner. Who am I to question, how or why God gives His Spirit of love, or truth. The Holy Spirit of God is real. You get a total change of life, and heart. This is how I know that he cares for each one of us. If you search, you shall find, if you ask and it shall be given unto you. And how is it that at the very moment I challenged God, that very instant, He came into my life! I do not see the world the way I use to anymore. I know what life is truly about. It is about loving God first, then and only then will your life change forever, and the things of this world are nothing, in comparison, of what God has in store for us, who trust in Him. I pray that you come to know our Lord and Savior, before it is too late. For God is not willing that any should perish, but that they come to His saving knowledge. God loves you John, and this is the truth, but you must call on Him with all sincerity, and humbleness . If you do He will answer you. Peace be with you, John Stoner.
You can't beat that's logic although goes against bible which tells to every Christians to be ready to tell why they believe.
How did you determined what is spirit of God ?? Indoctrinated as a kid ? Some priest told you? Hear voices?
You get total change of life with heroin ,that still doesn't say nothing about how sensible it is
How you decided that those feelings was produced by God ? instead of your brains just misfiring?
Based on everything we know about science, which one is more likely cause of those feeling?
You're know that he cares for us ???
While me as atheist, who lives in luxury "Scandinavian welfare" while christian kids starve in Africa.
And I've been wondering that if God is unable or unwilling to prevent priests ass raping kids ?????
Those are only options, either he/she can't stop it, or he/she just sit down and watch while priests rape kids.
I don't know but for some reason that is against my morality
Cephas Duenas so God PLANNED that those Christian kids will starve in Africa ???
Or did they somehow "asked" wrong way that they wouldn't starve to death ??
Cephas Duenas and there is a reason why religions tell you to be humble,
because they don't want you to challenge anything they said/taught for you.
Being humble is code word for "obey" everything we say
HalleluYah! All glory to Yeshua HaMashiach, our Lord and Savior!
awesome testimony. geeze it sounds like the Pharisees haven't changed in over 2000 years
Maybe but they were still forgiven in the atonement....they are not lost as many teach
God has 2 sheepfolds.....both Jewish orthodox and christian
christian are cool people open and non judgemental. Jesus is our Savior.
"Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy!!!"
compelling testimony welcome brother in Christ so gald you are a believer
me too
That's an awesome testimony, Shalom.
how you decide which is good ???
how do you know anything about if this dude is just making it up as he go???
and even if he wouldn't be deliberately deceptive,
there is a reason why science and things like courts for an example, gives so little weight to eyewitness testimonials and personal experiences.....
John Stoner For Life 77 why would you say he is in the first place, is it because you just don't believe so you discredit him saying he's deceptive.
1thess523 because people can be deceptive without doing it knowingly...
Because i don't undermine experiences of religious people like I don't undermine placebo effect in medical care......
, although I recognize that they have deluded themselves to believe what is origins of those experiences...
They give credit to "divine" without any good reasons mainly because of generations of indoctrination and lack of reasoning and fear mongering since childhood from parents, which is a form of child abuse if you ask me
+John Stoner For Life 77 so what you are saying is you know what's real and true and we are all a bunch of delusional fools. Hmm, got it and thanks for the info because I didn't realize this, i guess everything that has improved in my life after I accepted Christ (morally, characteristically and even socially) is all an illusion even though i couldn't have changed them on my own before. Maybe i should just go back to being the selfish morally bankrupt jerk i was before because you have just revealed the truth. Thanks because i didn't know that!
1thess523 no I'm not saying anything, but I trust leading scientists of the world....
and i trust evidence they collected or in this case lack of evidence for existence of God..
And yes all religious beliefs is delusions in various degrees by definition.
time to believe something is after evidence not before.
"""Even if you happen to be right, you were right because of lucky guess """
And it proving your life don't got nothing to do with hoe true it is.
We understand pretty well how plasebo effect works in brains.
And you give credit for God about everything,
for an example.. you have headache and you take aspirin and pray for headache to go away.
But when it goes away you give credit for God not that aspirin you took
And Christians have tendency to forget when "God" didn't answer
And in avrage religion cause much more dysfunctional mentally disturb individuals and general suffering in the world VS those few good things accomplished by religions...
Although these supernatural portions of religions haven't done never any good to anyone
and haven't accomplished nothing but war,
and inhumane suffering from hundreds of millions of peoples across the globe and does so even today
Christians talking about morality? Are you Fn kidding me ?
Atheism has direct correlated with less violent and more honest society in every sense of the word..
If you take a look which part of the planet is wealthiest, safest,most equal, lacks corruption has extensive welfare programs for unprivileged citizens etc etc
Those parts of the world is also most atheistic portion of the world
N Europe for an example
I'm morally bankrupt jerk ??
Name calling, that's the way to show moral superiority??
when you can't have more than 2 posts "conversation" which is challenging your views without name calling.
And some could say that your god is poster boy for immorality or least so in comparison to atheists, because there is only 2 options
God is either unwilling or unable to prevent priests ass raping kids ???
Jesus approach to get our attention in life is just priceless. The timing in which he moves is like water it just flows peacefully.
YES! The scales fell from your eyes!!! Love it so much! When I was saved I didn't know ANY scripture. But when someone asked me what happened I said it felt like a veil was lifted. And I was told that I was already quoting scripture. ♥️♥️♥️ God is sooo faithful.
God bless this man. His experience was very similar to mine in many ways. Jesus is just who He claimed to be - the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE, and no one comes to God the Father but through Him. Praise God for His mercy and eternal life. Receive His salvation today; you can look all around and sense that the time of the end of this age is getting short . " I acknowledged my sin to you,
and I did not cover my iniquity;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,”
and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
Therefore let everyone who is godly
offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found;
surely in the rush of great waters,
they shall not reach him.
You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance." - Psalm 32:5-7
Thank You JESUS... i know You are the only King who conquer this world by Your grace.
Beautifully said. We must all find out for ourselves who Jesus is and why He came. He is the King of Kings, He is the King of Jews, He is our Glorious Saviour who came in the flesh, took our burdens and sins, who suffered the worst humiliation and pain for a person like me who is not worthy of His sacrifice, and died for my salvation, because His love is infinite.
I liked the "conversation" between him and the pastor through God. 🥰😇
Glory to Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, El-Shaddai! Halleluyah!
I Find these Jewish testimonies very refreshing and Beautiful.
I love the last question! to God be the glory
Amazing! Thank you Yashua.
That last part about how to know WHO is brainwashed was so powerful I shared this.
So many people think others are brainwashed or controlled and they don't know that they've never analyzed their OWN thoughts and opinions.
So true. I really resonated with this part as well. For me, it wasn’t about being Jewish and believing in Jesus (I’m a Gentile)... but it was testing the end times prophecy I’d been taught in church since before I could read/was born again. If you’re curious, I invite you to visit my channel and watch the Foundations playlist.
A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
-Luke 2:32
That dark hooded figure that you've met, I've met him before too, once when I was a little child looking at a picture of the crosses on Golgotha on a calendar. Once when I was reading the children's Bible about temptation of Jesus. And then more when I was Uni age the demons tried to scare me from shadows of the light poles on a dark street on the way home to my car from the train station which look like multiple crosses one lined up after another. A sense of great fear flooded me each encounter. Then I rebuked him when I finally understood what was happening at uni age, saying "Satan, in Jesus Christ's Name I tell you to get away from me, for you do not concern yourself of the things of God, but of the things of man. And that what you are portraying as scary is your own fear, not mine. For you, Christ Jesus on the cross is your damnation and eternal doom. For me, Christ is my eternal salvation - I want you to bitterly remember that. This trick, is not going to work on me anymore." Many times as I walk back on the same street, he taunts. While holding fast to The Lord my Saviour in my heart, I rebuked him every time, and he left each encounter. And I continue to do God's Will in His living redemption of love and eternal life while he faces his doom in the power of Christ.
Jesus Christ is calling His people who will OBEY Him across this World as He is getting ready to come back and judge every Man individually.
Amen. So pleased your Messiah Jesus has set you free. Praise the Lord. Shalom
Awesome!!!!! It soooo awesome that when I see another brother or sister come out of another religion to see their hearts open and their health returned and their minds finally filled with joy and love...There is no other like the Lord the Living God the Christ Jesus who rest in all mankind. But is up to each and everyone of us to except his free gift , that is the Holy Spirit!Amen Brother for you testimony! Amen!
Ha, HA!! Yes! JESUS!! Thank you sssooo much for these testimonials!! Ssoo encouraging!! Proof of answered prayers for our Jewish Brothers& Sisters coming to Christ!
So let me get this straight... This video is pretty much saying that the only way you can be saved is through Jesus? Am I correct?
Rory Cohen YES SIR..🤗
It is what it is.... And we can't change it.
To those whom are too weak and afraid to question how their government decides how they get to live their lives (laws) and how much of their own they get to keep (taxes) .. Should have no problems not questioning God. Especially considering ;)
Rory, please read the TANACH. From Herewith to Divrei Hyamim. If you need advise, I'm more than willing to help you.
It's not the man in the video who first stated this, it's Jesus. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me. "
These videos are VERY POWERFUL. I feel THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD THE FATHER THROUGH HIS SON JESUS. My Spirit get excited with Love, Joy, and Peace, Comfort . Please continue these videos Our World so needs these right now. God Bless everyone who is a part of making these videos. Thank You.. May we all pray for the World.
Its truly amazing. I would still keep the sabbath but, this time for Jesus.
Amen sir! Who is brainwashed? What an awesome testimony! Our god is a deliverer of souls. He delivered me from addiction, cigarettes, depression and atheism. What a great, great God! May God bless you and yours always! Shalom!
When you said that they told you that you were brainwashed I literally said “but which one of you stepped out of their comfort zone and challenged what they were taught as children?”Testify! Bravo to you!
I recall 1977, Berkeley CA, getting a ration of grief because I had plucked a "Jew for Jesus" patch that were hanging on a board in front of the Bookstore on Telegraph Ave. I continually heard "There is No such thing as a Jew for Jesus! 40 years later and I still hear that being said.
You "still hear that being said" ???? lol!! Dude you have some growing up to do since 1977. Its never too late!! lol!
+Serge Grondin I think he means he kept the patch and it was meaningful to him but people kept telling him it wasn't true and still tell him that
I've been seeing some of these testimonies...they give me hope...everybody testifies in such a beautiful way. Thank God these people could understand the mystery of Jesús that is for all humanity. Shalom!
I didn't grew up in a Jewish house but I knew few years ago my family has pure Jewish blood. I do understand you well cause I went through something similar even if I was always exceptic of supernatural things. I couldnt deny it and even saw things and heard things while I started learning about Jesus.Seen many bad things because of witchcraft in my house until they passed away. It has been rough. My mom passed away 1 year ago and my dad 11 months after. I know the devil was there but God used me to take them the gospel even if none of them could speak no more. In the moment I met Jesus a terrible disease disappear. Had it for 14 years. Terrible things have happened in these last almost 7 years but I know God has been protecting of many dangers and he is doing all things new like I knew 6 years before everything happened it was going to be all destroyed. Its a feeling, a thought... Electricity through your body..... In my mind he spoke to me. I do understand well.
Glory be to the Most High!
Beautiful testimony! Thank you Jesus for the Jewish People! Praying for them! Our house stands with Israel!
I just love all the testimonials of this channel.
Every single one of them has such clear mind, it's wonderful to hear and listen.
The last sentence...touche! God bless you man!
Very beautiful experiences of meeting Jesus. Thank you for sharing.
People should know that only Christ bring peace and love to the world. There is no other way. Wonderful testimony. Thanks.
WOW! Absolutely Amazing!!! God Bless you for keeping an open mind and finding the answers for yourself! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with us. I feel so blessed to have heard your message. You put a smile on my face for the day! May God continuously Bless you!
Yes it is wonderful yeshua is tha on ly way too haven
The Lord Jesus Christ is so awesome beyond my comprehension! May the Almighty God bless Israel with peace and prosperity!
i loved the last part who's brainwashed!
Thank you for finding the folks to make these testimonies! It is wonderful to see. I lived in Israel for 11 years, and I think that I met only two Christian Jews the entire time. None of my secular friends knew why we celebrated whatever festival, so it was really fun telling them the symbology. LOL. But no one really dug any deeper. God Bless
Beautiful Testamony, just Amazing
Wow. How easy it is for a good, humble Jewish person to come to the Lord. I am astonished by the grace of our Lord towards humble people. It takes much longer time for a pagan/gentile person who needs to repent of many things, from entire life usually - like in my case. But I'm glad the Lord will receive even such a sinner like me. Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord!
just found this site today....subscribed! so well done! and encouraging! thank you!!!
Thank you Jesus for expanding our family. This is what you promised Abraham. Hallelujah.
Oh how amazing God is and beautiful his gift of redemption.
I am amazed and overwhelmed by you Jesus Christ. Grant me & my family a forgiveness of sins.
"Oh Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You!!!"
Yup, Jesus is the real deal.
Wow very well said, brother. Who is brainwashed??? and the answer is the one who never personally seek Jesus and just swallow whatever the Rabbi told them. Simple logical rule to follow is: whenever you doubt about anything, try yourself to find out the truth, instead of just accepting others oppinion about things that you doubt. God bless you brother and thanks for sharing this testimony...
I invite you to watch my testimony of doubt and searching. It’s on my channel in the Foundations playlist.
I love these testimonies a exhilarating feeling of warmth peace joy and happiness comes over me
Amen! I happened to visit Israel in 2017, it’s a dream come true. I felt Jesus enormous presence there. I love every part of it, it felt so at home even am not a Jewish. In Jerusalem, I became emotional there, walking where Jesus walks. At Western wall, there I pray, there so many people but i want to touch the wall. At the end of my prayer i said, “please Lord, honor my prayer” There i felt the current wave from the thick wall stone through my hand. It was amazing experience. Then i read in Psalms 132 that He chose Jerusalem as his habitation forever & ever. His word sealed my experience there. I pray many Jewish come to know Jesus as their Saviour. A true believer will never hate Jews, because we love God. We are also a believer of Jesus Christ. Shalom
amazing power of God... superb testimony and all Praise to Lord Jesus Christ
OOOO!!! How Beautiful!!
My hand is raise above my head and I'm giving thanks to Jesus for this man's transformation and his parents too!! Thank You Father!!!
Jesus lives.. End of discussion..AMEN..
"He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice!!!"
When I rededicated my life to Yeshua, it felt like electricity shooting through my body as well.
Woah! Amazing testimonies from so many Jewish ppl. God's favour is really upon them. GLORY !
amen !!! he was set free indeed AMEN !!!
Excellent! Praise God! I told my husband there’s NOTHING like a Jew who finds Christ. I’ve not met one that doesn’t stand out in knowledge & wisdom in Lord. God truly blesses them with a special blessing.
very powerful!
The last words were amazing, welcome brother in Christ to the truth and the true faith.
It breaks my heart that you all were told that we hate the Jews ! Far from that! We love you and want you all to see the truth,and praise Jesus He is on the move opening up your eyes ! Oh how he loves us!! What a merciful father we serve. I agree. It doesn't matter what ANYONE tells you. You NEED TO SEEK JESUS AND TALK TO HIM YOURSELF. ask for his Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38 repent ,be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Daily we must pick up this cross. Over and over again we are told NOT TO BE DECEIVED. Seek him with all your hearts. God bless
Believing in Jesus is the most Jewish thing you can do
Amen. Amen. AMEN!
Love how God spoke to you thru that preacher, that shepherd :-)
Great argument my brother in Christ.
amen he said the truth about who is brainwashed and not thinking for themselves
That's a good point I get a lot of criticism for thinking for myself and not going with the rest of Christian society
I opened up UA-cam just now and this was on the first page. I clicked and watched some testimonies and subscribed. I too fought the invitation to go forward. What a battle, a spiritual battle going on within me. I am grateful that the invitation was long, long enough for me to go forward and accept Jesus as my Savior.
I love that he is still Jewish (wears his yarmulke). Ultimately, accepting Jesus and allowing him to be Lord of your life is NOT a religion. Praise be to God, may his relationship with God through Jesus strengthen even more.
ONE BRANCH. Gentiles are grafted in. No Jew or Greek anymore in Yeshua/Jesus!
wow, these testimonies are so powerful, so full of grace and mercy from God himself! Greetings from a brother in faith (Christian). I'm so happy for her! And for all those who have come (and those who will come) to Jesus the Christ.
Shalom! Blessings and peace to Israel!
Blessings Santiago. Chile.
AMEN there are so many Jews getting saved there are a lot more synagogues preaching about Jesus now hallelujah
Thank you LORD Jesus Christ for this testimony. Thank you
I'd like to be brainwashed by Jesus instead of the world
This is the most amazing series! Wish I had seen it sooner...
such a strong testimony. Hallelujah God bless.
I was slain in the Spirit and cannot ever deny what has happened! I am far from perfect but for HIM...because of HIM I believe and am complete!
Fellow Jewish brothers it's about time to learn who Jesus is and to accept him
I am also a Jewish believer glad to share my testimony if you ever need another one . I was saved 4/27/1997
glory to God
Rabbi Jen is one of the best teachers I have ever known. He's insightful he has wisdom and he knows the word and lives the scriptures.
" was as if the scales on my eyes were removed..."
This is EXACTLY what happened to Paul!
I love watching these videos of the Messiah calling his faithful servants back to him. It is a reminder that people are united by your Holy Grace and Glory and we are in a creative expression of majesty. Anyone can choose to be a servant of God. I'm humbled and honored to witness it.
great testimony dear Brother in Christ:)!!hope tó see you in Heaven :)!!
My soul doth glorify the Lord. Thank you Jesus for giving me a heart of flesh and pouring God's love out through me. I'm in awe of You.
awesome! ask a question with a question….love it!
Wow. What a great story and punchline. Thank you for this
Oh my goodness praise GOD THANK YOU JESUS BROUGHT TEARS. The greatest rabbi ever!